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Pain and sorrow a life to feed another….

She kissed his lips her tongue inside her taste buds reveling in her prize; he responded to her soft touch his heart still belonged to her his lips embracing hers.

  The knowledge his, the end of life’s pleasures and futures dreams, she was his world now he was soon to feel her sharp teeth  as she stripped the flesh from his bones whilst his brain was still able to relay the pain.

She stroked his skin her touch soft her gentle nature masked, the tenderness a lie her beauty hiding the beast hidden from view.

“Soon Mathew you will feel my pain as I strip the tender meat from your limbs, it will take time to consume your arms and legs only your torso will be left, after all I want you to bear witness, watch as I eat you alive, I shall enjoy your pain my orgasms will ripple through my body my pleasure from your pain….are you ready Mathew …”

He shook the fear growing his heart beat wildly in his chest, her words playing back to him the pain already real to him.

She licked the top of his thigh the torn stump of his penis twitched as if still attached the sensual sensations still real to him, he moaned his pleasure soon changing to pain as she bit into the inside of his left leg, the tender flesh torn away by her sharp fangs his screams echoed around the porcelain walls
Adamma tore at his leg until his bones were exposed his leg useless now tattered flesh hung from the wounds his screams made her come her knickers soaked with her spunk, a pool beneath her cheeks as she continued to eat her way down his legs, she pulled the bones from his body eating what flesh remained his face inches from hers.

He stared at her through tear filled eyes his brain trying ti comprehend what his eyes were witnessing ,the horror of his own death played in slow motion every bite felt, every piece of flesh mourned. He passed out the shock now taking over his body sleep wrenched his body from his terror, the dreams filled the space up with long lingering kisses and stolen moments of passion.

Adamma sat watching, her stomach filled with the flesh of man, she rubbed her bloated belly satisfied she stood leaving her prey where he lay sleep his sanctuary, she lay on her bed her fingers in her sex teasing orgasms from her, a full belly fueling her desires, until sleep came and stole away her fun.

They slept another meal yet to be eaten futures plan already in place Mathews torment still to be felt, his soul in torment feeding her secret desires ,soon to be released and left to wander in futures past tense………………..

Sleep in control both at peace each mind filled with memories of lost pasts and forgotten futures….

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