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Story Notes:

Wazzzzz up, this a commission from DualCore. Hope you enjoy!

Author's Chapter Notes:

Ooga Booga, eat a bagel!

Working in the janitorial industry wasn’t the most glamorous of jobs. The work generally consisted of cleaning up after others, and it was all too often an underappreciated profession. Even so, it was a fairly easy line of work to get into, and it paid decently to do what many couldn’t bother to deal with. These were some of the many thoughts that tended to circulate through Greg’s mind as he went his rounds. The young man had recently become a janitor at a local training center for aspiring athletes. It wasn’t anything special, but he was new to the area, having recently moved out from his hometown to look for better opportunities in the city; and he figured that while he got adjusted to the new scenery, he’d make use of his time getting what work he could for the time being. Greg was a fairly good looking individual. He wasn’t anything of an athlete himself, but he had a fair bit of muscle across his body. He had a lovely shade of dark bronze skin, thanks to his Hawaiian heritage, sported short but wavy black hair, and had a deep brown set of eyes. As a result, despite not working the cleanest of jobs, he was subject to the occasional gaze and compliments from his female co workers, as well as a few of the athletes that trained within the facility. He wasn’t much for having an ego, but it did make the job a lot more enjoyable. Speaking of, Greg had just finished his shift and was getting ready to leave. He had just switched from his uniform to some more casual attire and was eager to enjoy the rest of his day at home, but just as he was about to exit the building, he realized that he had forgotten his keycard somewhere in the building. That keycard was what allowed him access to the building in the first place, and since he was still relatively new, it helped those inside to recognize him as an employee and not some random stranger roaming the building. With a sigh, he went back in, looking throughout the building to try and see where he could have dropped them. After nearly ten minutes of going room to room, he wound up within the women’s locker room, one of the last places he had been responsible for tidying up before he could leave for the day. Sure enough, as he walked by one of the benches, he spotted it. His keycard was flat across the freshly cleaned floor. Relieved to have gotten that inconvenience taken care of, he reached down to grab his card, but just before his hand managed to make contact, a bright light flashed across the room, temporarily blinding him all the while a loud ringing caused him to bring his hands to his ears. Groaning in discomfort, Greg felt a constricting sensation across his body, as if it was pulling in on itself.

When the noise finally stopped and he regained his vision, he was baffled by what he saw. Firstly, it appeared as though the floor beneath him had expanded to a ridiculous size, the white tiles looking like immense islands of white. He looked around and saw a massive wall of blue to his left. After looking it over a bit, he noticed that it looked an awfully lot like lockers, only they towered like the biggest skyscrapers he had ever seen. Wanting to verify what he was seeing, he looked to the right and to his disbelief, the wooden bench that he had just been walking by now resembled some sort of titanic bridge. Bringing his gaze back in front of him, he tilted his head as he tried to process what lay before him. A large rectangle, easily a hundred times his size, was just a few inches ahead of his position. It was very hard to tell given the angel, but with everything else he had just seen, he pieced together that it could only be his keycard. What? How the hell… Greg tried to think back to what had led to this. His co-workers had mentioned something about a new security system that would bring intruders down to size. Greg had taken this as some exaggeration, assuming that it was just a matter of better locks or cameras, but evident by his newfound size, there was some quite literal about what they had said. It still made little sense to him as to why he had been targeted by this theoretical system, but before he could put much more thought into it, an audible flush could be heard in the distance. He looked  to see an absolute behemoth of a woman turn the corner and start to walk in his direction.

Gigantic as she was, Greg almost immediately recognized her as one of the regulars that trained here. Her name was Stacy, and she had apparently been training at this facility for several years. As such, she had become an absolute unit of a woman. She stood tall at 6’0, meaning she already had a few inches on him even before he had shrunk. Her Hispanic heritage had gifted her with an eye intoxicating caramel skin tone and curves that admittedly led Greg to stare on more than one occasion. Lengthy locks of bright red hair draped her shoulders, and with a pair of green eyes to match, she was certainly a rarity to observe. Despite having some generous heft to her body, she had managed to develop a lot of definition across her body, leading to a rather slender figure in spite of all the natural plumpness. Her choice of attire did nothing to hide figure either, with a black sports bra and a pair of skin tight black shorts only working to further show off just how much she was packing. Enticing looks aside, the dedication she had to maintain such a body was somehow even more attractive. There wasn’t a day that she missed coming here, constantly putting her body to the limit and breaking that limit as she made it a personal mission to take herself to a point where she could outperform as many as possible in as many regards as possible. With this came a sort of confidence that Greg could not compare any other to. Some viewed it as arrogant, given that she believed herself capable of challenging every sport in the Olympics, but the drive it gave her was something that he could only admire.

Greg couldn’t believe that even in this troublesome state, he had wound up gawking at her yet again, all the while this woman was very quickly closing the distance between them. Greg began to panic and shout up toward her, all the while backing up as he looked for some place to find cover. It quickly became apparent that she couldn’t hear him, and she evidently wasn’t looking straight down. Unfortunately, there wasn’t anywhere close enough to run to for safety. Stuck on what he should or even could do, Greg kept backing up until his heel hit something and he quickly lost his balance and fell onto his back. As he sat back up, he looked down to see what had caused his fall. It turned out to be his keycard, the thing that led him to even come back here and be in this confusing predicament in the first place. He lamented in this being his final moments and gazed up as the oblivious athlete approached. There it was, the rigged sole of her gym shoe hovering over, ready to step right on top of him; but as he braced for the impact, he soon found himself perplexed as nothing happened. To his luck, his keycard had managed to reflect a bit of light her way, catching her attention and causing her to stop in her tracks as she stared down at the piece of plastic. Curious, she bent down and picked the card up off the floor. As she did, she naturally began to tilt the card, leading Greg to start sliding down. Stacy’s eyes quickly darted to follow the sliding bug and just before he was about to fall off, she straightened the card back into a flat surface. Her quick action had thankfully been enough to keep him from sliding off the edge, and now that his surface was more or less stable, he wasted no time in standing back up to face Stacy. He had planned to take quick advantage of her attention and explain his situation, but found himself a bit starstruck when faced with the sight of her now massive eyes. The emerald orbs stared at him with such intensity, it left him anxious and suddenly too shy to speak up. Thankfully, as Stacy finished her analysis of the strange bug, she broke the silence. “Oh wow, what happened to you?” 

She lifted the keycard up to get a closer look at the bug man. Her eyes narrowed as she tried to get a better look at him. It felt as though she were trying to pry into him and glare into his very soul in search of an answer. Even though he was now close enough to have a better chance at talking to her, Greg could not bring himself to speak. This was the closest he’d ever gotten to getting a look at her, and with how small he was, he had the opportunity to really get a detailed view of her eyes. They were an imposing presence to say the least, as though a goddess had decided to come down and make judgment upon him. It was a lot to take in and he nearly forgot to breathe as she blinked. He watched her flawless eyelashes come to a close and reopen to show off her beautiful irises yet again. They must’ve stared at each other for nearly a minute, yet despite her efforts, it was difficult to recognize him. And so, she went ahead and tilted the keycard, allowing Greg to tumble and fall into the palm of her left hand. With him out of the way, she could get a clear look at the keycard itself. As she had hoped, there was a name on it. “Greg?” Her eyes trailed back to the little man, watching as he stumbled back to his feet and gave her a hesitant nod of affirmation. She smiled, happy to be putting the pieces together. She looked back to the keycard, inspecting the photo, as well as the job label of janitor. Her eyes lit up as she looked back toward Greg. “OH, you’re the cute new guy who started working here a couple months back.” Greg blushed at the comment, astounded to hear that someone as sweet beautiful and busy as her had even bothered to notice him, let alone stare enough herself to consider him as cute. 

“I’m guessing you got caught up in the blast of that fancy new tech they installed for security.” Though his face was rather small, she quickly picked up on the notion that he wasn’t as aware of the upgrade as she was. “Ah, well it is pretty new, so I suppose it makes sense if you don’t fully understand. The people who run this place are trying out a new device that helps to literally reduce the threat of intruders. This is actually the first time I’ve seen its effects in person. I wasn’t really sure as to how small it would make people, but it looks like you’re just about an inch tall now. The only reason I’m not freaking out right now is because I knew of the concept, but it’s still some mind boggling technology. It’s basically a little box that’s bolted to the ceiling with a camera that works to identify everyone who comes in and out. There’s only a couple in the building as of now, but all of us who actually train here had to get several photos taken and uploaded into the device. It’s basically some sort of artificial intelligence crap that compares the visuals and makes the call on who’s authorized to be here.”

Stacy paused and watched as the little guy’s arms began to wave around and his mouth seemed to move. It looked as though he was trying to say something, but she could hardly hear anything. Hoping to give him a better chance to voice his response, she brought her hand up to her ear, giving Greg a clear shot to express himself. “BUT WHY DID I SHRINK?! I WORK HERE!!!”

“Oh, well that is kind of weird. If it didn’t recognize your face, then that means someone higher up was slacking and didn’t contact you to get pictures taken. Even so, it’s odd that you wouldn’t have shrunk sooner. My guess is that they used your keycard as a placeholder image to keep you from being targeted, and since I’m currently holding you and the keycard, I’m gonna go ahead and assume you weren’t wearing it at the time of that AI doing its scan.” Stacy watched as Greg crossed his arms and hunched his head in annoyance. She could only imagine how bothersome it would be if she were to be shrunk down due to someone else’s failings.  “Sorry, I know this probably sucks to hear, but at least you now know. But hey, from what I hear, being this small comes with some benefits. Of course it has the obvious disadvantages, but you, along with any other tiny people, are apparently near impossible to actually kill. Your body should be really tough, so you don’t have to worry about any physical dangers. Another plus is that this is just temporary. You clearly aren’t some random intruder, so all we gotta do is get in contact with whoever is in charge of that device and they should be able to undo all this. Maybe you’ll even get some compensation for it. I’ll certainly be giving them a piece of my mind if that is any consolation.”

It certainly was reassuring to know that Stacy seemed sincere in her interest to help fix everything. He definitely felt lucky that she was the one who had found him, but as she turned and started to walk, her eyes glanced by the locker room clock and she suddenly gasped and tripped over herself, just barely catching herself against one of the lockers. Thankfully, she had managed to keep a tight grip and keep Greg from falling in the process, but her supposed savior now looked to be in a panic, darting her head around as she rushed back and made her way to one of the lockers. “Fuck fuck fuck, sorry. I completely lost track of the time! I’m supposed to be out on the track in five minutes!” Even though he kind of felt his situation to be more dire, he couldn’t help but feel bad for the stress she was going through. He found it a bit odd though as she placed him down on the bench and looked to be scanning over parts of her outfit. It seemed like she was in search of something, poking into her bra, feeling up the waist of her shorts, and even peeling back one of her shoes; though she found herself cringing as a very dense odor rose up and hit her nostrils. She sighed and looked back at the clock before turning to pick Greg back up.

“Hey, uh… Greg, right? I know this probably won’t sound all too good, but I’m going to have to tuck you away somewhere and get back to helping you out after I get off the track. I’d leave you in my locker, but I don’t think I’ll have enough time to find a good place for you with how small you are you might get lost. I think it would be better if you stuck with me, and I don’t want to have to go through finding you later, so I’m going to be placing you into the back of my shorts.” As she expected, Greg began to sputter out a bunch of words that she assumed were his argument against such an idea. She could’ve sworn she even noticed him blushing, which caused her to blush as well. “I know, I know, but I’m going to be moving a lot and you might fly out if I stuff you into my cleavage, and I don’t think you’d fare too well in my shoes. You’d be getting stomped on for hours, and with how many holes my socks have gotten over the years, I imagine it’s a bit rough down there, not to mention the smell. I mean, in that regard it might not be much better up against by butt, but my shorts are a lot tighter, so you won’t fall out. And I know that for you it must look pretty intense, but it’s gotta be better than having my whole weight stepping onto you, right?”

Wanting to get a move on, she pinched Greg between her fingers and brought him back until he hung over the waistband of her shorts. With her free hand, she pulled back on the waistband, unknowingly grabbing hold of her thong’s waistband as well. Greg tried to get her to stop by banging his fists against her fingers, but she had already made up her mind. She didn’t even bother to look back as she felt some embarrassment in all this. “I wish we met under better circumstances, but maybe we’ll have the chance to try again once we get you back to normal.” Her words, though thoughtful, kind of lost their meaning as Greg looked down at her ass. He’d much rather get lost in the locker if he were being honest. “Also, I’m sorry if it’s not the cleanest back there. I just got done taking a massive shit, and I’m not blaming you; but there may not have been enough toilet paper in the stall.” Greg’s face went pale at her words. How could she say that so nonchalantly as if it weren’t a big deal?! He tried to repress what he had heard, hoping that she had misspoken or that he simply misunderstood. “But hey, you’re a janitor, you must be used to all kinds of messes by now. Guess you can consider yourself lucky that someone with your profession wound up in your position. Just stay strong and try not to think too much about it. And hey, at least you’ll have my thong in the way, so you won’t actually have to worry about anything too bad. Anyway, I’ll see you in a few hours. It was great to finally get a chance to talk with you and I hope we can meet on better terms later. Good luck!” Greg had continued to protest both physically and verbally, but it all fell on deaf ears as she let go of him and let him plummet right into her bare ass crack. He thought himself lucky that as he landed, only his legs had wound up wedged in, but Stacy wanted to make sure he was secure. The tip of her index finger met with Greg’s head and effortlessly forced him down until his entire body was sunk between her cheeks. Content with his placement, she allowed her waistband to snap back into place and she quickly rushed her way out of the locker room, hoping to not be late.

Buried into the latina’s crack, Greg was shrouded in darkness, unable to see anything other than what he assumed to be one of the two building sized ass cheeks that he was now sandwiched between. He tried to crawl his way back out, but despite his best efforts, he could not budge from his position. The resting weight of Stacy’s ass was enough to keep him compressed, and any wriggling he did manage only seemed to further sink his body into her skin. The pressure was so great that it left him without air. He instinctively yearned for a breath, but her butt made sure that he’d only intake a moist mouthful of ass. He immediately screamed as her skin touched his tongue. Stacy’s trip to the toilet had evidently left her in a bit of a sweat and Greg now had the displeasure of working as a makeshift rag. It wasn’t all that bad by Stacy’s standards, but for someone so small, it didn’t take long for her little passenger to find himself coated in her butt sweat. It only became worse as the woman began to move. With each stride, her ass swayed and bounced up and down. This left Greg to be at the very center of her cheeks as they rubbed and collided against one other. It was like he was being ragdolled, yet constrained to only move as one with her ass. Any ordinary bug would have been ground into oblivion, but it seemed as though Stacy was accurate in that Greg was now regrettably lucky enough to have the durability necessary to handle these extremes. Even so, the wobbling booty was an uncomfortable thing to bear and though he could survive the physical onslaught, his size did nothing to shield him from the smell. It reeked of sweat, and the faintest aroma of what she had done in the toilet earlier left him shaking at the thought of being within her shorts for any longer. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t really have a choice in the matter.

After a couple of minutes of running, Stacy finally made it to outside where an enormous two kilometer track lay before her. Near the start of said track were several other trainers and one of the facility’s guides who was in the process of explaining what everyone would be going through in just a few minutes. Thankfully this wasn’t the first time she’d done this, so Stacy was able to focus her minutes on stretching as well. Though this was simply a training run, she intended to outshine all the other runners. It would never benefit her in the long run if she aimed to get the bare minimum and by the looks of things, her competitors were going to give it their all too. This meant that she needed to be as ready as possible if she were to beat them in this run. It was essentially a crash course through several agility based challenges that she had to get through as quickly as possible, all the while keeping herself ahead of her co-runners. For a moment, she questioned if she’d be able to keep it together knowing that a little man was currently wedged up her ass; but thankfully his presence was near unnoticeable. Her curves were doing wonders to keep him suppressed so to speak, which meant that it would be all the more easy for Stacy to relax and forget about him for now. He’d have her attention soon enough, but for now, the upcoming exercise was of greater importance. 

After a brief stretch, the guide signaled for everyone to get into position. Stacy, as well as the other female athletes, knelt down at a marked line with her arms propped up in front of them. Greg hardly had any time to try and recover from the run here before even he heard the blaring whistle. In an instant, all runners launched themselves forward and began their sprint through the course. Greg slid and spun across the length of Stacy’s crack, unable to stay put as her cheeks pounded him without mercy. He prayed for her to hold back and relieve him of the pressure, but his well being was the last thing on her mind right now. Those she ran with were keeping pace with her, meaning she’d have to take a lead in the upcoming obstacles if she were to wind up on top. Up ahead was the first obstacle, a series of twelve hurdles, with each additional one being taller than the one before it. She took in a deep breath, and without hesitation, launched herself into the air. She easily cleared the first hurdle and landed clean onto her feet before continuing to dash up to the next hurdle that she proceeded to jump over with similar ease. While some of the runners lost a good bit of speed between jumps, Stacy managed to keep her momentum and get a lead on all but one of the other runners. It was another woman of similar height to Stacy, though she was far thinner. This scrawnier figure naturally had greater flexibility than Stacy and her lighter body resulted in the woman basically soaring across the hurdles. As much as Stacy pushed herself, she had wound up two hurdles behind the other woman, meaning she’d have to put her legs into overdrive to try and catch back up. Each leap that she had made over the hurdles left Greg feeling weightless for just a second before Stacy’s ass came clapping back down with him. It felt as though he was breaking upon each jump, yet remained without any real injuries. The discomfort was still very much felt however and he wished he’d soon pass out. This durability was quickly proving to be more of a curse, but given that it had only been around ten minutes since he joined Stacy, he tried to keep himself optimistic since he knew that there was likely much more to endure. The only benefit he could see about the situation however  was that for the brief moments that she was in the air, her cheeks lightened up in pressure and allowed him the chance to breathe the rank butt air. Of course all of this air was squeezed right out of him upon each of her landings and as soon as she had cleared all hurdles, she was back to just sprinting. 

As Greg was further kneaded within her ass, Stacy quickly approached the next obstacle. Several dozen disc like platforms were sprung up along a mud soaked segment of the track. Each platform was strong enough to support a person’s weight, but only large enough to support the width of a single foot. Coupled with the fact that they were held up by springs, this was mostly a test of balance and composure. Finding the middle ground between moving fast and not falling was something to make all the runners tense. Stacy’s strategy for such an unstable path was to try and blitz through as much of it as she could. As such, she hopped forward and successfully landed with her right foot atop one of the platforms. She immediately propelled herself to land upon another and for a good while managed to confidently get through most of the platforms up until she miscalculated one of her landings. Her body immediately tensed up as her shoe slipped across the platform. This led Greg to nearly be compressed into a 2-D figure as Stacy’s ass clamped around him and squeezed as though he were some sort of stress relieving toy. While he weakly squealed into her butt, Stacy’s mind worked fast to correct her mistake. Though she was in the process of falling back, she managed to use her free foot to kick off the platform she had slipped on and propel herself backwards. She repeated this a couple more times on other platforms until she was able to stand straight and rebalance herself. If she wasn’t sweating before, she definitely was now as she sighed in relief. To her dismay however, she had quite literally taken steps that went against her overall progress. This slip up not only led to the skinny girl keeping her lead, but it allowed the remaining women to catch up and jump past Stacy. 

This naturally burned her up and so she doubled down on her efforts to thrust forward and make up ground. She remained relatively tense, leaving Greg stuck in a vice grip as she progressed through the wobbling platforms. Hop after hop, she made her way through; though by the time she landed back onto the actual track, she had ended up at the back end of the runners. She grit her teeth and lunged forward. This setback had really screwed her over, but she still had some time to make it up. She had made it halfway across the track and as far as she could tell, there were still two more obstacles to get past which meant that she still had a chance to get ahead. A solid few hundred meters in and she was starting to build the necessary speed to surpass a few of the other runners. It wasn’t by much, but every inch counted. It wasn’t just Stacy that was feeling the burn of course. Her cheeks were rubbing together so fast and with such intensity that it threatened to shred Greg apart, all the while her body gave off a heat that made him feel as though he’d melt at any given moment. Accompanying the heat was an increase of sweat which continued to douse the little man’s body, and with how little control he had over how he was being mashed up her crack, the salty substance wound up filling his nose and tainting his mouth. He was unlucky enough to even have some of it spill into his eyes. He went into a fit of screaming and coughing as his eyes stung and Stacy’s ass sweat threatened to drown him. Of course any noise he made was muffled up by her butt cheeks which continued to pummel him as she approached the third obstacle. It was a thirty foot tall wall that stood between her and the final quarter of the track. It was scaleable of course with various protrusions acting as hand and foot holds, though she had already lost too much ground to climb it with caution. She was just about neck and neck with one of the other girls, but up ahead she could see that the skinny runner had already made it to the wall and was starting to climb. As much as Stacy’s legs were burning from her sprint, this was her opportunity to excel. The thickness of her body that had slowed her down in the hurdles was packed with muscle, especially throughout her thighs. Their strength was going to make all the difference. Stacy made no effort to slow down as she approached the wall and as soon as she was just a few feet away, she quickly knelt and then jumped up. 

She successfully managed to grip onto a couple of the protruding rocks, all the while skipping a few of the initial foot holds. This was the advantage she needed as it helped to give her a head start on the wall. Even so, it wasn’t enough. Her scrawny competitor had already reached the halfway point and Stacy wasn’t going to catch up unless she continued to utilize her legs to their fullest. Pressing a foot onto one of the protrusions, she thrust herself upward and skipped past a couple more footholds before latching onto a couple more. The process of jumping up the wall was incredibly exhausting, but Stacy was determined to be the first to finish this track. She wouldn’t accept anything less, so she persisted and continued to hop from foot hold to foot hold, skipping many along the way. Tiring as it was, it did wonders to close the distance between her and the thinner woman as the two managed to make it to the top of the wall at roughly the same time. Panting and covered in sweat, Stacy couldn’t help but smile as she locked eyes with the woman. She didn’t think that she’d need to push herself this far, but was glad to have done so as it would only further her goals. Despite being grateful to her fellow athletes, this was more or less a race and Stacy still intended to beat them all. Several ropes lay outstretched on the other side of the wall. Both her and the scrawny woman grabbed hold of one and quickly slid their way back down to the track. This was where things would finally shift in Stacy’s favor. The thin woman had chosen to take strides down the rope, kicking off the wall as she slid down. Stacy on the other hand was built sturdy enough to where she was able to slide straight down without having to make contact with the wall. She more or less allowed herself to fall with her hands on the rope and with spectacular timing landed back onto the track. As soon as her shoes touched the ground, she bolted off. She briefly looked back to see the skinny woman land and the remaining runners had just now made it to the top of the wall. 

She had done it. She was now ahead of the pack, but wasn’t in the clear yet. Before her lay the last four hundred or so meters of the track as well as her final obstacle, a long jump. This would require her to leap across a six meter extension of the track that was layered with sand. The minimum for all runners was to make it past the two meter mark, but that wouldn’t be good enough for Stacy. She had already proven herself capable of keeping up with and outpacing her competitors, even with multiple faults in her performance. Even so, she intended to make up for those faults by getting a better jump distance than any of the other women. One jump would seem like child’s play when compared to all the leaping she had done prior, but that very same leaping had left her legs aching for a rest. She had indeed pushed herself to the limit in order to get this far, and though she’d likely be sore for the rest of the day, she was not going to slow down now.

Her breathing got faster with each step, her strides growing longer as well. The strain across her legs was unreal, but there was no chance that the other runners would catch up now. Before Stacy knew it, she had made it to the end of the main track and with one final exertion of her legs, she was airborne. Similar to before, Greg felt a weightlessness as though he were levitating. He of course had no idea as to what was happening, but found it odd as this leap felt different. Unlike before, Stacy had no intention of landing on her feet. She intentionally kept her legs outstretched while in the air, and as she did so, her cheeks started to spread a bit. It was just enough for Greg to catch a fouled smelling breath, but also enough for him to wind up feeling something damp against his back. He prayed that it was somehow one of her fingers coming to rescue him, but after the longest second of his life, he realized what it was, and it made him feel sick. It was her thong… the very thing she had intended as a barrier for his protection. Now slick with sweat, it was sliding up her crack and Greg was in no position to stop himself from being dragged along with. He shouted at the top of his lungs, terrified of where he was headed; but no matter how hard he flailed and how loud he screamed, there was nothing that could be done to keep him from what was to come.

Stacy’s butt plopped down hard into the sand, dispersing a great deal of it as her ass wobbled to a stop. With her cheeks more or less spread upon impact, she wound up forcing her shorts into a tight wedgie as well as cramming a little hill of sand up her crack. It was uncomfortable to say the least, but she had done this long jump many times before. One could never truly get used to having so much sand crammed up your ass, but just like the throbbing aches that could be felt throughout her legs, that discomfort was temporary. What mattered more was that she had completed the track and she could finally rest. Greg on the other hand wasn’t able to shrug off the impact. The force of impact along with the tightening of her shorts and thong against his back sent him slamming right into Stacy's moist asshole. The difference in temperature was immediate as the sphincter was hot to the touch. Concerns over whether it was capable of scorching him quickly came and left as a similarly hot liquid introduced itself. The poor janitor screamed his lungs out as the oily sweat on her hole seeped into his nose and mouth. It was without doubt the worst thing he had experienced thus far and it made him want to vomit. Whatever bits of waste that Stacy had failed to wipe up earlier had mixed itself with the vast quantities of sweat that had gathered around her hole. As such, she had unknowingly brewed up a far more toxic cocktail of sweat that coated his tongue and drenched his body in a new layer of wet filth. He cursed the world for this hell as he was forced to sample the sewage flavored perspiration. He needed to get away. He outstretched his arms and pressed with all his might to push himself away from the wrinkled orifice, but it proved too soft and slippery that his arms simply started to sink into the rubbery surface instead. The mere idea of getting lost within her asshole sent him into a panic and he began to thrash in an effort to free his arms and distance himself. Of course with her seated position, this was practically impossible as Stacy’s pucker was resting atop Greg’s body and with the pressure of the sand and wedgie, he wasn’t going anywhere. All he could accomplish was the unintentional rubbing of his own body against the steaming asshole.

After taking a few moments to catch her breath, Stacy turned to see the other runners land in various positions behind her. She then turned to the guide who showed that while the other runners landed between two and three meters, Stacy had just managed to make it to four. She shouted out in a display of victory, raising her arms to the sky as she laughed. She hadn’t intended for this to be a display of showing off, rather she was just thankful to have done as much as she did given the strain that she had put her body through. As good as it sounded to just sit back for an hour and rest, she much preferred the idea of a soft bed to a pile of sand. Stacy slowly stood up and turned her head to see where she had landed. She had left a noticeable indent in the sand in the shape of her ample butt. She couldn’t help but to smirk as she looked at her own sand covered ass. That butt drop had turned her shorts into a makeshift thong. A layer of white sand stuck to the sweat across her caramel cheeks which were free for the world to see, though she felt no embarrassment from this. If anything, she felt a little arrogant. Not only had she outperformed the other athletes in terms of physical prowess, but when comparing curves both high and low, she completely outclassed them. 

While she admired her own ass, Greg was fighting for his life to not be consumed by the hole within her curvy rear. The pucker was sensitive to the touch and it twitched upon its continued contact with the bug man. If both he and her anus weren’t currently slick with the same swampy ass juice, she may have paid more attention to his movements. As it stood now though, Stacy was far too distracted by her achievement and was just glad to be done with her training for the day. She brushed off as much sand as she could from her exposed cheeks, inadvertently causing them to jiggle in a way that not only pressed Greg further into her rear, but gave a very enticing view to all her competitors. It was enough to leave several of them blushing as she slowly made her way back into the athletic center’s interior. If only they knew the kind of up close and personal of a view Greg was experiencing. Though the pressure of her cheeks wasn’t nearly as intense as it had been throughout the run, the space remained tight enough to where he’d be keeping her sphincter company throughout her stroll. After five minutes of having her filthy shit hole rubbed across his face, Greg was able to hear what sounded like lockers, meaning that this nightmare was soon to be over. He forced a smile while still pressed up against her pucker and soon noticed a light coming from behind him. He reached back and gripped onto the wet fabric of Stacy’s thong, eager to be pulled out. As anticipated, she grabbed the thong’s waistband and began to slide the undergarment off. As the thong slipped through her crack, Greg was pulled with it. He felt the weight of her cheeks squeezing around him, trying to keep him, but he was through being the chew toy of this woman’s ass. He could feel his strength fading, but he made sure to hold on if it was the last thing he’d ever do. His dedication was rewarded by a bright light followed by cool air flowing against his moist body. He took in as much air as he could, thankful to be free at last. By the time his eyes readjusted to the light, he was given a brief glance of Stacy’s face, all before she cringed in disgust. It wasn’t immediately obvious for Greg, but he was currently clinging onto what was a small portion of a much larger stain that stretched the length of the back end of her thong. He had just been up against her asshole, so everything still smelled relatively terrible; but if he knew just how filthy her thong had become, he’d have allowed himself to let go and fall to the floor below.

Chills ran down Greg’s spine as Stacy didn’t even look in his direction. The smell of her thong was so putrid, she had to turn her head and hold her breath. With the foul thong between her fingers, she quickly made her way to her locker and opened up both it and her gym bag. She wasted no time in flinging the dirty thong right into a heep of various other clothes she had chosen to neglect over who knows how long. Greg screamed out as he flew through the air, but was quickly silenced as he slammed into a pile of stale, darkened white socks. His eyes immediately began to water as he struggled to free himself. The air was so toxic that he could hardly see past all the tears his eyes produced. The surface was soft yet unstable and contained many crinkles and folds across the various fabrics that made it incredibly difficult to remain balanced. To add insult to injury, the thong he had clung to was now resting atop his suffering body. Sandwiched between rank socks and a gag inducing thong, Greg stumbled and struggled to make his way out.

It proved incredibly challenging to make any sort of progress, but he was convinced that where he was now had the highest chance of killing him. Sure his body had proven durable, but this was like being at ground zero of some chemical weapon. There was just no way that such an overwhelming environment wasn’t hazardous to his health. The air was so heavy and stale that he nearly fainted, but he had to try and get back into view of Stacy. She must not have expected him to be latched to her thong in the first place, meaning his time was limited to get her to see him. He wriggled his way through her thong and successfully met the Latina’s gaze. He struggled to smile as his body felt like dying, but her eyes were a beacon of hope. They looked over in his direction and he felt an overwhelming relief that his savior had finally come to save him. He couldn’t have felt more safe knowing that Stacy was here to help him. As much as he wanted to talk about what he had just been through, he yearned for her comforting voice to confirm to him that his suffering was finally over and that the two of them would be off to get him back to normal.

“Fuck, that’s nasty…”

Her words cut like a knife and left Greg’s face pale. His eyes went wide and his jaw dropped as he questioned whether or not he had heard her properly. Sure, he must’ve not looked the greatest right now, but surely… oh fuck. In her efforts to get through the track, Stacy had forgotten all about the little bug she stuffed up her butt. The only thing she was aware of was the fact that she was tired and her clothes reeked. Even more so, all that running seemed to loosen her up and she could feel a trip to the bathroom in her near future. She briefly looked over the inside of her bag and wondered if it was worth getting her clothes into a washer, but shrugged it off as there was still a little bit of space to fit some more clothes in. She already had to clean herself up anyways given all the nasty sweat and sand that coated her, and with how tired she was, she wasn’t really in the mood to deal with chores. Greg weakly held an arm out in disbelief, trying to find the words that would get Stacy to notice him. Unfortunately, the slim chance of getting her attention went to the gutters as Stacy zipped the gym bag shut and sealed Greg in darkness once again. He screamed out in pure terror, trying to run up to the zipper. He knew it was in vain however as it lay a good several inches above his position. To make matters worse, his panicked run and lack of vision caused him to trip and land right into a particularly stale smelling sock. The reality of how fucked the situation had gotten was sinking in real fast and he desperately crawled toward what he hoped would somehow be a better position for him to scream her name. His efforts would only further prove to him just how weak and insignificant his voice had become.

No matter how much he cried out to her, it was hopeless. Stacy hadn’t the faintest clue as to what cruel fate she had just sentenced Greg to. All that mattered to her was getting out and worrying about her clothing later. She had successfully accomplished what she st out to do for the day and she wanted to treat herself. Besides, she didn’t need to be stinking up her car with a hamper full of dirtied up clothes. She could just wait and use one of the washing machines in the training center, though that would probably be another few days given how confident she was in what she could continue to cram into that bag. Content with this reasoning, she slammed her locker shut and made her way out of the building to enjoy the rest of the day in the comforts of her home. As for James, he’d spend the rest of the night basking in weeks worth of what he hoped to just be sweat stained clothing. To his mercy, the dense air would prove too much for him to handle, resulting in his passing out. Only a minute into his rest did he awaken to the very same air that packed such a putrid stench that he could not ignore. As difficult as it was to stay awake with such heavy air, it was just as difficult to find enough peace to remain asleep. This conflict would make his stay within the gym bag all the more horrible and all he could do was whimper in defeat as this was going to be a very long and very nauseating night.


Chapter End Notes:

Howdy bagels, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and oh boy are there more to come. Feel free to spam my dms or check out my deviantart or whatever yay!

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