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Dylan scowled as the rain pattered against his windshield, the old wipers struggling and scraping with a squeak against the glass as he drove home from work. It had been another cold and thankless late night at the office, trying to get all of the account summaries written up for the clients so someone else could get a promotion and he could stay employed.

Not that Dylan had much waiting for him at home, without a girlfriend or any close family nearby it wasn’t much more welcoming than the office was.

At least there’s the new Elric Far-Traveled book to look forward to, he thought with a smile. The epic fantasy series had just released the final volume, and Dylan had picked it up from the bookstore just the day before, eager to read it over the weekend.

I hope Elric gets together with princess Lyria, he thought dreamily. The princess in question had appealed to him since the first book, a blond beauty with piercing blue eyes and a rather aggressive demeanor in bed; she'd been the subject of his fantasies since he’d started reading the book series in high school.

He frowned as he saw lights coming in his direction, This is a divided highway, what the hell-

His eyes went wide as he saw that a car had entered the wrong side of the freeway, and he didn’t have time to scream in surprise before the drunk driver’s vehicle collided with his own.

Corinne fluttered through the clouds, riding the crisp breeze as she looked down on the expansive Kingdom of Heaven. Clear and clean rivers flowed through a landscape that was lush and green, dotted with silvery crystalline and gold buildings that caught the morning sun in a beautiful iridescent display.

Below her were the many souls of the departed, enjoying an eternity of rest, contemplation, and other pursuits tailored to fit their desires and needs. The Angels were among them, mostly clad in white robes, with their soft feathered wings flapping as they flew to and fro, attending to their particular mortal’s needs.

Pretty soon I’m going to be busy too! Corinne thought excitedly. She had a sudden image of a perfectly sculpted shirtless human man, kneeling before her.

Let me taste heaven, the dreamy human said with a smile, let me taste your immaculate-

She breathed out slowly, clenching her fists as she straightened her flying, it wasn’t good to get too distracted up in the air after all.

Every Angel came into existence eager to be the guardian of a chosen mortal soul, greeting them when they passed through the Pearly Gates and helping them to explore their new eternity. Every Angel spent their youth eagerly honing their abilities and dreaming of the afterlife they’d spend with their mortal, some would bring their particular soul relaxation, others intellectual stimulation, still more would go beyond the gates of Heaven with their soul, off to explore the far reaches of what the universe held after death.

And some Angels get to help with carnal needs, she thought, her face flushed for a minute as she giggled, biting her lip and chasing away the dirty thoughts. Most Angels didn’t become intimate with their charges, instead serving as trusted companions and guides, many mortals even had spouses or lovers they were eager to reconnect with in Heaven, something widely encouraged by the upper echelons of angels. Still, Corinne did find herself fantasizing about an earthly man who had perhaps never known love… One who would be enraptured by her beauty, eager to please her and obey her every-

Corinne, a booming voice rang out in her head.

She gulped, freezing in mid-air as the Seraphim Myella’s voice echoed through her thoughts. Her superior in the angelic hierarchy wasn’t a cruel or overbearing person, but she could be rather stern, and Corinne was nervous around her. More importantly, Myella was the one who assigned angels to mortal souls.

What can I do for you? She thought back eagerly.

Come to the spire at once, I need to discuss something with you.

Corinne’s heart leapt, Are you assigning me a human?

Only silence replied, either Myella had already terminated their mental connection, or she simply didn’t care to answer.

She fluttered down onto the open balcony of Myella’s tower, an ivory white spire that overlooked the pearly gates themselves, open below to welcome the flow of newly arrived souls. The top floor contained Myella’s office, a vast open space with a pair of couches, paintings on the walls, and a few classical sculptures, all centered around a shockingly plain wooden desk where Myella herself sat typing away on a typewriter, watching the words appear across floating screens before her.

Corinne swallowed nervously, slowly edging her way forward as the *clack clack clack* of typing rang out through the air, echoing off the polished stone.

“M-Myella?” she squealed.

“Hmm!?” Myella looked up, seemingly startled.

“You uh… called me?” Corinne said hesitantly.

“Ah yes,” Myella said with a polite smile, “Please have a seat.”

Corinne grunted as a chair materialized up out of the floor, cradling her bottom and zooming her across the wide space to the Seraphim’s desk. She blinked, dazed as a few of her feathers fell around her. Myella tapped a few more keys, and the floating screens slowly rotated to face the angel, showing a number of statistics.

“Corinne, I’m going to be honest,” Myella said sternly, “I don’t believe you’re quite ready for a soul yet, there are a number of concerning factors, most notably this one here,” she pointed to a bar graph, one of the bars stood out, easily four times the height of the nearest one. “As you can see here this is the normal average number of lewd thoughts an Angel has,” Myella explained, pointing to one of the smaller bars.

“Okay,” Corinne said nervously, “It seems a little low…”

“Everyone has some thoughts now and then, it’s perfectly natural, healthy even,” Myella said, “here’s mine for example.” She pointed to the next bar, easily twice the height of the “average.”

Corinne giggled, “Wow, really? You’re twice as horny as the average angel!?”

“That’s a filthy word, horny,” Myella said with a smirk, “but yes… Now here is where our problem is,” she pointed to the next bar on the chart, towering over the others.”

“Oh wow,” Corinne said, wide eyed, “who’s that?”

“You dear,” Myella said flatly.

The color drained from Corinne’s face, “I-I just really think that human men are very attractive, and I’d like to-“

“Corinne!” Myella snapped, causing the angel to go quiet, staring into her lap sheepishly. “I just want to make sure you understand the great responsibility of guiding a human through the afterlife,” she sighed.

“I do!” Corinne insisted, “if you give me a human, he’ll see everything Heaven has to offer!”

Myella pursed her lips, but nodded, “Very well. Your human charge is very close to death now, go down to the gates and collect him when he arrives.”

Corinne’s eyes widened, “Really!?”

“According to the AngelMatch system you two are highly compatible,” Myella said with a nod, “but please control yourself Corinne, this poor man just died.” She snapped her fingers and a file appeared in Corinne's hands, “Here’s his dossier, you have a little time before he arrives so go read up on him.”

“Of course!” Corinne beamed, rising out of the chair and fluttering her wings. “He’s going to be so happy Myella, you’ll see!”

“Let’s hope so,” Myella muttered, turning back to her reports.

Dylan stumbled up the stairs, blinking as he looked at the billowing white clouds on either side of him. He wasn’t sure where he was, and as he looked down at the billowing white robe he was in he wondered what had happened to his clothes, keys, and wallet.

I hope that asshole had insurance, Dylan thought to himself, his thoughts starting to return. He looked around, hoping to see someone else, but there was no one, only the iridescent rainbow-colored stairs leading upwards to some point of lustrous light beyond the clouds. Dylan frowned, Is this a hospital or something?

He kept going up the stairs, listening to the harp music beginning to come through the cottony clouds overhead. Finally the stair breached the clouds, and he balked at what he saw.

A shining crystalline metropolis built above the clouds stretched before him, silver and gold buildings catching the high sun and causing his breath to catch as the wonder of it all came down on him. Flying winged beings soared overhead, a few smiled and waved down at him. Other people, some seemingly as confused as he was, were walking by him, emerging from the clouded floor up their own stairways, and all of them were headed towards a pair of towering pearly gates, open and waiting for them.

I think that crash might have been worse than I thought, he realized, a pit forming in his stomach. Numbly, he stumbled forward, following the crowd.

Corinne bit her lip as she looked through the crowd for him, trying to decide how to make the best first impression.

His file said he was a lonely guy, maybe a hug? She thought. Or is that too intimate… She blushed at the thought of being intimate with Dylan, he’d looked so handsome in his photo… and that face would look adorable with a blissful smile on it, or better yet buried in her-

Focus! She forced herself, looking around for him.

“Uh, excuse me,” Dylan stammered, raising a hand, not really sure he was addressing, “I think there’s been a mistake?”

“Dylan!” Corinne leapt at him, slamming into him and causing him to grunt as he struggled to stay upright as her arms clasped around him into a deep hug.

Dylan looked down at the girl in shock, she was a blond haired beauty, with piercing blue eyes and immaculate skin that felt like velvet to the touch as her face pressed against him. She was wearing a flowing white robe, and as it billowed he could a glimpse of her body beneath it, but much more distracting were the pair of giant white wings protruding from her back, and the gold circle that hung above her head, poking him in the eye as she squeezed him tight.

An angel, he thought wildly, a real angel… and she’s hot, and she’s hugging me!? He gulped, wondering if it was a sin to get a boner from an angel.

“I-I think you guys got me by accident,” he stammered, “I didn’t mean to go towards the light, I was trying to get back uh… down.

Corinne stepped away and looked at him sadly, “I’m sorry Dylan, but… you died.”

“It’s so unfair,” he rasped, “I had things I was going to do, I had plans, I…” He started shaking, “holy shit, I wasted my life in a goddamn office!”

Corinne winced at the swears, but nodded, “You… didn’t have a lot of friends,” she said quietly.

“I just thought I’d have time,” he muttered, “work was supposed to get less busy, and…” he frowned, “I’m sorry, who are you exactly?”

“I’m Corinne!” she said excitedly, “Your personal angel and afterlife companion!” Without warning she gripped his hand, causing Dylan to shout in surprise as they lifted upwards, carried by the gentle flapping of her white wings.

“A-Afterlife companion!?” he stammered, nervously looking down at the ground as it raced away from them.

“Yep! I’m here to make sure you get whatever you need!” She noticed his fright and laughed, “Relax silly! You can’t die again!” She suddenly blushed, “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make fun of you for dying so soon…”

“It’s okay,” Dylan said, still trying to take everything in.

He and Corinne flew towards one of the glistening ivory towers, landing on an expansive and well furnished balcony that jutted out from an elaborate apartment. Dylan’s eyes bulged as he took in the luxurious apartment, it had soft white carpeting, a sleek modern looking set of couches, and futuristic looking silver kitchen that shone as they walked in.

“Is this mine!?” he gasped.

“Yeah, I hope it’s okay,” Corinne said with a shrug, “it’s just the standard furnishing, but you can redo it however you want, it only takes a few minutes.”

“No!” he said quickly, “I love it!” He chuckled to himself as he spun around, plopping himself on the couch. It was certainly nicer than anything he’d ever owned.

Dylan regarded his apparent Angelic companion as she smiled, walking over to the chair across from him and sitting down, crossing her legs and letting one of her golden flip flop style sandals dangle off the edge of her foot.

Damn, Dylan thought, his mouth suddenly dry,  Corinne was immaculate, like she was carved from marble, but the way her feet looked in that moment, so soft and enticing… Probably not a good idea to perv on your Angel, he thought quickly, she might send you down to the bad place or something.

Corinne for her part noticed Dylan looking at her, if not the particular part of her that was his fixation, and she smiled knowingly. She’d take Myella’s request to heart of course, but if the human wanted sex, well it was her job to help him reach fulfillment, wasn’t it?

“So, how are you feeling?” she asked, leaning forward. “You can talk to me about how it happened, if you want… is there anyone you miss?”

Dylan thought for a moment, “No, it was all pretty quick, I didn’t realize I was dead until I woke up here…” He thought for a moment, “I don’t know if I miss anyone, now that you mention it. I just wanted to pay off my school loans, then I figured I’d have time to get out more, meet people, get a girlfriend.” He sighed, “It seems kind of silly now, I guess I’m just alone for eternity.”

“Aw, you’ve got me!” Corinne beamed. The way he smiled back made her want to leap at him, pin him to the couch and forcibly kiss him, then slap him, he was such a cute human… She cleared her throat, “One of the things a lot of people do when they get here is spend a few decades doing things they wanted to do on Earth. Let’s review some of your daydreams and fantasies!”

“My daydreams and fantasies?” Dylan paled, “Oh no, why don’t we just sing gospel or something-“

It was too late, Corinne was already turning on a large television mounted up on the wall. Dylan cringed as he saw himself sighing, staring off into space at his work desk as his fantasies arrived.

Corinne raised an eyebrow as a sterling blonde woman in a flowing white dress stood over a defeated warrior in a medieval throne room. No, it wasn’t just any warrior, it was Dylan, decked out in leather and with his hands shackled.

“Who’s this?” Corinne laughed.

“P-Princess Lyria,” Dylan muttered, “she’s uh… from this book series I like.”

“Cower worm,” Lyria laughed, “kiss my feet and I may spare your life!”

“Please mistress,” the Dylan on the screen begged, “be merciful!”

Corinne watched, stunned, as the fantasy Dylan knelt before the Princess, kissing her feet eagerly. She laughed, reaching down to ruffle his hair as a look of arousal flashed across her face.

“Very well, you shall be my personal concubine!” the Princess declared, “forced to pleasure me whenever I see fit!”

The vision vanished as the TV returned back to Dylan at his work desk, and Corinne slowly turned around towards Dylan, barely able to contain her glee. They were silent for a moment, until finally Dylan couldn’t stand the tension.

“S-She starts off bad, but she turns good after romancing the main character,” Dylan began.

“I think you had more of a thing for her during the bad part of her story arc,” Corinne laughed, crossing her arms.

“I was really into the story!” he insisted.

“Okay, okay,” Corinne said, “We’ll come back to that one, how about we look into one of your other fantasies?” She flicked her wrist, and the TV showed Dylan walking down the streets of a large city.

“Oh no,” Dylan moaned, recognizing it.”

“What?” Corinne asked with a frown, “Did you want to move to a bigger city or something? That’s great, we can get you whatever arts or culture you wanted to experience, and-“

She was interrupted by a thundering footstep. The angle turned back to the TV just in time to see a towering blond titaness peeking from between the skyscrapers with a smile. She couldn’t help but stare as the giant woman, clad in a white robe and sandals, plodded through the city streets, crushing cars beneath her sandals as she walked towards Dylan. The giant woman grinned, raising her sandaled sole over a shocked Dylan, blotting out the sun.

“Okay, enough of that!” Dylan said in a panic. He leapt off the couch looking for a remote to turn the TV off. Corinne just smirked, stroking her chin as she watched the fantasy play out, the bus sized sandal coming down on Dylan’s fantasy version of himself.

“Hmm…” Corinne hummed teasingly, cocking her head and looking at him with a smile. “What odd dreams!”

“There’s a mistake,” Dylan shouted, “I’m not some kind of weirdo, I promise! Please don’t let them kick me downstairs, I won’t ever think about it again-“

Corinne snapped her fingers, cutting him off, “Having weird kinks doesn’t get you sent to Hell!” she almost laughed, seeing his relieved expression. She snapped her fingers again, getting his attention and pointing down at her toes, poking out from the sides of the gold thonged sandals. “Kiss them,” she ordered.


Now, ” Corinne said with a grin.

Dylan slowly walked over to her, glancing down at her toes nervously. He shot one last look at her smug face, and as she nodded in approval he fell to his knees, then placed his lips on the tip of the digits. Corinne sighed in contentment as he made contact, getting a face full of a rich vanilla scent that lingered on the Angel’s skin and quickly brought his manhood to attention beneath his own pale white robe.

“I think I’m seeing why we got put together in the Angel Match system,” Corinne chuckled.

“Angel Match?” Dylan asked, looking up at her curiously.

“I didn’t say to stop kissing,” she said sternly. She placed a hand on the top of his head, gently forcing him back down. “Now, where was I?” she asked as she felt his lips against her feet again, “Ah yes, Angel Match… it’s meant to bring the most compatible humans and angels together, a Seraphim double checks it of course, but it’s very accurate.” She grinned wickedly, “They’ve been holding me back from getting my own human because they were concerned I’d be too coercive, but I think a coercive woman is exactly what you want out of Heaven, isn’t it?” She chuckled at the way his eyes darted up, “you can answer.”

“Yes!” Dylan said, looking up excitedly.

Corinne smiled, stepping back and making a dramatic gesture with her hands. Dylan cried out in surprise as he was lifted off the ground, forced upright and levitating in front of Corinne. She flicked her finger again, and his robe flew off of him, exposing his body as her wings twitched in anticipation.

“You’re going to spend the rest of eternity worshiping my divine form,” Corinne said, walking towards the apartment’s bedroom. Dylan’s floating form was pulled after her, as if on an invisible thread. She threw the doors open, revealing a massive king sized bed with white pillows as fluffy as Corinne’s wings. With a flourish she leapt up onto the bed, her sandals remaining on the floor as her bare feet caught the soft blanket, her toes scrunching the velvety material playfully. With a triumphant grin she levitated Dylan over the center of the mattress, slowly descending below her as she pulled the sash on her robe, letting it slide over her shoulders and reveal the vast expanse of her pale and creamy skin.

“You’re beautiful,” Dylan said, stunned.

“Would you say I’m heavenly?” she asked with a wink, turning to her side and flaunting the supple curvature of her breasts as she ran her hand down her body. Dylan gulped as she walked along the mattress, stopping to trace the tip of her toe up his chest with a smirk, “You’re a man who likes a woman’s feet, I can appreciate that.” She brought her toe back up to his face, biting her lip as she tapped the tip of his chin with her toe, then with a grin she forced it into his mouth, enjoying the way immediately knew to suck on it.

Dylan’s breath became heavy as he traced his tongue over the digit, looking up at the blond goddess. Her feet not only smelled like vanilla, they had the slightest taste of it too, and as she pulled her toe free with a wet *pop* he found himself leaning forward, eager for another taste.

“Lay back,” Corinne ordered, placing her foot squarely in the middle of his chest, preventing him from rising. With a sultry smile she slowly knelt down, sliding herself down his body and maintaining eye contact as she positioned her chest between his legs. She rubbed her breasts a moment, letting him see the soft jiggling spheres as she delicately ran a fingertip over a pair of soft pink nipples. 

He stared at her, his heart pounding as he wondered what she would do next as his manhood stood at attention directly in front of her, a flag waving both his surrender and his excitement at the same time. With a wink Corinne hefted herself forward slightly, pressing on the side of her breasts and enveloping his rock hard erection in the velvety soft cleavage of her warm flesh.

“Oh god,” he moaned, the simple act of sliding the immaculate pair of tits over his shaft was almost too much on its own, and as she began the first upward motion he had to struggle to contain himself.

“Don’t finish on them just yet,” Corinne laughed, “keep it together!”

In spite of her demand she was going faster now, pumping her creamy breasts up and down his manhood in a steady rhythm that made it difficult for him to keep his eyes from going crossed. He gripped the bedspread, feeling his body quake at the small up and down motion of her chest, all of his thoughts and willpower focused on keeping himself from exploding on her at any second.

For her part Corinne was ecstatic at how easily she was bringing her new human to the brink of meltdown, and she gave a sadistic chuckle that made his blood run cold as she slowed her motions, causing him to look at her pleadingly.

“Not yet,” she said in a singsong voice, shaking her head mockingly.

“Please!” he begged.

“No,” she said firmly, slowing the up and down motion of her breasts even more, “I want to hear that I’m the most beautiful woman in all creation!”

“You are!” he shouted.

“Tell me more!” she ordered, laughing maniacally, “I won’t let you cum unless I hear some exaltations!

“Y-You’re the greatest woman that ever was, with the best tits of all time,” he shouted, his mind racing as he tried to think of praises. One from Elric Far-Traveled entered his mind, and he swallowed nervously as he yelled it out, “I dreamt about you before I even met you, no beauty will ever compare now that I’ve seen your lustrous face!”

“Excellent!” Corinne beamed. The motion of her hands along the sides of her breasts went into high gear once more, and in a few seconds Dylan was quaking, muttering under his breath as he shot load after load of his seed across the angel’s chest. She didn’t let up, thoroughly milking him dry and leaving him spent as he fell back again, panting, to the mattress. She let him recover a few minutes, struggling to catch his breath after a titjob that would have stopped a mortal man’s heart. Idly she ran a finger along the pearly white trail his seed had left across her chest, scooping up a bit of his cum and licking it, enjoying the salty taste before snapping her fingers, rendering herself perfectly clean once again.

“I don’t think I’ve ever felt anything like that,” Dylan managed finally.

“Sex acts with an angel can be hard for a human to survive,” Corinne giggled, “Luckily that’s not a problem for you anymore.” She glanced down at his cock, gently flicking it with a smirk as it began to rise again. “The body you receive in heaven has much better endurance.

“Yeah,” he said, watching himself stiffen to attention for the second time, “So uh…” he looked at her pleadingly, “can you do that again?”

“In due time,” she said sweetly, “I’d like to go for a ride next!” She lifted her hips up, and without warning she slid herself easily over his erection, taking him to the hilt as she slapped her hands down on his chest, mounting him like a steed as their hips clapped together.

“Y-You’re a lot stronger than you look!” Dylan wheezed.

“Angels aren’t all sweetness and taking care of weary souls,” she laughed, “We’re also soldiers of justice!” She rocked against him again, and while she was a petite woman, standing a head shorter than him, she was bearing down on him with enough force to make him shake with pleasure at each thrust of her hips. She slowed, “I’m not going too hard on you, am I?”

“No!” Dylan cried out with a smile, “Keep going!”

Corinne’s eyes lit up with glee, and soon she was pumping away against him like a piston, her nails scratching his chest slightly as her powerful thighs locked him in place. Against her Dylan knew he wouldn’t last long, and soon he was crying out in pleasure as his hips bucked back up against hers. Corinne cried out triumphantly, a smile on her face as she rode his orgasm to its limit, leaving him with a dazed smile as she finally slowed, enjoying the last vanishing vestiges of his blissful expression as his senses returned.

“Wow,” he breathed.

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” Corinne laughed, sliding off of him with a sigh. She lounged on the bed a moment, then glanced at him, “I could use a foot massage,” she half asked, half ordered.

Dylan practically leapt down the bed, grabbing her soft soles in his hands and running his thumbs along them in a firm motion that caused her to squirm in delight.

“I’ve never felt anything like this,” he marveled, running his fingers up and down over her toes, then down over her soles and the ball of her foot.

“Angels have naturally perfect skin,” she giggled, “and I fly almost everywhere, so it’s easy for me to keep them soft and smooth.”

“That vanilla smell, is that a lotion?” Dylan asked curiously.

Corinne burst into laughter, “What part of Angel don’t you get? No, I don’t use lotion, that’s just how we smell!”

“It’s nice,” Dylan murmured, looking back down at her feet.

“I’m glad you think so,” Corinne said, sitting up and letting her wings flap, “Ugh, I’ve got so much explaining to do… You’ve been here an hour and we already… Well, you know.”

“Are angels not supposed to have sex with humans?” Dylan asked with a frown, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to get you in trouble.”

“Oh, we can,” Corinne muttered, “But it’s uh… kind of like doing it on the first date, you know? Usually we’re supposed to settle a human in, let them get over the grief of dying, maybe reconnect with some people they knew in life.”

“Personally, I’m glad you rang it in with that,” Dylan said, “I was always too nervous to date back “down below,” you know?”

“Because you’re the kind of boy who wants to be dominated?” Corinne asked with a smirk.

“Yeah,” Dylan admitted sheepishly.

“Clearly you should spend the next ten years or so as my personal slave,” Corinne said with a wicked grin, “to experience what you missed out on!”

Dylan’s eyes went wide, “A-Are you serious?”

“You’re right,” Corinne said, a wicked grin coming over her face as she stared into his eyes, “Maybe “pet” is a better term?”

She snapped her fingers, and suddenly Dylan was looking up at the bare sole of his foot, towering over him the size of a house. His mouth went dry as her immaculate face hovered overhead, a giant faraway object that loomed overhead like the sun in the sky as her fingers reached down for him.

“Cute!” she squealed, pinching him as she lifted him high. Her fingers were just as soft as her feet, molding around him as she squeezed him between her thumb and forefinger.

“You can shrink me!?” Dylan shouted.

“Of course,” Corinne said with a smirk, “I can do almost anything to make you happy, and I think this is making you very happy.” She stood up, holding her arms out and letting her white robe leap off the floor, tying itself around her as if it had a mind of its own as she walked back out into the living room. She slipped her sandals back on idly, leaving soft indentations in the carpet as she walked.

What’s she planning? Dylan wondered, feeling slightly intimidated by the way the angel moved. She was a true colossus at this size, thundering through the apartment as he was held prisoner between her fingertips, reduced to the size of a bug before a goddess.

“Let’s talk about the other fantasy you had,” she said, slowly lowering him down.

“T-The one with the giant woman?” he stammered, looking up at her. The carpet fibers were knee high now, a vast grassy field that he’d struggle to move quickly through, the coiled synthetic material scratching at his leg slightly as he shifted.

“That’s the one,” Corinne said with a smile. “It’s a little odd, you wanted to be squished? Like a pathetic little bug?”

The way she spoke had his manhood rising again, and he could only nod as he looked up at her, nervousness rising in his chest. For a minute he had an urge to run, but he stood his ground, his eyes trailing downward as the angel gingerly pointed the toe of her sandal at the carpet, twisting it idly into the carpet.

“I-I guess it could be fun to pretend,” Dylan shouted.

“Pretend?” Corinne rolled her eyes with a chuckle, “No, I don’t think we’ll be pretending. You should probably run!” she lifted her sandal up, blocking out the light as Dylan’s eyes widened in horror.

She can’t be serious! He turned to flee, stumbling over the carpet fibers in panic and falling onto his front with a grunt. He rolled over, his heart racing as he saw the flat bottoms of Corinne’s leather sandals descending.

“No, wait!” he protested, holding his arms in front of his face.

Corinne felt the briefest resistance on the bottom of her sandal, as if stepping on an oddly shaped twig, then, with a grin, she pressed down.

* crunch*

An unexpected wave of arousal washed over her, and she fought the urge to groan as she twisted her sandal along the carpet, grinding the tiny human’s body into nothing. She felt flushed as she lifted her foot, kneeling down to take a look at the remains.

Dylan shouted as he popped back into existence next to her toe, still holding his arms up, “Please, don’t-“ he frowned, looking around, then up at her.

“You’re dead dummy,” Corinne teased, “If your physical form gets destroyed, you’ll just come back to me!”

“Oh,” Dylan said, looking down at himself, “That felt…”

“Weird, right?” Corinne shrugged, “you can feel pain in heaven, but only if you really want to.”

Dylan nodded, it had hurt, but only a little, like a hug that had gotten too strong. Still, the reality of what he’d just experienced had him rock hard. Finally he forced himself to look at the spot where he’d stood just moments ago, but frowned as he saw a bit of creamy white paste smeared across the floor.

“What’s that?” he asked quizzically.

“I turned your insides into cake frosting,” Corinne said, reaching down and scooping up his “remains” with the tip of her finger, “it’s a little less gross, and more fun to clean up!” She put it into her mouth, sucking on it eagerly. “Mmm… blood and guts!” she teased.

“Makes sense,” he nodded, thinking of the possibilities. If I can’t die up here, and she can shrink me… His mouth went dry as he imagined all of the scenarios he suddenly wanted to try.

“I think I’m up for another round,” Corinne teased, standing up to her full height again.

Dylan’s fantasies were interrupted as the angel prepared to stomp him out of existence again, a lustful grin on her face that almost made him want to stand in place as her sandal rose again. Still, he managed to run, this time leaping with wide strides that let him just barely clear the rumble of her leather sandal slamming into the carpet behind him.

“What a pesky bug,” Corinne teased, sliding her foot out of her sandal. “I guess I’ll have to give this one a more personal touch!” she wiggled her toes ominously as she stepped across the room, now barefoot.

Dylan panted as he sprinted with all of his might across the apartment floor. Corinne was behind him, having covered the same amount of ground in a single step as he had at a full run. He nearly fell over as her bare foot slammed down next to him, a deliberate miss that caused a wave of fresh vanilla scent to billow over him as he struggled to keep going.

“I’m going to take my time with this one,” she laughed, raising her foot again, tracking it over him as she slowly let it descend.

This time there was no escape, and the soft sole of her foot gently met his back, pressing him down into the carpeting. Without the solid leather sole of her sandals, the pressure of her silky sole was almost pleasant, like some massive weight of velvet rubbing over him as the angel’s rumbling giggle echoed from above.

“Poor little bug,” she taunted, slowly increasing the pressure, “I guess you just weren’t fast enough!”

Dylan felt the pressure increasing on him, and the smell of her vanilla scented skin became overwhelming as he gasped for breath, the air forced from his lungs. He felt the squeeze as she started to place more of her weight on him, then it ceased. He struggled briefly as she slowly rocked her weight back and forth over him, keeping him pinned against the carpet. The motion was starting to feel almost good, and he gulped as he realized just how aroused he was.

It's almost like she’s riding me again! He thought, flipping over and pressing defiantly against the wall of vanilla scented skin.

Corinne felt his struggle, and just smirked to herself, tossing her blond hair over her head as she kept up the slow rocking motion. It didn’t take long before her goal was accomplished, and Dylan’s tiny voice called out in a shout of pleasure as she felt the smallest of droplets spray against the bottom of her sole.

“And… bye bye!” she pressed down with all of her might, popping the tiny mortal like a grape at the height of his pleasure. It sent a shiver up her spine, and almost involuntarily her hand slipped into her robe, stroking her clit in a rough circular motion as she imagined Dylan’s last frenzied moments. Her toes gripped the gooey mess his body had left behind, and a moment later she was cumming too, nearly doubling over and grabbing the couch for support as a shocking orgasm spread along her body.

She took a few minutes to recover, panting with a grin as she looked down at her foot. She lifted it up, looking at the smeared white frosting embedded into the carpet. With a happy sigh she walked back over to the couch, her hips swaying seductively as she tried to think of what she wanted to do next.

As she flopped onto the couch, she waved her hand, rematerializing Dylan at full size. He blinked, looking at her now normal form with awe.

“What, am I less impressive at this size?” she laughed.

“Never,” Dylan whispered.

“You got some of your remains on my foot,” she said, lifting it up and letting him see the cake frosting smear across her sole. “Clean it.”

He leaned forward, extending his tongue and running it along the bottom of her foot, scooping up the sugary smear that had been him. Corinne watched him, a perverse smile on her face as she glanced back at the floor, admiring the two spots his previous “Deaths” had left. There was something oddly fascinating about making him clean his own “body” off her sole, she decided.

“Good boy,” she chuckled, putting her feet back on the floor. She sighed, leaning back with a smug air, “So, I think we know why the Angel-Match put us together now…”

“Yeah, I think so,” Dylan agreed with a grin.

She patted the couch next to her, and he climbed up on it, sitting next to her. She snapped her fingers, and the first book in the Elric Far Traveled series appeared in her hand. She reached around Dylan, forcing him closer to her as she studied the cover.

“I think I’ll read these,” she decided, “I need to see how this series managed to give the human I watch over such an active imagination…”

“Well uh,” Dylan cleared his throat, “there’s a part in the third book where Elric accidentally drinks a shrinking potion, the Princess finds him and shoves him in her-“

“Spoilers!” she laughed, “don’t worry, we’ll discuss it when I’m done!” She turned to look at him, grinning slightly, “We might act out some of the parts as we go…”

Myella huffed angrily as she fluttered down into Dylan’s new residence, where Corinne was supposed to be helping him settle into the afterlife. It had already been a difficult day, with multiple souls contesting their placement in heaven, and really, what sort of masochist didn’t want to go to Heaven? Then there had been an issue with a demonic incursion, with Hell’s finest making off with several gallons of Heaven’s finest Pina Colada mix from the poolside bar.

And of course Corinne’s readings are all over the place, she scowled, looking down at the statistics for the newest angelic guardian.

She’d decided to fly down and see how things were going, while she didn’t have much hope that Corinne had managed to go the entire day without bedding the newest arrival, she had noticed an odd spike of divine power, as if Corinne were warping reality with extreme frequency. That wasn’t a real issue in and of itself of course, many angels did their best to help mortals realize impossible dreams or fantasies, but so much on the first day was… odd.

What are you doing to that poor boy? She wondered as she settled down on the balcony.

Corinne stood in the middle of the living room, her eyes crawling over every exposed surface as she scanned for the tiny man.

“Come out come out wherever you are,” Corinne taunted, craning her neck to peer around the coffee table.

Dylan crept along the floor in the cover of darkness the underside of the couch provided. He chuckled to himself as she knelt down, searching under the chair. When she caught him she’d undoubtedly crush him again, but for now he was safe, he just had to keep slightly ahead of where she was searching. Up on the wall a timer was counting down, if he could make it twenty minutes without being found, he’d win their game.

“Corinne? What are you doing?” Myella called.

Corinne shot upright, her face red as she whirled around, the white feathers from her wings drifting to the floor around her.

“M-Myella!” she stammered, “This is so… unexpected!”

“I just thought I’d check in,” the Seraphim said, walking into the apartment. She frowned as her own sandal stepped into a small smudge of cake frosting. She glanced around the floor, seeing dozens of similar stains.

“We were baking!” Corinne said quickly, “Dylan’s always wanted to… make frosting using a blender!” she laughed nervously, “He forgot to put the lid on, it got everywhere!”

“Of course,” Myella mused, “just use a cleaning spell, it should come right out… Now where is Dylan?”

“He’s uh… reading,” Corinne replied, “real bookworm that one.”

“Yes, I do recall his file mentioning that,” Myella nodded, “is he in the bedroom? I’ll just-“

“He really didn’t want to be disturbed,” Corinne said quickly, “he’s at the best part of the book, he wants to finish it before doing anything else!”

Corinne’s heart skipped a beat as she saw a tiny Dylan sprinting across the open floor, shooting a cocky glance up at her and Myella.

Myella is never going to let me hear the end of it if she sees you tiny! She thought irritably, watching the tiny man stop and stick his tongue out at her.

Myella frowned, noticing Corinne’s expression, “Well, all things considered, how is Dylan? Is he recovering from the trauma of his untimely passing?”

“I think so,” Corinne said, walking with Myella towards the balcony again. “In fact he’s adjusting better than most people do I think.”

“That’s good,” Myella sighed, “it was so tragic, seeing someone like him cut down so young. I do hope he’s able to find something he enjoys up here.”

Corinne noticed that Dylan was directly in the path of the two angels as they walked, and he was just now starting to move. She smirked, ignoring him as she and Myella approached.

“I think he’s finding everything to his liking,” Corinne said, slowing her pace and letting Myella walk in front of her.

Dylan looked up in surprise as the elder angel’s sandaled feet thundered towards him. Is she really not going to tell that other one I’m here!? His eyes trailed up Myella’s massive form, she was much like Corinne, blond, blue eyed, but with a more mature visage, and a little more weight around her hips. The sandal lifted over Dylan again, and he raised his arms in a gesture that had become all too familiar.

Corinne smirked as she let her eyes dart down, catching sight of Dylan a split second before Myella’s sandal came down. The small *crunch* that rang out gave the Seraphim pause, and with a confused expression she lifted her foot, glancing down at the small frosting stain on the carpet and on the sole of her footwear.

“You must have stepped on a sprinkle or something,” Corinne said with a shrug, “I’ll get this place cleaned up.”

“See that you do,” Myella said, wiping what was left of Dylan off on the carpet, smearing it across the floor.

“Oh, one more thing,” Corinne said quickly, “Can I get a day pass down to Earth?”

“A day pass?” Myella asked, “What for?”

“Dylan wanted me to see if anyone went to his funeral, just so I could comfort them, you know?”

“How sad,” Myella sighed, “Granted, I’ll see you later Corinne.” With that she fluttered off the balcony and back into the vibrant blue skies over the Heavenly city.

Dylan appeared on the couch a moment later, full sized and a wry grin on his face, “What was that about? Are you really worried about your boss figuring out what we’re doing?”

“Enslaving you as my personal foot-boy and then crushing your buggy little body into the carpet over and over while I touch myself would be a difficult one to explain,” Corinne said with a smile, “I’m sure we could eventually convince her that was what you wanted, but it would awkward and take way too long.”

“Got it,” Dylan nodded, “And what’s this about a day pass? I don’t really care about my funeral, Corinne.”

“We’re not going to your funeral,” Corinne chuckled.

Dylan struggled against the bonds holding his arms out in a spread-eagle position. He was laying on his back against the wide expanse of Corinne’s leather sandal, a well worn surface which had the strong vanilla scent of her feet radiating off of it. He was tied securely in a way that would put his head directly between her big and index toes once she slid the footwear on, and as he tried to squirm out of the silvery chains on his wrists and legs the giant blonde’s face beamed down at him.

“Aww, can’t get out?” she said with a teasing pout.

“Nope, they’re pretty tight,” he said, panting as he gave up the struggle.

“Good,” she said, slowly putting the sandal on the ground. “The last thing I want is you falling out or being seen. I’m allowed to go down to Earth, but you aren’t supposed to leave once you’re here.”

Dylan watched as her immaculate foot slid into the sandal, sliding over his chained and naked body in a way that made him shiver as the soft skin of her sole slid against his own. He grunted as she pressed down, the bottom of her feet molding around him as her toes took their place on either side of his head.

“Comfy?” she asked, squeezing his head between her toes as she stood back up.

“Very!” he managed with a grin.

“Good, now just relax,” she said softly, lifting off the ground with a flap of her wings.

Dylan glanced out and watched as Corinne flew off his balcony, flying to the edge of the massive cloud the city was suspended on. His stomach lurched as she reached the edge, diving down towards Earth with such speed that the world blurred and wind rushed by his ears. It took her only a few minutes to reach the world of the living, and he fought to keep himself oriented as she spun upwards, landing on the ground with enough force to knock the air from his lungs as the giant angel peered around.

She’d landed in the hills overlooking a city by the sea, and the sound of waves reached them as Corinne looked around for any witnesses to her landing.

“Looks like the coast is clear,” she muttered. With a snap of her fingers her long white robe became a pair of jean shorts and a short white t-shirt, giving her a midriff. Her halo came down onto her hair, becoming a yellow headband that held her long blond hair in place. With a happy smile she started her walk down towards the town.

Every step she took squeezed Dylan’s entire body, bathing him in the now much more subtle aroma of vanilla, as if her mortal disguise had muted it somehow. His world lurched over and over again as her weight came down on him, then lifted, feeling like a bizarre theme park ride as the chains strapped to the thong and sides of her sandal held him firmly in place.

Every now and then she’d glance down, smirking at him and squeezing his head between her toes, then continuing on her walk. They passed other people, completely oblivious to the fact that the young woman they walked by had a tiny man held prisoner in her sandals, helplessly bound to the bottom of her sole.

Finally, she reached her destination, walking into a large bookstore chain. Dylan looked around wildly, trying to get a look at where she was heading, but he couldn’t help but smile as she reached the Fantasy section, making her way to a large display table titled “NEW RELEASE.”

“The Adventures of Elric Far Traveled, the Seventh and Final Volume,” she read, taking the hardcover book off the display as though it were some long lost treasure. She chuckled as she flipped through the pages briefly, “You really got me hooked on these!” she said, glancing down at her foot, scrunching it over her prisoner.

“D-Do we not have the last one back upstairs?” he gasped, fighting against the giant blonde’s weight as she shifted from side to side, reading the book’s cover.

“No, Heaven usually doesn’t get new books and movies and stuff for a year or so, localization issues I guess,” Corinne said with a shrug.

Dylan licked his lips, “Can we go back and read it?”

“Of course,” Corinne laughed, tucking the book under her arm and heading for the register, “I can’t wait to see if Princess Lyria ends up with Elric… I hope she ties that man down and teaches him the meaning of defeat!”

Dylan scowled, “Please, Lyria loves Elric, she just won’t admit it! She’ll confess her feelings and then they’ll kiss!”

Corinne raised an eyebrow, “I suppose we’ll have to wait and see, but perhaps that’s another one of those scenes we’ll act out later… Now be quiet while I pay for this, I don’t want these humans to see me talking to my feet, it’s weird.”

Dylan lay nestled in Corinne’s soft cleavage, the mountainous warm orbs squeezing him on either side as he looked at the giant pages in front of him. Corinne’s house sized face glanced down at him for approval, and he nodded, letting her turn the page as he finished reading. The pair read through the final page of the book together, and a few minutes later Corinne slowly closed the book with a sigh.

“That was… something,” Corinne said dreamily.

“Elric married her after all,” Dylan said excitedly.

“Yes, but he agreed to be Lyria’s servant forever in their wedding vows,” Corinne said.

“That’s just how their relationship is,” Dylan protested, “It’s a joke between them! if he wanted to really be some wicked woman’s slave, he’d have ended up with Lady Greywater!”

Corinne huffed, rolling her eyes, “Don’t even bring her up, I’m still basking in that ending!”

Dylan chuckled a moment, “You know… for my whole life I really wanted someone to discuss those books with, I never thought I’d have to wait until after I died though.”

“I suppose that’s one more fantasy to cross off the list,” Corinne said with a smile. She reached down, plucking him out of her cleavage and clenching her fist around him as the giant blue orbs of her eyes regarded him. “Now, onto us… I think I might keep you tiny for a few months, what do you say?”

“I can’t wait!” Dylan beamed.

With a laugh, Corinne kissed Dylan, her massive pillowy lips smothering him and muffling his voice.

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