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Chapter 4

"This place gives me the creeps." Paige commented as they explored the house. They entered the kitchen. Stacey saw a bowl of what she assumed was cereal. Then she took a closer look and screamed.

"What's wrong?" Brian asked.

'There are bugs in that bowl." Stacey replied.

Brain then took a look and said.

"Those aren't bugs but very tiny people the size of Cheerio’s."

"Opps! Man I feel stupid." Stacey said.

"Come on let's get these people back to normal size." Paige commented.


After some debate what they did was scoop up the people with a spoon and then placed them on the floor. Then they used the size change gun to restore them to normal size. There were 11 people, six women and five men in all.

"Are you people all right?" Stacey asked them.

"We're glad to get rescued. But did you have to scream like that?" One man complained.

"Sorry!" Stacey replied.

"Wish you could have rescued my husband. That bitch ate him."  A blond woman said.

"You may be glad to know that KissBu is now dead." Stacey told her.

"Did you rescue the people in the cages?" A black woman asked them.

"What cages?" Stacey and Paige asked.


They were then led to a room that contained two cages. One cage was full of men the other full of women. The people insides of them were around three inch tall and ranged in age from teenagers to around 50 years old. They were also of every race that lived in San Francisco.

"Wow! Those Sizechangers aren't picky about who they kidnap." Brian commented.

"Reminds of a witch I know." Stacey muttered.

Paige then gave Stacey an odd look. But didn't probe any further.


"Brian I have just detected another wormhole opening. It's from your home world." The Wishbone Encyclopaedia said.

"Who could that be?" Brain asked.

"It's your sister." The Encyclopaedia replied.

"Beverly? What's she doing here?" Brain asked.

"I don't know why don't you ask her?" The AI suggested.

"Excuse me folks but I'm off to meet with my sister."

"Speaking of sisters wonder how Phoebe's doing?" Stacey asked.

"We'll check on her after we free these people." Paige replied.


"How did I get into this mess?" Phoebe wondered. She had been shrunk to two inches tall and placed in a cage. A cage that had some sort of field that blocked all escape attempts both physical and magical. The spells she attempted failed. Even worse her cage was in the middle of the newsroom, where her coworkers could gawk at her.

"Of all the times I've been shrunk I've never had innocents see me this way." She thought to herself. She looked up at the woman who had shrunk her. The woman who called herself Mistar. A tall redhead with eyes that looked Asian. (In realty it was a Japanese/American named Dai Pearson she was looking at. But Phoebe didn't know that.)

"I'm off on a giantess rampage. Keep the place running while I'm gone." Dai told the staff.

"But Ms. Law were a newspaper. A giantess rampage would kill many of our customers." A male reporter pointed out.

Dai frowned. Then the reporter found himself shrinking rapidly. Soon he was no bigger than an ant. Dai then crushed him to death with her high heels.

"Anybody else have anything to say?" She asked the newsroom.

The newsroom stayed silent. So Dai left.


Elsewhere in the city a blond woman of medium height was walking down the streets of San Francisco.  There was nothing in her appearance to suggest that she worked for the military or she could change size at will.

"Where is that brother of mine?" She wondered.


At the house on Hill Top Lane things were wrapping up.

"Remember folks don't talk about what happened here." Stacey told the crowd of restored people.

"And if we go to the media?" A blond woman asked.

"You get re-shrunk." Stacey replied. She pointed the size change gun at the woman.

"Just asking that all." The blond woman said before running out the door.


Dai walked outside of the Bay Mirror building. Then she began to grow. She was a tall six feet tall to begin with (Mistar's normal height), but soon she was bigger than anyone on the street. And her business suit and high heels grew with her.

"Too bad I can't grow like this in real life." Dai thought to herself as her head rose higher and higher in the sky. She decided to stop growing at the 300-foot mark. Big enough to cause damage but small enough to see her victims


A half dozen blocks away the blond woman watched the redhead grow with dismay.

"Why is Mistar Law here?" Beverly wondered. Then she wondered what her next move would be. Grow into a giantess to fight her or shrink and hide. After watching the 300-foot giantess walk around. Beverly decided to grow.


Dai looked around the now tiny city. Then she saw a blond woman growing in the distance. She recognized her as one of Mistar's enemies.

"You want a fight Beverly? You're going to get one." Dai shouted before growing even bigger.


Across town Stacey was trying to reach Phoebe's cell phone but wasn't having any luck.

"Something wrong. We have get to get to Phoebe now."

"All right. Hang on." Paige then orbed herself and Stacey to the Bay Mirror.


The staff was in a state of panic and despair.

"Has anyone seen Phoebe?" Stacey asked. The staff members than parted and Stacey then saw a cage on the table.

"Oh no! Phoebe." Stacey cried.

"Magic has been exposed. This is just great." Paige muttered under her breath.

The tiny Phoebe spotted her sisters and tried to say something. But no sound could be heard.

"Who did this to you?" Stacey asked.

"It was a sizechanger named Mistar." Elise replied.

"Where is she?" Stacey asked.

"Last time I looked out the window she was fighting a Sizehu." Elise replied.

" A what?" Paige replied. But Stacey had already run to the window. Her eyes widen when she saw the two mega giantesses. They were each a thousand feet tall and fighting it out. One was a blond woman wearing a pink T-shirt and jeans. The other was a redhead with Asian eyes. Then Stacey realized that she had seen those eyes before.

"Dai Pearson." Stacey muttered.

"Who?" Paige asked.

"That redhead claiming to be Mistar is really a super witch named Dai." Stacey explained.

Paige looked at Stacey as if she was crazy.


A staff member then approached the sisters.

"Excuse me, but there a man in the lobby who wants to speak with the Halliwell sisters. Says his name is Brian Beckman."

"Tell him I'll be right down." Stacey replied.

"Correction. We'll be right down." Paige said. She then went to take the cage containing Phoebe. Nobody made a move to stop her.


Brian was waiting for them in the lobby. He was surprised to see Phoebe shrunk and in a cage.

"Things have gotten complicated. Have you seen my sister fighting Mistar?" Brian asked.

"Is she the blond giantess?" Stacey asked.

Brain nodded.

"So let's get Phoebe back to normal. Then kick some giantess butt." Stacey said.


Stacey and Paige then tried casting a restore spell. But it bounced off the force field surrounding the cage. Stacey's thought about blowing up the force field but was afraid of hurting Phoebe.

"So what do we do now?" Paige asked.

"I'm going to bring this simulation to a halt one way or another. I'm going off the confront Dai." Stacey then ran out the door before Paige or Brian could react.


Much of the city of San Francisco was in ruins. Block after block was rubble. Somehow the building housing the Bay mirror was sparred.


Stacey looked at the two fighting giantesses. At 1000 feet tall each, they were hard to miss. Her first thought was to get a mega phone and shout to Dai. But then she had a better idea. Stacey then pointed the gun at herself and fired.


The fight was going nowhere until something distracted Beverly. She turned to look behind her. Dai then sucker punched Beverly. While Beverly was out cold Dai shrank her. Smaller and smaller Beverly became until she was the size of a doll. Then Dai stepped on her.


"The gig is up Dai." Stacey told Dai.

Dai was surprised that Stacey was the same size that she was.

"So Piper you decided to become a giantess. You’re still no match for the mighty Mistar."

"Stop playing games Dai. I tell by your eyes that it's you. And do you really consider a sizechanger to be mighty?" Stacey asked.

"If sizechangers didn't live a mere century, I would seriously consider swapping bodies with Mistar." Dai replied. Dai replied.

"I'm sure she would be trilled with the idea."

"Enough stalling. You still need to fight me." The size change gun then began to rapidly shrink. Soon it was too small for Stacey to hold.

"And it won't be an easy fight."


Suddenly the city disappeared. Stacey and Ernie found themselves back to their Tinyville sizes. (That is 1/100th normal height) A normal Dai was standing before them. She looked as started as they were.

"Who dares shut off my simulation?" Dai asked.

"I do." A female voice replied. An Asian woman then appeared. She looked like an older version of Dai.

"Mother!" Dai pleaded.

"Don't mother me. You have way too much work to do this weekend to waste time in simulations. Besides we received a complaint from the Masterchemi. They were not too keen on you have a simulation featuring famous sizechangers."

"I fear no Masterchemi or any of their subject species."

"They are more powerful than you think and a war with them would be bad for business." Dai's mom then turned her attention to the tiny couple.

"Go home you two." She then waved her hand. Stacey and Ernie then vanished.


Stacey was surprised to find herself back in Tinyville.

"I thought we were going home." Stacey complained.

"You are home." Jennifer Dolan told her.

Stacey looked up at the inch tall mini goddess.

"I was so sure that she would send us back to where we were before we were shrunk. I mean our size restored and everything."

"Why would she do that? It's not as if her mom disproves of Tinyville or Tabletop." Jennifer pointed out.

"You mean that's I'm going to be stuck in Tinyville for the rest of my life."

"That is your probable destiny." Jennifer admitted.

"Come on Stacey. It's not so bad." Ernie said trying to comfort her.

"If you ask me. Destiny sucks." Stacey replied.


The end for now



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