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Sota grunted as he tried to carry the box into the dorm. His knees were shaking, and could feel every fiber of his biceps straining and burning as he struggled to bring the massive delivery over the threshold and into the building.

Come on, he winced, gritting his teeth as he summoned the last of his strength. “COME ON!”

His muscles gave out, and he dropped the massive cardboard box to the floor with a grunt, fighting the urge to swear at the loud *thump* that echoed through the dorm.

“What is in this thing!?” he scowled angrily, kicking the side of the box. It was surprisingly hard, and he winced with pain as he stubbed his toe.

He felt the tremor from the footsteps of one of the girls walking along the hallway, and a moment later he could tell one of them had stopped just behind him.

“Oh, sweet, it’s finally here!” Nazuna said eagerly, reaching over Sota to pick the box up. She lifted it easily, pulling it over his head and up to her shoulder, “Thanks for bringing this inside Sota, but next time just come get me, okay?”

“S-Sure,” he stammered, looking up at her.

Nazuna was one of the most muscular women he’d ever seen, with abs visible beneath the tie knot of her overshirt, and biceps that were thicker than his legs. She’d been intimidating enough at her old size, but as a fourteen foot tall amazon it was like being in the presence of a warrior goddess. The knowledge that he’d struggled to move the box that she now causally hefted over her shoulder just brought the message home.

“Hey, you want to see what it is?” she asked excitedly.

“Oh, I don’t know,” Sota began, “I’ve got a lot of- UMPH!”

He was cut off as Nazuna roughly lifted him up over her other shoulder, never letting her grip on her package shake for even a moment. With his legs swaying helplessly behind him he sighed, letting himself be carried to the twin’s room.

Nazuna and Suzuna shared a dorm room, with a bed on each wall complete with decorated posters and shelves dedicated to their interests. Nazuna’s wall was covered with posters of various strength athletes, numerous pre-workout powders, pre-packaged protein shakes, and a few dumbbells.

Suzuna’s wall by contrast held posters for various Bruce Lee movies, a poster advertising a karate tournament in the United States, and several belts of different colors hanging from hooks. At the end of her bed a pair of nunchucks were strewn over her pillow, as though she’d been practicing with them and had just discarded them absentmindedly.

“She’s getting really into something called Krav Maga right now,” Nazuna said with a scowl, “Suzuna will use any type of trick to try to get over the fact that I’m stronger than she is!”

“Right,” Sota said skeptically as she set him down on the bed. From what he’d seen, despite Nazuna’s size and strength advantage Suzuna was by far the better fighter of the two, bordering on inhuman in the way she casually used martial arts to manhandle her hulking sister.

“She just takes me by surprise,” Nazuna insisted, “if we both fought each other on level ground, with no distractions, and no funny business-“

“Why don’t I just go get her?” Sota asked with a smirk, “I think I saw her headed towards the library.”

Nazuna paled, “N-No, that’s okay, I wouldn’t want to disturb her studying, you know?”

“So what did you order?” Sota asked, looking down at the box, “a rock collection?”

“Better!” Nazuna said, tearing the packaging open, “A medicine ball!”

Sota’s eyes went wide as she hefted out the largest medicine ball he’d ever seen, closer in size to a bean bag chair than the normal piece of workout equipment. Nazuna hefted it easily, shifting it from side to side as she judged the weight.

“Oh yeah,” she murmured, “This is going to take my core workouts to the next level!”

“Don’t you have enough workout equipment already?” Sota asked, glancing at the dumbbells at the edge of the bed. “We do have a fully equipped gym just across campus too, you know?”

“The stuff in the campus gym is too light for me,” Nazuna said dismissively, “and besides, if I only have ten minutes or something I don’t have time to go all the way over there, keeping my stuff here lets me get in workouts during study breaks or whatever.”

“I wouldn’t know,” Sota said with a weak smile, “I really only focus on cardio.”

“Hmm… yeah,” Nazuna said, leaning down to feel his arms, “you could definitely bulk up a little.”

“Hey!” he exclaimed, blushing slightly, “I’m thin, but I’m wiry, I’ve got plenty of muscle on me!”

“You know, if you ate more protein, you might get taller,” Nazuna said with a smile.

“Hey!” Sota growled angrily, launching himself at her instinctively, but she just put a hand on his head, easily keeping him away while she chuckled to herself.

“Easy coach, I was just teasing!” She thought a minute, “Hey, I was wondering, are you doing anything this weekend?”

“Just the usual chores,” Sota said, calming down, “why?”

“I’ve got a strongwoman contest down by the beach,” she explained. “You’re allowed to bring an assistant. Usually Suzuna helps me out with these, but she’s off in the woods trying to reach a place of zen or something. I didn’t really get it, but she can’t come.” She shrugged, “I figured that since you’re used to coaching and helping with athletic stuff, maybe you’d be a good choice? Don’t worry, I’ll carry all the heavy stuff.”

“I guess I could spare an afternoon,” Sota replied. “What do you want me to do exactly?”

“Just mix my protein shake, prepare my pre-workout, oil up my abs, that kind of thing,” Nazuna said casually. “You know, the usual stuff.”

“The usual stuff,” Sota muttered, “Right… Well, sure, you can count on me!”

“Great!” Nazuna beamed with a toothy grin.

Sota groaned as he heard the door to his room open. He rolled over, glanced at the clock and then sighed as he saw it was just a few minutes past 6:00 AM.

“Ayano, it’s a little early for morning sex,” he drawled, pulling his covers up, “so whatever you had in mind-“

“Sorry, it’s not her,” Nazuna said, scooping her hands under him. He shouted in surprise as she lifted him up, pulling him out from under his covers by the scruff of his pajamas with one hand. “I’m not looking for sex yet, that’ll throw my hormones off during critical moments.” She growled lustfully as she spied his morning wood, and Sota shivered as he felt her hot breath on his lower body as she brought him closer, “It’s way better to be tempted, you know?”

“Uh, sure,” Sota said.

“I just need one look,” Nazuna muttered, her hand coming up to the hem of his pajamas. She slowly slid them down, letting them fall to the floor as she took in his throbbing erection. He could see the lust in her eyes as she licked her lips, and a moment later he gasped as she slid his length into her mouth.

“N-Nazuna!” he stammered, his legs twitching in mid-air as she held him up in front of her for a better angle. She was sucking him hard, rough, and her tongue expertly danced over his manhood in a way that quickly caused him to spasm and shake, his eyes nearly rolling back in his head.

Nazuna’s lips slid off him with a pop, and she swallowed loudly a moment later, “Ah,” she said with a smile, “a little extra protein and zinc right before a competition, and it gets a girl worked up…

“Happy to help,” Sota said in a daze. Dimly he was aware of his feet slowly meeting the ground as she lowered him, and he grabbed for his pants and underwear, pulling them back on as Nazuna reached into his closet, tossing him a red tracksuit.

“Can you make me some ham and eggs for breakfast?” she asked eagerly. “With maybe like one piece of toast.”

“Sure,” he said, shaking his head to get his bearings, “Is this normal for a competition day?”

“Oh yeah,” Nazuna said with a shrug, “you need every little advantage you can get, I usually don’t have a guy around to do that ah, other stuff.” She grinned, “Also Suzuna usually makes my breakfast, and she’s not very good at it.”

Sota chuckled, “Okay fine, let’s get to the kitchen so I can make you something before the other girls get up.”

Nazuna was sweating slightly as Sota did his best to keep up with the towering girl. The two had spent the day doing a mix of light cardio and warm up exercises, along with a series of bizarre rituals Nazuna insisted were vital to her success in the upcoming contest. So far they’d dropped coins at a popular local shrine, tossed seashells into the sea, and now Nazuna said she needed to pick something up from a shop along the beach. She’d decided to jog there, although a leisurely pace for a fourteen foot tall girl was a much faster one for a five foot man.

“I-I need a breather,” Sota called, collapsing with his hands on his knees.

“That’s okay,” Nazuna said with a grin, “we’re here anyways!” She pointed to a vegetable stand, manned by a single bored-looking old man.

The pair of them walked up, and the storekeep didn’t even look up at them, preferring to turn the page on the novel he was reading instead. Nazuna picked up one of the man’s onions, hefting it in her hands, studying it, squinting her eyes as if looking for any small imperfection.

“I’ll take it,” she said, handing a yen note to the man. He barely even looked up, simply taking it from her and tucking it into his pocket.

“What’s so special about the onion?” Sota asked curiously.

“Onions boost a person’s natural vitality,” Nazuna explained, peeling the papery exterior away, “did you know that all of the greatest and strongest people in history ate raw onions every day? Catherine the Great, Caesar Augustus, Tokugawa Ieyasu, all of them started their day with a whole raw onion!”

“Hold on,” Sota said, his eyes going wide as Nazuna tossed the outer layers away. “Who told you that!?”

“The onion salesman,” Nazuna said. “His onions have more onionite than any other onions grown in Japan! That’s why they cost more.”

“Onionite?” Sota asked, struggling to keep from laughing.

“It’s the mineral in onions that makes them so powerful,” Nazuna said, cocking her head at him curiously. “You’re a sports coach, shouldn’t you know more about nutrition?”

“I must have missed the lesson on onionite,” Sota said with a smirk. “You’re not really going to eat that whole onion raw-“

He was cut off by a wet crunching sound as Nazuna bit into the onion roughly. The thick pungent smell filled the air as a bit of the clear juice dribbled down her chin. She visibly struggled to chew it, then a moment later swallowed it down with a forced smile.

“Mmm…” she said, rubbing her stomach, “only people with real strength can just wolf these babies down.” She took another bite, her eyes watering as the fumes filled the air.

“Are you sure about this?” Sota asked, “If you don’t like onions, that could be a little strong.”

“I love onions,” she insisted, forcing another painful swallow. “This is what winners do, they eat onions, and I’m a winner, so there!”

“Rigghhht,” Sota said, glancing at the man running the produce stall. He glanced their way, then waved politely. That old man probably laughs his ass off every time she runs by.

“Okay,” Nazuna said with a sigh, wiping the last of the onion-induced tears away, “I think I’m ready to go to the competition.”

“Are you sure we don’t need to find a four-leaf clover or something first?” Sota asked.

“I wish we had time,” Nazuna said with a sigh, missing the sarcasm. “Let’s head back to the dorm and pick up my stuff, then we’ll head out!”

Sota followed Nazuna down to the beach near the dorm as she carried a duffle bag the size of a small sofa, cheerfully whistling the theme from the Rocky movies under her breath. By this point Sota wasn’t at all surprised to see that of the dozen or so other competitors, all were double-sized women, towering over the event staff like amazons as they flexed their muscles and stretched, warming up for the oncoming competition. Nazuna eagerly approached the check-in table and was gestured towards the backstage area, where a large square of tape on the floor indicated their competition warmup space.

“Okay, this is our spot,” Nazuna said, letting her bag fall with a clattering sound. Sota watched as she unloaded her equipment, including a massive barrel-sized container of whey protein, and an oil bottle.

“Okay, so what do I do first?” Sota asked curiously.

“Take this, and go get me some water from the pump,” Nazuna said, handing him a bottle the size of a two liter jug. “I need liquid to mix my protein shake! While you’re gone, I’ll warm up with these resistance bands, that way I’ll have a pump going when I go onstage!”

“Sure,” Sota nodded, taking the bottle and heading towards the side of the stage.

“Hey, pal,” a man said, tapping his shoulder. “Can you bring this to number eight?”

“Huh?” Sota turned around, seeing another man in a red track suit. Looking around he realized that all of the event staff were wearing a similar outfit to what Nazuna had picked out for him that morning. “Oh, I’m not-”

“You’ve got to hurry up,” the man said, shoving the bottle of suntan lotion into his hands, “she’s a real firecracker, and you don’t want to make that kind of girl mad!”

Before he could respond the man shoved him roughly towards a section of the backstage with a large number eight written on the floor. In the center of the segmented-off area, an enormous fifteen-foot amazon of a blond was lifting a dumbbell, grunting angrily with each repetition.

“Are you my assistant?” she asked with a scowl, her Japanese carrying the lilt of a Swedish accent.

“Uh, not exactly-“ Sota began, but the girl just snapped her fingers, cutting him off.

“I need that suntan lotion now!” she growled angrily, setting the dumbbell down and standing up in front of him. Sota gulped, figuring it would be best to just give her what she wanted. He quickly squirted some of the lotion into his hand, rubbing it along the towering girl’s thigh just below her short shorts.

Her leg feels like solid rock, he thought, awestruck.

He kept working his way up, rubbing the thick oily lotion over her smooth skin, feeling each muscle group tense as he coated her in it. She groaned happily, slowly laying down on her stomach and allowing him to get her shoulders and back. As he worked her shoulders he could hear a relaxed sigh. Finally, when the enormous foreigner was completely coated in suntan lotion, she sat up, looking at him with a mischievous smile.

“Ah, that feels good,” the Swedish weightlifter said, grinning down at him, “I can tell you’ve some experience with this, yes?”

More than you could possibly imagine, he thought with a chuckle.

“I was wondering,” she continued, “if you would be interested in touring with me internationally? Olga Thorsdottir, the famed strongwoman?”

Sota stopped, “N-No thanks,” he stammered, looking up at the grinning amazon, “I’m actually very happy staying here in Japan, thanks!”

“What is your name?” she asked, crossing her arms.

“Sota Tachibana,” he replied reflexively. A moment later he mentally kicked himself, Should have just given her a fake name, or just my first name at least.

“I’ll be sure to ask the contest officials about you,” she said with a wink. “I’m sure many other girls are waiting for you, go tend to them.”

Why does this kind of thing happen to me everywhere I go? Sota thought wryly, sighing and hurrying off to fill Nazuna’s shaker bottle.

“There you are,” Nazuna said as he returned with her water. “What took you so long?”

“I got a little distracted,” Sota said offhandedly, “sorry.”

Nazuna raised an eyebrow, but didn’t say anything, opting instead to start mixing her protein shake. A few minutes later she downed the mixture eagerly, gulping it down and sighing happily as the contest speakers crackled to life.

“Welcome to the Hokuei Ironwoman Competition! Our first event, the stage walk, is about to begin!”

Nazuna grinned, standing up and flexing, “What do you think?”

“Knock ‘em dead!” Sota said with a grin, pumping his fist in the air.

The first event was fairly simple, just the contestants walking across the stage as the crowd looked on, cheering. The judges wrote down scores, whispering amongst themselves. Sota saw the woman he’d helped earlier, Olga, strutting out behind Nazuna, and whether by accident or intention, the blond shoved her slightly as they rounded the corner back to the stage. Nazuna’s face flashed with anger for a moment, but the phony smile returned as she waved to the crowd again, following the rest of the contestants.

“Did you see that?” Nazuna asked as soon as she got back to her station. “Olga pushed me!”

“You know her?” Sota asked curiously.

“She out-lifted me at this thing last year,” Nazuna scowled. “She’s supposedly some kind of professional. I don’t know why she’s even at a local competition like this, I guess she likes being a big fish in a small pond.”

“Please, you’re way bigger than her,” Sota said with a laugh.

“Nah, she’s definitely taller,” Nazuna muttered, looking down at herself, “but I think I’ve bulked up a little since then, I guess we’ll see…”

“Ah, Nazuna,” Olga’s Swedish accent lilted as she walked over to them, “I must apologize for bumping into you, you’re so thin I almost didn’t see you.” She glanced down at Sota, raising an eyebrow, “Ah, Sota, come help me ready my things-“

“He’s here with me!” Nazuna said angrily.

Olga frowned, “Really?” She chuckled, “I’ll have to fix that once I’ve won this.”

“Fix it?” Sota asked nervously.

“You’ll come back with me to Sweden of course,” Olga said with a shrug, “There you will serve as the personal assistant to the entire Swedish bikini team and manage our housing, I’m sure this will be a very large adjustment for you, but you’d be a fool not to accept!”

“I’m doing something similar here already, thanks though,” Sota said with an embarrassed grin.

Olga frowned. “My Japanese must be poor, I do not get the joke. I will return for Sota when the competition is over!”

“I’m going to kick her ass just for that,” Nazuna grunted angrily.

The next event was a simple squat competition, and Sota watched, his mouth dry, as Nazuna loaded plate after plate onto the massive bar. Even in the old timeline, when she’d been a mere six feet tall, she’d been able to lift amounts that were almost frightening, at her new size she was almost like something out of a superhero movie, her thighs bulging as she hefted what must have been at least one thousand pounds over her head for the clapping crowd. The entire stage shook as she let the bar fall, smirking as she walked back to Sota in the backstage area.

Olga’s weight was slightly less than Nazuna’s, but Sota cursed under his breath as he watched the judges award her extra points for form.

“I’ll get her on the deadlift,” Nazuna muttered, sitting down on the floor to begin a series of stretches.

The competition continued, with Nazuna and Olga quickly establishing themselves as the favorites to win, their respective scores climbing past the rest of the competition by a far cry. By the time the final contest was being set up on the stage, Nazuna was just half a point behind Olga, who completed her bench press with a smirk, using all of the available plates.

“Damnit,” Nazuna growled, “I can’t beat her on strength if she’s already using all the plates… And I don’t think I can beat her on form.”

“What other option do you have?” Sota asked. “You’ll just have to really focus, it’s no different than volleyball!”

“Maybe,” Nazuna said, stroking her chin before eyeing him rather intently. “Hey, Sota, how much do you weigh?”

“Uh, about one fifty,” he lied.

Nazuna snorted, “Come on, there’s no way you weigh that!”

“One twenty five,” he growled under his breath, “and you better take that to your grave!”

“Just follow me,” Nazuna said with a smirk.

There were murmurs and whispers in the crowd as Sota nervously followed Nazuna out to the weight bench, sized up to fit the towering amazon-sized woman like everything else in the competition. He stood by awkwardly as she loaded up the plates onto the bar, and while the judges were looking at him curiously, nobody called for a staffer to remove him.

“Okay,” Nazuna sighed, walking over behind him.

“What do I-“ he started as he felt her hands around his waist, lifting him up in the air. His eyes went wide as she slowly set him down on the bar, letting him sit across its length with his legs dangling down. He gripped it tight, managing to stay balanced on it while the crowd laughed and cheered excitedly.

“I-Is this allowed in the rules!?” Sota asked, gritting his teeth as he forced himself to stay upright.

“Too late to look it up now,” Nazuna said with a grin, sliding onto the bench below him. “Just keep yourself on there, I’ve just got to do one rep!”

Sota tensed as the bar he was sitting on lifted up suddenly, and he looked down to see Nazuna’s face, frozen in concentration as she began to lower the bar towards her chest. Soon he was down low enough that his feet brushed the bench on either side of her head, and she had just enough time to shoot him a smile before her muscles bulged, the veins nearly popping as she slowly forced it back up again. Sota’s core burned with exertion as he struggled to stay upright, and when Nazuna finally rested the loaded bar back on the safety catch of the bench, he let himself relax, sliding down into her waiting arms.

The crowd cheered, and Nazuna sat up, cradling Sota close to her and waving with a smile.

“I’m sorry you got disqualified,” Sota said, trudging along behind Nazuna as they walked back to the dorm.

“I’m not,” Nazuna laughed, “the look on Olga’s face when she saw me outdo her lift was worth it, it’s better than any trophy.” She smirked, “thanks for coming onstage with me.”

“Always happy to help a girl with her workout,” Sota replied, doing a mock bow.

Surprisingly, after the competition, Olga didn’t insist on Sota coming back to Sweden with her. All it took was one particularly mean look from Nazuna and the words “Back off, he’s mine ,” to make Olga back down and that was that. It also helped when Nazuna pointed out that she did lift more weight than Olga during the final contest, even if Olga won the competition by default due to a technical infringement of the rules.

“I’ve got one more workout I’d like to get in today,” Nazuna said with a wicked grin.

Sota paled, “Uh, wow, it’s already been a pretty long day-“

“Don’t worry, I’ll do all the work,” she laughed. “You just be a good pillow princess for me.”

Sota gulped, looking at the muscular girl before him, wondering just how strong those thighs were now.

Nazuna hefted Sota into the dorm in a bridal carry, the sweat plastering her bangs to her forehead making her look like a conquering hero returning from battle. She strutted into the dorm, ignoring the surprised faces of the other girls.

“Hey, where have you guys been all day?” Kaoru asked, looking up from a manga she was reading.

“Weight competition,” Nazuna said, “I need Sota to help me…massage out some muscle knots.”

She ignored the questions and teasing taunts of the other girls, walking to the bedroom she shared with her sister. Suzuna was still gone, and with a grin Nazuna slammed the door behind her, easily pushing her sister’s bed in front of the door with a single hand, blocking any entry. Clearly she didn’t want to be disturbed for the next several minutes.

Sota cried out in surprise as Nazuna roughly tossed him to the bed, causing him to bounce slightly as she pulled her tank top over her head. Despite her chiseled physique, Nazuna still had an impressive pair of breasts - D-cup at bare minimum if not a DD-cup - just as firm as the rest of her. Her shorts came down next, revealing her toned thighs, still coated with a slight sheen of sweat from the day’s activities. Sota hurried to undress himself too, tossing his clothing to the floor for fear that if he wasn’t ready in time, Nazuna would simply tear them off.

“Ready?” She grinned, crawling onto the enormous twin bed, looming over him like a mountain, ready to collapse into an avalanche.

This girl nearly put me in a damn coma when she was ‘only’ six feet tall, he thought nervously. “Be gentle?”

“Don’t be a pansy,” Nazuna replied, gripping his body as she bore down on him roughly.

Sota gasped as she took him to the hilt, her hips slamming into his with the force of a cannonball as she cried out in excitement. The towering wall of muscle was unrelenting, her hands easily holding him in place as her hips collided with him again and again, each time causing him to spasm in excitement. He tried to lift his arms up, to hold her as best he could at his size, but she easily pinned him down, not struggling even slightly as her hand lifted his arms over his head.

“That’s it,” she grunted, her face a mask of pleasure as sweat dripped down it, “Take it Sota!”

He couldn’t respond, struggling to stay lucid while she battered him with each thrusting motion. It was a storm of sensations, the electric pleasure racing up his spine, the rich earthy smell of her sweat settling over him like a fog, the soft surface of her skin stretched over her rock-hard abs as she ground her body against his in one long fluid motion.

“There we go,” she grunted, “Oh fuck me, Sota! It’s so hard to find a guy like you that can keep up!”

Her hand snaked up under him, exploring his body as her thrusts slowed, thankfully allowing him a chance to breathe as she readied herself for the final push. Nazuna looked down, her eyes gleaming excitedly as they made contact with his own, and for the briefest moment Sota expected his life to flash before his eyes.

The bed creaked and groaned, nearly collapsing into wooden splinters as the assault renewed, Sota gasped, sweat rolling down his face as he writhed beneath her. All of the girls (minus Kaoru…and Suzuna, from what Sota could recall of his past life) had  in one way or another overwhelmed him at their new sizes, but Nazuna was a force of nature, gripping him hard enough that he half-wondered if he’d have bruises the next day, and he felt himself loving her unyielding attack, driving both of them ever closer to the edge.

“Who’s the strongest on the volleyball team?” she gasped.

“You are!” he wheezed.

“Say my name, say Nazuna is the strongest!”

“N-Nazuna is…” he breathed in sharply, feeling his pleasure boil over, “Nazuna, y-you’re the strongest!”

“Fuck yes!” she hissed, her thighs clamping down hard on him as she came, shaking the bed with the final spasm of pleasure as she hugged his smaller form tightly into her, pressing his face into those glorious tits. Sota felt his joints crack, and he winced from the pressure, but she didn’t squeeze hard enough to really hurt, so he let her enjoy the moment.

“Whew,” she huffed finally, “that was a good start,” she grinned, “a nice way to unwind after a big day, huh?”

“Yeah,” he said dreamily, feeling himself fall limply to the bed as she released him.

“So, you think you’ve got another two or three rounds?” she asked casually, sitting up and grabbing a plastic water bottle off her nightstand.

Sota looked at her uncomfortably. Maybe I could tell her I have a heart condition? he thought. If we go another few rounds I might actually end up getting one anyways… He looked down, his manhood was still throbbing excitedly, but was beginning to wane following their lovemaking, and now the soreness and fatigue of the session were beginning to seep in.

“M-Maybe I could get one of those energy drinks from the gas station, or something?” he asked hopefully.

Nazuna sighed softly, “It’s fine, most guys are kinda one and done with me anyways… Suzuna says I ride you too hard, is that true?”

“No!” Sota insisted frantically, “I mean, the spirit is willing, but uh… I just need a little more rest!”

They were both startled by a knock at the door. “Sota!” Kaoru called, “you’ve got a delivery!”

Sota rolled his eyes, Kaoru always tries to break it up whenever I go into one of the girl’s rooms… He rolled out of bed, grabbing his track pants and pulling them on.

“Let me just get rid of her real quick,” he told Nazuna. He stopped, looking at the massive bed that was blocking the door shut. With a chuckle Nazuna rolled off the mattress, drawing the blanket around herself like a robe as she pulled the massive bed out of the way.

Sota reached up to pull the door open, “What is it?” he asked, looking up at his towering sister.

Kaoru went red as she saw the state of the room’s occupants, “I-I thought you were just massaging muscle knots!” she said in an accusing voice.

“Yeah, they were really deep,” Nazuna said with a smirk.

“Just give me the package,” Sota insisted, reaching for it.

“It’s not some kind of weird sex thing, is it?” Kaoru asked skeptically. “Like you’re not going to open this thing and show off a bunch of new hentai doujins or something?”

“I didn’t even order it!” Sota insisted, “It’s probably a mistake!” He finally managed to grab the box from her, tearing open the top label excitedly. Kaoru and Nazuna leaned over him, eager to see what was inside.

“Oh,” Sota muttered, looking down at the busty woman on the box, “The Love Goddess’s Elixirs of Lust and Stamina?” he read.

“I knew it,” Kaoru said darkly.

“Hold on, I really didn’t order these!” he insisted.

“I can’t listen to these lies anymore!” Kaoru said, throwing her hands up in frustration as she walked out the door and down the hall.

Sota frowned, looking at a handwritten note on the corner of the box. You might have more fun with these than you did with the dollhouse I sent. Take care Sota! XOXO

He looked up, his heart racing, The same person that sent the dollhouse? The same person responsible for all of these changes to my reality maybe?

He heard the door’s lock turned, and he slowly turned around to see a grinning Nazuna looking down at the box’s contents, then to him. Sota realized that whatever hints to the mystery had been revealed, they’d have to wait for another time.

“Elixirs of lust and stamina, huh?” Nazuna asked, pulling one of the small glass bottles out of the box. “I think we should try one of these.”

“I don’t know,” Sota muttered, “I’ve never heard of this company before…”

“It’s probably just some caffeine and maybe some b-vitamins,” Nazuna said with a shrug, “you know, like a Red Bull or something.”

I have a feeling it’s going to be a lot stronger than an energy drink, Sota thought, taking the bottle from her and studying it. The pink translucent liquid inside sloshed back and forth as he tilted it, sticking to the sides slightly. Then again, whoever or whatever is doing this hasn’t hurt me so far… it seems like it, she? It seems like she’s trying to make me happy for some reason.

He looked up at the eager girl, already tossing the blanket off herself and revealing her impressive form once again. With a shrug and a chuckle Sota popped the top off the bottle, downing half of the mixture in one quick gulp.

“Huh, it’s nice. Tastes like…cherries and strawberries,” he said.

“Let me have some,” Nazuna said eagerly, taking the bottle. She downed the rest, licking her lips as the saccharine liquid slipped down her throat.

Sota blinked as he felt a warmth gathering in the pit of his stomach, spreading lower. He flexed his fingers, balling his hands into fists as he felt his manhood rise again.

“I’m feeling… good, ” he growled, looking up at Nazuna with a grin.

“Same,” Nazuna said, licking her lips as she looked down at him.

In the blink of an eye the two leapt at each other, Sota tossing his pants away, leaping into the air and wrapping his legs around Nazuna as she cradled his smaller body. With a roar she pressed him against the wall, cracking the plaster as she began roughly making love to him in mid-air.

“Now we’re talking!” Nazuna roared.

“Give it to me!” Sota hissed through gritted teeth.

With a battle cry Nazuna slammed him down into the other bed, cracking the wood and driving the mattress through to the floor. Nazuna’s hips drove into him harder than ever before, causing his bones to ache, but he didn’t care, thrusting back upwards into her with as much force as he could muster.

I feel like I can do anything! He thought excitedly, and a moment later he tensed with exertion, rolling over on top of Nazuna. The advantage only lasted a split second before the massive girl tilted him over, rolling on top again as they hit the floor.

“Oh no you don’t!” Nazuna laughed, “I’m topping!”

“We’ll see!” Sota said with a grin.

“I love this side of you coach,” Nazuna drawled, gripping some of his hair as she gave him a rough forceful kiss, filling the confines of his mouth with her tongue.

Kaoru’s face was beet red as the sounds from Nazuna and Suzuna’s room echoed throughout the dorm.

“Who do you think’s winning?” Ayano said excitedly, slightly drooling in the process.

“This is ridiculous!” Kaoru shouted as she heard the sound of wood splintering, “I-I’m leaving!” with a huff she got up, storming out of the dorm.

“What’s going on back there?” Kyouka asked, sticking her head out of her room.

“Sounds like Sota’s finally on top,” Ayano replied, blushing excitedly. Nazuna shouted incomprehensibly, and Sota groaned, “Now he’s back on bottom,” she continued.

Suzuna looked around the destroyed bedroom in stunned surprise, “What the hell happened here!?” she shrieked, “Both the beds are destroyed, there are holes in the wall, and… and just look at Sota!”

He was curled up in Nazuna’s arms, his face gently pressed into her bosom, passed out cold as he snored softly beneath the blanket on the floor. Nazuna had a red face, chewing her lip as she tried to think of how to explain the situation.

“We…got a little carried away,” she started.

“Ya think!?” Suzuna asked.

“There were these tonics,” Nazuna explained. “They… really hyped us up.” She pointed to the box, laying on the floor near the ruins of the nightstand.

“I’m taking these,” Suzuna said with a scowl, picking the box up. “When Sota wakes up… try to fix the beds, or something!”

The girls gathered in a circle, looking down at the vials as Suzuna held the box, “So does it really work?” Ayano asked eagerly.

“Oh yeah,” Nazuna laughed.

“I’m taking one!” Ayano said, her hand darting out and snatching a bottle before anyone could stop her.

“Now hold on,” Kaoru said, “if these things are some kind of super sex tonic, we’ve got to be responsible with them!” She looked around at her friends nervously, “R-Right?”

The girls hesitated, then all leapt for the box, several hands scrambling for the bottles as Suzuna shouted in surprise. By the time she managed to get to her feet all of the bottles were gone, save the one in her hand. The girls giggled, fleeing with their prizes as Suzuna sighed, looking down at her own.

“I should have just kept those to myself,” she muttered.

I should have taken that damn box to my room without telling anyone, thought Kaoru.

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