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Author's Chapter Notes:

This one's got some heavy faux-cest themes, normally not my thing but I've made a bit of an exception here given the source material.

Kaoru put her hands on her hips, observing the collected volleyball team in the suite’s living room. All of them were in on something, and it was something to do with her brother…

“All right, who’s going to crack?” she growled, looking down at them all with a twitching eyebrow.

“Oh, me!” Ayano shouted, holding her hand up.

“No!” Sanae shouted, tackling the other girl. Her hand flew over the other girl’s mouth, muffling her attempt at ruining the secret.

“And why can’t Ayano tell me?” Kaoru asked with a sigh.

“B-Because she’ll tell it to you in an overly sexual and porny way! You know how she is!” Sanae grunted, struggling to hold the eager girl back.

“Hmm…” Kaoru looked over the rest of the girls, who blushed and looked away, “Okay Sanae, you tell me then. You’re the team captain after all, right?” Sanae paled, and Ayano stopped struggling, looking smugly at her.

“Uh, nevermind, maybe Ayano can tell you after all,” Sanae said with a nervous grin.

“Nope,” Kaoru said, pointing at her, “I want to hear it from you, what’s going on?”

Sanae gulped, “O-Okay, well it all started with your parents and Sota going to get his birth certificate, he found out some pretty shocking news…”

Kaoru raised an eyebrow, “Go on…” she said, her heart starting to pound furiously.

“Sota was, is, adopted,” Sanae said slowly, “he’s been trying to figure out how to tell you, you’re not brother and sister…biologically anyway.”

Kaoru blinked, opening her mouth and then closing it several times as she tried to think of how to respond. Finally she shakily sat down in the free armchair in the room’s suite, rubbing her temples and staring straight ahead.

“So Sota’s not…”

Biologically related,” Sanae said firmly, “but if you don’t want anything to change, then nothing has to, you know?”

Kaoru chuckled, “I wasn’t ready to deal with this.”

“What about all of those brother-sister doujins you read?” Ayano piped up eagerly.

“I told you they’re forbidden romance! ” Kaoru snapped, “that’s the only appeal, I swear!”

“Yeah well you’re not the only one with a forbidden romance thing,” Shizuku growled angrily.

“What are you implying?” Kaoru asked, her eyes narrowing.

“Did you ever wonder why Sota and I didn’t work out?” Shizuku asked, standing up.

“Well let’s see, you’re kind of full of yourself, you don’t have a lot of ambition, and you’re about twenty pounds overweight,” Kaoru said, counting the reasons off on her fingers, “although in fairness I’m pretty sure Sota is into the spot that last twenty pounds went.”

“Twenty pounds- I’ll kill her!” Shizuku roared.

“Easy there,” Kyouka said, gripping the other girl before she could charge Kaoru. She gritted her teeth as she tried to hold Shizuku back, “S-She’s got a point Kaoru, you are at the root of a lot of our problems!”

“What, you mean the fact that Sota can’t commit to one woman?” Kaoru said, waving dismissively, “why would he when you’re all jumping in bed with him the minute he says hello?”

“You know, that’s a good point,” Sakura muttered.

“It’s not like we all are trying to seriously date the guy,” Momomi said, rolling her eyes, “but for real Kaoru, look at the facts, Chubsy Wubsy over there-“

“Hey!” Shizuku shouted.

“Oh, sorry I meant Sanae,” Momomi said, earning a death glare from the team’s captain, “Anyway Sanae couldn’t seal the deal with him either, and he liked her probably more than he liked any of them besides me! It’s all because there’s one girl he always comes back to, one girl he always thought he couldn’t have, so he wouldn’t even admit to himself that he wanted her. Do you get where we’re going?”

“You’re saying that my brother’s relationships have all failed because he has a crush on me?” Kaoru asked, dumbfounded. “That’s insane!”

“Not just his,” Ayano giggled. “You can’t get any dates either! I’m the closest thing you’ve gotten to a boyfriend in the last two years! And you definitely said Sota one time after we did it!”

Kaoru’s face went white, “I-I was trying to remind myself to get him something for his birthday, plus we were drunk, and… and…” She groaned, burying her head in her hands. “This is so fucked up,” she muttered finally, looking up at all of them. “What am I even supposed to do now? What are we supposed to do?”

“I know!” Ayano said quickly, leaping up. The group watched in confusion as she went to a small closet at the side of the suite, pulling the door open to reveal a washer-dryer combo. She gestured at it eagerly, “Kaoru, just get in here, and say you’re stuck! I’ll call Sota over and explain that you’re stuck in a dryer and can’t get out, he’ll rush over and-“

“That’s disgusting!” Kaoru howled.

“Plus I don’t think he’d be able to reach,” Sakura added, “I mean, this room is made for bigger girls, and he already needs help to get stuff on high shelves in buildings his own size.”

“Plus, how the hell does a person get stuck in a dryer anyway?” Kyouka asked.

“This is getting counterproductive,” Sanae said, moving to Kaoru’s side, “I guess the thing to ask is what do you want to do?”

“Fuck Sota,” Kaoru grumbled into her hands, making Sanae wince a bit.

“Okay, so you have a goal now,” Sanae said slowly. “The question is how do you work towards it?”

“I guess I’ve got to find him and see if he feels the same way?” she asked, leaning her head back. “I don’t know though, this could really screw up everything!”

“For the record, we’ve all managed to date him at once and stay friends with him, and each other,” Nazuna piped up.

“Yeah, but you weren’t showing up with some final season soap opera plot!” Kaoru nearly shouted, “Hey Sota, I know we thought we were brother and sister our whole lives, but now that we know we aren’t let’s hop into bed together!? Do you know how weird that makes me look?”

“You actually seemed a lot weirder when you didn’t know,” Kyouka retorted. All of the girls murmured and nodded in agreement, and Kaoru went red.

“L-Like how?” she stammered.

“Trying to sail a barge in on us!” Julia beamed.

“And always getting weirdly possessive of him,” Suzuna added.

“And asking details about his enormous-“

“That last one is a lie!” Kaoru said, pointing at Ayano angrily. “I just kind of listened in when you people all talked about it!”

“We’re getting sidetracked here,” Sanae said, annoyed. “The point is, you have a green light to do something you’ve always wanted to do, but couldn’t. Maybe it’s time to just take the leap?”

“By the laws of manga it’s the logical endpoint,” Sakura said, adjusting her glasses.

“You both need closure, at least,” Shizuku muttered, crossing her arms, “the universe is throwing you a bone, literally, so either go for it or don’t ever think about it again!”

“Hehe…bone,” giggled Ayano in response, making some of the other girls eye-roll in turn.

“This is too much to think about,” Kaoru said, standing up.

“Where are you going?” Sanae asked, following her to the door.

“I don’t know, I need some air.” She made her way to the hotel’s front desk, then stopped, groaning and rubbing her hand through her hair. “What the hell am I supposed to do now?” she grumbled.

“Kaoru, wait!” Ayano called.

With a sigh she turned back around, “What?”

“I’m coming with you!” Ayano beamed, hefting a small backpack over her shoulder.

“Why?” Kaoru asked, her eyes narrowing.

“We’re kinda best friends, right?” Ayano asked with a smile.

“Kind of,” Kaoru admitted, “but… this is a delicate situation, and you don’t handle delicate situations with boys very well, so maybe you should stay back here.”

Ayano just laughed, “Personally I think I handle delicate situations with boys really well, it’s everyone else that has the problem.” She saw Kaoru’s skeptical look and she sighed, “Okay, I really do just want to provide some support, whenever we run into Sota again, I’ll just find someplace to go and leave you two alone, alright? I promise I won’t try and initiate a threeway, okay?”

Kaoru nodded, “Fair enough…” she smiled, “you know, it would be kind of nice to have someone with me.” As they made their way out of the hotel lobby she looked up at the forested hills in the distance around their hometown. An odd desire struck her suddenly, and she glanced up at the late afternoon sun, wondering how much time they had before it would set entirely.

“Where are we going?” Ayano asked, following quickly behind her.

“There’s this old factory that Sota and I used to go explore when we were kids,” she explained, “I’m just kind of curious about whether it’s still there, or if someone knocked it down.” She led the other girl to the outskirts of town, where a small mulched path through the forest led up into the hills.

Ayano gulped, looking at the way the trees obscured the light, “Just out of curiosity, how far is it?”

“It’s a little ways into the woods,” Kaoru said dismissively, “half the fun is that it’s pretty far from town so nobody can hear you playing.”

“Or screaming?” Ayano asked nervously.

“Yeah, screaming, running, yelling, you know the kind of stuff kids do,” Kaoru said obliviously. “Come on, a good hike will help me clear my head!”

Ayano shot a glance up at the setting sun, then set off after Kaoru with a resigned sigh.

Sota gulped as he looked up at the amazon-sized hotel suite door. He gathered his courage, then forced it open, stepping in with as much confidence as he could muster.

“Kaoru!” he declared, “we have to talk, I’ve learned some things that-“ he frowned, looking around at the rest of the girls, who were staring down at him awkwardly. “Uh, have any of you guys seen my sis- have any of you guys seen Kaoru?” he asked finally.

“She was here,” Sanae said, stepping forward, “we were talking about stuff, and one thing led to another, and-“

“We told her!” Julia squealed excitedly, “now you both can enter into love!”

Sota went pale, “What exactly did you tell her?” he rasped.

“That you weren’t her biological sibling,” Sanae said awkwardly, “but then the conversation just went to other places without us meaning for it to.”

“What other places?” he growled, looking up at all of them.

“Insects!” Julia said with a giggle.

“What, like beetle collecting?” Sota sighed in relief, “okay, that’s not so bad.”

“Bugs? No, they got her talking about her huge collection of brother-sister romance mangas,” Momomi laughed.

Sota’s breath caught in his throat, “Y-You’re joking, right? She would never-“

“I was trying to convince her to simply let things take their course,” Shizuku offered, “you see Sota, if you two finally got over this unhealthy fixation you have on each other, you could finally find the love you really deserve, like with an old high school sweetheart maybe?”

“Or the girl you met at your dream job as a volleyball coach?” Sanae said, pushing her aside.

“Then again,” Kyouka added quickly, “maybe you’ll realize that beauty isn’t everything, and you could even love a girl with less ample assets than Kaoru had, but who had a more appealing, and dare I say it, enigmatic personality?”

Sota took a deep breath to calm himself down, “you are all running so many laps when we get back,” he said finally, earning a chorus of groans from the girls. “Oh don’t give me that!” he scowled, “and what if I did go out with Kaoru, if you all think that she’s some kind of fixation of mine, what would that mean for all of you?

The girls were silent for a moment, “Oh shit,” Suzuna whispered.

“Sota,” Nazuna said with a false smile, “Maybe you shouldn’t act rashly, after all you wouldn’t want to risk the relationship you and Kaoru, or any of us, all have!”

Sota just started laughing, “Relax, I’m bluffing… However this ends, I think everything’s going to be the same between all of us,” he gestured around the room. “In a weird way I’m almost glad all of you girls are here for this,” he said with a smile, “it’s nice to have friends around to rely on.” He sighed, “All right, where is Kaoru?” He frowned, “and Ayano, did she go somewhere?”

“The two of them went off somewhere,” Sanae explained, “we actually haven’t heard from them for like an hour.”

Sota groaned, “Great, she’s doing it again…”

“Doing what?” Momomi asked.

“Whenever Kaoru is feeling upset, or depressed, or whatever, she likes to go off on her own,” Sota explained, “do the whole ‘renegade on the run’ thing, she even wears her cringy leather jacket and sunglasses and stuff, but it always ends the same way.” He walked over to the couch, struggling to climb on the amazon sized furniture until Sanae helpfully boosted him. With just a moment of embarrassment he scooted to the back of the couch and sighed.

“How does it usually end?” Sakura asked nervously.

“She’s going to get herself into something she doesn’t want to deal with, or someplace that’s too scary,” Sota chuckled, “then she’ll call me to come get her.” He pulled his phone out of his pocket, staring at it, “now we wait.”

The newly set sun gave rise to a full moon, bathing the abandoned factory grounds in an eerie light. Ayano tensed as Kaoru led them up through the skeletal remains of several rusted pieces of equipment whose purpose could no longer be recognized.

“It’s getting kind of late,” Ayano said nervously, “maybe we should head back?”

“No way, we just got here”! Kaoru insisted, “besides you don’t get a nice harvest moon like this often!” She made her way to the factory door, pulling a flashlight from her belt and shining it around the smashed hinges. “Looks like other people have been in and out of here since Sota and I used to check the place out,” she said with a shrug.

“Of course,” Ayano grumbled. She looked up at it with a scowl, “I-I guess it could be a good place to sneak off and make out, if it wasn’t so creepy.”

“That’s the spirit, let’s go inside!”

Kaoru knelt down, nearly having to get on all fours to make her way through a factory door that was sized for normal men and women. Ayano reluctantly followed behind her, eyes trailing the flashlight beam.

“Sota always used to run through this part to get away from me during tag,” Kaoru grunted, “but don’t worry, the factory interior opens up a lot!”

A sound to their left caused Ayano to squeak in terror, “What was that!?”

“P-Probably just a rat,” Kaoru stammered, suddenly very aware of how dark her old childhood hangout spot was.

A few minutes later the girls made it into the spacious factory interior, looking up at the rusting behemoths of the equipment, visible in the moonlight through the shattered panes of what had once been skylights.

“Why was this factory closed down?” Ayano asked, chewing her lip as she looked around the vast room. The large piles of ruined equipment and detritus gave it a maze-like quality, and even two girls with their height didn’t have a clear line of sight.

“Because of Hook-Hand Hiro,” Kaoru said, shivering, “he used to work here, back when it was open… but the factory owners cut corners, and one day? BAM!” Kaoru slapped her wrist, causing Ayano to jump in shock.

“W-What!?” Ayano whimpered.

“His hand came clean off,” Kaoru said with a campfire grin, “and he replaced it with a jagged rusty hook!” She looked around the factory and sighed, “at least that’s the bullshit story all the kids used to tell each other, supposedly he swore revenge on the company and haunts the factory.”

Ayano paled, “Kaoru, the slutty girl dies first in horror movies!” she hissed, “we need to get out of here!”

“It’s just a-“ Kaoru was cut off by a long metal-on-metal scratching sound that echoed through the empty factory. She gulped, “it was probably just a-“

“A hook scraping on the wall!” Ayano screamed, hugging her.

Kaoru gulped, “H-Hey, stop- AYANO!” she squealed in surprise as the other girl groped her breast, squeezing tightly.

“It’s how I cope with fear!” Ayano protested.

“It’s how you cope with everything ,” Kaoru scowled. “Okay, let’s just slowly make our way back to the entrance.”

The pair made it about two feet before the scraping sound rang out again, and this time Ayano screamed as loud as she could, sprinting into the darkness.

“Every girl for herself!”

“Wait!” Kaoru scowled. A moment later her eyes went wide as Ayano let out another blood curdling scream, then suddenly went silent. Kaoru gulped, “A-Ayano?”

Silence answered her.

She tried to keep her breathing steady as she reached into her phone, “Please pick up,” she whined, “please pick up…”

Sota glanced at his caller ID, smiling as he saw Kaoru’s smiling face flash across the phone’s unlock screen. The other girls noticed too, and gathered around closely. Sota sighed, rolling his eyes as he put the call to speaker, realizing he would get no privacy anyways.

“Hey Kaoru, I’m here with the girls, what’s up?” he said as neutrally as he could.

“S-Sota!” she wailed, “It’s him, it’s Hook Hand Hiro!”

Sota frowned, “The guy from the old ghost story?”

“He already got Ayano!” Kaoru sniffed.

Sota fought back a chuckle, “Okay, so you’re up at the old factory in the woods, right?”

“Yes!” she squealed, “just come get me right now, before he does!”

Sota rubbed his temples, “Kaoru, even if Hook Hand Hiro was real, you and Ayano are nearly fifteen feet tall, he wouldn’t even come up to your hips.”

“But Ayano- I heard her scream!“

“Ayano sneaks off to do weird kinky stuff all the time,” Sota said, “if you heard her scream she was probably just finishing up.”

“Just come get me!” Kaoru snapped, hanging up the phone.

“I guess I’m going for a little hike,” Sota sighed, “Ruri, does the front desk have a flashlight or something I could borrow?”

“The maintenance crew should have some,” Ruri nodded, “I’ll call them up and make sure they leave you one!”

“Do you want any backup?” Kyouka asked, “in case this hook hand guy is up there?”

“Eye ain’t afraid of know ghost!” Julia offered, standing up to join him.

“Nah,” Sota said, waving them back down. “The ghost story is just silly kid’s stuff.”

Kaoru shivered in the corner of the room, whimpering as she saw the flashlight beam begin to flicker, “No, no, no no!” she muttered, slapping it as the battery started to die.

“Kaoru,” Ayano’s voice echoed, “I’m here with Hiro now!”

Her eyes went wide, “A-Ayano?”

“Everything’s better now Kaoru!” her voice bounced along the rusting steel walls, “Come join us!”

Kaoru shut her eyes as the flashlight beam died.

Sota walked through the factory entrance, shining his light along the floor and shaking his head with a chuckle at the broken glass, beer bottles, and other detritus of the years.

“I can’t believe we used to play in this place,” he muttered. “Kaoru? Are you here?”


He picked up his pace, making his way into the familiar main floor of the factory, shining the massive mag light back and forth. Finally it landed on Kaoru, who looked like she’d seen a ghost as she got up, sprinting to him.

“Hey, I’m glad you-“ He grunted as she swept him up into a hug that he was pretty sure could crack his ribs if she squeezed hard enough, swinging him back and forth and letting his legs dangle like a ragdoll as he tried to hold onto the flashlight.

“Sota, you came for me! I’m so sorry I ran off,” she sobbed, “I just wasn’t ready to deal with stuff-“

“It’s okay!” he wheezed, “I wasn’t ready either!”

She slowly set him down, “Thanks for coming to save me,” she said sheepishly, “you’re always the guy I can count on to come through for me…”

“And I always will be,” he said with a chuckle, punching her lightly on the upper thigh. “Let’s find Ayano and get the hell out of here.”

“I told you!” Kaoru hissed, “Hiro got her!”

“That’s right!” Ayano giggled, “he did!”

The pair whirled around, the circle of Sota’s flashlight illuminating the eerie form of Ayano, grinning at them. A moment later a figure stepped next to her, raising a hooked hand.

“Holy shit!” Sota gasped, “H-He’s real!?”

“I tried to warn you!” Kaoru wailed, falling to her knees and embracing him, “Since we’re about to die, I need to tell you something… I…” she gulped, “I LOVE YOU, SOTA!” He grunted in surprise as she pulled his face to his, cradling his entire body in her amazonian arms as they shared a passionate kiss, Kaoru’s tongue filling his mouth.

It seemed to last forever, and as they parted, everything else was forgotten as the pair stared into one another’s eyes.

There was a whirring sound, and a moment later a series of large overhead lights popped on, illuminating the destroyed factory floor. Sota and Kaoru blinked under them, glancing around and seeing Ayano, who was giving two thumbs up and had a flushed and excited face.

“Hell yes!” she giggled.

“What’s going on?” Kaoru asked hesitantly. “You’re not a ghost? Didn’t Hiro kill you?”

“Hello everyone!” a middle aged man called down to them from a catwalk. As he waved to them, they saw a prosthetic hook in place of his left hand. He made his way down a small spiral staircase, coming over to Sota with a grin and extending the piece of metal, “Hiro Tanaka!” he said, introducing himself.

“Hi, I’m Sota,” he said nervously, shaking the hook in greeting. He looked to Kaoru, who shrugged, then back to the man, “So you’re-“

“Hook Hand Hiro,” the man chuckled, “I haven’t heard that name in years… funny how time flies.”

“But you lost your hand,” Kaoru said.

“I did,” he said, holding his hook up.

“And you swore revenge on the company,” Sota continued.

“And I won the lawsuit!” the man said, grinning. “Unfortunately they were already nearly bankrupt by then, so all I got was this old factory. I’m fixing it up a little at a time, and I ran into this big girl here while I was working on the wiring!” he gestured to Ayano with his hook. “Now who are you kids, anyways?” he smirked conspiratorially, “a boyfriend and girlfriend up here to have a little romance?

“Nope,” Ayano offered, “they’re brot-“

“Yeah,” Sota said quickly, cutting her off, “We’re boyfriend and girlfriend.” The last thing I want to do is explain to Hook Hand Hiro how this is all going, Sota thought with a chuckle.

“Well, do I have a surprise for you!” Hiro said eagerly. “Come on!”

The group followed him through the ruined hall to a door labeled “Management wing and offices.” The hook handed man threw it open, and they gasped in surprise. Inside was a well-lit entry hall, complete with a fountain, paintings, and a series of rooms up the upper floor.

“I’ve been remodeling this place into a resort of sorts,” he explained. “Obviously the manufacturing section hasn’t seen much more than the lights repaired yet, but everything over on this side is furnished and ready to go! Since it’s so late you can all just stay here, I’ve even got a couple of rooms for bigger girls.” He turned to them with a grin, “Now would you like one room, or two?”

“One!” Ayano said eagerly, her eyes going wide.

“Two,” Kaoru and Sota said together. They chuckled together at the other girl’s angry pout.

“Huh,” Sota said as they entered the room, “Only one bed…”

“The guy did say he was renovating this place as a romantic retreat,” Kaoru muttered, glancing at the large jacuzzi style hot tub in the corner of the room.

“And we told him we were a couple,” Sota gulped, leaping up onto the bed with a grunt. “So uh, about back there, what you said when we-“

“Kissed,” Kaoru said, “right, you see uh…” She chewed her lip a moment, a million expressions flashing on her face until finally she scowled. “No, I’m done running from this!” She strutted over to the bed, looming over him, “I meant it when I said I loved you, and I’m glad we kissed,” she said. She took a deep breath before continuing, “I-if you want, I’ll leave and go stay with Ayano tonight, but if you’re okay with it…I’d like to go further with you!”

“Stay!” Sota said quickly, gripping the bedspread.

Kaoru grinned, chuckling softly, “Okay then…” She pushed him down, causing him to grunt as he hit the mattress. With a flourish she pulled her shirt off, causing his eyes to go wide as he took in her athletic form, capped off by a pair of perfectly rounded and pert D-cup breasts. “Get undressed,” she said with a wink.

Sota quickly hurried to obey, fumbling with the belt on his pants. He had just managed to unclasp it when Kaoru gripped the pants leg, pulling them off so fast they slid out of his hands, flying across the room and hitting the wall hard before landing in a heap on the carpet. He scooted backwards as Kaoru, now naked, climbed on the bed, looking at his boxers almost hungrily. Her fingers curled around the hem, and for a moment he thought she would pull them off like his pants, but instead a loud * rip* rang through the room as she simply tore them apart, tossing the ruined rags away.

“Hey!” Sota protested.

Kaoru laughed, “they needed to go, you always wear old clothing until it falls apart…” she trailed off, her eyes landing on his slowly rising manhood. “H-Holy shit,” she breathed, “no fucking way…”

Sota couldn’t help but smirk a little, “Yeah, it’s pretty-“ he gasped, feeling Kaoru’s hand grip it tightly as she brought the tip into her mouth. His body went limp as the amazon sized girl slid her mouth down his length, her tongue easily exploring him as she moaned in ecstasy. He was fully hard when she pulled her lips away with a *pop* to examine her handiwork, her eyes wide as she took in the sight of his member at full mast.

“I’ve waited so long to do that,” she breathed, “and look at you…” she ran her hand slowly up and down his cock for a moment, just enjoying the feel of it in her hand, and the way Sota’s face contorted with each movement.

“Huh?” Sota looked at her longingly as she stopped, climbing further up the bed, positioning her immense chest over him. His world was suddenly replaced by the warm pillows of her breasts, drowning out the light and muffling the sound as she forced his face deep between them.

“Okay,” she breathed, glancing down at his manhood, still glistening from her spit moments before, “I think I’m ready…”

She parted from Sota, making her way down and hoisting one leg over him, positioning her glistening slit just over his tip. Sota tensed, feeling anticipation well within him as she looked down, making eye contact with him. With the same cocky smirk she wore when she scored, she drove herself down onto him, taking the whole of his manhood in one go and grunting as it filled her.

“Oh fuck,” she breathed, “t-tight fit…”

Sota could only nod, pinned in place by her massive thighs, already toned from years of volleyball, and at her enormous size they were immovable barriers, holding him beneath her while she slowly lifted herself again, driving down, then lifting, finding her rhythm. Soon she was riding him at a decent pace, grinding her hips against his and causing him to gasp as she took control.

“Sota,” she growled, “you have no idea how long I’ve dreamed of this!”

He groaned in response, falling victim to the towering girl’s strength as his focus started to fray under the continuous grinding assault of her thrusts against him. She was picking up speed, and at her size Sota could barely keep himself together, struggling not to finish as her breathing became ragged.

“K-Kaoru!” he shouted, “I’m close!”

She growled, slamming him to the bed as her pace increased, “Hold on just a little longer!” she begged.

Sota gritted his teeth, summoning all of his willpower as she began one last onslaught, pounding him hard against the mattress until he was wincing from the impact, gripping the bedsheets to the point where his knuckles were turning white. Suddenly she went rigid, sucking in a deep breath as she reached her goal.

“I LOVE YOU SOTA!” she howled, leaning down and hugging him into her massive form as she came, causing him to squirm against her as the motion sent him over the edge too. He managed a gasp, then a whimper as he finished with her, and the two lay there, covered in sweat, wrapped in one another’s arms.

“I-I can’t believe we just did that,” he breathed finally.

“Yep,” Kaoru laughed, staring up at the ceiling. “It’s been a weird time since you started working at the dorm…”

“You have no idea,” Sota muttered.

There was a knock at the door, and Kaoru scowled, “Go away!” she called.

“It’s just a little present from me!” Ayano called eagerly, “just a congratulations!” they heard the giggle from her as she made her way down the hall.

“What are the odds she tries to get in here if we open that door?” Sota asked in a tired voice.

“No,” Kaoru sighed, “she’s been kinda normal today… or at least as normal as she gets, if she wanted another round with me I think she’d just ask.”

Sota frowned, “Wait, another- are you saying that you and Ayano,” he blushed, “Wow, I don’t know how I missed that.”

Kaoru chuckled, sliding out of bed, “Pretty much every time I got too worked up, she jumped me, and to tell the truth I didn’t mind. She’s too much of a pervert for her own good, but she means well.”

“Yeah,” Sota sighed, smiling to himself.

When Kaoru opened the door they were surprised by Ayano’s absence, instead of ambushing them in an attempt to gain entry, she’d left them a champagne cart. A plate of chocolate strawberries sat next to a bottle chilling in ice, and Sota sat up eagerly as Kaoru wheeled it in, it was sized for someone Kaoru’s height, and the accompanying champagne bottle looked almost like the large novelty ones Sota had seen at college parties.

“Care for a glass?” Kaoru asked, popping the cork with a grin.

Sota nodded, and she quickly poured him a tall glass of the bubbling liquid, handing it to him as she sipped her own. The two of them enjoyed the soft buzz of the champagne and the sweetness of the strawberries, and a moment later Sota scowled as his hands were covered in the half melted chocolate.

“I’m going to go wash my hands,” he said, leaping off the bed and heading for the restroom. “I’ll be right back!”

Kaoru nodded, then frowned as she noticed something else Ayano had included on the wine cart.

“Huh, what do we have here?” she muttered, snatching up the small bottle. She turned it over, reading the label. “Love Goddess Elixir?” she chuckled for a moment, “Ayano must have gotten these from one of those sex shops or something, it’s probably just placebos to rip off horny idiots… Still it could be fun,” she shrugged and added a small amount to her and Sota’s glasses, refilling them with champagne and swirling the mysterious liquid around.

Sota returned a moment later, “Care for a refill?” she asked with a grin, handing him the glass.

“Yeah, it’s good stuff,” he said, taking it from her. He took a sip, then frowned, his eyes going wide as he recognized a very particular aftertaste to the bubbly drink. “Kaoru,” he said slowly, feeling his heart begin to race, “did you add anything to this?”

“Yeah, Ayano sent this over,” Kaoru laughed, holding up the Love Goddess elixir, “silly right?” Before Sota could reply Kaoru took a long drink of the champagne, no doubt swallowing down her own dose of the magic potion.

Sota sighed, “You’re about to see just how silly it is,” he muttered, taking a long swig of his own glass.

Kaoru blinked, feeling herself growing wet between the legs again, a sudden need filling her, a bonfire rising from embers until it licked at the night sky. She growled as she turned to Sota, grinning as she undid the sash on her robe.

Sota could feel his own mind giving way, and he was already growing hard by the time he reached the bed, tossing the champagne glass away without a care. With a roar he leapt onto the mattress, surprising the much larger girl and bowling her over.

Take me Sota!” she squealed, throwing her hands back with a gasp as he grabbed her breasts, squeezing as hard as he could. She yelped in a mixture of pain and arousal, and a moment later when his mouth came down on the top of her breast she couldn’t take it any longer, and wrapped her arms around him, holding him in place as his tongue delicately teased around the tip of her nipple.

He growled lustfully as he finally let it pop out of his mouth, moving down the giant girl’s body and positioning himself to enter her. Kaoru winced at the size of his member as it slid into her, but she was more ready this time, and the potion was already making her want more. As he began to thrust into her she gripped the bedspread, fighting the urge to grab him and pin him down so she could set the pace.

Sota kept going until she was a quivering mess, finally giving up any notions of taking control as her climax began to rise. She looked at him pleadingly, whimpering in excitement with each thrust of his hips. With one final grunt he drove them both over the edge once again, causing Kaoru to cry out in excitement as her second orgasm of the evening rocked her body.

“Fuck, t-that elixir really works, huh?” Kaoru asked, glancing at it nervously.

“Yeah,” Sota grinned, reaching around and grabbing her ample behind as he began to get hard again, “and even a little of it goes a long way!”

Kaoru slowly smiled, “Okay then!”

Sota cried out in surprise as she grabbed his sides, easily flipping him onto his back, “N-No!” he grunted, “I’m going to be on top!”

“You fucking wish,” Kaoru laughed.

The two of them struggled for a moment, and he cried out in triumph as he managed to roll Kaoru back for a moment with all of his strength, but the outcome was inevitable. At nearly three times his height and with a long career of athletics, it was just a matter of time until Kaoru had him pinned, teasingly ruffling his hair as she moved back down to mount him again.

“There we go,” she sighed happily, closing her eyes as she began to ride him for a second time that evening.

“T-This isn’t fair!” Sota groaned, enjoying the feeling regardless.

“We’ll take turns,” she promised with a smirk, “I have a feeling we’ll be up all night!” Sota couldn’t help but grin, laughing in agreement as he slapped the side of her ass as hard as he could. She groaned, gritting her teeth and looking down at him with a smirk, “Oh, you’re going to pay for that one Shorta.

The sound of his demeaning childhood nickname sent him into a frenzy, and Sota growled as he thrust up against the massive amazon, trying to get out from under her and retake control, but she just leaned forward, pinning his hands above his head as her hips continued to roll against his own.

“Oh god that feels great,” she moaned, laughing as he raged below her.

Sota lay against the side of the massive jacuzzi tub, recovering after a long night of lovemaking. Despite promises they hadn’t stayed up all night, at some point they’d both passed out from exhaustion, and after waking up they’d agreed on a mutual bath to start the day.

“So what’s the deal with that elixir?” Kaoru said, rubbing soap suds through her hair. “It was fun and all, but something that strong should probably be illegal, right?”

“It’s magic,” Sota said dismissively, “who can regulate that?”

“What do you mean it’s magic?” Kaoru asked hesitantly.

Sota gulped, realizing his mistake, Kaoru doesn’t know about any of the weird changes happening, he thought to himself. “It was a joke,” he said quickly.

“You sounded serious,” Kaoru said slowly. While she could be a little dense at times, she wasn’t buying the deflection this time around.

Sota sighed, “I guess I should talk about it with you, I’ve already had this conversation with most of the other girls on the team…” He paused, trying to collect his thoughts, “I’ve been noticing some weird changes to the world, and for the most part nobody else notices them!”

“What kinds of changes?” Kaoru asked skeptically.

“Sexy changes mostly,” he chuckled. “The biggest one is that you girls are all supposed to be about half as tall as you are…”

“The volleyball team would get creamed if we were only six or seven feet tall,” Kaoru said with a frown.

“No, like all of you Bigger girls are supposed to be normal size…you guys, the basketball team, other girls I’ve seen on the streets, just…big, tall girls in general,” Sota explained. “It’s like someone or something realized I’ve always liked big girls, and for some reason it decided to give me even bigger girls, and that’s not all! Sometimes it gets even wilder, we had a trip to the beach where you guys were all closer to fifty feet tall! And sometimes girls boob sizes change, and-“

“Sota, this all sounds really crazy,” Kaoru said in a concerned tone, “are you sure you’re not just stressed? Finding out you’re adopted can be a big mental burden, and-“

“No, this all started happening earlier this year,” Sota insisted, way before any of that other stuff.”

“And nobody notices it but you?” Kaoru asked, crossing her arms.

“Mostly,” Sota admitted, “our old coach - Sanae’s dad - he noticed it too, but as far as physical evidence all I’ve got are these elixirs, my dollhouse, and Suzuna’s boobs.”

“The elixirs could have come from anywhere,” Kaoru retorted, “and your dollhouse? I don’t understand…”

“It only lasted a few hours, but when you girls were all fifty feet tall I guess you used to keep me in a dollhouse in your room,” Sota explained, blushing.

Kaoru burst out laughing, “Oh my god that’s hilarious, did you wear little pink dresses too?”

“Absolutely not,” he grumbled, “I’ve had enough of that with Ruri, thank you.”

“Sorry,” Kaoru sighed, calming down. “Okay, so the last one was Suzuna’s boobs? You mean the boob job she got when she said she was going to the kung-fu thing?”

“She really did go to the martial arts tournament,” Sota explained, “and she didn’t get a boob job, I just sort of wished her boobs were bigger, and they were! I don’t know why everyone could remember hers and not anybody else’s, I made Kyouka’s breasts bigger too!”

Kaoru snorted, “Did you tell her?”

“She thinks I’m making fun of her for having a ‘flat’ chest,” Sota said, rolling his eyes.

Kaoru ducked her head under the jacuzzi tub’s water, rinsing the suds out of her short hair, when she came back up she was fighting a laugh.

“I don’t know Sota, this all seems like a big joke you’re trying to play on me.”

“Okay fine,” he said in a tired voice, “I think I can prove it, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

He stared at her chest for a moment, imagining her already ample breasts bouncing bigger, freer, He imagined them expanding in his hands, flicking the ever more sensitive nipples as she squealed in delight.

And I want her to remember too! He thought desperately, hoping against hope that whatever was out there doing this would heed his request.

Kaoru frowned, touching her chest a moment, “S-Sota, do you feel anything from this soap?”

“No,” he replied, “why?”

“It’s kind of tingling, ” she admitted, “right on my-“ her eyes went wide as her chest slowly started to expand. “No fucking way,” she breathed, watching herself grow from D-cup to an E-cup.

“I told you,” Sota laughed.

“S-Stop them!” Kaoru said in a panic as the pillowy flesh made ripples in the tub as it grew larger and curvier.

“A little more,” Sota grinned, “And… PERFECT!”

Kaoru stared down at her new chest, one that would rival even the biggest breasts on the team for size, with each of the newly expanded mammaries jiggling at the size of watermelons. From what Sota could tell, they were now either G-cups or H-cups, putting Kaoru in the same league as Ayano and Ruri in the size department.

“Does it go back?” she asked nervously, “S-Sota this looks nice and all, but it’ll completely throw my weight off for volleyball games!”

“I mean… sometimes?” he said weakly. “I wished Sanae had a big butt and it gave her one, but she was normal again the next day…”

Kaoru blinked, her face going pale, “O-Okay, so you’re somehow changing reality,” she admitted. “What all does it work on?”

“Mostly just sex stuff so far,” Sota said with a shrug. “Believe me I’ve tried wishing for money and world peace and all that, but I don’t get anything out of it.”

“And the other girls know?” Kaoru asked skeptically.

“They don’t all believe me, but they know, yeah,” Sota said, leaning against the tub again.

“Alright then,” Kaoru muttered, “I guess I’m along for the ride too… How do I get on the Sota-Schedule? Do I talk to Sanae about that, or is Ayano in charge, or what?”

“Sota-Schedule?” he asked, confused.

“You know, that calendar the girls have for spending time with you?” she grumbled. “Since I’m in your…” she sighed in defeat, “ harem, now, I figure that I need to learn the rules.”

“And you’re okay with that?” Sota asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Clearly it’s worked well for them, and for you, so far,” Kaoru said, rolling her eyes, “I guess it’ll work for me too… Now seriously, who’s the one organizing all of this?”

“I wouldn’t know,” Sota said, frowning.

Kaoru squealed in surprise as Ayano came up behind her for the hundredth time that day, squeezing her much larger and much more sensitive tits through the thin and stretched fabric of her t-shirt. The other girl giggled, kneading Kaoru’s breasts so quickly that her knees were going weak, and a bit of drool dropped from the corner of her mouth as she shuddered in a surprise orgasm.

“F-Fuck… Sota, they’re too sensitive!” she whined.

“I’ll try to figure out how to turn them back to normal when we get home,” he promised, leading the two massive girls down the forest path. “Ayano, don’t mess with her new boobs for now!”

“But they’re so awesome,” she whined, “you just pinch them and she cums on the spot!”

“I-It’s not awesome, and it’s because none of my bras fit!” Kaoru snapped, “This shirt is rubbing against them!”

“Oh, I know a way to make you feel better!” Ayano said with a grin, miming crab claws as she moved towards Kaoru again.

Sota rolled his eyes as Ruri’s family hotel came into view. Hiro had sent them on their way with a backpack full of snacks, and requests to spread word of mouth about his new resort, but they hadn’t made it ten feet from the building before Ayano had started coming after Kaoru for her new assets.

“Well look who’s back,” Sanae said, grinning and waving at them from the hotel’s entry way. “I guess a ghost didn’t eat Kaoru?”

“Nope,” Ayano beamed, “Sota did though!”

“Ayano!” Kaoru hissed, blushing furiously.

“Huh,” Sanae muttered, “So I guess that’s literally every single girl on the volleyball team then…”

“Oh my god it is,” Kaoru balked.

“Uh Kaoru,” Sanae said hesitantly as she gazed at Kaoru’s chest, “did you get-“

“Yes, Sota’s mystery love goddess person made my tits bigger,” Kaoru snapped, “And- AAHH!” she fell to her knees, a blissful sigh escaping from her lips as Ayano managed to squeeze her chest from behind again.

“This is really going to help keep her from getting upset,” Ayano giggled.

Sota couldn’t help but laugh, I’ll try to get her back to normal tomorrow… I need to start taking this reality change stuff more seriously anyway.

The four of them entered the hotel, greeted by a chattering team full of girls eager to hear of Sota’s latest conquest.  

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