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Story Notes:

(Set in the same world as Greenanon's "Conquest of Earth" story)

The Conquest of Earth by Greenanon (giantessworld.net)

I recommend also checking out Greenanon's original story. I'm not going to be as extensive in explaining every element of the world building. I'll include what I think is most important to best understand the story I'm trying to tell.  And thank you so much to Greenanon for giving permission for me to play around in the world you created.

Author's Chapter Notes:

The first couple chapters will be a little less smut filled as we establish some character and things. But, don't worry, the smut will come in later chapters.

Groggily rolling to his side, Doug blindly tied to silence the source of digital screeching.  After a few failed swats he was finally able to muzzle his phone.  Then came the negotiation between his brain and body to navigate his way out of bed.  Yawning, stretching his sore muscles he shuffled himself through his morning coffee and shower routine.  He could have slept a lot longer.  He wanted to sleep a lot longer.  But ever since learning we’re not alone in the universe, he’d only allowed himself what little sleep was absolutely necessary.  Two weeks ago Doug had been elbow deep rebuilding an engine.  The voice like that of an eager young woman interrupted the streaming melody in the background:

“To humanity! We have seen your civilization and we find it laughable! By our ancient laws we are going to wipe your planet out and enslave ALL of its inhabitants, you will be evaluated for your potential as a food source as your planet is reduced to cosmic cinders, the mighty Glalans shall sup upon your very atoms! Your species is so weak we will engage you in ritual ground combat as our ancestors did, your defeat will not only be total but humiliating!”

A message of unknown origin relayed through the word’s communication networks sent the population spiraling into uncertainty. All of the imaginable chaos you’d expect played out in the aftermath of such a proclamation of impending doom: riots, looting, orgies, mass suicide, patriotic declarations that weapons would be pried from cold dead hands.  He’d been invited and encouraged to join in on all of it.  Instead Doug was determined to do what he could to help those who choose to flee.

Running made sense after all, they lived in New York. Well, not “New York” proper.  The “New York” aliens always chose to invade was about an hour away from his little not quite suburban neighborhood.  It was close enough though that the common consensus was an attack could start near them.  Friends and neighbors packed as many supplies as they could into whatever transportation they could and were scattering.  Being a mechanic, he’d helped to get as many vehicles running as best he could.  When his septuagenarian widower neighbor offered to pay for the time he’d put in getting an abandoned pickup running for him, Doug just laughed.

“Money seems kind of pointless right now Wayne,” was his response while stacking the last boxes onto the passenger seat.  Wayne asked him how long before he was evacuating.  Doug just shrugged.  “I’m going to stay and help for as long as I can.  I don’t really have any family out there worth running towards.”  He helped guide him up behind the wheel.  There was a loud metallic thud as Doug closed the driver side door that echoed through the vacant neighborhood.

“Besides,” he added with a smile, “nobody comes into our town and pushes us around, right?”  After watching the pick up disappear he spotted Jane down the block.  The single mom frantically trying to herd her children into a beat up minivan.  Doug ran to help.  Just as he clicked a screaming child into his carseat, an update crackled on the analog car radio:

“...NASA engineers claim even one of the three city sized ships is putting off more energy than our entire planet several times over.  The first ship has entered the atmosphere, we believe transmission is going to be difficult from—” 

The frightened voice was cut off just as an ugly, brutal, moon sized metal tetrahedron appeared in the sky.  Shaking the disbelief from his mind as Doug tossed the last suitcase in and closed the back hatch door.  Smacking a fender as he called up to Jane, “Floor it, get the fuck out of here, quick!”  Staring up at the monstrosity in the sky, he stepped out into the middle of the street.  He’d never felt so alone in what used to be his crowded vibrant community.  Anyone who could run now had.  Everyone who couldn’t, was bunkered down in basements, the subway, anywhere thought to be shelter enough in anticipation of the unknowable future.

Bright bright flashes erupted from the hovering ship.  What initially looked like shooting stars eventually slowed their descent.  A dingy, multiple story building sized, metallic sphere eventually looked to land amidst buildings a couple of miles away.  Doug saw the plume of debris before hearing and feeling the impacting ship as it crushed several buildings while landing.

Kicking a leg over his motorcycle he sped out towards the thinning cloud at the landing site.  People might be hurt, they may need help. “We’re all dead anyway,” he thought to himself, “might as well go out doing some good.”  His internal dialogue soon became an audible narration over his screeching brakes.  “There’s got to be a whole platoon inside”.  He had no clue how many soldiers were in a platoon.  It was just the first military term his mind found.

His engine still vibrating under his seat, he stood staring, frozen and slack jawed.  Three shapes seemed to coalesce as the smoke and soot thinned; all of them larger than the skyline.  His gawking expression only grew more ridiculous the more he perceived through the dissipating haze.  Two of the shapes began moving around with sounds of accompanying concussion impacts and vibrations he felt up through his body.  “Tremble in fear, puny humans! We are your imminent doom” thundered a powerful glee filled feminine voice just before a six story department store crumbled to pieces renewing the veil clouding Doug’s sight.

“Yeah… um, Be scared,” another equally loud, far less confident voice called out.  “We’re going to like, hurt you… a lot.” There was a metallic crash, then Doug saw an SUV rolling down the street like a kicked can.  The first voice seemed to cough a few times, before a crane sized arm waved about dissipating and clearing the air.  Skidding to an abrupt stop, standing a good six blocks away, he finally saw the sources of the voices.  His initial guess at both the numerical and physical size of the invasion force were laughably wrong.

Doug had no context for what real planet destroying alien raiders were supposed to look like.  But two massive humanoid armor clad figures whose heads stretched above the skyline, definitely wasn’t his first guess.  Their cat-like furry ears pointed towards the sky, their long fuzzy tails excitedly swishing behind them, and the quite attractive feminine curves hadn’t been anywhere on his guess list.

One of these feline behemoths cackled with laughter.  She punched and kicked at an eight story bank building topping it with ease.  Doug felt he could at least relate with that urge.  “This is even more fun than I thought it would be,” said the giggling bank demolishing giantess.  She tucked a few loose bright neon green dreadlock-like strands of hair out of the way of her eyes.  Even from a few blocks away still, he noticed the vibrant heterochromia in her large eyes dilated with excitement. Her right eye was blue.  As her clawed fingers pulled the other locks out of the way, she revealed the other to be yellow.

Her massive booted foot kicked in the last few walls of the now pulverized structure.  “Come on Leiku, get into the spirit of things,” she said, punching down through the ceiling of the next building.  A residential building only as tall as her curvaceous hips  She rooted around like a child searching through their favorite toy box.  “Where the hell are all these little human things? Earth is supposed to be overrun with the bugs,” she complained.  The catlike giantess was wearing unblemished, sleek, polished, obsidian black armor which did nothing to mask her voluptuous figure.  Doug noted in his own mind, “Am I really getting distracted by how hot the city block demolishing alien looks?”; his libido confirmed that in fact, he was.

“Oh, um right, yeah… come out, come out, wherever you are,” said the other towering figure.  Instead of clawing her way through bricks or smashing in concrete like her companion, this cat-girl giantess stooped low to peer in through windows. She only found an empty disarray of hastily vacated rooms.  “I think they may have all run away,” she said, a hint of relief in her voice.  Her long single braided ponytail whipped through the air as she stood up, a full head taller than her companion.  She seemed to feign frustration in her voice, “Too bad, Mesah, because I was really looking forward to… um, squishing a few of them.”  Leiku’s armor was a stark contrast to Mesah’s.  The unbelievably tall girl’s armor was piecemeal, mismatched, dented and scratched.  It looked more like a hand me down than Mezah’s custom fit and personally fashioned stealthy apparel.  But again it seemed apparent that under her ill fitting and grungy gray armor was another attractive massive body.

“Damnit, stop checking out the alien monsters,” Doug reprimanded himself.  “They’re admitting out loud that they want to crush you like a bug.” He tried to pull himself back into the dangerous reality of the situation, “you’re one of those fucking bugs for Christ’s sake.” As the rampage continued, Leiku’s meager contribution was when she kicked at a fire hydrant.  The menace of her efforts was undermined while squealing a gasped “Eek!” as she leaped back from the resulting geyser.

Mezah more than made up for her friend’s lack of enthusiasm.  The shorter in comparison of the two taunted any potential audience while toppling and smashing anything within her grasp.  “I Mesah the Murderous shall leave no survivors!” was snarled while flattening an eighteen wheeler under her boot.  “Your only hope is to beg for mercy!” A water tower was tossed through a billboard and crashed through the glass ceiling of an expensive penthouse apartment.  “Ooh, when I find where you’re all hiding,” she called out while toppling one building into another, “That’s when the real fun’s gonna start!”

Standing in place hypnotized, Doug struggled to formulate clear thoughts; let alone turn thought to action.  Fortunately he was still far enough away that the distracted aliens were unlikely to notice him anytime soon. But peering down a perpendicular street he recognized Jane’s beat up van.  Rubble had blocked off her escape route and penned her vehicle in.  He could see her scrambling to pull her children from the vehicle towards the cover of nearby buildings.  If the monster in the black armor spotted them, they’d have no chance.

Without hesitation Doug opened up his bike’s throttle towards the towering invaders.  He would play a distracting mouse to their colossal cat. Hopefully giving Jane a chance to escape. His engine road, he blared his horn to draw their attention; he succeeded.  Lavender cat ears poking up through a green mane and pivoted towards the sound.  Mesah growled “gotcha!” in delight; turned, looked down, then crouched into a predatory stance. 

“Look Leiku,” said Mesah, “One of these pathetic insects has finally come out to play.”  With nightmarish agility a mountainous form darted towards her target.  Doug began playing chicken with an 80 foot cat-girl warrior alien.  If he’d had enough time to think about it, this would have rightfully seemed ridiculous.  With little time to act, he waited until the last possible moment before careening down an adjacent narrow alley.  The space was too small for Mesah to fit her body, but she reached her clawed hand towards him.

His plan wasn’t to try outrunning her vast legs.  He would zig-zag, dart down side streets, maybe make it into a covered parking structure with access to a basement.  He would use his much smaller size and maneuverability to his advantage. He knew this area better than her. She was bigger and stronger, he would use that against her, stay mobile, squeeze into spaces too tight for her. He could do this, he had to do it.  If he could cause enough of a distraction, then others might be able to escape unharmed.  Wrenching his wrist he held open the throttle and just barely outran the reach of the colossal arm stretched behind him.  “You cowardly star sludge!” she screamed into the narrow passage between buildings as her claws just missed his back tire.  She left huge gashes in the asphalt while Doug he looked back, cheering and laughing, “Pick on someone your own size, you big pussy!... cat”.

Unfortunately, Doug never had the chance to find out if his plan would work.  He’d been so focused on drawing Mezah’s attention, that he’d forgotten she wasn’t alone.  While her friend had lunged towards the little human, Leiku hoisted herself over a building onto the next parallel street.  She stood, crouched, waiting as he emerged from the alley.  With, well, cat-like reflexes her hand darted down snatching the little man in her hand.

Everything went dark for Doug.  He felt his body pinned on all sides by walls of the girl’s soft skin an instant before hearing the muffled sounds of his bike crashing against something.  Then, his stomach dropped out and gravity pushed down on him, leaving him a little nauseous.  There were muted sounds he could hear but not quite understand while imprisoned in her careful grip.  Leiku held the tiny creature cupped in both her hands as she leapt and squealed with delight, “Mesah! I caught him! I got one of them! Oh this is so cool-” She stopped, and cleared her throat, “I mean, yeah, ooh, now we’re really going to mess with this little twerp, aren’t we?”

Stepping a few streets down Mesah found a shorter building to hop over to stand on the same street with her friend.  “Here, lemme have it,” she said, reaching out to pry the little man from her friend's hands.  A brief stream of light flashed into the darkness as the hands holding Doug parted.  Powerful tree trunk sized fingers gripped him then wrapped around his body.  He was held with his arms pinned to his sides, his toes dangling down below her pinky.  Doug looked up blinking trying to process so many impossible things all at once.  He was held high above the ground in a tight grip.  Two eyes each bigger than his head, each a different color stared down at him.  A sadistic grin spread across feminine pouting lips extended further than his wingspan.

“Did you really think you could escape me, Mesah the… er, one second -”, Mesah stopped, rotated the hand holding Doug, tilting him horizontally.  A finger of her other hand scrolled through the holographic display of a wrist mounted computer.  When the cat-giantess found the right word, she let out a pleased little grunt and resumed her taunting.  “Did you really think you could escape me, Mesah the Maniacal, measly little man thing?” Mesah purred at him in a patronizing and condescending tone.  Just over her shoulder Leiku looked down at the cute little man thing in her friend’s grip. “Yeah!” was the best she could come up with.

Doug’s mind, completely overwhelmed, seemed to short circuit, deactivating his common sense.  “Technically,” he replied with equivalent insolence, “I did escape you,”  Motioning with the only available body part, he tilted his head in the direction of the taller giantess.  “I just didn’t escape this one.” he said before falling into soft quite hysterical laughter.  A few brief giggles reflexively bubbled out of Leiku before she covered her mouth.  Her ears flattening into her burgundy and violet horizontal striped hair from fear.  She then looked silently apologetic down at her companion.

Mesah’s purr shifted to an angry growl. “Why you insolent insect!” she hissed through gritted sharp teeth.  Her fist shook slightly while reprimanding the helpless giggling man. “You’ll suffer, you’ll regret you dared-” interrupting herself again, and repeating the process of searching on her computer.  “You’ll learn what happens to the butt-holes who dare insult the descendant of the most illustrious warrior clan of the Glalans, House Blood-Reign!”  Mesah paused, anticipating the pathetic human to beg for forgiveness in a quivering mess of tears.

While his first bout of uncontrollable laughter had been unintentional, this time, Doug’s obstinate streak kicked in.  He didn’t feel like giving this big busty alien any satisfaction.  “If you’re going to try and intimidate a human, “asshole” might work better than “butt-hole”.”  Shifting his tone of voice, he forced into it as much mansplaining cadence as he could intentionally muster.  “And the whole “House Blood-Rain” just sounds like the online handle for some teenage incel edge-lord cowering in his mom’s basement.”  His tiny voice now rivaled hers for anger and venom as he shouted up to his captor, “I’ll wait here while you take a minute to look up most of those words!”.

Leiku gasped through her still covered mouth at the audacity of the helpless captor.  Mesah hissed and lifted the fist gripping Doug up close to her toothy maw.  Parting her lips so that he looked down the cavern of her throat.  Doug assumed any moment he would be tossed like a snack into the gaping chasm of her fanged mouth.  Which, in retrospect, could have been the predictable consequence of trolling an 80 foot giantess.  But Doug had little respect, and even less patience when it came to bullies; regardless of their size.

Mesah tightened her grip on the source of her rage.  Doug felt his breath forcibly expelled from his lungs.  Any tighter and he was sure he’d feel ribs begin to crack or shatter.  “I was just going to eat or squish you,” her voice gradually deescalated to a calmer silky breeze. “But now,” she giggled sadistically, “now I’m really going to take my time.  You’re coming back to the mother ship with us,” gesturing with her free hand over her palatin clad shoulder towards Leiku.  Mesah’s eyes narrowed, peering down, searching for fear in the tiny human’s expression.  Doug managed to collect himself enough in the moment to smother the insults and taunts that flooded his mind.  He felt satisfied simply to hold a blank expressionless mask covering his building dread.

The wrist mounted computer began trilling a repetitive dull sound.  Without breaking from her focus on Doug, Mesah continued, “our brave warrior sisters are going to blow up this dust speck of a planet and start harvesting the core”.  She gestured with her free hand again, this time a wave for the other towering alien to follow obediently behind her.  “Come on Leiku, lets get our little pet back to the drop ship.  He can make the trip back stuffed up your ass.  That should set the proper tone for the rest of his miserable brief existence.”

Apart from the brief giggles or gasps, Leiku stood by mostly silent, watching her friend toy with her little captor.  She lowered her hand from her mouth and blurted out, “Up my what?” Leiku stammered as she began protesting, “Why mine? Why my… where? I really don’t think that’s going to be necessary.  If you want him somewhere safe, I can just hold onto him, you know, in my hands.”  Mesah spun around facing her companion, breathing in loud snorts through her nose.  Mesah had to tilt her head up slightly to look into the other giantesses eyes.

“Look,” Mesah pointed a finger up in Leiku’s face.  “Don’t go all “Boo-Hoo Leiku” on me now.  This bug insulted my honor.”  Lowering her hand over the top of her fist, Mesah cast Doug back into shadow trying to shield him from the sounds of their voices.  “He’s going to learn his place. And it’s high time you got past all this squeamishness and embraced your true nature.  You’re a predator, a warrior.  Glalans are the fiercest conquesting species in the galaxy and you need to live up to that.  I’m not always around to protect you.  For goddesses sake stop being such a chuquet!”  Leiku’s tail curled up between her legs throughout the reprimand.  Fruitlessly trying to interrupt Mesah as she ranted, “Okay, first, "conquesting" not a word-... I know but-... Yeah I get it, I just don’t-... Hey! I’m not a chuquet!”

The argument was cut short by a wall of sound.  A boom so intense, that as it echoed down the vacant streets, the sound wave was visible as it kicked up dust from the rubble.  Mesah lifted her hand from covering Doug’s head shielding her eyes while looking up into the sky.  Squinting, Doug blinked, allowing his eyes to adjust as light returned to his vision.  The three gawked up into the sky as a new ship appeared.  A bigger ship, a sleeker ship, several times larger than the Glalan mothership.  It glowed blue and eclipsed the entire area, casting them all in its shadow. The catgirls gasped out loud in horror as a beam of blue energy struck out towards the Glalan mothership.  They could only watch as their ship exploded and began to send flaming streaming meteors into the Earth’s atmosphere.

The pair of giantesses stood momentarily paralyzed in fear.  Springing into action they ran towards their landing pod.  “Go! Go, quick they’ll be here any second!” shouted Leiku.  Waving energetically back towards Mesah as she leapt over a little three story department store.  Cylindrical bright blue light began raining down from the second invading space ship. The cat girls skid to a stop watching their jump ship explode as a column of light pounded it from above.  Chunks of shrapnel ricocheted off invisible shimmering force shields around both their bodies.  The remnants of their ship impacted against their armor and face shields.

“Oh shit! Oh shit! What do we do?” shouted Mesah. Doug grew increasingly seasick as the giantess flailed her massive arms about in a panicked frenzy.  “How the fuck did the Aelmari hear about this?” Leiku said while randomly pivoting her head about; as though searching for a hiding place for her huge form.  Doug gathered his wits enough to shout, “What’s going on?”

Either the frightened pair couldn’t hear his voice, or were too flustered to process his question.  “Look,” Leiku said, gripping Mesah’s shoulders in her hands, “We’ve gotta get out of here.  We’ve probably broken like a million of their ridiculous laws just coming down here.  If they’re parking one of their world ships here, we’re dead”.  Mesah nodded in agreement, “Why are they even wasting their time out on this insignificant backwater speck of a planet?”

Sudden realization washed over Mesah’s face as she lifted the tiny human still trapped in her grip up between the twin towering cat girls.  “What? Mesah, what? What do you know?” A confused Leiku began pleading, her eyes darting back and forth from the adorable still struggling human and her friend’s shocked expression.  The words sputtered from Mesah as dread melted down her face, “My, my mother- well she’s not my mom she’s the alpha mom in my family’s harem… but that’s not important… She’s a senator, she’s been involved-” Mesah rambled on as her breathing struggled to keep up with her words.  “There’s been negotiations whenever those knife eared Aelmari stopped by on their random inspections.  Man those blue elves really are the worst, just no fun at all-” Leiku shook her friend’s shoulders, “get to the point!”

Her green locks swept about as she tried to shake her head and focus.  “The Aelmari, they have this mandate or mission or something.  They’re not just these power hungry imperialist cops like all the Glalal prime propaganda says.  They’re all hung up on protecting smaller species from bigger ones.”  Mesah lifted the hand gripping Doug higher, pointing towards him with the other, to emphasize the point.  Doug’s head turned back and forth between the pair of huge catlike eyes now staring in horror at him.  “Oh you guys are so screwed now!” breaking out again in manic chuckles.

With a blink of her polychromatic eyes Mesah’s fear shifted to rage, “Silence you little stain!”  Her grip, which had relaxed, once more tightened around him.  Though he tried to resist, he cried out in pain.   A sadistic grin exposed her sharpened teeth.  “If we’re already dead,” her hand slowly began closing the distance between Doug and her parted lips,”then there’s no reason I shouldn’t have a last meal.”  Leiku’s hands shot down grabbing Mesah’s wrist, “Wait, don’t do this! It’s not right, and… and,” The two friends now began a tug of war struggle.  As Mesah’s muscles worked to pull her hand from Leiku’s hold, her fingers compressed like powerful anacondas around Doug’s body.  He struggled to breath, feeling one of his ribs crack. He'd have cried out in further pain if his lungs still had any air.

“Let go ‘Boo-Hoo’!” snarled Mesah.  “Don’t call me that, Mesah… uh, Mesah!.... “Mesah! the Mediocre’! “ sassed Leiku back at her, “let him go!”  Just as Mesah reared back a car sized fist for a building toppling punch, their bickering was cut short.  Two flashes of energy, this time green darts, struck both their massive breastplates dead center.  The material dissolved into the air like flash paper.  Mesah and Leiku were left only wearing what looked to Doug like silver single-piece swimsuits.  Had he not been teetering on the edge of losing consciousness, he might have once again had to contend with the juxtaposition of imminent peril, against how attractive he found both their gigantic bodies.

Approaching rapidly in the distance Doug could see three even more gargantuan blue skinned, blue haired figures.  Mesah’s grip loosened enough allowing Doug to breathe once more.  Though each breath now brought with it twinges of pain from his cracked ribs.  “Run!” shouted Leiku, her eyes wide, her cavernous cat toothed mouth agape.  “Quick, we’ve got to hide him”.” replied Mesah.  Her eyes darted from her companion, down to Doug, towards the towering blue behemoths, and back to Doug again.  Leiku’s mouth still hung open from shock and panic.  Without thinking Mesah’s hand darted up towards the exposed grotto of Leiku’s slack jawed expression.  Mesah shoved Doug into her friend’s mouth. For a third time Doug’s was left enveloped into darkness.  Leiku tried to object, but the sounds came out mumbled as the tiny human lay atop her tongue, “Uha ah ooh oohig?!?”  Doug bounced a few times, light flashing into the space each time the giantess tried to express her confusion.

Mesah ignored Leiku’s unintelligible mutterings and began pushing her friend.  With ease Leiku’s tongue wrestled and overpowered Doug.  He was pushed against her cheek and held there as she sealed her lips closed while starting her frantic escape.  Inside the giantess’s mouth Doug could clearly hear very little and see even less.  Around him he heard the muffled sounds of Mesah shouting, along with what sounded like impact explosions.  All to the beat of the rapid drum of Leiku’s breathing and heart.  He could feel the texture of the catgirl’s tastebuds rubbing against him, his ears popped as the air pressure all around him changed.  As she ran he could feel how her body rose and fell like a great ship on a turbulent sea.

Leiku had never been so afraid, and at the same time the sensations and flavor of the tiny man trapped in her mouth sent electric jolts of blissful enjoyment crackling throughout her body.  It was such a confusing cocktail that confounded her understanding.  After she’d pocketed him against her cheek, she could feel him wriggling.  He was probably trying to struggle for air or trying to grip at the slickness inside her for dear life.  Instinctively she felt herself begin to suck on his little body, the flavor and act activating some deep primal responses in herself. He tasted delicious, he felt delicious, he was delicious.

“Okay, maybe we can find some sort of transport,” gasped Mesah between labored breaths.  “We get off world, out of this system and we hitch our way back to Glalal prime.”  For their incredible size, they moved with agility darting through the paths made by the tiny urban environment.  “My mother’s harem won’t allow us to be turned over to the Aelmari for extradition.”  Being the shorter of the pair, her strides didn’t cover as much ground as Leiku.  She was running as fast as she could while it was obvious her friend was holding back so as not to leave her behind.

“I think we’re gonna ma-” Mesah’s voice twisted into an unintelligible squeal as a blast of neon light struck her.  Her body didn’t react as though impacted by force.  Instead she stumbled, tripped, falling through a building carving a ravine of damage in the ground as her body slid to a stop.  Rolling into a ball, hands reflexively grasped down towards her crotch as she shivered and spasmed in orgasmic euphoria.  Leiku’s chops remained clamped tight around her passenger as another of the same brilliant radiance made contact with her.

Helpless pinned against wet flesh tucked into the alien’s cheek, doug was jostled about as she ran.  The humid darkness and constant suckling pressure surrounding him drove him towards an odd instinctual feeling of peace.  However, this bizarre lullaby ended abruptly.  His prison dropped down what felt like several stories.  The powerful impact was cushioned by the soft muscles cradling him.  Next came a resounding and reverberating moaning he felt as much as heard.  The salivating which had been an ever present trickle, now streamed around him further.  Doug grappled fruitlessly to grip his slick surroundings as he felt his body pulled from the giantesses cheek further towards the back of her mouth.  Though he couldn’t see anything, he knew well what would follow when he reached the hanging precipice at the top of her throat.  

Both colossal feline figures writhed in ecstasy next to each other.  Their bodies immobilized amidst the rubble by a prolonged chain of rapidly repeating orgasms. “Glalans, cease your resistance!” boomed an amplified but calm voice.  Even through the dampening walls of Lekiu’s mouth Doug could clearly hear the sound of a new unfamiliar voice giving what sounded like commands in an unknown language.  “By order of the Aelmari we demand you turn the human over to us.”  The voice was monotone, feminine, and strangely soothing while still fully confident of expected compliance.  The voice originated from one of the three blue giantesses now surrounding the incapacitated marauders.  With a subtle gesture of her fingers the Aelmari deactivated whatever caused the debilitating orgasmic influence.

The other two Aelmari flanked the debris-covered pair lying exhausted on the ground.  In unison the colossal blue elves extended their hands towards the defeated raiders.  The surface of their palms shivered, rippled, shifting momentarily from solid to liquid.  A pair of huge, sleek, blue collars reformed from their bodies, then hardened into solid form once more.  With synchronized movements the collars were easily locked in place around the necks of the cat girls.  The two captives were unable to muster any resistance still awash in their post-orgasmic afterglow.

Leiku stood up slowly on wobbly legs, her arms raised in surrender.  Her brain having returned from its primal instinct fueled vacation, she kept her lips sealed and tilted her head while lowering her jaw.  Inside her mouth a powerful tongue drew Doug back from the opening of her throat, returning him safely to the pocket of her cheek.  As he continued to struggle, a conspicuous undulating lump in her cheek, obvious to anyone observing.  Mesah lifted herself up onto her hands and feet to a crouched fighting stand.  Her tail swishing and bushy; even her dreadlocks seemed to puff out in a mane of aggression.

“I will not repeat myself again, hand over the human,” spoke the tallest of the three elven giantesses.  “Star-sludge imperialist robo-scum!”, hissed Mesah, “We don’t know what you’re talking ab-.”  Before Mesah could spit another word her collar buzzed. She fell back down to the ground with a rumbling thud, growling in pain.  “Glalans, these are neural link collars,” said the one who’d attached the collar to Leiku’s neck.  “They’re used for interrogation.  If you lie while locked in these devices, it delivers a painful shock,” she smirked a little looking down at Mesah,“ as you have now learned.”  The third elf stepped over Mesah’s squirming growing body, “our scanners indicate that the human is occupying the same physical space as that one.”  Once within the reach of her lengthy arm she gripped the back of Leiku’s neck. Her other hand wrapped tightly around the cat girl’s wrist, wrenching it behind her back, holding Leiku painfully in place.

Leiku squirmed in pain, her feet kicking feebly in place, knocking over the damaged remains of a police station.  She attempted to speak with her mouth still full of Doug “Ow, ow, ee-shee, ohay.  Ah wuhs ust eep-een im aefe.”  The Aelmari who seemed to be in charge, the one who’d fired the… “orgasm-ray”?... stepped forward and held her massive  palm just below Leiku’s lips.  Sheepishly Leiku lowered her jaw and extended her tongue.  Doug lay atop the pad, curled up slightly and rubbing his eyes as they grew accustomed to light once more.  Leaning her head forward slightly Doug tumbled down the drool covered slide and landed on the soft pad of the giantess elf’s blue hand.  WIth her mouth now empty, Leiku pleaded her case again, “I was just keeping the little cutie safe”. Her eyes darted from one blue colossus to the other as her arm remained pinned painfully behind her.  

Mesah watched and was a little surprised when her friend didn’t double over in pain.  The Aelmari holding Doug pulled her hand closer to her body and took lengthy measured steps away from the prisoners.  Without looking at the ground below her, her gaze locked on Doug, she gracefully avoided the buildings and rubble under her.  On her flattened palm Doug grimaced, his drenched body ached all over.  By now Doug was growing accustomed to being overwhelmed with confusion and disorientation.  From inside Leiku’s mouth he’d heard sounds that seemed like language that definitely wasn’t comprehensible to him.

Now, huge eyes beaming with delight and an ecstatic smile across a billboard sized face looked down at him.  His confusion pushed past what he thought was the limit yet again when the elongated lips parted, and out poured English.  “Hello, or would you prefer greetings Douglas Clement? or would you prefer Doug? My sensors show you are injured.  I will provide medical care, please do not be alarmed” The voice was soft, pitched perfectly to greet his substantially smaller ears, gentile, and inviting.

Laying prone, splayed out on the blue island, he raised an arm up and extended his thumb into the air.  “Hi, Doug is good, only old man Fairegood called me Douglas.”  He was too exhausted to question as a tingling sensation radiated over him.  A not unpleasant substance secreted from the soft not-quite-skin and was absorbed into his most-definitely-genuine skin.  Within a couple blinks, the pain was gone.  The damage wasn’t just anesthetized, it was healed.  He took a deep breath to check; his sore muscles, his cracked ribs, were good as new, maybe even better.

Standing up onto wobbly legs, Doug looked into the eyes of this newest, largest, also attractive elf eared giantess.  “That’s a pretty neat trick there, err, um… I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name. Do you have a name? I’m new to this whole alien invasion rescue etiquette business.”  The Aelmarian scout tilted her head slightly before a cascading giggle rolled from her lips.  The giggle didn’t quite sound right, just like how her skin didn’t quite feel organic.  “You are too adorable Doug,” she said, lifting up a fingertip and petting the top of his mussed hair.  “My name is Neriyeira.  Over there interrogating and preparing the Glalan criminals for execution are Henglyn and Oritheae.”

Registering their names mentioned through the shared neural net, both the other two blue titans each raised a hand and gave Doug twiterpated schoolgirl waves with their fingertips.  Henglyn’s other hand was pointed towards Mesah’s head, a crackling ball of plasma energy hovering just above her outstretched palm poised for release.  Oritheae still held Leiku’s arm painfully pinned behind her back.  As their interrogation continued most every answer Mesah gave was followed by a buzz and then her growls of frustration and pain.  Leiku continued to hold her free hand up in the air in surrender, her face painted with fear and pain.

Doug jostled his head side to side, took a deep breath, then waved his arms about like a castaway on an island signaling a passing ship.  “Okay, that’s it, I’ve had enough!”  He walked closer to the edge of Neriyeira’s fingertips. Then took a hurried step back when the over hundred foot drop below dawned on him.  Making a T gesture with his hands, his focus moved from each of the five giantesses sets of eyes.  “Just hold up, time-out okay”.  The three elves’ heads tilted in simultaneous confusion before their neurolinked database could recall and register the meaning of the gesture and phrase.  They were all so distracted by Doug’s radiating cuteness that it took nearly a quarter of a second; an eternity for an Aelmarian train of thought.

“Alien invasions,” Doug began to pace back and forth along Neriyeira’s hand.  “Interrogation with torture, and summary executions to boot?” he shouted, wildly gesticulating his arms through the air.  “Let's all just take a breath, will someone please explain to me what the fuck is going on here?!?”  Still holding tight to Leiku’s wrist and neck Oritheae approached, practically dragging the shorter prisoner along with ease. In a smiling and eerily chipper tone she chimed in, “Hello Doug, it would be a delight to have the honor of explaining “The Mission” to a Class-A biotrophy such as yourself.  Once we’ve dispatched these two murdering ruffians perhaps I could hold you and explain everything as we relocate you to our worldship”.

Doug gave him head another bewildered shake, “okay, we’re going to circle back to the whole “bio-trophy” thing in a moment.  But first, why do these two need dispatching?” This time Henglyn began stepping closer, closing the distance between herself and Neriyeira.  Her hand with the floating blue plasma orb remained targeted towards Mesah’s head even as her eyes were trained on Doug’s tiny captivating stance.  “We’re here both to begin harvesting the humans in accordance with The Mission, but also to deliver swift justice in accordance with our laws”.  Henglyn capped her explanation by blowing the tiny man a slight kiss and lightly tapping the top of his head as one might with a cherished pet.

Doug chuckled, gesticulating wildly while resuming his pacing, not being able to conjure up any more reasonable reaction to this irrational scenario.  “Okay, “harvesting” we’re going to revisit that one too,” he said, pointing up towards Henglyn. Who responded with a coquettish wink down towards him, still training the deadly plasma ball towards Mesah.  “So which laws have they broken? Do ya’ll consider destruction of property a capital offense?”  He gestured in all directions, “I mean granted, this is some epic destruction, congratulations on that”.  Doug directed a sarcastic clap towards the two detainees, “but are your laws really so barbaric?”

The three elves stared at each other, and silently exchanged an extensive deliberation.  They debated and reconsidered their assumptions, examining their biases and heard feedback from each other as to the best course of action.  An extensive philosophical debate took place at an immeasurably quick speed of collective thought.  A second after Doug asked his question Neriyeira looked back down towards her hand.  “You’re right Doug, we must be fair in our application of the law”.  The two cat girls both let out slight sighs of relief, as Henglyn’s plasma ball dissipated and Oritheae released Leiku.  Doug was so distracted looking up at the three sets of huge faces smiling down at him, that he didn’t feel the liquid metal snaking its way up his leg and body until it slithered around his neck. With an electric locking sound, a human sized neural link collar secured itself around his neck.  “Oh for fuck’s sake, what now?” responded Doug in frustration.

In a tone and body language reminiscent of a proper school marm, Neriyeira rotated her attention between the three collared individuals.  “My apologies Doug, but this will allow us to correctly and impartially assess which if any violations have been committed”.  Doug simply sighed, shrugged, sat down cross legged on her palm, and gestured a single hand for her to proceed.  “Let's start with an easy one, cats, were you holding this human prisoner?” began Neriyeira

Leiku and Mesah looked at each other.  They tried to silently deliberate with their eyes, but without a shared Aelmari neuro-net, their response was far from coordinated.  At the same time Mesah responded, “No!” Leiku said, “Yes!”  Once more Mesah’s collar buzzed, once more she gritted her teeth from the painful shock.  Leiku raised her hands to her mouth and gasped, she still remained shock free.  Once Mesah had recovered enough to speak, she snarled at Leiku, “What the hell? Whose side are you on “Boo-Hoo”?” Leiku’s ears pinned back and she growled under her breath, “Stop calling me that!”  She tilted her head towards Doug, then pointed her clawed hand down towards Mesah, “YOU were going to crush him, You were going to make him a pet. Then YOU were going to stick him up my-” her ears flattened, she stopped breathing for a moment, and somehow through the amber color of her fur, she managed to blush.  “Somewhere really unpleasant! Then You were going to eat him. That all sounds like pretty prisonery treatment to me!”  Each time she emphasized the word “you” her voice grew in volume and pitch.

Once Leiku’s outburst had ended, Mesah rolled flat on her back, rubbing the heels of her palms on her eyes, “Okay, bring back the blue death ball, put me out of my misery”.  Henglyn extended her hand back towards the exacerbated cat girl, light crackles of plasma beginning to form, then looked to Neriyeira for approval.  The lead elfen giantess simply shook her head, and the gathering power dissipated.  “Well then,” returned the authoritative matronly tone, “how many sentients have you killed in the name of your specie’s imperialism?”

The prisoners spoke up at the same time again.  “None,” said Mesah, the buzzing, growling, and squirming repeating.  “Fifty!” blurted out Leiku before collapsing to all fours, the fur and hair along her back flaring as she received her first shock from the collar.  Neriyeira’s voice grew more stern and direct, “Answer truthfully cats, we’re here to deliver justice by our laws, and we must be swift”.  Tears welled up in Leiku’s eyes, when she didn’t immediately answer, the buzzing and shocks resumed.  Doug looked down with pity at the squirming cat girl from his perch high atop the elf giantess’s hand.  “Oww, oww, stop, zero, okay! Fine, you happy? I’m a failure.  I’m a Glalan who’s never slain in combat or conquest.  Happy?” From her prone position on the ground Leiku’s hazel eyes glared up as the towering elves calmly processed her statement.

Mesah held out against the painful sensations a little longer. She growled, mewled, groaned and as spit flung from between her teeth could hold back no longer, “ONE!” she screamed out then gasped for breath as the collar deactivated.  The two catgirls looked over at each other, both physically and emotionally exhausted, both unsure what was to happen next.

The attention of the Aelmari all shifted back to Doug.  “There,” said Heglyn, “even on earth, murder is punishable by death”.  Once more, blue plasma began to swell against her palm.  “Hold up there Judge Dredd!” shouted Doug as he held both his hands out towards Heglyn, “you are way too trigger happy for my taste”.  Doug turned and look up towards the face of the towering giantess upon whose palm he stood.  “Ya’ll do not want to model your justice system on the shit we try to pull here on Earth, believe me”.

Doug then began to walk about on the space of Neriyeiri’s open palm.  He felt a little like the defense attorneys he’d seen in shows giving their impassioned closing remarks.  “What about due process? What about context? Did she kill in self defense? Is she remorseful? Is she willing to make amends or… I don’t know, fucking sentense her to community service.  I know better than anyone that we’re more than just the single worst thing we’ve ever done”.  He pointed down towards where Mesah lay on the ground, bloodied and spent.  “Look, you heard what she threatened to do to me.  And I don’t want her dead.  Don’t your laws allow for clemency or rehabilitation or restorative justice or something?”

A deliberation of near Aelmarian eternity commenced.  Three seconds later Neriyeira lifted her hand holding Doug up higher at eye level.  “You truly fascinate me, human.  Our Mission and laws are specific, but,” a smile creeped across her huge soft lips, “there is some room for interpretation and dare I say… improvisation”.  Oritheae leaned in close to where Doug was held aloft.  “Adorable human Doug, would it make your life happier for this Glalan,” pointing towards Mesah, “to be… how did you put it, rehabilitated?”  Doug leaned over the ledge of Neriyeira’s fingertips down towards Mesah.  Her expression was one of proud defiance. She seemed resigned to accept her fate and wanted to meet death as a proud warrior.  Doug then looked over towards Leiku and could easily read the sadness and fear painted across her expression.  He then looked back up to Oritheae and nodded, “absolutely”.

Heglyn next spoke up, “then, though it is never something our race has attempted, in pursuit of The Mission we shall endeavor to rehabilitate this Glalan to make you happy tiny delightful Doug”.  As soon as this apparent verdict was decreed the collar around Mesah’s hand stretched, extended, and grew into a set of shackling cuffs which pulled her wrists behind her back and pinned her arms in place against her torso.  The posture rolled her shoulders back and pushed her already expansive square footage of breasts into an even more prominent position.  “What the hell do you mean rehabilitate? I am Mesah of the proud Glalan house of-'' her rant was cut short when more material from her collar shot up and generated a gag of sorts to cover her mouth.  Though muted indiscernible sounds of her protestation could still be heard from underneath.

Now the attention of all four, the three living metal elf giantesses and the tiny slightly less bewildered human, all turned to Leiku.  The cat girl’s ears flattened, her tail curled up between her legs, which she clutched for comfort in a stance quite reminiscent of the Cowardly Lion of Oz.  “And what is to become of this Glalan?” asked Oritheae “I say we also claim her as a bio-trophy.  She can accompany our new Doug and perhaps in time make a pleasing playmate or pet to him?” While Orithea was looking at Doug, it seemed she was speaking to her fellow Aelmarians.  At the mention of becoming a plaything, Leiku’s cowering took on another familiar hue of blushing embarrassment.  “Hey! I’m not plaything… I’m a proud warrior…” with a quick glance towards Mesah’s immobilized and gagged circumstance, she quieted herself and chose not to complete her sentence.  Doug rubbed the back of his neck, stood awkwardly atop a huge blue palm, and hoped his bodily reaction to the idea of a pet giantess cat-girl would go unnoticed.  With so many more numerous senses calibrated to far more precise resonance than a humans, it did not go unnoticed by all three giantess elves.

An entertained and only moderately alien sounding giggle burst forth from Neriyeira, “I think he likes that idea very much.  Oh, I think that was my first giggle.  Doug, did I do it right?” Once more Doug found himself the singular focus of the ardent attention of the three blue giantesses.  Now that it seemed all the legal matters had been resolved, their fawning and cooing over their new prize was only intensifying.  “I mean, sure, that seemed like a great giggle for a beginner there Neriyeira. Did I pronounce that right? It might take me a while before I get the hang of all your names”.  Oritheae and Heglyn practiced giggles of their own, with comparable success.  “If it’s easier, you may call me Lyn,” said Oritheae, “and her Thea,” she continued pointing towards Oritheae. Who gave Doug another twitterpated twiddle of her finger tips.  “And Riya I think would make for a good nickname for me,” interjected Nireyeira.  “We’ve downloaded your planet’s electronic information and these names seem as though they will be familiar enough so as to be easier for you”.

As the conversation grew more casual Lyn stepped over and with ease hoisted the restrained and gagged Mesah up onto her feet.  It only took a couple of forceful shoves for the cat girl to reluctantly march alongside her captor.  Thea stepped up close, towering over Leiku, looking down at her with a tilted head. In a lilting polite tone she asked, “Glalan will you remain compliant if we remove your neural link collar?”  The gears turned in Leiku’s head as she struggled against what she felt was the proper defiant Glalan response, and what she felt was the more reasonable and logical answer.  Silently, she nodded her acquiescence while attempting to avoid the glare she could feel Mesah’s eyes burning into her fur.  A white egg-shaped landing craft swooped over and gently glided to a halt hovering dozens of feet in the air; a gentle step for the group of five of giantesses.

As the troup began walking towards the hovering egg-ship through the trail of destruction their chase had created, it began to dawn on Doug that he wasn’t being escorted home.  “Okay, so, ladies, can someone please start explaining some things to me. There was mention of “harvesting” and something called a “bio-trophy” and where are we headed?” he tugged at the collar still around his neck, “and can I get this thing off now? Or is it my turn to be zapped?”  Thea’s raft sized hands swooped in and scooped him up off of Riya’s palm.  “Neriyeira, why don’t I help acclimate Doug to his new life as our bio-trophy while you and Heglyn prepare the transport to return to the Worldship?” Neriyeira gave giggling another try and found she quite enjoyed it.  “You know as well as I do Oritheae that the ship pilots itself and requires no preparations.  If you wanted a turn holding the human, you needed only ask”.  Thea blushed a different shade of blue as her poorly veiled scheme was so easily discovered.

Chapter End Notes:

Thanks for making it this far. I hope to post the next chapter soon.

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