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Chapter 4


Hurricane Susan


Thankfully for the spies, the anus was a relatively smooth ride – not that they ever thought they’d say that – aside from the thin layer of excrement that papered the barriers of the tube and the stench it brought, it was as Jerry would say easy breezy.


But then they entered a larger cavernous area where a steadily rising thin mist obscured the bottom. It made the walls look shadowy and distant but the spies could still see where they were going and easily navigated the twists and turns of the large intestines.


Unfortunately, this was where their luck ran dry.


The craft suddenly shook violently.


“What the!?” Clover shouted.


“Something hit us!” Alex said.


“It’s a macrophage!” Sam shouted, pointing to a glutenous cellular cluster that had latched itself to the ceiling of the ship.




“Ah!” Alex cried as she found herself nearly flung from her seat. “There’s another!” she shouted, pointing to her window.


“Ugh make that three!” Clover said, eyes widening as she saw another one heading straight for them dead ahead.


“Like what are we supposed to do?” Alex asked.


“This is a military ship, right? Try shooting it!” Sam said as she set about looking for controls that looked like they’d be for a weapon.




Clover’s macrophage slammed into the front of the ship obscuring their view.


“Found it!” Alex shouted as she pulled a lever and pressed a red button.




There was a burst of crimson energy and the giant cell on the front of the ship vanished in a display of smoke.


“Whoa!” Clover cried out as she roughly grabbed the steering and made a tight, very tight, turn to avoid the end of the current passage, “like that was a close one!”


“Yeah, we better get these stowaways off before we have anything closer,” Sam said, doing her best to ignore her arousal – she’d like to say the danger drove all the erotic thoughts from her mind but in truth, it only added to them. If she got stuck in here would she be digested or kind of fuse with Susan’s larger intestine?




The craft rocked as another blast was fire, knocking the cell off of Alex’s side of the ship.


“Uh oh,” Alex suddenly said.


“Like what now?” Clover yelled.


“Err we have some more gate crashers…”


“How many?” Sam asked, turning to look.


“Err half a dozen…actually make that a baker’s dozen, there’s more coming.”


“Can we outrun ‘em?” Clover asked.


“Err maybe but if we can, we better do it now,” Alex said.


Sam’s eyes widened as an idea hit her. Her green spandex-clad fingers began dancing over the controls near her and she took control of the main weapon. If this worked she’d have to thank some of those smutty fanfic writers. Sam took a steady, calming, breath as she aimed at the wall of the large intestine.


‘Please work,’ and she fired.








The world around them shuddered and shook violently, the dark, wrinkly walls around them flexing and tightening and even starting to close in around them as a reaction triggered by the disturbance to the sensitive organ flesh.


“Hold on tight girls!” Same shouted over the loud rumbling.


“Like what did you do?!” Clover shouted, grabbing the side of the main control console.




A colossal gust of wind slammed into the ship and the pursuing cells. The craft began to turn upwards and be pushed back as the tendrils pushing the manta-shaped craft began to thrash and struggle to maintain control.


“Eww gross!” Alex shouted, grabbing hold of her nose with one hand while the other kept hold of the side of her chair.


“Clover! We need to go into full power or we’re going to get blown away!” Sam shouted as the ship finally gave way and began to flip backwards making the spies devolve into fearful screams as they violently flew back until finally, Clover was able to get the controls back under control.




Another hurricane-like gust of gas slammed into the ship. But now that the tendrils were turning at maximum speed they could at least maintain their current position – and thankfully weren’t sent spiralling again.


The hurricane winds began to fade as rapidly as they appeared – although the sickly gurgling remained – as soon as the opposing force faded the manta-shaped shift shot forward as though entering some form of hyperdrive.


“Ahhhhh!” the girls screamed together as they launched deep into Susan’s gigantic large intestine, barely making each turn, missing violently and likely very squishy and gassy crashes with micro inches to spare.

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