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Author's Chapter Notes:

Here's the second chapter for this story.  Hope you enjoy!


“Ugh….what the fuuuuuuck?” Tiffany groaned, barely starting to open her eyes. The woman did not want to move. Her head was pounding after several too-many margaritas the night before, a feeling as if someone had gone to town on her skull with a jackhammer. She continued to lay on her back for a few moments, the air around her in the darkness feeling incredibly warm. She paid little attention to that right now. Rather, she was focused on the intense nausea and wanted to do all she could to prevent herself from vomiting. She took a few deep breaths, having that horrid feeling of the room spinning while you’re trying to just lay still.

“Idiot,” she muttered to herself as she just continued to lay there on her back. She had graduated college years ago. Why the hell did she think she still had the same level of alcohol tolerance she had when she was twenty years old. Instinctively, she flailed her right arm over in the darkness, trying to find her nightstand and the nice, cool bottle of blue Gatorade she hoped was there waiting for her.

Tiffany found no such bottle of Gatorade. Feeling around, Tiffany didn’t even find her nightstand. Was she still drunk?  Was this some weird dream?  Feeling the ground around her, Tiffany realized that she wasn’t even laying in her king-sized bed with her weighted blanket. She was on some weird rubbery, spongy texture.

“Wait what the fuck?” she said, sitting up quickly in a panic. This was a mistake as her stomach and head did not take kindly to the sudden movements. Feeling her stomach heave upward, Tiffany quickly turned to the side and puked up everything that had been in her stomach. She knelt there for a moment with her hands and knees on the ground, collecting herself and trying to figure out what in the world was going on.

“Gotta find some water or Advil. Something…” she said, slowly gathering the strength to stand up. Though her head was still spinning, her eyes barely started to adapt to the light of the room around her. “Shit, need my glasses too,” she whispered.

Standing on this strange surface, Tiffany brushed her brown hair out of her face. Her hair was tangled, frayed, and a little bit sticky for some reason. She made a mental note that immediately after her Advil and Gatorade, she’d need a nice, warm shower. She took a few steps forward with her arms out in front of her. She had gathered that she was naked, and assumed that she and her fiancée, Alex, must’ve both gotten wasted together last night. They did that about every other Friday night as a way to decompress. But usually she didn’t wake up in strange places like this. Taking a few more steps carefully, Tiffany felt puddle of some kind of sticky liquid underneath her foot.

“Gross,” she whispered, trying not to think about it for fear of throwing up again. Now that she thought about it, wherever she was had some weird sweaty and musty aroma to it, which did NOT calm her stomach at all.

As Tiff started to lower her bare left foot, she stopped, feeling something thin and metallic underneath it.  Reaching down and fumbling around, she felt the wiry metal frames and glass lenses, which she was probably now smudging up. “Thank god!” she exhaled, standing up once again too fast as she put them on. It took several seconds, but Tiffany’s eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness with the aid of her glasses. Her jaw dropped as she looked around.

Examining her surroundings, Tiffany was both shocked and terrified. She was still in her bedroom alright, thought it might as well have been an entire city to her now. “Fuck!  I’m tiny!” she screamed in terror.

Feeling dizzy from both the hangover and the incredibly stressful situation, Tiffany needed to sit down. She was starting to hyperventilate and her fingers started rubbing back and forth on this strange surface beneath her. Wait, where was she?

Glancing down, Tiffany got a closer look at this sponge-like terrain she was on. She could tell that is was a pinkish, flesh color. “What in the fuck,” she whispered, standing back up to her full, albeit tiny height. She stumbled forward a bit, her feet finding another of those sticky puddles which she found so repulsive. Stepping out of it, she noted how the ground under her bare feet was soft, yet oddly moist. It felt like she was standing atop a wet gym mat. Sitting down for another moment to catch her breath and calm down, Tiffany began to feel around with her hands more frantically. It almost felt as it what she was atop had a pulse.

Tiffany’s jaw then dropped as she looked off into the horizon. Though still shrouded in darkness, she could make out the titanic, God-like body of a man. A man who was sleeping in her bed. It was Alex.

“Oh my God,” she whispered, everything finally starting to click into place. From her vantage point, she could see his shirtless chest and abdomen in the distance, beyond that his face. Looking around, she shuttered when it hit her. “I’m on his dick???” she said aloud, having absolutely no memory of how or why this happened.

Feeling light-headed, the miniaturized woman dropped to her hands and knees again, throwing up once more. This was a result of both the hangover and how poorly she handled stressful situations. Feeling the slimy substance underneath her hands, Tiffany got a good whiff of it while she was hurling. That was definitely cum on the head of his cock.

Unfathomably small compared to her titan of a fiancée, Tiffany frantically felt around for her cell phone. She assumed that when her and Alex were shit-face drunk last night, they had probably decided it was her turn to test out the SHE app. But where the fuck was…..

Then she saw it. Her phone…her salvation.  The only problem was that rather than being within arms reach on the head of her boyfriend’s penis, it was now the size of a city block compared to her, on her nightstand, in the far corner of the room.

“Well now that’s just great!” she screamed in frustration, throwing her hands up into the air. Feeling an incredible amount of stress again, Tiffany started to cry, knowing she was essentially helpless until her boyfriend woke up, and that was if Alex noticed or even remembered her.

Sitting down and burying her face into her hands and knees, Tiffany had a meltdown. Tears streamed from her eyes, as she prayed this would all be a crazy dream that she would wake up from soon enough. On top of being shrunken around an unaware giant and already being in severe danger, she still felt like total shit and was extremely thirsty as a result of her hangover.

After about five minutes, Tiffany had caught her breath. As she went to wipe her eyes, she inadvertently knocked her glasses to the ground and heard them land nearby. Or at least she thought it sounded nearby. “Of course, what else could go wrong,” she muttered, almost laughing out of madness at this point. The brunette got down on her hands and knees like Velma from Scooby Doo and began feeling around for her glasses.

Still thrown off by the strange texture of the landscape, Tiffany began to notice the musty smell growing stronger and stronger. Throwing one arm out in front of her, she felt the wire frame in her grasp. “Yes!” she said, throwing her glasses back on her face and standing to her feet in victory. “Finally some good lu….”

She stopped. In her crawling through blurred vision, she had made her way up to the giant slit in the ground before her. She tried to stay very still, feeling that any movement would cause her to lose her balance and plummet into the cave below her. “Just stay still. Stay fucking still,” Tiffany whispered under her breath, trying not to move.

As Tiffany did all she could to remain still, she needed to close her eyes. Her head was still pounding, her stomach was still nauseous, and her balance was still shotty at best. She tried to start slowly backing away from the massive crevice when the ground beneath her began to shake. “Wait no!  Alex what’re you doing?” she screamed, feeling herself starting to fall forward.

The simple act of Alex lowering his leg in his sleep was now potentially catastrophic for Tiffany. Since he was sleeping naked, his giant phallus flopped slightly to the right. Tiffany began to teeter forward, With one more scream, the two-millimeter woman disappeared from sight, flailing her arms as she started to tumble down the shaft, vanishing into the blackness of the slit of her boyfriend’s penis.

Slowly sliding down the hot, pulsing, pitch-black tunnel seemed to go on forever for Tiffany as she struggled down the urethra. Screaming and hoping that something would happen that would rescue her from this hellacious experience, Tiffany found no such relief.

Unbeknownst to her, Alex’s huge, girthy cock became more and more erect in his sleep, only making the chances for Tiffany to escape more and more impossible. After what felt like ages, Tiffany’s slow, forced descent down the slimy tunnel ended, and she felt herself falling. “Help meeeeee!” she screamed, before her tiny form tell into a lake with a splash.  Re-surfacing, Tiffany spat out some of the liquid that had found it’s way into her mouth. She had tasted it plenty of times before, but now the thought of being trapped in a lake of seminal fluid horrified her. “Oh god!” she cried, now having to tread water in a lake of her boyfriend’s seed. “Alex help me!”


Eyes opening, Alex awoke confused, He had been hungover before, but holy shit this was a bad one. He had little to no recollection of what happened the previous night. If this was anything like the drunk nights he and Tiffany usually had, she would have been drinking margaritas while he sipped on craft beers, they probably played some video games on the couch together and ended the night having sex before passing out.

Turning his head slightly to not agitate his head even further, he began to take in the surroundings of his room. He was on top of the covers and naked, so he and Tiffany must’ve had some pretty great sex last night. He smiled, examining his erect penis. “Good night, huh babe,” he said with a laugh, rubbing his finger against the head of his cock, noticing how sticky it was.

When he heard no return, he glanced over at right and saw that the bed was empty. “Wha…Tiff?” he called out, sitting up in bed. There was no answer, he couldn’t hear the shower running and he didn’t hear any activity in the kitchen.

“Ugh, crap,” he muttered, standing up and staggering into the bathroom, to throw some water on his face. “Guess I better start the day.”  After taking his time in the bathroom, Alex prepared himself some coffee, and threw some eggs and sausages in a pan for breakfast. He made sure to make enough for Tiffany. She was probably out running errands or something early and he just forgot about it.

Sitting down with his breakfast, he threw on Netflix and began to eat his food, paying little to no attention to the tiny irritation inside of his testicles.

After his morning shower, Alex began to go through his phone, wondering why Tiffany had not texted him. He attempted to call her, but jumped when he heard her phone vibrating loudly on his nightstand.

“What the fuck?” he mumbled. This was definitely unusual, Tiffany always kept her phone on her. Pulling up Facebook, Alex fired off a message to Tiffany, in case she was near a computer or with her friends or something. “Eh, she’ll be back soon,” Alex said, stripping out of his clothes and turning on the shower. He was still feeling like crap and he really needed that hot shower right now.


As he stepped into the hot, steamy shower, Alex did notice a strange tickling sensation inside of his testicles. He shrugged it off though, assuming he and Tiffany must’ve gone a few rounds the previous night and he was just a bit sore from that. Grabbing his bar of soap, Alex began using it and massaged his aching testicles in the shower.

Inside of Alex’s balls, Tiffany felt as if she was facing down a tidal wave. She had been doing all she could to try and relax throughout the morning. Being so small, how she had been in a serious danger of drowning in her boyfriend’s balls. She was in disbelief at how full they were, so much so that now Tiffany was thinking they probably did not end up having sex the previous night. Whatever had happened, she had probably shrunken prior to whatever sexual activity was supposed to take place.

For a while throughout the morning, Tiffany had tried her best to float on her back atop the thick, sticky liquid. Occasionally, Alex’s movements cause a wave to wash over her, but she had been able to re-surface each time relatively easily.

As Alex started to walk around more, it became increasingly difficult for Tiff to keep floating, and she had to result more to treading water. Paddling over to one of the strange, veiny, slimy walls of Alex’s testicle, Tiffany began to try and scratch and claw against it, hoping that Alex would notice her.

Feeling the tiny irritation, Alex gripped his balls tightly, which along with the warm water of the shower relieved his tenderness in his balls. This might as well have been a tsunami level wave washing over Tiffany, who screamed bloody murder as she was pulled under the surface once again. She spat out excessive amounts of her boyfriend’s cum, gagging and now struggling now to drown. She began to panic once more, knowing that she couldn’t keep treading water like this for much longer.


After exiting the shower, Alex called out a few times and was surprised when Tiffany still was not home. He was getting both annoyed and worried now. Checking her phone, which was relatively easy since Tiff’s password was her birthday, he saw a text from Tiffany’s mom, Dana, showed up on her phone. Dana had messaged Tiff saying she’d be over in two hours. “Fuck,” Alex said, looking around and realizing he had less time than that before she got here.

He didn’t dislike Dana, but she was extremely talkative and this morning all he wanted to do was relax with a cold towel on his head. “Guess I better clean up a bit.”

The minutes passed as Alex hid the evidence of their drunken debauchery the previous night. He tossed away his beer cans and the empty bottle of tequila, bringing the garbage out as well. He made sure to straighten out the pillows and make their bed, when he saw a pair of black, lacy thong laying on the floor near the base of the bed.

With a smile, he reached down and picked up the thong. It was a pair that Tiffany liked to wear during their foreplay, rather, it was a pair that he liked Tiffany to wear during their foreplay. Bringing the thong up to his face, Alex closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, the aroma of Tiffany’s pussy turning him on more and more.

He felt his erection growing and glanced down at his phone. He would really rather wait until Tiffany got home and make love to her, but who the hell knew when that was going to be. Besides, Dana was going to be here soon anyway.

“Ugh, I’ve got time,” he said with a laugh, closing his eyes and grasping his penis, starting to pump his hand back and forth, placing Tiffany’s thong on his face as he did so. He remembered hearing somewhere that masturbating was a way to get rid of headaches, and was doing what he could to get rid of his headache. His mind drifted to fantasies of Tiffany, and all the different ways they’d fuck once she got home.

As Alex rocked his hops back and forth, he was turning the lake of cum in his balls into a wave pool. Tiff screamed and began to swallow more mouthfuls of the fluid. The lake became more and more volatile, waves increasing in size. One particularly large wave of seminal fluid washed over Tiffany, disorienting her as she flailed around underwater, not even knowing which way was up.

Tiffany was not submerged long, as Alex let out aloud moan. He moved Tiffany’s thong down from his face and wrapped it around the head of his penis. Feeling herself being lifted upward was an experience Tiffany had a hard time processing. It felt like the craziest water park ride ever, and she screamed once more as she was shot out of the hot, dark geyser that was her boyfriend’s penis and into the much cooler air of her bedroom.

The cum splattered against the black fabric of Tiffany’s thong. The tiny woman lay there, starfished out on her back as she coughed and gagged, struggling to catch her breath. She just laid there for a minute, trying to take in the events that led her to get to this point. At least she wasn’t near the point of drowning inside her boyfriend’s reproductive system anymore.

Inhaling deeply, Alex cracked his neck as he stretched and stood back up. He glanced down at the mess he had made in Tiff’s thong, shaking his head with a smile. He failed to see his two-millimeter girlfriend, reaching one hand out to him, in a futile attempt to get him to notice her.

Exiting the room momentarily, Alex returned with a pair of tissues. Not paying close enough attention, he wiped his cum up in the tissues, along with the shrunken human being in there. Standing up, Alex tossed the tissues towards the trash can, though he missed and one ended up on the floor.

Tiffany screamed mercilessly as the tissue she was in fell towards the ground. If she or the Kleenex had weighed much more, it could have been disastrous. However, at her tiny size, the piece of cloth just drifted harmlessly down towards the ground.

Reaching down for his phone, Alex shook his head in annoyance. “Where the hell is she?” he muttered, scrolling through his phone again. He checked the time and saw Dana would be here any minute now. He started to close the apps on his phone, when he saw that the Size Hookup Experience app was still running. His stomach dropped, and not just from the alcohol. He had a bad feeling as he started to put together what might have happened.

Pulling the app back up his eyes widened as he saw that it was still linked to Tiffany’s account. The option was right there in front of him. “RE-GROW NOW” was glowing, ready to be pressed.

With a deep breath, Alex pressed RE-GROW NOW. His attention turned to the coroner of the room, as he saw Tiffany’s naked body laying down, now covered in his cum, gasping heavily for breath.

“What the fuck?! Help me!” she shouted, as Alex rushed to her and helped her to her feet. He ran to the kitchen to get her some water, as she sat in a chair and took deep breaths to calm down.

Guzzling down her water, Tiffany just sat there talking with Alex, trying to piece back together what had happened the previous night. Tiffany’s phone the dinged as she glanced at it.

“Shit, my mom’s here,” she said, looking down at her bare breasts and shaking her head at how gross she looked. “She can’t see me like this.”

A smile broke out over Alex’s face. “One step ahead of you babe,” Alex said, pulling the app back up that was still paired to Tiff’s phone. Selecting her, he looked at the button that read CONFIRM SHRINKING.

Realizing what was about to happen, Tiffany jumped to her feet. “NO WAIT!” she screamed, as Alex pressed the button, cutting Tiffany back to size at two millimeters tall.

“NOW LET’S PUT YOU SOMEWHERE SAFE,” he teased, reaching down and plucking up her body. He smiled realizing she again didn’t hold on to her phone, leaving it normal sized compared to her. Wanting to keep her safe, he raised her puny for up to his ear and deposited her there, as he heard Dana ringing the bell to their apartment.

Chapter End Notes:


More to come!  Stay tuned!

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