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"Oi, Wes! Yer back!"

Clapping and gruff cheers rang out among the group of bandits. Their leader had just arrived from a recon mission. Wesley or, as he was known to the law, "Mad Wes" was a wanted man. He and his band of 8 outlaws wandered the land robbing caravans, underprotected castles, and the odd unfortunate soul that happens to be on a nearby path wearing anything better than rags. They've garnered enough notoriety for the bloodshed they leave behind that they have to find a new camp every week or two to avoid the gallows.

This time, however, Wes returned with more than just information on where they can lay their heads next.

"I've got our next hit, men." With barely a hello, Wes jumped right into giving directions. "Nicked a purse off of a monk headed towards the Kingdom of Caldwell and he offered me information in exchange for his life..."

"Our boss letting someone go? Never done that before!" Another bandit called Bo commented, getting a chorus of chuckles from the group.

Wes continued, "I never said I held up my end of the bargain. Just let him talk his head off first." 

They all laughed heartily. 

Suddenly, Wes turned and grabbed Bo's collar, pulling him roughly so their faces were an inch apart. "Now don't you ever interrupt me again, ya filthy beggar!"

Wes' massive frame towered over the average sized bandit.

"Y-y-yessir! Y-y-you got it, Wes!" Bo visibly shrank as he was dropped on the ground.

Wes went on to tell his surprisingly silent and attentive crew all about a nearby castle, loaded with valuables. The Lord living there had been collecting gold from his constituents and preparing a healthy dowry to wed the third princess of Caldwell. The crew buzzed with excitement. 

Wes walked them through the plan after he had scouted the small castle itself. They would attack that night during the shift change between watchmen. It needs to be a quick smash and grab job. This nobleman had the resources to pose a serious threat to them if they left too much evidence behind.  

The crew went to work sharpening their knives, preparing their face coverings, and organizing their weapons for the upcoming raid.

Wes left the work to his men and stepped outside to smoke. He smirked to himself as he leaned against the abandoned barn they were camped at. Sure, he was excited for the treasure, but what he didn't tell his men was that this nobleman also owned a map - a legendary map said to lead the way to immortality. 

It is said that there is an item deep in the Mystical Woods that will grant a man unending life. Details are sparse on the item itself, but the Mystical Woods has swallowed a great many men, none of which returned home. It was a suicide mission without a map. It was unwise to go without a crew, but Wes was a bandit to his core and not willing to share. Even if the item was a disappointment and the legend about immortality was untrue, he could easily sell it without disclosing that information and be set for life.

He would use his men as a diversion. While they rob the castle's keep, Wes planned to sneak away to find the map. To ensure the rest of the bandits drew all of the attention, Wes had arranged for some magical help.  Earlier in the day, unbeknownst to anyone else, he had purchased some magical items that functioned much like timed fireworks.  The user only had to recite a spell and say the conditions for the item to activate. Once it was the appropriate time, the noise and lights would draw every guard on the estate to the area.  And that meant them moving away from Wes' prize.

With his crew unknowingly entering a trap, Wes proceeded with his part of the plan.  Finding an entry point through a ground floor window, he quickly forced it open and snuck into the nobleman's library.  The library was of a modest size but packed wall to wall with large tomes, carefully arranged volumes, and towers of documents.  Wes felt a rush of anxiety pass through him at the thought of not being able to find what he needed among all of this paper.  Scanning the room for anything out of the ordinary, he noticed a shelf with several well worn books that had obviously been used frequently.  They were not as neatly stacked and had bits of paper sticking out of them as if notes had been taken. 

As he approached the shelf, a flicker of light reflected off a charm that hung in the window and landed on a specific book for a split second. He decided to check that one first, as fate had often given him tiny clues like this before. In an incredible stroke of luck, the map was literally bookmarked in that first book from the shelf. The nobleman likely thought it was clever to leave the map in a nondescript location rather than sitting on a pedestal under glass.  He smiled before quickly dropping to the floor upon hearing a loud boom.  The magic device had gone off.  That was his cue to listen for the guards to pass and make his escape.  

Hearing yelling and footsteps pass by, he waited for a moment until he began hearing swords clash.  

"Sorry boys, but thanks for the head start!" Wes jumped out the window and took off from the noise towards the Mystical Woods.  

It wouldn't take long for guards to investigate the rest of the estate and see the broken window.  The nobleman would probably guess as to what they were after in the library.  Why else would someone break into his library? Once they realized what was gone and interrogated Wes' men, the security forces in the area would be in hot pursuit. With dreams of gold and eternal life passing through his head, he ran even faster.  

Having created some distance between himself and the fighting, he took a moment to examine the map and determine the best entry point into the woods.

Orienting himself, he saw that the item was due north of him.  Checking his compass and the map, he proceeded into the forest. 

As he jogged into the woods, he heard the baying of hounds in the distance.  Shit.  This was the last thing he needed. He had not calculated being pursued by dogs with a keen sense of smell.  With less time to escape, his chance of getting caught in the woods skyrocketed.  He knew he had to keep moving or they'd find him. 

"When did the nobleman get dogs?" he thought. He couldn't remember even seeing a kennel in his scouting. 

Using the map, he continued running through the woods.  He saw a large boulder in the center of a group of trees that matched the drawing on the map. He must be close.  Just a little more and he'd have the item in his grasp.  He'd be able to lose his pursuers as long as he kept moving.  He knew he could.  Suddenly, the barking sounds that had pursued him bounced loudly off the trees around him. His sense of urgency rose as he realized they were getting close.  He burst through some thick bushes, not taking time to go around obstacles anymore.

As he ran through, he entered a clearing.  At the center of this grassy area was an ancient tree, as wide as an entire home.  The tree's trunk rose into the forest's thick canopy and you could not see the sky through the branches.  Despite the moon and stars being hidden behind clouds most of the night, the tree and surrounding area had a slight blue glow.  

Momentarily taken aback, the bandit smacked his face to get himself together. "It's a magic item in the Mystical Woods.  Of course it glows!  Keep moving."

On the side of the tree was a whorled branch bent into a massive archway. Wes stepped through the opening, leading him to a small room within.  The room was covered in carvings of what seemed like runes and magical symbols. It was as if the characters had been burned into the walls directly.  At the center sat a pedestal of rose quartz. It looked like it was lit from within. As Wes approached, he noticed a small golden orb sitting on the pedestal. It was adorned with intricate designs and filigree.  This was most definitely the object he had worked so hard to obtain.

While thinking about coming back for the crystalline pedestal at a more convenient date, he reached an arm out towards the orb. 


A fairy, one of the fae folk of the woods, flew into the man's view accompanied by a light skittering sound. A vision of ethereal beauty, her delicate form barely reached the height of an outstretched hand. Her skin, as smooth and flawless as a moonlit pond, radiated a gentle luminescence that bathed her immediate area. Delicate, translucent wings sprouted from her slender back, glistening like fragile, iridescent petals. Her eyes, deep and bewitching, held a timeless wisdom and a mischievous glimmer.  They also displayed another trait: annoyance at this invader.

"You are trespassing in these woods!  Leave at once!"

He paused before smiling and saying, "Sure.  I'll take my leave."

As soon as the last syllable passed his lips, his skilled hands moved in a flash.  When they stopped, the fairy was trapped within a small jar. Fae magic couldn't break out of this warded jar.  Wes had done research about some of the potential threats in the forest and made sure to prepare.  

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME?", her voice reached a new level of fury for such a small creature.

"Well, I'm hedging my bets of course.  If I get a lot of money for a pretty fairy, I can keep this magic item for myself with no second thoughts." Wes spoke matter of factly while holding the jar up to his face. With his other hand, he lifted the orb from its resting place. It was surprisingly weighty for its size and felt icy cold to the touch. Light cobwebs pulled and snapped from the item as he plucked it away.

"You have no right to that!  I'm in charge of keeping it safe!  Put it back!" She sounded increasingly desperate as she spoke.

Now examining the golden orb up close, Wes smiled. "Oh, and why should I do that?"

"You can't even use it!  You need a fairy's spe–", she stopped halfway through the word, but Wes was too perceptive to not notice.

He sneered. "Interesting. In that case, dearie, you'll be activating it for me with your spell or else I will make sure this jar ends up at the bottom of a lake! Better yet, I'm sure a fairy would go for good money on the black market. Plenty of people out there would love to play with you… maybe pluck your little wings off and turn 'em into jewelry. Heheh!"

Before Wes could continue his taunting, he heard the hounds once more.  This time they sounded imminently close.  

"Shit, how did they get here this fast? Damn those hounds!"

Now Wes could hear noises coming from all sides and realized he was going to be captured or killed where he stood.  Escape was not going to be possible if they were already in the clearing. Not without a miracle. 

He realized his salvation lay in his hands in the form of unending life.  If he could activate this thing, he'd be immortal anyways!

Bringing the fairy up to his face, Wes demanded she provide the magic power necessary to activate the item.

"Light it up now!  If I get captured, the last thing I'll do as a free man is make sure you never leave this jar!  You'll rot in there for an eternity!"

She looked shocked at his malice and cruelty, but was still able to respond.

"I can activate it, but it requires powerful magic!  You must enter into a contract with the item itself!  You must agree to give up something dear to you."

"Stop speaking in riddles! Something dear to me?! What thing is that?"

"I cannot predict! The item will choose of its own will!" The fairy fell to her knees against the glass bottom with a quiet tink.

"That's bullshit! You're tricking me!"  He shook the jar violently. Her small form slammed into her glass cage.

"Agh! I'm not lying!  There's always a price to strong magic, there must be a give and take!"

The sounds increased in volume, closer now.  Wes knew it was magic or death.

"FINE" he roared. "DO IT NOW!"

A sly smile grew across the fairy's face. "As you wish!" she responded very cheerfully.  

The man was enveloped in an overwhelming burst of vivid green and blue light, temporarily blinding him. The radiant hues danced and swirled around him, creating the illusion of being caught in a sandstorm of luminous particles. His surroundings became a blur, disorienting him and obliterating any sense of direction. As the disorienting light subsided, a profound darkness enveloped him, leaving him completely blind… And naked??   

"Where am I? Where the fuck did that fairy go? She crossed me… I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL HER." Wes was fuming.

"You'll what?" The fairy's voice rang out, far louder than it had before. 

"WHERE ARE YOU?" He roared.

Suddenly, he felt tremors in the ground causing him to struggle to maintain his balance.  As the light streams in, Wes blinks and adjusts his eyes to the sudden brightness. Gradually, he becomes aware of his surroundings. His realization that he had been hidden beneath his own clothes brings a momentary sense of relief, but it quickly dissipates as his gaze falls upon the immense foot before him.  Looking upward, Wes's eyes follow the enormous leg that extends from the foot. It ascends into the distance, stretching as far as his eye can see, resembling a colossal tower or ancient monolith. The sheer scale of the leg is awe-inspiring.  As Wes takes in the sight, a growing sense of dread overcomes him. He realizes that this foot belongs to the very fairy he had threatened moments ago. The implications of his actions sink in, and fear courses through his veins. The fae folk were known for their power and their disdain for humans, and Wes finds himself at the mercy of this immense being. Realizing the danger he is in, the bandit follows his instincts and tries to flee. As Wes frantically tries to escape, his tiny legs propel him forward in a desperate attempt to evade the colossal fairy.  With little effort, the titan fairy lifted one massive foot and pinned him to the ground under it. 

Feeling the weight of an immense force bearing down upon him, a shiver of dread coursed through Wes. The impact was jarring, causing a sharp jolt of pain that shot through every nerve. The weight pressed mercilessly, compressing his tiny form against the unforgiving forest floor beneath. The air was sucked out of his lungs, leaving him gasping for breath.

"Where are you going?  Don't you want to know about the results of the spell? What did you lose?" She burst into laughter.

"YOU TRICKED ME!  YOU BITCH! THIS ISN'T A CONTRACT" He was screaming so loud his voice strained.

"How dare you?" Her mood darkened.  "The fact the spell happened at all is proof the contract is valid and agreed to.  If you want more proof though, fine."

With that, she pressed a small portion of her weight onto the man and felt his form completely give way.

The man barely had time to process the fae's words before everything went black after a moment of extraordinary pain.  In a blink of an eye, he was back under her sole still screaming from the echoes of that anguish.

"Welcome back!" the fairy greeted with a tone of amusement, her grin widening as she spoke. "As you can see, you have been bestowed with immortality. However, don't mistake it for invulnerability or immunity to pain. After all, where's the fun in that? You'll still experience the sting of every blow, my little toy."

Wes's blood ran cold as the implications of the fairy's words sank in. Immortality had been granted, but at what cost? The fairy's intentions became clear, and a sense of dread washed over him.

"Toy?" Wes stammered, his voice quivering with a mixture of fear and disbelief.

The fairy's grin remained, and her eyes sparkled with mischief. "Indeed, my dear trespasser. You dared to enter my realm, attempted to steal what is mine, and even threatened my very existence. Your audacity has earned you a unique reward."

Wes's mind raced, grappling with the horrifying truth unfolding before him. He vehemently refused to accept his fate as a mere plaything to be manipulated by this oversized fairy. Determination fueled his voice as he shouted, "I refuse to be your plaything! I will find a way to reclaim my size and put an end to this!"

Though he yelled as loud as he could, the strain and the effects of his diminutive stature slightly lowered his volume. 

The fairy slammed her foot down on the man; flattening him once more.  The man again awoke screaming in agony, but alive. 

"You already are, and you always will be.  The sooner you accept it, the easier it will be." She asserted.

She lifted her foot, freeing him from its weight, and stood towering above him. He observed her figure from this new vantage point.

She spoke assertively, "Now then, I want to try out this new human form. Look, no wings!" She turned around, presenting her back, though the man struggled to catch a glimpse due to her prominent posterior and his diminutive perspective.

Contemplating her options, she mused aloud, "Hmmm... what to do? Ah, I have an idea! I've heard fascinating tales of your lively taverns. They offer delectable food, refreshing drinks, and a myriad of human amusements. I've always been curious about your human beverages!" Her hands clasped together in anticipation, a gleeful expression lighting up her face.

Wes remained silent, deep in thought as he weighed his options. The prospect of accompanying her to a tavern held potential advantages. It could serve as an opportunity to alert others of his presence or, alternatively, he could seize the chance to quietly slip away and seek out a mage capable of undoing the accursed spell.

As Wes contemplated his choices, the fairy perceived his momentary stillness as an opportunity to don the man's attire. Despite possessing a more feminine build than the bandit leader, the fairy effortlessly adjusted the garments using her innate fae magic. Simple spells like these required no formal contract nor extensive magical power. Uttering a brief incantation, the clothes swiftly transformed in both size and cut, perfectly complementing their new owner's form.

"Hey, what have you done to my clothes?!" Another magical spell unfolded before the bandit, interrupting his meditation.

"These are my clothes. A small creature like you doesn't require garments. Besides, I find you more adorable this way."

The man protested, "Those things belong to me!"

The fairy let out a sigh. "You truly lack intelligence, don't you?" Raising her hand above him, directly over his position on the ground, she commanded, "Adhuc manere"

As a result, the man crumpled to the ground, completely immobilized. He could no longer move any muscle in his arms or legs. It seemed that she had cast a paralysis spell on him.

The fairy laughed. "I wasn't even certain it would work! But I suppose you're so minuscule and feeble that even spells intended for insects and small creatures can affect you!"

The fairy procured a slender string and skillfully bound the man's arms tightly to his torso. With the remaining string, she fashioned her newfound plaything into a necklace, carefully placing it around her neck. Settling comfortably into the delicate hollow between her breasts, he found himself still unable to resist or voice his objections, apprehensive of any potential repercussions that might come along with defiance.

They embarked towards the nearest tavern, the man jostling and bouncing with each of her strides. He recognized that the tavern trip presented his best opportunity to break free from his predicament. Anticipating a bustling crowd, he believed he could persuade someone to help lift the curse. Despite the limited visibility caused by his position nestled between a woman's breasts, he could perceive the distant murmur of inebriated conversations growing louder as they neared the tavern. Recognizing this as his moment, he raised his voice as loud as he could, calling out to garner attention.

Unfortunately, they were still outside the tavern, and amidst the cacophony of the boisterous conversations, his feeble plea went unheard by anyone except the one person he wished to avoid—the fairy herself. Without a word, she pushed him deep between her breasts with one massive finger.  Firmly wedged in between the two soft warm globes, the man can barely breathe.  This is short lived as the fairy pushed her breasts together with her hands, completely pushing the air out of his small lungs.  Wes' body remained ensconced within the confines of her flesh, devoid of both air and light. Despite his struggles, he found himself slipping into unconsciousness once again. Moments later, he regained consciousness, only to realize he was still deprived of air, trapped in the clutches of his captor. The cycle of suffocation and revival persisted, intensifying with each awakening. As he gasped for air during his second awakening, the pressure around him heightened, making his predicament even more suffocating and unbearable.  The fairy had become curious how much pressure she would have to apply to her new breasts to completely crush the man.  She gradually increased the pressure until she felt his little body completely give up its resistance.  

As she sensed him coming back to consciousness, she relinquished the pressure and turned her gaze downwards, addressing him with a commanding tone. "Do you think you can maintain your silence? I could easily bind you tighter, ensuring you suffocate throughout the night. Or perhaps I can find a less agreeable location for you."

Wes reluctantly complied with the fairy's request, suppressing his seething anger, knowing that opportunities for escape and vengeance would present themselves. They always did in his many escapades. Their destination was a tavern, a place where the fairy was likely to be overwhelmed. As a former bandit, Wes was well-versed in exploiting inebriated patrons, and with the fairy's guard down, he could stealthily slip away and seek out a mage to reverse the spell.

Upon entering the tavern, the fairy reveled in the lively atmosphere. At a corner table, a group of sturdy dwarves with magnificent beards raised their tankards, their jovial voices mingling with the rhythmic thud of their ale mugs hitting the table. Nearby, a pair of elegant elves conversed in hushed tones, their ethereal beauty enhanced by their intricately woven garments and radiant silver jewelry.

Amidst the crowd, a burly half-orc shared a hearty laugh with a nimble halfling, their differences in size and stature highlighting the tapestry of diversity that filled the tavern. A band of bards played lively tunes in a corner, their melodies captivating the patrons and inspiring occasional impromptu dances.

An enchanting sorceress sat at the bar, her flowing robes adorned with shimmering magical symbols. Beside her, a grizzled ranger in rugged leather armor exchanged tales with a wise old wizard, their animated gestures bringing their stories to life.

The fairy, her voice betraying her nervousness, approached the bar and awkwardly made her request. "Um, can I... have, um, a drink?"

The bartender chuckled heartily, his warm smile putting her at ease. "Of course, lass. But what kind of drink would you like? Our ale is the most popular choice, but we also have tea if you prefer."

Considering the popularity, the fairy decided on the ale. "One ale, please."

The bartender nodded and reached for the mug. As he lifted the mug towards the tap, he inquired further. "Will you be staying the night with us? Perhaps have some food as well?"

Caught off guard, the fairy stammered in response. "Oh, um, yes! I would like a room and some food, please."

The bartender quoted the price. "That will be 30 coppers for the night, lass."

The mention of "coppers" sent the fairy into a nervous sweat. She struggled to recall the value of different human coins. Frantically searching through her newly acquired coin pouch, she hastily pulled out a silver piece, equivalent to 50 coppers in value. The bartender accepted it and exchanged 20 coppers from his own pouch. With the transaction complete, he poured the ale and placed it in front of the fairy.

"Here you are, lass. Your food will be out shortly."

Meanwhile, Wes became acutely aware of the fairy's sensations. Positioned at the center of her chest, he could discern the rapid escalation of her heartbeat, synchronized with her faltering speech. Regrettably, her increasing heart rate was not the sole observation he made. Trapped in his current position, constrained by the string necklace, Wes was affected by another symptom of the fairy's anxiety—a surge in body temperature and perspiration. His own skin became damp and sticky, causing more friction whenever his captor shifted. The beads of her sweat trickled onto his face, forcing him to taste the briny droplets with each breath, all while struggling against a limited air supply.

The fairy wasted no time, swiftly consuming her first beer, surprising the bartender with her speed. As her food arrived, she asked for another.  "Ale is so delicious!" She could feel a pleasant warm flush across her face. 

As the temperature continued to rise, Wes' desperation got worse. He strained against the binds that held him captive, wriggling and shifting as he did. Every muscle in his body tensed as he attempted to break free from the grip of the string necklace. It felt like a harsh rope against his skin, leaving burn marks behind from his struggle. The oppressive heat fueled him, igniting his need to escape the suffocating situation. With each attempt, Wes fought against the mounting discomfort, pushing his limits in the hope of feeling the cool embrace of fresh air again.

Despite his efforts, it only resulted in further entrenchment in the fairy's flesh. The more he struggled, the deeper he embedded himself. Finally, after realizing he was wedged far tighter than he originally was, Wes' frustration got the better of him. He stopped struggling for the time being and tried to rest.

The fairy, for her part, registered only slight amusement at Wes' ineffective struggles. She could feel every twist and squirm, eventually chuckling when she felt his resignation, too. She continued downing several more drinks with alarming pace, gradually succumbing to the effects of intoxication. Concerned for her well-being, the bartender decided to cut her off, offering kind advice to retire to her room with some tea and bread.

As she ascended the stairs, a sense of delight washed over the fairy, filling her heart with the joy of the night. The ale she had savored was delightful, infusing her being with a comforting warmth that spread through her veins. It was a stark contrast to the nectar and rainwater she typically indulged in within the depths of the Mystical Woods. 

Reaching the top of the stairs, her attention suddenly shifted as she sensed a slight struggle emanating from Wes. The thought of him ignited her imagination with the possibilities that remain within the confines of the tavern. It intrigues her, exploring new sensations and positions.

His current position strikes her as somewhat amusing and oddly pleasant, stoking her curiosity further, enticing her to envision what other sensations he might elicit when pressed against different parts of her form.

As a fairy, she has not experienced sex.  Having her first time as a human would be daunting, if not for the tiny package hidden between her breasts.  Her little captive would prove to be useful for experiencing intimate pleasures.  With her human form, she could take her time enjoying it.  Wes' function and form would be perfect for exploring the possibilities.

Reaching her room, thoughts of the things she could do to Wes raced through the fairy's head.  She could feel her groin tingle and heat up, becoming even warmer than the rest of her booze fueled body as her thoughts moved through scenarios.

The fairy entered the room and closed the door behind her, being sure to slide the bolt to ensure it would stay closed during her late night plans.  Undoing the knot at the back of her neck, she removed him from her cleavage.  Even at his small size, his gasps for air could be heard quite audibly.  As could the high pitched scream as he was thrown on top of the bed.  Thankfully, his small size and the boisterous tavern kept his scream from reaching anyone outside of the room. The fairy stripped down and sat on the bed.  Her titanic ass narrowly avoided crushing him as he jumped to the side.  His freedom from her body is short-lived. Her hips settle into the bed and he finds the mattress under his feet slant back towards her thighs. He rolled into the valley formed by her huge lower body, wedged between her hip and the bed. She reached a hand towards Wes.  

Wes was too disoriented to even recognize he was about to be grabbed by the massive fist. Just barely freed from the fairy's chest, he found himself now laying across the rough blanket, with one side of him pinned down by the warm skin of his captor.

With Wes in her grip, she clumsily adjusted her position on the bed to spread her legs.  She unceremoniously dumped Wes between her inner thighs, inches away from her vagina.  He could feel the warmth and smell her aroma.  Were he not so insignificant compared to her, he would have found the sight quite arousing.  

"A bandit like you should know how to please a woman, right?"

Wes found himself frozen in place.  As his mind raced, he took stock of his potential escape options and found them bleak.  He was trapped on three sides by her legs and pussy, and behind him was just more area that could be reached by the fairy in an instant. He decided his best bet was to plead for some reprieve.

"Please!  I'm a reformed man, I've learned my lesson!" The bandit lied through his teeth.  

His brain screamed at him that fucking something twenty times your size was going to kill him.  Not that he could be "killed" anymore, but it still hurts every time. It was not so easy to turn off one's own basic will to live.

"What's it going to be, toy?  Will you do your job willingly or will I need to… 'assist' you?"  The emphasis placed on 'assist' made it clear this was an option that Wes wanted to avoid.

The fairy continued her taunting as Wes took a step forward and paused.  "I'm happy to help my little plaything, I can't guarantee you won't die but it shouldn't be too many times."  She moved a hand to hover behind Wes, cutting off any chance of turning around.  Her gaze down at the tiny man was predatory, waiting for the moment to strike.

Wes was out of options now.  Seeing her massive palm behind him and thinking of being crushed into her by fingers that were nearly as long as he was tall in his current state made him realize the only way was forward.  He took another step as he resolved to make it out of this no matter what he had to do.

"Going to do it on your own?" The fairy said with mock disappointment in her voice.  "I thought maybe you wanted it rough."  The fairy paused and grinned as Wes reached his destination.  "Of course if you don't do a good job, I'll be happy to jump in."

With that, she felt his tiny hands make contact with the delicate folds of her body, and she leaned back slightly to enjoy the pleasurable sensation.

Wes was no stranger to women, but this was a daunting task.  He had never been concerned about pleasing a woman before.  He used his hands to move up and down her lips, quickly getting his arms covered in her natural lube in the process.  Based on the moans he heard far above, he was accomplishing his goal.

"Mmm, I can see the appeal in this." The fairy thought to herself.  "But I want more."

The fairy barked at the man, "More!"

The man, unwilling to move closer and risk being completely swallowed, responded by moving his hands up and down at a faster pace.  He could feel her hips shift slightly and increased the pace even more. Having to move his entire upper body was tiring, and beads of sweat started to cascade down his forehead.

"You would think being a human all your life would have made you better at this.  My turn." The fairy took her hand and moved to shove Wes against herself.

Wes heard her say the words and felt her warm soft hand hit him like a pillow swung by an ogre.  He was plunged forward into the moist, slick lips and felt himself being slid up and down.

The fairy maneuvered Wes's body up and down, enjoying his small kicks and attempts to grab at anything he could. It just made the experience even more varied.  She gasped in delight as his head made contact with her clitoris.  She moved his body so that his head was resting directly over that hypersensitive spot, and with her middle and ring finger keeping his body secure, her index finger pressed his face into her clit and rubbed from all angles.

Wes for his part, was simply trying to maintain some breathing while being battered by his jailer's sexual conquest.  Covered in her warm and slippery fluids, he was feverishly hot.  His face was being battered by being rubbed against her body vigorously, while his torso was pressed into her by her other fingers.  He felt the finger on his head lift and quickly snapped his head back to gain some air.  From his limited viewpoint, he saw and felt himself being slid down.

Satisfied with using him for stimulation, she decided it was time to move on.  Grasping the man in her fist, she recited a brief spell.  "Rigida sicut tabula."

Wes's entire body froze, leaving him immobilized. His face and neck turned rigid, rendering him incapable of any expression. His arms were tightly pinned to his sides, refusing to budge, while his legs straightened against their will. Every muscle seemed as unyielding as metal or wood, leaving Wes devoid of any voluntary movement.

"What are you doing??" He cried out, made fearful by this latest magic spell.

"Shhhhh." The fairy simply shushed the bandit, not deeming him worthy of explanation.

With her plaything adequately prepared, she reached her hands down to her pussy.  Using one hand to spread her lips, she made sure the bandit went headfirst into her.  As his head and shoulders passed through her opening, she bit her lower lip.  She shivered with delight as she pushed him in until all that was left were his lower legs, still held by the fairy.  Feeling him fully inserted, she began pumping his body in and out of her with increasing speed.

Wes could only take in what is happening to him, unable to move due to the fairy's magic.  His own curse is fully active; as evidenced by blacking out and reawakening in the same position. While the fairy used him as a sex toy, all he could do was endure being drowned inside her lower body over and over.

The fairy was nearing a climax now.  She could feel her muscles tightening and her own hormones urging her to finish.  She pumped Wes's body faster, thankful for the rigidity spell being the reason his physical body could even stand up to this. As she reached orgasm, she felt her body's muscles contract and squeeze Wes from all sides.  She smiled thinking what that must feel like to him.

Wes felt himself crushed further by the fairy's soft walls before finally, mercifully, sliding out.  His legs were still in the giantess' grasp as his torso and his head were pulled out and he was quickly dropped onto the bed. He gasped, sputtering as the slick and wetness slipped off from around his face.

The fairy had quite enjoyed using the bandit as a sex tool, but she felt herself wanting more.  Maybe she needed a partner closer to her size?

The idea of going back downstairs and finding a willing partner among the crowds was out of the question; which left her with the tiny and still frozen stiff man.  Granting him any size back was out of the question and truly was out of her power.  The contract had been executed; and it was the orb's magic that sealed the deal.  

She had an idea and struck a contemplative look.  She picked Wes up again and held her hand up to him, judging his size.  Nodding and apparently pleased with the results, she placed Wes back on the bed, held her hand over him and released the spell freezing his body.

Wes gasped and flailed his limbs, finally free to move again.  He stifled the urge to scream obscenities at the fairy for what had been done to him.  The hand directly above him, which could crush him in an instant, was an excellent reminder of what would happen.

The fairy explained her idea to the bandit.  "I had fun with you as you were, but I'd like to experience something with a partner closer to my size.  You're not going back to your old size, of course, but if you are willing to play along I will have sex with you in my fairy form."

The bandit enthusiastically agreed to this.  This was the lapse in judgment he had hoped for.  With the fairy in her original size, he should be able to overpower her and reach the end of this nightmare.  This may be even easier than his original plan, he thought.

The fairy was pleased the human was willing to play along.  Maybe he had enjoyed being used to pleasure her?  She hadn't thought of having a willing plaything, but the idea was intriguing.  Smiling, she closed her eyes and breathed in.  With a flash of blue and green light, the fairy changed forms.

Wes was ready to jump her the moment she went back to her normal size.  The flash caused him to pause for a moment, and in that moment he saw his plan was doomed from the start.  He was not an equal size to the fairy.  No, even in her original form she towered over him at twice his size.  He couldn't take her in a head-on fight, there was no chance of it.  HIs best bet was playing along with her and finding an opportunity before she became a giant again.  

The fairy stretched her hands above her head, loosening the muscles of her form to prepare them for her next round of fun.  Bringing her hands down, she stepped forward and pushed Wes backwards onto the bed.  Wes laid back.  The fairy continued moving forward a step so she was standing at Wes' chest.  Kneeling down so that her shins pinned his shoulders to the bed, her pussy completely covered Wes' face.  Loving the feeling of the small man's face buried in her cunt, she began to move her hips back and forth.  

Wes was expecting mutual intercourse and was upset when he found himself again unable to breath while buried in her vagina. Her grinding led to some opportunities for him to breathe, but he still struggled.  After a few minutes and a lot of swallowed liquid, Wes found himself drowning in pussy, again.  He blacked out, only to revive still struggling for air and still helplessly trapped beneath her relentless hips.

The fairy slowed her gyrations and her legs shivered as she finished.  Wes noticed the slowing pace and hoped it meant he would be able to breathe for a moment.  The fairy rolled off of him, and before Wes could do more than gasp for air a familiar light shone around the fairy's body.  When the light faded, Wes found himself pinned between the fairy's left hip and the mattress again.

"Well, little toy, how did you enjoy the closest you'll ever get to being equal in size to a woman again?  Sorry if you had hoped it would go differently but, well, your enjoyment was not the point."

Wes had reached the end of his rope.  Human, fairy, he didn't care.  "SHUT UP!  I SHOULD HAVE CRUSHED YOU WHEN I HAD THE CHANCE! RIGHT BETWEEN MY FINGERS, LIKE THE DAMNED FLY YOU ARE!" He mimed crushing a bug in his fist.

Smiling, the fairy replied, "Ah, there's the awful personality I knew was there."  She used her hands to push her hips a few inches up into the air, shifted herself to the left so her immense ass was directly above Wes and quickly dropped her weight down.  "I'm glad I have so many ways to silence you.  No one likes a noisy toy.  Well, you'll learn with time."

Reaching over with the pinned bandit still under her glutes, she grabbed the string which had previously bound the man.  Reaching under herself and finding the bandit, she pulled him out and quickly placed a thumb over his face to keep him from objecting. She had no interest in hearing his voice again. Binding him with one end of the string, she used the rest to secure the man to the sole of her left foot.  Sliding a sock over her foot to further trap him, she laid down on the bed with her knees in the air and feet flat on the bed.  

"I hope this will help you learn.  Consider tonight a gentle preview of the lesson.  The real lesson starts in the morning when we go out for a nice, long walk."

Chapter End Notes:

That's it for our story, for now.  We've left it open ended to allow for it to become a series.  We're welcome to suggestions for follow-ups!

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