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Tonald crept through the underbrush. He grumbled. Enchanted forests, how he despised them. Ancient oaks that stood as great as fortresses, creeping vines that threatened to entangle you, bastard little fey lurking in the flower rows. But he needed to brave it. The best crafting materials were here. You can’t send out some stupid adventurer that wouldn’t know what to look for exactly. You wanted uvesi, you got wild violets, you wanted kikasil, you got stinging nettles. No, better he came out here rather than some dolt.

He pushed through all the wild growth, stamping on knotweeds and pushing away the stunted saplings spurting out from the mud, hoping inwardly that he wasn’t hurting some ent babe by mistake. Distant caws and insect chirpings melded with the susurrus. The midday sun barely pierced through the thick canopy above - thin rays of light illuminating a portion of the wilderness beneath. Tonald muttered. By the gods it was hot. He was sweating, his legs ached and the backpack he carried along seemed to weigh way more now than it did when he initially set out.

More traipsing on and through the forest. Nature's sprawl never seemed to cease until he came onto a wide clearing. Tonald blinked. It was as if this portion of the forest had never been graced by any tree sapling whatsoever. A lush field of sprouting green. He knelt down. His gloved hands rubbed at the herb. Incredible. He looked around. He couldn’t contain his grin. So many rare ingredients all to himself! A glorious bounty that would see him- 

“Oi humie!”

Oh gods, Tonald groaned inwardly. Anything but them.

His brow furrowed. Broken common. Or that awful cockney common tongue they used. 

He stood up and looked to where the voice originated from. A lowly goblin. Only a single short woman some three feet tall with the usual green skin, long floppy ears and messy array of black greasy locks. Strange… He looked around, waiting for more of them. Where there was one goblin there was bound to be more. 

Nothing. That made him more worried. Goblins always come in packs. If there is only one, then the rest were waiting somewhere, ready to strike.

He looked back at the goblin. Dead centre within the clearing this gobliness was tinkering away at some amalgamation of wooden barrels from which tubing ran into various test tubes, flasks and funnels. He huffed, wondering if he should just depart. Goblins were never worth the trouble. However, if he didn't entertain them then he would be giving up the chance to stuff his bag full of all these rare ingredients.

Tonald looked over his shoulder and then focused back on the awaiting goblin.

With a huff, he moved forward, minding where he trod lest he step on something truly valuable. The potions he could concoct from all this growth could and most certainly would make him a rich man indeed. Adventurers would flock to his shop from leagues around for all the buffs, brews and tinctures. He would be so awash with gold he could move out that mouldering shop in the ass end of the slums. 

Tonald the potion master. The more he mulled the epithet, the sweeter it became. 

As he drew closer to this mad array of mechanisms and barrels Tonald felt an uncomfortable rush to his cheeks and, rather awkwardly, to his trousers. His eyes locked with hers. He soon felt lost within their purple glow. Trailing down, that uncomfortable rush now was strangling his ability to speak. It felt hard to even breathe.

Wrapped up tight in her dungarees, the goblin's wide hips and thick thighs bulged out from the split seams like little teasing hints of her buxomness that was straining against her clothing. Her chest was little better in that regard. Two massive green lumps wrapped up so tight that the buttons were buckling under the pressure leaving a glorious window above and pockets beneath to reveal her bounty. It was as if at any moment those buttons could come flying off primed with all the force of having to keep her gargantuan breasts at bay.

A hiss came from one of the tubes. "Zog it!" the goblin yelled. She turned around and bent over to fix whatever problem befell her workstation.

Tonald eye’s bulged. His fluster was turning into fever. How could a goblin have an ass that fat? When she bent over, Tonald almost fainted at the sight of her backside. No one could have curves like that. But by all the gods she did. Two humongous cheeks jutting out, firm and taut. When she pulled at her dungarees to alleviate some tightness, it almost made him want to weep the way her ass jiggled.

The sudden cry of “Oi! You’z gonna keep staring humie or you'z gonna pass that spanner?” brought Tonald back to his sense. He sputtered and pulled at his trousers in a feeble attempt to hide his excitement.

"R-Right!" Tonald stepped to her side and passed along the tool. He was voice was calm. The tone of a professional in complete control. A professional and above all a scholar. He did not-

When she turned to her side and he caught sight of her sideboob, the rush downwards increased. How the sweat gave them an almost emerald-like shine, the way they jiggled as she tinkered with her contraption. Tonald took a step back, hoping he could quell this deplorable lust. She flicked her long flowing hair back and as she did, she called out, “Youz alright der humie? Yer cheeks…”

“N-No! I mean- Yes, course I’m fine. Have you... umm, tended to that small matter?”

"Who'z you calling small?" She snapped. The goblin tightened a bolt and the hissing died down. She sighed in relief then faced Tonald once again.

Tonald took a few pensive steps forward. A sweet smell permeated the clearing. He looked down at her. The top of her head reached his hips. Tonald wished he didn’t have to loom over. He had a perfect view of her bundled-up boobs, the sweat giving her monumental breasts an almost polished sheen. He needed to think, think of something beyond staring at a goblin’s stupid sexy body with the lust of a horny teenager. Talk. That was the best thing to do. Focus on her words, not her boobs, nor her ass or her gorgeous features - talk.

“What are you doing out here with all this miss…” Tonald let the words hang.

“Miss? I ain’t no miss!” She smiled, revealing her fangs, “Da name’s Seq!” 

He nodded his head. “Pleasure Seq. Name's Tonald.”

“Tonald da humie!” Seq looked him up and down. She whistled loudly. “Right looker you are! If me tribe was ere’ you’d have to beat the lasses back with a stick to stop em’!”

“Err…” Tonald felt so much blood rushing to his cheeks they might very well burst. A tribe of goblinesses? He was hot under the collar from one, but a tribe of them… “Kind of you to say?” 

“Don’t men-shun it. And wots it look like I’m doin’ out ere?” She checked the temperature gauges and moved some of the tubing around. When Tonald didn’t respond, she said “I’z brewing ya bloody plonker! Brewin’ some propa' grog!”

A kindred spirit. Tonald scoffed, a smile forming. Brewing was after all alchemical in nature. More rudimentary of course and less complex to be sure, but still it dealt with similar concepts. Her workstation made far more sense now. “A brewer you say? What kind of alcohol are you making?”

Seq finished her tinkering and sat on a wooden box. The beams creaked beneath her. How her pudge sprayed out on top. The gods were testing him when they decided he should meet such a goblin. Seq scratched at her chin. “Just usin’ all this here herbs. Testin’ stuff. It's just grog innit?”

Moonshine they called it and goblin moonshine was akin to poison. He had a sip of the stuff back in college. All he could remember was a lot of burning, followed by a complete blackout in memory and then waking up with worst hangover of his life. Tonald winced, “anything… good yet?”

Seq shrugged. “Dis is the second batch ere.’ The lasses were keen to get some drink in. I ain’t tested it yet, but taste don’t matter to me much. Youz want a bit?”

He wanted to say no. The floral aroma in the air, the heat of the sun bearing down upon them. What was he thinking? His dick was doing the thinking now. “Sure,” he said.

Seq smiled at him. She hopped off her crate, grabbed up a stopper and then suddenly rammed it into the largest brewing barrel with great force. Tonald blinked. The stopper went clean through. It was a massive barrel twice the size of him. She was stronger than she looked. 

“Lez see ow’ it came out then.” Seq grabbed two empty mason jars and poured in a clear liquid into both, filling them right to the top. She passed one along to Tonald, going up on her tiptoes to do so. “Cheers humie!” Their jars clinked and Seq polished hers off in but a few chugs. 

Tonald sniffed. The hairs in his nostrils singed at the smell. He had to hide his gag. This wasn’t alcohol. In his jar was death itself - distilled and refined until it resembled a clear liquid. Even whiffing it was making him light-headed. A sip of this and he might never wake up again.

Meanwhile, Seq had poured herself another and seen it off. She chugged away, exhaled after finishing and let out a long hoot and holler, “Ooo wee! Now dat’s the good stuff!” She poured herself another, turned around and looked up at Tonald, “wotz up humie?” Seq bore a toothy grin, “can’t handle some propa brew?”

He flashed a scowl at her. Who did she think she was? He was a graduate, a scholar in the alchemical arts! She was just some bumpkin, a silly woman who knew nothing of true chemistry, and he would not be insulted by the likes of her! He was many things, but a lightweight he was not. He would brave any experiment, any test! That is what a scientist of his calibre must do to seek perfection!

Tonald locked eyes with her and took a pensive sip. Memory is an imperfect thing, it couldn't be as ba-

Tonald immediately spat it out; Seq hollered with laughter. He gagged and wretched. Water, he needed water! Anything to clear the poison out! It touched the tip of his tongue and he felt his life flash before his eyes. Nothing should taste that awful!  

Seq could hardly control her laughter. Her drink sloshed about and spilt all over her, drenching her boobs and dungarees. “What a zoggin' pansy! Humies can’t handle the good stuff!” She came over and yanked Tonald’s jar out of his hands then proceeded to down his drink as well. 

Tonald had pulled out his canteen and drunk up the cool spring water in a desperate bid to cleanse his palette. The wretched acrid taste dissipated. He wiped his lips and said, “what in the hells did you use to brew that!”

Seq pointed all round, “couple of herbs there. Used em’ to flavour these batches. Have a lookie!”

Tonald nodded and headed to where she pointed. Whilst Seq was helping herself more to her brew, he poured over her ingredients strew haphazardly around. There was a load of freshly picked herbs in a wooden crate and assumed that is what she had used to flavour the vile concoction goblins passed for a drink. Flowery stems thin ovate leaves had grown in an even pinnate fashion. He smelt them. A chill ran down his spine. More memories came flooding it - repressed recollections that he buried deep from the times with all the elves in his alchemical and magic classes. 

Growgreen. It was the same herb those elves used to grow themselves and to shrink him. It was meant to be rare! If Seq had been using that herb exclusively, and if she had distilled it down then that would mean…

Tonald whirled around and looked at Seq. His jaw was open and he tried to speak but nothing came out. Horror throttled him, terror rooted him in place. He wanted to run before it started to happen. 

Seq was in the middle of pouring out yet another drink until she caught sight of him. “Oi humie, wot’s-”

As the goblin turned, her hands began to tremble. She dropped her mason jar, spilling all the clear liquid onto the ground. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead. Her head swirled and her eyes rolled into the back of her head. She stumbled back. Tonald shuffled back ready for the explosive burst of growth. A pinch of raw growgreen was enough to grow someone a few feet. Distilled into a liquid and chugged by the jar, there was no telling just what would happen. Could anyone’s body let alone a goblin's handle that much growgreen coursing through their bloodstream?

Seq steadied. Her eyes came back and fell onto Tonald. She was breathing hard. Her face was drenched in sweat. “I think-” she gulped, “somethin-”

Seq’s body exploded upwards in height, doubling, tripling, quadrupling his height in a near instant. A deep groaning sound thundered from the goblin akin to a metal’s stress groans. Tonald turned to run as he saw the goblin’s expanding form idly slam into the distillery. All her equipment was sent scattering until they were then crushed beneath a tide of green flesh. He turned and stumbled to the floor. The uproar of her growth made him fall to the ground - everything was shaking as if struck by a primordial fear of this evergrowing goblin. Pinned to the floor, all he could do now was watch Seq become taller and taller. It wasn’t long before she towered as great as those magically infused trees.

And yet her growth refused to abate. On and on, higher and higher, taller and taller, her form kept expanding. She took a step back as if to help steady herself during her violent surge in height.

Her foot ploughed with the trees, her newfound stature as a giantess infusing her with such terrible strength that not even the ancient trees could stand against her. She placed her foot down and then she stumbled. Tonald tried to brace for the impact. How tall was she? Fifty foot? Seventy foot? A hundred? Two hundred or more? Even as she fell onto her ass, she was still growing. Her cheeks were about to come crashing back down to earth with all the weight and ferocity as a meteor falling from the heavens.

First came the sound of cracking. Tree tips were the first casualties to fall beneath Seq’s godly thickness. Bit by bit, inch by inch, her backside crunched down onto the hardy bodies of the trees, bending, breaking, buckling as the behemothic backside of Seq reduced the wood to nothingness beneath her. As her thickness expanded, her hips pushed against yet more of the surrounding trees causing them to become casualties to her growth. They were nothing more than shattered pieces of lumberwhich came tumbling down beneath her ass.

Tonald tensed. She was about to hit the ground.

Seq’s entire weight struck the earth, her godly ass burying itself deeper in the ground. The displacing air combined with a sudden shockwave whipped Tonald up into the air like a ragdoll caught in a storm. Bits of tree, branches and leaves smacked against him whilst he tumbled through the air. Even when he landed he wasn’t free from the chaos. The earthquake she unleashed would have been felt across the land. The ground could not stop convulsing. It was as if the earth could not comprehend the sheer weight that just landed onto it.  

As Tonald lay there amidst the desolation, bruised and battered, all he could was groan. He heard Seq shifting. Nothing else could be causing such commotion. A sudden shadow came across him. Seq was standing up again. He couldn’t even see her face anymore. Her breasts jutted out so far that they obscured her features. How her dungarees had grown with her he couldnt understand. Then he remembered. She split her drink on her clothes. Lucky for her. Beneath her engorged breasts, they must have expanded up as well. An amazing sight.

Ooohhh…” Seq’s voice lost all hint of softness. It was so bassy now he could feel it on his chest. Her utterances were deep - powerful enough that he could feel himself vibrate every time she spoke. “Me zoggin’ head.

Tonald blinked. He could swear… they were getting closer? She was falling forward now. He could see her chest coming down and engulfing more of his vision. His body refused to move but even if he could, how would he ever able to outrun her growth? By the time it had taken him to sprint, her growth would have covered that distance. No. This was it. This is how it all ended for him. A life of struggle in the college, all the teasing from the elves, all to meet his end at the hands of the greatest set of breasts ever to grace the land. 

Darkness drowned him as her breasts drew closer. The flow of time seemed to slow. It was if the gods were giving him enough time to survey Seq’s heaving chest, to admire her outrageous bust in all its gigantic glory one last time. There were worse ways to go he supposed. Being smothered by her breasts… well, he could enjoy the fleeting moment of softness before her weight turned him into a stain on the floor. At least it would be quick. Tonald smiled. Rather than be reduced to a blot on her dungarees, Seq was falling on him in such a way her boob window was going to strike him.   

Closer and closer, and then her boobs slammed into him. He made contact with her green flesh, felt the warmth of her bosom, its comforting suppleness. It pressed all around him, her breast entombed him all around. His vision was a world of green. It took him a moment to realise it. He was pressed deep into her boob and yet he wasn’t dead! He was just trapped, forced to wiggle and squirm as her mountainous breast bored down upon him. By all the gods, nothing should be this soft. It was intoxicating just how warm her boob was. 

Wait… he thought. How… 

Seq’s entire weight was on top of him and pushing him into the ground. Caught between the two, he should have gone splat immediately upon contact. There wasn’t even a hint of pain. How in all the hells was he alive to enjoy this?

He did not have long to ponder. As quickly as her breast smothered him, Seq rose back up. As she rose, so did he. He was adhered to her boob, stuck to it. All the sweat mixed with the sugar within the drink had sealed him in place. The more he struggled, the worse he made it. He learnt to stop fighting. Nothing in this world could ever beat this. Nothing could compare to just how soft and how warm Seq’s gargantuan breast was. As he was settling upon the idea of living the rest of his days stuck firm to her bosom, Seq’s bassy voice rose, almost bursting his ear drums. 

“Oi humie?” Seq thundered, “where did you’z get to?” She paused and could feel the shift. Seq was turning left and right. Her boob swayed and jiggled with her movements. “Oh der’ you are!” 

Tonald felt her grab onto him. With a slow careful peel, he was removed from her boob. As soon as he departed, all he wanted was to go back to it. The world was a cold and harsh place and all he wanted, yearned for, was to be stuck to Seq’s vast colossal breast and to never leave its embrace ever again. 

Instead, the air rushed against him as he went higher and higher. Caught between Seq’s giant digits, Tonald found himself before a great purple eye. His jaw dropped. Just how big did Seq have to be if her eye was this size compared to him? His entire vision was just her purple pupil! He looked down and almost screamed. Vertigo slammed into him like a punch to the gut. The goblin must have grown hundreds of foot! The mightiest of oaks and elms, those empowered by the magics of the forest that towered above all, rose just to her knee, the lesser trees to her ankle.

The clearing below had been scoured clear. Two deep craters had been dug into the earth, great yawning chasms that outlined where Seq’s breasts had crashed into the earth. The resulting shockwave had decimated everything nearby. It looked as though legions or armies had come through and deforested a swathe of land. If her boobs were enough to scour clean this much land just by falling, Tonald did not wish to see how the forest had faired from where her ass graced the world.

“Hehe~” boomed the goblin, “you’z it way cuter now… I'z could just...” With those words, Seq brought him down to her lips. Tonald gawped in terror. When her lips parted, he wanted to scream. Her hot breath, still tinged with the overwhelming odour of alcohol, smacked into him. Her fangs now were as big as castle towers, but there was worse than that. Seq’s tongue rolled out and wetted her lips. When she closed her lips, Seq pressed him into them. Tonald was drenched in her saliva, his ears ringing with a deep moan as the goblin kissed him. She rubbed him in deeper, pushing his tiny body in. Tonald was trapped, pressed on his back by her finger into her lips on the front. 


Seq withdrew him from her lips. Again he was dragged through the air, the world spinning around him. When everything settled, he found himself wedged. He snapped his head around and tried to move his legs. It was as if he was caught between two giant mountains on either side. When he looked upwards and caught Seq’s face, he realised, both to his horror and his excitement, that he was pinned in place right smack bang in her cleavage. As he was getting settled, the quake began. Seq cupped her breasts and began massaging them, pushing them up and down. Jiggling side to side, Tonald bounced from boob to boob. It was as if being attacked by cushions. All he could hear was Seq’s soft tittering, followed by the occasional hiccup. If there was one thing worse than a drunk horny gobliness, it was a giant drunk horny gobliness. 

The fun ended abruptly. Seq looked troubled. She squatted down and held her head.

Her belly rumbled. All the world could hear it with just how furious it was. Tonald covered his ears. When Seq opened her mouth, he could only guess at the destruction she was about to cause.

A deep bellowing “URRRRRRRP!” roared out.

Her belch carried through the forest. The air rippled as it contended with the overwhelming force of her burp. It ripped into the trees that encircled the remnants of the clearing, tearing clear through and sending showers of splinters and leaves flying. Everything not in its direct path was sent flying away as it whipped up the air, forcing sturdy oak and ash alike to buckle beneath it. So thunderous was her burp it even made the ground quake with its coming. Worse than that, it was powerful enough that when Seq’s belch struck the earth and blasted a hole into the forest it continued to tear through the very earth, carving through the forest and leaving a path of destruction that was only imitable by the most terrible of sorceries. Fireballs, thunder waves, telekinetic blasts, all paled before the sheer force Seq brought by just her mere burp. 

Der we go!” Seq said triumphantly, not even caring about how her belch had left a permanent scar on the enchanted forest that would take millennia to heal. “You’z comfortable der humie?

Tonald nodded in agreement. Really, he should be protesting. A gobliness had just downed enough pure growgreen to become big enough that a tarrasque would be like an ant next to her. Even her breasts were like miniature mountains onto themselves! But he couldn't help himself. There was something about her. Something that attracted him towards this goblin. Through the haze he could recall something from his studies. It was on the tip of his mind. Pheremones that get empowered by growgreen or some nonsense. 

Whatever, Tonald thought. This is heaven.

Zoggin' heck!" Seq rose her foot and inspected her sole. It was black with grime and littered with infinitesimal fragments of what was once her brewery. "I stepped on all the brew!” The goblin planted her foot back and a boom echoed.

Tonald snapped out of his stupor. The realisation struck him like a hammer to the gut. There were more of them drinking growgreen out there. He felt the colour drain from his face. Now lucid enough to think straight, he remembered that growgreen has slight aphrodisiac properties. Raw it was minimal, but distilled and in huge quantities, he was amazed Seq wasn’t trying to ravage him.

“Err- I think- I think we need to-” Tonald tried to shout, but her giggling drowned him out. A finger came down. Her digit was massive compared to him. He flinched instinctively but found she was just using it to ruffle his hair.

You’z sound propa squeaky now humie! Da girls are gonna love you!” Her finger left and now Tonald could see her mischievous grin. Something struck his mind. The smell of alcohol and sweat melded into one, twisting and turning his thoughts. He felt all the blood rushing down southward, the bulge in his pants growing maddeningly. The pheromones were spiking, her boundless lust peaking from the growgreen was making him horny just by being close. He strained and fought, but there was little point. There was nowhere to go, he was trapped high up in the sky and suspended atop her breasts.

Tonald looked again. Seq’s eyes narrowed. She was biting her lip, licking them in delight. "But I'z want you all to meself first~"

With a great grunt, she pushed her chest outward. Tonald heard a ring and then a deafening ping. A button from her dungarees went flying around, followed by another and another. They arced across the forest and crashed as if they had been loaded in a trebuchet. Each button was the size of a castle and they smashed through the forest, decimating wherever they landed. 

When the final button hurtled away, her breasts burst out. For Seq, she sighed in relief, for Tonald however, he yelped as he was suddenly falling. Since her chest was no longer pressed tight, Tonald was plummeting deeper into the goblin’s cleavage. With his size, it was more akin to tumbling into a humid green valley. Then the walls came in. Her bosom pressed from both sides and Tonald found himself sandwiched between them. He was smushed against them and Seq began to fondle with her boobs, in turn he was being massaged all over. He should have been mulched by the tonnage, but somehow he could only feel the softness as the biggest set of breasts had ever known pressed all around him.

The uproarious sound of calamitous crashing and cracking snapped him out of his heaven. The massage ended. With all his strength sapped, he was stuck once again to her boob. Light entered into the cleavage. Seq's breasts parted and Tonald slowly unpeeled from her boob, rolling down until he landed softly within the canyon. From where he lay, he was deep within the valley. The sun shone overhead and two great mountains arose on either side of him.

Seq plucked him up from her resting spot. Whistling through the air high above the decimated forest, Tonald could see how one of her hands was buried deep in her dungarees and tending to her womanhood. He came back to her lips. Seq pressed him deep, moaning in delight. Tonald tried to return the kiss back. He was utterly minute against her, but still, he needed to try. He lavished her lips, pressed his tiny body against her. His mind was adrift with pleasure. He couldn't even remember why he had come out here in the first place. All there was now was a gargantuan goblin who was pleasuring him and needed to be pleasured in return. Her tongue came out, great and towering, and it lapped him up. How could he have ever feared such a thing before? The way it slathered him, drenched him, bathed him in her saliva, it turned him on even more.

Her moaning was growing louder. She kept pushing him deeper and deeper into her lips, smothering him completely. Tonald responded by giving it his all. He wiggled and squirmed, pressing himself as best he could fully into her. The warmth was too much, the passion too much - Seq was just too much. Her moaning kept getting louder and louder, fiercer and fiercer until she finally came.

With one final booming moan that blasted against Tonald, Seq flopped still. She lifted him up and deposited him back to the valley. Seq ran a hand through her hair.

"Oh zog me..." she thundered. He rose and fell in rhythm to her breathing. He could feel the air brushing too and fro as Seq inhaled and exhaled vast volumes. "You'z and that grog iz the zoggin' best." She waited for a moment, catching her breath and wiping off her cum-stained fingers onto the forest, adding yet more devastation to the nearby land. "Da girls are really gonna love you."

The haze of the aphrodisiac still hung around. Tonald was its thrall now. If Seq had given that growgreen brew to the others, he could only imagine the ruination a set of them were unleashing on the forest. Someone had to keep them tied up until they shrunk back down. Tonald sighed. When he was done with the rest of them, maybe he could get the recipe off Seq. He wouldn't mind this sort of fun again.

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