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Harrison sipped his coffee, typing up his expense reports as he enjoyed the buzz of caffeine to start his day. His office wasn’t particularly large, but it had a window, and more importantly it was his. He’d just barely beaten out his workplace rival for it, clinching a major account right as she’d had to go on leave.

A knock at his door made him look up, and he smiled and waved his friend Jack in, “Nice digs,” the other man said, walking in and taking a look around.

“I’m thinking of getting a whiskey cabinet,” Harrison said with a smile, “really go “Mad Men” with the decor.”

“I love it,” Jack said, chuckling. “Hey, I wanted to come by and tell you, I found out why Katie had to take three weeks off!”

Harrison leaned back in his chair, “Oh? She’s not dying or anything is she?” he asked, a little concerned. While he was happy she’d had to leave right as the big account was closing, he didn’t wish any ill on the woman.

“She’s got it, ” Jack said, a grin coming over his face.

“Holy shit,” Harrison breathed, “do you know what strain?”

“The cat one,” Jack said, fighting a laugh. “This is her first day back, want to go take a look?”

“You know it,” Harrison said with a grin.

Katie Gray sighed, looking at her reflection in the polished elevator doors as it climbed to the ad agency’s offices on the top floor. She hadn’t wanted to go back to work yet, but with her sick leave exhausted she didn’t have much of a choice. Even now she felt a similar trepidation as she had when she’d first been diagnosed with the Meta-Virus.

Of course I’d be one of the ten percent who can get it, she thought irritably, her tail swishing behind her. A tail, I have a fucking tail, she growled under her breath slightly, trying to ignore how much it sounded like a yowl, but her frustration just made the catlike ear on her head flick.

The meta virus had supposedly originated in some government lab somewhere, with most of the world’s leaders pointing the finger at others it was clear the truth wasn’t likely to be known anytime soon. In theory the virus was supposed to combine certain foreign DNA samples into living humans to create a supersoldier. In practice it gave a few animal characteristics to the infected, and while there were certainly some enhanced abilities that came with it, Katie didn’t think it was worth looking like a freak for the rest of your life.

“Mrow,” she said sadly, her catlike ears going flat.

Harrison watched the elevator doors open, he and Jack were “casually” talking by the reception desk, waiting to get the first glimpse of their new catgirl coworker, and they both went silent as the sound of Katie’s heels against the floor rang out.

Katie had always been a good-looking woman in Harrison’s opinion, with smooth brown hair down past her shoulders, and a lithe body that suggested a regular cardio routine. At first glance he might have been able to take her new appearance for a costume, but the pointed feline ears sticking out on top of her head twitched in annoyance as she saw them, and her tail’s fluid motions behind her followed her movements perfectly. The most striking though were her eyes, formerly a deep hazel color, now yellow and with slitted vertical pupils.

“Think fast!” Jack yelled, tossing an apple at her.

Katie didn’t even flinch, it was like the apple was moving underwater as she casually raised a hand to catch the thrown fruit. She blinked, a little stunned herself at how easily she’d managed it.

“Wow,” Harrison said with a smile, “ Catlike reflexes…”

“I should have known you and your little lackey would come over here to gawk at me,” Katie snapped, slamming the apple back on the receptionist desk. “I might look different now, but I still expect you guys to treat me with respect!”

“Of course,” Harrison said with a smile, “no need to bring the claws out.”

“Fuck you!” Katie hissed, flipping him off. She realized too late that one of the retractable claws that had grown under her fingernail had extended, and as Jack and Harrison took it in, they burst into laughter.

Katie huffed angrily and stormed off to her desk, I can’t believe that asshole got the promotion and the office… it should’ve been mine! Instead I got ears and a tail! Harrison had always gotten under her skin, he was the quintessential frat boy grown up, smug, arrogant, and, as much as she hated to admit it, handsome. He had a certain boyish charm to him, and before she’d known what an asshole he was, she’d had fantasies of running her hands through that blond hair of his. I’ll catch up to him, she vowed, I’ll eat you alive Harrison! Next time I’ll be taking the office!

The next few days were rough as Katie settled back into her work routine. Most of her clients were still hers, management had her back for that much at least, and she was quickly rebuilding her portfolio. Still, she found herself dreading work every day, as Harrison found more ways to make a nuisance of himself.

Katie was walking back from the coffee machine on a Monday, her cup steaming in hand, when she froze, there was a red dot on the wall.

What is that? She thought, freezing as the dot moved, I’ve got to get it! Her hand shot out, slapping the wall as the red dot darted away. She blinked, wait a minute…

“HARRISON!” she yowled angrily, turning around to see him and Jack burst into laughter as they waved the laser pointer again.

“Sorry, I was just showing Jack here my new laser pointer,” he said, enjoying her fuming expression, “you know, for the big client presentation next month.”

Katie forced herself to calm down, walking back to her desk as the two jackasses brayed behind her. Her instincts could be hard to keep in line at times, and her catlike ears flittered in annoyance as she sat down. She suddenly noticed something wrong with her nameplate, grabbing it from the edge of her desk.

Oh that son of a bitch…

Her name “Katie” was scratched out, and someone had written “KITTY” instead.

“Hey everyone, I bought lunch for the entire office,” Harrison called, holding a box of sandwiches overhead.

The other office workers all murmured excitedly and got up, forming a line. Katie sighed and joined them, being sure to keep her tail raised. It had been stepped on by accident before… just one more thing a cat-girl had to worry about.

“Here’s yours Katie,” Harrison chuckled.

Katie frowned, her nose twitched as she detected the sweet smell of tuna, “Y-You know I hate fish,” she stammered.

“I know you did, ” Harrison said, waving the wrapped sub shop sandwich in front of her again.

Katie licked her lips, “W-Why are you such an asshole?” she whined.

“Katie, I bought everybody lunch, that’s what a nice guy does,” he said with a shit eating grin, “now come on, you’re holding up the line.”

She scowled and grabbed it from him, fighting the urge to hiss as her ears went flat, don’t give him the satisfaction… and besides, your doctor said to eat more protein… As she sat down at her desk and took a bite she couldn’t help but moan in pleasure, looking down at the tuna fish in wonder. I always hated this stuff before… She felt herself purring slightly as she took another bite, maybe it’s not all bad.

Harrison sneezed into his handkerchief, damn cold, he thought miserably. Wiping his nose, he forced himself to ignore the pounding headache as he glared at Julia, the company’s HR rep. She had a disapproving look on her face and her arms were crossed. She'd made him meet with her in her own office, but hadn’t said in her email what she wanted.

“What can I do for you?” Harrison said, dabbing sweat off his forehead.

“I want you to stop bothering Katie,” Julia snapped, “she’s going through a lot of changes, and the last thing she needs is you and that lackey of yours making it harder for her!”

“Did she complain?” Harrison asked, sitting up.

“No,” Julia scowled, “I’ve seen enough on my own though.”

“W-We were just having fun!” Harrison protested, “It was just jokes-“

“You put a bag of catnip on her desk!” Julia said angrily, “she had to come find me to move it for her!” She scowled, “What’s this about, do you want Katie to quit?”

Harrison blinked in surprise, “No I… You don’t think she will, do you?” He felt guilty suddenly, Katie was an excellent saleswoman, and a hard worker… I didn’t think we’d gone far enough that she might… He sighed, “Okay maybe we were being… rude,” he admitted.

“You’re being an immature asshole,” Julia continued, “and… Are you okay?”

Harrison blinked, his vision going fuzzy a moment, “I’m just coming down with something,” he insisted. He reached for his handkerchief again as another sneeze rocked his body.

Julia scowled and reached across the table, feeling his head, “You’re burning up,” she muttered, “we’ll pick this up when you’re feeling better. I want you to go to the doctor and then head home.”

“I’M FINE!” Harrison said, louder than he intended as he stood up. He wobbled a moment, blinking his vision back, maybe a doctor’s visit is in order…

“C-Can you test it again?” Harrison asked, horrified.

“We ran the test three times to be sure,” the doctor said with a sad smile, “you’ve got the Meta-Virus. Your changes will begin as soon as the flu symptoms subside.”

“How long do I have?” He asked, feeling numb.

“The transformation usually takes about two weeks to finish,” the doctor said, handing Harrison some printouts and pamphlets.

He breathed out slowly, his mind racing, “Doc, can you tell me what strain I’ve got at least?”

The doctor paused uncomfortably, “I just want you to know,” the doctor said slowly, “that accommodation and specialty care are available for your particular strain, you’ll be able to live a mostly normal life-“

“What strain?” Harrison asked, his heart pounding in his chest.

“Mouse?” Julia asked, raising an eyebrow. They were back in her office, and as the flu symptoms had subsided a day before, Harrison had decided to leap right into the new changes, starting with getting his workplace in order.

“Yeah,” Harrison sighed, “I’ve got the mouse strain, so I’m going to get-“

“Littler,” Julia giggled, “we’ll make the necessary adjustments.

He frowned, sensing her amusement, “It’s not funny!” he said angrily.

You certainly found it funny once,” Julia muttered, her fingers clacking across the keyboard as she pulled up office modifications for mouse-strain victims. “Oh my,” she said, covering her mouth, “you’re going to shrink all the way down to-“

“Four inches,” he sighed, “yeah the mouse strain apparently comes with mouse size…”

While Julia went to work ordering his new office equipment he couldn’t help but wonder how long he’d be able to keep things a secret from the rest of the office.

“Morning Katie,” Harrison muttered, shuffling past her desk.

“Morning,” she replied, eyeing him warily. What the hell’s been wrong with him? Harrison was usually pretty energetic during the work day, always calling clients and coming to speak with her and the others about different accounts. Lately he’d been… off.

And what is that ? Katie wondered suddenly, catching a small whiff of something. It smelled good, like a well cooked roast on a cold day, a little peppery maybe? She couldn’t quite place it. She glanced around, it was a little early, and most of the rest of the office was still empty as people got in. She stood up, sniffing the air and following the scent, her ear flicking curiously. She found herself outside of Harrison’s door, and without really thinking she pushed it open.

“K-Katie!” Harrison jolted upright in his chair, dropping something that clattered to the floor, “Knock before coming in here!”

“What’s that smell,” she purred, the rumbling sound leaving her throat before she could stop it.

“Katie I’m serious,” he said, standing up and walking around the desk, you need to-“

She took a deep breath and her eyes went wide, “I-It’s you!” she giggled, “you smell like… something good, meaty, a little spicy…”

“Now look,” he said, his heart racing, “That’s not-“

“Stand up,” Katie said curiously, “all the way up!”

Harrison gulped, “I-I am standing up…”

“You’re shorter than me,” Katie said, awestruck. Harrison looked up and realized it was true, he normally towered over Katie’s five foot four frame, but today he was looking slightly up into those yellow slits. “You’ve got it don’t you? You’ve got the meta-virus!”

Harrison felt something inside him break, “Yeah,” he admitted miserably, “I wanted to wait a little longer before telling people…”

Katie smirked, “Yeah, it would really suck if people made fun of you or something.” Her tail swished back and forth in amusement as she put her hands on her hips, savoring this turn of events.

“Y-Yeah,” he stammered, “I was setting up some uh… accommodations for it, so if you could just-“

“Accommodations?” Katie laughed, “Why? What strain did you get? The only thing I got was a scratching post!” She teasingly held up her hand, extending and retracting her claws for half a second. Her eyes trailed down to the ladder on the floor, Mouseworks Office Ladders? Her heart skipped a beat, and she felt a new wave of laughter welling up in her. “Mouse,” she said simply, slowly turning back to him, “so that’s why you’re shorter… and you’re going to get…”

“Yeah, I’m going to be really small, okay?” he croaked, “but I’m still going to work here, so I’ll need these,” he gestured to the small ladders, “to get up and down my desk…”

“So that’s why you have that wonderful savory smell,” Katie said, walking forward as her grin widened, “You’re a mousey, or you will be soon, and what do cats eat? It just makes sense…”

“K-Katie please,” Harrison said, nervously backing away.

“Call me Kitty ,” she purred, her tail swishing arrogantly. Harrison grunted as his back hit the wall, and Katie finished closing the distance between them. “A tasty little mousey,” she said, licking her lips playfully as she stood just inches away from him, “and just think! In a couple weeks I’ll be able to dangle you by your cute little tail and just… Eat. You. Up.”

Harrison’s heart was racing, Is she… serious?

“That’s what I’m going to do,” she said slowly, as if it was dawning on her for the first time, “I’m going to eat you…”

“Y-You can’t,” he stammered, “I-I’m a person!”

“Oh my god,” Katie groaned, closing her eyes, “You smell just perfect too, I cannot wait until you shrink down to snack size.” She opened her eyes again, taking in the shaking form of her coworker, with a grin she leaned in, “See you soon Harrison!” and turned to strut out his door, her tail swishing from side to side arrogantly.

Katie sat in front of Julia with her arms crossed and her ears flat against her skull, fighting to hide her displeasure. The company’s HR rep had called her in for a meeting, pulling her away from her clients and her work.

“Katie,” Julia said slowly, “Did you threaten to…” she checked her computer screen again to confirm it, “ eat Harrison?”

“I uh…” she cleared her throat, “i-it was my natural instinct, he’s turning into a mouseboy! This is discrimination against cat-girls!”

“Katie!” Julia snapped, “we don’t have a workplace rule against eating your coworkers, but I thought it went without saying!”

“Yeah fine,” Katie grumbled, her feline ears flicking in annoyance. I can’t believe that rat wrote me up! I never filed a complaint against him!?

Julia sighed, “Katie, Harrison is going through a difficult period right now.”

“Oh, you think I don’t know?” Katie pointed to her own feline features in annoyance.

“Yes but… Harrison’s own transformation is likely to come with some more… complications,” Julia said hesitantly. “We’re doing everything we can for him, but it’s still going to be rough… once he gets to his new size, he’ll need a lot of help.”

“Then maybe he should have been nicer to people!” Katie said, standing up.

“Maybe,” Julia agreed with a sigh.

A few days passed, and Katie mostly steered clear of Harrison. For the most part her own routine was finally getting back to normal, and she’d even had time to help with some market research on the firm’s next big target, a Japanese company looking to expand in the U.S. As far as she knew Harrison was still supposed to go present to them in the next month…

Not my problem, she thought with a shrug, they chose to promote him because I was out turning into a cat, not my fault he ended up a mouse… She sighed and stood up, looking around the now empty office, she was the last one to leave

She frowned as she saw that Harrison’s car, an expensive red corvette, was still in the lot. She glanced around, the sun was starting to set, and hers was the only other car parked near their building. Her ears flicked as curiosity got the better of her, and she started towards it. As she got closer she realized that Harrison was still behind the wheel. His eyes were red, and they went wide and he wiped them hurriedly as she got close.

With a forced smile he rolled the window down, “H-Hey Katie,” he stammered, his voice nearly cracking.

Oh god, he was crying, Katie thought, “Hey, I was just working late… I thought you left hours ago?”

“I uh…” he gestured down. His suit was loose, his belt tightened as far as it would go to keep a pair of oversized pants on. “I can’t reach the pedals,” he said miserably, “I guess I didn’t realize I wouldn’t be able to drive the ‘vette anymore…”

Part of Katie thought she should be happy to see Harrison like this, but she didn’t. The worst part of it was that it brought her back to her own “transformative” infection, and how alone she’d felt.

“Get out of the car,” she said with a sigh.

Harrison blinked, “W-What-“

Katie pulled the door handle, swinging the corvette’s door open. Before Harrison could question her further she was pulling him out, he was light enough that it was easy. His clothes swayed slightly as she set him on his feet, gripping his hand like he was a wayward child and pulling.

“W-Where are we going?” Harrison asked, too stunned to resist. Katie was a looming amazon to him, with his head just barely coming up to her chest. She was far stronger than he was now too, he couldn’t have resisted the pull of her arm if he’d wanted to.

“My car,” she replied, “you obviously can’t drive yourself home.”

“Oh,” Harrison chuckled nervously, “uh… thanks.” He reached up and scratched one of his ears with his free hand, scowling.

“That itch means your ears are going to come in soon,” Katie explained.

“How uh… how does that all work?” Harrison asked.

“Your human ears rot and fall off,” Katie said with an evil grin.


She burst out laughing, “No, they uh… they kind of move up your head and change shape,” she reached up and flicked one of her cat ears, “it happens while you’re asleep.”

“Well thank god for small favors,” he said with a shiver as he climbed into her car, “do you have my address?”

“You’re not going home just yet,” Katie said with a smirk.

The mall was closing by the time they got there, with most of the shops rolling their grates down. Harrison could barely keep up with Katie as she strutted through the shopping center, her tail swishing behind her confidently and occasionally brushing against his small body… in a way it was almost reassuring, the world had become a big place lately, and he wasn’t sure he’d have had the courage to come here by himself.

“Here we go,” Katie said, pointing to a mid sized clothing shop with “CATherine’s” written over the entrance in swirling good lettering.

“I’m closing up Katie,” a voice rang out, drawing their attention to the shop’s side where another catgirl, this one with long blonde lochs and Scottish fold ears was leaning against the column. She was dressed in an elegant looking dress, and her striped tail twitched curiously as she saw Harrison trailing behind her.

“Come on Catherine, just do me a solid,” Katie said, jerking her thumb at Harrison, who gulped nervously as the new catgirl’s eyes settled on him.

Catherine sniffed the air a moment, then smirked, “Is he… is he going mouse Katie?”

“Yep,” Katie chuckled, “he was taller than me this time last week if you can believe it.”

 “And here I thought there was just something really good down at the food court,” Catherine said with mock disappointment. “What’s your name cutie?”

“Harrison,” he said nervously, “What uh… what kind of shop is this?”

“Well,” Catherine purred, stepping away from the wall and sauntering over to him, looming overhead with a smug grin, “I make special clothing for people who share our condition , including scrumptious little mouse-boys like you.”

She gripped his hand, and for the second time that night Harrison found himself being dragged by the arm by a catgirl almost twice his height. He was ushered back into the changing room hallway, and before he knew it Catherine cinched a tape measure around his waist.

“You’ll stay proportional once you get all small and mousey,” she explained, “I can just adjust these numbers down…” She layed it along his arms next, “you’ll need pants that can handle a tail of course, now what kind of outfits do you wear day to day?”

Harrison gulped, “Well uh, something conservative I guess-“

“Nope,” Katie said, startling him as she entered the changing rooms, “he’s our firm’s top salesman, he needs clothes that pop Catherine.” She smirked down at him, “hey, I know you’re feeling small now, but you’ll want to feel like a big man again when you close the deals.”

“R-Right,” Harrison nodded, returning her smile, “yeah, I guess I like clothes that are a little… flashy.

“Got it,” Catherine said, “Come by next week when you’re at your new size, and I’ll have a full week’s worth ready, now will that be cash or-“

Katie flourished a credit card, providing her fellow catgirl with payment. She raised an eyebrow, glancing back and forth between the two, and then with a giggle went to ring them up.

“You didn’t have to-“ Harrison started.

“Call it a welcome present,” Katie said with a small smile, “to this weird little club of ours…”

Harrison blushed, “I’m… sorry,” he muttered, “when this happened to you I was…” He chuckled, “God, I was such an asshole…”

Katie shrugged uncomfortably, “Well… don’t get super sappy about it, if you feel that bad you can buy me dinner.”

“He’ll have the cheese sampler,” Katie told the waitress with a wink.

“Oh ha ha,” Harrison chuckled, “because I’m a mouse I must like-“

“I’m getting the fish, and personally I always thought I hated it,” Katie said with a smirk, “ someone kept bullying me by leaving cans of tuna at my desk.”

Harrison blushed at the memory, “Sorry about that-“

“You were a prick, I’m over it,” Katie said, rolling her eyes as the waitress put the platter of cheeses in front of them. She reached out and plucked one up, giggling as she brought it up to his face.

His nose twitched, “Well it does smell kind of-“

“Open up!” Katie giggled, forcing the cheese into his mouth mid-word.

Harrison tried to complain, but instead just chewed slowly, his eyes going wide as the intense flavor hit his tongue. Finally, he swallowed, looking at her with awe.

“That was fucking great,” he said, awestruck.

“Yeah, I figure you’re going to crave a lot of cheese, nuts, berries, that sort of stuff,” Katie said with a shrug. “Personally I’m way more into meat now than I was.” She sniffed the air a moment and grinned at him, “I’m still going to eat you, you know.”

His heart skipped a beat, “Heh, funny,” he said weakly.

“Calm down, I’m just joking!” she said, watching the waitress approach with their food, “or am I?” she giggled at how his face went pale. “What are you doing after this?” she said, her voice suddenly going serious.

“Well uh, normally on Fridays I would go out to the clubs,” he said uncertainly, “but I guess that’s probably not a good idea since I’m like four feet tall. I think you should just take me home.”

“Hmm…” Katie purred a moment, letting her tail trace lazily behind her chair as her ears flicked in thought. He is cute… but he was always such an asshole, then again he’s almost bearable at this size… She felt a sudden desire to have him, and she chuckled, part of her more feline nature was being more aggressive in certain ways. Like chasing a laser pointer, it was easy enough to counter once you thought about it, but as she stared at her diminutive coworker she found she didn’t want to stamp this particular instinct down.

“Why don’t you just come back home with me?” Katie said, licking her lips.

“I uh…” Harrison reached for his drink, taking a sip to gain a moment to answer.

“Just so you know, I can smell fear now,” Katie said, “and ah… arousal.

“Sure,” Harrison said, feeling blood rush to his face, and elsewhere, “L-Let’s do it!”

“Here’s my place,” Katie said, opening the door to her house. Harrison followed her in, taking a look around. For the most part it wasn’t much different than any other girl’s home he’d been in, with the exception of a large scratching post next to the couch. “I fucking love this thing,” Katie growled, extending her claws and then running them down the side, shivering slightly at the tearing sound.

“Yeah, looks fun,” Harrison said uncomfortably.

“Judge me now, but when I put you in an exercise wheel next week, I’ll bet you love it,” Katie said, gently pushing him towards the stairs.

An exercise wheel!? Harrison suddenly had a vision of himself in the contraption, running in place on Katie’s desk while she looked on.

“You know a lot of the girls in our office said you were quite the playboy,” Katie said, her tail swaying from side to side and matching the saunter of her hips as she pushed her bedroom door open.

“I-I like girls, yeah,” he stammered.

“So why didn’t you ever make a pass at me?” Katie asked, unbuttoning her shirt.

He snorted, “Katie come on, smart girls don’t go for guys like me.”

She smirked, “You think I’m smart?”

“The only reason you don’t have my job and office is because you caught the virus before I did,” Harrison said, “I always thought you were… out of my league or something,” he admitted.

Katie looked at him for a moment, that was not the answer I was expecting… With a giggle she pulled her skirt down, leaving her clad in just her underwear. Harrison’s eyes went wide as the towering catgirl loomed over him.

“Hold still,” she purred. He shivered as her claws came out, raking down the side of his oversized suit and pants. The clothing fell away in ruined ribbons, leaving him completely naked as Katie giggled down at him. “I always knew you had a nice cock,” she teased, “it’s big even when you’re at this size…”

“K-Katie my clothes!” he stammered, struggling between an urge to cover himself and an equally strong desire to leap at the amazon in front of him.

“You’re never going to be able to wear them properly again anyway,” Katie said with a grin. She leaned down, running a hand over his arms as her tail flicked casually behind her, “You’re getting some nice toned gymnast arms… Kitty like!”

Harrison started as he looked down, he’d never been in bad shape, but he’d never hit the gym more than twice a week. Now though, he was starting to get slightly more toned arms, no doubt part of the virus getting him ready for a lifetime of running under desks and climbing around inside walls…

“Hey,” Katie said, grinning, “come on, I’ll be gentle…”

Harrison nodded, fighting his nerves down as he stepped towards her. His hands grasped her waist, feeling the soft contours of her skin as he slid her panties down. She had just a small patch of curly brown hair above her slit, carefully manicured and seemingly inviting him to the treasure below. He heard a click overhead and looked up, his eyes going wide as her breasts bounced free. They were huge at his size, hanging over him like twin moons and filling his vision.

“Cat got your tongue?” Katie said, her ear flicking slightly as she grinned down at him. Her gaze trailed lower to where his erection waited, and she reached a hand down, fingering herself slightly and parting her glistening lips for him.

Katie hissed in surprise, her slitted pupils going wide as Harrison all but leapt forward, gripping her bottom in both hands and forcing her against the wall. An actual meow escaped her lips as she felt him enter her, pressing her against the wall as he lifted her up.

“YESSS!” She purred, closing her eyes and enjoying the ride, “keep going!”

Harrison grunted an affirmative as he struggled to hold the, to him, massive woman up against the wall as he pressed into her. His muscles flared, but he gripped her bottom tighter, tensing his legs and holding the massive woman up as their hips bucked against each other.

“That’s it!” Katie said, a long loud * mrewww* escaped her lips as her ears went flat against her head, “come on mousey, pound this pussy!”

The pun made him snort, but he kept focus and ignored the burning in his legs, holding the Amazonian catgirl up against the wall as her breasts bounced in front of his face. He panted, feeling sweat coat him as he thrust into her, every muscle in his body fighting to keep her in his grip and pinned against the wall as her hands gripped his back. He felt a sharp pain as she scratched his back, mewling in pleasure as her eyes went shut.

FINISH ME!” she yowled, “ COME ON MOUSEY! DO IT!”

He shouted as he summoned the last of his energy, his legs turning to jelly as his hips increased their speed, his sheer will keeping the enormous catgirl against the wall as they reached an explosive orgasm together.

“FUCK!” he shouted, tumbling backwards as Katie’s body landed on him, the massive breasts smothering him even as the pair spasmed in pleasure together.

It was pure bliss, a more powerful and well earned orgasm than any in his life up until that point, I can’t move, Harrison realized. As the pleasure subsided he started to feel the stinging sensation in his back, and he struggled for breath beneath Katie’s ample chest as she moaned happily overhead, her purrs rumbling up and down her body and tickling him slightly.

“H-Harrison?” She muttered, forcing herself up and off him, “You still alive?”

“Y-Yeah,” he panted.

“That was impressive,” she giggled, “men twice your size wouldn’t have been able to do that.”

“Well, I figured I should say goodbye to being big with a bang,” he said dreamily, “Hey uh… Katie? Can you put me in the bed? I can’t feel my legs.”

Katie scooped him up, grimacing as she saw drops of blood on the carpet, “Ah jeez,” she muttered, seeing the crisscrossed scratches on his back, “sorry about that.”

“It’s actually not the worst a girl has messed up my back,” he chuckled.

Katie blinked, “you’re joking?”

“Nope,” Harrison said with a smile.

Katie rolled her eyes as she tossed him in bed, “You sit right there playboy, I’m going to go downstairs and get a glass of Baileys, you want anything?”

“You’re drinking straight Baileys Irish Cream?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I’m a fucking cat Harrison, yes my drink of choice is a cool saucer of Baileys,” she laughed, “I’ll bring you a beer…”

Katie snuggled Harrison against her, enjoying the way the top of his head touched the bottom of her breasts in her pajamas as they watched TV together. She hadn’t really meant to put anything on in particular, but Harrison had jokingly turned on Tom and Jerry after spotting it on one of her streaming services, leading to an intense debate.

“Jerry is an asshole,” Katie insisted.

“Tom is literally trying to kill him!” Harrison protested.

“It’s Tom’s job to get rid of mice,” Katie scowled, “Jerry should just… fuck off or something.”

“You’re just mad because Tom sucks,” Harrison said with a smirk.

Katie growled and rolled over on top of him, “Listen here Jerry, you can enjoy your little cartoon, but in real life? Cats beat mice, got it?”

“Y-Yeah,” he gulped.

She giggled and rolled back over, clutching him close to her and forcing his head under her ample chest. He felt the warmth of her body as she hugged him close, and she teasingly ruffled his hair as she sighed happily.

“Still gonna eat you,” she muttered.

“What!?” he asked, looking up, but she was already snoring softly, squeezing him tightly.

Harrison groaned as a rubbing sensation against his ears woke him up, what is that? He wondered, shifting slightly. A giggle caused his eyes to open to an unfamiliar bed, and the events of the previous night rushed back to him.

“They’re so velvety!” Katie giggled, pinching his wide mouse ears and slowly kneading them with her fingers.

“Oh shit,” he breathed, sitting up. He tore out of her grip, leaping down the now surprisingly tall bed and ran to her bathroom. He glanced up at the counter, which now stood as tall as he did. He leapt pathetically a few times, before he heard a chuckle behind him.

“Here you go,” Katie said, her arms going under his armpits and lifting him bodily up so he could see her bathroom mirror.

He had ears that would be the size of small plates sticking up through his blond hair, and he squeaked in surprise as he saw a pink tail flickering behind him. His body had definitely gotten more toned too, he’d never in his life had a six pack, but his abs were clearly visible now. He couldn’t help but squeak, a sound that just made Kitty giggle.

“Goodbye man, hello mouse!” she teased.

Harrison had originally intended to simply keep working even as he shrank and transformed, but the lack of presentable clothes had driven him to finally take the sick leave for the last week of his infection. Katie had offered to carpool with him when he was ready to come back, and as she walked up to his door she couldn’t help but giggle as he stepped out of the pet door.

“Is that a-“

“Yes, it’s a cat door,” he said with a sigh, looking up at his towering coworker. He shifted uneasily as her shadow came over him, he’d spent his final days of shrinking feverish and alone, finally getting used to the giant size of his own furniture. Now though, looking up at another person, a cat person no less, he had to fight to keep his rodent instincts in check.

Do not run, he growled at himself.

Katie giggled as she knelt down, reaching for him. He felt her fingers curl around him, thick pythons that held him even as his heart raced. A clinking noise drew his attention, and he saw Katie opening a tin lunch box. She slowly placed him inside, next to a sandwich, an apple, and a small bag of chips.

“Katie come on!” he laughed, “just put me in the cupholder or something!”

“Nope,” Katie said, “Lunch goes to work in the lunchbox.” There was a click and his world went dark as she snapped it shut.

The office was an impressive landscape at only four inches tall, but in spite of his fears Harrison didn’t have any trouble navigating it. He ran across the floor, even with his little suit on he felt like rocket boosters had been strapped to his feet, and he easily leapt over and around his walking coworkers, startling them and causing a few to laugh and welcome him back.

“HARRISON!” Julia scowled, leaping back as he deftly leapt over her heeled shoe. “I put up little pathways around the edge of the wall for you, stop running all over the floor!” she pointed to boundaries marked in bright yellow tape, “MOUSE LANE” scrawled in sharpie on them.

“I don’t need those,” Harrison said dismissively, his tail flicking in annoyance, “I’m like spider-man or something, I don’t think you guys could step on me if you wanted. I-“ the wind was knocked out of his lungs as a hand darted down and snatched him before he was even aware someone else had approached them. His world spun as he was brought up to Katie’s slitted eyes, a grin on her face.

“Stop with all that skittering around,” Katie said with a giggle, “you’re making me want to hunt something.”

“Got it,” he squeaked as she squeezed him tighter.

“Are you going to use the mouse lanes now?” Julia asked, crossing her arms at the display.

“YES,” Harrison shouted.

“By the way Harrison,” Julia said offhandedly, “the company still wants you to go to Japan next week as our representative, but in light of your new stature you should ask one of your coworkers to accompany you. I can get Jack a ticket lined up-“

“Katie!” He said eagerly.

“Mrow?” Katie said in surprise, looking at the mouse-boy curiously.

Julia blinked in surprise as well, but smiled, “Well ah… that can be arranged, if you want to go Katie.”

“Yes, of course I want to go!” Katie said eagerly.

“I’ll start the paperwork,” Julia nodded, turning to go.

Harrison was in his office, looking up at his movie theater sized computer monitor. With a sigh he looked down at the almost comically small keyboard in front of him, another of Julia’s “accommodations,” and began to type an email. He was interrupted as his door was pushed open, and a smug looking Katie sauntered in, closing the door behind her. He gulped as he saw her lunchbox was in her hand.

“H-Hey Katie,” he stammered.

“Harrison I have a problem,” she said, laying the lunchbox on his desk and opening it. “Look!” She said teasingly, pulling her sandwich out, “I seem to have forgotten to put meat on this.” She opened the mattress sized bread slices and let him look in, seeing nothing but a slice of cheese.

“W-Well you could always order out,” he said nervously, backing away towards the edge of the desk. He glanced down, he could easily take falls from heights like this now, even though the more human part of his brain was telling him not to jump. I could get down the hall to Julia’s office and-

Katie was like lightning, her hand sweeping him up in a wall of bread as she closed the slices around him with a giggle. He felt his world shift, and he struggled to worm his way to the edge of her sandwich, the clammy smooth feeling of the cheese against his belly as the soft blanket of bread overhead constrained his movement. He poked his face out, seeing Katie snapping a picture of his bewildered face with her phone.

“A mouse sandwich, that one’s going on the catgirl facebook group,” Katie chuckled. She licked her lips and turned back to him, “You have no idea how hungry you’ve been making me with all that pitter pattering around,” she said, her grin widening.

“Katie come on,” he grunted, trying to worm his arms free, “I thought we were past this!”

“No, I’m a cat, I like to play with my food,” Katie replied smugly. He felt her hot breath as she brought the sandwich right up to her lips, just inches away from his face and causing his mouse like ears to ruffle with the breeze every time she exhaled. He squeaked in surprise as she slowly, deliberately, took a bite of the edge of the sandwich, nowhere close to where he was, but giving him a good view of her chewing mouth as she pulled away, tearing apart a chunk of bread nearly as big as he was before stinging his ears with a low * gulp*.

“K-Katie,” he breathed, “be careful!”

“Wow,” Katie said, awed, “you really did put a nice flavor into that bread…” she grinned as she turned back to him, “come here mousey!” the bread fell away as she gripped Harrison by his tail, dangling him high over her mouth while he kicked and thrashed feebly. The chasm below him opened wide, and his heart skipped a beat as he saw Katie’s tongue, near as big as he was, lolling below, waiting for a taste of them.

“C-Come on you’ll ruin my suit if you put me in your mouth!” he said with a weak smile.

“If only there was something a little mousey could do to keep himself off the menu,” Katie sighed.

He blinked, “LUNCH! I’ll order you lunch! My treat!”

“From where?” Katie asked playfully.

“Frank’s Subs,” he said quickly, naming the cheapest place he could think of. In response Katie loosened her grip on his tail, causing him to slip lower as she opened her mouth again, this time he was practically inside her mouth, staring down her glistening wet throat. “JOHN’S SUBS!” he shouted, upping his offer to a nicer, more expensive, local takeout place.

“Good thinking mousey,” Katie giggled, slowly lowering him back to his desk, “a nice tuna sub would really hit the spot… and it wouldn’t do to gulp you down before our big trip next week!”

“Y-Yeah,” he laughed, his heart still racing. “Katie… about this whole eating me thing-“

“Calm down Harrison,” she teased, her tail swishing arrogantly behind her, “it’ll happen when it happens! It’s just part of life at the bottom of the food chain, you don’t see it coming!”

He watched her go, his eyes lingering on her swaying bottom, What is with her!? Katie would go from being something like a girlfriend to treating him like a snack in the blink of an eye, and he wasn’t entirely sure he disliked it.

“What’s going on between you and Harrison?” Julia asked Katie, stirring her coffee as the cat-girl added extra cream to her own.

“Oh, I’m just having a little fun with him,” Katie giggled, “he was such an asshole to me when I first changed, I figured teasing him back a little was fair play.”

Julia rolled her eyes, “not that, and I told you to cut that out… I mean what’s going on between you two? Are you two dating or something?”

Katie blushed, “W-Well we kind of bonded a little, being the only two mutants in the office, and… I don’t know?”

“So what’s the deal with you and Katie?” Jack asked, looming over his tiny coworker’s desk, “I want you to know man, this whole mouse thing doesn’t change anything between us, I’ve got your back if she’s really bothering you.”

“She’s not,” Harrison chuckled, “I… I really like her.”

Jack snorted, “Look man, you do you, but if I was a mouse-dude I wouldn’t be trying to date the cat-girl, you know what I mean?”

“That’s part of it,” Harrison said with a smirk, “the danger element… Apparently, I taste really good to her.”

“TMI man,” Jack laughed, “well I don’t know if you’ve heard the gossip, but-“

“I can hear everything anyone says anywhere on this floor,” he said, smirking as he tapped his large mouselike ears, “yeah, you guys are all taking bets on whether she’s going to eat me on the business trip.”

Harrison found himself tucked into the lapel pocket of Katie’s business shirt, the warmth of her body heat making it a pleasant ride as she walked through the airport, her heels clacking slightly on the tile far below. He’d been a little worried about the airport and the flight, but with Katie he found that he felt safe, calm even, though more than a few other travelers smirked as they passed by. He had to admit, he probably looked odd being carried in a pocket like this, and by a catgirl no less.

“I’m sorry your flight is overbooked,” the receptionist said, “we’re only going to be able to accommodate one seat…”

“What!?” Harrison squeaked angrily from Katie’s pocket, “That’s ridiculous! Get me your manager, I-“

“That’ll be fine,” Katie giggled, her finger coming down and casually pushing the mouse boy lower into her pocket and out of sight. Harrison fought feebly against the digit for a moment, then settled down into the bottom, crossing his arms angrily.

Katie looked around a moment, then walked over to the lady’s restroom. Luckily there was nobody else inside, and she reached in to pull Harrison out, dangling him by the tail in a way she knew he hated, but which was too cute not to do.

“So what do we do now?” Harrison groused, crossing his arms as he spun slightly in front of her.

“You’re still going on that plane,” Katie said, reaching down to pull her skirt up.

“But we only have one seat- oh… ” he watched her sliding her pink cotton panties down her legs, and suddenly realized where she intended for him to spend the flight.

“Just keep your little squeaks to yourself while we go through security,” Katie giggled, reaching to strip his clothes off like he was a doll. She casually balled them all up, tossing them down into her purse, then slowly lowered his naked body down into the hammock of her panties.

“Got it,” he said, nodding eagerly as he felt the soft fabric against the back of his head. He grinned, “I’m finally joining the mile high club!”

“You should be the in-flight meal,” Katie growled, “now hold on!” she gripped the sides of her panties, pulling them up and tight against her body. She gasped as she felt Harrison making contact with her lips, and in the cotton prison the smell of her arousal coated him as he was hugged snuggly against her womanhood. “Oh yeah,” she muttered, biting her lip as she reached down to adjust him, “this is going to be a fun flight…” With a giggle she stood up, letting her skirt fall and hiding her panties, and their passenger, from view.

Harrison’s world was rapidly growing hot and humid as the giant pussy above him oozed her juices down onto his body. He couldn’t help but gasp as her movements ground him against her, coating the very air he breathed with the musky flavor and aroma. His erection was brushed against her softest and most intimate place, nearly bringing him to orgasm with every stride through the airport.

His motions weren’t going unnoticed, and as Katie sat down in her first class seat she purred happily, crossing her legs and trapping him closer to herself.

Better keep my cool, she thought, twirling her finger around her tail as she looked around the cabin. The last thing I want is for him to make me- she gasped, her slitted pupils going wide as the mouse hit a particularly sensitive spot. As the plane took off he didn’t give her any mercy, and by the time they reached their cruising altitude she was a mess, dabbing sweat from her forehead and trying desperately to keep herself under control. Hold still damnit! She thought, fighting a hiss as she finally managed to get up, walking to the lavatory on shaky legs.

The door lock clicked behind her and she hurriedly pulled her panties down, scowling at the smug mouse-boy who was covered in her sticky cum.

“I hope you’re happy with yourself!” she said, her ear flicking in annoyance.

“Very,” he said smugly, “so are you going to put me in your purse now or-“

“No I don’t think so,” she said sweetly, reaching down to slide him from the front of her panties, to the back.

His eyes went wide as she started to pull them back up, “H-Hey wait! MMFPH!” he was muffled as his body was wedged deep in her ass, like before she pulled the panties up tight, almost giving herself a wedgie.

With a chuckle Katie walked out of the lavatory, strutting back to her seat. She felt Harrison squirming  against her bottom, and quickly pinned him in place as she sat down on her seat again. With him stuck in a far less sensitive area, she was able to close her eyes and relax.

Harrison felt her weight coming down on him, saved only by the soft plumpness of her bottom and the padding of the cushion outside. Still the pressure was like nothing he’d ever felt before, he wheezed, the smell of her sweat permeating everything around him as she ground her bottom against him.

Katie had had the decency to take him to a bathroom and scrub him off once they landed, and within an hour of landing he was back in her pocket, dressed in his flashy business suit once more. The pair had a nice dinner together, with Katie sampling local sushi delivered to their hotel room, and Harrison going through an airline packet of peanuts.

Finally the day came for their presentation, and the pair found themselves waiting in a conference room for the various executives to arrive. Katie was simply sitting in a chair at the end of the table, while Harrison was pacing furiously across the table.

“What’s wrong?” Katie asked.

“This is… the first big sales pitch since being like… well this,” he said, gesturing up at his ears, “what if they just think I’m a joke now? Oh god and this is probably the biggest potential client of my career… I shouldn’t have come, I should have- HEY!”

Katie just chuckled as she picked him up by his tail, dangling him in front of her grinning face, “I’m the same person I was before I got cat ears, and you’re the same guy you were before too, you’re just about a thousand times cuter now. You’ve got this, they’re going to love you.” She leaned in and gave his entire body a quick kiss that caused him to sway a moment, his mouse ears burning with embarrassment.

“Thanks Katie,” he smiled, “I’m really glad you’re here with me for this.”

“Still gonna eat you,” she whispered with a wink as she lowered him back to the table.

Harrison took a breath and steeled himself as the first of the Japanese executives filed into the conference room.

“It was amazing,” Katie told their assembled coworkers as Julia passed out bottles of champagne, “he was on fire!”

“This account is going to really set things off around here,” Jack said excitedly, shooting a grin down at his mouse sized coworker, who was on the break room desk.

“It was nothing,” Harrison chuckled, waving dismissively at the giants around him. Since their return from the business trip the office had been in a low key state of celebration that had finally erupted into a full on party the Friday after they’d returned, complete with company provided catering and bottles of cheap champagne. Harrison had poured himself some in a small bottle cap, drinking out of it like a bowl to participate in the toasts.

As his coworkers were talking Harrison let himself drift away from the conversation, an easy thing to do at mouse size. Slowly he walked down the table, the slight buzz leaving a goofy grin on his face as he looked up at Katie. She noticed, and took a quick sip of her own drink before smiling back. She casually walked by him, not stopping as she swiped him off the table, shoving him into her pocket.

When her fingers curled around him again to draw him out he saw that they were in his office, the door was shut and he could still hear the faraway sounds of the party outside. Katie was grinning down at him, her hands on either side as her tail swished behind her in a confident back and forth motion. She had a slightly flushed face, no doubt from the free champagne, and a mischievous look in her slitted eyes.

“Well Harrison,” she said in a low husky voice, “we had a lot of fun on that business trip, and we did some good work, but I think it’s time.”

He felt his heartbeat pick up, even now he wasn’t sure how serious she was about this, “You won’t get away with it Katie,” he said, a small smirk on his face.

“Oh really?” she purred, “what are the cops going to do, get a search warrant for my tummy?”

“If the only mouse-boy in the office goes missing I feel like the only cat-girl in the office is the primary suspect by default,” he chuckled.

“That is profiling,” Katie said, reaching down to grab his tail. He felt the familiar pressure in his lower back as she lifted him up by it, letting him dangle and spin as her other finger came up, a claw extended. He heard a ripping sound as she slowly tore his clothing, letting the sliced ribbons of his shirt and pants fall to the desk below. “Wouldn’t want all that fabric messing with my digestion,” she said with a smirk. She squinted and leaned in, “Harrison,” she laughed, “is that a boner? Are you excited about this?”

“You’re really hot when you’re being all… predatory, ” he admitted, gulping nervously. He winced as her finger came up, thankfully with the claw retracted, and poked his erection playfully.

“I’ll do it slow,” she promised, “and I’ll make it… enjoyable. ” She tilted her head back as she dangled the mouseboy over her face, “any last words?”

He stared down at the giant catgirl a moment, feeling a mix of fear, affection, lust, and something else he couldn’t quite place.

“I… I love you Katie.” He said simply.

“You too Harrison,” she purred, the rumbling sound echoing down her fingers and along his tail. Without warning she released him, letting him flail as he fell through the air towards her open mouth. He just had a moment to squeak in surprise as her mouth caught him, her lips snapping shut behind him instantly.

Harrison’s heart pounded as he felt her tongue begin to explore him, a rumbling moan of pleasure causing the damp cave of her mouth to shake as she took in his taste and texture. From the way it batted at him and explored every nook and cranny of his body she was enjoying him, the final forbidden taste that every instinct she had had driven her to ever since his transformation had begun. Fear began to well inside him as his own animal brain registered exactly where he was, and what was happening to him. He leapt at the walls of her teeth, her cheeks, rubbery and immovable, but every time her tongue managed to hook around him, dragging him back to the center of her mouth. He was quickly becoming exhausted, overwhelmed by the slimy appendage that was intent on breaking his resistance, preparing him to be a catgirl’s meal.

Keeping her mouth closed Katie collapsed in Harrison’s old office chair. She’d gotten hints of the mouse boy’s taste here and there over the past few weeks, but finally having him on her tongue was another thing entirely. Her stomach rumbled in excitement and anticipation, and she closed her eyes, moaning again as she roughly dragged her tongue over his body. She felt the poke of his erection, and with a smug smirk decided to see what other flavors could be extracted.

Harrison gasped as Katie’s tongue began to move between his legs, sending shockwaves of pleasure up his exhausted body. He couldn’t fight her anymore, this was simply nature, he’d lost, he was food, and as she tasted him, roughly drawing him to full mast and swirling her tastebuds around his manhood, he found some sick solace and enjoyment in the idea. He arched his back, thrusting at her tongue with all of his might, letting the powerful appendage begin to milk his orgasm out of him. A rumbling giggle shook his world, causing droplets of spit to fall from the cave ceiling as he came, shooting his seed into the ocean of her saliva.

Now THAT is a flavor, Katie thought happily. With a sigh she tilted her head back, letting her saliva wash the mouseboy to the back of her throat.


Harrison felt the world compress around him, squeezing him downward as he shouted in terror, scrabbling feebly against the walls of her esophagus as it shoved him roughly towards her stomach. He dropped into an open space, splashing into a mix of champagne and party snacks already being churned by the unseen walls of the catgirl’s belly.

Katie’s eyes shot open, instinct had taken over, and her conscious mind had only just now caught up with what she’d just done. Bizarrely her first reaction was to giggle, and she reached down to pat her tummy as she felt the squirming movement of the mouse boy inside.

“Harrison?” she asid, “Are you uh… can you tap the side or something?” she felt a flutter in her belly, like someone was pounding on the inside walls. “Okay,” she breathed with a goofy grin, “Uh… sorry, I really didn’t mean to take it that far.”

With an embarrassed blush Katie stood up, forcing herself to remain calm as she walked back out into the office. Thankfully Julia had left the party already, and was back in her office preparing a few items before leaving for the weekend.

“Katie,” she said with a smile, “Can I help you with-“

“I did it,” Katie admitted sheepishly, “b-but it was an accident, I swear!”

Julia gave her a cold glowering look that made Katie shift uncomfortably, “Okay Katie,” she sighed, leaning down to one of her drawers. She opened it and fumbled around a moment, then slammed a bottle of something on her desk. “Ipecac,” she explained, “I had a feeling this would happen at some point…”

“Ew,” Katie muttered, “Do I really have to-“

“That’s how he’s getting out,” Julia snapped, “now you listen to me tabbycat, you’re going to go take a spoonful of this and get Harrison out, then you’re going to fill out these HR forms declaring your relationship, and then when all of that’s done, you have to go to this sensitivity workshop.” She slid a pamphlet across the desk, and Katie took it hesitantly.

“Friends not food? Navigating predator-prey instincts in the workplace? Oh come on Julia!” Katie pouted.

Julia scowled and pulled a squirt bottle from under her desk, “Don't make me use this…”

Katie gulped, “Y-Yeah, okay, let me just go get Harrison out…”

“She’s making you go to a workshop about not eating coworkers?” Harrison laughed, laying across Katie’s lap as she playfully twirled his tail. The pair were back at her home, laying in her bed after the workplace party and his “extraction.”

“Yeah,” Katie sighed, “Sorry about actually doing it by the way… I really meant to spit you out, but instinct just took over…”

“Coming up was worse than going down,” he said with a smirk, “and I kind of figured it was coming eventually…”

“Life at the bottom of the food chain,” she joked. She glanced at the dark TV, “Want to watch Tom and Jerry?”

Harrison couldn’t help but burst into laughter, “sure!”

Katie snuggled her mouseboy against her chest as the pair took in the soft glow of the cartoon starting up.

Chapter End Notes:

Apologies to fans of NEET of the Living Dead, I'll get back to it this weekend, but I had this idea that I just couldn't let go. This is another one of those one shots that could easily have been a full novel, but alas there are only so many hours in a day, week, etc. Hope you guys enjoyed it!

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