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Author's Chapter Notes:

Evolution is a strange thing. Sometimes we aren't the ones who decide how we grow. 

Shambling awake, Cathay needed to resist the urge to move the solar system’s sun just a smidgen away from the Earth. A few lightyears for only a few minutes more. Maybe a day at most. Certainly not enough time for anyone on the planet to freeze over. At least that’s what the Ruler believed in her groggy, barely awake state of mind. Such belief that that was the proper course of action was only reinforced once light began to shine through the window of the bedroom, from behind closed curtains and directly into Cathay’s eyes. 

Such slumber was still new to her. Nothing this peaceful had ever really been known to the Lord of the Deep Wastes. Anything of a similar nature usually came about as a result of terror, cowering in Cathay's presence. A peace-like sleep such as this though? When next to one who was willing to love her? It was a fresh experience that still carried its shine even after several months. Cathay wasn't sure if she'd ever get used to such bliss.

She could however do without the sunlight assaulting her eyes though. A most uncomfortable awakening that she wished to live without. 

The Terror’s eyes scrunched tighter in discomfort. Why oh why did the Earth need to be so close to the sun? Life was entirely sustainable further away. Sure, evolution would have taken a far more drastic turn as a result, possibly confined to the seas or having taken to a subterranean civilization, but it wasn’t as if mankind would be losing anything truly valuable. Such changes might have even been an improvement for the Earth. There were already millions of worlds within this universe that sustained species who lived through just such conditions after all. What was one more?

That said, Cathay couldn't guarantee that everyone would enjoy the change of scenery, were she to actually move the sun away. Valerie chief among the possible, and highly likely, complaints that'd come her way. Not to mention her fellow cosmic tyrants who'd likely turn their attention towards her. 

That plan would just need to have a pin placed in it. To be focused on at a later date. 

That, or Cathay could just buy some covers for her eyes. Truly, a tough decision to be made in the future. 

Begrudgingly, the Ruler worked her way to sit up straight, not minding the sore and sorry state of her nearly naked body. As promised the night prior, Valerie was in no way gentle, leaving behind a torn short upon her girlfriend as well as pants that were damn near yanked off. Like a shark after having caught the scent of blood, Valerie was truly a ferocious little human when in the mood

Even for one as powerful as Cathay, the twisted mind of her human was… shockingly creative. Creation was vast, and the terrible Ruler of the Depths had seen all manner of things in her extraordinarily long life. Yet this little human, no more than a moment in the grand expanse that was Cathay’s life, somehow managed to not only surprise her but also bring her to her knees on multiple occasions

The mighty Terror who was feared across creation, brought low by a meager, less than subatomic, mammal. 

What a blow to Cathay's reputation THAT would be were the greater forces of the cosmos to learn of such a thing. 

Yet despite the likely humiliation to be found in that, there was still an incredible sense of satisfaction. Valerie was quite the expert in the arts of carnal cravings, and unlike with other humans the Matriarch of the Armitage family could be as rough with her cosmic girlfriend as she so wished. The only restraints needed for her were the type she’d bind Cathay’s wrists and ankles with.

It was highly unlikely that anything in any universe could contain the, quite possibly masochistic, Ruler. She's proven long, long ago that she was not so easily contained, having more bodies than there are stars in the night sky to her name. Even now, the binds had already come off, a subconscious act while she slept; a simple desire to be released from the cuffs before they started to chafe. But restraints or not, the Ruler played along when commanded, taking the role of the 'weak and fragile' maiden while Valerie held free reign of the goddess' body. 

And they both enjoyed every minute of it. 

So intense were there sessions that both were able to fall asleep without any issue afterwards. Slumber proved quite the sweet anodyne for an exhausted yet jovial body and mind. Cathay couldn’t recall a single point in her time where she felt both sore AND energetic at the same time. 

It was like lightning coursing through her veins… addicting. 

Such wonderful sensations that were currently being ruined by the light of dawn. Turning to Valerie, Cathay found the human still very much asleep. Snoring loudly with a thin stream of saliva falling from between the corner of their mouth. The very same mouth that housed the teeth which had left their mark on the Ruler's back the night before. 

And her arms. 

And neck.

And thighs… 

Yet despite all the pleasure Cathay was ordered to endure and love, it was Valerie who slept as though she were the one forced into compromising, almost physically questionable, positions. Far from a graceful, slumbering princess, if ever there was a heavy sleeper it’d be the eldest Armitage’s. 

Still, despite their graceless appearance while sleeping, Cathay couldn’t help but find their dear human quite adorable. Were they allowed to, they’d watch them sleep for hours on end, wishing for nothing more than to see the sort of dreams that played in the human's mind. Valerie possessed a higher resistance to eldritch influence than her brother Jason, which in turn kept them from madness induced by otherwise mentally damning powerhouses. Valerie’s resistance was such that maybe she might even be able to gaze upon an Outer God. Enough that Cathay couldn't peek within their mind even with the authority of an all-mighty Ruler of the cosmos, the single greatest power one might possess.  

So much for the vaunted "omnipotence" so many worship and preach about. Further evidence of the Depthborn belief that no such thing truly existed across creation. All talk of such power was only ever spoken by beings so small, so weak, that anything greater may as well be omnipotent by comparison. 

Often that was why the term was thrown around so willy nilly.

Everything possessed a limit, no matter how large or how small, even those who seemed capable of any and every feat possessed a point where they just could not advance further. Ruler's were no exception despite their status and thrones, though their power was such that when compared to everything else they may as well be what the term defines, dwarfing the likes of even the most powerful of gods that mankind has worshiped for thousands upon thousands of years.

There was no power greater than that of a Ruler’s, embodying all that their domain represented. Yet still, despite all the power they possessed within even a single finger, all things possessed a limit.

That was an immutable, undeniable fact. 

But such limits never Bothered Cathay. They came with their own array of advantages. For example, In being unable to peer into Valerie's mind she was instead given the chance to imagine what sort of dreams they experienced. What choices in their life forged the inner most thoughts seen only through slumber. Cathay wondered if her dear human dreamed of her. Or her brother perhaps. 

The future maybe? 

Or even the past? 

So many possibilities that lingered just beyond the Ruler's reach, and unfortunately would continue to do so as Cathay couldn't wait forever. 

Time waited for no one

…actually that wasn’t entirely true at all as, if Cathay so wished, she could shatter time or cease its movement with a singular thought. 

But it waited for no human so still, the point remained. 

Normally such manipulation of time was reserved to very, very few beings in any universe, and more often than not they were limited to the domain of the Void, an ancient rival of the Depths and one that has managed to survive for so long against its invasions. Cathay had faced such manipulators before, even going as far as to devour those whose powers would prove beneficial for her. Such capabilities had great benefits, though now when compared to her station as a Ruler, who possessed unmatched manipulation of reality, they couldn’t really compare. The Tyrants of the Cosmos were truly without equal. 

That said, even with its conception, time never meant much to a firstborn such as Cathay. Existing before such concepts meant she never really flowed properly with it, being capable of moving in spaces where everything just came to a stop. A rare phenomenon that she had observed more than a few times. Were Cathay to even lose her status as queen of her domain she’d still prove a highly formidable breaker of reality. A manipulator of creation, causality, and roaming eldritch terror.

She had earned the right to rule for good reason after all. Her strength was without equal in her kingdom. The Depths wouldn't just accept anyone to rule over it after all. Only the most brutal, the most powerful, may rule over all others. That was a claim not easily made and earned, even among the eldest of Depthborn beasts. 

Yet despite her terrifying power, even the mighty Ruler found herself second to one other. The very same woman who had slept beside her.

Pulling at her girlfriend’s cheek, Cathay slowly woke the slumbering ‘beauty’ that was Valerie. They groaned only once before trying to fall back asleep, pulling a discarded pillow over their head. "Five more minutes Cath…" 

The Ruler giggled, amused that Valerie would even think about falling back asleep while her mate was now wide awake. With a snap of her fingers the pillow was gone, and Valerie was forced to deal with the rising sun just as Cathay had. 

Sitting up in a huff, the human shot her eldritch lover a glance. “You really can't let me have this? Even just a few minutes?"

The Ruler smiled. "Absolutely not, I prefer it when you’re awake."

"I sure as shit don't…"

Pulling back the mess that was their auburn hair, Cathay looked at her girlfriend lovingly. They could be as sour towards them as they wanted, to see them even in this less than glorious state was enchanting. “Good morning, Valerie~

"Yeah, yeah… Morning to you too…" A yawn escaped from between Valerie's lips as she stretched. Cathay scrunched her nose slightly upon catching a whiff of her girlfriend's stale, morning breath. "Why do you have to keep waking me up so fucking early… ?" Valerie questioned, none too pleased to have been woken up on her one day off in the week. "Don’t tell me you’re one of those 'godly' folk who keep themselves busy on Sundays, are you?"

Cathay grew puzzled. "Busy?" Was there some sort of festivity the Ruler had missed? An event her and Valerie could attend later in the day? Mental searching of the inhabitants of Ravencroft throughout the week showed nothing of the sort though. "Is there something we should be worried about?"

Valerie chuckled as she laid back down in bed, only to be kept from fully getting comfortable as an invisible force kept her suspended just above the pillows and mattress; the same power Cathay demonstrated the night prior. Knowing she wasn't going to get any more sleep, Valerie gave up on the attempt. 

"Guess you didn't know then… My bad for assuming, I still forget you're not human." Though Cathay may have looked the part, taking the guise of a rather attractive woman, Valerie still needed to remind herself that her girlfriend was a creature far beyond the grasps of mortal men. An entity so ancient that only the oldest of gods would know the whisper that was her name. A truly alien force that, were it not for her human companion, Earth would have been damned a thousand times over.

That did mean their tastes were alien though. 

Cathay’s desires were actually rather base when compared to everything else, and more often than not Valerie found the cosmic Ruler staring at her impressive and well-kept physique. It took work to keep up appearances, and Valerie was glad someone so unfathomably powerful could appreciate that. Now if only they'd let her sleep in. That'd be beyond splendid…

"Sunday's a special day for a lot of humans." Valerie explained as she got out of bed, stretching more to limber up her body. "A very spiritual day. Some families use this time to gather around and pray, worship whatever religion they’re a part of and give grace for what they have. While I might not be a religious person myself I know a lot of people In Ravencroft are."

Cathay's demeanor turned to that of disgust at the mention of religion and prayers. For a moment the air within the room seemed to… crack? No, not the air… rather it was reality itself. That fine line between the structure which allowed for creation to maintain its shape, and pure, tangled, formless chaos. It caught Valerie off guard, but as quickly as the cracks began to form they healed themselves as Cathay calmed herself down. 

"Was it something I said?" The human asked, a tad bit on edge to see the rising annoyance within her cosmic lover. 

"I'm fine…." Cathay assured. "Just the mention of those practices invokes old memories."

"More of those?" Valerie noticed the rising frequency of Cathay's past memories already. Tossed to the side as being of little concern. Though if that were true then why would the Ruler even concern herself with them? To the point of annoyance? "Do you wanna talk about it?"

Valerie learned early on in life that keeping the sort of memories that cut deep did you no favors. Those are the types that linger, the ones that hurt the most. The very same kind that plagued her during her brother's disappearance, a period where she had forgotten her own self taught life lessons. She imagined such lessons could help even a cosmic goddess were they willing to learn. 

As expected however, Cathay wasn't all too willing to talk of the past. "The less you know of my history the better." The Ruler tapped her nails against her chin, thinking back on the time she was witness to religious subjugation. Like most surfacing memories, it stretched back eons, to a time where so many were still finding themselves, Cathay included. "Really, I didn’t expect Ravencroft to be so open with it’s belief system."

"I mean, yeah, it doesn’t look like the type of place to carry that sort of vibe. And really, most things here are religions you wouldn’t hear about elsewhere in the world, but I suppose it could be a whole lot worse." Valerie always saw the openness of religious practice to be quite the boon. A more welcoming environment for a lot of people. Though, admittedly, things had started to take something of a decline recently. "Really, I'd like to thank Ravencroft’s mayor for such open practice, but as time went on a lot of people started to have… conflicting beliefs."

And to make matters worse, such conflicts could erupt into brutal violence. While such a thing may sound tempting to someone of the Depths, Cathay instead found her curiosity peaked. 

"The Mayor takes a position of power, yes?" Cathay asked, somewhat intrigued. Odd though it may seem, she was familiar with similar practices of religious violence. She’s seen it on countless worlds, war waged in the name of different gods and or demons, heavenly crusades which brought obedience and subjugation. 

"I take it this mayor of yours appeared out of nowhere? Climbed up the ranks of whatever his positions were and quickly amassed a following?"

Valerie was taken back by the accuracy of Cathay’s claim. "Yes… yeah, exactly. How did you…"

"Call it an educated guess~." Cathay jumped out of bed, her torn and haggard pajamas slowly getting enveloped by a green smoke before being replaced by a shirt, jacket, and jeans. She had heard all she needed to hear. Such practices from someone considered a human was far too familiar for her liking.

"Actually, how about you return to sleep? You work yourself to the bone during the week, this is the least you deserve for what you do." The Ruler suggested as she snapped her fingers again, returning to Valerie the pillow she had taken away to God knows where. It even seemed a little bit more… alive? Breathing in and out, along with what sounded like a heartbeat. 

Totally not concerning at all…

"I wouldn't want to force you into anything you were against,” The Ruler continued. “That's your job in our little dynamic, Dear."

"A bit too late for that…" Valerie grumbled. One look at her pillow though and she knew she wouldn't be able to resist the temptation. Even if it was changed the pillow still looked incredibly inviting. And it was still quite early in the morning, who was she to deny such an opportunity to sleep again?

Practically throwing herself onto the bed again, Valerie got comfortable as she pulled the blanket over her, ready for the sweet, sweet silence of slumber. "And you?" She looked up at Cathay, wondering why they had dressed up. "Are you heading out?"

"Only for a bit." The Ruler confirmed. "You said humans tend to keep themselves busy today, right? May as well see what you mean. It sounds interesting."

She'd hear no argument from Valerie. Though allowing them to walk around the city was like setting loose a tiger in an elementary school, the eldest Armitage wouldn't deny that the experience might be beneficial for Cathay. Who knows, they might even learn something about themselves? 

Besides, keeping an eldritch goddess locked up in her apartment couldn’t possibly be good for either of their well being. 

"Just don't get into any trouble." Valerie urged. "And please, please, PLEASE don't kill anybody."

Though Cathay held her dear human's life in high regard, the same could not be said for the rest of mankind. All some random stranger needed to do was say the wrong thing and they were done for. It'd just take a simple thought and poof, it'd be as though the stranger never existed. 

And that’d be if they were lucky. There was no telling what sort of horrific punishments Cathay could enact on any unfortunate enough to cross her. 

"I only promise to tryyy~." The Ruler replied as she made her way out. 

That said, as Cathay left the apartment she couldn't guarantee that the little bird who was encroaching upon her territory wouldn't have its wings ripped off. Though the boundaries of the domains was something the Depths didn’t often respect, at times being seen as an invasive kingdom, it served no one if the Heavens started to mimic such behavior. The cosmos, despites its infinite expanse, wasn’t large enough for two invasive domains. 

So, if angels didn’t carry such respect for this territory of the Ruler’s that was Earth, then why should Cathay respect the well being of this lone heavenly watcher?


In the early eons of creation many domains were still being formed. Slivers of reality that stretched endlessly, housing within them their own unique planes of existence; yet always they remained a part of the whole. With the concepts that governed creation came the many Domains, which in turn brought structure to conception. 

There was the Depths, of course. Kingdom of brutality and evolution, inspiring terror upon the cosmos since the very dawning of creation and with it an ever present need to grow. It was stagnant prey that always made for the easiest of kills. But the vicious domain was not the only one of its kind. There were many, many more, some nearly as old as the Deep Wastes themselves. 

Take the Void for instance. Domain of Structure and Equilibrium. A powerful kingdom, one of the great powers of existence, known for harnessing the various fundamental forces of totality to maintain a sense of order across the expanse of time and space. Certain denizens of the Void cultivated life, while others harnessed the fundamental forces of the laws of physics; the passage of time and gravity for instance. They brought a sort of balance to the, at a glance, chaotic cosmos. 

All domains carried with them this theme, a purpose. While some, not all, were as all-encompassing and grand as the Void or Depths, each domain had a role to play within creation. Every kingdom had its duties, its natures, which defined the lives of all those within their individual realms.

…and then there was the Heavens. Domain of Divinity and Kingdom of the Gods. Not just one set of gods, nor a singular pantheon. Oh no, that'd be FAR too simple for the iridescent denizens. Every god worshiped, every divine whose name was sung in song, all who carried that heavenly spark belonged to the Heavens, regardless of if any were aware of that fact or not. 

Vanity and a nauseating belief of their own self-importance were far too common in the 'Most Holy Kingdom'. Enough that it was no real surprise to learn so many denizens of the domain craved worship and praise far more than any other. Almost like an addiction, so many angels and gods demanded the near ritualistic idolization of their divine image. It was sickening to even think that the Heavens were one of the major powers of the cosmos, possessing influence which extended so far that, in time, their desires grew to a point where they wholeheartedly believed THEY alone should rule above all others, all while remaining completely ignorant of the other powers at play.  

Conflict obviously broke out, and a divine culling commenced not long after the original proclamation of war. 

Of course none would take such threats idly. It was ludicrous to think that anyone would just roll over and allow some kingdom of upstart birds to rule over stronger, mightier territories. Still, those of the Heavens must have thought otherwise. They possessed formidable power, true. And technology that was eons ahead of anything else at the time. In their own minds they were the most superior of domains to exist. Despite their power and technology though, their arrogance and pride was met with an even greater retaliation of those wishing to open the Holy Kingdom’s eyes to reality. 

All banded against and took joy in the battles against the Divine Domain, yet none were as ferocious as the jovial Depths who reveled in such carnage. Even Cathay, who at the time remained as one of the few of her kind to have never evolved, found herself greatly enjoying the cosmic bloodshed. 

So much so that she had even begun to search for any hunting parties of angelic champions fit to satiate her own appetite for destruction. 

Such searching would eventually lead her towards a world positively dripping with divine essence; the very lifeblood of those heavenly brats who try so hard to claim the cosmos. A wonderful means of evolution as angels of any variety were bountiful in power. From the smallest cherub to the most exalted of seraphim; and that was only those of terrestrial boundaries. Their appearance mirrored those of the inhabitants whose world they 'guide'. Some were base in form, taking on a shape no different than the more ape-like cretins of creations. Others were so vastly different that a mere glance upon their otherworldly forms would break the mind, succumbing to unholy truths that no mortal would be prepared to face. One aspect that remained consistent however was their sizes. 

Nearly all angels possessed the means to alter their physical forms, with their natural appearances being no different than that of titans. Many rivaled the might of a whelp while others surpassed the boundaries of whole worlds and galaxies, though only the strongest were capable of doing so for the latter. All were mighty, and yet also proved to be so incredibly naïve. 

It was such nativity that Cathay planned on abusing; using it to her advantage in this hunt of hers. 

When she rose from the Depths and through the sea of the world these birds had set shop up on she must have seemed similar to some daemon. A great beast of hell ready to rain ruin upon them. Good, as that is what she hoped for. 

Cathay's emergence was felt more than seen, and from where she breached she found that none were near to witness her obsidian visage. All things had come to learn of her draconic, practically undead appearance, viewing it as an omen of death. Just as they had come to know her roar, which once heard across the globe had already issued her challenge. 

Retribution came quickly, a column of light breaking through the clouds of the sky above and crashing against the skeletal frame of the proto-Depthborn. So intense was the heat of the light that, in time, the sea which surrounded the invader beast began to evaporate. Not so much that the planet would be deprived of needed water but enough that a drought was now an inevitability. 

Still, it was hardly enough to wound one such as the Drake of the Depths, even at this earlier point of her life. If anything, the light only served to darken the already black bones of her body. A slight burn and nothing more.  

She was more interested in the attacker than the attack itself and waited patiently for them to reveal themselves. In time, they descended from their little station above the clouds. A luminous and beautiful humanoid, a mystic, adorned in fine fabrics and jewelry which matched well with their diamond blue skin. Though Cathay could not see their face, such features hidden behind a golden, expressionless mask, she knew the titanic being must have been quite the beauty. A feminine sorceress of the divine domain, and likely the chief subjugate of this planet. 

But no wings from what the proto-Depthborn could tell. A shame as she had hoped to take such features for herself. A seraphim warrior would have been preferable in that regard. 

Still, when looking upon the beauty's feminine charm, Cathay found there to be plenty of other favorable qualities to take onto herself. 

The angelic champion descended into the sea alone, not accompanied by any of the comrades which likely littered the planet's surface, guiding the populace towards blind servitude and worship. The light above grew more intense, causing steam to rise from the ocean and the wildlife within to boil alive as this angel spoke. 

They said only a single word, one that would send any lesser creature running with their tail between their legs. 


No sound was heard as they spoke. Instead, the light around them said all that they wished to tell. A luminous language, unable to be written in anything other than the light. Near impossible to decipher but for one as old as a Primordial Depthborn the language was as rudimentary as the one who spoke it. 

Cathay gnashed her teeth, clicking in response, unable to speak and instead allowing actions to convey what her intentions were. Joints cracked and molten eyes grew brighter as the ageless terror lowered her body to a pouncing position. 

The two were near equal in size, with Cathay winning out on account of her more bestial form. Still, the exalted mystic was no whelp, likely being large enough to demolish one of her own uplifted cities by herself. Though it was strange to think about, Cathay wondered how many might find themselves victim to the bare foot falls of this titanic beauty. Hundreds perhaps might pop underneath the pressure of her sole, littering that perfect blue skin with splotches of red, green, blue or whatever color the civilizations of this planet bled. 

Perhaps they've even dined on those deemed to be sinners, using the meager portions of energy to fuel their own divine might. 

Such thoughts were tantalizing, and Cathay could hardly wait to put such thoughts into action once this Angel's body served her own evolution. 

Both combatants launched themselves towards one another, with the mystic summoning a sword of hardened light and flame, while Cathay used nothing but her own claws to strike. Through formless speed and unimaginable strength the two titans of power clashed, splitting open the sea and sky. The thin veil of reality shuddered in response to such colliding power, and before long the world around the two foes grew dark as they became the sole focus of one another's attention. 

Only one of them would be walking out of this alive. 

Only one of them would have a future to live for.


And oh what a wonderful future for Cathay it was. Though most of her memories were far from noteworthy, at least in her eyes, the battle against that old light-touched mystic was one she looked back onto fondly. Sure, it didn't end in the way she had hoped, the body of the angelic sage proving… less than adequate…

But an evolution did come about as a result of the battle, and so was salubrious in the long term. Of course being so young back then she hadn't viewed it as such originally. Times have changed however, as had Cathay. 

In her youth she would have acted brashly. Clamed, and more tactical than her fellow horrors, but still subject to destructive impulse. While such urges still existed just beneath the surface of what was now a, questionably, calm mind they had been refined to such a point that Cathay didn't need to fear falling into old temptations. 

Were brutal wishes to be acted upon then it would be of her own free will, not bound to her nature. 

That said, this didn't mean there wasn't any joy to be found in holding a shrunken angel in between her fingers, squeezing them just hard enough to have them teeter on the edge between life and death. Watching the struggle to call upon even an ounce of their vaunted strength, only to find it was locked away by one so much greater than themselves. A delightful display of control over one so naturally high and mighty. There was no better way to remind some avian upstart of their place then by having them struggle in the most humiliating of situations. 

Why, their flailing could even be considered cute. Cute enough to even eat for some. 

 Of course Cathay promised not to kill anyone… but she won't deny that her mouth watered at the thought of having this watcher of the Heaven's, a sort of scout, drown in her spittle before being swallowed whole. While there'd be little power to gain from the act it'd mostly be enacted for the pleasure of it. 

It was the smallest of punishments really, deserving towards one who hid themselves on Earth so poorly. Finding out the schemes of this 'mayor' was far too easy to even be considered a little enjoyable. Cathay would have thought that after having so many of their own kind slaughtered the Heavens would have picked up a few new tricks. Maybe some different means of subjugation or integration into a noteworthy society. 

Alas, their tune was always the same. So terribly uninteresting. 

Find a world, assert your power through righteous crusade or otherwise, and claim its denizens as your cattle; that was the preferred method of the strong ones. Those who likened themselves gods. Predictable but effective, at least when another cosmic power didn't get involved in angelic affairs. 

For the less than impressive specimens, however, they'd gain a position of power somewhere in the world, rising through hierarchical ranks and growing powerful through different means, often political or religious. Much like the little morsel Cathay had in her grasp. 

"You repulsive, misbegotten creature of chaos!" The luminous sprite shouted in rage. "You may have these primitives fooled but not me! Return my power to me so that I may deliver unto thee divine punishment!"  

Again, not all angels shared the ability to alter their size, much like the flailing, would-be conqueror here. And always it was the smallest of angels who yelled the loudest.

For the angelic watchers of the Divine Domain, spotting out a Depthborn was a simple task. Granted, most were nearly thousands of meters tall and brought destruction in their wake, but still their purpose remained an important one, or at least it did in their eyes. Onlookers of the universe; Guardians meant to offer safe havens to those who sought it. Cathay liked to believe that, at one point in time, such a purpose wasn't driven by a desire to be praised as gods. That there was actually good intention. If that were true though then the Heavens had fallen far from their original design. 

Still, they performed their duties all the same, ego driven though they may be. The watchers of the Heavens were ever observant, proving able to even narrowing out a cosmic being capable of altering their form. Rulers were perhaps the only beings that acted as the sole exception. 

Cathay wasn't making any real effort to hide away who she was though. If she were then this struggling excuse of an observer wouldn't have had the chance to grow angry. No, she wanted this ranting bird to know who she was. 

"And why would I ever return your power?" Cathay asked in feigned confusion. She moved her sharpened nails to dangle the enraged angel by the collar of their suit, a smile upon her face the entire time. "This size is FAR more fitting for you, wouldn't you agree?" Especially since this angel was one of those few who couldn't change their size. A lesser threat than even the most dull minded of enemies. 

Cathay propped her feet atop the angelic mayor's desk, having taken both that and the Angel's seat for herself. Their office was as one might expect, covered from wall to wall in religious propaganda, though it wasn't any that might be found on Earth. A new religious system, one barely past its emergence stage but was clearly meant to be this little observer's bid towards greater power. Odds are, after taking office and weeding out rival belief systems, they would have used theirs as the one sole religion to be followed here in Ravencroft. Such an underhanded method towards growing power, though Cathay couldn’t blame them for trying. Give humanity a few centuries and enough miracles and they'll believe in anything. 

With their cover blown, the aged human form of the angel gave way to one more in line with what the Ruler of the Depths hoped to see. Still humanoid, bipedal, though segmented in areas of their body, and wearing the same suit as before, it was their flesh and bones which burned away in blue flames that offered the greatest change. Replacing skin and sinew were the wheels, eyes and wings reminiscent of one many an earthling might call a 'Throne'. Normally depicted as a flaming wheel of many eyes and wings, this one had forged for themselves a more humane, less mind breaking form. They needed to go a step further however, truly taking a human shape so as to integrate themselves in society. Had they not then the burning wheels and eyes that constituted the watcher’s ‘head’ would have been a dead giveaway. . 

"Wretched cur!" The Angel shouted, their voice casting their body in a dim light; the vestiges of their power given form through their divine language. Were they to possess access to their full capabilities than Cathay imagined at least a few dozen city blocks would be cast in scorching rays of lights. She couldn’t quite allow that if she planned to keep her promise with Valerie. 

The Angel continued shouting, demanding justice and swearing revenge. "When I go free I swear on all that is holy and sacred, I will have your he-"

Cathay shut them up quickly, wrapping her fingers around the Angel's body before using their own light to compress their body so tightly that they'd be forged anew; made into something else despite their desperate struggles. For any lesser being they would have been turned to paste. Instead they were burnt by a hellish, crimson light that shined out from in between Cathay's enclosed fingers. It engulfed the watcher, blinding him, and smelting down their form into something more fitting. 

The Ruler opened her hand revealing a broken, bent cross in the center of her palm. The Angel’s new shape, forced onto him along with a more humiliating purpose in life. 

"I’m sorry, but do you birds EVER shut up?"  Cathay asked as she clipped the necklace around her neck, admiring her handiwork before growing bored. "I swear, you and your kind are entertaining UNTIL you start spouting nonsense. Couldn’t you tell I stopped caring about what you had to say?"

She snickered. Cathay made sure the Angel retained some form of consciousness before reshaping them, allowing the little one to retain their status as a watcher by allowing them the ability to view and listen through this new perspective of theirs. Though blurred and fragmented vision, this new sense of awareness was like walking through a sea of tranquil, only to then step onto a beach of shattered glass. Serene before growing painful with each passing moment. And the more they struggled the longer the transformation would last. 

Cathay had made a promise after all, giving her word she wouldn’t kill anyone. Turning one into a misshapen piece of jewelry though, having it so that the more they struggled the longer the transformation would persist…

She was pretty sure that was a workable loophole. 

It wasn’t as though it was her fault that Angel’s wills were legendary, being quite literally the personification of stubbornness for some. If the watcher chose to struggle… well that was just out of Cathay’s hand now wasn’t it?

The punishment was a hell in and of itself, the Angel’s entire body, their purpose for existing, amounting to little more than jewelry for a true god of the cosmos to wear. And the most delicious part of this was, if they wished to be free, they’d have to lose the desire to fight back. Something that would never occur to a denizen of the Divine Domain. 

It just goes to show that when death is off the board in regards to punishments creativity becomes a very powerful asset. 

"Let’s give you a few centuries to calm down and get a handle on that fiery temper of yours, little birdy.” Cathay mused. "Hopefully that’ll give me enough time to decide over what I should do with you."

Cathay couldn’t possibly imagine WHY an angel would wish to set up shop on Earth. It couldn’t have been for religious benefit, there were already so many systems of belief here on this planet already. Already, so many gods that had fallen quiet the moment she stepped away from her throne. There was even a Heaven dedicated to the small world, a fragment of the far larger domain as well as a chief religion across the globe. It was ruled by Yahweh, one of the older and more respectable deities of the cosmos in the Ruler's eyes. They were actually found to be a decent enough individual, Cathay just had no idea where so many apes came up with the idea behind those old testament rules

But the angels there were hardly the type of narcissists to be found in the main domain. Respectful, just like their holy father. It didn’t mean the Depths wouldn’t invade it if presented with the opportunity, but still the respect was there. The bottom line was that she couldn’t think of a single possible advantage the Heavens might find in uplifting Earth. The people here were primitive. Weak, easily broken by one of the greater inhabitants of the cosmos. It boggled the mind and only continued to do so the more she thought about it.  

“Whatever…” There is no need to worry about such things currently. The Heavens might be able to utterly dominate but against any other domain they’d find themselves slaughtered. “It’s not like I can’t just slaughter any angel that gets on my nerves…” 

Still, that posed some minor issues in the long run. Cathay had moved to Earth to get away from such problems. Not just her responsibilities within the Depths, an act that likely would place her in poor standing with her peers, as if she ever really cared, but also just to… relax. Something which she hadn’t done in who knows how long. In the past, everyday was a struggle for survival, continuing only until you had so much power that none may think of possibly challenging you. Now here she was, with the power to make the totality bend the knee and yet still dealing with the same problems as though she had never left her obligations behind. 

It was admittedly rather irritating. While a singular angel posed no threat to Cathay or her weaker kin, it still presented what might very well be an inevitable problem for the small planet. 

Rival domains were still a threat. Beyond just the Heavens there were plenty more that have already managed to find their way towards Earth, one notable example being the Void. The Domain of Angels was bad enough, but to deal with the order obsessed Princess that ruled the Kingdom of Equilibrium would be a headache Cathay just did not wish to deal with.  

A solution needed to be found, one that didn’t place her at the forefront of having to solve everything herself. 

“If only mankind could evolve for themselves, things would be so much simpler.” Had these apes the evolutionary prowess of the Depths then perhaps they wouldn’t be so fragile. If only they were just a tad bit… stronger. Powerful enough to challenge something that might be considered a lesser threat. “Yes, if they had an opportunity such as that then I'd have far less to worry about.” 

As Cathay got herself better situated in the Angelic Watcher’s former office, she couldn’t help but think more on that possible idea. She’d need to find someone to replace this lost position of power, or replace it herself, but that was only a minor problem compared to something larger than most humans. 

The world was changing, only a fool wouldn’t see that. If mankind wished to keep up with such changes then they’d need to advance themselves, just as those of the Deep Wastes do. 

But were such a route to be taken then it’d need to be done gently. Mankind was the type of species that needed to be guided. Cultivated before growing. Evolution was, after all, a fickle mistress. 

Cathay knew that better than most.



The form Cathay had taken upon her consumption of the divine flesh of the Mystic was far from ideal. Too many of her old qualities persisted into her evolved state, though in retrospect she should have seen this coming. Already, she had barely evolved herself after having killed and consumed the angelic sage, and as such a transformation wouldn’t have been too altering. As they were in power and strength, the might Cathay had acquired was double what she originally was before. A decent boost in might at a glance, but when compared to so many others and what they managed to devour, it was laughable at best. 

Now, because of her own error, she was here atop some ruined city drenched in both depth and divine blood, the coalescing substances mutating the surviving inhabitants below into horrid, crossbreed abominations. They worked to clear out any survivors, divine or mortal, those the Deep Drake could not worry about. Still locked to their miniscule sizes though, they were more akin to vicious insects than any real threat to something of her scale. Still, they were rather effective in slaughtering their former friends and family. 

But such slaughter would avail Cathay nothing. There would be no further evolution to gain from them. 

They could not change the spindly arms and legs of the terror’s new bipedal form, still as skeletal as before but now deprived of the draconic visage she had prior. Befitting the angel she had just consumed, their flesh and bones littering the once beautiful world, Cathay now appeared more demonic. Roughly feminine, humanoid, and by her estimate well over a thousand meters in height, her body now seemed covered in an array of jagged thorns and spikes, the most prominent of which being three shining spines along their back. With four arms each capable of exerting fighting amounts of strength, there was no being the Drake of the Depths could not tear apart, her nails sharper than any blade. Forget demons, Cathay now seemed more akin to a devil. Wingless, yes, a fact she still lamented as she desired wings, but the terror she could spread was without question. 

Most terrifying of all though was the light that coursed through the veins of this new form; crimson, a perversion of the holy luminosity the mystic had utilized in their battle. The very same light which Cathay now used to decimate the world around her, eviscerating any angels and cities that thought to hide from her with ribbons of crimson death. She cared little for the corpses of lesser divinity, only having viewed the mystic as slightly worth the effort.  

And for a brief moment Cathay felt as though the struggle had been worth it. This  monstrous visage was not the original transformation. It was a mutation, forced upon her through a form of incompatibility. Mere moments before taking on this form, she had attained something very close to the slaughtered angel. Something truly beautiful, and in many ways as captivating as an old, dead star. The transformation lasted only a few moments unfortunately, her greater power eclipsing that which she had taken and creating the more monstrous appearance seen now. 

In truth, the slaughter of much of the planet’s population was little more than a tantrum. Cathay was enraged to have fallen so low so quickly when she had actually managed to evolve into something beautiful. It wounded her pride, and only served to further her desire to find something, anything, that might allow her to maintain what she deemed as a proper shape. 

There was nothing for her here. No further foes to hunt nor could they even be considered snacks at this point. The essence they’d grant was less than what she needed now. She made an error in calculations, she was too powerful to gain anything from paltry servings.

She needed stronger adversaries, greater adversity. The Terror shrieked in frustration, knowing her struggles were only going to get harder from here on out. The thorns and edges across their body grew frenzied, shifting in the Primordial Depthborn’s rage. They burned with the energy of the stolen, mutated light, threatening to burn away all on the planet's surface. Just as quickly as the anger had risen though, a calm mind quickly took hold once more. 

Cathay would gain nothing from burning away life on this world. There were still a few stragglers that may prove beneficial, though not to her. 

Turning the stolen light towards the planet’s crust, Cathay dug a hole into her domain. A breach into the Depths that would allow for her kin to freely access not just this world but the solar system it laid within as well. Already she could see the many frenzied eyes of innumerable of her kind, clawing their way to the surface so as to feast on not just the corpses she had left behind but also those who were unfortunate enough to survive the Primordial’s tantrum.

As for the barely evolved, former drake herself, she simply chose to head home. Cathay was tired, and wasn’t going to overexert herself in pursuit of a desire that could be fulfilled another day. Even with how old this universe now was it still could be considered young. 

As such she had all the time she needed to hunt and kill. Her possible prey wasn’t going anywhere, and in time she’d get the evolution she craved. 

It was now only a matter of how many noteworthy champions she had to slaughter. 

A hundred

A million

Or perhaps much, much more. 

In time though. All things evolve in time. 

Chapter End Notes:

Well this chapter took some time to write. Finals for classes are really ramping up. Might be some time before the next chapter. Until then though, you know what to do
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