Harvey´s excited, he´s on his way to work. A new job. He´s just finished a year of internship and he´s ready to venture into the real world. Professionally speaking. He´s still missing a lot of experience, but he´s proven to be quite qualified. Or at least skillful and full of potential.
On his internship, he did great, work on time, always punctual, happy to help. He was fantastic in every aspect. Quite a menace for the other employees, if he could be called as such. At 5’5” he´s not the type of man that would impose as soon as soon as he enters a room.
But he´s exceptionally smart. Not quite a literal genius, but he´s a quick learner. He didn´t get a job on the office where he was an intern, because they had no place for him, but he was recommended to work as the assistant of a woman; who they said was quite strict, still, if he did things right, then he´d have her as a reference. Quite a good one since she´s very respected on her business.
He doesn´t quite know who she is. He´s quite new in this. Mrs. Stalwart, a name he couldn´t put a face on, yet. She was kind enough to take him in, well, on the email she sent to him she said her last assistant was… not meeting her expectations. Long story short, he was hired within a day. It seems this was his lucky day.
Now, he´s making his way in. Chatting a little with the receptionist, quite a good-looking woman, he could have an idea of how things would be. As soon as he mentioned her name, the receptionist´s eyes opened widely. She asked him if he was really his new assistant, and when he confirmed it, she just wished him good luck, not in a very joyful way.
As he made his way up in the elevator, he wondered, how was she? Could she really be that bad?
“Relax, Harvey, they´re just trying to scare you, that´s it, have some fun with the new guy…” he told to himself.
He had no idea where her office was. The only contact he had with her was through the email she sent him. The only thing he knew was that her office was at the tenth floor, but nothing more.
As he wandered through the halls, he could tell the ceiling was pretty high. At least ten feet tall. Quite tall if you ask him, almost twice his size. Still, he felt kind of lost, so he asked someone if he knew where she was.
“Hi, I´m Harvey, I´m new here and I was wondering if you could help me find Mrs. Stalwart´s office…” he told the guy. He was 6´ tall, maybe 6´1”. At first he seemed kind of bored, not really in the mood to meet him, but when he pronounced Mrs. Stalwart´s name, his eyes widened.
“Mrs. Stalwart? Why do you need to get to her office?” he asked.
“Oh, I´m her new assistant.” Harvey replied.
“Oh my… no offense, but you don´t seem… suited for the… never mind. Her office´s at the end of the hall, it´s the last door. You won´t miss it, it´s the giant glass door.” He thanked him. But what did he meant by suited?
Of course, he thought this was just any other guy making fun of his height. But he had learned not to pay much attention to such things.
Harvey made it to the office. That guy wasn´t lying, the door was HUGE. At least five foot wide and nearly as tall as the ceiling. Was it because she was sort of the “Big” boss? Kind of the big deal around. Did she wanted big things because she wanted to establish her own superiority?
Harvey had no clue. And he didn´t care much. But he imagined that, wouldn´t it be funny if she was a woman, let´s say five feet tall or even shorter? He could picture an old short woman with a terrible mood. Like a really short temper granny. With gray hairs and bright red lipstick.
He just chuckled a little before he opened the door. It would be kind of dumb to knock on a glass door. If he would´ve been able to see through the glass, then he would´ve asked. But the sanded glass pretty much hid everything inside. He could only see the distant chape of certain objects.
“Good morning…” he said as he stepped in.
“Who is it?” came a voice, gentle, professional, but… a bit too deep.
“I´m Harvey… Smalls.” Yes, his last name didn´t help at all, in fact, he felt kind of ridiculous every time he said it out loud. “I´m your new assistant.”
The first thing he noticed when he turned towards where the voice came from was, the furniture. It was gigantic. Was that really a desk or a small house built inside the office? He approached towards it, hopping it was her desk. He couldn´t see anything behind it, he was hoping there were some sort of stairs, at least steps, behind that huge thing. The top of the desk was taller than his nose.
He still couldn´t see her, but when a huge bulge, which was her chair, turned. He was astonished. He never thought that would be her. She was HUGE! Insanely big. He knew he was short, but this woman certainly made him feel like a bug.
“Oh, so you´re my new assistant… nice to meet you.” She said as she got up from her chair.
If he was dumbfounded before, now he was staggered. She wasn´t only tall, but big all over. Her head rose, higher and higher as she stood taller. He could swear she almost hit the ceiling. But as she rose, he couldn´t help but to run his eyes over her whole body. Scanning her following his fear.
Her bosom, it was massive. By far the biggest boobs he´s ever seen, or he´ll ever see. No woman, no matter how stacked, had boobs like that. What´s the bra size for colossus tits like that?
As he saw her body, covered with a professional attire. A blazer and a white top beneath it, he realized she filled her clothes quite well. She seemed… fleshy. Curvy if you please. Five-hundredth? Six-hundredth? Seven-hundredth pounds? How heavy was she? He could feel the floor shaking as she walked around her desk, approaching him.
Her waist, he was as tall as her waist. Well, at least as tall as her belly button, or so he expected. He had never felt so short before. Now, at 25 years of age, he felt petit. This woman, who seemed mature, completely dwarfed him. How old was she again? She seemed to be in her mid-forties, however, she was pretty. Her golden hairs, so thick and stylized. Her blonde mane made her look utterly beautiful.
As soon as the desk got off the way, he could see her whole body. She was wearing a skirt and her legs were covered by mocha-colored stockings. But that wasn´t the main thing. Her body… it was… surreal.
A dream come true for the lovers of bigger things. Starting from the top, her hips were wide, really wide. No doubt why her door was so vast. She needed space to walk in. And her thighs, he could see how they touched each other. There was no space between her fleshy thighs, they were so stacked, so wide, so creamy.
Passed her knees, well, he couldn´t see the defined shape of the knee bone, but he could tell where they were. He could see the curves of her calves. Her strapping shins. Her legs were long, thick and so creamy looking. He was sure that beneath her soft look, there were some seriously big muscles, allowing that huge body of hers to move.
Now, was she fat? No, nothing like that. Although, it depends who you ask. She ain´t one of those stick-pole models that the wind can take away. But she could definitely be one of those curvy models. Her body was simply… of a burly figure. There was thickness all over her long legs, her gigantic breasts didn’t quite help to give her a slimmer look, but her waist was certainly defined.
It wasn´t thin, or wasp-like, but she didn´t have a huge gut hanging from her. It may be that she seems so thick because her limbs are larger, longer and bigger than the one´s of an averaged size person. Now, just wonder how Harvey, an under average man, would feel.
He couldn´t even speak. Her face revealed the air of a woman who was there to work and nothing else. She´d get her job done, but there´s no time there to make friends. Rather than looking like someone who´s got no friends, he can tell that anything he says will have to be followed by “ma´am”.
She extended her long arm, bent over and guided her large hand towards him. He was only making sure he was still breathing. Was she a giant? How come he never heard of the tallest living woman? That was her, for sure.
“I certainly hope you´re as good as they´ve told me…” she said.
“I… I…” he was shocked. What if she breaks his hand unintentionally? How did he end up here?
Her narrow smile vanished. She was expecting a hand shake, not a scared man. She had zero tolerance towards this kind of thing.
“Excuse me, but when I extend my hand, I DO expect you to shake it. If you can´t even do this, what can I expect about serious work? Will you be this afraid of paperwork?” she asked, a bit annoyed.
“N-no.” he declared.
“Then, what´s holding you? Come on, shake my hand…” He obeyed her.
He shook her hand, but he couldn´t help but to feel nervous. He could feel this woman´s real strength. Her grip was firm, her shake solid. No wonder she´s the boss. He can feel how serious she really is.
“Now…” she said as she stood back up. “Don´t think I´m the type of person who likes to see other people struggle while I order them around. But, there´s some things you can tell from a person´s handshake…” she bent once more, coming uncomfortably closer, “and yours is weak.”
He swallowed.
“But, I´ll blame it on the fact that I´m sure you´ve never seen a woman my… size. But I´ll just let it slip this one time. I´ll give you a moment to take it in. I´m a nine-foot-six woman. Make sure to remember that. My weight´s none of your business and so isn´t any of my clothing size. But as you can see, everything on me is… over the average. I´m going to need you to process all that since we´ll be working together for quite a long time. Understood?”
“Y-yes ma´am!” he said, loud and clear. Trying to follow what she was saying.
“Good. Now, there´s your desk. I´ll send you all of the paperwork I´ll need you to work on…” she started explaining him which his duties will be from now on. Starting today, she expects his 100-percent, no mistakes and of course, all of the effort he can give.
She won´t tolerate things as arriving late, extended lunch´s, laziness, a poor performance. Nothing. He´ll do what she says by the time she says so and giving the best results. Of course, she won´t be as mean as not to help him out whenever he´s stocked, but that must be on the least of circumstances.
“Remember, there was someone before you and if you don´t meet my expectations, there´ll be someone after you, is that clear?” Mrs. Stalwart said.
“Yes, crystal clear…” he replied.
“Good.” Then, she returned to her desk.
Harvey couldn´t believe it, she was enormous. And he couldn´t believe either that he was now luring at her ass. It wasn´t in the lusty way, her butt was just so vast that his eyes went straight for it.
Her round, fleshy butt, swaying from one side to the other, following her hips´ motion. Juicy, tight, pawg, either word would be fitted for it. But his main concern is, this is only day one out of who knows how many.