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At first Ryan thought that nothing had happened; though he sensed some ineffable difference in the world, everything appeared the same as before, and business went on as usual in the office. “Must have imagined it,” he thought, and took a sip of his coffee returning to his work. Yet hardly a minute had passed when he realized that many of his coworkers were congregating around the windows, looking uneasily to the sky and muttering. More people joined them by the second, and even those higher-ups telling everyone to go back to work fell silent as soon as they glimpsed whatever everyone was looking at.

Ryan was reluctant to join them at first, harboring a deep, existential dread of what he might see out there, but in the end he did leave his desk to approach the crystalline glass and look to the sky.

There, he saw a face. A face so distant it was tinged with the same blue as the sky, and yet so huge that it filled up a good chunk of the sky; the face of a peacefully slumbering woman, middle-aged but still good-looking in a mature way, with long, raven hair flowing down the sides of her head. And that was far from all; for, despite his shock and fervent denial that this could be real, he knew that face as that of his own mother, Juno.

While Ryan wondered whether everyone else saw the same thing as him, the eyes on that sleepy face blinked open. A ripple of fear spread over the rest of his coworkers, but it paled in comparison to what he felt looking into those bright green eyes. Then, after that celestial being focused her pupils on the world before her, her mouth opened and all humanity trembled at the voice of Ryan's mother

“What's this? Is that supposed to be the Earth?” Juno looked at the tiny little sphere, barely any bigger than a ping-pong ball, floating in front of her face. She herself was also floating in space, and bare naked to boot—clearly she was dreaming. Wonderingly she reached for the little sphere, and soon billions of people on Earth saw the sky dominated by her fingertips, all of which easily dwarfed the moon in size. As those colossal digits descended towards the planet's surface, the fearful mortals witnessing their approaching demise saw her skin magnified to such detail as no one had ever seen outside of a microscope. Fingerprints which had seemed flat and smooth now acquired a terrifying third dimension as the ridges of her skin were shown to be mountain ranges taller and wider by far than any on Earth, and the grooves between them became massive valleys that could have neatly held every last city on the planet.

Powerful gusts of wind were sent blowing all over the planet as the tips of Juno's fingers entered the atmosphere, driving away the cloud cover so all could witness their encroaching doom. As soon as Juno made contact with the Earth, her fingers tore through the planet's surface, the crust buckling and cracking for hundreds of miles around each point of contact, spreading earthquakes the likes of which had never before been felt. Mountains and valleys were formed and destroyed in the tiniest fraction of a second and great rivers of lava were forced to the surface by the apocalyptic pressure. And as her fingers continued to drive into the Earth, the hapless planet, unable to withstand the incredible forces bearing down on it, split apart and crumbled into stardust, all its life obliterated.

“Aww, I really wanted to play with it.” Juno lamented the planet's destruction, flicking away the glowing remnant's of the planet's core that coalesced around the gravitational pull of her fingers. But, she thought, maybe she could still play with it. Since this was a dream, all she had to do was think about it and... Poof! Just like that the Earth was back in its place, like nothing had ever happened. Or so it seemed to her, yet on the planet, lucid memories of their own deaths lingered in everyone's minds.

“A-ha!” Willing the planet to remain intact this time, Juno reached out and plucked the Earth from its orbit, her fingers coming down harmlessly on its surface. She pulled the pretty blue marble closer, peering down to make out all the continents, from cute little Australia to the adorable North America. Then her eyes drifted down to her breasts, and with a mischievous grin she held the planet up to her nipple.

“He he! Look everybody: my nipple's almost as big as the Earth!” Juno cooed at the little planet. And, as she rolled the little planet against her nipple, making it grow erect, she got the idea to get rid of that “almost”. Simply by willing it, she made herself grow even bigger, her body swelling up even past its already massive proportions until the Earth was a mere pea next to the godly mother, smaller even than her nipple. Not that mankind noticed much difference; to them her size was only slightly more incomprehensible than it had been before.

Juno lay back, resting her curvaceous body on the very fabric of space, and peer down at the little world balanced perfectly on her nipple. Then, acting on another fun idea, she pinched the perky pink nub, and with a little squeeze produced a squirt of milk from her gigantic breast, launching the tiny sphere out into space before willing it come floating back to her. While it hovered before her heavenly eyes, Juno saw the Earth turned to a flawless white pearl as the Earth was covered from pole to pole by a miles-deep ocean of her milk. Not a single soul remained.

She then decided to return the planet to its normal state, with just one difference: that now every body of water was replaced with her milk. Again she held the planet up to her face, not with her fingers but with her divine will alone, and turned it around to admire her handiwork.

Looking upon the oceans of her milk, Juno wondered if there were any tiny little dream-humans living on this dream-Earth to appreciate the change she'd made, and so willed herself to see the planet's surface in detail. “Oh, wow!” she exclaimed, surprised to find the “dream” Earth more detailed than she had ever anticipated. Why, she could see billions of tiny little humans looking up at her from that little pea of a planet, smaller even than germs to the godly mother.  Had the little dream-people been there the whole time, watching her and being killed off while she destroyed the planet with her idle whims? For some reason, the very thought of it alone made her unspeakably excited, and she reached a hand down to touch herself while she contemplated the helpless little specks at her mercy.

But then it occurred to Juno: if there were tiny little people on this tiny little planet, was her Ryan among all those dream-people? She turned the Earth back around to center her sights on her hometown, and found it surprisingly accurate to the real thing. Then she searched the streets until she found the building her son worked at, and she looked through it floor by floor, until at last she found her son.

“Ryan, there you are,” she cooed, and Ryan's face went pale. “My sweet baby boy; come here and let mommy get a good look at you.”

Ryan stood petrified watching her planet-sized fingers stretch towards the planet's surface. Rather than grabbing the Earth, her thumb and forefinger pinched together as they approached the planet, and little by little they angled closer, until, from Juno's perspective, there was only the tiniest sliver of a gap between her fingernails, just wide enough to hold her little speck of a hometown. And that's just what she did; her fingernails easily sliced through the planet's crust and then squeezed together with just the tiniest bit of force to uproot the whole city, and her little son along with it. Making sure to keep it intact, she carried them all off the planet and onto her much-bigger finger, where they sat atop the ridge of her fingerprint, a plateau now wide enough to fit many of the Earth's smaller countries. From there the city's hundreds of thousands of inhabitants looked out in fear and awe at the alien landscape that now stretched out all around them—a seemingly endless expanse of vast pale-pink plateaus, here and there dotted with lakes of sweat big enough to drown their whole city.

And beyond all that, the gaping black hole of Juno's pupil peered down at them, its gaze an oppressive weight upon every soul caught beneath it. Juno watched them watching her, delighted at the awed and fearful expressions of friends and strangers alike, but most of all delighted at her tiny microbe of a son, the sight of him cowering atop her fingertip filling her with a powerful tenderness and irresistible excitement alike.

“My precious little boy... come give your mommy a kiss.” Juno moved her finger closer, her huge, plush lips coming to fill the view of every single microbe person watching fearfully from her skin, until at last her fingertip touched down on her lower lip, smothering all her hometown. Everything and everyone else was instantly obliterated and reformed back on the little pea-planet, save for Ryan who remained buried deep between the vast walls of his mother's flesh, overwhelmed by her loving gesture yet kept perfectly safe by her will. Juno kissed him tenderly, the flesh of her lip sinking deep at the touch of her finger to receive her only son, her lovely boy, into her warm embrace, leaving him hopelessly smothered between plush lip and fingerprint ridge, until the godly mother deigned to pull her finger away.

A tiny layer of spit, passed from lip to finger during her kiss, now covered her little son, leaving him swimming in a veritable ocean of his mother's saliva. Juno watched him frantically trying to make his way to the surface miles above, until he ran out of energy and let out what would have been a dying gasp but for his godly mother's grace letting him survive.

“How do you like this, Ryan? You always loved swimming in the sea; now any part of me can be your sea. You could spend whole lifetimes exploring the depths and grottoes between my taste buds, or diving into one of my sweat pores to discover how deep it goes. My little explorer.” Juno sighed. “I was so sad when you moved away, Ryan, but now I can make sure you stay with me forever. I can give you everything you could ever need or want. I'll be your entire world so we can be together, whatever you're doing. Even if it is just a dream.”

Seeing as he could now breathe just fine underwater, Ryan tried to talk to his mother, hoping she might be able to hear him, but all that came out was a burbling noise. Still, Juno did notice it, and she brought him to the surface of her saliva so he might speak. “Mom, listen to me. This isn't a dream. Everything you've done—all the destruction you caused? It's all real. I don't know why this is happening, or how, but please, you need to put the Earth back in its place, put the oceans back to normal, and put me back on it.”

“Oh, Ryan, don't be silly! If this wasn't a dream, would I be able to do this?” Juno turned her finger around to have her son looking at her chest. Ryan quickly averted his eyes, but not before he saw a change taking place in them. He couldn't help but look again to make sure he had seen it correctly, and sure enough, he saw Juno's breasts silently expanding, ballooning to ever grander sizes, until each of them was easily as big as his mom's head. Juno laughed. “I always wanted to have bigger boobs; now I can make them as big as I want! You see, Ryan? It's obviously a dream. But I don't know why I'm explaining this to you since you're also just part of my dream. And that means...”

Ryan didn't like the look on his mom's face, but before he could tell her he this was no dream, he disappeared off her fingertip and reappeared somewhere else. After a quick look around he realized where he was: on a mountainous bump on her skin, right on top her nipple. Looking out past the cosmic valley of her cleavage he could see the Earth sitting atop the other boob, and to the left from there was her mischievous face grinning at him. “Now, Ryan, my sweet little child, be a good boy and worship your mommy, will you?”

Ryan opened his mouth to object, but all that came out was, “Yes, mommy.” At the same time he felt his mind overwhelmed with adoration towards his Goddess of a mother, and he fell to his knees to kiss the warm, supple flesh of her nipple, desiring nothing more than to serve and please her; to love her as a son loves his mother-Goddess.

Growing excited at the feeling of her tiny son kissing her nipple, Juno grabbed ahold of her breasts and started rubbing the great heaving masses, causing cosmic wobbles that topped the tiny Earth from its perch and sent it rolling down the great slope of her breast to land in the middle of her cleavage. Smiling at the little thing, she slowly pressed her breasts together until the planet was crushed between them, but allowed the people to remain, smothered in the endless expanse of her skin. Then when she moved her tits apart again, the planet reformed, to be crushed between her solar-sized breasts over and over again, all the while a new, delightful idea was taking shape in her head.

“After all, if I can do whatever I want, why should I be content with having only one child? Let's make it so that all of humanity is my children! All I need to do is give birth to you and then I'll be everyone's mother.” With that happy announcement, she moved the Earth down along the great expanse of her body, from her cleavage down past her belly, all the way to the immense spires of her pubic hairs and the gargantuan pink lips hidden underneath. Spreading her legs, she let the planet enter her, swallowing the puny thing effortlessly, and shivered at its entrance.

A wonderful, electrifying sensation filled her whole body as those billions of souls entered into her, sliding deeper end deeper along her vaginal walls. The physical sensation was the least of it; simply knowing she had all of humanity inside her, slowly traveling along to her womb, made her more aroused than she had ever been. While groping her breast with one hand, she reached to touch herself with the other. Her fingers gave minute planet a little push on its journey to her womb before beginning to churn her sexual juices. It took little for her to reach climax—she was already so close to it when she'd started—yet once she reached it, she stayed there for minutes on end, her whole being aglow with a feeling of cosmic bliss that only climbed ever higher as the billions of souls within her approached the site of their new rebirth, until at last the Earth entered her womb and then...

Juno awoke in her bed when the sunlight streaming through a thin gap in her curtains hit her eyelids. Groaning, the middle-aged woman reached for the curtains and pulled them shut, then sighed and lay back to stare at the ceiling. It had been such a wonderful dream she was having; if only she could have stayed asleep for just a little while longer.

But, as she was about to get out of bed, Juno realized there was something off, and she looked to her chest to find her tits bloated to the same gargantuan size as they'd had in her “dream”. Then, directing her awareness within, she sensed the tiny little Earth and all its people still awaiting their rebirth in the depths of her womb. And on her nipple she found her microbe of a son, still loyally carrying out her last command by worshipping his divine mother.

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