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The wind blew cold and lonely across the empty moor, and across hills of dead brown grass not yet ready for spring stood a solitary inn for any travelers who would find themselves in such a desolate place at such a cold and wet time of year.

Keith the innkeeper’s mood matched the weather, and as the soft patter of raindrops began on his roof he sighed.

“Widowed before my thirtieth year,” he said to the empty tavern, “Tessa… you’d have made even a night like this one feel warm.” He set the glass he’d been cleaning down and felt sorrow and anger welling within him, a common mixture these days. “Curse the gods and all that is holy for ever taking you from me!”

His shouted curses were drowned out as the door to the inn slammed open, letting the wind and rain burst in like a tempest. He held his hands to his eyes as the cold blast stunned him, causing his dark hair to blow backward as a robed figure stepped inside.

That they wore a thick robe and a dark hood wasn’t out of the ordinary in this weather, but as Keith tried to get a good look at the visitor’s face they turned away. Slowly the phantom shut the door, leaving only the sound of rain dripping from the newcomer’s coat and the crackle of the fire as it roared back to full strength.

He’s a big one, Keith gulped, suddenly remembering the flintlock pistol he kept hidden behind the bar. The wooden floorboards creaked as the figure, at least seven feet tall, stalked across the room towards him.

“What will you have stranger? Food, drink, lodging for the night?”

“Bread, brandy, and a bed,” a woman’s husky voice replied.

Keith nodded, turning around to retrieve the spirit, never letting the woman out of his sight in the bar’s mirror. He reached for the cheapest bottle he had, then hesitated, reaching up for a more expensive vintage.

“Good choice,” the woman drawled, “and spare me the glass, leave the bottle.”

“If you wish to spend the coin who am I to judge,” he chuckled nervously, leaving the bottle and a small plate of bread and butter with the woman. He tried to peer under the hood as he did so, but all he could make out was the glint of white teeth as she smiled. “Have you come far?”

“Farther than any that’ve visited you yet I imagine,” she giggled, reaching for the bread. She took a bite and chewed a moment. “You seemed distressed when I entered,” she said after she’d had a few bites, “what troubles you innkeeper?”

He thought for a moment of denying it, but the wind blew, cold and lonely, and he realized that he needed someone to talk with, even if it was an unnerving stranger such as this.

“I miss my wife,” he said leaning over the bar, “she passed one year ago today, and I don’t know if I’ll ever have happiness again in this world.” He blinked away a quick tear, “We were young, we were supposed to have more time…”

“And so you cursed the divines,” she chuckled in a low voice, “and we heard you down below too.” The woman’s face lifted, revealing a pair of yellow eyes set in black that caused Keith to leap away in surprise.

“Y-You’re… You’re a-“

“A demon of hell,” she said, standing up to her full height again and pulling the hood down. She had red skin, and jet black hair that grew around a pair of pointed horns on either side of her head. With a flourish she threw the robe off herself, revealing a buxom and curvy body clothed in a shining black leather outfit that drew his eyes to a pair of breasts as big as his head. A pointed tail twirled playfully behind her, reminiscent of a cat’s after it had caught it’s prey. For a moment the fire roared higher as she laughed at his fearful expression.

Keith gulped and forced himself to stand up straight, looking her in the eye. “So I’m to be damned then? Are the gods so fragile that a man grieving his wife is enough to condemn him to hell?”

The demoness shrugged. “They supposedly work in mysterious ways, but you are not damned yet. ” She leaned across the bar and gently ran a finger down his cheek. Her hand was soft, warm, and he felt himself unconsciously leaning into the gesture as she giggled. “I’ve heard you wailing and moaning all the way down in the pit; you’re in despair, grieving your lost love… well perhaps I could help?”

Keith raised an eyebrow, “and what would such help cost me?”

“The only thing you have that’s really of any value,” the demon replied, letting it hang in the air.

“And what would you give me for it?” He asked, crossing his arms, “even one such as you cannot bring my wife back to me, and I have little use for gold or fame; I may not be a wealthy man but my pantry is full of fresh bread.”

“Ah but man does not live on bread alone,” the succubus said. With a graceful leap she easily crossed the inn’s bar, her booted feet slamming on the wood and startling him as she stood before him, mere inches away. He could feel the heat from her body, and this close it was impossible to deny how striking this Amazonian demoness was. He looked up at her grinning face, and then down to the enormous breasts that stared back at him at eye level, and he felt something stir in him. “Yessss,” she hissed, letting her hands trace behind his head and grip his hair. He didn’t resist as his face was pressed into her chest, smothering him in those soft red orbs as her scent, a mix of smoke and jasmine, filled his nostrils. “There is another hunger that you have not satisfied innkeeper!” Her velvety tail crept up his back, giving him tingles as it traced playfully along his neck.

“No!” he managed, pushing her away. He struggled slightly, but she let him go with a laugh as he stumbled backwards, panting. “I’ll not trade my soul for a night in bed!” He scowled, “and there isn’t a woman in creation who could have matched my wife Tessa anyways! If the most beautiful princesses of the Empire, the Elven Realms, and the Queendom all paraded in here one by one there wouldn’t be a one who could hold a candle to her beauty or her skill.” He smiled softly as he saw a frown cross the demon’s features, “I’ve made peace with the fact that I shall go to my grave unsatisfied in that regard.”

The succubus felt bile rising in her as she snarled, “It’s a fool of a mortal who disparages a succubi’s beauty or her skill in bed, and if you fear no woman in creation can satisfy you? Well I’m from beyond it!” She grinned, “if you’re not up for a trade, how about a wager?” Seeing his interest her tail resumed it’s playful flittering behind her, “give me one night to satisfy you human, one night to show you all the pleasures of the flesh! And if by sunrise you are well and truly satisfied you will come with me to hell, where you will serve me for all eternity…”

Keith rubbed his chin thoughtfully, “and what if sunrise comes and I’m not satisfied with your performance?”

“Then I will be bound to you here on earth,” she replied dismissively, “to tend to your whims I suppose. I wouldn’t get too excited human, rare is the mortal who can last five minutes with one of us let alone an entire night.”

Keith was quiet for a moment, it was certainly true that he hadn’t been with anyone since his wife’s passing. Grieving or not, he was a man, and he had a man’s desires. The demon was beautiful, and her offer was oddly tempting after the months of sorrow and loneliness.

Life’s been terrible since Tessa died… you’ll never find one like her again. He looked at the grinning demoness with a sigh, Maybe this isn’t a bad way to go out? One night like you had with her, and then no more of this endless grey existence… could damnation really be any worse?

“One night,” he said, “now give me your name.”

“Lilena,” the demon purred, “enjoy saying it without the title while you can, soon you’ll be calling me mistress.”

“Very well Lilena,” he said, giving her a fatalistic grin, “let’s begin!”

She growled and closed the space between them before he could blink. Her arms hefted him up, slinging him over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes, causing him to grunt. With a lustful grin she reached up and slapped his behind hard enough to make him yelp in surprise.

“Nice arse,” Lilena said, bringing her hand up to give it a rough squeeze next, “you’re a comely man Keith the innkeeper, I’ll enjoy displaying you to my friends in the pit.”

She strutted down the bar, pushing open the small swinging door and swaying her hips, and the man over her shoulder, as she walked to the stairs. Her tail came back up, gently flicking his nose as she made her way to the end of the upstairs hall, where his master bedroom waited. The bed itself was immense, almost stretching to the walls of the room, and with solid oak trunks serving as posts at each corner.

“A fine bed!” she cried, throwing him bodily across the room so he landed on it, bouncing against the springs. She walked around the expansive mattress and appreciatively ran a hand over the blankets, “Why did you need so much space?” she asked with a grin, “did you and your late wife ever entertain others up here?”

“Never!” he cried in shock, “we needed a large and sturdy bed because-“

“No matter,” she hushed him, “you’re mine and mine alone tonight!”

The succubus’s clothes fell off her as though they’d suddenly become a fine powder, leaving her naked. Keith had to stare - her physique was a perfect blend of womanly curves, resplendent in red as she threw her long black hair over her shoulder and fixed her yellow eyes upon him. His eyes traced down her toned stomach, where a coiled heart shaped tattoo in black ink waited on her lower belly, just over her womb. Farther below a small patch of dark hair waited above her womanhood, perfectly trimmed and all but inviting him to bury his face in it.

She leapt onto the bed, grabbing at his clothes and tearing them off with an unholy strength. His shirt and pants were reduced to ribbons as claws sprung from the demon’s fingertips, slicing through the fabric with ease as she flung the remnants at the walls. As the last of his smallclothes were destroyed she traced one clawed finger down his chest, scratching him not hard enough to draw blood, but enough to leave the barest white mark against his chest before the claws disappeared again as quickly as they’d come.

“Oh you will be my most prized possession,” she giggled, running her fingersfingertips down his chest and over his chiseled stomach, “and this…” she added as she gripped his manhood, already rising impressively to the challenge she offered, “very impressive,” she said appreciatively, stroking it a few times as it reached its maximum size. “I can see why you were so confident human!” Her lips descended on his member, drawing it into her mouth briefly as her tongue danced along his length and caused him to moan appreciatively. “I must warn you,” she said, pulling her lips off him, “impressive though this sword is, no mortal weapon can harm nor best a demon!”

Harming you with it wasn’t what I planned anyway,” he said with a grin, “come on demon, put it to the test!”

She matched his gleeful laughter as she climbed on top of him, driving her hips down and forcing him inside of her with a motion that caused them both to sigh appreciatively. She pinned him down, placing her hands on his chest as she began her ride.

Keith grinned, closing his eyes and leaning back as the demon worked, She’s almost as strong as- he groaned with pleasure as his thoughts became frayed, and for the first time in over a year he smiled. The demon noticed and bucked against him faster, the silky grip of her womanhood toying with him in a way that no mortal woman could manage. Keith felt his pleasure rising, a volcano of lust that had lain dormant for too long. His eyes shot open, and he gripped the demon’s hips, thrusting her down on himself in time to her motions and causing her to grunt in surprise.

“Yes!” she cried eagerly, “come on human, fuck me! Fuck away your soul!” her tail reached around her body, the velvety point teasingly tracing down his face. Lilena felt herself growing wetter than she had in centuries, Devils below, she realized in amazement, am I going to- her orgasm shocked her as she shouted in unison with the mortal man between her thighs, a tumultuous cry that would have caused anyone on the deserted more to turn their way in wonder. She felt the hot seed spray into her, and for the first time in far too long she quivered and quaked and collapsed onto her lover, panting slightly.

“Wow,” Lilena breathed slowly, “your technique is as impressive as your equipment…” she cleared her throat and forced herself back up. “But even a mortal must-“ her eyes went wide as she realized Keith was already getting hard beneath her again.

“That was a good start,” he agreed, his face still flushed, “but I’ve got a ways to go yet!” his hands reached up for her hips, lifting her up slightly as he positioned the demon’s body. She shivered as she was lowered down onto him again. He looked up at her expectantly, “well?”

Lilena grinned, Oh yes, a real challenge! With an animalistic growl she began riding him again, enjoying the pleasure that raced up her spine with each hammer blow down on the man’s hips. I’m going to destroy you for this human! She couldn’t help but laugh as his back arched with pleasure beneath her, his resistance and endurance were impressive, but ultimately futile. You asked for this human! She thought as she bit her lip, enjoying the sensations of bliss as the two bodies collided. No more holding back, you’ll be screaming my name for the next thousand years!

Lilena sat at the edge of the bed panting as her vision cleared. She wasn’t sure how long it had been, and she shakily looked up at the cuckoo clock on the wall. She gulped as she realized it had been hours.

That’s impossible, the clock must be broken! She glanced back at Keith the innkeeper, who had pulled the covers up to his chest as he waited for her. She licked her lips and gave him a grin.

“Well human, you’re probably spent now, so-“

“Excuse me?” he asked, raising an eyebrow and grinning, “I’m far from done, it’s not even midnight yet!”

“Of course not!” she said quickly, “I was just ah… testing your resolve.” She stood up and put her hands on her hips, “I’m merely going to quench my thirst human, then I shall be back to claim your soul!” she laughed triumphantly as she strutted towards the door, but it was forced.

“Bring that bottle of brandy up here when you come back!” Keith called as she plodded down the stairs.

Lilena walked into the inn’s common room, still deserted. Numbly she grabbed the bottle of brandy Keith had served her up before and took a quick swig, savoring the burning taste of the spirit as she thought over her next move. Idly she gazed around, the hearth fire was dying down to embers, but it still provided enough light for her to make out a large portrait that hung above the mantle, one she hadn’t paid attention to when she arrived.

The first figure in the portrait was Keith the innkeeper, but he wasn’t standing, he was cradled in the arms of a massive woman in a flowing white wedding dress. She had light brown skin, and rich brown almost black neck length hair that framed her face pleasantly. Judging by the way she held her new husband and the size of the assembled wedding guests the late Tessa the innkeeper had to be at least thirteen feet tall…

An amazon, Lilena thought stunned, the damned fool married an Amazon… she took another swig of the bottle, smacking her lips against the flavorful brandy as she grinned. Well that certainly answers the question of his stamina, she thought as she walked up the stairs to rejoin Keith, I’ll just need to up my game then…

Lilena kicked the bedroom door open, startling Keith. With a grin she tossed him the brandy bottle, and he caught it out of the air, pulling the cork free and taking a quick gulp of it himself. He winced at the strength of the drink before sealing it again and setting it on the table, then he threw the blankets off himself, revealing that he was already hard and ready for their next round.

“Are you done resting?” he taunted, “you’re burning through your one night demon!”

Lilena just smirked, tilting her head downward to keep eye contact with him as she started to expand. His eyes went wide as he watched the demoness, already an impressive seven feet tall, reached eight, nine, ten, eventually growing until she was slightly taller than his late wife, her head just inches from the ceiling. She was a looming colossus of a woman now, her tail confidently swishing again as she eyed up the man on the bed like a cat with a cornered canary.

“When were you going to tell me you liked your women bigger? ” she giggled, enjoying his shocked expression as she walked around the bed. She climbed on it, causing it to creak under her newfound weight. She paused when she was over him as she had been before, only now his entire body was maybe the length of one of her legs, her breasts, nearly as big as his head before, would now comfortably cover his entire torso.

“I uh…” he gulped, suddenly less sure of himself.

The tip of her tail, now as wide as his palm, came up and gently stroked his cheek while she laughed. “It was a fine trick, you might’ve had me…” she brought her chest down on him, smothering him beneath the twin orbs of her breasts. Keith struggled for breath as the crimson globes surrounded him, the soft warm flesh molding around him as the rich smell of smoke and jasmine clouded his senses. After letting him panic for a moment she lifted herself up again, letting him gasp for air, wild eyed and still full of lust as he tried to take in the now immense succubi’s perfect body.

“You look fantastic,” he breathed, “a real woman at last!” He let his hands reach up and trace down her sides, taking her in as his erection throbbed almost painfully.

“I think this might be your last round,” she said with a wink, “don’t worry, I’ll treat you well when we get home… I think you’re going to like spending eternity with me.”

“If this is what’s waiting in hell then I should have committed more sins,” he said, grinning, “but the night isn’t over yet! Get on your back!”

She raised an eyebrow, but gripped him in her arms as she rolled over, causing the bed to creak and groan. The massive bed frame had just enough room to accommodate her, and she watched curiously as the now diminutive man worked his way down her body, lightly kissing her stomach and going over her tattoo as his face found its way between her legs.

Ah, his mouth, she thought gleefully, poor human, many a man’s tried to buy himself more time with me this way. She crossed her arms behind her head, closing her eyes and waiting for him to begin, it’s good that my future slave is already accustomed to this, but is he one of those who fumbles or his he skilled enough to-

“Oh,” she breathed in sharply as his tongue found its way into her womanhood. His face pressed against her, causing a swell of pressure that contrasted with the quick purposeful movements across the sides of her lips and up to the pearl at the top of her opening. “Damnation,” she squealed, gritting her teeth and clamping her massive thighs down on his head.

Keith grunted as the immense demon’s legs held him in a vice. The smell of her arousal choked him as he licked with all the fury he had, never letting up on his tried and true technique. Out of reflex his hands came up, gripping feebly at the tree trunk thick legs that were crushing his skull, but a deeper part of his mind knew there was only one way out of this vice.

Just like with Tessa, he thought dimly, get her to finish and those legs will turn to jelly! He forced his face harder against her, his skin going red as the demon’s orgasm built and her legs threatened to pop his head like a grape.

Lilena screamed one final time, a long waning wail as her eyes rolled back in her head from the pleasure of the innkeeper’s tongue. Her legs fell away from him as her muscles spasmed and failed, leaving her head lolling on the pillow as she blinked, trying to clear her vision.

“B-Be you an angel?” she stammered, her voice growing weak.

“Nay, I am but a man,” he said with a grin as he climbed on top of her.

Her yellow eyes went wide, “w-wait I’m still really sensitive-“ she cried out as bliss too strong to handle rocked her body the moment he entered her. His arms came down, his hands wide and unable to cradle her immense bottom, the soft flesh jiggling with each thrust as he hammered home again and again. He closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling and squeezing as hard as he could, savoring the endless flesh of his gigantic lover.

Lilena was struggling to remain lucid as he brought her up to a second quaking orgasm in as many minutes, and by the time the man grunted his last and emptied himself into her, she was weak and panting on the bed, a thin outline of sweat already staining the sheets from where she’d lay.

“Now that you’re closer to my ideal, we can really have some fun!” Keith called, running a hand over her quivering form.

Lilena swallowed nervously and glanced at the clock again.

Lilena’s head was a daze, and she wasn’t sure how long they’d been going at it. Her additional size hadn’t helped nearly as much as she’d hoped, if anything it had only seemed to inflame the innkeeper’s passion.

He separated from her and smiled, “do you need a moment?”

“Y-Yeah,” she stammered, forcing herself up on shaky arms. She cleared her throat, hoping to regain some of her mystique, “You’re quite the lover human, your wife must have been a very happy woman.”

“I like to think so,” he said wistfully, “though I miss her for other reasons… her smile, the way she’d always look out for me, even in ways I didn’t understand until later…”

Lilena bit her lip, and while part of it could have been the rush of emotions following a particularly passionate episode in bed, she felt a little guilty. Another part of her saw a potential way out of this mess…

“Listen ah, maybe it was kind of a bad thing to do to prey on a guy grieving his wife,” she said nervously, “so do you want to just… call it a draw?”

He looked at her quizzically. “A bad thing to do? You’re a demon!”

“Hey we’re not totally without empathy!” she exclaimed, “now really, I’ll give you something to break our wager now, something good!” She thought a moment, “What if I arranged for you to sleep with a woman from every kingdom in the world?”

He shook his head, “I already told you, no woman in creation can satisfy me…” he grinned, “but by the end of the night I’ll have one from outside that, right?”

“Gold,” she said in panic, “gems, pearls - you’ll be the richest man in the realm, you, your children, your grandchildren, you’ll live in luxury, have the finest food and drink!”

“I don’t live on bread alone,” he said with a grin, “consider our wager ongoing.”

Lilena’s tail drooped, “Ha, last mistake you’ll ever make human!” she tried to hide her panic as she reached for the brandy bottle, and in spite of everything she was suddenly happy to find it empty. “Oh look, we need more to drink,” she said quickly, “I’ll just run downstairs and get more.” She leapt out of the bed, shrinking back to her seven foot size as she scurried for the door.

“There’s a rare southern spirit on the top shelf called Tequila,” Keith called, “bring some of that!”

“Of course!” she replied, not really listening.

How did this happen? She stalked into the common room of the inn, her heart pounding more than it had in a millennia as her mind raced and she tried to think of a way out. She was no longer confident that she could simply ride the human to exhaustion. She glared angrily at the portrait of the dead woman who had honed Keith’s skills in the bedroom.

“This is all your fault!” she scowled.

“Why thank you!” a woman’s voice replied.

Lilena whirled around towards the source of the voice, and her mouth went dry as she took in Tessa’s towering form. The thirteen foot amazon had a shimmering set of white armor on, complemented by the feathered white wings on her back and a halo that hovered over her head.

“A-An angel?” she stammered. She quickly took a defensive stance, raising her fists, “you can’t do anything, I’m here of the mortal’s own will, he cursed the gods and-“

“Quit it you little imp,” Tessa laughed, gesturing for Lilena to follow her to the bar. The pair sat down, and the shimmering ghost of Keith’s wife waved a hand, causing the clear bottle of tequila to hover down to them from the top shelf. With another flick of her wrist glasses appeared, and the bottle lifted itself into the air and began pouring them drinks.

“Listen… Tessa right?” Lilena said hesitantly. The towering amazon angel nodded, and the demon continued, “just so you know, the compact means agents of heaven and hell can’t fight directly, not here anyway, so if you had the idea that you’d come down here and rescue your husband-“

“Rescue my husband?” Tessa laughed, “oh gods no, I loved Keith in life, and still do, but I’m not here to rescue him, I’m here to meet the new woman.”

“New woman!?” The demon said angrily, “you’ve got it all wrong, I’m going to drag his soul to hell before the night’s over!”

“Is that so,” the angel replied, swirling her drink once before taking a sip. She placed the glass back on the table, her face scrunching briefly at the sharp taste of the tequila, “let me tell you something demon, I’ve watched my poor husband mourn my death for a year, even in paradise it has pained me… He’s such a good man, and I want him to find happiness on this earth with a new love if he can… and along came you!”

“I-I am his damnation!” Lilena stammered.

“You are his salvation dear,” Tessa said, standing up and ruffling the demon’s hair playfully. She glanced out the eastern window and smiled, there was the barest hint of light on the horizon, and Lilena’s stomach dropped as she realized how close they were to dawn. “Fire on the mountain run girl run,” Tessa taunted in a singsong voice, “devil’s in the house of the rising sun.

Lilena’s eyes went wide. With a growl she threw back her glass, wincing at a taste powerful enough to make a demon blush, before running back to the stairs. The angel’s laugh echoed after her, no doubt unheard by the mortal ears overhead.

“Keith!” she shouted, barging into the room. She killed a frustrated whine in her throat before it could go any further as she saw he was still sitting there in the bed, nonplussed with his hands behind his head.

“Did you bring me a drink?” he asked.

“Forget that!” Lilena said, “This has gone far enough, seriously you’ve got to be satisfied by now, we’ve been going at it all night!”

He scratched the back of his head, embarrassed, “Well… okay sure, I’m satisfied.”

“No you’re not!” she growled angrily, “I can tell, seven deadly sins Keith, you’re getting another boner right now!” she gestured to the tent already forming in the blanket.

“You’re really beautiful when you’re flustered,” he said defensively.

“Okay,” she breathed out slowly, “last chance Keith, do you want to end this - you can take the health, wealth, and women - or are we going until dawn?”

Keith was silent a moment, then a small smile crept across his face. “Dawn,” he said softly.

Lilena nodded, “So that’s it then.” Her voice had gone low, distorted, like she was speaking from behind a waterfall. The tattoo on her lower belly glowed, a spark tracing along the coiled heart lines, turning them red, then white. Lilena winced, then cried out in pain as the vibrant glow became blinding. There was a sound like breaking glass, and as the light vanished Keith saw that the lines of her tattoo had gone jagged, disconnected, as though it had been made of porcelain and then shattered.

“This tattoo,” she said softly, “this rune which was put on me after my fall from grace to seal my immeasurable and uncontrollable lust, has been broken.”

“Okay,” Keith said, stunned.

The inn began to shake, and Lilena grinned at him wickedly as she began to grow again, “so you like big women innkeeper?” she taunted, “Very well!”

“Hey, be careful!” Keith shouted as her head made contact with the ceiling.

There was a groaning sound, then the crackling of splintering timbers as she burst through the roof, laughing madly. His world shook, and Keith screamed as the floor gave way, causing the bed to tumble downward as the inn collapsed around the growing demon. He closed his eyes as a massive support beam fell towards him, but a purple dome shimmered into existence around him, blocking it and causing the timber to roll harmlessly to his side.

“Oh no, you don’t get away that easily!” Lilena’s voice boomed.

Keith shivered as he was exposed to the early morning air, and looked up in awe. On either side of him were a pair of red skinned feet that could have easily filled the destroyed inn’s common room on their own, and as his eyes trailed up he took in the crimson columns of the giant demoness’ perfect legs. Her eyes glowed with a white light as she grinned down at him, and he felt his heart pounding as her hand slowly reached down for the ruins of the bed.

“A succubus always leaves her lover satisfied,” Lilena thundered, “now let us make love for the final time mortal!”

He squirmed feebly as fingers as thick around as his torso curled around him, immovable as steel shackles. His stomach lurched as he was lifted into the air, forced to look down at the destroyed inn as Lilena towered over the countryside. She chuckled and breathed out a sigh, smoke billowing from her nostrils as she raised him to her face for a closer look.

“Am I finally enough for you?” she taunted, giggling at the way he struggled in her hand like a caught worm.

“Just about!” he called back with a grin. Deep breath, he thought, you can do this, it’s no different from when you and Tessa bought that shrinking powder from the pixy… only this time instead of you being small she’s big, no difference at all really…

His lack of fear caused Lilena to snort angrily, gouts of fire bursting from her nostrils as her demonic energies ran wild. She began lowering him down her body, past a pair of breasts bigger than the inn itself, round globes that would have blocked out the moonlight if he were to stand beneath them, and all the while emanating that smokey jasmine smell, now a thousand times more powerful than it had been even when she had loomed over him at his late wife’s size.

Don’t flinch, he told himself as he was brought face to face with the demon’s slit. She giggled playfully, fingering herself a moment before parting the red exterior, revealing the soft pink flesh within. The strong womanly odor of her arousal overpowered the rest of her here, and he had to blink as his mind struggled to take her in.

With one final wicked laugh, Lilena brought him into herself, sliding him headfirst into the pink tunnel. The slick flesh seemed to mold around him, gripping him and drawing him further in as her fingers withdrew, leaving him to the mercy of her womanhood.

Keith squeezed his eyes shut, forcing himself to focus as Lilena’s silky slick walls massaged every corner of his body at once, somehow focusing particular attention between his legs even at that scale. He gasped, coughing and sputtering as her juices filled his lungs as he tried to breathe in.

Got to get air first, he tucked his legs close to himself, and with all of his strength he managed to reorient himself in the tight tunnel so that his head was facing the exit.

“Oh yessss…” the demon cried, falling to her knees and causing the earth to shake, “keep moving like that…” She chuckled, “how long will you last in there human?” The air became electric and the clouds overhead parted, revealing the morning star still shimmering bravely against the encroaching daylight. “I’m putting everything into this one innkeeper!” she shouted, “when you reach your climax this time you’ll be at the very center of my power, you’ll be driven mad from pleasure!”

Keith gasped and went rigid, causing another wave of electric bliss to rock through the laughing demon as he struggled in the grip of her most intimate place. Her flesh had molded against him, and with the powerful scents and tastes here every one of his thoughts was quickly turning to his own pleasure, rising between his legs as the tunnel that entrapped him seemed to draw him further in.

No, he thought, steeling himself, you’ve got to make her finish first! Gritting his teeth he crawled against her, placing one elbow, one hand, in front of the other and dragging himself out. Every movement caused the walls near him to quiver, and the demon’s thundering heartbeat to race faster, but it was a double edged sword - with every movement he made against her, he felt himself close to his own end. He paused, gasping for breath and gasping in pleasure as he forced his head out of her.

“It won’t be long now,” Lilena moaned, “you’ll cum, and then you’ll be mine!

Keith could feel it now, the electric feeling of magic in the air, she was summoning all of her demonic power into an attack that would be tied to his orgasm. He gritted his teeth and got his arm free next, there was one last thing he could do, and he reached up and brought his hand to the small pearl at the top of her womanhood.

Lilena’s eyes widened, “w-wait, don’t!” She shouted as she felt the tiny hand race across the nub, causing her to quake and fall forward, just barely catching herself as she panted, “KEEEIITTHH!” she whined, feeling the bliss bubble over the dam as the floodgates broke. The magic she had been preparing surged into her instead of the tiny human, causing her to roil as every nerve in her body spiked with a sexual storm that quickly raced out of her control. The succubus mewled pathetically, a sound that echoed across the countryside as wolves howled and erotic fantasies filled the dreams of every sleeping man and woman within five hundred miles.

Lilena groaned, rubbing her head and blinking as she looked around. She sat up, looking at the destroyed inn at her side as she tried to remember what had happened.

“Oh thank the gods,” Keith shouted, drawing her attention to the tiny man by her foot, “I thought you’d died!”

“I-I can’t die,” she said defensively, “I just got a little… overwhelmed.” She leaned over him, a massive colossus looming over a bug as she smiled, “So… did that do it for you?”

Keith was silent a moment, “before you get upset, it was really good,” he said slowly.

“Oh come on!” Lilena howled, “I’m a hundred and fifty feet tall, how much bigger could this fantasy of yours get-“

Her rant was interrupted by the crow of a rooster, and her demonic red skin went a shade of pink as she paled. Keith just shrugged and smiled as the first rays of day crept over the horizon in earnest, lances of warmth chasing away the gloom of a long rainy night.

“No!” she moaned in horror, feeling her magic drain away as she shrank to her normal seven foot height, “this can’t be happening! I’m a demon of lust, a princess of the perverse, a-“

“A new employee at my inn,” Keith joked. He saw her expression and he bit his lip, “I guess maybe things got a little out of hand…” he looked at the destroyed inn and sighed. “Just out of curiosity, could you have gotten bigger? Like two hundred feet? Three hundred?”

Lilena stared at him a moment, then took off, sprinting naked across the muddy ground of the moor. Keith shouted after her, but she couldn’t make out what he said, she was focused on nothing more than escape, escape from this insatiable lustful fiend of a man.

“Oh no you don’t!” Tessa’s voice echoed from the clouds.

A column of light blocked her way, and she screamed in fear as a blast of energy knocked her to her feet. The angelic form of the innkeeper’s late wife materialized in front of her, a smug grin on her face. The demon yelped in pain as the amazon grabbed her by the tail, dragging her kicking and screaming back towards the ruins of Keith’s inn.

“T-Tessa?” Keith breathed, eyes wide.

“Hi Keith,” she said, releasing the demon’s tail and walking over to him. She smiled and gently stroked his cheek, “I’m sorry I had to go early,” she said softly, “we’ll meet again someday… but until then, promise me you’ll live your life, okay?”

“I-I promise,” he said, tears in his eyes.

“Don’t’ do that,” Tessa chuckled, looking away, “you’ll make me cry too.” She sighed, “well Keith, I was always the muscle in our duo, but it seems you’ve conquered a succubus…”

“I was just going to let her go,” he said with a shrug, “I’m sorry Tessa, I just got so lonely…”

“I’m dead Keith, there’s nothing to apologize for,” she chuckled, “I want you to find new love, it doesn’t mean you loved me any less…” she glanced at the demon, who was sitting up and giving the angel an angry look, “I think you two will be good for each other. Who knows? Maybe you’ll end up dragging her through the pearly gates with you one of these days,” Tessa said, smirking at the demon’s horrified expression.

“Take that back angel!” Lilena shouted, “I’ll never go to heaven! I’m super evil, the most perverted and wicked woman in all-“

“I’m afraid I have to go,” Tessa sighed, levitating upwards, “it was nice to see you one last time in this world Keith, never forget that I loved you.” She blew him a final kiss as she disappeared into the sunlight of the morning.

“Well fuck me,” Lilena sighed. She turned to him and gave a smile, “you don’t really think she’s serious about the two of us falling in…” she shuddered at the thought of applying the L word to herself.

“Let’s not worry about it,” Keith replied, looking at the ruins of his inn, “I don’t suppose your magic can fix this.”

“Yeah,” Lilena muttered, looking over the destruction, “but I’m going to need to recharge for a few days… you really gave it to me.”

“It was a pretty good night,” Keith mused, “one of the best I’ve ever had in bed…”

One of the best?” Lilena asked incredulously, “you’re joking!”

“Well you did fail to satisfy me,” he taunted, “but I’m sure with a little more effort and application we can top it.”

Lilena stared at him a moment, then burst into laughter, “you are the most insane mortal I have ever met… I’d make you breakfast but…” she gestured at the destroyed inn.

“Let’s find our clothes and then I’ll buy you something to eat in town,” Keith suggested, “can you er…” he waved at the horns.

She snapped her fingers, causing clothing to materialize on him and her own skin to go from crimson to a normal pale hue common among humans in the area. Her horns were replaced by a conservative bonnet, and her black corset by a flowing blue dress.

“Excellent,” Keith said, grinning as the pair set off across the moor, now drying under the rays of the sun. “Do you like flowers?”

“F-Flowers?” Lilena asked hesitantly, “why?”

“If you have a nice night out with a lady, you should get her flowers,” Keith insisted.

“Er… purple ones I guess,” Lilena said nervously, “nobody’s ever wanted to buy me flowers before though…”

“A shame,” Keith said, “you certainly deserve some…”

As they walked together Lilena began to wonder if banishment to earth would really be as bad as she’d feared.

Chapter End Notes:

credits to Aquanid for editing.

Fresh off Back to Normal? I decided I wanted to do a quick fantasy one-shot, and I love writing about demons so it seemed a good pick, in particular I love tales of mortals beating demons in these golden fiddle contests. This particular story is heavily inspired by the folk song/tale of The Widow and the Devil, if you're not familiar with it I highly recommend looking up a performance on youtube, pandora, or whatever.

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