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Author's Chapter Notes:
A Street Fighter 6 story. Marisas's secret admirer wants to bulk up to have a chance with her, but one of the supplements he takes ends up shrinking him. Marisa can help, but can he get her attention shile she's in the middle of her workout?
TAGS: Nano, Unaware, Body exploration, Feet, Breasts, Muscle, Entrapment
Commissioned by rayner3 on DA
Standing at over six feet tall and weighing more than two hundred pounds, most of it pure muscle, Marisa the Glory Seeker was an intimidating sight. Bigger and stronger than most men, her body was not what most people would have called “beautiful”. But in Will's eyes, she was by far the most beautiful woman in the world. From the first moment he had seen her, fighting and dominating not just one but multiple men at once, he had been smitten with her.

Will had been so immensely happy when he heard that she was looking for a partner, and yet so disappointed when he heard her opponent had to be a powerful fighter. “Strong” was just about the last word anyone would ever use to describe him. Not only was he half a foot shorter than the average guy, he was scrawny. Will had never been to a gym in his whole life. Exercise was almost wholly foreign to him. But if getting fit was what it took for him to have a chance with the most beautiful woman in the world, then he would put his all into it! He took on a membership at the same gym where he had seen her training—a gym been built in the shadow of the grand Colosseo where she loved to fight anyone willing to challenge her.

Since he needed all the help he could get, he also ordered a bunch of supplements online that were supposed to help him get stronger. There were plenty of vitamins, protein drinks and powders of various kinds, steroids, and a strange bottle of blue liquid that was supposed to make every workout a thousand times more intense, or something like that, and which he figured was probably just some sort of sports drink. Right before heading to the gym for the first time, Will took all of those supplements at once, thinking that would be sure to make his workout more effective.

He arrived at the gym right as it was opening, since he knew that Marisa always got there very early in the day, but he was disappointed to see that she wasn't there yet. In fact, aside from the employees, he was the only person in the gym. Still, he knew he shouldn't let his time go to waste, so he started with the routine that had been recommended to him. He tried out some of the dumbbells, finally settling on the second lightest ones, and started doing a single-arm row.

After a minute, Will had to admit it wasn't going too well. He had only been at it for a little bit, and hadn't even finished the full set he had been instructed to do, but already his arms were hurting and he was starting to wish he were back at home relaxing on the couch. It really didn't help that his stomach was all sorts of messed up. He realized only then it had probably been a mistake to take all those different supplements and energy drinks all at once.

But he couldn't give up so soon, not when he hadn't even got the chance to see Marisa. At the very least he wanted a chance to watch her powerful muscles at work again; if he got that much then he would be happy even if he didn't end up getting any stronger from this. And if that meant putting up with a bit of a stomachache, well, it would be more than worth it.

Will pushed himself to at least complete all the sets he was supposed to do, but towards the end of it, not only were his arms too tired to do any other exercise, he was too drowsy for it. “So much for those energy drinks,” he thought as he yawned for the third time in a minute, wondering if he should even make an attempt at any of the other exercises. In the end he put the dumbbells back and decided to sit down for a bit. Just then, a voice reached his ears from the entrance, and he cheered up immensely when he recognized it as Marisa's. He tried to stand back up, but he stumbled and fell to his knees, and there he remained, shaking and with his eyes going blurry, urging himself to get better again before Marisa saw him like this. It was such a relief when he started feeling better not even a minute later, and he stood back up as soon as he felt his legs would hold, even if they were still a bit wobbly.

Will's eyes, and even his thoughts, were still a bit blurry when he turned towards the sound of Marisa's footsteps. He smiled and waited for her to get closer before greeting her, but as he looked at the blurry outline of her body, he felt that something was off. He knew that Marisa was huge, and especially huge to him, but somehow she looked even bigger to him than her normal Amazonian stature; she seemed more a giantess than anything. Of course, Will knew that had to be some strange hallucination... but that didn't explain why it felt as if the earth were shaking every time she took a step, nor why Marisa only ever looked bigger the clearer his vision got.

Marisa was enormous. Bigger even than a skyscraper, she was practically a walking mountain from Will's perspective. For that matter, everything else looked huge, too. And while he thought it had to be a dream, it didn't feel like a dream at all, and by the time she was only a few steps away from him, Will fully believed that this was real. Somehow, he had shrunk down to the size of an ant, if not even smaller. How had this happened? He couldn't be sure, but he thought it must have had something to do with all the supplements and other stuff he had taken before coming here. But he didn't have time to worry about that; not when he had the gigantic Marisa headed his way.

Will was as terrified of Marisa's height as he was awed by it. She had been beautiful before, but now, with her height magnified a thousandfold, her beauty was magnified to the same degree. Her amazing power, which had so captivated him, was now so immense that he was certain one of her pinky toes would be more than enough to crush him like an insect. She seemed to him a mighty Atlas, with arms and shoulders more than powerful enough to hold up the heavens themselves. As he saw her approaching, her lovely figure filling up more and more of his sight, Will felt growing a growing sense of reverence within himself, until he saw her gigantic foot swinging towards him and realized he might really be crushed beneath her.

There was no time left for Will to do anything other than scream in fear as the sole of Marisa's foot appeared above him, all but blotting out the sky for the tiny insect of a man. Even then, while fearing for his life, he was still amazed by Marisa's power and immensity, and as he shut his eyes so he wouldn't see his death coming, a part of him felt that, if he was going to die anyways, he couldn't think of any better way to die than being crushed under Marisa's sole.

But when her foot fell with such force that no earthquake ever recorded could possibly have matched her, Will wasn't crushed. He was knocked off his feet and nearly sent flying by the potent shockwave, but he was still alive, and once the world stopped shaking, he turned around and saw before him an impossibly huge wall that was the back of Marisa's foot. It had fallen so close to him that he was actually in the space under the curve of her heel, so that when he looked up he could only see her skin forming a sloped ceiling over him, hanging so low that he could have reached up and touched it.

Having her so close was a powerful temptation to him, but when he thought about how close he had come to dying beneath her, and how close he still was to it, Will made himself run away from her foot, until he was no longer standing under it.

Right after he left her foot, Marisa walked away with the biggest pair of dumbbells in the gym—together they might have weighed more than Will himself, at his normal size of course—to begin her routine a few steps away. Now that he wasn't in any immediate danger, Will felt free to admire her beautiful figure, full of bulging muscles flexing to lift up the heavy weights. But while she took a moment to rest after her first set, Will thought about what he should do next. He didn't have any idea when, or if, this shrinking would wear off, and he was sure that he couldn't survive on his own at this size. He needed someone to help him, and who better than the titaness standing right before him? Marisa was a kind woman; if he went to her, Will was sure he could trust her to help him.

Not to mention, if she took care of him it would be the perfect opportunity for him to spend some time close to her. He could already picture standing in her mighty hands, her skin stretching all around him like the earth itself and her smiling face filling the sky, her strong voice reassuring him that all her muscles would be working for his safety. The thought alone made him shiver, and Will hurried towards Marisa so he could make that dream come true.

But once he got there, he asked himself, how was he going to do that? Standing before her feet, seeing even her smallest toes standing so huge that each of them was like an apartment building compared to him, he couldn't fathom how such a tiny little insect like himself could ever hope to get the attention of such a mountain of a woman. Even if she looked at him she might not see him, and however hard he shouted, he wasn't sure if his voice would even make it past her toes. Maybe if he got way closer to her face, but could he even do that?

Will had nothing to lose, so he decided to give it a try and see what happened. To his surprise, he found that climbing came very easily to him, far easier than lifting those dumbbells had been. Something must have happened to him; maybe all those supplements were finally taking effect, or maybe it had something to do with his shrinking. Whatever the case, he eagerly climbed up her toes until he was left sanding on her beautiful, red-lacquered toenail, staring up at the rest of her gargantuan body towering over him. Normally it would have been a daunting task, but he thought of traversing the body of the most beautiful woman in the world as though it were a mountain was so exciting to Will that he got started right away, walking up her foot until he reached her ankle and then beginning the climb up her leg.

When Marisa got started on her next exercise, Will was awed to find that he could feel the force of her arms even all the way down here, the effort of lifting up those heavy dumbbells causing very slight tremors that traveled all over her body. When she stood and went to fetch a barbell he held on tight and was amazed by he power of her legs, getting a firsthand look at all her muscles working together to carry her powerful frame across what seemed to him miles and miles, and he was glad to explore some of those same muscles when he started climbing up her thigh, until he reached her black-and-gold shorts.

When he reached her waist, Marisa lay down for some bench presses, so he was able to trek across her torso instead of climbing it. Will marveled at the lovely landscape of her body, all rippling with muscles from her head to her feet. Her six-pack abs were like a series of rolling hills to him, and it was incredible to stand on them and feel the latent power beneath him. With muscles like those, Will had no doubt she could break the world in half if she chose to.

Then he reached her chest, which was itself like a small mountain from his perspective, stretching about a thousand feet tall. He enjoyed every second of climbing it, until he stood at the peak of her breasts, looking across the gap to her lovely face. Though her teeth were bared in a fierce snarl from the effort of lifting up the barbell on her final set of reps—the thing had to weigh more than she did, Will thought—it still looked beautiful to him, and it only looked more so when she finished and gave a triumphant smile.

But Will was so caught up in admiring Marisa that when she stood up after completing her reps, he was taken by surprise and fell off her chest, screaming as he fell through the air all the way down tot he floor below. He landed there with a sharp grunt, the impact forcing the air from his lungs, and while he lay wheezing coughing on the floor, trying to recover his breath, he saw Marisa's bare sole appear over him and begin to come down.

Will scrambled to his feet and started running away, but he had barely take a few steps when Marisa's massive sole slammed down behind him, blowing such a powerful gust of wind that it picked him up and sent him flying upwards. He spun and spun, going so fast that he couldn't make out where he was going until, the breeze settled down. Then he saw that he was floating in the air above Marisa's head. As he floated down towards her, pulled along by the air currents even when she started walking away, he tried to use his body to direct himself towards her head, but with all the turbulence he missed it and landed instead on her shoulder just as she was sitting down for some lat pulldowns.

When Marisa grabbed the bar and pulled it down, the movement of her shoulders felt to Will like a great upheaval. It scared him, and he clung to her hot and sweaty skin for safety. “Marisa!” he shouted in desperation, hoping he was close enough for her to hear him now. But despite all his yelling, she didn't react to him at all, and after a while he decided to try going up to her ear.

By then he had gotten used to all the movement, though he still had to be very careful as he was crawling over her skin. Soon he got to her neck and started climbing it on his way to her ear. It was a touch climb, but finally he made it all the way up her earlobe to stand at the ear hole's opening, which looked to him like a giant cave. He took a moment to catch his breath, then shouted, “Marisa!”

Even now there was no response. Was he really so small that it was impossible for her to hear him? Maybe, or maybe it was that her grunting as she pulled down the bar was drowning out the sound of his yelling. He waited for her to finish this exercise, and when she stood up again, he shouted with all his might, “MARISA!” This time she did react, turning her head to the side to look for who was calling to her, and the sudden movement launched Will out of her ear to fall all the way back down.

Lying face-up on the floor after his landing, will saw Marisa's foot appear overhead, and the world became shrouded in her shadow. This time there was no doubt it would fall on him, and indeed it did, but despite his fears, Will wasn't crushed underneath. Though the countless tons of her weight all bore down on him, the tiny man found that he was still very much alive and not too badly hurt. Yes there was pain, and when her foot first fell on him he had been about to faint, but it didn't feel like any part of him was even close to breaking. Was this another effect of his reduced size? Whatever the reason for it, he was immensely glad for it, and he offered up prayers of thanks to whichever god was listening.

Will was immensely relieved when her weight came off of him and he no longer had to suffer that crushing pain—so relieved, in fact, that it didn't fully register to him that he was now stuck to her sole and being swung forward together with her foot, until it came down again and smashed him against the floor. He was stepped on time and again, totally helpless to resist her. Sometimes the pressure was less and he could breathe easily, and sometimes it was much, much more, making him suffer even more pain and almost suffocating him. Finally, though, he was freed from his suffering when Marisa rubbed the sole of that foot against the back of the other, freeing the tiny Will and sending him rolling down her foot until he slipped between her toes. There he ended up wedged between the giant digits, which held him in place even as he struggled against them and tried to climb up.

Eventually he gave up and decided he was probably okay with staying here for now, biding his time until he had another chance to get Marisa's attention. But then he noticed that they weren't in the gym anymore; they were now in the Colosseo, where the sun shone down in the grand arena. Looking out from between her toes, Will saw a strong-looking woman with light-pink hair in front across from Marisa, standing ready to challenge her. Above him, Marisa looked ready to fight. Will held on tight to Marisa's toe, praying for his own safety, as he realized what he was in for. Once this was over he would have another go at getting Marisa's help, but first he would have to survive this duel between titans...
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