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Author's Chapter Notes:
An Amphibia story. After the girls begin wreaking havoc in the city, people seek to escape and the military tried to stop them.
TAGS: Crush, Destruction, Violent, Growth, Feet, Vore
Commissioned by hunterman123 on DA. Previous chapter can be found in this collection.
Throngs of panicked people spilled out of every building to fill up the streets, all of them desperately trying to get the hell away from the monsters attacking Redfield City. “Monsters” they called them, though on first sight they didn't look anything like monsters. A trio of teenage girls dressed in some sort of fantasy armor, their hair and eyes glowing red, blue, and green. At a glance, the only monstrous thing about them was that they were several hundred feet tall, but even that wouldn't have been so bad if they had show the city kindness. What really made them a trio of monsters was all the destruction they had wrought and all the people they had killed without showing even an ounce of remorse. Even now, people all over the city could hear them laughing as they destroyed even more skyscrapers, openly mocking all those people trying to escape from them.

Stopping that calamitous trio seemed impossible—already several dozen police officers had perished trying to confront them, without leaving so much as a scratch on the girls. Those officers who still remained didn't dare do anything more than direct the civilians towards the evacuation routes, hoping that the military would arrive soon, and that it would fare better against the monsters than their companions had.

Hundreds of thousands fled the city on foot or car. Some had tried fleeing by plane, but the red-headed girl had seen the plane taking off and pulled it towards her with her magic. Her giant hands had easily torn a hole in the flying machine and scooped up all the passengers, throwing them into her mouth to be eaten alive. Then she had stomped her way to the airport, where she crushed or ate all the people waiting there to be evacuated, killing thousands.

Meanwhile, thousands more waited at the train station, spilling into the passenger cars until they were filled to the brim. Even when the doors closed and the train started moving, many people tried holding on to whatever part of it they could grab, and some even climbed on top of the cars before it was moving too fast, desperate to escape with it before they were killed like so many others had already been.

Soon the train was speeding through the city on its elevated track, where it didn't have to suffer the obstruction of the hundreds of thousands of people on the streets below. But while its passengers were relieved to have made it on, they couldn't feel safe yet—not while the sounds of collapsing buildings still sounded all around them and huge pillars of smoke and dust filled the sky. The people silently prayed for their safety, even some of the irreligious among them joining in. But they hadn't even made it halfway to the city outskirts when one of the monsters appeared in their view—the green-haired girl, Marcy Wu.

Marcy was gleefully stomping on some people who had managed to flee from the building she had just destroyed when she noticed something moving out of the corner of her eye. She turned her head and there she saw the train speeding closer, loaded with the city's pathetic inhabitants. Smiling, she held out her hand and a green glow enveloped the train, slowing it down until it came to a half just a couple streets away. Then she strode towards it, reveling in the terrified screams of the puny mortals that filled the street below and savoring the feeling of them dying under her sole. “Going somewhere? Awfully rude of you to try to leave without even saying hello. I mean, my foot is just sooo eager to meet you little dudes! Why don't you go ahead and give it a hug?”

Marcy lifted her foot over the train's locomotive, wiggling her toes playfully before resting her sole on the front three cars. The conductor and all the passengers, immobilized by her magic, could only stand still, listening to the creaking noises as the metal bent under the immense pressure from Marcy's foot. The roof came lower and lower, now pressing down on the heads of those who were standing up. Slowly they were forced to the ground, until some groaning noises could be heard coming from below—not from the train, but from the railway's supports. Then there was a cracking sound, and all of a sudden the elevated platform gave way. Then it crashed to the ground below together with the first few train cars and soon followed by Marcy's foot, which flattened them all with its mighty impact.

“Whoops!” Marcy said, moving her foot away to examine the rubble and the wreck. “Didn't think that would collapse so soon. I really gotta learn to control my power! Oh well, at least I still got all of you left to play with!” she said, smiling at the surviving cars. She sat down in the middle of the wreckage, crushing the few survivors under her butt, and grabbed the next car from the train, ripping off its roof to peer inside at all the passengers.

Pulling the passengers out with her magic, Marcy made them float down to her feet, pressing them all firmly against her bare soles to which her powers kept them glued. She did the same with the next two cars, until her soles were all but covered with those pathetic mortals. With their faces buried in her flesh, they tried desperately to scream but her powers didn't even let them do that much. They could only fight in vain against their supernatural bindings as Marcy playfully scrunched her feet, engulfing a number of those people in the creases of her sole.

Only when she had put her soles together did Marcy release the mortals from her magical hold to let them try to free themselves from her feet. She laughed and wiggled her toes at the sensation of their struggles, which felt to her like a bunch of insects squirming pitifully between her feet. She started rubbing her feet together, slowly grinding the people down and breaking their tiny bodies, while at the same time she grabbed the next train car and opened it up, overturning it to send all its passengers rolling out onto her hand.

“Gosh, you little dudes are so adorable! I could just eat you all up!” Marcy giggled and opened her mouth wide, pulling the passengers towards her open mouth. Still paralyzed, the people could only watch her giant tongue slither out of her mouth and draw closer towards them, like a slimy monster ready to snatch them up. As it slid over her palm, her tongue collected all the little mortals. Fastened to its surface by her spit, they were drawn into her mouth, where her tongue pushed them all around and thoroughly savored them as though they were a bunch of small candies before finally they were all swallowed whole and fell, screaming, down her throat.

Marcy then grabbed another train car, but before she could even open it, the sound of gunshots came from her right and she felt on her knee the slight pinprick sensation of bullets harmlessly bouncing off her skin. In annoyance she curled her hand into a fist, crushing the car with all its passengers, and looked over to her attackers—a couple of cops standing on the corner of the next block over. The moment her eyes fell on them, they stopped shooting and took a step back, growing visibly nervous. Then when she grinned and started crawling after them, they rounded the corner to flee.

The two of them ran into one of the buildings to hide from the monstrous girl, ducking behind the front desk where, they hoped, she wouldn't be able to see them. There they sat as quietly as they could manage, trying to still their shaking and calm their breathing. They heard her outside crawling through the street, asphalt cracking under her weight and windows shattering wherever her body grazed against one, her booming voice playfully calling to them. When they heard her stop right outside the building they prayed for her to pass them by, but the moment they heard something tearing through the wall of the building, they jumped to their feet and started running.

Giant fingers, tearing through the ceiling and the next couple floors up, surged ahead to overtake the pair of them. Once they were under the monster's palm, her fingers curled and trapped the officers, holding them just softly enough not to crush them. They were both pulled back and dropped on the street, finding themselves under the girl's looming face, and when they tried to run away, her hands came down in front of them.

Marcy smiled at the young officers penned in by her palms and interlocking fingers. How terrified they looked; why, they were positively shaking! One of them pulled out his gun, but at a glance from her he dropped it and didn't even try to pick it back up. Then they fell to their knees, apologizing for having shot her and begging her to spare their lives.

“You silly little mortals only ever learn the hard way,” she said, rolling her eyes at them. “I'll give you a chance to live, only because you're so cute. But first you'll have to survive this!” Marcy grabbed the officers and stood up. The two of them found themselves carried to her armpit, where they were pressed against the warm flesh. Even when she let go, they were still fastened to it by her powers, and no amount of fighting could free them, especially when she lowered her arm again and left them totally smothered underneath. With them taken care of, Marcy went off to find someone else she could play with.


While the other girls were having fun romping through the city, Anne had found a nice park to lie down in, and was taking a moment to relax and enjoy the attentions of all the little mortals she had gathered and spread all over her body, ordering them to massage her. From her face all the way down to her toes, a few hundred people were busily following her command, rubbing her skin with all their power in fear of what might happen if they disobeyed. For this she had taken off her armor and allowed them to crawl like insects all over her hips, her waist, and her bare midriff, tending to exposed skin.

For all that she loved terrorizing the pathetic inhabitants of every new world she visited, there was nothing Anne liked better than to make them worship her like the Goddess she was; that alone made it all worthwhile. But while she was lying there in the middle of that park, enjoying the sunlight hitting her skin and the massage she received from those hundreds of mortals, Anne noticed a humming sound coming from above, followed by a couple of explosions behind her.

“Hey! Just who do you think you are attacking me like that?” Sasha's voice came from the same direction as the explosions, and Anne sat up to see what had happened, carelessly shaking off those pesky mortals who covered her face.

“What's going on? Are they finally attacking us again?” she asked, standing up and summoning back her armor, leaving some people trapped underneath it while sending hundreds more falling off her body to their doom.

“Looks like it.” Standing half a mile away, Sasha pointed to the sky, where several army planes could be seen flying. Further away, closer to the horizon, several helicopters were slowly making their way closer, and further down some columns of tanks and infantry fighting vehicles were just reaching the city. “About time they got here; I was starting to get bored waiting for them. So, what do you say? Ready to have some fun teaching these pests a lesson?”


Even as it neared an hour since the monsters had first shown up, it was evacuation wasn't even close to being finished. With everyone coming out all together to try to flee the death and destruction, many city streets were clogged with cars and people alike, all of them getting in each others' way and preventing a quick and orderly evacuation. Eventually most issues were sorted out, but by the time the army arrived at the city, dozens of thousands of people were still navigating the paths of destruction left behind by the monsters, doing their best to make it out alive. They moved slowly, hiding whenever they heard one of the monsters nearby, running for their lives when the coast was clear, slowly making their way towards the city outskirts.

Ryan was one such person, trying to lead a small group of survivors to safety despite all the giants stalking the streets. They were close to the city's southern end, less than half an hour away from a safe escape, when they heard the hum of jet engines, the explosions that followed, and the voices of the giantesses. Soon they felt the earth shaking and heard the crashing sounds of more buildings being demolished by the monsters. They were getting closer, Ryan noticed, so he hurriedly led his group inside one of the nearby buildings to avoid their view. While the others hid deeper inside, he stayed close to the entrance to see what was going on outside.

A few streets away, above the roofs of nearby buildings, Ryan saw the red-haired girl walking through the street. He became nervous that she would see him, but she looked totally focused on something else, something in the sky. A moment later, a series of missiles flew into view and hit the monstrous girl, exploding all over her. The shockwave from the explosions rattled the windows even from this distance, and Ryan could feel the compressed air pushing against his body. It was a terrifying thing to see; if just one of those missiles happened to miss its target and land nearby, it might be enough to kill him and the rest of his group.

Smoke from the explosions hid the girl now. Was she still alive? Please let her be dead, he thought. Even at her size, she couldn't possibly have survived an attack like that. If nothing else, she ad to be severely hurt.

But when she stepped out of the cloud of smoke, taking another step forward, she looked totally unharmed. There wasn't so much as a burn mark on her. Hell, she was even smiling! These monsters... there really was no chance of defeating them, was there?

More jets flew by, and more missiles were launched. This time the girl simply raised a hand and threw the missiles off-course without even touching them. They exploded all around her, shaking the earth with their force, and a couple of them even flew right towards the very building Ryan and the others were hiding in. One missile exploded on the side of the buildings, blasting a huge hole in the wall. Dust and smoke filled the lobby, and the others all screamed in fear. The second missile hit some of the higher floors.

“Everyone, let's go! This place isn't safe anymore,” he said, leading the others out the back. The sounds of battle intensified as they ran out of the building, spurring them on cross the next street, and in their hurry they failed to notice one of the other monsters—the blue-haired girl—was moving towards them. The group screamed as they saw her giant foot rushing towards them, looking like it was about to crush them. Instead it slammed down in the middle of the street, the powerful impact knocking most of them to their knees. Then they ducked as her other foot started swinging towards them and cowered as it passed right over them, coming frighteningly close to kicking their heads off. After it fell dozens of yards away, her other foot also swung away from them, and they were free to keep running away.

They hid in another building, but that one roved no more safe than the first one. The battle still raged all around them. Shells and missiles and artillery fire all rained down on the girls and the city, with the occasional gunfire peppered in between. The girls took it all without a scratch, without even a hiss of pain, as if they couldn't even feel all the attacks being lobbed at them. No only that, while them use their powers to destroy the military, hurling balls of energy at their attackers, or catching and throwing back the very shells and missiles used against them, or simply reaching out and crushing the planes and tanks and helicopters from a distance, leaving only a crumpled mess of metal where no one could possibly have survived. It was going badly enough for the military even before the third girl joined the fight, but once all three were together, nothing could hope to stand against them.

By then Ryan and his group had made it to the outskirts of the city, far away from where the battle was taking place. There they came across a military convoy. The soldiers took them in, seating them in one of their trucks, but despite Ryan's insistence, they said they weren't leaving yet. Since the attack on the giant girls was proving ineffective, the military's mission had changed to distracting her long enough to allow as many people as possible to escape before they dropped the bombs.

When Ryan asked what bombs they were thinking of dropping, the soldiers just told him to sit down and wait for the order to leave. The way they talked, he had a terrible feeling about what was going to happen.

Nobody else showed up, but it was still several more minutes before the order was finally given and the convoy started moving. From the back of the truck, Ryan looked out at the city, seeing all the damaged building and the pillars of dust and smoke rising from all over it. The three giant girls, rising above the skyline, were still doing battle with what tanks and aircraft were still active. Then, all of a sudden, all the aircraft turned around and flew away from the city, leaving behind only the tanks and infantry to engage the girls. It wasn't long after that Ryan saw a bright object over the horizon, speeding towards the city so quickly that the sound of its passing still hadn't reached him as it started descending right towards the giants.

Then there was a blindingly bright flash at the point of impact. The earth shook, and when next he could see, there was a massive fireball where the city had been, and a giant shockwave soon reached the convoy with hot air. The hairs on the back of his neck bristled as the fireball rose in a huge column of smoke, topped off with a giant mushroom cloud. The city couldn't possibly have survived that blast. But, had the monsters survived it?

The convoy came to a stop. Even the soldiers were waiting for the smoke to clear and the answer to be revealed. Everyone was silent. Then, all of a sudden, the column of smoke was dispersed outwards from within. Once the air was clear enough to make out what become of the city, everyone started shaking as they saw that, not only were the giants all perfectly fine, standing as spotless as ever, but even the city itself seemed untouched by the explosion.

Ryan's face went pale. If even an atom bomb couldn't hurt them, then... was there anything at all humanity could do against these monsters?

One of the soldiers shouted and the convoy started moving again, but Ryan and the rest of his group kept staring back at the city and the giant girls. He saw them come together, holding each other's hands in a circle, and saw an energy surround them, whipping the air around and threatening to knock the surrounding buildings over. Then the three surged up from their already titanic sizes, growing several times their previous size to stand at what must surely have been at least a mile tall, so big that the giant skyscraper at the center of the city, the tallest building around at more than 1000 feet tall, didn't even reach their knees. Together they raised their massive feet and, bringing them down with a stomp so powerful it was felt all the way to the convoy. Each of them crushed dozens of buildings under their bare sole, but that was nothing compared to the destruction caused by the shockwave, which collapsed every last building still standing in the city.

With everything reduced to dust, the girls laughed among themselves and turned their attention out to the rest of the world. And as they walked away from the city, their every step causing earthquakes that were felt for miles around, Ryan had the feeling that what he was witnessing the end of the world as he knew it.
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