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Author's Chapter Notes:

Synopsis: After missing out on their chance to win Love Live!, Keke must regrettably go back home to Shanghai. She decides to take matters into her own hands and forcibly bring her fellow idol with her!

Tags: Entrapment, legwear, odor

Characters: (Liella!) Keke Tang, Sumire Heanna

School idol and former child star Sumire Heanna awoke in a dark, unfamiliar room. The air was stagnant with a hint of a leathery aroma combined with a familiar perfume.

"W-where is this place...?" Sumire questioned aloud as she got up from her resting position.

It was hard to make out anything even farther than her outstretched hand. She didn't remember falling asleep in a place like this, and for some reason she was still in her Yuigaoka school uniform.

Suddenly the ground beneath her began to rumble, and the room itself felt as if it were being picked up and moved! Sumire fell to her knees and grabbed the floor to keep herself steady. The floor was also a softer material. Clearly she wasn't at school anymore.

Sumire heard something on the opposite side of the room but couldn't see what it was. A moment later a huge object slammed into her, making her fall face-first onto the ground as the heavy object came to rest on her back.

"W-what's happening!? What is this!?" she cried out, hoping someone could hear her and just tell her what the heck was going on.

As if her prayers were being answered by an angel, the rumbling subsided, and everything became quiet for a moment. Sumire breathed a sigh of relief. The brief moment of silence was cut short by the deep and distorted sound of a zipper being pulled open high above where Sumire laid.

Light shone from above, and Sumire felt as if her prayers were being answered. But what came next terrified her even more.

It was her fellow school idol and all-around annoying friend, Tang Keke, looking down at her trapped in this weird cave.

Only... her face... it was giant! Like she was actually huge! Keke's eyes scanned the area for a moment before they landed on Sumire.

"There you are silly Sumire! What are you doing underneath my lip-gloss?"

"Your... what?" Sumire craned her neck to the side to see that she was indeed pinned underneath Keke's favorite brand of lip-gloss. Somehow it only took this long to realize that Keke wasn't huge, but she was in face very tiny!

"We'll have more time to play with makeup later if you want, for now let's get you out of there," Keke's voice boomed down to the shrunken girl.

How was this even possible? Sumire thought she might be dreaming, but the monolithic hand coming right for her snapped her out of her rationalization. The hand moved faster than anything that large feasibly could, and yet it was. It swooped down, plucked the tube of lip-gloss that Sumire was struggling against like it was nothing, and grabbed her body between its meaty fingers.

Sumire was released from her dark prison and brought towards the harsh light. It was jarring enough of a light shift that she had to close her eyes for a moment to adjust, and when she opened them, she was looking down to see that the "cave" she was just trapped in was simply Keke's school bag.

The shrunken idol was brought to Keke's face, where she was greeted with that same annoyed face she always had on when Sumire was around.

"What did you do to me!?" Sumire called up to her giant friend.

"I shrunk you, duh! Did your brain shrink too or what? Wait, I guess it would have..." Keke replied with that same snarky tone she always used on her.

Being held in the giant hand of one of her friends was scary enough, but why did it have to be Keke? Sure, they got on each other's nerves... constantly, but they still had an unspoken connection with each other that they didn't have with the other members of Liella. Sumire thought Keke might have had similar feelings to her, but maybe she was wrong... Deep down she was feeling very hurt and confused by the whole situation, unsure of what Keke's true intentions were.

"I get that I'm all tiny now but... why did you shrink me?" Sumire questioned.

"That's because.... well, you don't need to know that now. Just come with me."

"Wait! Stop! Tell me what you're going to do with me!" Sumire cried out.

"Gah! You're so noisy! Quiet down already!" Keke snapped back.

Her overpowering voice, even for a high school girl, piped Sumire down quickly. She fell back into Keke's sweaty palm, wondering what fate awaited her.

Keke walked up a flight of stairs with Sumire and the tube of lip-gloss held tightly in her hand. For some reason Sumire couldn't escape this stupid thing, her body was pressed tightly against it. Sweat from Keke's fingers made the tiny idol's body feel sticky and messed with her hair a bit, but it wasn't overbearing yet.

Sumire realized she was probably in Keke's house. She had only been in it once briefly. Keke arrived in her room full of school idol memorabilia and closed the door. She dropped her school bag in the corner and uncerimoniously deposited Sumire's tiny body in a glass jar on her desk.

"You're putting me in a jar!? Seriously? This better not mean what I think it means..." Sumire shivered.

"It's just to prevent you from escaping or getting hurt. You're so tiny now anything could kill you... But this was all I could do to keep you with me..." Keke trailed off.

"What was that last part?"

"Nothing! You ask too many questions! Anyways, stay there and get comfortable while I go downstairs. I'll be back for you in a minute."

"Maybe I wouldn't ask so many questions if you just told me what the hell was happening..." mumbled Sumire.

And with that, Keke left the room with Sumire trapped in yet another prison. The blondie examined her surroundings only to find... she was alone in the jar.


The shrunken child star really was in a large glass jar with nothing or nobody else inside. It somehow offended her that she wasn't at least being treated to a nice dollhouse mansion or vacation home while shrunk. A superstar school idol like her at least deserved that much, she huffed to herself.

"Damn that Keke... I need to get a hold of the other members and get her to stop all this..." thought the shrunken shrine maiden.

The tiny girl paced back in forth around the jar, circling it a few times while lost in deep thought. Her situation seemed pretty dire, but surely Keke wouldn't actually hurt her... right? As much as she got on her nerves and annoyed her, Sumire cared deeply for the foreign girl. She didn't want her to leave Liella either. The news about her having to potentially return home to Shanghai hurt Sumire as well. The group quite certainly wouldn't be the same without her brunt outbursts or catty retorts.

But Sumire had to think about her own well-being too. She sympathized with Keke, but in the end, it was her who was shrunk to the size of a doll and kept in a jar on a high school girl's desk. She wondered just what the Chinese idol had planned for her.


Minutes later, and Keke returned to her room with some food on a plate. She locked the door behind her and walked over to the table Sumire's glass prison was on.

"Oh so I deserve to eat, do I? Lucky me," Sumire scoffed.

"Who said this food was for you!? I haven't eaten much today as a matter of fact!" Keke barked.

"My my, I couldn't even guess with how big you are! From my perspective it looks like you could've eaten a whole city and still had room for seconds!"

"B-Baka Sumire! You couldn't even play a giant isopod anymore even if you wanted to. You're... you're just a... Chibi-isopod! Chibi-isopod Sumire!"

The two girls bickered back and forth as usual, they were both letting off steam. It was a bit cathartic to them, but emotions were running high and things got a little heated.

"Fine! If you want to be like that... I guess I won't share my food with you!" Keke stuck her tongue out with a childish "Nyehhh" noise.

Sumire let out an offended gasp, she had never felt so enraged before.

"Why... why did you even shrink me in the first place!? I thought we were friends, but you're just being a psycho-bitch right now! Is this some sort of game for you? Well it's not fun! I'd rather be in the care of any girl other than you!! I want to go back to normal, I want to go home, and I don't want to see you again!"

The tiny girl let out all her anger in one final attack, and was left breathing heavily with her fists clenched. Sumire turned away from Keke and sat down. Even she was surprised at how angry she felt, and almost instantly regretted her words, even if she could never admit it.

Keke stood there stunned for a moment. Sumire was usually so pompous, so confident that any insult Keke threw at her would always bounce right off. But this time it was different. Both girls felt wounded, and Keke wasn't sure how to respond to her friend's biting words.

The beautiful foreigner could never truly admit how she felt about Sumire, it always came out wrong. Always came out cold and harsh. She didn't know how to properly show her affection to the girl who was always by her side. And now, she was sure that Sumire hated her for good. Tears welled up in Keke's eyes, she was so frustrated with not only Sumire, but herself as well.

"You... you're so ungrateful! Do you know how lucky you are!?" Keke said, barely able to hold back her tears.

"Lucky!? You call this lucky!?" snapped Sumire, motioning towards herself and then the glass prison surrounding her.

In Keke's mind, Sumire was lucky to be able to continue being a school idol, to stay in Japan with the rest of Liella. To see Kanon, Chisato, Ren, Kinako, Mei, Shiki, and Natsumi every day, and laugh and sing together. Keke would be going back home, alone. She couldn't tell Sumire she wanted to stay with her. But her emotions were boiling over now, and Keke's frustration with herself turned into a blind rage.

"We'll just see about that. You'll see how lucky you are soon enough..." said the Chinese idol ominously.

Sumire, without looking back at her once thought to be friend, had a chill go down her spine from those words. A drop of cold sweat went down her cheek, but she was too prideful and stubborn to turn around and ask what Keke meant.

"She won't do anything... I'm safe here... I'll just wait for Kanon and the others to find me..." Sumire thought.

Unbeknownst to her, Keke had devilishly playful smile appear on her pretty face. Removing each of her black knee-high socks, she folded them quietly in her hands into neat little bundles. They were stained with her sweat from multiple long days at school and idol practice. These socks in particular Keke had been wearing every day all week. And with it being Saturday, even she knew how badly they smelled. But they were her favorite pair, and the thought of having some fun at her crush's expense was too good to pass up. The neapolitan-haired school idol had an undeveloped and outdated view of love, which caused her to often lash out against those she had feelings for. Sumire was no exception, and Keke always had the urge to vent her frustrations on her.

Each of her exposed feet was drenched in slick sweat. She wiggled her toes to feel the nice cool air between her linty toes. The pair of socks between her fingers were even more tainted with her sweaty secretions and funky foot odor. They were admittedly horrid, and Keke knew this.

Luckily, this was the perfect way for her to get Sumire to realize what her position was.

"Once she's had enough she'll be overjoyed to be away from these smelly things and safe with me!"

Walking over to the glass jar where her friend sat turned away and pouting, Keke casually released her wretched musty socks inside, letting them land directly on top of her. All Sumire heard the rustling of cloth before it was too late. Keke poked a few small holes in a piece of paper and put the thin lid over the container. Sumire was sealed in with Keke's nasty, dirty socks.

Sumire didn't want to look at her supposed friend anymore, this whole situation upset her. And more than anything, it made her sad. Why was she being put through this? Before long, her sky was covered in darkness, and something rained down from above. A massive blanket of fabric fell onto her, pinning her underneath like a heavy tarp.

Putting her hand against the dark fabric to get it off of her, she was morbidly surprised when it secreted a smelly, salty brine!

"What the... ugh!! Yuck! What the fuck!?" Sumire cried out.

"Tsk tsk tsk. Watch your mouth, Miss Show Business. A proper school idol shouldn't be talking like that~" Keke teased, turning away to walk back to her bed.

Sumire felt around the fabric some more before truly realizing what Keke had just done.

"Are these... her fucking dirty socks!?" the blonde shrinkee gasped in horror.

Indeed, Sumire, in an attempt to get the mass of smelly foot fabric off of her, had been covered head-to-toe in Keke's sweat. Her clothes were drenched, her hair was ruined, and her eyes stung.

The glass jar's little air was quickly contaminated with a cheesy odor. Not a single breath of fresh oxygen remained, it was all replaced with the rotten fumes of the Chinese girl's nasty soles. Within 30 seconds, the rank odor of Keke's socks filled every breath of air available to the poor shrunken blonde.

Sumire gagged, accidentally getting a mouthful of sock fibers after a failed attempt to remove it off her. Keke's dirty socks had officially been inside her mouth.

"Keke! Keke! I'm sorry okay!? Get this stuff off me! This is really mean! And gross! Keke, help me!" the girl cried out, looking over at her friend casually laying in bed reading an idol magazine with Sunny Passion on the cover.

"Fuck, she's so gonna get it when I'm out of here..."

After multiple attempts, Sumire was finally able to crawl out from underneath the giant pair of soiled socks. Her skin felt itchy and irritated, and her mouth was dry. Apart from all the air becoming a gunky smog, it was humid as hell too.

Sumire stood up and patted herself down. She was drenched in sweat that didn't even belong to her, and now she couldn't even be left alone in peace. She was stuck in the same prison as a pair of socks more than ten times her size. The once pompous girl stared at the speckles of dirt littering the black socks. These "specks" were now like large rocks to Sumire, which made her feel even smaller.

She basically was nothing more than sock lint at this point. Surely Keke wouldn't make her stay like this for long. Worst case scenario, Keke would force her to sleep with them all night.

"Actually, scratch that, worst case scenario would be her putting her socks back on with me in them..." She shuddered at the thought of being pressed against her friend's giant foot.

The disheveled school idol looked down at her own body. Sure, she hadn't showered all day either, but there was no way her feet had ever smelled this bad, right? Her trademark white thigh high stockings were never this tainted at the very least. And she most certainly would never torture someone by making them smell her body odor!

Looking back at the legwear, the thought of what laid inside Keke's socks terrified the poor shrunken girl. She imagined a dark cave with specks of dirt and toejam sticking out of the walls like gemstones. Somehow this absurdly morbid thought got Sumire to laugh, defeatedly.

This whole situation was ridiculous. She'd just have to wait until Keke decided what else to do with her. Until then, she'd calm down, and try to focus on anything but these horridly smelly torture devices she was confined with.

Childishly sticking her tongue out at Sumire while sitting down on her comfy bed, Keke continued to read while keeping Sumire in the corner of her eye. She simply waited to watch her crush's reaction to her own foot stink filling up her glass prison.

”你可能不喜欢这个但它会给你一个教训 我希望你在我走之前学会欣赏我”

Sumire couldn't understand what Keke just muttered, and she was unsure if it was good or bad. She couldn't believe she was stupid enough to believe Keke would have dropped some food or something useful in there for her. Sumire was unsure of how she should even respond to such an inhumane act. But there was nothing else she could do. The poor girl was trapped in this stupid jar with the freshly worn and horrid smelling socks of the friend she still somehow held deep feelings for.

"What the fuck is she thinking!? Ugh!" Sumire gagged once more, quickly attempting to cover her nose as the smell festered all around and inside her.

Just like she had planned, Keke's foot stink had fully permeated every inch of the jar. It was all Sumire had been breathing in for the past 15 minutes, and this thought excited Keke somehow. Walking back over to her desk, Keke checked on how Sumire was doing in her new homemade biome of cheesy, musty sock stench...

Chapter End Notes:
Thank you for reading, SumiKeke is the best~ Let me know what other scenarios you'd like to see~
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