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Author's Chapter Notes:

Chapter Contains: Vore, Digestion, Disposal, Crush (by disposal), Gore

James slid down the warm, claustrophobic tube with his thoughts of regret. Could he have done anything differently to not end up in the belly of a monster? Suddenly, he could move his feet. He was quickly squeezed out of the opening and landed in the liquid with a “plop,” the droplets of saliva dripping down after him. His nose immediately noticed the smell. It was unlike anything he had ever smelled, and his body shook at the thought of breathing in. His nose burned. The juice sloshed around in her stomach and stung his cuts like fire. He thrashed to escape the pain, but there was no relief. It was over for him. He wasn’t going to survive this. James was having trouble wrapping his brain around the fact that he had just been swallowed alive by another human, but the realization was starting to set in when the stomach grumbled around him. A loud burp could be heard outside her body.

Mushy bits of unknown material drifted in the liquid which was quickly rising. More saliva dripped down from the opening above. The viscous slime clung to him and wouldn’t wipe away. Mucus draped over his body and stuck to his hair and skin. His lungs were begging for oxygen, and James heaved after another breath. He tasted the air around him and was on his hands and knees again vomiting what little was in his stomach. Something hard brushed up against his arm, and he forcefully pushed it away with a scream. He thought it felt like a hand and began to cry again as he stumbled away. With each step, his legs pushed past more floating mush. The texture was repulsive, and James gagged intermittently. Thick globs stuck to him everywhere he went, the slippery, rancid mess dripping down into the ocean of acid. Everything was hot. He didn’t want to touch anything, and there was nowhere to go. The familiar smell of metal drifted by his nose. 

James was up to his stomach in the sloshing filth searching for a salvation that would never come. He had been used and eaten like an insignificant piece of food. The floating remains kept touching his skin as they drifted by, and he couldn’t help but think each one was another body part softened by the acid. He fell forward abruptly. He hadn’t noticed, but the stomach acid had already eaten away his leg muscles. His hands frantically pulled at them to get them to move, but loose chunks tore away from his bones to his increasing horror. James fought past the awful stench to scream in agony at his burning flesh, his exposed bones the only thing keeping his head above the slimy filth. 

His hands reached down to the pain near his own stomach to find his organs floating outside of his body. Undissolved fat, sinew, and delicate flesh slipped through his fingers as he desperately felt around in the empty space for his insides. A length of intestines wrapped itself around his arm, and he didn’t know if it was his or someone else’s. With his organs exposed to the sea of liquid death, it didn’t take long for his little body to be eaten from the inside out. The moans and whimpers from his mouth turned into thick, mucous bubbles under the surface as the mess filled his throat, dissolving the skin and flesh on and inside his head. All his blood had leaked out into the liquid from his newfound openings. 

Soon, his remains were unrecognizable as human as they swirled around with all the other undissolved meat and blood. Several skeletons drifted to the bottom of the woman’s stomach, each one indistinct from another. They were mostly stripped clean, but small bits of fat held to them in odd places. Slowly, all the chunks and remains were pushed down into the depths of the stomach to be unceremoniously squirted out into the intestinal tract with the rest of the waste. Nutrients from each victim were sapped from the soft pieces of meat still intact, and a brown, sticky log began to form near the end of the woman’s intestines. James’s skeleton was oddly contorted and pressed into the end of Stacy’s immense turd. The others were compressed by the filth deeper inside. The mass slid down toward the end of its tunnel until Stacy decided it was time to dispose of it. 


           Amber beat against the glass of the jar she was being held in. Stacy laughed at her screams and lifted the open jar to her spread ass cheeks. Stacy’s horrifyingly large ass loomed over the glass prison, her wrinkled hole slightly bulged. Her fat cheeks cast a large shadow over the jar. The tiny woman knew what was about to happen to her, and she screamed and hit the glass with her fists. Her sobs were ragged, her breath gone from screaming. 

          “See? I told you that you would see your husband again,” Stacy cackled. With a grunt, hot air briefly whooshed out of her dirty orifice and replaced the oxygen in the jar. Amber retched at the stench. The terrible sound of feces pushing its way out of an anus caught her attention, her crying eyes shooting up to the sky. Stacy’s already massive hole stretched to allow the brown clump to pass. The skeleton of Amber’s husband poked out of the poop as it escaped Stacy’s colon. 

           Amber managed a blood-curdling scream and threw her hands up before the dirty asshole above pinched the log and sent the chunk plummeting down to the helpless woman like a meteor. It collided with her body with a greasy splat, crushing her into a paste instantly. Blood and viscera sprayed out from the sides of the settled filth and coated the walls of the jar with a fine mist. Brown streaks glistened along the sides and the bottom of the jar. Stacy grunted again, and the rest of the mess squeezed out of her rectum to fill the jar nearly to the top. It slithered down and coiled like a snake atop the crushed remains of James’s wife. The relieved giantess wiped herself and stuffed the dirty paper into the jar before screwing on the lid.

           Stacy lifted the enclosed horror to her face to peer inside. The giantess couldn’t help but smile at the thin, red layer on the bottom. Her smile suddenly disappeared. 

           “Damn, now I have to find another butt plug,” she sighed.

Chapter End Notes:

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