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Check out all of my stories on https://deviantart.com/keliadom


By Keliadom

It was early in the day as Han walked the streets of his favorite metropolis. On a summer day like this, the heat in S. city was unbearable, sometimes as soon as a few hours after sunrise, as is typical of this part of Asia. —This does not bode well—he thought. The man took a handkerchief out of a pocket in his jeans, wiping some drops of sweat off his brow. He looked up and squinted at the sharp glare from the nearby skyscrapers mirror-like glass exterior. —I need to cool off—he continued, his eyes darting left and right in the search of an oasis of respite. Han entered a nearby indoor food court, on the first floor of a large office tower. Immediately, cool air embraced him. The smell of a nearby stew pot hit his nostrils. Looking around, Han noticed a lot of restaurants at the court were still closed, while the staff behind the counters could be seen preparing for the upcoming rush hour of lunch. Today, Han was off work, and as is customary for him during those times, he simply enjoyed the busy life of the city. He sat down on one of the few open bars and requested a small salted soda water. Its nice minty taste was absolutely welcome to his senses.

As he rested, Han took the time to look at the people who passed by. He always liked to imagine their lives. The first to catch his attention was a tall, svelte figure. Her head was down over her phone as she frantically typed, moving with gusto towards a definite goal. Just like that, she turned a corner and was gone. —She’s a doer—thought Han. Maybe with a woman like her, his life would not have felt so aimless, so lonely. She could have pushed him on a better path. 

Another figure passed by. This time someone a bit more plain. Han observed her features: an oval face, with no strongly defined chin. Her shape lacked curves, giving her a completely forgivable look… would it not be for her wear: a long sleeve white jacket that extended behind her in a sort of double cape. Her legwear was some sort of thin fabric that espoused her limbs dutifully. Her shoes were of an orange like color that clashed with everything else she wore. —For sure, a troubled youth—thought Han.

On and on he dreamed as people crossed paths with him. Little moments of life did he hope to capture. Until he saw her. On her way out of the food court, passed by Han a smaller, stout beauty. Han couldn’t believe his eyes. She was nothing like the usual women in the area. Most were thin, if not frail, always running after the latest trendy diet. Instead, this new vision looked like a pinnacle of health: the pair of jeans she wore seemed to struggle, her wide thighs pushing the fabric outward like they desperately tried to rip the fabric apart. The white sandals she wore also struggled with the width of her feet, clearly made for thinner frames. Her behind had a perfect round curve that you could sink your hands in, her hips ready to take their place should she sit on a bench. As the woman approached the exit, she stopped for a moment, and turned around, seemingly searching for something. Han’s eyes widened, his hand covering his mouth. —Damn she is… those are…—his mind fluttered. The girl’s red t-shirt, like her jeans, struggled for its life, pushed to its very limit as the seams showed obvious holes even at this distance, with her pale skin subtly swelling through. From behind, he had thought she was already impressive for the barely contained curves her jeans advertised, but once she faced him, any idea that her backside was her defining feature was thrown out to the wind. —She would be more at home in one of those European countries—thought Han. Had this woman not possessed the jet-black hair typical of the locals, he could have imagined her with blonde pigtails in a marketing campaign for tourism as antique windmills adorned the displayed countryside. 

Lost in reverie, Han briefly lost sight of her. She had gone out. Without even turning back, he left some cash on the counter and ran out, a hint of subtlety just in front of each of his steps. There she was, crossing the street on the other side. It was impossible to miss her, and as Han noticed, so was it for anyone else. More obvious men simply stared, their heads turning as she strutted past them. Every step she took seemed like an exercise in balancing her chest, her face barely hiding the discomfort brought by the attention they created. Han relaxed his pace as he got closer. He used the reflection of the nearby shops’ windows as a way to keep an eye on her from different viewpoints. —What am I even doing—his mind briefly wondered. At this point, he wasn’t sure why he was following. It was far from his usual behavior, yet her shape compelled him. He noticed she was without a brassiere. There was no outline of one showing through her overly stretched t-shirt. From the front, her breasts were wide enough to cover her arms on the side, each pointing outward left and right, with a very prominent large nipple visible against the fabric, as if they were both suffocating spheres, longing for release, flattened as they were by the shirt. 

Han continued on for a while. She was not walking fast. —Her soul is a gentle one. Such care in each step…—thought Han. They walked on as the crowd densified, soon shoulder to shoulder. It was getting harder to keep up. —Maybe this is it for today—Han mentally whispered to himself. He had lost sight of her. —Better head back—he thought as he turned around, a hint of melancholia grasping at his heart.

“Oof!” exclaimed Han. Lost in reverie, he crashed into someone, launching them at the sidewalk. “I’m so sorry, are you OK?” Han said, looking down to his poor victim. Immediately, Han realized why it had felt like hitting a couch.

—It’s her!—

The girl he had followed. She was crouching, trying to regain balance.

“I’m so sorry! Are you OK?” Asked Han, extending a hand out, completely taken aback by his clumsiness. The girl grasped his hand as she pulled herself. —So soft—thought Han, surprised at how this smaller lady was not just comfy in appearance, but also in the way she used her strength: her palm barely exerted any as Han picked her up.

“No problem, I’m all right!” She responded with a soft voice, brushing dust off of her vestments. “Uh,” she hesitated, “thanks for helping me up,” she told him, a hint of blush striking her features. Her face up close was something else. A beautiful, motherly complexion. Her eyes belied just enough age to know she was either late twenties or early thirties. Her smile, as she responded to Han, showed impressive lips adorning a wide, expressive mouth, just under a cute flat nose. She smiled back at him, waved, and was off again, her long hair trailing in the wind. Han watched as she disappeared in the crowd, waited a second and turned around, daydreaming a bit more. 

He walked a few paces away, only to notice murmurs behind him. Unsure, Han looked again behind him: a crowd had formed just where the girl had gone. People cried with concern. Rapidly, Han pushed his way through the mass of onlookers, arriving at the center of their gathering, only to witness the very same woman crouching, holding her stomach, her body completely hunched over.
“What’s happening, are you all right?” Han thought to ask while everyone else watched, unsure if they should help or not. He immediately bent down by her side. “Give me your arm, I’ll help you up to a nearby bench…” said Han, looking around for any place he could help her sit and rest. He noticed her previously struggling jeans had ripped apart very slightly at the seams, with part of her skin poking out just like it did on her shirt.

“It’s… it’s no use…” responded the girl. 

“What?” Han was puzzled.

“I… it’s coming, I can’t…” she whispered. “R… you have to…”

Han put his arm over her shoulder and approached his ear to her head, her soft voice barely reaching him. “I’m sorry, I can’t understand. What are you saying?” he asked her.

“You have to…” the woman could barely stay still. Han noticed her arms shaking, while her toes tensed, gripping the tip of her sandals as the leather band found itself ripping from the strings attaching it to the sole. A small moment of clarity filled her mind. “YOU HAVE TO RUN!” she finally was able to yell.

Han didn’t understand. Run from what? Where? Why? There was a lack of noticeable danger and someone in distress. Thus he listened to his instinct, his gut feeling, that wanted this bountiful woman safe. Han saw the people around them looking concerned at the warning. He got closer to her and spoke clearly: “Everything is going to be all r…” Han started saying, just as the sound of ripping clothes filled the air. His right hand was suddenly pressed against a mound of skin from the girl’s ass. Her top exploded in a confetti of fabric as her two now gargantuan breasts instantly blew in size, pounding the cement of the sidewalk with enough force to split the slab of concrete in two. 

Han’s body was propelled backward as a mass of flesh from her thighs punched his entire body with what felt like the force of a thousand martial art fighters. The wind was fully knocked out of him, his breath failing, his consciousness faded as the outward explosion of growing flesh surrounded the entire area, covering his body in a microsecond. There were no cries, only silence. His entire body was now covered by expanding skin from the girl’s nearest body part. Darkness took him.

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