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Dan tossed Justinia onto his bed and sat the slurpee down on his desk.  Justinia could barely hear what Dan was saying over the beating of her own heart.  She had played out a similar situation in her head over and over again, but now that she was here, was she ready for this?  Could she even take the sort of abuse she always dreamed of receiving?  Actually, was this stranger even capable of the sort of sexual deviancy Justinia wanted?  Surely he would, right?  He was a creep and a kidnapper.  Justinia couldn’t go through with this!  She had to find a way out of here.

Dan’s fist slams down an inch from crushing her.

“Pay attention!  Were you even listening to a word I said?”

Justinia looked at the clenched fist inches from her nose.  She mumbled out apology after apology with tears streaming from her face.

“Now, what to do with a little bug that wants to be teased and taunted?  I know!”

He grabs his slurpee back from the desk and takes a big swig.  His cheeks swelled like a squirrel’s as Justinia waited for the gulp, but it never came.  Dan’s lips pursed above the small woman as he let loose a shower of sugary blue, half melted slush onto her head.  She sputtered just a bit, though at this point it's honestly more of an annoyance than a real fright.  Besides becoming sticky to the touch and sickly sweet, she had escaped that encounter mostly unscathed.  Justinia let out a sigh of relief.  If this is all he had in mind, maybe she could get through this.

But her moment of relaxation is short lived, as he showed off the wonderful glass tank on his desk.  Not one for tinies, mind you, but an ant farm.  He dipped a small twig into his drink and toss it into the enclosure.  The ants quickly descend on the twig and tear it to shreds as the pair watch.

“See that?  Think you could survive longer, my little Buggy Beau~”

The miniature woman’s breathing quickens as she watches a twig roughly her own height torn violently apart by the dog sized ants.  Her eyes transfixed on the horrifying scene before her, that the slight tug at her waist didn’t even register until Dan tightened the floss ring around her torso.  Dan smirked and released Justinia, letting her dangle and swing from her makeshift tether.  Her horror amplified as he slowly brought her up to the top of the ant farm and removed the lid completely.  Her face paled as she was lowered tantalizingly close to the ravenous bugs.

"N-no... please- I'd be torn to shreds... literally. P-please sir I beg of you... f-find s-something else.... anything else! Please!!!

"Anything else?”  Dan laughed so loud he started to snort.  “Are you sure about that, little one?  I thought I was being quite generous with this proposal.  Your skin is so soft and so delicate, really the best you could ever hope for is to have it torn apart by these magnificent mandibles.  But if you really insist, I'll find something else."

The giant wound the string up along his ring finger, as though the petrified woman dangling from his hand was nothing but a child’s yoyo.  She hoped against hope that this was simply going to be a bondage thing, where she would be forced to massage his nasty feet.  Didn’t she write something like that in her rp request?  It would make sense.  Keeping her tied up might make that more difficult, but he might still be into that.  But she lost her train of thought as she felt the rope go slack.

Justinia felt every nanosecond pass like an hour.  Her mind fixated on every detail of their strong mandibles as she plummeted.  This was it.  She’d spend the last moment’s of her life being eaten alive by insects.  She’d always fantasized about something like this, but she never expected to face the real horror of having her muscles chewed from her bone.  She almost landed right on one of the ants, when the tether around her waist suddenly caught her mid-fall.

"Oops, rope slipped.  Don't worry, I've got you."

 She cursed Dan under her breath as she slowly rose out of the enclosure.  But one ant wasn’t going to let the sweet smelling treat go.  It leapt up and gripped Justinia’s foot in its vice-like grip.  She screams and flails wildly, until with one last desperate kick, she freed herself from her shoe, watching the ant plummet back to its brethren.  It had only the frightened woman’s shoe as a prize, but it seemed content with it, tearing and munching away at it with his fellow ants. 

When Justinia was finally back on Dan’s palm, she instinctively grabbed one of his fingers for dear life.  Her knees buckled, and the giant could feel a damp spot below her waist.

“Why?!?!  Why are you torturing me like this?!?  This isn’t what I wanted!  You know this isn’t what I wanted, so why?” 

"Torturing you?  Why, Buggy Beau!  I’m not torturing you!  Torturing is what I would do to a real person.  I can’t torture you any more than I could torture a bookcase, or a lamp, or a fleshlight.  Though in the latter’s case, you would certainly think I was.”

Dan chuckled at his own joke.

“But no.  You aren’t a person anymore.  The second you entered my sight, you stopped being a person and became a toy.  And not just a toy.  The best kind of toy of all!”

He leaned in and whispered into her ear.

“A disposable toy.”

Chapter End Notes:

Thank you all for reading.  Let me know your thoughts and opinions.  Criticism is always welcome.

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