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Author's Chapter Notes:

Might do some minor edits to this in the future for readability.

Also, sorry for my break! I thought it made the title for this chapter especially fitting though!

After the calamity proceeding Felicia’s visit passed, I wasn’t sure what would actually happen. I thought I’d have to atone for my outburst, to weather a storm of Ae Ri’s wrath for stepping out of line. But, once again, baring myself open, divulging the truth to her, was the solution I didn’t know I needed. Somehow she was always able to see right through me, to see me better than I could see myself. To know what I wanted. Or needed. I didn’t need to explain anymore than I did after the embrace she’d given me. She understood why I’d freaked out, why my idiotic brain had gone into crisis mode due to someone else’s meddling. Truthfully, I think a part of her was even happy that it had happened. My meltdown showed her just how attached I’d become. Then again, she probably already knew that. However, more than just the obvious, she knew what it meant for me internally too. Letting it all out, cutting through the walls I’d built up around how I should feel, freed me. Shackles undone, chains across my heart falling away, I understood myself and why I’d had such an intense reaction. And she knew it. Confronting my own insecurities had reset things, putting us in a place where everything was out in the open. It allowed things to shift back, back to that blissful state which had existed before. That golden, honey drenched cycle of love and comfort and servitude from before I’d set events into motion that I couldn’t have ever imagined. Before I’d seen the monsters that Ae Ri kept at bay. Early on, darkness did creep into my mind, reminding me that out there somewhere Charlotte may be suffering a much harsher fate in Felicia’s dystopian ‘tiny city’ world. I distracted myself from that. I needed to, focusing on the here and now instead. When I did… I’m ashamed to say it became far too easy to forget and to slip back into my new life. In fact, I was shocked at how effortlessly I moulded into it, putty eager to fit into any shape it needed to be - back to my life where Ae Ri was the planet and I was an orbiting moon. 

I shouldn’t be surprised though. This life was easy to go back to because… Well, it was perfect. It was easy because it was right. Before meeting Ae Ri, I’d struggled through life, drifting more than living. Never really happy. Not like now. It was easy because I’d found the other side of my coin. With her, I felt like I had purpose. A reason to be me. A reason to even exist. My purpose was her. I was here for her and only her and she’d helped me to see it all. Thankful isn’t a strong enough word to describe it. I’m complete with her. 

So I do everything in my power to be useful. Not because I’m scared that she’ll throw me away, but because she deserves it. At 2’11 ‘everything in my power’ might seem laughable - especially considering the ridiculous scaling of everything in an extra large, giant proofed home - but I was driven. Determined. I wanted to make up for all the crap I’d put her through. I worked harder than I ever had in my life, maintaining the chores she’d given me before, even if it was in a diminished capacity, refusing to let anything slip. I toiled away, labouring, pushing my body to the limit to make sure she had whatever she wanted whenever she wanted it. Cooking, cleaning, washing, scraping, massaging, fucking… Everything, I was  willing to do everything. 

Usually my day started in the kitchen. Well, if other more pressing ‘duties’ didn’t beckon my attention in the morning anyway. Ae Ri animalistic libido was a fickle, unpredictable beast, taking a hold randomly and battering me. I cherished every second though, counting it as a God(dess) send no matter how rough things could get. Anyway, either post ‘activities’ or having just woken up, I’d disengage from her labyrinth of a body and start working, leaving her to snooze or workout or to get on the phone and manage her growing empire of businesses. I didn’t really keep track of that aspect of things, but hearing her commanding other people around was slightly surreal. It seemed like she had more and more names on the list of people underneath her every week.

While she went about her day, I’d be a minion for her, busy, eager, focused on fueling that glorious temple she called her body. Food had always been important to her, it was a cornerstone to keeping her happy. And my goal was keeping her happy. Happy and growing. Feeding into her continuing growth even if it wasn’t directly with my size was another key to Ae Ri’s happiness and, clearly, mine too. Throughout a day I’d probably spend upwards of four hours in the kitchen. I cooked anything I could handle and, when I couldn’t, I’d prepare as much as I could, leaving the more labour intensive parts in her capable hands. Oh, and cooking with her was invariably a highlight of any day. It made me feel like a normal couple even if it was only for a short period of time. Sure, occasionally it was death defying skirting around her, dodging the movements of a titan as she went about frying or chopping, but I yearned to be near her, to be together doing something, interlinked. I craved being close. Little things heightened it all, drawing me in even more. The way she’d giggle, lifting me up high over the island so I could sprinkle garnish onto dishes, or the smirk on her face as she’d bump me with her leg, smothering me against the counter, pretending she’d done it by accident as she moved to get a spice or a pan.

While I enjoyed cooking a lot, cleaning was the bane of my existence. Not only was it difficult, but it was just monotonous and… It kept me from her the longest. But, I couldn’t pick and choose. I sucked it up and took the good with the bad, doing my best at everything. Obviously the floors were the easiest considering my proximity to them but I didn’t stop there. The step ladder she’d brought me before was invaluable now, giving me access to at least get some of the higher spots. Doing the dishes was the absolute worst though. Everything was so fucking huge now and scrubbing away at a pan wider than my torso was mind numbing. It was for her. That’s all I’d say in my head, over and over, a love sick mess, refusing to give up. That dedication was rewarded. 

My prize for the hard work came swiftly after the dishes. In the evening, once I’d conquered everything else on my list, there was time to relax with her. Well, ‘relax’ was more for her. The last, most fun aspect of my ‘work’ would begin then. This was the jewel of my day. Getting my greedy, miniscule hands on with the aforementioned temple. It was a blessing and a… Okay, no it’s totally not a curse - it’s just really hard. I mean, aside from the fact that I’m perpetually leaking like a broken faucet whenever I can even smell her, to me, she was practically a skyscraper. Well over double my height, towering, stacked, built with hundreds(?) of kilograms of gorgeousness, there was a lot to love. A lot to massage and lotion and rub and - and worship. Laid down she felt impossibly long, a landscape stretching into the distance. A gargantuan field for me to till. Massaging even just one of her legs was exhausting. Kneading coils and bundles of muscle chunkier than my arm, stretching out powerful, worked, growing strands of beautiful strength, it took a lot out of me. I’m more than certain she loved that it did. She knew how much of a task it was. A herculean trial just pampering her. Ae Ri knew how hard I was working purely due to her monstrous size and she adored it. When I was tired, hands cramping, forearms burning, lumps of meagre muscle in my back aching, she’d read me, feeling my slowing efforts. Then she’d coo, “oh, c’mon, puppy. Five more minutes.” Eyes sparkling, gemstones watching me over her shoulder, a hidden grin I couldn’t see just hidden behind the bluffs of her delt and trap. I’ve never said no. Ever. How could I when I didn’t even want to stop? I’d go until I was ragged. Limp, sagging and weak. I’d work until I was done and then she’d carry me to bed and cradle me against her as I went to sleep... Or until the beast would rear its head. Seeing my plight, getting off on how difficult it was for me to dote on her, sometimes something would stir. A threshold would be met, the scales would tip and a different twinkle would appear in her eyes. A flame. The command would come and I’d know things were about to get interesting. “Higher,” or “lower,” gradually I’d be triangulated, zoning in on an expanse of skin that would send tingles through her nerves, goosebumps on her skin. Pheromones would pour out of her as the room began to swelter, her body a furnace heating up. Then things would get wild. 

Excalibur, the massive, purple dildo, had truly become my blade. Training with it day after day, pleasuring the titan, I’d actually gotten better at using the monster. Thrusting and plunging and angling the thing, learning how to best utilise the tool to etch out every molecule of ecstasy from Ae Ri. Most of the time she would still take over though. I’d be too puffed out to bring her all the way to orgasm a lot of the time. She’d grab me, using me as a lever to continue the sexual rampage. But when I did succeed in making her cum, the times where I had a God given stamina, I truly felt like a champion. But I was rewarded like one whenever I made an attempt at pleasing her anyway. She left me blue balled purely by being close by but I sincerely believe that the only reason that was even possible was because my body had adapted to her succubus level ravenousness. I was drained pretty much every day. Some days I was hoisted up to the ceiling and then sucked dry like my dick was a straw, other days I had a little more control. My new favourite was our spin on a boob job. Our sizes matched up for some interesting results now when she was seated. Since I was so miniscule compared to her, I could stand on her thighs to bring us face to face and, more to the point, crotch to chest. I don’t think my words can do justice in describing how mind blowingly magnificent it is fucking a literal wall of tit. Ae Ri would hook an arm under her bust, cradling her watermelons together and then I would go rabid, thrusting into the canyon of cleavage. I’d fuck as hard and as fast as I could and all it would do is wobble her breasts. The effort I poured into my release always amused and aroused the titan. Soon her tongue would be filling my mouth, fingers curled all the way around my head to drag me deeper into her. As soon as that happened it signalled the impending orgasm being close. Having her fill my senses was too much and I’d never last much longer. Busting my load into the gorge, I’d droop against her bosom, melting into her weakly, cradled by her. When I finally would peel myself away from her cliffs that massive orgasm would seem so insignificant between the hills of her chest…

No matter what permutation of events took place, cuddling to sleep would cap off every heaven filled day. Then, it would all start again in the morning. Of course, there were variations in the basic set up though, days where we’d get takeaway, snuggled up movie nights, video games, yoga, gym nights, etcetera. Through it all, I never left the house though. When she’d go out, I’d be stuck at home, waiting, living up to my name, sat like a puppy without its master. At least when she returned she usually had gifts for me, clothes or snacks or toys for me to use in the bedroom.

Weeks passed like this until one day, while I was an observer to a workout session, she caught me off guard - a statement dropped on me out of thin air. “I think it’s time for me to get another dose of size.” She said, pushing another plate onto an already overloaded bar. 

My skin crawled, nerves boiling up. Was the reaction ingrained in me? Or was it just a natural response from a primitive part of my brain? I don’t know what triggered it, but the casualness and the vagueness of the announcement struck me as particularly unnerving. “Seriously?” I asked softly.

“Yeah, some of these lifts are starting to plateau.” My jaw was almost unhinged at that declaration. I’d only seen her cram more and more weight onto each of her exercises, so I had no idea how she considered this ‘plateauing.’ “And I didn’t plan to stop at a measly 8 foot tall.” She scoffed, as if that number wouldn’t send most people’s heads spinning. 

“That must be taller than any woman… Like ever.” Tentatively I probed. “You are the biggest now, right?”

“Biggest woman.” She corrected me. “We fixed evolution’s slip up with you, but I’m still not really the biggest, am I?” The grin that accompanied the possibly rhetorical question was almost predatory.

“I - uh - I guess not.” I stammered, still not sure why I wasn’t ecstatic.

“Breaking records isn’t my style anyway. I like destroying them.” There was a flair of arrogance then as she rolled the huge barbell forwards with the sole of her foot, almost making a point of how even right now she was probably shattering some record. “I’ll call Felicia’s people. They listen to me more than her now anyway.” Stepping forwards to the bar, she positioned herself for a deadlift. “I’ll get the ball rolling for another transfer. From what I understand Felicia has a lot of height stored up because of… Well, you know.” 

My stomach, which had been tied up in knots, somersaulted, the ropes it was twisted into relaxing and tightening. It wasn’t the mention of Felicia that had me on edge anew though - I knew that the titan was already plotting something to deal with her. “You’re not taking my height?” I blurted, emotions storming to and fro. I’d felt an injection of relief for some reason, but lining that emotion there was something else swelling up in my chest.

Ae Ri looked bemused for a moment, breaking away from the deadlift before she started to turn and look at me. Then her head tilted to one side and an eyebrow rose, cherry coloured lips pouting slightly. “I thought you might want a break after what happened last time.” Her eyes analysed me, reading micro expressions.

Taking a half second to think, I replied quickly, not wanting to delay too long. “It’s up to you.” It was an honest answer. “I’ll do whatever you want.” I smiled up, feeling my stomach unwind as I gave control away again. 

Her facial expression remained impassive until a huge hand cupped my face. “Up to me, huh?” She chuckled low. “Then you’re taking a break.” Ruffling my hair she continued, “that’s not a problem, is it?”

Stood so insignificantly next to her, I stepped forwards to hug her colossal thigh. “Of course not. You know what’s best.” The oak flexed under me as she stroked my hair. I should have felt complacent, but there was still this lingering feeling that I couldn’t place. Eventually I unlatched myself and she went back to her workout. The bar bent as gravity and Ae Ri waged a war. Quietly, I watched, distracted thoughts swirling around the soon to be coming events.

Less than a week after our candid chat, Ae Ri called me into the bedroom, excited. The reason I was summoned was obvious as soon as I laid eyes on her. Or specifically, the presence of an all too familiar sleek, thin band of metal tipped me off on why I’d been called. After the events from a few weeks ago she’d removed both her and my bracelets, leaving them off, a physical statement to me that things had changed. Seeing it back on her wrist sent my heart fluttering. Strangely, it also made my own arm feel oddly lonely right then.

Perched on the edge of the bed, she had her legs out in front of her, a slight bend in her knee, ankles crossed, one foot bobbing up and down. “It’s time!” She giggled, almost quaking with glee. She was dressed in a pair of trainers, black leggings stretched tight over her legs - green highlights exaggerating her curves, and a sports bra that must have been crafted by Hephaestus to hold her bountiful bust. All undoubtedly custom made. All about to become rags. That outfit probably cost hundreds of dollars and yet she revelled in the act of outgrowing it. Monetary growth was another layer of arousal added on top of everything. She’d outgrown such ‘small’ price tags too. “Come here!” She said, patting the broad expanse of her thighs, signalling she wanted me sat there. “I want to show you something.” 

Walking over, I literally had to climb up onto her lap. Using the edge of the bed and a handful of leg, I hauled myself up and plopped down onto a seat that had more than enough room for me. A branch hugged me, pulling me deeper into her lap, pushing my back to her abs and letting the softness of her orbs rest heavily on my shoulder, neck and head. She put the tablet across my legs, a flat screen TV right in front of me. A long, delicate finger pointed to something on the screen. “See that?” She asked. The display was different to the one I’d seen before. The two tabs for Charlotte and I were gone. The button for the transfer was still there but instead of a set of measurements for the donor there was one number. She was pointing at that number. That very large number. 

“1,372?” My voice was barely audible, baulking at the implication of that figure.


“Like… For you?” My face began to pale, a chill running through me despite the warmth of the woman surrounding me. 

“All. For. Me.” A grin so wide that I could feel it above me looming. “It won’t translate one to one but yeah, those are all mine now.” Calculations stuttered through my brain, converting, struggling to do the maths. How much was that? 100 feet?! No. It was more, wasn’t it? 

“That’s…” I was at a loss for words, mouth flapping open and closed as I stared.

“Isn’t it crazy?” It truly was, but she didn’t sound like she thought it was crazy. She sounded exhilarated. Still reeling, I slipped down the rabbit hole, running a mile a minute. How many people had Felicia shrunk to store that many inches. How many people’s size would Ae Ri be guzzling down?! And how absolutely gigantic was she going to become? Jesus, it was as if she were some type of necromancer, sucking the souls out of countless victims to add to her own power. Some depraved part of me found that comparison incredibly sexy.

“How big are you going to get?” I asked, a heat building in my cheeks. 

“I dunno.” I peered up, the weight of her breasts making it a difficult manoeuvre. Lips pursed, she was mulling the question over. Looking down her hair fell around her face, pout stretching out into a grin. “How much do you think I can handle in one go?” 

My eyebrows knitted together with worry. I knew first hand just how intense the transfers were. “Um… What was our biggest transfer?”

“I’ve lost count to be honest.” Ae Ri thought. “But it wouldn’t be interesting if I played it safe, would it? I told you before, I don’t break records. I destroy them.” Watching her finger draw closer to the tablet, my eyes peeled wide. One. Zero. Zero. 

“100 inches?! That’s gonna double your height!” I cried out, not sure this apartment could even handle that much Ae Ri. She started laughing, rocking me back and forth, jostled by her abs. Pushing the tablet into my hands, she rose, standing from the bed and lifting me up with her. 

“Calm down.” Scoffing, she kept me cemented against her body as she strolled, an arm holding me in place. “There’s the emergency abort button for a reason, puppy.” Taking me into the front room. I was dropped into the armchair, the single seater perpendicular to the longer couch that we would regularly snuggle in. Glancing down at the screen now in my lap, I found the small, red abort button tucked into the corner of the UI. It was amazing that I’d never seen it before. “You hit it if I say so. But not a second earlier. Got it?”

“I - I don’t know if this is a good idea.” 

Towering over me, she bent and pushed a finger to my lips, “oh, shush. I’m a big girl. I can handle a lot. Plus… I trust you.” She winked.

A shiver ran through me, tingles running along my spine. Huffing out an exhale, I nodded. “Alright. I’ll make sure you’re okay.” Mumbling, worried but powerless to change her decision, I mentally strapped myself in.

“Good!” She chimed, standing and walking around the coffee table to stop between it and the couch. Using the sole of her trainer she pushed the table away, making it seem weightless as she cleared some space. I doubted it would be enough space. In fact, I wondered if there’d ever be enough space for her. Turning to face me front on, the titan planted her hands on her hips, ready, in position, eager to put her lips to the well of souls and drink deeper than she ever had before. “Do it, Paul.” 

Pulse throbbing behind my eyes, I extended a bony finger. The screen was cold under my fingertip, the button lighting up as I touched it. Closing her eyes, she breathed in and waited. It only took a second to start. “Ahhh!” She gasped, pain flitting across her face, eyes snapping open, shoulders jolting in, curving her proud power pose making her seem a lot more vulnerable. Something coursed through her. Something big. Another flinch of pain sent her tits bouncing, hands curling into iron. Fists, squeezing, holding onto something that wasn’t there as she endured. “Fff-fffffuuuck.” 

“Are you okay?!” I screamed, sitting forward, wanting to stop it right then. God, I wanted to stop the madness and hug her as tight as I possibly could. Yet I stayed hanging on the edge of my seat. I held the line. I obeyed her order, refusing to pull the ripcord on this all.

Through panting and groans, a dark, deep chuckle left her, cut jagged by the pain. “Ssso much.” She hissed, eyes bulging as, now doubled over, posture wilted by pain, she clutched her own body in an embrace that seemed to be the only thing holding her together. “I c-can t-tell it’s gonna be big.” The bracelet on her wrist burned brighter and brighter, audibly whirring as it processed something it was never designed to handle. Looking up at me, neck bulging with strained muscle, she grinned manically. “H-here it come - NNGHH.” Her face contorted into a mask of agony, teeth bared, eyes slit, veins erupting all over her smooth, perfect skin, rearing back and - and then I watched her entire head throb bigger. Too big. Disproportionate just for a heartbeat. Her shoulders widened quickly, capped delts stretching outwards before traps and neck exploded to match it all. Rearing up her chest, ribs and pecs swelled, billowing out, tits jumping atop them, engorging next. Her sports bra thinned, the simple strips of fabric withering as they dug into her skin tight. Abs and obliques thickened, forced more defined, more cut, outcroppings of muscle from the trunk, leaping forwards in a wave, top to bottom, tectonic changes beneath them. Hips, thighs, ass, calves, they all broadened, muscles visibly pumping bigger. Her trainers tightened, sections threatening to burst as the feet inside rapidly surged outwards. 

But something was wrong. It was as if she were getting stockier, form growing outwards but not upwards. Screams rung my ears, the urge to hit that red button getting stronger. It was clearly too much. The process was going wrong. It couldn’t handle this. She couldn’t. “Mhhhhnnn!” She grunted, throaty and loud. Suddenly, there was a change. A bolt of electricity pulled her straight, forcing her fully upright to her towering stature. But she didn’t just stand tall. She stood taller. In a flash, she was a butterfly breaking out of its chrysalis. One huge, almighty spurt, ripped her upwards, her body stretching, bones cracking and popping, a whole 6 inches of height thundering, bursting through her, lengthening her shape out to the right proportions even as more mass continued pouring into her. Fibres of muscle pulled taunt, tight, wrenched longer and longer. The leggings, brimming with flesh, teetering on the edge of ripping, shot up her calves, the fabric of her shoes went off like a grenade, laces rupturing, material splitting, launched out in various directions. Ae Ri’s foot flooded out squeaking against the wood of the floor. A large damp patch darkened her leggings as she panted, wobbling, unsteady as her body was beaten with size. 

A second wave of height, another four or five inches pulled her taller still, rocketing her bigger, so powerful that she even rose onto her toes, letting out an almost lewd “Ah!” Breasts jumped from the sports bra, leaking from every edge of material, the pink of areolas slipping free, pinched by the material cupping each breast, billowing out larger. Stumbling, she tactically fell, right onto the couch that used to seem so massive. Hitting the cushions the entire thing skidded, grating across the floor, angling it askew as her too large body smashed it. The colossal couch was overwhelmed, dwarfed by her. Head over the far armrest, forearm hooked around the back of the couch, she clung to it, too large, hips wider than it was deep. A foot stabilised her, planted on the floor while the other dangled over the armrest closest to me. I stared at that one, her left foot hanging there, dangling, reaching for the ground, a weed going for sunlight. Another bellow of pained ecstasy drew my eyes away from it. 

Writhing, more size streamed into her, dozens of people syphoning into her, erratic spasms pumping limbs bigger in random waves, shuddering race to be the biggest as her entire body ballooned larger and larger. Riding the lightning, feeding off of the pleasure and ignoring the burn, as clothing ripped and snapped and shredded, Ae Ri was helping it along, fingers greedily yanking at the elastic around her crotch. Hungrily she struggled to get at her soaked sex. It took only a moment to rip it free, to release her powerful fragrance into the room. Fingers plunged deep into the fire. Another burst of size, a half dozen inches burgeoning her bigger. Girthier legs, flexed with a grander power, lifting her bloated glutes from the cushions, suspending her literally and metaphorically in pleasure. A wail of euphoria trembled my ear drums as she came down with the weight of a wrecking ball. Wood split and cracked beneath her. The middle of the couch sagged seconds before the legs closest to me broke, crunching flat, giving way and tilting her downwards towards me. Collapsing her seat didn’t even make Ae Ri pause in her vicious self pleasuring. If anything, it added to her high. Beads of sweat rolled along her glistening skin as her tongue dragged her thick, bottom lip into her teeth. Dirty, vulgar grunts made her abs jump while she fucked herself, strings of cum splattering along her legs.

Height ticking into double digits, working her long, growing fingers in and out, dynamo like, somehow the growth seemed to slow as her pleasure built. As if the transfer had reached simpatico with her, hand in hand with her mounting orgasm, it simmered, gradual twitches of size replacing the tremendous explosions. If I’d been paying attention, I’d have seen the light on the bracelet flicker. A blockage in the river of souls, forcing the flood into a dripping leak. “Uhnnn, it’s… It’ssss.” Hissing, the titan tried to speak through grit teeth and rigid synapses. 

“What? What?! Do you want me to stop?” I blubbered, distracted from the lust that had been clouding my brain.

“Oh… ffffu-fuck. D-Don’t you dare stop.” Her eyes snapped to me, enraptured and insane. “It’s buildin-ing uuup.” She choked, unabated, edging closer to cumming, grinning again. I looked from the tablet to Ae Ri, not understanding, not knowing what she meant. “Uuuunnnhhhhh.” She breathed, face melting into elation. Peering back up I saw her knee slip over the armrest, the back of her beefy hamstring pushing against it, bending it, forcing it away from the rest of the couch, out of the 90 degree angle it usually sat at. “UUUUHHhhhhnnnNN.” A throb of growth sent that hanging foot to the ground, sole flat, no longer dangling. One single, whole ass cheek wobbled, coming off of cushions of the sofa, her hip now more than double the depth of the couch. “NNNNNNUUHHH.” Her shoulder bulged as she hugged the back of the frame, holding herself on it… Or bracing for something. Toes scrunching body coiling in on itself, tensing, her moans became muted. In the relative quiet I listened to the loud creaking, unsure if it was the poor couch beneath her or her body, about to explode. 

I didn’t get an answer. Her bracelet flared.

Ae Ri cried out, body positively detonating larger. The dam in the river couldn’t hold back the flow, and now all the stoppered size rushed in. Legs going ramrod straight, body seizing a gush of cum blasted out of her. I had to dodge as her foot hammered into the armchair I was on, the gap between us becoming non-existent abruptly, knocking me and it back. Wood within the couch was crushed, Ae Ri shooting up in mass and size, surging to completely eclipse it. Under her arm the back of the couch imploded, while the rest of her shoved outwards, ass and leg and chest and back and shoulders smashing down everything in their way. It fell apart, a house of cards in a storm. The entire thing flattened, bulldozed down under her, shaking the apartment as her weight crashed to earth and an orgasm like a freight train ran through her. 

Although the bombardment of size had stopped, she continued to fuck herself silly, juicing a second barrage of orgasm out before finally stopping. Laying on the debris that had been furniture, breathing raggedly - a marathon runner passed the finished line - I could see her  sluggishly leaving the wild fog she was in, taking stock of everything. Regaining her breath slowly, she rolled her head to look at me. I was still curled into a ball, shielded by the tablet in the armchair that had been kicked a whole foot and a half from ground zero. “Why did... You stop it?” Her voice was gravelly from the sounds she’d produced, but a deeper bassy resonance lined every word. Still too high on euphoria to be annoyed, the question had a lilt of a laugh in it. 

“I - I didn’t!” I sputtered a response, finally feeling safe enough to uncoil. “I swear, I didn’t!” Looking down at the tablet, I could see the transfer had ended, a cryptic error message on screen.

Ae Ri sat up, beach ball breasts swaying to clap one another and jiggle. Running a hand through her hair, she breathed deeply, catching her breath. Then she saw the bracelet. Stretched out farther than I thought possible, the band looked anorexic on her wrist, a slither of metal. More importantly, however, was the fact that the light was tellingly burnt out, black and smokey. It elicited a laugh. “Wow. That’s why it stopped.” I couldn’t tell if it was a blessing or a curse. Stretching the metal band somehow further, she snapped it off of her wrist and tossed it onto the floor next to her. Now that the transfer had stopped and my nerves had cooled, the scale of the woman in front of me really began to dawn on me. The entire couch was under her, blocked out, nothing more than kindling. Moving, gathering herself up, Ae Ri, absolutely gargantuan now, began to stand. The armchair and I sank down, into a black hole as I watched her go up and up and up and - “Ow!” The monolith barked, her head thudding hard. There was a moment of frustration on her face before realisation set in. “Oh… Oohhhh. Holy shit.” She breathed, hunched, peering up at the surface she’d just impacted, running her fingers across it as if in disbelief. She was too tall to stand up…

Mouth dry, skin covered in goosebumps, I goggled at her, scarcely believing how fucking huge she’d become. I thought she filled the room before but now filling it was practically an understatement. Not needing to tiptoe, not needing to stretch, she was just there completely dominating my vision, dominating the architecture, floor to ceiling. Then the mountain moved, a single step quaked through the world, radiating out from her colossal weight as she approached, only growing larger the closer she got. Standing over me, casting an unending midnight shadow over everything, I fully craned back, lips parted in a dumb awe. “God, you looks so fucking cute down there, puppy.” She giggled, stormy sounds rumbling from far away. Reaching down, she scooped me out of the armchair with huge palm frond hands, fingers easily wrapping around the entirety of my chest. Hefted up high, weightless in her hands, my stomach fell, the same sensation you get in a roller coaster multiplied by a thousand. Terrified to look down, I instead watched the ceiling come forwards as she brought me in for a kiss. Pillow-like lips smothered my face and neck and chest in a bombardment of love. Too stunned to really respond, all I could do was accept it all. Then again, it’s not like I could stop this volley of kisses and nuzzles. If I pushed her away, even with all my strength, I doubt it would even strain her neck. 

“You’re so…”

“Stunning? Gorgeous? Fucking massive?” Giggling at her own jokes she winked at me, still held in her hands. “God, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this tongue tied.” 

I let out a bewildered half laugh. That was doubtlessly true. At her original height she made me speechless, but this was a whole different situation. “Well, you do have that effect.”

Snorting, she stooped low, bending at the hip to lower me to my feet. “Flattery will get you everywhere, but don’t forget you still have work to do.” 

“I do?” 

“You don’t want to find out just how big I am?” She asked, an eyebrow bouncing playfully. 

“Do we have a tape measure big enough?” I genuinely wasn’t sure if they even made tape measures big enough.  

“Probably not, but I’m sure you’ll be able to improvise.” A foot step thoomed to the ground, making my teeth rattle. “I’m gonna go find my phone. I have a feeling I’m about to be very hungry.” A cold chill ran through me, the idea of her appetite now being unfathomable. Where would she even get that much food on short notice? Jesus, she could probably eat me as a snack.

My train of thought faded as a new spectacle began to unfold before me. Ae Ri was stood in front of a doorway, the top of which sat below her tits and the sides of which were about a half an Ae Ri narrower than her hips. “I don’t think you’re gonna -” My quiet observation was ignored as she turned slightly to the side and ducked down, cramming herself through the opening. I caught a hint of her smirk as she did, clearly loving how small even her ‘giant’ apartment was looking. Scraping her head on the top of the frame, she edged a shoulder through, breasts and back becoming sandwiched in the undersized wooden frame until, with a satisfying ‘pop, pop,’ her mammaries slipped through one at a time to bounce free. Her waist didn’t pose a problem either as she twisted, but then her passage through the threshold was halted. A glorious, heart shaped, thick, wide rump was presented to me, the lips of her sex visible from my miniature vantage point. A chuckle echoed through her legs. 

“See, I would get this making you speechless.” She teased, wriggling her behind at me in the frame, further jamming herself into the overwhelmed square. Rocking her weight back, she thrust herself forwards, making the walls shake, a terrifyingly loud boom echoing out. She did it again. Then again, each time more aggressively, simulating an earthquake, pushing harder to try and free herself. Rooted to the ground, I watched as the wall took a beating. “Alright, let's get serious.” I could hear the giddiness in her voice, and to my amazement, I noticed a glint where her pillars met. She was enjoying this. Her legs flexed, engorging as she pulled back and really hammered herself into the inadequate doorway. I felt my heart leap as this time the entire thing seemed to bend, warping against her power. Again, she slammed, even harder, causing dust to rain down from the ceiling, cracks forming around the door. 

“You’re gonna break it!” I squealed, trying to keep my balance as the floor trembled violently. 

Delighted by my fear, laughter resonated down the corridor seeping between her oaks for me to hear. Somehow, this impact was harder still. The wall around the door buckled, in a microsecond the cracks turned into gaping lines and then into chunks of plaster and brick that showered out into the corridor. Ae Ri caught herself on the other side, a forearm on the opposite wall keeping her from demolishing it with all her weight as well. Turning, she drank in her devastating victory, regarding the augmented doorway. 

“Fuck.” I said, dumbfounded by what she’d just done. 

“What?” She asked, now casting her gaze to me.

“Y-you just remodelled a wall.” The words came out flat as I slowly came to terms with how easily that had all happened.

“Aw, don’t worry, I can be your door.” Stepping back to ground zero, she stood on the opposite side of what was a door, face disappearing from view, breasts oozing around the top of the wood. Placing her feet down, wider than her shoulders, she created an arched exit for me. True to her word, she had made a doorway for me. Yet even that door was way bigger than it needed to be for me. Redwoods apart like this, I was still just about even with her knees. “C’mon, Puppy, I don’t have all day!” She waved a hand at me, gesturing me forwards. “You don’t want me getting hangry at this size, right?” The gravity of that situation forced me out of my stupor. Hustling forwards, I slowed as I got to the towering limbs before me. I now know what it felt like to sail into Braavos. Shuffling forwards in amazement, I tilted my head back, pulse pounding, simply taking in the glory all around me. More of a building to me than a person, I unconsciously reached out a hand as I gaped, brushing a calf that was girthier than my torso. Staring straight up, I looked at the engorged, hungry sex in the sky, wondering if poor little Excalibur would even be useful anymore. Then I wondered if I would be more fit to be the toy… The thought equally terrified and excited me. A glob of cum dripped down to splat on me, as if mocking the ideas running rampant through my head. Well, at least I wasn’t the only one that was excited by this all. Another dew-like droplet of cum glistened, growing heavier and fatter as the excretions were collecting. Muscle in my jaw jumped, an urge itching in my hypothalamus. I opened my mouth, tilting back, ready to catch it like rain.

Suddenly my heart lurched in my chest. The sky was falling, her distant labia rapidly barrelling towards me, growing intimidatingly bigger as it descended. I hadn’t realised it but she’d been watching, amused by my astounded expression, her mischievous streak plucked by seeing my lewd reflex to the rainfall. Eyes affixed to the pussy that, more and more, I was convinced could eat me whole, adrenaline seeped into my bloodstream, slowing time. I had to move or I was about to feel like the couch. Attempting to get out of the way, to dodge the planet coming down to crush me flat, I stepped backwards, back into the front room. A hand stopped me, palm bumping my head, fingers pushing against my shoulder blades, guiding me back into the path of the monster plunging down for me. “Wait, wait, wait!” I screamed out, putting my hands up, pitifully, as if I’d be able to stop a castle falling on me. 

Satin, silky, wet, warmth slammed down, swallowing my face, slobbering over me. My hands sunk into the flesh of her butt and thighs uselessly. In less than a second my whole head was gone. Relative to her, my head was probably smaller than a golf ball, a golf ball that was nothing more than an appetiser to her. Her descent hadn’t finished though, slick lips continued their relentless consumption without pause, wrapping around the broadness (or lack of broadness) of my shoulders. I felt my stomach tighten. My head hadn’t been a challenge and I knew all too well that they were far too skinny to pose any barrier to slow down her maw. And they didn’t. All she had to do was squat down and the golf ball, my shoulders, my chest, all disappeared into her, wolfed down, or rather, devoured up considering the direction I was moving in. Her weight and gravity alone was enough to even yank my arms down. I’d been pushing on her rump, feeling the taunt, muscles solidify into a curved wall of steel with her movement. But that sensation was short-lived. Vice-like lips inhaled my arms, forcing my hands off of her. Twig appendages were pushed down by the grip of her sex, wrenching my fingers away from her butt and gradually pinning my toothpicks down to my chest as more and more of me was drawn into the intense heat of her cavern. Choking on juices, smothered by softness, I took in gasps of air, the light below my chin giving my glimpses of the world I used to inhabit. Panic filled my chest, words gurgling into her folds as the light dimmed, my dive kept going, forcing more of me in, deeper. Almost my entire upper body had been stuffed into her. More scary than anything else, I knew her gluttony meant she wasn’t nearly done yet.

Due to my midget height, I was so short that even completely bent at the knees, her crotch had to stop at the bottom of my ribs, puffy, engorged sex forbidden from feasting on the rest of me. For now. Trapped down passed my elbows, only my hands flailed wildly as I squirmed for freedom. Trying to lower myself, I bent my own legs… Or tried to. Octopus suction refused to let me go, her organ too strong for me to free myself. Although, I didn’t get to try for long. Hands encircled my narrow hips, taking me up, off of the ground, pulling me in as inner muscle greedily sucked at me. Her massive thighs pressed against kicking legs, gravity reversing.  By now I was so deep into her that the light had disappeared. Nose squashed flat, compressed on every side by her, my gasps of air were more liquid than oxygen. Wriggling, thrashing inside of her, legs kicking, slapping against titanium, I realised that no matter what, I couldn’t escape. It made me question: How much deeper could I possibly go? Was this it for me? A sexual accident? Eaten by a vagina?

A wet slurp seemed to answer my question. Deeper still at the very least. Struggling for any air, fatigue building quickly in my waifish muscle, I did my best to move. Then something in my head snapped. Fuck it. Why was I trying to stop this? Why should I even be allowed to escape? I had so much to make up for. If this was what she wanted, this is what I should give her. Steeling my resolve, I fought. I fought to stimulate her. Even if I was about to succumb, disappearing into her, out of existence, she was my goal. Even if this was the last flicker of life for me, I’d milk every drop of pleasure before I went. Resigned to my fate, making her cum would be my last crowning achievement. With a surge, hands free, I was dragged in, right up to my hips, licking and writhing and doing anything I could. Until something bumped me from above. Her pussy wasn’t as terrifyingly bottomless as her appetite. Surprise and relief filled me. I’d reached the end. The metaphorical finish line. Just like that, hope rushed back into me, beating away the hysterical madness that had weeded into my brain, snuffing out the ridiculous thoughts I’d had. I wasn’t going to be completely eaten up by her and she wouldn’t leave me here to die. She fucking could - but she wouldn’t. This life or death fight for me was another fun little game to her.

As if on cue, iron wrapped around my legs, pinning them together, salvation in the form of her massive hand. The world squelched around me as I was extracted. Coffin of flesh squeezing me, begging me to stay, I was yanked free, inch by inch, cool air kissing my drenched skin. Light built again until finally it was blinding, and I was gasping for air, dangling. “God, puppy! Down boy!” Warm air gusted over me right before something huge and soft wrapped around my face, sliding up over my torso. “I didn’t think you’d go for broke so quick.” Came a breathless statement. Blurry vision cleared, Ae Ri’s rosy face grinning back at me. “Although we are for sure experimenting with that later.” 

“Wh -” My breath hitched, hacking and wheezing as her nectar sloshed around inside of me. 

“Ohhh, I’m sorry, puppy. You were just too delicious looking down there for me to not have a snack.” Nibbling on her tongue with her canines, she gave me a canary eating grin. “Shouldn’t have lingered there like you did.” She pointed out. It would have made my cheeks glow with embarrassment if I wasn’t still trying to breathe right. Her thumb smeared the goop and matted hair from my face. Air whistled past as she began to move, drying the layer of secretions that coated me. “Alright, change of plans. You shower, I’ll order food. We can measure me later.” She laid out new orders as she headed to the bathroom to drop me off.

About five minutes later I managed to join her in the bedroom, dripping with water, a large towel shrouding me. She was sat cross legged on the mattress which had been moved to the floor, the frame of the bed leaning upright on the wall. In front of her face she held a tiny square between two fingers, talking into it. Frustration marred her face. “I don’t care, I want the food now. Call as many caterers as you need to. And have the techs send me a new bracelet as soon as possible, understood?”

A nervous, feminine voice responded. “Yes, ma’am. I-I’ll get it done.”

“Good.” Ae Ri said with the finality of a guillotine. Instead of ending the call she simply closed her fist, balling it up into a cannon ball and crunching the technology inside. Letting out a deep sigh, she took a moment. Dusting her hands off, she spoke. “Looks like I’ll be using tablets from now on. It took me a fucking age to get through my lock screen.” The impending hanger building was almost palpable. Now I was regretting lingering in the 'doorway,' delaying her getting to food.

“I could have unlocked it for you.” 

“I know that.” She spat, almost making me flinch. “I don’t want to be dependent on you to open my phone.” A vein throbbed in her neck, shoulders rounding as she tried to contain her dissatisfaction. Her eyes flickered to the bedframe on the wall then, a malicious smirk twitching to life on her lips. Rising up, she took a step towards it, a way to vent her anger becoming apparent. Running her palms along the long outside beam of wood along the edge of it, she gripped tight. Twisting, pulling it up, those meaty hands went in two different directions. Wood creaked as her arms and back bulged. It only took a heartbeat to snap, splintering in the middle, torn apart like a phone book. Another sigh eased out as anger deflated out of her. “Paul, go get me some food. Whatever you can find. I’m fucking starving.” The command was measured, calmer than earlier but still not completely relaxed. “And find the tablet. I need to get more mattresses.” She said, waving at the floor. Clearly it wouldn’t be large enough for her to sleep on.

Once Ae Ri got a steady stream of food into her, the mood in the bedroom improved slightly. I wasn’t fast enough to make the trip back and forth to the kitchen to keep up with her voracious eating speed though. It’s only when stacks of foil containers were delivered over and over again that her mood significantly improved. For the next couple of hours I was a courier, heaving an endless river of food to the giant, carting out the spent, empty containers and buzzing around, a worker bee serving the queen. Despite the arduous workout, it was worth it seeing how satisfied she was by the end of the night. When her appetite had been put to rest, I was able to sit back and really appreciate that in one evening our regular life had changed again. Greatly. Watching Ae Ri stride up the measuring stick, leaping into sizes that were truly fantastical, was astounding. Measuring her afterwards was a monumental task. We found out that she was now 11’4. Almost three whole feet in one go - the fact that it was only ‘almost’ annoyed her massively, which was kind of funny. And that was despite the fact that she was now too tall to fully stand up straight in her own home. Even with the whole place being built to accommodate someone big, that was only big on a human scale. Ae Ri had transcended that scale completely. Needless to say, she fucking adored it. More ‘remodelling’ took place that night, the titanic woman was giddily destructive, testing anything she thought would be fun to break. She’d destroyed chairs - purposefully dropping her weight on them and giggling at how they would each break in a different ways - bent frying pans, taken out more walls. Even the bed frame was ‘disassembled’ further. Nothing even stood a chance against her body. I don’t think she even broke a sweat that night. I knew she had enough money to replace basically anything, but eventually I had to ask her why she was being this callous with her belongings. “Because it’s fun.” She scoffed. “Plus, I’ve outgrown this apartment. Literally and figuratively. I’ve already started the ball rolling for our move.” 

That statement might have triggered me before. The idea that I could be being left behind with this older apartment and everything else that was now too small. Thankfully, I’d gotten over that idea. Instead that word, ‘our’ made me smile. However, there was something else that had been bothering me since Ae Ri had dipped her toes into the size pool. I’d had an odd feeling clinging to me since the very beginning. A tight ball of nerves as soon as she mentioned she’d be growing again… Without me. I was jealous. I was supposed to be the one giving her everything. I’d dedicated myself to her completely and yet she’d avoided taking any more from me. And she’d done it for me. Instead, I’d pushed her into Felicia’s bullshit plans, which, even if they were the original plans, just made me feel dirty. I wanted to be the one to fulfil her needs. 

Hugged tight by tendrils, unwinding after a long day of servitude, I was cocooned in her as we prepared to sleep. She was sprawled out across three huge mattresses, delivered some time in the early morning, haphazardly laid out in her bedroom as a makeshift bed, a temporary solution to her sleeping arrangements. “I think I’ve - um - decided something.” I said tentatively, trying and failing to exude some confidence.

“Mhhhmm?” She rumbled dreamily, interested in my boldness.

“I want to give you my size… All of it.” 

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