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I remember seeing the advert on YouTube. One of the few I didn't skip after five seconds. It was all because of one line: "Donate height today!" Emblazoned across my screen, colours bright enough to burn my retina, it pulled me in. Calming, classical music blasted through my headphones, the image of a huge guy shrinking slightly, while a tiny guy, conversely, sprouted up just a bit.

It might sound insane to some, but to me this was a dream come true. I'd heard about research going on by the idea that it was now public had me trembling. A method to cut down my lanky 6'5 height and finally fit comfortably into a world designed for average sizes. To not smack my head on the train whenever it hit a bump. To not be crammed into a seat on a plane. To fit in a normal car without crushing the person behind me.

I started researching the company and the procedure immediately. I clicked through to their website and went down the rabbit hole. It was perfect. I could trim my size proportionally, keep my stamina and health and, help someone get taller, faster and stronger. The buzz of altruism while solving my own problem. Perfect... Until I skimmed the terms and conditions.

You see, donating height is even more complicated than it sounds. The technology is still in an initial trial phase and, currently, it was a bit tricky. Most importantly, you can only donate to one person. One person that genetically complimented you. One person you had to be bonded to over a process that took months. Months on top of a search that could take years. I resigned myself to a long wait but signed up. After all, at least I'd have a place in the queue.

Only two weeks later I got a call from a number I didn't recognise. I was surprised to hear back from the clinic. My heart soared. They'd found a possible match! It felt too good to be true. A match so quickly seemed unheard of. Even the receptionist on the phone sounded shocked going over the files. I saw it as a sign. This was meant to be. This was going to happen!

So, on the weekend I was in their offices, talking to a doctor. We talked over some of the details but the main reason I was here was to meet my height recipient... Although she was late to the appointment.

The doctor, Dr. Wilson, and I kept chatting, going over some of the finer details of the procedure. He was sat behind his desk, a shirt and tie with his ID draped over the front. He seemed like a decent guy, cracking terrible jokes and talking about how it all worked. A lot of this was going clear over my head (which I voiced to Dr. Wilson. He made a joke about how that was difficult since I was 6'5). About 15 minutes into the appointment there was a knock on the door that made us jump. Wilson didn't even get to respond to the knock when the door burst open and a waifish figure spilled in.

The woman that had barrelled in was about 5 foot tall, slender and very red in the face. "I'm so sorry I'm late!" She blurted, out of breath. Immediately, this woman came off as ditzy and uncoordinated, knocking into the chair as she closed the door behind her. That information was filed away rapidly, something else taking the forefront of my mind. Holy shit, this woman was stunning. She looked like she'd just walked out of a K-pop music video. She just looked... Flawless. Her perfect features were adorned with just the right amount of make up to make everything pop and was framed by shoulder length hair that could have been made a starless night sky. Her charcoal skirt ended at the mid thigh, contrasting with her pale, long legs. Considering her stature they seemed positively endlessly. A baggy, long sleeved burgandy jumper was draped over her top half. It pulled and snagged just right when she moved, making her trim waist evident. Flustered, she looked down to me and broke into a smile so dazzling I felt like I'd fallen into heaven. My inspection of her ended and I became lost, no longer in the office but isolated in a slither of time and space with this absolute angel.

"Hi, I'm Ae Ri." She said, pronouncing the name like it rolled off of her tongue. Thrusting out a dainty hand she left me frozen stiff for a second. My brain lagged, flipping the switch on my social behaviours after a moment. I went to stand, eager to be polite, and saw her eyes peel wide open as her head tilted back.

I awkwardly chuckled and shook her tiny hand, looking way, way down at her. "I'm Paul. It's nice to meet you." It was also nice not being on the back foot for a fraction of this interaction. It was, however, short lived. Standing had illuminated something that was difficult to avoid.

Looking down the plunging neckline of her top was a new test of my mental fortitude. Only now, standing, did I recognise that this girl was busty. The jumper was baggy around her waist because the top half was so fucking tight! Jesus, on her small frame those things must have been an F cup at least. It took every ounce of willpower to keep my eyes affixed to hers.

"It's... Nice to meet you too." She giggled. "I see why you're donating height." I tried not to blush, her full attention making my face heat up. In response I just nodded.

"I take it you had some travel issues?" Laughed Dr. Wilson, mercifully cutting in. Our hands parted and Ae Ri turned to Wilson.

"Yeah, I tried to multi-task too many things and ended up missing my train. And spilling my latte. And breaking my phone screen." She huffed, pouting, digging into her tiny handbag to pull out a phone. It was in a case that looked like a chibi rabbit,the screen had a hair line fracture that spread out, webbing across the top half into a lattice.

For some reason this rant made her look fucking adorable. No, I had to reign this in. I couldn't be this smitten by the woman I had to match with. I couldn't do something and ruin this. I'd matched impossibly fast with someone and refused to mess it up and wait years to donate my height, I needed to make this work.

"Well, hopefully in future you can pad your travel time a little more." Wilson teased.

"I can give you a lift for future appointments."

Wait. Who said that? Fuck, was that me? I looked down and saw her face. Fuck! It was me! I didn't even think of saying that! Now I was definetly blushing and Ae Ri looked shocked, her pout dissolving into an expression that wouldn't have been out of place as an emoji. "Oh my God!" She said, voice rising an octone. "That would be amazing! Are you sure?" She asked, placing a hand on my forearm. I'm surprised she didn't melt through me like a knife through butter. "I live kinda far."

"N-no, it's okay. We both have to be here anyway, right?" I tried to cover my tracks. "And I really want this to go smoothly. I've... Kind of had enough of being... Y' know." I waved my hand up near my head. There was a split second of her processing that information before empathy practically bled out of Ae Ri's expression. It was like her heart hurt or something, eyes twinkling like a puppy's.

I looked to Dr. Wilson behind his desk and he had a different expression on his face. He looked... Suspicious. Eyes slightly narrowed, lips tight, looking at the tiny woman. But then, just like that it was gone and he was smiling again. "Well, you two already seem to be hitting it off," his smile seemed more restrained. "That's a good sign."

Leaning back in his chair he gestured to the seats behind us and we both took that as a sign to sit. The rest of the appointment I struggled not to steal glances at Ae Ri, barley registering Dr. Wilson's information. I had to pretend to laugh at his jokes whenever her melodic giggle rang out. God, I couldn't stop looking at her, distracted by her crossed legs and the toe of her boot bobbing up and down as she listened.

Time flew by and soon Dr. Wilson was wrapping things up. "So, you two should probably get to know each other a little better. Are you fine to organise something yourselves?"

"Ugh, I suck at organising things." Ae Ri said. "How about we go grab coffee now and chat?"

"Sure." I smiled, nodding, trying not to shake my head viciously up and down with the energy of a labrador about to go on a walk. She gathered her things and then, together, we walked out of the offices and down the street to a café.

We must have looked like an odd pair. A 6'5 guy and a 4'11 (yep, she didn't even break 5 foot) model of a woman. I ordered an espresso shot and a slice of cake and she ordered a tall latte. I found the coffee orders ironic, a flipped mirror image of our statures. We took our orders and went to sit in some very low, very cushioned seats.

My fear that the conversation would stagnate due to my nervousness was wiped away swiftly on our walk, and that continued in the café. Ae Ri was too charming. A tad air headed and incredibly bubbly, she drove the conversation. Even when I stuttered and stumbled over my words she was either giggling or dispelling my nerves away another way. By the time we sat down, it felt like I'd known her for years.

We talked more and soon I knew a lot more about her. She was an only child who had grown up here despite her family mainly being based in South Korea. I knew she liked baking and climbing, electronic music, raving and romcoms. Everything she said was mundane and normal but I hung on every word. Before I realised it the cake and coffee was gone and we were still going back and forth.

"So... Why do you wanna be shorter?" The question appeared quite randomly, forming as if from no where in the conversation. Like she'd been sitting on it for a while, bursting to ask. She was sat on the edge of her seat now, cutely looking up at me. I looked around the café, her eye contact making me squirm internally.

"Well, like I said before, it just feels like I'm... Too tall, you know. I'm just too big for stuff."

"It's not just that though is it?" She asked, probing, an odd twinkle in her eye. Suddenly I felt uncomfortable. "Come on, tell me." She continued, insistent.

"Um... Well, I kinda... It's not easy to talk about." I mumbled.

"Aw, don't worry. You can tell me." She smiled again and I felt my defences falling apart. It was weird. Like she'd known I was keeping something held back, digging to reach my hidden vulnerability. "I'm going to be helping you right? Help you shrink down a little and... You can tell me." She said, voice soothing the tension that had built in my shoulders.

She was right. "I was - Um... I was bullied about my height. A lot. A-as a kid. I... Kind of hate it."

A noise came out of her. Did she just stifle a laugh? When I looked at her, she looked heart broken. Her eyebrows were arched together, pulm coloured lips drawn down, eyes shining, looking like she was actively watching my memories playing out. Had I imagined the noise? Or did she just choke on her empathetic response. She reached out with both hands and grabbed one of mine. The thought was erased instantly. "I'm so sorry to hear that, Paul!" She scooched closer, grip tightening. "I totally understand. I got bullied a lot too. Being Asian and short kinda made me a target. Well, until these girls came in." She pushed her arms together, making cleavage swell out the gaping maw of her top. It drew my eye. I immediately snapped my eyes away, up, back to her face. She just laughed, sensing my embarrassment. "It's okay. I drew your attention to them, it's my fault. But yeah, I get it, don't worry. You can be totally open with me." She said, squeezing again... My hand not her boobs.

I melted into putty in those hands. Literally. She was almost kneading my flesh in hers and gradually she disarmed every one of the walls I put up. She felt safe. Gentle. Warm.

I can't even remember the last half of our conversation. She wrung details out of me, about my past bullying. About lots of things. The deep, cushioned seat became the long chair in a therapist's office and I spewed out feelings I hadn't shared with anyone else. Then, after what turned out to be an hour and a half of talking, she gave me her phone number. Since her screen was busted she took my phone and typed her name and number in - even adding in a love heart to the name.

I didn't want to admit it, but I was far more smitten than I realised. Praying our budding relationship was, in fact, going down the romantic path I hoped it was, I pocketed my phone. We parted ways and by the early evening I had a message from her pop up in my phone.

And that's how I met the woman who shrunk me down to 5 inches tall...

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