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Jimmy sat in his cage, with nothing to do but watch the videos presented to him. At first they were hard to make heads or tails of. It seemed like a bunch of random footage with a narrator repeating unknown words over them. But before long, Jimmy started to pick up on things a bit, and even started to enjoy himself. Anything to take his mind off things was much appreciated.

Pulunju had left the little man be, and was off preparing food for the three of them. They had been traveling for about half a day, and still had plenty of area left to traverse.

"Bespelkibusu kika etimis~!" (Dinner's ready!)

Pulunju's cheerful voice wafted across the room.

"Tob, aku pegalatum takpegilik." (Alright, I'll park the vehicle.)

Indaju landed the spacecraft on a nearby uninhabited planet. She got up, stretched, and walked over to the table where Jimmy's cage lay, wooden sandals clopping on the floor. She grabbed two fold out chairs from under the table, and placed one on each side of the table. She paused the instructional videos and moved the tablet from the table. Jimmy's lessons would have to continue tomorrow.

Pulunju carried a large try over from the cooking station to the table, whistling an unfamiliar tune. On it there was two bowls of rice-looking stuff, and two plates with some kind of steak. Pulunju moved Jimmy's cage over to the edge of the table and placed the tray in the center, distributing the food between her and Indaju.

"Ux, aku lapaluuuuunja etimis!" (Ugh, I'm soooo hungry!)

Pulunju said while rubbing her growling stomach.

"Lak, aku jug." (Yeah, me too.)

The two sat down on opposite sides of the table. Indaju reached out for Jimmy's cage and opened the door.

"Datimit, takbesalamu." (Come on out, little guy.)

Jimmy stepped out of his prison slowly, feeling the cold steel table beneath his bare feet. A change of scenery was much appreciated, but it's hard not to be scared when the ceiling and walls are miles away from you. Indaju cut a very small piece out of her "steak," and placed it at the feet of little Jimmy.

"J'aku kajximis kustum fejkili: si isu isum sukilis." (Let's see what he thinks of it.)

Jimmy looked at the chunk of meat before him, then turned his gaze to Indaju. She looked down at him with a soft, inviting, motherly smile. It made Jimmy feel somewhat at ease. That is, until he looked over at Pulunju and her goofy grin.

Jimmy picked up the meat with both hands and took a bite. It was good. Really good. It tasted like a mix of beef and pork, but at the same time it didn't really taste like either.

Jimmy's eyes lit up upon tasting it, which was noticed by the two ladies.

"Isu isum sukilis! Isu isum sukilis!" (He likes it! He likes it!)

Pulunju said, almost jumping out of her seat in excitement. She scooped up some of the rice and dumped a pile in front of Jimmy, which was half as tall as him.

"Xaxa, Pulunju, kamu kustum bitanilis: isu tak kapasimis kestum makanilis tute!" (Haha, Pulunju, you know he can't eat all that!)

The two titans laughed and continued onto their meal. Jimmy meanwhile slowly ate his meat and mountain of rice, which were both very good. However, due to his small size, it didn't take a lot for him to get full. Once he'd gotten his fill, he sat Indian style on the table, watching the two giants eat and chat. He could make out the odd word here and there: planet, I, you, spaceship, food; but comprehending full phrases was a bit above his level.

Jimmy was fascinated watching the two eat. Pulunju ate more ferociously, while Indaju was more calm and gentile. Jimmy watched the two ladies cut pieces out of their steaks, pieces that were almost as large as him, and throw them in their mouths, chewing and swallowing them within seconds. It made him painfully aware of his vulnerability. If they wanted, either of these monsters could toss him in their mouths and get rid of him in mere seconds, and there was absolutely nothing he could do to stop them.

Jimmy decided to think about other things.

Pulunju finished her meal, stretched, and let out a loud, unladylike belch. This elicited a laugh from her friend. Pulunju sighed and rubbed her belly.

"Sut, kestum xasa etimim." (Damn, that was good.)

"Lak, isu etimim. Dank." (Yeah, it was. Thanks.)

The two ladies sat in silence for a moment, enjoying the feeling of a full belly after a long day. After this brief meditation, Pulunju snapped her eyes open and looked at little Jimmy. 

"Dan kilu, palatu denja." (And now, the final course.)

Pulunju's eyes, which normally had a warm, youthful character, were now cold as ice. She looked at Jimmy the way one looks an imminently dead cockroach. She reached out her hand, pinching the little man between her index finger and thumb. She held him in front of her face, licking her lips slowly and seductively.

Pulunju cocked her head back and lifted her hand over her head, opening her mouth wide. She began flapping her tongue and chomping her white, straight teeth together as she lowered Jimmy towards her gaping maw.

In that moment, Jimmy learned the true meaning of fear. His life flashed before his eyes, and he was unable to move, yell or do anything. He was at the same moment terrified and oddly at peace. As he got closer, he could smell the ghost of the meal on her breath. 

Suddenly, Indaju smacked Pulunju on the arm, causing her to lower Jimmy back to the table.

"Aletimit!" (Stop that!)

"Xaxa, pulacidimit Indaju, aku xajne kandanimis!" (Haha, calm down Indaju, I'm just joking!)

"Isu tak uletili kestum." (He doesn't understand that.)

Indaju picked Jimmy up and placed him in her open palm. She held him up to her chest, away from Pulunju. She lightly rubbed his hair with her index finger to try to calm him down. It worked a bit, but Jimmy was still shook, to put it extremely lightly. She got up from the table, still holding Jimmy, and started to clean the place up with her other hand. Meanwhile, Pulunju started getting ready for bed. She left to change into her pajamas, leaving the other two alone. Indaju smiled at Jimmy.

"Maf. En i'foju, temanu aki tak uletilis sukum isu lakilis." (Sorry. Sometimes my friend doesn't understand what she's doing.)

Jimmy couldn't understand her words, but he could at least tell that Indaju was being kind to him, and was much less scary than the other one.

"Dank." (Thanks.)

Jimmy responded in a weak voice.

Indaju's blue eyes lit up, surprised that Jimmy had began speaking. She placed him back on the table and went into the changing room with Pulunju. The two came out wearing pajamas and slippers.

Pulunju had a sad look on her face, presumably from a scolding by Indaju. The two didn't speak to one another as they pulled out their cots from the wall.

Indaju walked back over to the table where Jimmy stood and picked him up. She walked back over to her bed and removed her feet from her slippers. She bent down, and placed little Jimmy inside one. It was very soft, and would make an excellent bed for him for the time being. The combination of exhaustion and comfort made Jimmy fall asleep within moments. Soon after Indaju shut off the lights, and the two titans also drifted off to sleep. 

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