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Author's Chapter Notes:
A new one-shot story, hope you enjoy!

Elaina had been making the rounds around the house for the typical clean-up routine, and it was time for her son’s room.

The woman stood a decently sized 6-foot tall, she had long flowing hair, an attractive figure, and was dressed in a casual tank-top, shorts, and sandals. Twisting the short broom in her hand, she opened the door, sighing to herself at the mess her son, Eric, had left.

Clothes were thrown all over the floor, which made it hard to walk without tripping on anything, and she noticed that all the shelves were very dusty. She thought to herself about needing to give him a stern talking to.

She made her way over to his desk where she spotted displayed prominently was a simple antfarm. She had thought it was weird that of everything he could possibly have to take care of, her son wanted that, but mostly just brushed it off as his own decision.

Elania never cared too much about bugs in general, so wondered what fascination Eric could have in them. She peered into the antfarm to see what she counted were at least 20 ants that seemed to be doing their own thing, both above ground and in the tunnels. Some were eating, some were carrying rocks, but she couldn’t tell which was doing what exactly.

She pounded the side of the glass cage with her finger, spooking the ants and causing them to almost immediately scurry away into the dirt mounds, disappearing from sight. She chuckled to herself at this, reminding her of how much power she wielded in comparison to insects like them, especially ones in a controlled captivity.

Elaina began to start dusting up Eric’s desk, which inadvertently caused a cloud of dust to blow into her face. She tried to hold back a sneeze, however right as she does, she trips on a pair of trousers on the floor, one of her sandals slipping off as she falls directly toward the antfarm.

Then, darkness.

Elaina woke up an unknown amount of time later in a complete daze. Her head was aching, which she quickly remembered was due to slipping on Eric’s clothes after sneezing, believing she had fallen on her head. She definitely knew now she was going to give him shit after this incident.

But instead of the soft carpet of his bedroom, all she felt lying down was a coarse, rough surface. She was confused as she began to open her eyes, looking down at her body to find that she was missing one of her sandals, with her right foot sticking out.

As her vision began to return to her, she was further taken aback as she found herself in an unknown environment. Nothing but sand and dirt for miles, with only one giant tree noticeable in the distance. She called out for help, as her voice echoed into the void. Was she dreaming? Was she drugged and dropped off in a desert somehow?

The mother had no idea what had happened to her, but her only instinct was to just keep walking and figure it out. She strutted her way forward, even despite the roughness of the sand scraping her bare foot, heading toward some kind of mirage she could sense.

She had no sense of time currently, having no idea if she had been walking for a couple of minutes or even half an hour. Her mind was adrift trying to deduce what went wrong. She ruled out it was a desert because it was nowhere near as hot as it should be, but also the pain of the rocks was real, so it couldn’t be dreaming either.

She’d run out of guesses when suddenly---*bonk*

Elaina recoiled back onto the ground as she seemed to run face first into an invisible wall. For some reason, the “desert surface” just stopped, yet still continued on horizontally to her left and right side. Now this really didn’t make any sense.

She began to knock on the invisible wall, in a tapping motion that triggered a recent memory of hers. It was this shock that almost single-handedly returned her full sense of sight as beyond the wall she realized was a large, vast landscape. And a familiar one at that.

Seeing the messy bed, opened closet, clothes draped all over the place, Elaina realized she was faced with the expansive sight of her son’s bedroom. A revelation that caused her heart to drop as she looked back at her “desert”, and was able to put two-and-two together…

She was in the antfarm!

The woman nearly had a panic attack as she was unable to comprehend this situation she now found herself in. She had shrunken down to a pathetically small size and was now trapped in her son’s own antfarm. How and why she shrunk she had absolutely no idea, but right now her main worry as she anxiously paced back and forth was how she was going to get out of there.

At this exact moment, she saw the main door swing right open, and walking into the bedroom was none other than Eric himself. Elaine couldn’t believe her eyes. As he stomped closer and closer toward his desk, she fell backward on her butt in awe at the ginormous size of her son.

The 18-year-old boy had short black hair, thick glasses on his face, and was wearing a striped t-shirt. Every one of his features were now intensely emphasized for the tiny little mother, especially upon seeing how massively fat his hands and fingers now appeared. Elaine could only wimper at the pathetic state she felt now realizing how easy her titan of a son could snuff her out like nothing. And that was why she desperately needed to get his help now.

Eric had held off cleaning his room for a while, simply just because he was lazy, but he also knew his mom was planning on doing cleaning, so thought he should at least do something before she appeared so he didn’t get yelled at.

All the while he took to himself, within the antfarm the tiny Elaine was doing everything she possibly could to get her son to notice her. She tried banging on the side of the glass, she screamed as loud as she possibly could, jumped up and down while doing so. But nothing. At just barely half an inch in size, and within a cage to boot, there was no way for him to be able to hear her.

After mostly just tossing everything onto his bed, Eric sat at his desk, where he turned his attention to his antfarm. He couldn’t explain it, but he always had such a fascination and interest in bugs, so even though his mom didn’t understand, getting this antfarm was just a way to satisfy his curiosities. Taking any ants he would find in his yard, putting them in his cage, and seeing what they can accomplish in this new environment.

Seeing the monstrous face staring down at her, Elaine thought this was her chance, and resumed her elaborate dance to get him to see her. She was running on all fours. She tumbled around doing front flips. She was more athletic than she’s been in so long, while simultaneously being more embarrassing than anything she’s ever done.

Begging to her newfound God of a son to be noticed, to her delight, he did appear to recognize her presence, squeezing his eyes down toward the little lint of a creature bouncing about. However, right as he’s about to get out of his seat to go get something, he turned to the cage, chuckling and saying out loud…

“What are you doing all on your own little buggy?”

Elaine’s heart sank. He did see her, but only as just another mere ant. Even with his glasses, he would probably have to look through a magnifying glass in order to have a chance at recognizing that what he was just looking at was his own mother.

She solemnly walked backward in defeat toward the big plastic tree that stood as the centerpiece for the farm. What was she to do now? Keep trying and maybe she gets lucky? How long was she supposed to live under his trembling gaze?

Then, the “owner of the farm” returned, and was about to bare new gifts upon the land. In his hand was a powder shaker containing food for the ants, which he proceeded to nonchalantly dump into the antfarm, shaking it up all over the top.

This however turned out to be a nightmare for Elaine. Rain the size of boulders were entering her domain and all she could do was run. It was a never ending barrage as these rocks kept crashing down upon her, sending her flying backwards and forwards as they just barely managed to avoid landing on her.

The rocks may not have been big enough to outright crush her, but they were rained down at such a great speed they would definitely seriously injure her. And at this size she didn’t want to risk to find out what would happen if she did get hurt now. She truly could not believe this was her fate. One simple action from her son was now dangerous enough to kill her.

The onslaught from the sky finally ceased as Elaine was able to catch her breath again, lying backwards on one of the deadly boulders that nearly did her in. She sniffed the strange alluring aroma that emitted from the boulder and very nearly took a bite before pulling back and stopping herself. She was not going to relegate herself to that level of indecency, and allow herself to become just another ant.

Speaking of, a rumbling began to occur from below, quickly revealing itself to be none other than one of the ants. Elaine was absolutely speechless, what was once an insignificant creature that she would only barely notice wandering in her garden, or she would wipe out when they dared to infest her kitchen, now stood at just about the same size as her own body.

As the ant fervoursly chipped away at one of the boulders, she had her jaw dropped witnessing the immense detail of the bug she had never seen before. Its shiny yellow body with tiny visible hairs blowing in the wind. Its chirps that could be clearly heard as it crunched away at its food source. The individual detail of the appendages on its front and back legs. And its antennae moving all about trying to get a sense of the environment.

Elaine was starting to panic at what to do. The ant seemed to not recognize her presence yet, and she was too afraid to wonder what it would do to her if it did. So, she began to slowly back away and let it eat to itself, thinking about hiding in that nearby tree. However, she quickly remembered what prison she was in currently, and the increase in frequent quakes below her caused the reality to hit her like a ton of bricks.

In front of her another ant emerged. To her left another. To her right another. Behind her another. And more proceeded to emerge from every other direction. There was now at least 10 ants having revealed themselves on the surface, attracted toward the food their “master” had just tossed in for them, and Elaine knew more would be on the way.

Now she was surrounded in every direction. There was nowhere for her to run or hide as the ant hoard began to make work of their snacks. Sure enough, one of the ants did find itself more interested in the new addition to the farm then the food and began to approach it. Elaine had no idea what to do, doing her best not to fully hyperventilate as her legs were increasingly shaking as she took one step backward upon every couple steps the beast made toward her.

Desperate for any action, she grabbed her remaining sandal, throwing it at the ant while yelling at it to go away. The sandal pathetically bounced off the ant’s rock hard skin, promptly being stepped on by its legs, as if nothing happened. She anxiously looked around her own body and her surroundings if there was anything that she could do to get the bug away.

Not paying as much attention as she should’ve, Elaine tripped backwards and fell directly into a large hole in the ground. She screamed in fear as she tumbled down the rocky surface, sliding on her back before gravity forces her body into an uncomfortable rolling position, further and further downward until she reached a flat surface with a crash.

Her head was now killing her from how much it had just gotten knocked around, as well as lamenting how dirty her remaining clothes had gotten. She was glad to have evaded the ant, but now wondered where she was now, staring up at the long tunnel upwards which shined a lone source of light into her new found environment.

She limped her way over to the far edge, noticing the glass and the rest of Eric’s bedroom, figuring she had landed in one of the “pockets” within the antfarm that were visible for the owner. She could only let out a wimper as she saw Eric sit back down at his desk and play on his computer, blissfully unaware of his own mother trapped under his gaze. All she could do was lay her back up against the glass in this “temporary safe haven”, trying not to fall into complete despair.

That brief reprieve turned out to truly be temporary as without warning, an ant emerged from beneath the dirt, causing Elaine to scream out in fear. She began to wildly kick her feet around to keep the bug away, but one simple step from its legs pushed them down to a halt, displaying the creature’s true strength, and causing the trembling in the woman’s heart to rapidly increase.

The panic exploded even more as the ant began to pull Elaine backward, closer to its body. She yelped out in nervous surprise, but before she could worry about that, the issue became even worse as three more ants appeared like zombies from the ground, scurrying toward the tiny woman. She was now truly surrounded and completely at their mercy. She wondered in the back of her head if they recognized her as the giant woman that had just scared them all earlier with her tapping on the glass, but seeing their large beading eyes filled with thousands of smaller eyes, she couldn’t get a sense of their lines of thought.

Then, as the one ant still held her legs down tightly, another grabbed ahold of her right arm, while the third tightened their grip on her left. Now she was truly starting to panic. These bugs had her completely pinned down, unable to escape their grasp. She feared the absolute worst, that she was about to become dinner for these beasts, devouring her body with their pincers, leaving her as just another stain on the ground, one her son would never find.

Instead, she was taken off guard as the fourth free ant approached her, pincers descending closer and closer to the body, but instead of taking a bite of her skin, instead it bit into her tank-top, ripping it open, exposing her belly. Elaine had a dumbfounded look as the ant proceeded to send its antennae downward, rubbing it up and down as it examined the body.

These actions forced the woman into an hysterical sense of laughter, as she now had to contend with the ticklishness she endured, and the absurdity of how it was being committed. Each movement of the antennae sent herself further into a spasm, which in turn caused the other ants holding onto her to re-adjust their hold on the woman, while their own antennas began to explore their new catch.

Her body was filled with an intense chill as she felt the prickly twitching objects starting to tug on her long hair, be inserted into her ears, and rubbed across her face. Her tank top, followed by her shorts, were continuing to be ripped apart, exposing her bare skin, which was followed by more antennae pressing her stomach, and caressing her cleavage. Yet even still, more antennae wrapped itself around her legs, rubbing them up and down as if it was in a sensual motion. This was the last straw as Elaine, even while still being held down let out a scream in frustration as the ants continued their domination on the miniature mother.

Meanwhile, Eric had finally turned his head to look at his antfarm again, seeing the ants still doing their usual of snacking on the ant food he had just tossed in there. He examined the tunnels below the dirt to see if he could spot any other interesting activity, when he noticed something he never would’ve expected to see.

While he’s used to seeing amusing anecdotes, typically ants attempting to carry each other around in what he thought were funny ways, this was completely new. He saw what appeared to be four ants having pinned another ant down to the ground, and were now initiating some kind of shake-up.

He couldn’t help but let out a loud laugh at the absurdity of this, he never thought he would see a group of ants go this far to bully one of their own and put them in their place. “What did that poor ant do?” he snorted to himself, never imagining these creatures could be pushed to this level, but was now on the edge of his seat wanting to see what else was to happen.

Elaine absolutely couldn’t believe what was happening to her. With only her bra and panties left remaining, while the scraps of her clothes lie on the side, the four ants continued their harassment over her body. Tears flowed down her eyes as emotions of fear, embarrassment, and rage all flew over her.

She was supposed to be a tall, striking mother. But now she has been relegated to a mere plaything for bugs, all agency literally being stripped away from her. And to make matters worse, she had the booming and disturbing laugh of her son trembling her ears, while his wide-eyed, titanous face stared on blissfully. Almost as if in some way he knew she was in there and was mocking at her.

The abuse was too much. What did she do to deserve this? Why was this happening? There was no answer. This was just now her life as an unknown entity having entered the ant’s abode.

Eventually the ants dropped their grip, and Elaine was thrown back onto the dirt floor. Her bra and panties had both come undone, so now she was left completely and absolutely naked before her tormentors. In some small way, she was glad her son couldn’t recognize her, because she truly didn’t want him to see her in this pathetic of a state. His image of her not as a bug, but as a mother, would be totally tainted.

Even though the ants didn’t actually hurt her, the fact that they had assaulted and undressed her so vigorously spiralled her into further fear and anger. They appeared like they were about to gang up on her again, but wiping the tears from her eyes, Elaine realized she had nothing left to lose.

The tiny naked mother stood herself up, slamming her foot down on the ground, and began to yell all sorts of obscenities toward the ants, decrying them as pathetic creatures that deserved to be stomped and squished. She re-iterated her role as both a human and the mother of the household, not a toy for insects, attempting to sound dignified even despite not knowing if these ants were even capable of understanding human speech. Her being butt naked, boobs jiggling, and messy hair shaking all over the place as she jumped up and down and pounded her feet, didn’t help her on the dignity side, appearing as if she was going through a temper tantrum.

Eric couldn’t tell what was going on, but he seemed to notice that the bullied ant was now starting to stick up for itself and was starting to fight back. This also amused him, he always imagined the thought that this environment would allow for these ants to develop more interesting lives. He definitely wanted to keep an eye on that creature to do further examinations on what it was capable of in the future.

As Elaine calmed down, sweating up a storm, the ants seemed to stop, twitching amongst themselves, with her wondering if she got through to them. They slowly approached and circled her, as she became worried they were only just about to start the process all over again.

Instead something slightly different occurred. One proceeded to grab her by the arms, throwing her tightly onto their back. She tried to resist but one of them had their strength once again keeping her tightly in place, while she turned to see the two other ants beginning to dig a hole in the side of the dirt.

Oh no, she thought to herself. They were about to drag her down further into the depths of the antfarm. The parts that weren’t exposed to the outside world. The place where the FAR majority of the ants resided in. She remembered hearing from Eric that he had estimated there were at least 100 ants in the farm, and considering she had only seen 20 at once…that scared her.

This was it. This was her last chance to try and get Eric’s attention to save her. She didn’t care anymore in this moment of her nude state, anything was better then being dragged away into the depths of the mound never to be seen again. She yelled and screamed and shook at the top of her lungs, begging her son to see her. But of course, it was fruitless. She could see as Eric’s giant body sat up out of his desk and began to walk towards the bedroom door, slowly and slowly getting out of sight.

Her son’s disappearance in tune with the ants preparing to move sent Elaine into full freak out and despair. There was nothing she could do anymore. The ants had shred any remaining decency from her, and now she was about to become one of them. She cried out in despair one final time as the ant carrying her was about to enter the freshly dug hole.

And soon she fell into darkness once more…


Eric returned home one day, nonchalantly sitting down at his desk to go on his computer. It had been several days since he last saw his mom, which he thought was a little weird. He hadn’t heard from her since, though had just assumed she had some trip to take for work and he had just forgotten that she told him. He decided not to worry and wait for her to get in contact with him.

He poured a couple drops of ant food from his shaker into the antfarm and watched as his subjects began to emerge from their depths like usual, either gnawing away at their snacks or taking it down into their colony within the tunnels. One ant especially that had caught his eye had re-appeared, which he kept notice of.

He called it the “runt” of the litter. It was slightly shorter than the rest, it appeared to walk in an unusual way, and was more often than not the butt of all the other ants. It wasn’t as strong as the others so found itself struggling to do menial tasks like carrying boulders around. It constantly found itself being smacked into the abdomen of the others, knocked down to the ground. It also tended to be simply carried around by the others instead.

He had no idea where this creature came from, but he was grateful to see it apart of his farm, it made the experiences of simply just ogling at it so much more enjoyable.

Meanwhile, “the ant” itself was currently attempting to argue with another ant. They were in a tussle for a large piece of food, but she was no match for the other’s strength, being knocked to the ground, slipping and falling into a pile of mud.

Covered in wet dirt all over, “the ant” could only wimper and yell out in frustration as it kicked and screamed over another failure. Ever since being “welcomed” into the colony proper, all she could do was follow in line in any hopes of survival. It was a humiliating, yet humbling experience, though one she still hadn't gotten used to.

The eyes of the God above no longer fazed her. She knew it was now her fate to be just one of a hundred other ants for their master's amusement. Thoughts of her fresh old life continued to replay in her mind as she stared melancholily at her reflection. Even though she had no idea what else to expect going forward, “the ant” dreaded whatever else fate had left to throw at her.

Chapter End Notes:
Thank you for reading! Just like my previous story this is intended to be a one-off, but there's always potential for more in the future.
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