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Author's Chapter Notes:

Actress/director Alycia Debnam-Carey receives an unusual fan letter with a very specific request.

Alycia Debnam-Carey was reading through some fan mail, when she came to a large envelope. She opened it and found a letter and a series of photographs of a man who was standing next to a height chart that was mounted on his wall. As she looked through the photographs, she saw that each of them showed that the man looked shorter than he did on the previous photgraph. He simply appeared to come up to a lower height on the height chart as the photographs progressed. In the last photograph, he was only 1.5 inches tall. His width had naturally been reduced proportionately too, unless they were trick photographs, using a series of different sized charts… in which case the last chart would have been the height of a skyscraper building.

She turned her attention to the letter and read it.


Dear Alycia,

It would not be completely accurate to say that I am your biggest fan. In fact, if you’ve seen the photographs first, I hope I will have convinced you that I am now your smallest fan. I think you are adorable, and I achieved this scientific breakthrough, which I am only sharing with you. I did it for one reason only. I know you are probably busy most of the time with a number of creative acting and directing projects, but I was hoping you could do one special fan request for me. At this stage, I’m small enough to be using my phone as a computer. So I can get emails from you that way, or even a phone call if you’d like to ring me.

Lovely Alycia, I am hoping with all my heart that you will come over to my house and eat me for your dinner. I have made myself small enough for you to swallow me whole, and it shouldn’t cause you any physical discomfort at all. Hopefully, I would even be an enjoyable treat for you to gobble down.

We can always talk about it first if you like. At this size, I’m staying by my phone, and I’ve already put everything I’ll need until you get here down on the carpet where I can get at it, before I reduced myself.

All my love,

Tiny Tony.


Alycia thought about it, reread his letter a few times, looked at the photographs again, and couldn’t see how the evidence of her own eyes could amount to any ruse by a deranged fan to attack her in his own home. As far as she could tell, he really had reduced himself to tiny size. She thought that the nature of his admiration for her was unusual but sweet nonetheless. She dialed the mobile phone number that he had included in his letter, and soon heard him answer.

“It’s Alycia. I’ve read your letter, and seen the photographs.”

“I hope it’s not too out there for you. I’m so glad you called,” said Tony.

“I think I can do what you’ve asked me for. It won’t interfere with my career, except that you won’t be able to see anything I do in the future. I guess you’ve factored that into your wishes.”

“Yes, I’ve been planning and working on this for a long time. So you don’t think it’s too much.”

“No. If that’s what you want, I’ve got time to come over in the next few days. I was just reading fan mail when I got your pictures.”

She was every bit as sweet and amicable and feminine as he’d imagined.

“When would you like to come?” he asked.

“When is good for you?”

“Tomorrow would be perfect.”

“I’ve looked up your address on google maps. I just started wondering how you’d be able to open the door to me.”

“If you come around to the back door, I’ll be waiting there with a key to slip under the door to you. It’s another thing I’d already put in place before I reduced my size.”

“You’ve thought of everything.”

“Because I’ve thought of you so much.”

“I guess I’d better look at a few more letters. How about I get to you around midday? I’ll bring lunch for both of us, and then we can spend the afternoon together. Then I can have that dinner you want me to.”

“I’ll be looking forward  to it.”

“See you then,” said Alycia and hung up.

The next day, she put on a long pink skirt and a white sleeveless top and took her handbag with her. She kept her sunglasses on while driving, to avoid being recognised and delayed by other fans, and brought her car into Tony’s driveway when she arrived. She went to the back door, knocked on it, and called out, “It’s Alycia.”

She saw a key sliding under the door, and then saw Tony sliding out after it.

She beamed down at him in amazement. Seeing in person was really believing.

“If you pick me up and then open the door, I won’t be in the way or under foot on the other side, when you open it,” called Tony.

She smiled down at him, giggled a little and then picked him up, let herself in, locked the door from the inside at his request, and sat down on the living room couch.

“Would you like me to kiss you?” she asked.

“I sure would,” he said.

He watched her lovely lips draw closer and revelled in their touch.

They talked about their lives for the afternoon, enjoyed a certain intimacy, and watched as the sun slowly set beyond the window. He guided Alycia to the kitchen to prepare him and then to the dining table, where she sat down and looked at him sweetly.

“How do you want me to go about it?” she asked.

“Can you poke your tongue out for me to look at first?”

She obliged him for a few seconds and then withdrew it.

“It’s lovely, Alycia. Maybe you could lick me a few times, and then put me into your mouth for a while, and then gulp me down when you’re ready.”

“Okay…. I hope you like it all.”

“Thank you.”

He watched her lift him up again, saw her tongue coming out and sliding over his upper torso and face several times, and then she stopped.

“Do you want to go in there now?” she asked sweetly.

“Oh yes please.”

Alycia placed him gently into her mouth for a few minutes, and then completed the remainder of his request.

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