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Author's Chapter Notes:
Who took Jackie? And for what purpose? How will Marleigh react thinking Jackie left her alone at the altar? All those questions and more are answered here!
What seemed like hours later, Jackie was dumped unceremoniously onto a table along with the other items that were also kept captive in the purse. She groaned as she tried her best to stand, only getting so far as to get one knee up. The fall had taken more out of her then she had thought it had, already she was exhausted and she still had no idea who had taken her or even why. Panting, Jackie used all of her strength to sit down, taking it all in as she looked around. She heard footsteps all around her but just saw pitch blackness surrounding her. That was when she was truly getting scared. Jackie just wanted to scream out for help, cry or beg to be released but she remained silent out of fear of what whoever did this would do to her. Suddenly, there was a voice in the room.

“She’s here, babe. She’s all ours.” The voice was malicious and cold as she spoke around the small girl. She wasn’t alone as she heard another pair of footsteps begin circling around her. She was caught in something she had no business in and had some good ideas of where she was. It was all over the news, strings of micro abductions had become more and more prevalent. Their biggest fear had become a reality and now there was nothing she could do to get out of this mess.

“Finally, the real fun begins. Thank you, my dear.” That voice. Though it had been years since they’d seen each other, Jackie had not forgotten that terrible sounding voice one bit. It brought back flashes of fear and terror with Jackie trying to keep calm, there was nothing she could do to stop them from doing whatever they wanted to her. “Be a dear and get your ’friends’ ready for some fun. I’ll warm up our guest so she’s not all alone.” It was worse than anything the small woman would have imagined and there was nothing she could do to stop anything from happening next.

“K-Kali?” Jackie began to back away slowly as her vision adjusted to the light around her. She now got a full detailed view of her capturer. Not much had changed in Kali’s appearance and if it was anyone else, Jackie wouldn’t have thought anything about her being so dark and twisted but with Kali, it seemed she’d gotten quite darker since the last time they’d seen each other. It was getting close to two years since that fateful day and to Jackie, it still felt like yesterday. Those memories still haunted her, sometimes she’d have nightmares with Kali trying to get to her, only barely escaping her when she woke up. And now this terror of a woman had somehow managed to find her once more, and to make it worse, on the most important day of her life. “Yo-You’re here?” Jackie’s words were shaken as she continued to crawl back as Kali simply smirked down at her.

“Yeah, pipsqueak. I’m here and this time, I’m not only going to have my fun but also make sure I finish the job. Marleigh won’t save you, Carissa won’t save you. No one is coming to help you this time.” Kali brought her hands close to the tiny bride, closing her in from all sides as Kali inched her way forward. “You’re all mine to have fun with.”

“Ours. We agreed we’d split having fun with her. Or did you already forget?” The other woman, Candis, soon butted in as she also brought her hand over to where Jackie was, easily snatching her off the table as she continued to talk to Kali. “You told me that I would take this one fucking micro out of billions of these things and we’d get to share her. And if she’s into feet like you told me…” Candis then plucked Jackie off the table as two evil smiles began to form on each of their lips which shook Jackie to the very core. Never in her life had she felt such dread and terror as she did now that she not only had Kali who was already a menace to her but this new girl, Candis who she could just sense was bad news for the micro bride. Jackie wanted to beg to be freed, that she’d promise to not tell anyone what had happened but knew that would just excite the two. Jackie knew she’d have to fight these two in a different way if she wanted to escape and get back to her waiting fiancé.

“Trust me, Candyland. This little bitch goes wild for feet. Let’s show her the shoes you brought over, shall we?” Kali then quickly took possession of Jackie’s squirming body as the little one tried to fight Kali’s intrusive fingers but like before, it was like fighting against a freight train. It was impossible. Jackie squirmed as hard as she could to escape but Kali kept her in a tight grip, eventually going to the point of almost breaking her in half from the pressure. “So here’s how it’s going to go, little bitch. Since you love feet so much, we brought you a surprise. Candis, bring ‘em over.” Jackie looked over to her right as Kali smiled, her evilness oozing out from every pour out of her body. Begging began to resurface as a method of getting out of this as she watched Candis bend over and grab a red thing from off the ground to bring it over to them. She could barely see what it was in the dimly lit room but knew it had the distinct look of something familiar. The closer it came, the more familiar it looked until she finally realized what it was. A shoe, a dark red sneaker that had seen better days. Dirt, grime and sweat showed obvious signs of being present and Jackie instantly knew what they wanted from her or more specifically where they were planning on dropping her.

Jackie instantly started coughing and screaming as the stench from the shoe started to reach her. A terrible mixture of long standing sweat and grime hit Jackie’s tiny nose like a freight train. When Marleigh would pretend to drop Jackie into one of her own running shoes, it still didn’t smell this bad even after Marleigh had just taken it off after a run. But even when she was fighting the disgusting smell, her body was working against her as her nose started to drip blood, exactly what the pair wanted out of her.

“See? Told you she had a thing for feet.” Kali said as she looked at Jackie who was fighting it with all her might but it was useless. “Since you like the stench so much, why don’t you get more acquainted with it?” Kali’s calloused words hit Jackie’s ears as soon as she felt her fingers vanish from her shoulders, sending Jackie into a free fall down towards the opening of the red sneaker. Jackie’s tiny screams were heard by the pair but only resulted in laughter from Kali and a simple smirk from Candis. As soon as she went beyond the veil of the shoe, Jackie’s screams were no longer heard by the couple as they looked inside, both trying their best not to inhale the noxious fumes seeping out of the shoe. “A couple minutes should be good for her. She’ll marinate in there and the real fun starts.”

“Just hope she doesn’t die in there. Not many of those things live after smelling those shoes but I guess Miss Kali knows all.” Candis sat down on Kali’s lap and gave her a small peck on the cheek, wrapping her arms around Kali’s neck as she leaned in close. “Out of all the micros in the world, why this one? I’m all for killing random micros but we don’t hunt specific ones down. Or at least, we haven’t before.”

“This one ruined everything I had. Ruined my life, my relationship. All because the little bitch couldn’t take the fucking hint. I don’t just want to kill her, I want her to suffer like I did. Like she made me suffer.” Kali was cold and callous with her words as she looked at the red shoe sitting on the floor, thinking about putting it on right now and just flat out stepping on Jackie till she was nothing but a flat mess of blood and viscera, unrecognizable for all to see. But, Kali really wanted to drag this out as long as she possibly could and only stopping when she felt it was enough torture. Then and only then would she end Jackie’s miserable existence on her own terms. “I want her to die only when I want her to. And doing it on her very own wedding day? That’s just icing on the fucking cake.”

“I love it when you talk evil, girl. Just don’t go too far without me. I want to make her suffer too. If this is the one who made my beautiful girl cry, fuck yeah I want to watch her suffer.”


Meanwhile back at the altar, Marleigh was devastated when she heard the news. One moment she was standing at the altar, waiting for her tiny fiancé to be escorted down the aisle by Carissa but when the news came, Marleigh’s heart was shattered. All she could do to avoid looking at everyone who was waiting to watch the two lovebirds get married was head to the back rooms, hands in her face as she sat down in any chair she could find. Silently, she cried as she began to have thoughts of Jackie getting cold feet, thinking that they shouldn’t be together as a married couple. But after all the chances Jackie had to change her mind about their relationship and it wouldn’t be like her to just walk out on years of friendship and love. Something was wrong, she could feel it.

“Marleigh? Marleigh, it’s going to be alright.” Alyssa was the first to meet up with her sister as she was struggling to keep from breaking down. “Mar, it’s going to be ok, we’ll find her and bring her back.”

“Please, the little girl probably got cold feet. She couldn’t handle what my daughter gave her. All of them, ungrateful.” Marleigh groaned verbally, the rest of the families had decided to follow her into the private room, including her and Jackie’s own family. Although she desperately wanted everyone to be quiet while she tried to process this event, everyone just kept talking all at once, not giving Marleigh the peace and quiet she desperately needed. Namely her own mother who took yet another opportunity to rag on Jackie’s height.

“If it wasn’t for your daughter, mine wouldn’t be missing!” A tiny but ear piercing voice rang out as Marleigh’s mother looked down and around to see the micro family that was berating her. “Your daughter took mine! I know she did! That face is the face of a devious human, she probably threw her in the trash!” Marleigh looked up from her tears to see Jackie’s parents both screaming at the top of their lungs. She wanted to step in to defend herself but soon another voice came back to drown the two distraught parents.

“Enough! Both of you.” It was Alyssa who easily shut both of the arguing parents as she stepped in between them, though it wasn’t hard considering. Alyssa bent over to the micros first, seeing them both back up and hug each other out of safety, terrified of what this girl was going to do to them. As far as they knew, she looked just like the girl that not only terrorized their community but now was under suspicion of taking their daughter. “You two shouldn’t be arguing with them. Your daughter is missing and the only person you can blame is the one girl who loved her more than anything?” Alyssa’s words made Frank and Felicia quiet down as they headed back to the micro area of the room, leaving her to deal with the next trouble maker.

Her own mother.

“And you. All you’ve done since you found out about this has been complaining and now your daughter, my sister is heartbroken because the love of her life is missing. And all you can do is blame her for what? Dating who she wants? You know, you don’t have to be here if all you’re going to do is bitch and moan, mom.” Alyssa’s words stunned even Marleigh who looked up more from her tears as she looked up. For the first time, her mother was silent as she left the room, leaving just the sisters, Carissa along with Amy but on the micro balcony was Jackie’s own sister, Britney who was out of view from the human women watching on as they tried to console the grieving bride.

“Marleigh, we’ll find her. I promise.” Carissa bent over as she saw tears rolling down her cheeks, ruining the makeup they spent hours working on before the wedding started. “Wherever she is, we’ll find her and bring her back and we’ll get this thing back on track.” Britney watched from high above as the giant humans discussed her sister’s whereabouts with peak curiosity. Although she was the oldest daughter among their family, Britney still had to listen to what her parents had to say like the rest of her siblings. Even moments after the wedding was supposed to start with no sign of Jackie, they were already making assumptions and spreading it around their family that Marleigh had taken her away. But Britney had her suspicions that this wasn’t Marleigh’s doing. Marleigh, as far as she could see, was genuine in her tears, her acting, her broken heart. It was real.

“Guess humans do have hearts.”
Chapter End Notes:
With this one, it's setting up the action for later on, and don't worry, there will be action to be seen! I didn't bring Candis and Kali back for nothing!
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