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Author's Chapter Notes:

A couple at a restaurant order dessert with a special "little" topping

(continuation of "Restaurant Life")

Tags: vore

“Would you ladies like any dessert?” Naomi asked the young couple while she collected the empty dishes on the table. An awkward silence, followed by the smiling glances of the two young women between each other, indicated to Naomi all she needed to know. “I’ll bring you a menu.” 

“Thanks.” the woman on the left responded with a smirk. 

Dining together were two women in their mid-20s, Ciara and Tracy. Both of them worked as nurses at the same hospital, albeit in different departments. Occasional chatter in the cafeteria for weeks on end eventually led to Ciara asking Tracy out on a date. 

Their first date was going smoothly as both women bonded and spent time getting to know each other a little bit more. Throughout the night, they discussed their childhood, their hobbies outside of work, and some of the interesting plans they had for summer. They took their time eating their respective entrees, and despite both of them completely finishing their dinner, they still had room for dessert. 

Eventually, their waitress, Naomi, returned and casually placed the dessert menu between them before heading towards another table with a hot meal in hand. 

With only one menu, the couple shared a glance at the desserts the restaurant had to offer. Among the various dessert options were a variety of cheesecakes, a lemon cake, and a brownie sundae. Both of them instantly knew which one they wanted.

“So brownie sundae?” suggested Ciara.

“You read my mind.” Tracy said with a flirtatious smile.

“Hmm, which toppings though?” Ciara pondered as they both browsed through the variety of choices. Listed on the menu were hot fudge, caramel, strawberries, raw men, nuts, chocolate chips, and different types of assorted candy.

“I’m feeling hot fudge.” stated Tracy. “Maybe topped with some raw men.”

“How about boys?” offered Ciara while pointing at the italicized wording next to that specific topping: (Boys available for an additional charge)

“Oooh, naughty.” Tracy teased. “I like it.” 

Ciara was glad Tracy didn’t take offense to her comment. She never understood the negative connotation regarding the consumption of young males. Many women considered it unethical, but not her. They were destined to be eaten eventually in their life. What difference did it make how old they were?

Still, most places didn’t sell boys for consumption. The places that did, however, often charged more compared to regular men, which Ciara also never understood. Considering the costs the companies saved by not having to raise them to maturity, they should be cheaper, if anything. 

“Have you decided on anything?” asked Naomi as she returned to their table.

“Yes, we’ll do a hot fudge, brownie sundae, topped with raw boys.” Tracy answered.

“Excellent choice. It should be out in around 10 to 15 minutes.” Naomi acknowledged before heading to the kitchen to place their order in.

A while later, Rachel walked through the kitchen holding a plate that held a fresh-baked brownie, topped with ice cream and whipped cream, alongside a sauce boat filled with hot fudge. Setting the plate down on the counter, she then looked for a special container nearby. 

The restaurant had separated the young males from the others, given that they cost more than their older counterparts. Because it was rare that a customer would request them, they were held in a much smaller container compared to the mass of older males, who had to be kept in a large bowl to keep up with the demands of the restaurant. 

Once she found what she was looking for, Rachel pulled the small plastic tupperware containing dozens of boys closer to her. Looking down, she observed the frightened and petrified young males. Many of them were weeping, as evident by the high-pitched squeaks. 

Unlike the older males, who were typically aware of their situation and had a survival instinct to try and escape, the younger ones were more passive and more fearful to try and run away. Still, their smaller size made them a bit harder to handle. As a result, they had to use a scoop to pick them up to avoid accidentally dropping them. 

With a plastic kitchen scoop, Rachel dug into the container and grabbed around half a dozen or so young males. Hovering the scoop over the brownie sundae, she slowly tilted it to pour off the boys onto the dessert below, making sure to spread them around evenly in the process. 

The boys either had their fall cushioned by the thick whipped cream or the frozen ice cream. The ones in the whipped cream were quickly buried by the heavy whip, while the ones in the ice cream frantically panicked as the cold temperature chilled their bare skin.

Wasting no time, Rachel poured the hot fudge onto the dessert. Like a waterfall, the hot fudge flowed down from the sauce boat to the plate below. A few boys were carried along with the current until they landed on the warm chocolate brownie. The ones who had been freezing from the ice cream were now burning from the hot liquid. 

Soon after, Rachel grabbed another scoop of young males before topping off the dessert similar to before. These ones, however, never had the chance to get buried or freeze, as they instantly landed on the hot fudge. Once she was satisfied, Rachel placed a cherry on top of the ice cream and went ahead to place the dessert on the windowsill of the kitchen. 

A short time later, Naomi carried out the attractive dessert to the young women who requested it. As she walked past numerous tables, she received frequent stares from onlookers at the appealing sweet she held. All of them, however, could not see the tiny boys that garnished the dessert. At their size, they looked like nothing more than chocolate chips to the regular-sized women of the restaurant.

“Oh wow!” blurted Ciara as she saw their waitress bringing out the dessert they had ordered.

“And here we are. Enjoy!” Naomi said enthusiastically after placing the dish between them.

“Thank you!” Ciara and Tracy cheered while Naomi left for her other duties.

Licking their lips, both women ogled the tempting sweet. At the same time, the tiny boys in their dessert wriggled around in an attempt to free themselves from the heavy sauce that had weighed them down. With the hot fudge covering their faces, most of them were oblivious to the presence of the two women staring them down. 

From seeing the ice cream start to melt, both women quickly grabbed a spoon and started to dig in. For Tracy, she first grabbed a spoonful of only ice cream, while Ciara grabbed a spoonful of ice cream along with part of the brownie. Hitching a ride on Ciara’s spoon was a boy who was trapped in the hot fudge.

Ciara brought the metal spoon into the dark cavern that was her mouth. Slurping off the silverware, she initially tasted the chocolate brownie that had adorned her tongue.

“Mmm, this is delicious.” moaned Ciara with her mouth full, eventually feeling the ice cream melt in her mouth along with the squirming boy that was trapped inside it.

“I know. Sooo good.” Tracy concurred, also with her mouth full.

For the next few minutes, the two women quickly devoured the mouthwatering dessert, occasionally grabbing a boy or two in the process. For Tracy, she took solace in simply swallowing them with the rest of the brownie or ice cream. For Ciara, she enjoyed letting them squirm around for a bit on her taste buds before gulping them down.

In the end, the two women completely finished off the brownie and ice cream. The only thing remaining on the plate were puddles of hot fudge. As both women leaned back in their chairs, rubbing their full stomachs, Ciara noticed one tiny leftover remaining in the hot fudge. 

The lone surviving boy was surrounded by a pool of heavy liquid. The hot fudge rendered him from picking himself up. While he could hear the loud grunts and noises coming from the two titanic creatures, he was blissfully unaware of what was transpiring around him. Little did he know, those two creatures had completely devoured his fellow kin, and it looked like he was the next and last in line.

With her spoon, Ciara scooped up the drops of fudge that contained the last remaining boy. After placing it in her mouth, she slowly savored the taste of the now lukewarm fudge until she felt the movements of the wiggling young male. After swirling him around for a bit in her mouth, she finally swallowed him down. Letting out a deep breath, she hunched back down into her seat, having accepted that she could finally eat no more. 

Confirming Ciara’s beliefs, the boys’ fates had been decided since birth. Had they been born as girls, they would have had the chance to live a long and prosperous life. But, in a cruel twist of fate, they were born as boys and doomed to a short-lived life as food, not even getting the opportunity to reach adolescence.

Chapter End Notes:

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