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Author's Chapter Notes:

More sexual bullying followed by a doctor's visit with erotic themes.

 That night had passed uneventfully, despite the fact that Carol had to fend off intermittent waves of arousal. Her sexual appetite was rapidly increasing, and sleeping with someone, even her own son, was exacerbating the problem as much as it was alleviating it. Kyle was aware of his girthy, overbearing mom moving around at several points during the night. She would flex at her waist, crushing him into an overpowering hug. Sometimes she would fret and play with her hands around his waist, cupping his much smaller body deeply up into her groin and into her soft belly and cleavage. It was early July, and the sun had risen before 6a.m. Both Carol and Kyle were fully awake by now. Carol was cuddling affectionately into her son, who by this point had simply given himself over to be used this way. Still there was tension in the air, and it was Carol who spoke first.

How’d you sleep, sweety?” She asked, her voice sounding husky from the time spent laying down. It was also lower, more booming than the day before. Kyle grunted something incomprehensible in reply. Carol was quite used to his morning moods, and decided not to take it personally. She stretched luxuriantly, bumping her elongated limbs into walls and furniture as she continued daily to outgrow every newly established sense of her body size in relation to her surroundings. Kyle grumbled something at her again, this time, pushing away from his amazonian mother irritably. Carol scowled, taking a second to consider the situation. She took a long breath in and sighed gravely before taking Kyle in her large arms and spinning him around to face her. “Look here, mister…” The huge, hulking woman narrowed her beautiful brown eyes at her son. “I’m your mother… You have to love me, and…” She chewed her lip briefly. “If I need to cuddle, well… you’re going to cuddle me…” Her voice was stern and admonishing, and seemed to have the effect of cowing poor Kyle.

“Mom… I’m sorry, it’s just, well… Y-you’re naked in bed with me!” Kyle stammered, pointing out the obvious. “I don’t even know if that’s legal…” He wondered nervously, undermining the boldness of his contention.

Baby… Look at me…” Carol declared. Kyle lifted his eyes to meet her gaze, but she shook her head, amending more softly, “No, baby… I mean… Look at me…” Carol pushed up on the bed, causing it to creak. An ominous snap could be heard as she carefully lifted her massive bulk. The enormous woman stood for a moment, leaving her gigantic bare ass pointed towards Kyle. Carol slowly turned around, bending her neck a little as her head was brushing up against the ceiling. “I’m huge, honey…” Carol’s voice had an overbearing, almost condescending tone. Kyle gulped at the display. His mother’s prodigious curves had thickened and pushed out, even overnight. Her whole entire pelvis looked wider, supported by massive, trunk-like legs that were thicker than his entire torso at the thighs. Carol’s gargantuan breasts swooped out and downward abundantly, somewhat propped up by her creamy, matronly gut. Even her arms looked like they had packed on additional mass, and were easily wider than Kyle’s legs. “Just look at me!” Carol repeated, somewhat incredulous herself. She ended her little demonstration facing her son, hands on hips, with knees and neck slightly bent. “How much do you think I grew just overnight, dear?” She waggled her breasts imperiously.

“I don’t know…” Kyle mumbled. Carol maintained her posture, impassively drumming her fingers against herself. Kyle sat up bleary-eyed in the bed, trying to bring his burgeoning mother more into focus. “God it’s like… I don’t know… probably half a foot overnight?” He gulped. How long is this going to go on for? It already seemed wildly unsustainable- the food, the furniture… the sexual behavior…

That’s right, honey…” Carol nodded grimly. “That makes me… Oh I don’t even know anymore…” It was clear that she had to be over 8 feet tall. Shrugging dismissively Carol continued, “It doesn’t really matter. The point is…” She cleared her throat in a no-nonsense kind of way. “…I don’t want to wear clothes anymore. They don’t fit me, and if they do, then they don’t fit me the next day.” Kyle withered under his mother’s assertive stare. She paused meaningfully, and Kyle was forced to nod along as his mother passively demanded his acknowledgment of the facts. “Also, I… um…” Carol stalled. She scratched her big fleshy belly absently, not quite knowing how to proceed. “Here, make some room…” She demanded, turning again to sit down on the edge of the bed.

Once again the poor bedframe groaned and cracked in protest. Carol used one massive arm to corral Kyle out of the way, and then after she had settled, pulled him back into herself so that they were sitting side-by-side on the edge of the bed. From here, the outward swoop of Carol’s enormous breast was invading the space next to her son’s face, and indeed each giant tit was easily three times the size of his little head. That image sent a flicker of naughty delight down Carol’s spine, but the comparisons didn’t end there. Pancaked out, each thigh was almost twice as wide as both of Kyle’s scrawny little thighs combined, and her thigh crowded into his space as well. Carol’s girth covered most of the length of the bed. She flipped her hair to the other side in a provocative kind of way, turning her upper torso slightly towards her son, whose personal space was further invaded. The massive woman brought her hand up behind Kyle, giving his back a gentle, repetitive scratch with her nails. This also prevented him from being able to pull away from her intrusive bulk. Carol slitted her eyes as she gazed down at her dwindling son. He’s so small now… She cleared her throat again.

Carol lowered her voice to barely above a whisper, “I think we should… talk… she began before pausing several seconds. The short silence was broken only by the sound of her nails digging into Kyle’s flannel pajama shirt. Carol cocked her head, still beaming down at her son who was looking straight forward, trying not to become unravelled by the huge swollen nipple that was jutting out just beside his face. She decided to take the indirect tack. “Have you ever… you know… been with anyone?” The question itself was inobtrusive enough, but the way Carol uttered it under her breath made Kyle deeply uncomfortable. He responded shakily, pointing out that he had been with two short-term girlfriends in high school before he had graduated. “I know, and that’s nice, honey…” Carol murmured. She let out a sharp exhale through her nostrils, blowing her breath down over Kyle’s head. “What I mean is…” the giant, naked woman’s voice dropped to a conspiratorial, baritone rasp, “Have you ever had sex before, honey? You know… had sex with a woman?”

Kyle gulped, feeling completely outmaneuvered. He was trembling now, despite the incredible heat given off by his mother’s insanely proportioned body. Carol grabbed him by the cheek gently, but firmly. She turned his head up past her massive, swooping breast and locked eyes with Kyle. She was expecting an answer, and there was no way he could bullshit or sidestep under this level of scrutiny. “I-I… um, I never…” Kyle sputtered. His cheeks burned a bright crimson. “N-no, I-I’ve only ever kissed, that’s it...” Somehow this confession made him feel miserable. He resented the fact that his mother was forcing this out of him in such a direct and lascivious way.

Carol let her breath wash over Kyle again, savoring his discomfort, gradually acknowledging how much she enjoyed this casual, naughty torment. “That’s okay, sweetie…” She cooed, a little sneeringly. “… but I think it’s time I started teaching you…” Carol paused, taking in another ponderous breath. “...Because every man your age should know how to please a woman… Carol began gripping and squeezing Kyle’s shoulder now, digging in gently with her vice-like hands. “Is that… something you’d want to learn from me?” Kyle looked away, trembling so hard that Carol thought he might burst into tears. She continued scratching his back for a few minutes, not saying anything else. As much as Carol burned to do something… something terribly forbidden… She was getting the sense that Kyle was not yet up to this intense level sexually-charged interaction. She sighed deeply. “Okay, hon, you should get dressed and have breakfast.” Carol released her boy and pushed him gently forward off the bed. “I need you to drive me to my doctor’s appointment today. I don’t think your mom’s body will fit behind the wheel anymore.” Kyle scuttled around Carol’s immense legs with palpable relief in each step. No sooner had he left the room than Carol thrust her fingers into her luscious, puffy cunt. She was so wet already that she was sure to climax in no time. The huge lady spread her legs out unabashedly, moaning in surprise when the frame of Kyle’s bed snapped under her enormous feminine bulk.

After eating two full boxes of cereal with a full jug of milk, Carol was ready to hit the road. She had actually found a pair of shorts which could almost fit her. It had been a purchase from last week which had turned out quite a bit larger than she had wanted, but now it fit snugly about her enormous waist with a pair of slits cut up the sides to make a little more room for her awesome hips. There wasn’t a shirt to be found which would come close to retaining Carol’s massive breasts and upper torso, however. She had been forced to fashion a tube top from a bedsheet. The sheet was a little narrow, and only just long enough to fit around the entire circumference of her breasts and upper back, but it did the job well enough for the occasion. Kyle had to stow the back seat of the SUV in order to make room for Carol to crawl gingerly into through the trunk. One or two neighbors walking by in that moment were awestruck by the spectacle of Carol’s size and girth, and Kyle pretended not to notice them, these people he knew, for lack of any satisfactory explanation for what was now the new reality of his life.

Upon their arrival at the doctor’s office, the mother-son pair was greeted and directed into an examination room. The receptionist appeared startled by Carol’s size, but not shocked. Seeing as Dr. Young was both an endocrinologist and metabolic physiology specialist, she was accustomed to seeing some outlandish bodies go through the clinic. I sat down in a chair while Carol pitched her gigantic ass on the edge of the large exam table. It was the only obvious place for her to be, since the rest of the chairs were laughably undersized for the amazonian woman. The room was proportioned and organized in a way that suggested it was designed to hold a whole family for a consult, and the fact that they had been brought to this particular exam room was probably not accidental.

Dr. Young appeared after a few minutes, clipboard in hand. She was a small southeast asian woman about the same age as Carol. “Hello there, Carol, how are you- uhhh…” Dr. Young faltered. She closed the door behind herself as she pushed her glasses up her face. She paused and peered closely at the enormous woman in front of her. The doctor’s eyes tracked up and down, taking in the impressive view and immediately her hand went to her pen which went to the chart. She began scribbling notes furiously, keeping her eyes trained on Carol for the most part while glancing occasionally at her writing. The hulking woman grinned a bit foolishly at this reaction, squeezing her huge thighs together sort of ruefully- like a kid would. “I see we’ve had a bit of reaction to the medication change, huh?” Dr. Young commented in a detached manner as she continued to gather data with her eyes and tabulate it efficiently into the chart.

Carol shrugged and leaned back a bit, pushing out her massive tummy. The fact that she had grown so much made her a bit of a celebrity in this situation, and she was enjoying the attention. Dr. Young asked a few basic questions, initially focusing on Carol’s previous symptoms. Carol replied that her headaches, her nausea, and her fatigue had completely vanished since she had been fully weaned off the hormone blockers. “That’s great… That’s really great…” Dr. Young murmured as she wrote, pushing up her glasses again. Her tone was like a void, indicating neither approval nor concern, and she held herself up professionally while starting to dig deeper into what was obviously a medical case for the ages. “And how much weight did we put on? You don’t know?” The doctor directed Carol to lay down on the table. “This table maxes out at twelve hundred pounds, but I think we are still below that, haha…” Her chuckle sounded partially convincing at best.

Carol laid down obligingly, and when Dr. Young logged into a nearby computer console she couldn’t help but whistle at the result. “Wow… 869 pounds…” She paused, recording the number, then mulling over the result. “You’re a big lady, my dear, haha…” She grabbed a measuring tape. Kyle noticed there were graduated measuring marks on the wall nearby, but they only went eight feet high. Carol seemed quite likely to exceed this, and indeed, Dr. Young noted with amazement that Carol had grown to a body length of 8’3”. “So tall!” she marveled, noting the data. “You’re more than double the mass that you were when I first took over your case…” Seized by an impulse, Dr. Young inquired, “How much are you eating?” Carol shrugged and looked over towards Kyle, who had been sitting nervously, watching the entire proceeding. Kyle cleared his throat and gave a quick summary of what Carol had eaten the previous day. “No…” Dr. Young gasped, clearly amazed. “No… really? That’s…” She seemed to do a calculation in her head. Her eyes widened. “That’s so many calories!” She declared. Carol just grinned and crinkled her nose. She bounced her calves against the table in an alternating, childish manner. She was loving this.

Dr. Young continued taking notes and asking questions. Her temperament shifted and she prodded a little more. “Now tell me, dear… What’s the bad news? Any new symptoms?” Carol replied that she had been more forgetful of late. Dr. Young glanced back at Kyle who simply nodded in affirmation. Carol also mentioned having difficulty in concentrating. She said that she was sometimes not tired, but more like… lazy almost, like she wasn’t motivated to do much. Dr. Young noted these things and pulled out her stethoscope. Gingerly, she pressed the tiny-looking device into Carol’s chest. The doctor’s eyebrows went up when she heard the strength of the pulse and the beat rate of Carol’s massive heart. Next she took out a cuff and with some difficulty managed to wrap it around the full circumference of Carol’s massive upper arm. Again, her instruments produced a result that could be read on the doctor’s face. She noted the data and pulled her stethoscope back down around her neck. “Anything else I should be aware of?” Dr. Young inquired, using that pressing, prying tone of hers.

Kyle shifted uncomfortably in his seat, and Dr. Young immediately picked up on this and turned towards him expectantly. “Well there is something…” He began. Carol bent her neck up from the table and shot her son with a dirty look. Dr. Young’s eyes darted between the two. She clicked her pen expectantly.

Carol rolled her eyes in consternation. “Well… there is this thing… sort of… down there, you know…” The massive woman inclined her head southwards. Dr. Young raised her eyebrows again, and politely asked Kyle to leave the room so that she could discuss these things privately with her patient. “No- don’t go…” Carol pleaded with surprising conviction. Her voice filled the room, and Kyle froze in place. “It’s just… He’s taking care of me now…” She cast another glance down in Kyle’s direction, this time with more of an affectionate, almost proud tone. “He needs to learn about this stuff too…” Carol asserted, pushing herself up into a sitting position. She positively dwarfed the tiny doctor sitting across from her. Carol went on to explain that she had been experiencing changes in her sex drive. She emphasized that her breasts and her vulva had greatly increased in size, even in proportion to the rest of her body. Dr. Young and Kyle listened intently, the latter blushing terribly at the graphic description.

“Do you have any pain?” Dr. Young asked, cutting Carol off in the middle of her rambling medical history. Carol blinked, not immediately understanding the question. “Do you have any pain… in your vagina or your breasts?” She clicked her pen.

The bluntness of the doctor’s question seemed to catch Carol off-guard. “I um… no… well, sort of…” Carol began. Dr. Young quietly stood and walked over to her station where she began putting on gloves. “It’s not so much pain, really…” Carol murmured, “It’s more of like, um… kind of like a burning… but it feels…” The massive woman struggled to articulate herself and blushing. “It kind of feels good…” She slumped her shoulders forward, as though she had just spilled a dirty secret.

Dr. Young finished donning her latex gloves with a crisp snap. “I would like to perform a pelvic examination and a breast examination.” She declared, bluntly again. The doctor cast another sidelong glance in Kyle’s direction. “I really think it would be better if-” Carol cut her off, again insisting that Kyle remain for the examination. Dr. Young simply shrugged and proceeded. “I normally do this with the patient seated, but I think you’re too big for that, haha…” She joked, awkwardly. Dr. Young went to push her glasses up her nose, but seemed to remember she was wearing gloves, and instead wriggled her nose in an unbecoming manner. “Now, you can remain laying down, just um… If you wouldn’t mind removing your, uh… top…” Carol happily obliged. She reached behind herself, jerking at the knot which Kyle had tied earlier for her. The fumbling attempt wasn’t quite working, and after a few moments of struggle, Carol grunted and simply forced the sheet up and over her gigantic breasts, sending them bouncing free and unrestrained. Before Dr. Young could begin the exam, Carol motioned to remove her shorts as well. “Oh… Leave those on for now, my dear…” Dr. Young exclaimed. Carol ignored her, waggling her magnificent ass out of the painfully undersized shorts, and causing them to stretch and fray even further before they slid off her immense hips. Carol mumbled something to the effect of needing to remove them eventually for the pelvic. Dr. Young simply shrugged and continued.

Dr. Young warned Carol, appropriately, just before touching her huge breasts with gloved hands. “Yes, please do!” Replied the oversized woman, suddenly beaming and giddy again. She was trying hard to suppress the obviousness of her enjoyment, but by the time Dr. Young had gotten started, Carol was grinning and giggling like kid. Dr. Young was apologetic, but professional. It seemed as though she had experienced odd reactions like this before. “No, no… It’s fine it just tickles me… It’s cute…” Carol piped, seemingly enjoying the sensation of the doctor’s delicate little hands groping and kneeding her full, swooping breasts. Dr. Young asked about Carol’s nipples, wondering if they had always been this swollen. “Well, I’ve always had large nipples… They are getting much larger now, though… And my aureoles too… It doesn’t hurt, but- OH…” She gasped, following up with a deep chuckle. Haha... Oh, but they are more sensitive though…” Dr. Young apologized awkwardly again, and removed her gloves. She scribbled furiously for a few moments, then put on another pair.

Dr. Young proceeded to the pelvic exam, Carol being already fully naked and on display. The doctor attempted to set up stirrups with attachments for her exam table, but quickly discovered that her equipment was not nearly large enough to accommodate Carol’s massive size. Instead, she instructed Carol to spread her legs and plant her feet firmly on the corners of the table, which Carol was happy to do for her. The doctor then instructed carol to spread her knees outward. Her left knee was able to rest against the nearby wall, but her right knee remained hanging uncomfortably in the air beside the table.

Dr. Young glanced around, seeming a bit unprepared for the challenges of this particular patient. “Ah, Kyle! I need to use your hands.” Kyle had been staring at the floor, and now he rose to his feet, looking less than thrilled or forthcoming. “Grab your mom’s knee there, and just, uh… Hold it up. Support her, haha… like a good son, haha…” Dr. Young chuckled, seemingly in an attempt to smooth over the teen’s obvious discomfort. Kyle shuffled to his mother’s side and gingerly raised his hands up to support her knee. Carol let out a satisfied sigh, relaxing her hip muscles and allowing her boy to support most of the weight. She reached out with one oversized hand and stroked Kyle’s head affectionately. Kyle smiled numbly back at her then turned his head away as he supported the considerable weight of her giant limb. Evidently he didn’t know where to look, because his gaze fell upon Carol’s huge, puffy vulva.

Kyle couldn’t help but stare. His mother’s enormous genitals were proudly displayed between her spread legs. A dark, womanly bush adorned two meaty sets of turgid, swollen lips that seemed to go on forever. Kyle hadn’t seen another woman’s pussy before- not up close like this. He had seen pictures, but this eluded any expectations he might have previously built up. The flesh appeared to quiver slightly, folding and unfolding gently with Carol’s full, deep breaths. The color was a deep purple, marked with a sensuous, wrinkled texture between many folded extrusions. There was a pleasant, musky smell emanating from the huge, hairy muff, and Kyle felt a little light-headed in that moment which seemed to stretch on forever. Snapping back to reality, Kyle looked away again, this time to watch Dr. Young as she fiddled with a speculum- something else Kyle had never seen before.

The doctor fussed with her equipment for a minute or two, then she let Carol know that she was going to touch her down there… “Of course, get in there!” Carol gushed, grinning effusively. She gave her son another tussle of his curly hair. “Sorry it’s a little… um… rank down there…” The hulking woman chatted in a way that did not sound particularly contrite. “It’s a little hard for me to get into the bath these days…” Carol glanced over at her son who was staring at the ceiling now. “I’ve gotta get this young man to help me clean my- OH… Well, hello there…” Carol let out a loud gasp as the doctor pushed her lithe little fingers through her big hairy bush and into her slit. Dr. Young apologized again, telling Carol to remain as still as she could and reassuring her that this would not take long. “Mhm…” Carol smirked, clearly enjoying the sensation of being handled with such intimate attention. Dr. Young probed the external vaginal canal, palpating the huge woman’s many folds and crevices with professional precision. She bobbed her head right and left, using the motion to direct her head lamp into each recess as she went. Dr. Young made trivial small talk as she worked, trying her best to distract Carol from the sensations that most women found to be quite discomforting. Carol mostly nodded and grunted in reply, letting out the occasional sigh, or low gasp. “Sorry!” She exclaimed putting her hand over her mouth. “That tickles… I’m sorry…”

Dr. Young continued her work. At one point she pulled back the speculum and dumped it into a nearby tray. “This isn’t doing anything for you, my dear… It can’t even reach that far, haha…” The doctor laughed, and Carol echoed her, giggling along. “It’s okay though,” Dr. Young reassured her. “I don’t really need it, actually… I can sort of see all the way back there…” The doctor gently pried back some of Carol’s genital flesh with a wooden tongue depressor. “Try to relax, hon…” Carol grunted in reply and let her head sag down to the table surface, sighing deeply. “That’s better, thank you, dear…” Dr. Young’s head bobbed back and forth, and in a minute she straightened back up, rolling her shoulders and cracking her jaw. “All done! You did great, Carol.” The doctor snapped her gloves off, taking notes while absently instructing her enormous patient, “You can put your clothes back on. Kyle, please help her.” Carol and Kyle silently went about the awkward task while the doctor finished with her notes.

Presently, Dr. Young sat down at her computer desk, now typing ferociously as she spoke. “So…” She inhaled deeply. “Your pelvic and breast exams are, well… I think they are within a normal range considering the rest of your history. I would like you to keep monitoring for any changes though, given the symptoms relating to increased libido…” She turned meaningfully towards Carol, inadvertently shining her in the eyes with the headlamp which she had neglected to remove. “That’s the sex drive stuff, haha…” Dr. Young chuckled at her own clarification. She continued. “I also want you to start a daily diary for these things. You should also be recording daily food intake.” She paused. “I would like you to weigh in each day as well, but uh... you might need to come in for that. I guess don’t worry about daily measuring unless your weight is, uh… fluctuating a lot, haha…” Carol chuckled as well, shooting a haughty look at Kyle who groaned inwardly, already anticipating a significant degree of fluctuation...

Dr. Young’s voice took on a more profession, more guarded tone. “I am however concerned about your vitals. Your resting heart rate is 50 beats per minute. That’s quite low.” She chided. “I also note that your blood pressure is 220 over 150… thats very high…” Dr. Young clicked her pen a couple of times. She suddenly pulled out a pad and began writing. “I’m going to give you a prescription for nitro… I want you to take two sprays under the tongue if you feel like you are having chest pain. I don’t want to prescribe you any other heart or blood pressure meds just yet, since, well… This is all rather unprecedented, and since you are otherwise feeling physically well, I’m not too alarmed just yet.” Dr. Young ripped the slip off her pad with a flourish and immediately proceeded to write another one. “However, I am concerned about the other things… These neurological and metabolic symptoms- your forgetfulness, your…” She paused, “...your growth… These are things that we wanted to treat in the first place.” She ripped another script off her pad, this time, without the flourish. “I’m writing you up another script for the hormone blockers…”

No, not again...Carol groaned. Her hands clenched and her shoulders tensed up. “I can’t go back to feeling like I did last month… I felt like death…” She mused for a second, chewing her lip. “I’d rather deal with these other symptoms, given the choice…” Kyle looked at his shoes, praying internally that Dr. Young would convince her otherwise.

“I know, dear, I know.” Dr. Young grabbed a hold of Carol’s hand. It was about eight times larger than her own. “I’m going to draw blood for more labs, but the previous results are quite conclusive. Your body is no longer tolerating the hormone blockers. They were building up in your system and causing the symptoms that you experienced.” Kyle sighed as he heard this. Getting back on the hormone blockers had been his last hope that his mother’s runaway growth could be staunched quickly. Dr. Young backpedaled further. “I just… I want you to have options, just in case you need… an emergency intervention… There’s always dialysis, or maybe transplant if we need to...” Carol fixed her with a withering stare, but Dr. Young, completely oblivious, caught herself in the contradiction. “...But then I suppose your organs and blood vessels aren’t going to be a very easy match now, haha…” Dr. Young handed the scripts to Kyle. “Please get this filled… just in case, you know.” Kyle took the scripts and stuffed them into his pocket. He was eager to leave.

Dr. Young took Carol’s arm for a quick blood draw, then bid farewell before briskly striding off to some other undisclosed task. Kyle gathered up his and Carol’s belongings and they exited the clinic in silence. The receptionist watched them go with wide eyes. How does that woman find anything that fits her? She watched through the window as the mother-son pair entered the parking lot. Kyle popped the trunk and Carol obligingly bent down and crawled in again. The vehicle dipped low with a loud creak, clearly straining with the heavy load. Other onlookers stopped to watch in awe and fascination. Dr. Young appeared, and the receptionist quickly went back to her keyboard, trying to appear as though she had been working. “Linda, can you please make sure these blood specimens get into today’s lab run? I need them rushed.” The receptionist obliged, took the name and number associated with the specimens and put them into the fridge. She also made a note to call that particular patient soon to set up another appointment next week, guessing quite correctly that she would need to come in again sooner rather than later.

Chapter End Notes:

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