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The Schedule      Part III


John Hingsley did not think much of these holidays… Being in a hotel, where room service could be an issue,  he had been carefully concealed inside the closed suitcase, under a pile of light clothing. It was not too hot, the air conditioning was on, even when the girls weren’t in the room. So at least, the darkness wasn’t aggravated by the tropical heat that reigned outside.
Confined in the wardrobe, John could still hear the girls giggling and chatting when they came back from the beach. He could hear them shower to wash away the salt of the Caribbean sea. The tremors of their walking were easily felt through the ground. They seemed to be having a really good time. John wished he could say the same thing. In the evenings, he was invited to join them. 

The days were long in the darkness. John had nothing but his memories and day-dreams to go on. He remembered the last days of his life, at least life as he once knew it. The rush of the meetings, the long and short trips to business partners, his plans for the future. But most of all he remembered Kiera, this most beautiful girl he had began to have feelings for. He had met her two months before the shrinking, they had made love only once, and he was slowly falling in love with her. What about her now? She hadn’t got any news from him since two months. For her, for his family and colleagues, John Hingsley had disappeared one night in Beijing.
John tried to think if there could be any clues left in his hotel room  back in Beijing, as to what had happened to him. But the police had probably only found his suit, his laptop, and probably had noticed he hadn’t taken his wallet or papers. He could only hope they had concluded he had gone somewhere inside the hotel (like the mall, or the gym). He tried to remember if he had noticed CCTVs in the gym, but he doubted it. The girl who “attacked” him would not have been so dumb as to do it in front of a surveillance camera.
Maybe the strange scam was known somehow, maybe an abduction attempt would go wrong and the case would be investigated, the gang arrested, and a search for the other victims would start. Hope was the only option for John Hingsley, as he reviewed his memories, within the suitcase of the French girls

Anna and Claire were looking forward to the evening. As they walked in the lobby, showing up their now tanned bodies though frail bikinis and colourful pareos, and idly checking the crowd in there, they had noticed that a cocktail event was scheduled for after dinner. They agreed on this point: there’s nothing much better than sipping a daiquiri while relaxing to the sound of music and gazing at the starry sky through coconut trees.
Holding hands, they marched proudly to their room. The cool inside air was a relief from the sun-scorched beach. Anna went to take a quick shower, while Claire prepared a mango juice with plenty of ice. Then it was Claire’s turn to have a nice bubbly bath, washing away the grime  from the lagoon.
Anna took the metal box out of their suitcase and set it on the bedstand. She wasn’t sure she was in the mood for sex just now, but she thought it was better to have the toy handy, instead of having to rummage through the suitcase at a critical moment. Always be ready, she thought;

The girls relaxed, feeling on their skin the soothing effect of the after-sun cream they had spread on each other. Claire was reading a sci-fi novel, her near-naked body lying on the bed. Anna, who was making some sandwiches in the little alcove, had found it hard not to peek constant glances in the direction of her gorgeous girlfriend. They ate those while watching TV, during which the constant sensation of Claire legs against hers triggered a mounting desire in Anna’s body and mind. She winked at Claire and opened the box.

The opening of the box had become somewhat of a ritual for both girls. It did not necessarily mean they would use the toy, but it was the signal speech was no longer an option between them.
They had a wonderful sex session. Claire was very tender tonight, and took great care of her girlfriend. Anna, on the other hand, was fiery and wild, and really into it. They both had fun chasing the toy on the bed (it even fell from the bed once or twice in its adorable panic). Anna had pretended to crush it under her bum, had even asked Claire to do the same. Claire knew this was Anna’s fetish in action, and indulged her gracefully, although she thought there wasn’t much sensation to be had from the tiny man under her butt cheeks. The toy was indeed struggling, but it was so squashed under her weight, that it did not really amount to much. Anna was gazing intently at the little show, asking her friend to close her eyes and directing Claire’s hovering bum onto the fleeing toy, and she did seem to enjoy this. When Anna had inserted the toy into Claire’s gorged sex, she insisted on taking picture of her, while she was slowly orgasming over the tiny body. To Anna, the image was fascinating, of this beautiful girl wriggling in pleasure spasms under the unseen touch of the toy buried within her sex.

They went to the bath tube together, played a bit more with the toy, and Anna had a wonderful climax, when the toy was tongued inside her. She kept it for nearly one hour inside her pussy, as they relaxed afterwards. Only when the time came to dress up for the cocktail evening on the terrace of the hotel did a reluctant Anna remove the toy from her vagina and stored it carefully back inside the suitcase.
When the girls appeared on the terrace among the merry crowd of tourists, wearing tank tops and mini-skirts, and their beauty magnified by the plenitude of their sexual encounter, many a man felt their jaws dropping. Unfortunately for them, many were bound to be disappointed later on...


D 54

Looking through the window of the tiny and rusty bus that carried her to the beach, Anna was taking in the sheer splendour of the landscape, the kaleidoscope of the colours on people, the luxuriance of the vegetation everywhere. There were only a few tourists in the vehicle, admiring like her the exotic surroundings, as they were nearing the private beaches 7 miles north of the hotel. Anna was alone. Claire had over-reached her sun exposure limit the day before and suffered from a particularly nasty sun burn on the neck. She was not in much pain, but had declined Anna’s invitation to spend the afternoon under some coconut tree. Anna was half-disappointed, half happy about this. While she’d prefer to have her girlfriend with her, she was also relieved to have a bit of time on her own, and she knew Claire was welcoming the idea too.
Anna checked into her purse for the necessaries. Suntan lotion. Check. Sunglasses. Check. After-sun lotion. Check. Swimming Goggles. Check. The book. Check. The towel. Check. All was good. She smiled when she saw the toy fighting against the sun-lotion bottle at the bottom of the bag. This last item had been deposited here with a wink by Claire. Anna thought it a funny idea, but had no intention to use it in a public place.

The private beach was very private, and Anna was able to put a long distance between herself and the other bathers. She found a nice spot in the shadow of a tree, set her towel, and removed her skirt. She hesitated for a second, but after checking the surroundings, felt comforted , and removed her bikini top also. Her small breasts bobbed free and happy from their prison to get a whiff of the iodine-charged air.
Anna sat down pensively on her towel. In front of her, an unreal turquoise sheet of transparent waters was shimmering under the sun, revealing the white sands below. This was truly paradise. With a  sight of pleasure, Anna lied down on the towel.

The suntan lotion had signed a pact with the after-sun cream to squash the living hell out of him. John had to fight both containers to avoid being battered blue by the huge plastic things. The walking gait of the girl had set into motion every single object in the handbag, and John had to face the equivalent of an earthquake. His eyes had at last accustomed to the light in the bag, after two days of confinement within the darkness of the suitcase (the girls had behaved themselves yesterday). At first, John had been happy to at last get out of the suitcase. A few minutes later, struggling for his life against a cream pot , a lipstick, and some loose change, he wasn’t so enthusiastic any longer.

The heat was on. Even though the bag had been deposited in the shadow of the large coconut tree, John could feel the pounding force of the sun outside. His body was awash in sweat and there was nothing he could do about this. Unlike the girls, he’d had not time to acclimate to the outside world. When the large fingers had appeared into the bag, removing some of his enemies, the hot air that accompanied them had stayed inside, after the top of the bag had zipped up again in a definitive fashion. Left alone, John sucked in all the various sensations from the trip and the beach like a sponge does water. In his misfortune, he still craved the end of the dark isolation, and this opportunity was the most “life” enhancing event of the past two months.

A vast commotion was happening outside. Through a hole in the fabric, John got a glimpse of a massive foot landing near the bag. A volley of sand grains hit the bag like pellets out of a shotgun. Then, he saw the huge shape of the French girl diminish in the distance, as she walked to the water. She had nothing but her blue bikini bottom on and, seeing her for the time at a manageable size (within a room she always looked so massive), he was for the first time gob-smacked by the loveliness of the girl. She seemed petite but her curves were wonderful, her hips balancing nicely to her gait, her naked back was a lovely triangle of toned but discreet muscles, her back bone clearly marked, and the shoulders were thin and feminine, under the flowing curls of black hair. He watched her disappear  behind the sand dunes of the beach.

Diving under the clear surface, Anna was thrilled by the much needed dip in the ocean. The water was deliciously warm but still refreshing, and its crystalline state allowed to see all the wonderful fish and sea fauna that thrived around the lagoon.  A good swimmer, the young woman adjusted her goggles and treated herself to a slow but round trip of the lagoon. After a few minutes however, feeling the heat on the top of her head, she decided it was time to go back under the shadow. The beach was lovely and she took her time to stroll back, letting her vanity take the upper hand, and allowing her bare breasts to catch some sun-time. In a country that welcoming, there was no point in keeping a tan-line.

Her head was first to appear beyond the dunes. Then her naked torso emerged, the tanned skin shining under the sun. Then her belly, then…She was as gorgeous coming back, as she had been going away. Her lovely young face was framed by wet locks of jet black hair, her eyes highlighted by nicely black eyes-brows. She looked early twenty. Her nose was small, perfectly formed, and her lips formed a lovely natural smile. John stared, remembering he had been many times between them already, but never had the proper distance to appreciate them. At each step, lean muscles showed on her thighs, a clue to her obviously sporty nature.
Her perky breasts were high and round, showing a slightly paler complexion than the rest of her body. She did not show the slightest fat on her firm belly and hips. As she walked back to the beach, John could only hold his breath, as the admiration was replaced by the usual feeling of awe.  Every step she made was enlarging her beautiful frame, and John  felt as if he was himself slowly dwindling into insignificance.

Soon her head was high above the vast desert of sand. Her feet were not yet visible, but already tremors reached John through his feet. In a few seconds, the hole in the bag only allowed John to see the massive legs treading in his direction, then only the calves. The feet became visible , as they squashed the fragile dunes, two powerful machines flying low and getting larger still, sending clouds of sand in the air. Till only one huge toe landed just in front of John’s eyes. The beautiful naiad was gone, only the giantess remained , her unbelievable presence outside exploding around John with all its smell and noise and ground-shaking reality . John had never felt a craving take hold of his stomach. This sight had been so wonderful, he could have fallen in love instantly with that girl, but now he was once more totally ejected from her world, back in the realm of the  tiny things she carried oblivious in her handbag. John Hingsley let the tears fall down his cheeks as he sat down on the rough fabric, as he heard a frightening sigh of contentment coming from the enormous being outside.

Anna awoke from her quick nap as the sun was already low on the horizon. The beach was quiet, and apart from the singing of rare birds and the low crashing of the waves, no sounds broke out through the air. Anna breathed out with delight, stretching her limbs.
She felt good, relaxed, and happy. Opening the bag, she took the isotherm bottle of water and drank long and slowly. She saw something moving down there. Putting aside the water bottle, she leaned forward and considered the tiny pink thing that was apparently trying to gesture in her direction. It was really extraordinary how human it looked. Bio-engineered cats and dogs and even wild animals had appeared on the market a few years back, a mix of nano-technology and genetic manipulation, but something that complex really seemed a tour de force. Anna had a quick look around. The day was perfect, she had a way of making it even more so. She dipped her hand into the bag, and took hold of the warm little toy.  

Lying back down on the towel, she placed the toy on her belly, looking at it intently. She was still soaked from her swimming, and she could see how the water droplets on her tanned skin adhered instantly to the tiny feet of the little man. It tried to come forward, its arms extended, as if it wanted to talk to her. She smiled, and, with a nudge of her finger sent him sprawling on his face, just as he passed between her breasts. She kept him there, pinned under her finger, listening to his squeals. If it were a real man, this situation would be oh so hot to her, but she still pleased with this simulation. A little cog seemed to start ticking in her mind and she stared at the toy, while a flow of images streamed through her head. Looking around, she noticed a couple of people were also lying near-by, but not that close as to be a nuisance. Discreetly, she pinched the toy between the fingers of her right hand , and lifted the bottom of her bikini with her left. When she let go of it, the tiny shape of the toy was visible under the fabric, but she hoped, not too noticeable. Lower still, a familiar wetness began to surge, sending a blush of delight on her cheeks.

Anna was getting aroused by the sight of the little bulge, and a twitch came to her toes, as if her body was already preparing for a more drastic experience. Yet it seemed the toy was trying to come out, two minuscule hands attempting to lift the edge of her bikini.

“Tss, tss, tss, reste où tu es, toi” she whispered to it, tightening the bikini strap discreetly.

This was really pleasant, and she lied back, concentrating on the caress of the warm breeze on her skin and the sensations from her venus mons, where the small life form was struggling playfully. After a few minutes, quite aroused, a smiling Anna, glancing at the neighbours on the beach , started to bring her finger to her bikini, and, under the pretence of adjusting it, slowly pushed the toy further down. She could feel it fighting the push, and had even the surprise to feel it grab her pubic hairs, as if resisting in earnest,  but after a moment she had it over her mons and falling into her crotch. She let out a little gasp. The toy was now struggling directly on her vulva, its legs trying to push away her folds, and by luck his arms were now tickling her clitoris. Anna tightened her bikini against her skin, and squeezed her thighs shut. The pressure against her vulva increased.

If someone had come to talk to Anna at this moment, he would have guessed something was afoot: her breathing was heavy, and the light trembling of her lips was telling a tale. The French girl was getting happier by the minute, as she lost her inhibitions and used one finger to press the tiny form against her sex.  She had thought initially to indulge in some low stimulation, but quickly she realized she wouldn’t be able to resist the temptation much longer.  She decided to push the envelop a bit further. She quickly inserted her trembling hand in her bikini, grabbed the struggling toy between her fingers, and pushed it decidedly into her vagina. The too sudden entrance of the toy inside her sex brought a fleeting pain, but she had been quite wet and it did not last. And she quickly closed her thighs again, shutting herself steadfastly. She looked around, blushing, but to her relief, no one seemed to stare at her. Savouring this little victory, Anna closed her eyes, letting the delicious sensations erupt into her vagina.


The hand had appeared so fast, he had had no time to prepare. One second he was inside the fabric bag, among her personal things (he was one of them) , the next he was standing on the hard belly, facing the hills of her breasts and the hungry look of her beautiful eyes. Around his feet, salty droplets gathered to stick to his own skin. The many droplets reflected the sunshine, like a multitude of mirrors on the tanned landscape of the lying girl. 

John knew it was a unique chance. He had to communicate with her. He walked decidedly towards the smiling face of the young woman, extending his arms as a sign of willingness. He was about to pass between her lovely breasts when a strong shock sent him on his face on the brown skin. Uncomprehending, he tried to stand up agin, but the finger on his back just did not bulge, and the pressure was so intense he could oly gasp, unable to utter a sound. He looked up, and saw the girl glancing around. Uh oh, thought the distraught man.

The inside of the bikini was moist and hot, smelling of sea water. The wet blue fabric on top of him let the light through and John could clearly see the carpet of pubic hairs he was lying on. Lifting the fabric with his head and shoulders, he manage dot turn round and face the exit . he was trying to lift the large cable that condemn the limit of the bikini, and was nearly successful, the bright sunshine entering the confined space, when suddenly it tightened strongly, reducing his efforts to naught. John Hinsgley shouted out for help, hoping the girl would hear in his tone ( he hadn’t been able to utter one intelligible syllable since the shrinking) the prayer of a desperate man. The pubic hair under his body were rough to the touch, bruising his skin.

A shadow covered the blue prison and the large fingers started to move him southwards. John tried to resist, grabbing the nearest hairs but he was relentlessly pushed over the edge of the massive crotch. His feet passed over it, followed the slope of the bikini, till John found himself hanging onto hairs, his body vertical and pressed forward by the bikini gusset. A last push from the large finger on top of him and he had to let go, falling into the gusset, his face against the folds of the large clitoris, and his body hugging the wet labia of the girl. He tried to find purchase with his feet against the hot convoluted flesh.

This was not fair, he thought. Two months ago he was facing the normal issues of a normal life. He was worrying, not about his very existence and well being (he was, after all, a rich man), but about strategic choices, difficult partners, financial challenges and be accepted by a woman he loved.  Now his challenges consisted in staying away from rosy holes and sexual juices, avoiding crushing buttocks and salivating mouths, resisting despair in the darkness under women’s underwear.  While he had been in contact with throngs of people during a normal week, all of them dependant on his decisions and moods even, his world was now reduced to two persons, who did not even know he existed, and who had over his very existence a control all the more absolute that it was unheeded . Helplessness did not even start to describe what he felt right now, fighting away a young woman’s labia with all his strength, inside her bikini crotch. When the two vast thighs started to close behind him, the huge unseen mass of flesh pressing in his back ,as if to imprint him into the folds, John knew it wasn’t even worth fighting. A very short stub of pubic hair was trying to stab him in the right flank.

The fingers appeared without warning, light flooding the confined space. They took hold of him and John head and torso were introduced violently into the steaming orifice of the young woman’s vagina. He hadn’t even time to scream that he was already pushed deep inside, his body dragging painfully on the juice covered flesh. Darkness went total and behind him, the entrance of the vulva shut immediately, pushing him even further. The womanly smell and ooze from the invisible walls around assaulted his senses, triggering instant claustrophobia. The world had disappeared, replaced by the internal biology of the female body he was buried into: pulsations,  quivers, heart beats, gurgling noises from the nearby by intestines, squelching noises from the juices flowing around his body. There was very little air, and so hot and charged it nearly hurt to breathe it. John Hingsley beat his fists on the oozy walls, and tried to move his body so as to turn towards the exit of the tunnel, , knowing he would not reach it.


Anna did not think anyone had heard her , when she climaxed quietly under the sun. But she could not be sure her body had not betrayed the state she was in. She had kept the toy at work for nearly three quarters of an hour in her vagina, and her mind had ascended to such a wonderful trance, she had lost touch with the sea, the beach and the coconut trees around her. Had she wriggled on her towel? Had she ground her hips into the sand? She really could not tell. The bathers near-by did not seem to stare at her with surprise, and when she met the gaze of a lone young man  down the beach, she did not see anything unusual (like a smirk, for instance) in his expression. Reclining back on the towel , she concentrated on breathing from the abdomen, reducing the panting and relaxing her body. It had been so wonderfully intense, the toy deploying whole new moves and touches inside her vagina. That she could not help herself in any way, had meant concentrating only on the sensations from within, and the very slow and gradual build-up of her orgasm, had ensured its wonderful intensity.

After a long moment of “recovery”, the young woman stood up and walked to the blue waters. Its contact around her ankles achieved her full return to reality. The beach was gorgeous, and Anna still felt the same exhilarating feelings of otherness and wonder she had experienced on the first day. It really was the best holidays ever. She decided to walk to the rocky promontory she could see about a mile and a half up the long beach. Inside her, she could feel the toy slumped against the entrance of her sex, attempting to get out, but the walking, along with the bikini gusset, held it nicely in place. It was still moving slowly, and the sensations were really nice, if no longer arousing. It was as if every step she made stimulated the toy into giving her a very pleasant inner massage. The sun was lower now, but still radiated a comforting heat on her naked breasts. Walking along the beach, Anna felt beautiful. The appreciative gaze of a group of guys she passed by told her she most probably was. Life was sooooo good.


The return to the hotel was uneventful. Anna had spent a lovely afternoon, but she was eager to see Claire, to share some of its wonder with her. She felt they had come much closer, it was possible, during the last ten days on the island. It was after all their first trip abroad, and although it was not exactly a challenging journey, the sharing of their sensations, the freedom of being far from everyone they knew, the very fact that they relationship could blossom without hindrance and judgment from their friends and relatives had indeed cemented their love more firmly and unambiguously than ever. Anna had had some difficulties coming to terms with the same sex partnership. Although she knew from an early age that she wasn’t attracted to men, she‘d had to face the probably common issues associated with a “in closet” sexuality. It is to her credit that the few male partners she had were not the result of some denial. She was too honest with herself and the others to be playing that comedy. She had acted out of a simple and natural curiosity, certainly, but also out of a natural empathy with boys that were totally taken by her. She had made her mistakes, but no one, not even her former lovers, could ever criticize her for being manipulative or unkind.

Being with Claire made so much sense to Anna. Her love was so uncomplicated and clear, and Claire’s love reciprocated so uncompromisingly, it was no wonder this relaxing interlude could only strengthen what they already had. Anna sometimes mused over the idea that the presence of the toy had also something to do with the current harmony of her feelings. Sure, this is was by no means a man, but in Anna’s mind, there was no doubt the presence of this pseudo-malehood, this tiny male body, had in away facilitated the transition to her purely homosexual self. By retaining this element in her sexual games, she was also being quirkily faithful to her first experiences as a teenager while adapting to the real attraction of the female body. Anna opened her bag and peeked inside. The toy was holding onto a hole in the fabric of the bag, jostled by her movements. She had rinsed it thoroughly in the blue waters of the lagoon, and it looked healthy and ready. She was again surprised to see how the toy’s face always turned towards her face, as if it recognized which part of her he should squeal to. This made it so human. She figured a hell of shape-recognition program had been written in its memory. The toy let out a series tiny sounds, in a really amazing pretence of a conversation. Anna bemusedly blew a kiss to it, and closed the bag again. The person in a seat nearby smiled to her, probably convinced Anna had purchased some kitten at the local market. Anne smiled back,  feeling a sudden flush of embarrassment, mixed with a strange feeling of connivance with the tiny passenger on her knees.

The disclosure of her “ kink” to Claire had been a difficult moment for Anna. This eerie attraction for a fantasy that could have no ground in real life had been a problem to her ever since she truly realized its reality. It had been a mild disturbance while it had been still nascent in her mind, but had become an issue when it was crystallized by the discovery of many websites affirming its shared existence. Converging with the reality of her homosexuality, the fetish had made sexuality harder to understand for Anna. She seemed to be attracted to the idea of dominating tiny men, while at the same time, her real attraction had turned decidedly towards female partners. It took her a while to accept that one was not exclusive of the other, and she had concluded that really the fetish for her had more to do with her naturally submissive sexual nature and the need to somehow find balance, rather than with the actual choice of size or sex. Claire’s reaction to it had been utterly wonderful and supportive, a million miles from the fears Anna had entertained about it.
Anna smiled to herself, anticipating their reunion. The bus crawled it way through the beautiful landscape of the island.


Claire was feeling much better. The sunburn cream had done the job, and the red colour of her neck was already turning a much healthier brown. She beamed at Anna, and kissed her vigorously. Both girls settled on the desk-chairs, a drink in their hands, and shared their experiences of the afternoon. Anna described the beach, the sea, the sun. Claire described her meeting with a very funny couple at the hotel indoor pool. But however wonderful their solo time had been, any outsider could have said, by looking at them, that they were just too pleased to be together again.

“Et le …. Tu as ….? “winked a mischievous Claire to her friend, nodding in the direction of the handbag on the bed.
Anna took a sip of her mango juice, looking into her friends’ eyes.

“Oui.” She said simply, and beamed a smile to her friend that was telling everything and needed no further comments. They laughed, giggled, recovered and kept chatting for a little while. 
The night was starting and they were scheduled for a concert later on.

Anna went back inside, had a quick shower and came back to unpack her bag. She took out the various lotions, washed away the sand that had found its way in the bag, set the towel on the drying line, thoroughly rinsed her bikini and hooked it on the line. She removed the toy, passed it under water. The tiny body wriggled and sputtered and struggled under the water faucet. She dried it in a fresh towel and went to set it in its box.
A naked Claire suddenly clung to her back, her warmth and smell so familiar, as her two arms embraced her waist. Anna could feel her friends’ breasts pressing on her back while a kiss was deposited on her neck.

“Une petite minute. Qu’est-ce que tu crois faire, là?...” whispered Claire in her ear.

Claire’s hand appeared from behind, and two fingers slowly and dramatically removed the toy from Anna’s grip.
Before Anna had even turned round, a laughing, running and very naked Claire had ran away to the bed. She jumped on it,  lied back, and then suggestively set the toy on the bed between her opening thighs.  She looked at Anna and pursed her lips in a funny  pout of innocence.

“Tu veux?” She had used her “killing voice”, as Anna sometimes called it.

Anna came closer, a smile on her face and  rolled her eyes emphatically, in pretence of boredom.  Standing at the end of the bed, both arms on her hips, she let her gaze travel from Claire’s lovely smile, down her slender neck, her inviting breasts, and naked (and pierced) belly and then down to her wide opened nether region.
Between her friends’ thighs, the confused toy was just coming to its feet. For a second it seemed petrified when faced with Claire’s sex. Anna saw it step back, turn towards her, its eyes looking up directly at her face. It fell on its tiny knees, arms extended at its sides and seemed to utter an urgent, desperate speech. To Anna, it looked as if the toy was actually begging for something. It was really amazing.

In that moment, Anna was not sure which of Claire’s demure attitude, or of the toy’s adorable little show , played the most part in triggering the sudden urgency at her loins. Slowly letting the towel around her waist drop to the floor, revealing her lovely and fresh nakedness, she set one knee onto the bed…


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