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Temple Of Flesh:

Drew Nightsin


A drunken man left one of the many taverns in Zteel. He entered the torch lit night on the streets; with ale on his breath and merriment in his soul.  The moon was high in the night sky as he tired to walk home. His mind trailed off as the shadows danced along the stone and wood that made up the city-state. He was nearly home when he saw something out of the corner of his eye.

He turned to see something in the shadows. The man turned away and just kept walking “must be a cat or something”.  The man then resumed his journey until he felt two boney talon-like hands on his shoulders. He dodged the grip of claws and turned to see what was behind him. To the man’s horror he saw a man with fiery green eyes, claw-like hands, and robes made out of human skin.

The man turned away from the devil-like man and started to run. However, the fiend appeared in front of the man as fast as he tried to run and then the fiend attack him. The fiend clawed, bit, punched, and kicked the man. The man was now on the street bleeding from every part of his body. The fiend looked down at the poor man and laughed “I won’t kill you; human, for I am going to enjoy your pain”. Then without anymore words the fiend grabbed the poor man by his leg and dragged into the shadows. The man gave out a bloody scream as the two disappeared into the darkness of the streets of Zteel.


In a clearing of a jungle just west of Zteel; Zeva was sleeping below the stars. Her 45 ft frame was covered by her leather cloak as if it was a blanket. She wore bronze greaves and a bronze breast plate. Her long brown mane of hair was her only pillow. Her olive oil skin gave away that the young sleeping she-giant was Archalossus: one of the two giant races that walk the lands of Garglos.

She was in deep sleep when she felt something small pocking her shoulder. She raised her hand to brush away what was pocking her. That is when she heard a small weak voice coming from her shoulder. “Please lady I beg you, don’t hurt me” the voice cried out. Her dark blue eyes opened and turned towards the voice.

To Zeva’s shock on her shoulder stood a young boy. He had been badly beaten. His clothes were nothing more then rags soaked in blood and tears. Zeva looked at this pitiful creature that was on her shoulder. A tear fell across her face. She gently grasped the boy and sat up in a sitting position. 

“Child, what happened to you? How did this?” Zeva asked holding the bruised little boy in her hands. The boy brushed tears away from his eyes “I…was ssent here by the gu…guards of Zteel. I went to them asking for their help. Th…they beat me till I was will…willing to see you and send you a message. The king Tor of Zteel wants to speak to you …he…has a job for you.” The boy started to clam down and soon he sat in the palm of Zeva.

Zeva just sat there amazed at what the boy had said. “Why did they brutalize you, what dose the king want, and why did the guards want you to fetch me?” The boy started to shake in fear “I don’t know for sure why the king sent for you lady. But, I think it has something to do with people going missing in and around Zteel. That’s why I went to the guards. You see, my mommy and daddy went missing and I went to them for help to find them and they…and they…” Zeva cut off the boy “and they beat you senseless; but, why would they child: why?” The boy started to get nervous “well… they said that they were scared of you and when they got the orders to send for you. None of them wanted to bring you of fear of being eaten by you. So when I asked for there help to find my mommy and daddy. They beat me till I said yes.”

Zeva could feel rage building inside her. Zeva felt rage for the guards who would do this to a child. Then having the beating be justified by their fear of her. Also Zeva could relate to this child who has lost his parents. “What is your name child?” Zeva asked with a smile. The boy wiping away another tear looked up at her “Ur, my name is Ur lady”. Zeva then stood up and with her free hand tied on her cloak and grabbed her spear. “Well Ur, I will go with you to see your king.” Ur’s face lit up as Zeva spoke. Now, with Zeva prepared she placed Ur on her shoulders. Zeva then spoke again to Ur “Now Ur, when we get to Zteel. I might do or say things that might be scary to you. However, I swear to the war goddess; Sorrow, that nothing will happen to you.”  Ur just sat down on her shoulder “Don’t worry lady; my mommy and daddy have friends who are Archalossus and I am use to seeing human being eaten like berries.” Zeva was astounded by Ur’s openness to giants and his own strength. She the turned towards Ur “Please Ur, call me Zeva”. With that the two started their journey to Zteel.


Night time in the city-state of Zteel had become uneasy event for its inhabitants. The terrified guards in their linen armor stood watch on top of the walls that surrounded Zteel. The night was devoid of any kind of sound. Then in the distance the sound of thunder broke the eerie clam of the night. The guards looked at each other with terrible dread in their souls.

Then as the thunder got closer the ground of the western part of Zteel started to shake. In panic the guards ran towards the west part of the wall. They then watched with little easy as Zeva came out of the forest with Ur still on her shoulders. Although King Tor did send for her; the sight of an Archalossus was a shocking for many of the men. As Zeva came closer some of the guards start to run in fear. As she came closer Zeva was amused to find that the wall around Zteel only came up to her waist. As she watched the guards run around like scared little animals.

Then a voice called out “Stand your ground you dogs, stand your ground!” As the head of the Guard: Nkosi came towards the wall to greet Zeva. “Welcome to Zteel I am Nkosi the head of the Guard here” Nkosi just stood there wait for Zeva to give him praise and thanks for being allowed to enter the city-state. However, Zeva just stood there waiting to be let into the city.

Nkosi soon grew angry and unloaded his wrath on Ur “The she-monster is not pleased. Maybe having you runt in her belly might brighten her mood”.  With Nkosi’s words the guards behind him started to laugh. Zeva let out a roar that echoed through the night “How dare you mock this boy! This so-called runt did a task none of you were brave enough to do! Now my I see your King now or should I start gorging my self on you cowards!” At this point all but Nkosi started to run away.

Nkosi himself was just standing there laughing “Well, I did not know that monsters had a soft spot for runts. Yes, you are free to enter Zteel.” Zeva did not say anything to Nkosi. She only stepped over the wall; she then turned back to Nkosi “Don’t think I am done with you yet” then Zeva turned and started to walk. A smile was on her face as she though of how to deal with him.


Being an Archalossus, Zeva had always expected reaction from humans; especially when she passed through a human controlled city-state. Yet, Zeva found no reaction on that night in Zteel. Nothing, no screams, no people running away; infact, there was no one on the torch lit streets of Zteel. As she walked through the small human city Zeva cloud only see boarded up buildings and hear whispering form the buildings. Zeva asked Ur “Is this because of the missing people?” the boy only nodded as they reached the Citadel.

As Zeva reached the Citadel even the guards there seemed to be lest worried about Zeva. The Zeva and Ur enter the Citadel. Zeva made her way through the cramp halls that lead towards the king’s throne chamber. As Zeva and Ur enter the king’s throne chamber Zeva cloud tell something was very wrong. The bloated drunk king with vomit on his fringed tunic was sitting on his throne staring at the shadows of the chamber. His unsteady hand was at his sword while as guards surround him. There bodies tense and shaking with fear.

Tor finally to notice of the giant young beauty in front of him “please, sit down; I am Tor: king of Zteel”. Tor’s word seemed more like a lustful drunker then a king. Zeva sat down crossing her legs and setting Ur beside her. Zeva looked at King Tor trying not to be full disgusted by his nature “What is the horror that haunts your city king Tor”. The started to play with his squared bread “my city is under attack by something beyond any normal man’s power” Tor got up from his throne and started to pace around the throne.

“People have been disappearing at night” Tor words were weak and feeble. Zeva thought about it “A beast of some kind”?  Tor Just shook his head “No blood, No body, and not even a trace of the ting…I think it’s something…else”. Zeva was trying to understand how there cloud be no sign of this thing. “Is there any ideas where these people were being taken” Zeva asked Tor in an attempt to figure out a plan.

Tor turned away from Zeva “Yes, we think that they are being taken to an old temple north of Zteel. The temple for the goddess Agata it was built during the Hunia Empire”. Zeva rolled her eyes knowing all to well the history of her race. Tor went “Of course after the empire came to an end. Humans around here took control of it; however, after the head priest of the temple disappeared afew years. The temple was left to the elements. Now, people have been hearing the screams near there day and night. Also when I send men to go to the temple they never come back. I have an army that dares not go to a ruin temple!”

Zeva rolled her eyes back into her head “You want me to check the temple; but, Why me?”  Now Tor stood in front of the she-giant “Correct, I do want you to check the temple and because every attack by my army against you have failed; ever since you chose to terrorize my nobles and my army. Yet, I will pay you greatly if you chose to go to the temple; so how about it.

The anger and rage that was building inside her broke. Zeva leaned close to King Tor “listen hear you swine. The only reason I am even hear is because of the child near me. Otherwise I would have denied your offer form the start.” Zeva went on “As for the so-called “terror” you accuse me of. I only say that if stopping nobles taxing their people to death and your army form attacking the weak; then yes I’m proud of the terror I have caused.

 With that Zeva scooped Ur up, placed him on her shoulder, and grab her spear. “Yet, for this child I will go and see this temple. You and me will talk about payment after I get back” Zeva the turned and started to walk out then she turned back to tor. Zeva then looked at Ur “What will happen to the boy?" Tor just smiled “Most likely he will be sold in to slavery”.

Before Zeva could say anything a voice echoed through the whole chamber “Enough, you Coward” Zeva turned to see a pale skinned young she-giant with read eyes and black hair; with strange steel armor (steel armor is unheard of in Garglos). Zeva knew it was Sorrow: the goddess of warriors and her mentor. Sorrow took Ur gently in her hands “I will see to the boy; Zeva, you go and do this swine’s work”. Then Sorrow and Ur vanished into the shadows as Zeva walked out of the citadel and to the temple men fear to go.


The moon was still high in the night sky when Zeva made her way towards the temple. At first, Zeva could not anything. No birds, no animals, no anything as she walked through the jungle. Then in the distance Zeva could hear a sound. At first she thought it was just a pack of jackals. Then Zeva realized that she could hear words in the howling.

Zeva followed the screaming to a clearing of which stood the temple. She knew rectangular temples like the one before her as a child on her home islands of Hunia. Yet the size of the temple was even a surprises foe the 45ft she-giant. To her horror the alter that stood outside the temple was covered in human skin and human blood. As Zeva came closer to the temple it self she realized that the temple looked rather strange. Then in the moon light Zeva saw them.

For all over the Temple the bodies of humans seemed to have been fussed to the temple; like moss on stone. Their bodies were just a burnt and rotting flesh. Their mouths were spewing blood as they screamed. Their entire bodies oozed puss and filth as they tried to get way from the temples grip. They screamed, howled, and cursed in pain; but, for some reason they could not die.

Zeva just stood there in revulsion at the ghoulish sight. It was not long till Zeva heard a voice. “Ur, Ur where are you?” Zeva looked around trying to find where the voice come form. She followed the voice to the right column of the temple. There halfway up the pillar was something that had once been a man. He had been skinned and the rest of him had been burnt to a charred; yet, the poor soul was still moving and still crying out.

“Please, Archalossus tell me, have you seen my boy Ur?” Zeva stood at the foot of the steps as she answered “Yes I have and don’t worry your boy is safe Sir. He sent me to find you and your wife.” The man’s grew wide “My 6 year old son sent an Archalossus to find us…But how?” Zeva smiled as she heard the pride in the man’s words. “He forced me to find you. I was not a match for him.” Zeva did not know if he believed her lie. However, his deformed face painfully twisted into a smile.

Zeva looked around the temple “What happened to you and where is your wife”? The man’s eyes rolled back as he hissed “Me and my wife were taken one night by devil-man! I tried to fight but his demonic powers were too much for us. Now I am trapped as apart this temple and my wife is somewhere inside!” He man now howled as blood poured out of his mouth.

“I am just glad Ur is alright. Now please I beg you find and kill this fiend; plus I need something else.” Zeva listen as the he kept talking “I am already a dead man yet even though I am in great pain I can not die; so please when and if you destroy this demon. I want you to kill me.” Zeva smiled “alright I will kill you and release form this hell”.

The man smiled as Zeva started up then steps. With each step of her bare feet she crushed some poor ghoul. For Zeva the steps felt like it was covered by a living carpet. Under different events Zeva might have enjoyed the feel. Yet, not here with these trapped souls trying to escape.

Zeva finally reached the doors that lead into the inner chamber (or naos) of the temple when she heard a voice. “By the great sprit; even myself: the stewardess of battles and warriors. I would have never created such a place of horror such as this.” Zeva then turned around to see Sorrow behind her. Sorrow’s eyes were wide and her hand was over her mouth. Zeva turned to Sorrow “Is Ur safe?”

Zeva’s words seemed to snap Sorrow out of her trance. “Yes, he is safe away form this place. He wanted to know about his parents.” A chill went down Zeva’s body as she recalled Ur’s farther. “Yes, he is among those here and his mother is said to be inside.”

Zeva then went towards the when Sorrow grab her arm. “Zeva dear, please hear me. Your bronze spear won’t be enough. Here take this dagger.” Sorrow then gave a red bladed giant’s dagger to Zeva. Zeva the place the dagger on her belt and just as she was about to step into the naos she hear Sorrow again. “Don’t forget Zeva that fear is like mist; pass through it and it is no more” With those words Sorrow vanished in to the late night air.

Now alone again Zeva open the door and entered the naos of the temple. Then as the door closed behind her she could not believe the sight infront of her. In the room were hundreds of women that covered the naos. Some of them were burnt or bloody while others were cut up and disfigured.

Then Zeva saw in the center of the room where once a statue of Agata stood. A man was there stand; his eyes were a fiery green and his hands were like talons. He was being swarmed by the women who covered the room like ivy. He laughed as they kissed, sucked, and licked every part of him; then he would reward them by clawing, biting, and hissing at them. Zeva just stood their and watch half sickened and half jealous at this fiend of a man.

Then Zeva hear a voice call out “Ur, Ur my child where are you”? Zeva turned to see a woman whose skin was just hanging off her body and was gutted on the wall next to her. Zeva came close to her “Are you his mother” She shook her head up and down making her skin move up and down. Zeva smiled “Uris safe he asked me to find you and your husband.”

A smile appeared on the woman’s face then started to weep. Then every thing became silent. Then the first time in all of this man in the center of this hellish orgy and Zeva locked eyes with one another. The women the covered him slithered off him return to their places on the walls and floors.

The man stepped off the base and walked toward Zeva. As this man stood infront of Zeva her whole body went cold. Even though this man only stood 6ft4inches tall compared to the 45 ft tall Zeva. Zeva could sense a power in him that was unnatural. Along with his fiery green eyes and talon hands; to Zeva horror this man wore robes made out of human skin.

They just stood there with the cries of hundreds of women that made up the room the only sound between them. Then the man spoke “mighty and brave Zeva; welcome to my temple of flesh”. Zeva was taking back while the man laughed “Come now child; after seeing my work you’re surprised to find out I know you and your desires”. Zeva pulled her self together; she leaned forward and stared down at the man “Who are you little man and what are you doing here”!

Zeva’s words shook the whole room; yet, the only stood below her smiling. “My name is Milo child and what am I doing here is a long story. However, I’ll tell you.” Zeva’s blood chill as Milo kept talking “At one time I was the head priest of this temple. I had a family and we were welcome into Zteel with open arms. Yet, since Adept were outlawed in Zteel were had to hide are powers. I don’t know how; but, one night Nkosi and came to the temple.

Yet, I was out of the temple; I was healing a sick boy in Zteel!” Milo screamed as he went on with his story. “When I came back to the temple; I found my family bunt and ravaged bodies impaled outside of the temple. The seal of the Zteel guard on their fore heads. On that night I gave my soul to the dark god Ubel. He gave me the power to wage an unholy war in the name of my slain family.

Zeva just stood there; in total shock of what she was hearing. Zeva then bent down towards Milo “Why are you telling me this”? Milo formed a hideous smile that showed off his black shark like teeth. “Because my dear, I want you to join me. I know your pleasures and you and me are very much alike. So what do you say child this temple could be yours aswell?”

Zeva thought about Milo’s offer for a long time. Then Zeva spoke “It is true that we do share the same delights. The difference is that I do not target the weak and innocent. I satisfy my pleasures with the wicked and cruel! I am also not a monster that would take parents away from their child! So I must refuse your offer for you cross a line of evil even I could not cross.”

With that Milo disappeared and room became black. Zeva could not see or hear anything. This lasted for awhile. Till three figures came out of the blackness; to Zeva’s dismay her dead family stood infront of her. Their skin was a greenish grey color and maggots covered their bodies.

Zeva covered her eyes as the memories of the day she lost them came back to her. Zeva started to weep as her guilt of surviving that day came back to her aswell. Then Zeva recalled what Sorrow had said about fear. Sorrows words gave her strength as she threw spear at phantoms of her family. Then as the spear hit them they disappeared.

Zeva then realized what was happening “Very cleaver little man but you got to try hard then an illusion to slay me”! With the darkness lifted and she was back inside the temple. Milo was now in a corner hissing and cursing. His anger was now at a fever pitch “Now my child, Die!” with that Milo lepta across the room at Zeva. Zeva then pulled out the dagger Sorrow had giving her earlier.

Then as Milo was mere inches away from her ankles she came down on him and stabbed Milo’s right through the head. Milo’s whole body then exploded into green flames. Then he simply vanished as if he was a mere dream. It was not long till Sorrow appeared “I see you won your duel; sadly however more is needed to free these souls.” Zeva rolled her eyes as she picked up her spear. Sorrow went on “His hate for humanity was too strong to die with him”. With that Sorrow then grasped Zeva’s and lead her out of the temple. “However, I know how to free them.”


The people of Zteel surrounded the temple as dawn was breaking over jungles. Infront of the mass of humans stood Sorrow and Zeva. They were infront of the temple with torches in their hands. Ur was standing on Sorrow’s shoulder. The young boy was trying not to cry. He knew his parent where in the temple and in great pain.

As they stood there Zeva leaned towards Sorrow “How did you know about his magic and the dagger”? Sorrow only whispered “I did not know. My words were to give you strength. I was also afraid for your safety so that’s why I gave you the dagger. The dagger itself has tasted the blood of every kind of demon. So it had to work on this devil.”

Zeva eyes widen in surprise “So how do you know this will work?” Sorrow smiled “I talked to the goddess of magic: Inyx. She said this will work”. Zeva lit her torch “Are you sure it was not one of her jokes”? Sorrow then lit her torch “I almost trust her with this”.

With that the two threw their torches on to the steps of the temple. The temple was soon engulfed inflames. The people that were apart of the temple were also inflames; however, were not screaming or crying. Only joyful laughter was coming from the poor souls as their bodies became ash. Then once freed from their ghoulish flesh their souls floated with the smoke from the fire.

Ur watched as his parents drifted into the early morning sky. Ur burst into tears as his parents waved to him as they went to ever lasting bliss. Soon the temple was nothing more then ash and stone. Then the people of Zteel stated to leave. Zeva saw that Ur was crying she turned to Ur.

“Don’t be cry Ur, be happy. Your parents are at peace”. Ur wiped his tears away “I know but where will I go Tor has already said I will become a slave if I return to Zteel”. Zeva and Sorrow looked at each other and smile “well Ur, we were thinking would it be okay if Sorrow raise you”? Ur’s face lit up “Thank you, thank you Goddess…” Sorrow interrupted him with a smile “Please dear call me Sorrow”. Ur smiled back “Okay Sorrow thank you”.

Zeva wrapped her arms around Sorrow (making sure not to crush Ur) “I better be; but, I will keep in touch”. Zeva then turned and started to walk away. No sooner did Zeva turn away Sorrow and Ur vanished into mist. Just then Zeva found Tor who stilled owed Zeva her reward. Zeva walked over towards Tor who was now the only human left at the temple.

Zeva looked down at the little king as she towered over him. “Is my payment ready little king?” Zeva’s words seemed to rattle Tor to his soul. “Yes she-giant, your compensation is just over in the brush over there” Tor words were shaking and weak. Zeva just nodded as she simply stepped over Tor before she disappeared into the jungles.

Once Zeva was in the patch of jungle she looked high and low for her prize. It was not long till she heard reward. “Someone get me off this damn pole!” the hiss coming from Nkosi. Zeva only smiled as she followed Nkosi’s swearing. It was not long till Zeva found Nkosi. He had been striped naked and tied to a pole.

“I bet your wondering why you’re tied up on that pole?” Zeva giggled as she walked up to Nkosi; licking her lips. “Well first, you were the one that murdered Milo’s family. That caused him to turn towards Ubel and hurt all those innocent people. Second, because of that fact Tor needed you to be punished to keep his people happy.  Third, I don’t mind eat human pest like you. So I and Tor got an idea to reward me for killing the monster you created. So your punishment is to be my reward.”

With her words Zeva reached down and pulled Nkosi off the pole. Zeva when lifted Nkosi up to her face. Zeva ran her tongue over the little man’s naked body.  Zeva was planning on eating Nkosi right earlier. However, she had never thought that Nkosi’s strong tan body would taste so good. So, Zeva opened her mouth then tossed Nkosi into her mouth. With the snap of her mouth Zeva started to walk back to her camp just west of Zteel; all the while sucking and licking on Nkosi as she went.

The End

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