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((DISCLAIMER! This is the first time I, the one true king, have attempted to write a trans person. I've done my best to portray them as respectfully as possible, but if I haven't, please tell me. If I've offended anyone, please tell me. If I've made anyone uncomfortable, please tell me. Now that I have given you all permission to chew me out if it sucks, on with the story!))

Morgan was nervous, looking herself over in the mirror. She couldn't help but feel unsatisfied. Morgan wore a pink flannel button-up shirt with a jean skirt and tannish brown boots. Her curly shoulder-length ginger hair perfectly framed her freckled face. But despite looking every bit the southern bell, Morgan could not help but feel like an imposter.

"I can't do this. It's too soon." This would have been the first date Morgan went on since she transitioned. Two years of hormone therapy and some minor implants had done wonders, her confidence bolstered by every subtle change. But now, right when she was about to put herself out there, all that confidence evaporated.

*knock* *knock* "Yo, sis! You about done in there. I have to take a shit." Morgan heard from the other side of the bathroom door.

"Y-Ya, sure, David. One sec." Morgan wiped away the tears that were about to form as she opened the door.

"Oh, finally! I'm about to-" David stopped in his tracks, seeing the look on Morgan's face. "Wow, you ok, Morgan?" She shook her head from side to side, fighting back the tears.

"I can't do this, David!" Morgan blurted out, shaking as she grabbed her twin brother in a hug. He returned it and began to pet the back of her head.

"Hey, none of that. If you wanna stay home, that's just fine." She moved to look him into his eyes, those same kind eyes that would comfort her when they were both little. "But I think you should still give the date a shot. You're a charming young lady who deserves at least a chance to find love. Or at least a fun one-night stand." His last comment heard a scoff and a laugh from Morgan as she pushed him off.

"Please take this seriously!" She half laughed as she wiped the last tear from her eyes. "This is my first date as a woman. You would be jittery too."

"You're damn straight I would! I could never pull off jeans like you, even before your ass filled out!" They both laughed as Morgan lightly smacked her twin in retaliation for his inappropriate comment. But everything quickly calmed down, and the nervous feeling returned.

"What this goes bad? What if she takes one look at me and-"

"Then we go through the tubs of ice cream I got just in case and watch horror movies. Just like we always do when your love life goes south."

"Ya, that was kinda a stupid question..." She jumped a bit when David's hand clapped on her shoulder.

"You are charming. You are cute. And you deserve to be appreciated for who you are. Now go wow the pants of that lady! Or don't, just get out of the bathroom before I shit myself!" David then shoved his sister out of the bathroom and slammed the door.

"Wierd end to that, but thanks for the confidence boost, bro!" Morgan then grabbed her purse and charged out the door.


Morgan was at the BBQ joint, the Wiggly Piggy. She hoped the food was better than the name. She waited to order until her date showed up. All she knew about the girl she waited for was her name, and that she was a Native American, or First Nation, she wasn't sure which one was more correct.

"Hey, you Morgan?" She turned her head to find the source of the voice, a little shocked at who it was talking to him. The dark-skinned woman standing before her was two, maybe three feet tall, wearing sweatpants, a death metal band t-shirt, and long straight black hair.

"Um... Ya... You Lomasi?"

"Yep. I take it Dave didn't tell you I was a shrinky when he set this up?"

"No, he didn't... You um... Need help with the chair?"

"I'm good, thanks." Lomasi used both her arms to pull out her chair, grunting as she did so. She almost looked like a kid, bearly tall enough to eat at the table without a booster seat. Both women had very awkward looks about them. "Is, is this going to work for you?"

"Oh, sorry! I just don't really interact with people who got shrunk very often. Sorry if I'm being weird." The more petite woman giggled a bit.

"You're fin. Honestly, I've had worse starts to dates. You should have seen this one creep who catfished me, then tried to stuff me in a gym bag!"

"Oh shit! I'm sorry that happened to you!"

"Ah, I got away. And he got arrested when he tried to do the same thing to an undercover cop. I think he got three life sentences. No idea how that works, but whatever."

"Still, that fucking sucks." Things then became quiet after that. Then thankfully, the server came over. They both ordered ribs, and Morgan ordered root beer as her drink, while Lomasi ordered an orange soda. "So, what do you do for a living?"

"I sell new-age medicine on the internet. Essential oils, herbal remedies, crystals, that sort of thing."

"Oh." Morgan started to shift in her seat a bit at that. "Don't you think that's a little unethical?" Lomasi just rolled her eyes at the question.

"It's not like I'm telling people not to go to the hospital or anything. It says on everything I sell that it's not a substitute for prescription medication. So if someone wants to use my products instead of stuff their doctor said to use, that's just Darwinism at work." The smaller woman said in a way that seemed like she had heard that question a thousand times.

"Sorry if I upset you!" Morgan said with her hands up defensively. "It's just that sort of stuff gets a bad rep from people trying to cure their kid's cancer by rubbing lavender oil in their eyes."

"And those people should die in a fire. But you don't blame the drug company for people killing themselves with horse dewormers because they don't want covid shots. You know what I mean?"

"Oh, I totally get it." The server then arrived at the table with their food, but the mood shifted when they both noticed that Lomasi's plate had a clown face.

"Charming." The tiny woman said as she gave the plate of ribs a less than amused glare.

"We can ask them for a different pla-"

"No. It's fine. I had to order mine off the kid's menu because of my size, so I got a kid plate. It's fine." Morgan could tell it wasn't at all fine. The humiliation was apparent on the tiny woman's face as she slouched.

"It's clearly not."

"Let's change the subject. What's your day job?" Lomasi said as she started to dig into the BBQ meat before her.

"Air traffic controller, I basically tell planes when and where they can land." Morgan then started chomping down on her ribs as well. Both women getting BBQ sauce all over their respective faces and hands. Because only a monster eats ribs with a fork.

"Now that sounds stressful."

"You're telling me. If me and my crew aren't on the same wavelength, of if some hotshot piolet feels bold, that's hundreds, maybe thousands dead. That's on me. I'm like a damned surgeon, I can't make mistakes."

"Fuck, that's rough." The two were halfway through their meal before the next series of questions erupted. "So, how do you feel about your family?" Lomasi asked, Morgan groaning in response.

"My parents and I aren't speaking, not approving of my life choices. My brother also cut ties with them out of twin solidarity, and they blame me for that too."

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. I can't imagine how that must feel, having the people who should be there for you no matter what turn on you like that." Morgan could see the sympathy in the little lady's eyes, no pitty but genuine compassion.

"I'm glad you don't. I take it your relationship with your parents is better?"

"I don't want to feel like I'm bragging or anything." Lomasi said as she shifted in her seat uncomfortably.

"Oh no, please do tell me how a functional family works. I will need a better example than mine to work off of when I start a family of my own."

"Not even through our first date, and you're already talking about starting a family? How romantic~!" Both women laughed their gay asses off. Morgan smacked the table several times as she coughed and wheezed from laughing too hard. "Didn't kill you, did I!?"

"No, no, I just, fuck, your hilarious!"

"So I'm told. You still wanna hear about my home life?" Morgan nodded while taking deep breaths. "Well, my mom shrank to about 4inch tall when she was about my age, and my dad is a little bigger than average 7.5feet."

"Oh, so you grew to be bigger than your mom? I don't really understand how the science behind the size epidemic works, but that must have been hard for her to discipline you when growing up."

"Not as hard as you'd think, actually." The little woman said as she finished the last of her ribs." I was a brat when I was little, but all it took was one stern look from my mom, and I was on my ass crying and apologizing."

"You sound well behaved enough. So when did your stepdad come into the picture." Lomasi looked at the big ginger with a confused look.

"I didn't say he was my stepdad. He's my biological father." Then, it was Morgan's turn to look confused.

"I'm sorry, but he has to be. Your mother is 4inch, and he's 7.5feet, you said."

"I don't see your point."

"Like... How could they... You know... To make you?" If not for her darker skin, Lomasi's bright blush would be just as visible as Morgan's.

"If it's all the same to you, I would rather not theorize the details of my conception, ok?"

"Right, sorry..." The table became awkwardly silent for what felt like far too long before Morgan finally spoke again. "So... You want to get dessert?"

"Not from here. They'll probably give me a cup that looks like a zoo animal or something." Lomasi then had a look of sudden inspiration. "Your brother baked a cake a while back, right? Is there still any of that left at your place?"

"Ya, it turned out that the person he made the cake for has a gluten allergy, so-" It suddenly hit Morgan like a brick to the face, her blush returning in full force. "Y-You want to... Come back t-to... My place?"

"Sure. Sorry if this is too fast, we can just-"

"NO! I mean, that sounds ok..." Morgan didn't expect what was happening. Sure, she heard about people doing stuff on the first date, but it never happened to her. Until now, apparently! "I have to use the lady's room, be right back."

"Cool, take your time." Morgan tried not to look like she was running as she went into the bathroom and into the nearest stall. Getting her phone out, and calling her brother.

"Sup, sis? Your date not go well?"

"Actually... It's going better than I thought it would... Maybe too good?"

"Elaborate." David said in a severe tone. "Did she do something you are not comfortable with? Cuz, I will punt her like last weeks-"

"No, no, she's lovely. But um... I might need you out of the house for a few hours." There were a few moments of silence, then hysterical laughter from his end of the call. "I'm serious!"

"Oh, I know you are! That's why it's funny!" Finally, after a few moments of obnoxious laughing and Morgan resisting the urge the hang up on the prick, he calmed down. "But seriously, are you two ok with this? I know you haven't been intimate with anyone since your transition, and I know Lo has only ever been with cis-women."

"You did tell her I'm trans, right? Because I swear, if this goes south because of you, I'll-"

"Wow, relax, killer, she knows. Just... Be careful, ok? I don't want anything bad to happen to my sister or my friend." Morgan teared up just a bit. Her jerk brother could be surprisingly sweet sometimes.

"It'll be fine, I promise. Just clear out for a little bit. I'll call you when it's safe to come home."

"Ok, good. Just be gentle when you get it on, Lo acts tough, but she's small, an-" Morgan then hung up on him. She was starting to get a headache from how flustered she was all night. All that blood rushing to her head couldn't be good for her.


"So, this is where I live. Get comfy while I get us some cake."

"Ok, mind getting us something to go with that?"

"Milk or something stronger?"

"EW! Who would have alcohol with cake?!"

"One glass of milk with chocolate cake, coming right up." Morgan walked into the kitchen. It took her a minute to find a glass and fork small enough for Lomasi to use comfortably. "You can do this, Morgan." She said to herself as she got everything together. "Nothing has to happen, your just... Seeing how things turn out." Morgan walked back out into the living room, Lomasi giving her the sweetest smile as she sat their food on the coffee table.

"Oh, my~. That cake looks like heaven~." The smaller woman said as she got an almost lustful tone to her voice. Not that Morgan was judging her, people say a woman's first love is her father, but it's really chocolate cake.

"I know, right!? I swear David should have gone into baking as a career. But he likes it better as a hobby. That's his prerogative, I suppose."

"More cake for us then." Lomasi dug into the cake the moment it was placed in front of her. Morgan tried to cut a piece small enough for her date, but it seemed that she shouldn't have bothered. It looked like the little lady was one of those people that had a hollow leg. Where else was all that food going? Certainly not her belly. It would have burst! "Fuck, why is he still single!? I'm gay, and even I'm falling in love with every bite!"

"I forget what it's called, but I don't think he doesn't like anyone like that. I mean, I know he sleeps around with a few friends. But he just doesn't, you know, love anyone that extra little bit."

"Sexual aromantic." Lomasi said between bites of cake that reasonably should not have fit in her mouth. "Or aromantic sexual, either way, good on him for living his true self. Same for you, by the way."

"Th-Thank you..." Morgan blushed again, but this time with a little smile on her face. They both ate in silence, Morgan holding back a giggle as Lomasi licked her plate clean, trying not to get noticeably turned on by seeing the little lady's tongue work through the see-through plate. "So... What now?"

"Well, we could watch a movie, talk more, or..." Lo gave Morgan a very suggestable wink, and her implication didn't need to be said. "If you want to, that is."

"I... I don't know." Morgan started to slouch a bit and look away from her date. "I mean... You are gorgeous, and I'm very attracted to you... But..." Morgan felt very vulnerable at that moment, curling up in her seat a bit. She shuddered a bit when she felt Lomasi getting up on the arm of her chair.

"Hey, you're good. We can just sit here and talk if you want. We don't have to get intimate if you don't want-"

"But I do!" Lomasi jumped a bit as Morgan turned to her, the cute ginger tearing up as she looked her concerned date in the eyes. "I want to be close to someone like that again. I want sexual intimacy, but..."

"But what?"

"But what if I don't feel like a girl? What if using... That..." She said as she pointed down to her crotch. "Makes me not feel like I'm Morgan anymore?" Saying it out loud felt different than just thinking it, just fearing it. Morgan felt like she was going to start sobbing, but then she felt Lomasi's little hand on her shoulder and froze like a deer in headlights.

"I'm sorry." She said while smiling kindly at Morgan. "It's ok if your not ready for that yet. We can just watch a movie or play a two-player thing on your console. I know I don't know you very well yet, but I think you are a wonderful woman, and I don't want to do anything to hurt you." Morgan grabbed up the tiny woman in a surprise hug, crying hard. Lomasi's small hand gently pet the side of the bigger woman's head. Helping to calm her done enough to stop crying, and after a few moments of awkward silence, let the more petite woman go.


"Ya..." Morgan felt so embarrassed, not even looking her date in the eye. "S-Sorry for just grabbing you up like that."

"All good. So, you wanna go a few rounds in that fighting game David won't shut the fuck up about?"

"Sounds good. I'll set it up." Morgan and Lomasi then spent the rest of the night playing some trendy fighting game. Lo had a disadvantage because the controller was too big, but Morgan had the more significant burden of being bad at fighting games. But neither of them cared. They had fun and enjoyed each other's company. All in all, it was a perfect date.

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