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Andrew tried to hold as still as he could. It was difficult; even though he knew he’d been in this position dozens of times it was still terrifying. Part of him, deep down, knew that it was all a simulation. A level of virtual reality so far ahead of the first wave of goggles that it was comparing the first airplane to modern space shifters.

The part of him that knew this was true was not the part of him in control.

That same simulation, a program known as Transferred Reality, was calling all the shots for him. The programming was thorough enough to be worrying, but that also made it the perfect entertainment system. Movies had been replaced by Living Experiences, being able to override the user’s own responses and dictate their emotions. Video games improved into truly living worlds.

Entertainment had truly reached a golden age.

But for Andrew, entertainment was current pink, wet, and terrifying. Something held his feet tightly, just shy of painfully. But his entire body was held by something far more powerful.

Hot wet flesh surrounded him, clinging to him and molding almost perfectly to his body. He took a shallow breath with what little hot, humid air he had left but instead got a mouthful of fluids. This made him jerk in panic as his lungs started to burn but this in turn made his surrounds jump slightly and squeeze harder.

Abruptly the massive vagina he was encased in lifted upward, each millimeter of tender flesh rubbing against him as he was slowly freed. Outside the massive canal it was almost freezing and Andrew took a deep shuddering breath. He moved his arms to try and free his feet but saw it would be impossible; whatever held him looked like it was molded into the chair he was stuck onto.

Giant legs were ahead of him and he couldn’t help but look up and scream as massive pussy lips descended to devour him once more.

Amy couldn’t help but laugh. She’d watched this scenario dozens, if not hundreds, of times and it was by far her favorite. Tina sat next to her and laughed as well; to them both the program appeared to be showing them a porn video that was always from the perfect angle. Transferred Reality essentially read their minds to give them what they wanted, often before they knew they wanted it.

Which was why they got a perfect view of their brother’s terrified face for a split second before he was engulfed in avatar Amy’s pussy. The camera moved outward from there, revealing a younger appearing Amy to be bouncing up and down on Andrew like a dildo. In front of her a teacher was writing on a board, and he turned around to say something, making her freeze in place and nod quickly before he turned back around.

As Amy’s avatar bounced happily on her toy, in the real world the girls wrapped up their session, both shuddering with their climax and completely unashamed at what they were masturbating to.

“Don’t know why I like that one so much,” Amy said as she stood up. A tap on the computer paused the simulation, and another tap caused it to close down.

“It’s your first one, right?” Tina said back to her as she stood and picked up both their vibrators. A quick wipe with a cleaning solution and they made their way back into their designated drawer.

Amy nodded and put her hair back into a ponytail. Her long black hair still came down to her shoulder blades, and her casual black tank top matched her pale complexion well. Tina was a taller and slightly older version of Amy, with bigger breasts but not as well-defined abs or backside. Not that they were competing.

“So it’s got a special place in your…” Tina gave her naked from the waist down sister a once-over, “…heart.”

Behind them, in the space between Tina’s bed and closet, there was a subtle rush of air that made both girls turn around. Andrew slowly stood from his initial position on all fours and looked around nervously as the last of the Transferred Reality emotions faded away. As a man who had much practice with the situation he gathered his wits again quickly.

“That didn’t last long did it?” he asked rhetorically. Andrew was completely naked which showed off his arms and shoulders, and also his raging erection. Given what they’d been up to lately it didn’t bother him that his sisters wore nothing below their tank tops. He’d seen everything they had. In detail.

Amy still seemed surprised by his size in the real world despite how many times she’d seen him nude. And it was obvious that while the girls had came Andrew still needed to. The line between reality and digital intimacy was strange, but orgasms in the simulation still seemed to count in the real world. Meaning his real mind was still ragingly horny while his virtual self had been too terrified for anything but survival.

“Go take the edge off, little Romeo,” Tina said as she rolled her eyes, “Amy’s got a final she needs to study for.”

“Yeah yeah,” he said as he sidled past the girls. Amy gave him a smack on the backside and they all laughed.

“We gotta get you a real girl!” she said, dreading the test she was going to take that afternoon.

“Bring back what’s-her-name!” Andrew said as he left her room and headed to his own. They all knew he was simply going to full-immersion himself once more in TR, likely in a scenario involving cheerleaders and questionable consent.

Amy rolled her eyes and gave Tina a playful shove.

“Hit the books, not me!” Tina said laughing as she gathered up her yoga pants and walked out of the room, turning toward the kitchen.

Amy gave the computer a longing look; she knew what she’d much rather be doing with her day. But with a sigh she left as well, determined to pass history.

Later that evening the trio sat in the living room, laughing as Amy described her terror at seeing the empty lecture hall only to realize she was across the hall from the real one. Her grade had come in five minutes before and despite her fears she’d actually passed the class with a ‘B,’ officially meeting all requirements for her general educations.

“Toast!” Andrew said, holding up his glass. When the girls held up their own, he said: “To bigger and better things!”

They all took a drink but when Amy was done, she said, “How about to smaller?”

Both Andrew and Tina rolled their eyes but the truth was their family dynamic had taken a very sudden turn over the past month. Andrew had initially been put into Amy’s Transferred Reality program as an attempt to get her to spend more time with family. Instead he’d been used in her masturbation programming, and Tina had gotten involved as well.

At first he denied liking it but only a few weeks later he was putting himself into it voluntarily. He had his own ‘vanilla’ porn Realities he’d purchased but something about the size difference and helplessness was intoxicating. When his sister’s caught him it had turned from a scary one-time event to a regular occurrence for the trio. For Andrew it was fun to be at tiny size, even when the program forced him to be terrified. Or eaten. Or smashed.

For the girls it was like watching the perfect porn that literally followed their every wish.

They’d avoided, so far, any physical real-world action with each other. Somehow that still felt like a line to not cross. But most of the day at least one of them wasn’t bothering to wear clothes and they all were having enough fun that no one had bothered to go out for a random hookup in weeks.

And though Andrew was the only one willing to go ‘full immersion,’ both girls were planning on trying it out on this upcoming long weekend. Which meant he’d been getting the full experience, for better and worse, while they’d merely been enjoying perfect adult content and side-by-side masturbation sessions. Tina was practically vibrating with wanting to take things to the next level.

“So,” Amy said after their second toast, “I think I’ve got a couple of scenarios that are really ready to put out there.”

Andrew shared a look with Tina. As far as they were concerned her stuff had started out high enough quality for them to enjoy just fine. But Amy had strong suspicions it had only worked so well because they were siblings. And she knew for sure they’d only been testing things with Andrew fully immersed and he was in no way, shape, or form in any position to be affecting how those scenarios actually went.

“I thought Hide-And-Seek and Sneaky Student were doing pretty good?” Tina asked as she took a drink. She didn’t even turn red in the face when she thought about how often they’d watched Sneaky Student together. Especially since it used her avatar for the giantess. Those two scenarios had been put online already with the user having the option to fully-immerse as the tiny.

“Oh, totally,” Amy agreed, “There’s really only been a couple of buyers but they’re putting out good reviews. But I gotta get more stuff out there, which means we’ve gotta do some testing.”

“Full immersion testing?” Tina asked eagerly, and Amy nodded.

“If my scenarios can handle one, or a couple of people going full immersion in them, then they’re solid enough to sell. The two I put out are pretty basic and not meant for more than one person, or really much variety at all.”

Andrew shrugged but knew what she meant. Amy wasn’t a multi-million-dollar studio with teams building scenarios, movies, and games for people to participate in on their own. She was one surprisingly talented woman who was nevertheless working on her own, on home equipment. The scenarios he’d been in had been more than good enough for one immersed player and preferences set by the viewer.

“Can I at least get a good night’s sleep first?” he asked, knowing they had four free days ahead of them.

They all shared a laugh and finished their drinks. Amy made herself take a sleeping pill, but her siblings had no such trouble falling asleep.


“Okay,” Amy said to Andrew as he finished his coffee, “So this first one is pretty busy with a ton of options and two, potentially more-“

“Look,” he interrupted, “Let it be a surprise, okay?”

Amy was terrible at surprises.

“Fine,” she said with a pout, but turned to Tina. “You just have a good time, the scenario should-“ Amy looked at Andrew pointedly until he sighed and left the room, intending on eating one more donut before they got started, “-it should have the tiny participant come to you at some point. More or less.”

“More or less?” Tina asked.

“The immersed parties in my scenarios are sorta linked,” Amy said, trying to think of a way to explain what she meant, “So if there’s a lot of things going on the smaller ones will tend to gravitate to the bigger.”

Tina nodded.

“So just have a good time?”

“Yep, I based this one on an old story I read,” Amy said as she started her scenario, “It’s a club based on micro use, The Tunnel, and basically you should start out sitting at the bar. I made enough presets that you should be able to go for quite awhile before anything repeats but-“ her voice picked up speed as she nervously described what she considered her best work ever, “-you shouldn’t even notice if you hang out that far and –“

“Amy,” Tina interrupted, putting on Andrew’s full immersion headset, “I trust you. Am I looking for bugs or anything?”

“Maybe,” Amy admitted as the last of the programming showed it was ready. “But part of your running through this will be me observing and the sim reading my intents and expectations too so you shouldn’t notice anything. Think continual and automatic process improvement.”

“Are we done with the spoilers?” Andrew asked as he came back in. “Am I getting my biceps and chin back?”

“No!” both women said together, then laughed.

The disguise had worked particularly well the first time he’d been in the simulation and Amy hadn’t recognized him at all.

“Buckle up!” Amy told Tina, still laughing, and the older sister grew quiet fast. She’d never done this before, but Andrew had reassured her dozens of times it was safe.

“Um” she said as she raised a hand, “I’m actually not so sure-“

Amy started the process, and before Tina was done with her sentence she had vanished and her headset landed on Amy’s bed. Andrew picked it up and set it on his own head, then sat down where it was still warm from Tina’s backside.

“I knew she’d get nervous,” he said as Amy tapped on the computer briefly.

“She’ll change her mind,” Amy replied with a final tap. But the time she turned around Andrew had vanished as well.


At first the loud music was overwhelming for Tina; she’d never been a club girl, but the beat immediately caught her ear. By the time she was nodding her head with the rhythm she’d already forgotten her initial surprise. And by the time the bartender, who looked stunningly like a movie star whose name she couldn’t recall, was taking her order Tina couldn’t have thought about how she got to The Tunnel in the first place.

“Vodka and Red Buff!” she said, sure he hadn’t heard her over the music, but the man nodded and started on her drink.

Tina sat back a little further on her stool and looked to her left and right. She’d gotten here a little early for the real party to start, but it was fair to say this place was never really calm. Motion caught her eye and she looked at the bowl of treats that was stationed nearest to her; there was one every several feet, and she knew the salty flavored delights were actually there to make people thirstier.

She idly plucked one of the tinies out of the bowl and tossed it into her mouth. Tina smiled as she felt the little one try to escape back through her lips but a quick chew ended that. Munching down on a second tiny, she shifted the bowl to the left and smiled at what she saw.

A good-looking little man, perhaps two inches tall, cowered out in the open when his hiding spot suddenly vanished. Dark hair, big arms, and from what Tina could see a proportionally large cock. He looked up at her and Tina smiled the smile she usually gave her one-night stands before dropping her pants.

“Tab?” the bartender asked as he sat her drink in front of her.

“Yeah,” she said, handing him her card, “Keep ‘em coming!”

“Sure thing,” he said with a laugh before moving on down the bar to the next customer.

Tina sipped her drink and saw her tiny observer had vanished. She rolled her eyes and moved the treat bowl over again, revealing him once more. This time he ran forward, waving his arms to get his attention as though she weren’t already staring down at him.

“Hold still!” she told him, and leaned forward rapidly to wrap her lips around his body. When she straightened up she could see his legs kicking out from between her lips if she crossed her eyes. Faint screaming was audible just over the music as she tipped her head back and swallowed him.

When he was slightly too large to go down smoothly, she took a longer drink and felt some of the garnishes fall onto her tongue with a pleasant tingle. Her treat went down easily the rest of the way and began moving in her stomach instantly, just the way the garnishes were trying desperately to stay afloat in her drink, knowing their destiny was still someone’s stomach.

Amy leaned forward in her chair with a smile. She focused on Tina’s stomach and the simulation showed her Andrew screaming as stomach acid began burning his skin, though it would never complete its work for as long as the simulation ran. Then she leaned back and looked at the scenario as a whole. The fact that her brother had been devoured started a familiar heat between her legs.

That went pretty perfect, she thought. But she’d started simple. Right now The Tunnel was essentially deserted and the scenario had been relatively ‘simple.’ Time to make it bigger! she thought as she queued the second test run.

Her view of Andrew struggling in Tina’s stomach vanished, and once again Tina was sitting at the bar. The now much busier bar, complete with bouncing dance floor behind her.

Andrew tripped over a drink straw and stumbled forward. The noise of the music was overwhelming and part of him was sure he’d been somewhere else moments ago. He didn’t mind being completely naked nearly as much as he minded the pervasive scent of alcohol and the absolute certainty that he needed to be hiding, not marveling over the tiny straw that was big enough to trip him. Nakedness was a secondary consideration.

Something massive moved behind him and he screamed as he turned. Looking upward he saw one, two, three massive shot glasses filled with an amber liquid and –

“Oh shit!” he yelled.

Each held a screaming woman, desperately trying to free themselves but all failing. Before Andrew could react, a giant hand reached forward for one and slammed him aside casually. He screamed but watched as the hand, attached to a stunningly hot redhead, handed the shot to her blonde friend, then took the second while the last went to the world’s largest and hottest librarian.

“No! Don’t!” he screamed, drowned out easily by the music, as all three shots went back easily.

Each woman coughed slightly as the liquor went down, and each shot glass came back completely empty. The women all cheered and high-fived before signaling to the bartender for another round.

Andrew ran from their sounds of celebration.

As he ran he couldn’t help but notice things were only getting worse around him. To his left was a massive open dance floor filled with a crowd that normally he would have watched from a quiet corner. It could have been a showcase for any club dance floor, except Andrew instinctively knew dozens of lives were being ended every second purely to make things a little more fun. Every glance in that direction showed him more people his size being devoured or smashed by dancing feet.

To his right was somehow even worse; he was used to a well-stocked bar, even though this was posher than a place he might frequent. Amidst the bottles were clear containers he’d seen used for olives or limes. But these were filled with people his size and smaller. Some of the top-shelf bottles of liquor were names he’d never heard of but held tiny people at the bottom, clearly unable to drown but suffering eternally like the worm at the bottom of a bottle of good tequila.

Just as he took in this new horror a bartender walked by and Andrew saw a wide-brimmed glass holding a bright pink liquid and five little blonde women. As they were handed over to a waitress he saw the bartender shake something out on top of it, and he was sure he just saw hundreds of little lives be dropped on top of the drink as a garnish.

Then a hand slammed down in front of him. Andrew tried to scream but the massive fingers wrapped around him and lifted him upward rapidly. He was allowed to scream when the fingers adjusted to wrap around his ankles and dangled him overhead above a somehow familiar face.

The back of the dark-haired woman’s throat wasn’t familiar. But he did recognize the taste of his favorite beer as it suddenly surrounded him, then traveled with his screaming form down the sequentially clenching length of the woman’s esophagus. As he screamed the beer mixed with her stomach acid, filling his mouth as she took another drink.

Tina let out a small, polite burp as she signaled to the bartender for another beer. She had almost finished this one off when she swallowed down that free-roamer.

Amy, in the real world, gave up any pretense of quality control. She masturbated shamelessly as the simulation reset her brother time and time again. Each time he was dropped onto the bartop she knew he didn’t remember anything about his earlier end, but she was impressed by how varied Andrew’s attempts at survival were. His first trip into Tina’s stomach was far from the first.

As Amy slid her panties aside and slipped her vibrating egg all the way in, Andrew leapt off the bar toward whatever possible may escape lay that way. The nimble fingers of a bartender caught him easily and he was dropped into a shot glass, where tequila followed him into a frat girl’s stomach. On his next reincarnation, Tina did away with him again by swallowing him down with an olive, and following that she idly spent a few minutes seeing how far his limbs would bend before breaking before she swallowed him down.

When Amy achieved her first orgasm, while Andrew was put into a drink shaker and violently agitated, she pulled her egg free and leaned forward with a renewed focus. As Andrew was poured into a drink that was slid in front of a thirsty Tina, she paused the sim and pulled both her siblings from it.

In her all-pink waiting room Tina and Andrew appeared suddenly on the couch. Andrew cowered for a moment as the last of the TR programming left him, but Tina stood up and threw her hands in the air excitedly.

“Amy!” she yelled, “That was awesome! I wanna stay there forever and I didn’t even get to do any sex stuff!”

Andrew looked toward Amy as well; what had been a view of majestic mountains through the waiting room’s window now revealed the youngest sibling looking into the computer at them. He had a sheepish grin on his face. It was still hard for him to admit how much fun he had being dominated.

“That really was pretty cool,” he admitted. “I mean, I’m kinda with Tina and more into the sex stuff but-“

The trio talked together for several minutes, trying to piece together anything that might have gone wrong from a technical point of view. But when Andrew, who had the most experience with trying to ‘break’ a Reality couldn’t announce anything he’d improve, Amy breathed a sigh of relief.

“So that one’s good enough to publish? In both roles?” she asked, and Tina and Andrew nodded.

“It’s not even my thing and I’d be happy spending money on that,” Andrew said, and Tina nodded in agreement.

“Even without the tiny, uh, vore, aspect of it, that was a killer club scene and I didn’t even leave the bar.”

“Awesome!” Amy said as she prepared the next Reality. “Well this next one won’t be quite so busy and…

Amy walked the two through what they should expect next, although Andrew didn’t see the point. His positions were almost always going to be intentionally terrifying and sometimes painful. As the tiny he would always be dominated and without memory of exactly what he was doing wherever he was. Which was strangely fun for him and also made preparation easier: he didn’t need to do any. Though he did understand any future purchaser would want to know what scenario they were buying.

For Tina the explanations were just tasty teasing. Across all the upcoming Realities she would remain essentially herself, just without some of the restraint or cultural questioning she may have done otherwise. All the programming would do with her would give her a more focused purpose to fulfill the scenario rather than simply dropping her into a wide-open videogame world. If she really pushed hard against the programming, a very rare event, or tried to go beyond its bounds she would simply be exited out of the sim.

For Amy the explanations were a way to ease her nerves and prepare these two the same way a potential buyer should be know what they were buying.

“Oh, one more thing,” she said as she prepared the next scenario, “Unless you two find a way to actually break one of these just assume I’m having a good time.”

With that said she pulled her shirt off and waved her obvious already wet egg in their line of sight. Andrew rolled his eyes exaggeratedly but it was only halfhearted. He had no reservations about the fact that they were making porn and was far past the point of his sisters grossing him out on the subject.

Tina just assumed that Amy had already been the entire time.

“Let’s get this show on the road!” she said, digital heart pumping a mile a minute.

Ten seconds later Tina had no recollection of saying anything like that.


She was, however, absolutely certain she and her friend Beth would be coming to this restaurant again.

They had a quiet table near a corner of the main dining room. Trendy Italian décor made the place feel like they were really in Italy, as well as the excellent bottles of wine the waiter had brought them to try. It was well lit overall but their table was almost romantically dim.

Maybe perfectly romantically dim, Tina thought as she leaned forward. She swung both ways from time to time and Beth knew this; perhaps was banking on it. The place had, of course, been Beth’s idea.

Beth leaned forward too and dipped her hand into the larger bowl between them. She plucked out a two-inch blonde woman and gave her a quick look over as the held her over the steaming bowl in front of her.

“That’s when I said that I didn’t have any!” she said, and both women burst out laughing.

With that said, she dipped the little blonde into the hearty alfredo sauce and held her under for almost thirty seconds while taking a drink of her wine. When Tina was done laughing she picked out a one-inch male from the smaller bowl and dropped him into her own minestrone. He instantly began thrashing in the near-boiling liquid and she held him under with her spoon for a moment.

“Did he really think you just walked around carrying those?” she asked, fascinated and besotted. Her spoon shifted so the man could breach the surface, and she scooped him up with some beans and onions.

Andrew screamed as he felt himself be boiled alive. He sputtered as a massive spoon held him under the water and just as he was about to thankfully pass out he was returned to the surface of the soup and sucked in a breath of relatively fresh air. Then he was lifted into the air with more boiling liquid, and knocked aside by a massive bean that pushed him face-first downward again.

“Help me! Help me you-!” he started to scream at the vaguely familiar face in front of him.

Tina blew on the screaming morsel, only half paying attention to her too-hot spoon as Beth pulled her own bite out of the sauce. The little woman didn’t move for a moment and Beth let out a disappointed sigh.

“Dangit, I did it ag- wait, yes!” she said with a laugh as the little woman began to move. Faint screams emitted from her as the cheese sauce burned her skin to a perfect light crisp. “You know for someone who gets as many of these as I do you’d think I’d be better at not drowning them prematurely.”

“Meh, it happens to the best of us,” Tina said as she slipped her spoon into her mouth.

With a giggle Beth leaned forward and slipped the little one into her own mouth. Both women began chewing at the same time. Tina finished her bite first and swallowed, loving how the still-struggling tiny felt as he went down. She preferred to know they were struggling in her tummy, while Beth loved finishing them off with her mouth.

Andrew awoke suddenly with a scream, sure he’d been burning in acid moments before hand. He was in a bowl surrounded by other men, each looking terrified between the two giantesses far above. A hand reached in and they all tried to scatter, but the high walls simply made them fall into one another. Andrew screamed as the fingers wrapped around him.

“Oh no,” the redhead said as he was held up, screaming, far above the table, “I’m too full already!”

“Come on!” the dark-haired beauty said teasingly, “Catch!”

Without waiting for Beth to get ready, Amber tossed the tiny toward her and Beth caught him easily with a laugh. Andrew screamed as he was maneuvered between massive teeth.


Andrew screamed in excitement when the monster was revealed surprisingly early in the movie. The character he was sure would survive was thrown from a cliff after the creature disemboweled him. He wasn’t alone by any means; everyone in the dark theater had yelled in surprise and more than one person had thrown their popcorn.

Just as his heart settled back down someone entered the theater very late. He took a quick enough look to see it was a cute dark-haired woman that was vaguely familiar, then his attention was back on the movie where the heroine was now realizing she was all alone in the apartment building she’d randomly woken up in.

He didn’t even notice the woman again until she sat next to him and tapped his leg with something that made the theater vanish.

When his eyes opened again Andrew cried out in real terror, but he knew no one heard him over the sound of what must have been a car chase.

With a satisfied grin, Tina inspected her toy in the dark theater, lit briefly by explosions from the screen. She’d already kicked his clothes under the seat he’d been in and tucked her panties into her purse. Shifting her hips forward in the theater chair let her feet go onto the back of the chairs in front of her and her free hand casually flipped up her skirt.

The little man tried screaming but the movie was loud and their nearest neighbors three rows ahead.

Perfect, she thought as she aimed him head-first into her snatch.

Amy watched her sister masturbate in the dark theater as she masturbated herself. It wasn’t with a tiny man, nor mere feet away from strangers that made the idea far more exciting, but it was good. She focused more on Andrew’s struggling form and attempts at screaming than she did Tina’s situation specifically but she couldn’t help but feel jealous regardless.

She needed to feel this for herself.

Before she could make her next orgasm Amy made herself stop and pull out her egg. Frustratedly she paused the sim and began making her adjustments.

Less than a minute later a frustrated Tina materialized on the bed, feet from where she’d vanished earlier.

“Hey, that one was getting good!” she said, her body still tingling near orgasm. Reflexively she caught the vibrator Amy tossed her.

“My turn!” Amy said from the chair, donning the full-immersion headgear. She pointed at two icons on her screen and made sure Tina was paying attention.

“Wait, you’re going in?” Tina said excitedly, recognizing the icons she was pointing at. “I know how to pull you out.”

“Good!” Amy said, practically vibrating in the chair, “Just give me this next scenario and pull me out when I get off the train!”

With that said she pressed a button and vanished in the chair. Tina sat down before the seat could grow cold and turned on the vibrator as the next scene came into focus.


Andrew sat carefully in the train seat. Not too far from either side, and certainly not far from the emergency button. Since the shrinking virus had affected a large part of the world’s population a lot of efforts had been made to make the world more accessible for them. Aside from the obvious difficulty in seeing a four-inch tall man the world had changed surprisingly little once some changes had been made.

He looked up nervously as the door opened and a beautiful young woman, teenager potentially, entered the car. They shared four seats between them and their car had its own door; he’d picked it because it was less likely someone would randomly walk by and choose to mess with the shrinky.

Amy’s heart was about to beat out of her chest. She’d taken a little liberty with this scenario, based on a comic that had practically started her down her size fetish journey. The liberty of removing all emotional and cognitive railroading. Her future customers, provided there were any, could turn that off themselves as well, but it wasn’t an ideal way to test the sim. This way would be more gratifying for her though.

She walked into the small train car and pretended to be surprised by Andrew’s shrunken self in the seat next to her. She knew he had no idea who she was; the sim would take care of that. And she’d realized in the real world that if he was tiny she didn’t care at all that she knew he was her brother. This was just yet another game they played.

A game she was finally going to feel all the way rather than simply watching others play in Realities she’d created. Watching Tina have all the fun had pushed her way past being able to restrain herself. And since she could have her older sister monitor…

“Oh!” she said with obviously faked surprise to Andrew’s little form in the seat next to her. She felt her pussy practically on fire but she made herself play out the scenario at least a little bit. “I almost didn’t see you there!”

“It’s okay!” Andrew yelled back up to her, and Amy couldn’t help but notice him automatically checking her out. She knew in this Reality she appeared as a younger version of herself; in fact she looked exactly like a schoolgirl on her way to class. This apparently put him at ease. “No harm done!”

Together they felt the train start moving and Amy knew they had ten minutes before it stopped again. With a little focus that time could be prolonged indefinitely but she knew the time crunch was part of the fun.

He looked out the window at the trees passing by, and Amy shifted in her seat, trying to pretend she wasn’t watching him like a starving hawk.

When he checked his phone she leaned forward as though to check her shoes were tied. In reality she had just dropped her panties around her ankles.

Amy leaned back and spread her legs wide. Andrew finally looked up from his phone and noticed her movements. When he looked up at her face his own face suddenly went white.

She casually snatched him up as he dove for the emergency button near him. Specifically placed, in fact, for shrinkies to escape people like Amy. His little phone fell to the floor as she lifted him upward and she quickly pulled his clothes from him like a doll. At four inches tall it was hard to do without breaking anything, but she managed even though her hands were shaking from excitement.

The clothes were tossed out the window as Andrew screamed in her hand, but she knew no one would hear over the noise of the train. He stopped for a moment when she dragged her tongue up and down his little body as he sputtered our mouthfuls of her saliva.

“Perfect!” she said cheerfully and quickly lowered her hands.

This is it! she thought as she lifted her skirt to reveal her glistening wetness. Amy had watched and designed hundreds of these scenarios, all of which she’d enjoyed thoroughly. But now inserting a little man was about to go from fantasy to reality.

“Be good for me!” Amy told him, and Andrew’s struggling in her hand redoubled as though he was honoring her request rather than fighting for survival.

Amy came as he slid inside of her, the pure eroticism of the situation combined with finally realizing her fantasy was incredible. Before his kicking legs were even inside of her to his waist she shuddered in climax. He kept wiggling and fighting against her clenching muscles.

Tears almost came to Amy’s eyes when she realized this world, this situation, this…everything.

It’s so perfect! she thought, coming out of her orgasm and pushing Andrew in further, Why didn’t I do full immersion sooner?

Almost furiously she pumped the little man in and out her canal, rubbing her clit with her free hand.

Andrew screamed as the teen pushed and yanked him back and forth. His shoulder was on fire from her fingers but that wasn’t the worst part. He couldn’t even scream; the movement was too sudden and irregular. Every third or fourth thrust buried him within her sex past his head and he spent the next few moments struggling for any air, kicking and punching anything he could in a panic. When he was back into the dim light of the train car he spent precious moments spitting out fluids before he could breathe safely again.

Only to be plunged back in as he tried to scream.

Amy bit her lip as she tried to hold off her next orgasm but it was just too much. Knowing she’d turned a little man, her brother! into a toy that only existed for her pleasure was intoxicating. Her muscles clenched down on him once more as she orgasmed, her feet kicking her bag across the car.

This time as she came down from her orgasm she saw the trees passing by had turned into houses and she knew that she only had about a minute before the train pulled into her station.

“Oh wow,” she said, breathing rapidly. Looking down she saw her skirt had fallen down, blocking her view, and she flipped it back up. Andrew was between her fingers looking like he’d been hit by a car.

The sim wouldn’t let him be really hurt, any more than the train had a chance of derailing.

Now for the best part! she thought as she felt the train slow.

Sensually she put a finger on Andrew’s head and slid him further into herself. In her orgasmic kicking she’d kicked her panties off one ankle but she slid them back onto her other foot and pulled them up carefully, making sure Andrew’s face was protruding from between her lips just enough for him to be able to breathe.

When the train stopped fully, Amy made sure she hadn’t left any sign of her tiny companion and left the car with a smile on her face.


Amy materialized behind Tina in the real world seconds later. She shook off the confusion of her first time going full immersion quickly; she’d talked with Andrew quite a bit about it but those talks could only prepare a person so far.

Tina turned in her chair looking frazzled. She’d came more than Amy had from watching, and she’d already been very much ready to go from her own scenarios.

“That was hot,” she said, as if Amy couldn’t notice from how she was panting.

Amy herself stood shakily and sat on the edge of the bed. She was satisfied in a way she hadn’t been in a long time, and though she wanted more the urge wasn’t overwhelming. It was odd; she felt like she’d just had the best sex of her life and it was a change from her ‘standard’ level of desire.

“That really was awesome,” Amy admitted, nodding. She remembered how the squirming felt inside of her and realized why she loved her usual vibrating egg so much: it was a relatively close second to the real thing. Amy looked at her sister and giggled.

“Thank you so much for walking in on me a few weeks ago,” she said, referring to when Tina had first discovered Amy’s fetish and Andrew’s digital prison. “Because there’s no way I’d go full immersion without someone out here as a safety net and I never would have experienced that otherwise.”

“No problem,” Tina replied as she leaned forward and stood slowly. “I fucking loved going full in but I’m with you, without a safety net built in…I don’t know how Andrew is okay with going in unobserved.”

“Well it is actually really safe since he buys the primo stuff,” Amy admitted as they switched places and she sat down in front of the computer. “And I don’t mind in a video game because it’s been so thoroughly tested. But my own stuff? I’m still worried this may not be good enough to keep someone from getting stuck and beamed to Toledo.”

Tina giggled and her stomach rumbled. One downside of playing in these Realities was that the stomach had a hard time realizing it wasn’t actually full of delicious tiny people.

“Lunchtime already?” she wondered aloud. “Mini pizzas?” she asked Amy, who nodded.

“Okay, what about…” Tina let her words trail off as she looked at the computer.

Without another player in the sim with him, Andrew was now calmly enjoying a train ride. Which made sense; he’d be there for quite awhile before the system would prompt him about prolonged immersion if someone else wasn’t there to move the situation forward.

“Oh, I actually worked on something just for him!” Amy said as she pulled open a new Reality. “Well, all guys I assume are gonna want in on this, but I’m assuming he doesn’t get laid often and never like this so…”

She tapped several keys, then dragged his form into the new sim.

“There, now let’s go have lunch!” she said as she stood.

Tina stayed long enough to see Andrew sitting in the corner of a busy club that she recognized.

He’s gonna have a good time, she thought as she turned to follow her sister to the kitchen.


Andrew took a long drink from his glass; some fancy thing that he couldn’t name. But who was he to turn it down when Eva Le’Doll sat down next to him?

“So, what do you think?” she asked him, putting a hand high up on his thigh.

It was true he’d spent many nights watching her movies and wishing she was in his bed. And here was his opportunity. Never mind that he wasn’t the best-looking guy in the club. Never mind that any action he got from her, especially in this booth, was almost certain to be recorded by someone who’d recognized her and wondered what she was doing hooking up in a club like this.

“Well,” he told her as he plucked three tinies from their freshly restocked snack dish, “Who could say no to that?”

She gasped excitedly in the way that had won her two Emmy’s. With a smile she hurried and put her hair into a ponytail as Andrew unzipped his pants right there in the booth. Twenty feet from the dancing crowd and thirty feet from a bartender who was giving him a thumbs up.

Andrew knew they were far from the only couple doing something sexual in the club but his heart was still pounding from the idea of someone seeing them. Even as he looked toward the bartender he could see a couple sitting awkward on a pair of stools with a college-aged girl kneeling between them while they talked as though there wasn’t a mouth switching between their cocks every couple of seconds.

“Let me see let me see!” Eva said in a way that would have made any man on the planet hard, and she squealed in excitement as Andrew slipped his length out.

At eight and a half inches he knew he was far more endowed than the average man and clearly Eva liked what she saw. Even only half-hard he was more man than most men.

“Were you serious about three?” she asked, her brown eyes massive as he slipped his pants further down to expose himself entirely to her.

“Well, two hasn’t been an issue at all,” he told her as he grew harder under her gaze. “Here, lube them up for me?”

He held out the three squirming tinies, each a half-inch tall, to her and without breaking eye contact with him she leaned forward and licked them out of his hand sensually. Half a second later he was harder than he’d ever been in his life. Her hand stroked him slowly and she opened her mouth to show him the panicking littles.

Leaning forward for a kiss, he battled tongues with the beauty until he felt all three bodies land in his mouth. He hated to break the kiss but he had to give her what she wanted.

Carefully he pulled one out of his mouth and pushed it, actually a her, feet-first into his urethra. He was excited enough that he was already leaking pre-cum so the tiny went down fast. His cock had eaten dozens, if not hundreds, of tinies only to send them back later into his hookups’ hungry orifices so the act was not new at all to him.

In fact, he mused as the first tiny vanished into him with a pleasureful struggle, he was pretty sure he could fit more than three before getting them back out would be a problem. But if Eva was already impressed with that…

“That one looks so cute!” Eva said as the second was half-swallowed. Her hand was still stroking him but more gently; the bulge of the first tiny had paused halfway down his cock until she lightened her touch and let it proceed further downward until she landed in his balls.

Andrew groaned with pleasure as Eva tried to follow that one down his cock with her tongue. Her tongue coupled with the two tinies filling his balls was incredible.

“Last but not least!” he said with a smile as he looked at his cock’s third snack.

This one fought harder but was swallowed down all the same. Just as he’d suspected, something about the pressure in his balls kept this one from actually dropping into them. Which only meant that crazed vibrating was now happening at three spots in his cock. He could only imagine getting two more inside him; they’d be stuck in his shaft and he’d probably cum before anyone could even touch him.

“Holy shit this feels amazing!” he said over the club’s loud music.

Eva nodded as she stroked him, her face inches from his cock and eyes locked onto the bulge at his base.

“I’ve never seen anyone do three before!” she said back before planting a kiss on his balls. The actress said something to the tinies there and while Andrew couldn’t hear, he could imagine. Their struggles paused briefly while she spoke, then redoubled. They knew where they were going to end up tonight.

“Think you can handle them too?” Andrew asked, challenging the small woman.

She only responded with a playful narrowing of her eyes.

“Challenge accepted!” she said with a laugh, and Andrew laughed too; he never thought he’d get to hear her tagline in real life, let alone when she was about to suck his cock in a crowded club.

Before he could say anything else, Eva enveloped his cockhead in her warm mouth. He groaned and leaned his head back as she swallowed more and more of his length. Impossibly it felt like her throat opened perfectly for him; it was almost too tight but Eva was determined to make him vanish entirely into her mouth. Before he could believe it her nose was pressed against his abdomen.

Andrew’s cock felt electric and all he could do was enjoy himself as she bobbed up and down. She alternated between long, slow sucks that pushed her nose into his groin and small, faster bobs where her tongue fluttered along his frenulum. Constantly her hand cradled and shifted his balls, making their contents move more frantically as they felt the pressure of their prison increase.

It wasn’t long before Andrew felt the point of no return approaching. He reached down and tapped the top of Eva’s head three times and she paused for a moment, looking up to give him a wink.

“Here they come!” he said as she bobbed faster and sucked harder.

Pressure grew and grew as the struggling tinies were forced out of him and Andrew felt himself explode into Eva’s mouth. The woman expertly stroked him to coax the tinies outward; upward strokes were firmer, downward lighter. Shot after shot went onto her tongue and Andrew felt his orgasm peak once, twice, and a third perfect time as the three tinies spilled out with his seed.

When she felt his orgasm finally stop, Eva released Andrew’s rapidly wilting cock. She sat up in the booth next to him and giggled. Opening her mouth she gave him exactly what he’d been hoping to see: three screaming tinies doing anything they could to dive out of her mouth, all while covered in his spunk.

Eva closed her lips and swallowed once, twice. She took a dainty sip of her own drink, then showed him her empty mouth.

“Delicious!” she told him. “Wanna go again?”

Andrew started to say ‘yes,’ but an otherworldly sensation took over him and the world seemed to slow around him. Words appeared in front of him suddenly in a no-nonsense font.

Reality focal point. Repeat scenario? Proceed to scenario two? Exit?

The world switched from slowing to pausing completely around him, and Andrew felt the pleasant buzz from his drinks fade stunningly fast. Realization dawned as the simulation’s emotional regulation faded, leaving him with his own judgement. In the bottom right of his vision a clock appeared with the real-world time.

Knowing his sisters were watching made no difference to him.

“Proceed! Proceed!” he said hurriedly, wanting to know what else he’d get to do with Eva Le’Doll.

But instead of the words fading away and Eva’s eyes leading him to further debauchery, Andrew felt his entire body start to tingle.

“Hey! Wait!” he yelled out, but he blinked and he was kneeling on all fours on the carpet of Tina’s room.

Both his sisters were laughing up a storm as he stood angrily. But his anger cooled quickly when he told himself he could access that sim any time he wanted.

“Relax!” Amy said as she laughed, “You can have a free copy of that one!”

“That-“ he said as he sat on Tina’s bed, “That was incredible! You made that all?”

Tina rolled her eyes at him, like she hadn’t been watching and wishing she was hooking up with the movie star herself. Or in a similar scenario where she was sucking on Gerald Waiter in that same booth.

“Yeah,” Amy replied cautiously, “She actually put out a very limited self-avatar so for the actual, legally sellable Reality I’ll have to get a different model-“

“Me! Pick me!” Tina stage whispered, laughing.

“-otherwise I’d be in legally questionable territory.”

“Well there’s your model,” Andrew said, gesturing to Tina who looked oddly excited at the prospect of being put out to the world as high-grade wank material.

“Wait, you’re serious?” Amy asked as she looked at her sister.

Tina nodded eagerly.

“I’ve been watching porn of myself for a couple weeks now,” she said, “And I’m hot as hell. Do I get a commission?”

“Uh yeah, sure,” Amy said, “But you know this is gonna get you digitally banged like twenty thousand times, right?”

“And famous! Don’t forget famous!” Tina said with a laugh.


The following day:

“Okay, so this one is kind of a light one,” Amy said to Tina as she shifted through the rest of the scenarios she wanted to test. “As the giantess it’s literally a walk through the park to get home, then you’ll have few different ways to get rid of the tiny when you get home.”

“I’m starting to realize,” Tina said slowly, “That all these scenarios are really good railroading.”

Amy raised an eyebrow but Tina kept talking quickly.

“I didn’t mean it like that!” she said, “They’re all awesome and pretty much what I’d do anyways, but the sim really only has a few options, right?”

Amy shrugged and nodded.

“Sort of. As intended these scenarios do kinda force you into a few more mapped out paths, but they’re also what you’d buy these for anyway. I’m sure someone will mod them over time to do more. If you turn off the TR emotional programming and general guidance, once you got far enough from the main choice tree it would just reset.”

Tina nodded. It made sense that Amy couldn’t possibly map out everything any person might do.

“If we had a real high-end industrial setup we could do a broader thing, that’s why triple-A studios still exist,” Amy continued. “But then they don’t bother making the stuff that’s really fun anymore.”

She handed Tina full immersion headset.

“I’ve got a generic college boy I picked up a month or two ago in here,” she said, “Since Andrew’s being all responsible and going to the grocery store.”

“Okay, how many are we going through this time?” Tina asked.

“Just a couple,” Amy replied as she tapped on her keyboard rapidly, “Nothing too wild. One of them it’s probably more fun to be the tiny but I’ll leave that to others.”


Tina slowed at the end of her jog. It was a beautiful day out and three miles was enough. On her walk through the small park across the street from her apartment she smelled blooming flowers. Felt the sun on her face. Heard someone yelling.

She paused.

Heard someone yelling?

Frantically she looked toward the sound, sure someone needed help. The voice was oddly faint and at first she looked to the bushes behind her usual bench. But when the voice changed direction almost instantly she looked down at the bench instead.


It was the only thing she could think of to say. There on the bench, in broad daylight and not even trying to hide, was a three-inch tall shrinky. Her stomach growled.

He must be pretty desperate to want my help! she thought, leaning forward.

The little man was shouting up to her, trying to tell her something important since he’d gotten her attention. Important to him, that was.

“-in three day and I know you don’t all-“

“Shh!” Tina said, trying to hold back her excitement. He was right; not everyone thought of shrinkies as food. “Of course I’ll help you!”

He didn’t know that she did.

“Stay quiet!” she whispered to him as she held him gently in her hand, “First things first let’s get you indoors!”

And next up in my belly!

Tina had a good time pretending she was sneaking him into her building. The truth was no one gave her a second look. But the tiny in her hand held very still and when she chanced a look at him the hope in his expression only made her hungrier, like a kid who knows they’re on their way to get pizza.

Once in her kitchen she sat the little man on the countertop. He must have been exhausted from his own trials because he immediately collapsed to sitting.

“Oh, here, I’ll make us both something to drink!” she said, hoping he didn’t notice the silent malice in her voice.

He may have said something to her but she didn’t notice. Yogurt, milk, protein powder all made their way into a blender with ice. It all mixed together quickly and she poured it into her tall glass, almost to the brim.

When she glanced toward the tiny man she realized her smile must not have been too convincing. He’d started backing away rapidly.

“Hmm,” she said, moving toward him but pretending to be looking for something else, “I’m forgetting something…”

The little man paused in his retreat. Maybe convinced by her apparent lack of interest that he wasn’t in any danger. Maybe more realistically he realized she took two steps for every hundred of his.

“Oh! You!” Tina said with a laugh as he turned and ran. Casually she plucked him up from the countertop and ran him under the tap to clean him off.

She held him up for closer inspection and brushed him off to get any remaining dirt, then held him over her smoothie.

“Thanks for getting my attention earlier!” she told him with a laugh as he screamed, “I haven’t had a good tiny in weeks!”

Then he was dropped into the nearly freezing drink.

With faint screaming as background noise, Tina tipped her shake back and began chugging. She loved her latest flavor combinations. When she felt her protein additive hit her lips she carefully tucked him into her cheek.  The last of the actual shake went down easily, just as she felt the brain freeze start.

Carefully she maneuvered the tiny to the roof of her mouth and pushed him upward. Almost instantly the cold-induced headache vanished.

His squirming made her smile as she grabbed her towel, and she casually swallowed him as she turned on the water in the shower.  He was moving pleasantly in her stomach as she undressed, but by the time she was out and drying off the movement was already done.

“Disappointing,” she said in an annoyed tone.


Amy looked at the paused screen and shrugged. It was a simple scene and everything had gone perfectly. Before she could lose her train of thought she scribbled notes onto a post-it.

“Expand vore scenarios,” she told herself.

Then she pulled Tina back into her waiting room.

“Wha-I-“ Tina said as she found herself suddenly sitting on a violently pink couch, “Hey!”

She stood and looked out of the screen, where Amy knew she could see her.

“That was actually really fun!” she admitted with a laugh, “Who knew eating people like that would be so cool?”

Amy laughed with her as she lined up the next several scenarios.

“I did, actually,” she told her sister, “I just wanted to give you a heads up on the next couple so we could-“

Amy paused as she heard the door open and close downstairs. She looked back at the computer with a pleased smile.

“Hold that thought!” she told Tina.

“Ok-“ Tina started to say before the simulation was paused.

“Andrew! Get up here!” Amy yelled.

“Let me put these away!” he yelled back, frustratedly.

“Hurry up!” she shouted.

“-ay,” Tina’s voice finished, and she made an odd face. “Did you just do the pause thing? You know I don’t –“

Amy paused the sim again with a smirk, knowing it would annoy Tina. She drummed her fingers on the desk as Andrew took an incredibly long time to put away the groceries.

When he finally appeared she tossed him the headset.

“Took you long enough!”

“What’s the hurry?”

“Nothing, I’m just impatient,” Amy admitted, “Tina’s been trying out these scenes with random bar hookup avatars but there’s a few I want you specifically in.”

“Care to elaborate?” he asked as he put the headset on. Andrew knew what she would say but it never hurt to ask.

She surprised him this time. Usually only Tina got any explanation.

“I need your specific feedback on these, because you’re gonna get a wildly different experience than Tina.”

“Uh, that’s been pretty much all of them-“

His body tingled suddenly and he quickly sat on the bed.

Just as he quickly he found himself sitting on an incredibly pink couch.

“like that!” Tina was saying to the real-world viewscreen.

“Yeah, me neither,” he said as he stood, making Tina jump.


She turned to talk to him, but Amy interrupted them both.

“Okay, so for Tina these next couple are gonna be pretty obvious what you’re up to, for Andrew you’re pretty much riding along but I’m leaving you completely as you so you can tell me about it.”

Tina shrugged while Andrew just looked confused.

Amy rolled her eyes and started the next Reality.


Andrew fell to his knees as the world shook. He felt like he’d been air-dropped into a sauna, if that sauna was in a swamp and intended to kill him. Shrouded in complete darkness he slipped left and right as the strangely smooth ground beneath him shook side to side. When he slid far enough he felt himself hit heavy iron bars that stopped him hard. He tried to stand but immediately slipped on the wet floor.

“Amy, what the hell!” he yelled, knowing his sister wouldn’t respond to him.

Then the darkness was pierced by sudden light and he realized what was happening. The bars he rolled against were actually keeping him safe.

Tina gave her date a smile and pushed him back onto the bed. She didn’t quite remember how she’d gotten here, or what his name was, or really anything else about the evening. But none of that mattered as he pulled his pants off.

“Whoa,” she said aloud as his massive cock was revealed.

“Oh shit,” Andrew said as he looked out through Tina’s lips. Her broad, pink tongue surrounded him, while only the chrome cage of her tongue ring kept him from being swallowed as she licked her lips.

Her lips parted like a horrifying movie theater view.

In the real world, Amy smiled and reached for her vibrating egg once more.

Tina flicked her latest tongue ring across her front teeth as she knelt in front of tonight’s lover.

“Wait no!” Andrew yelled. Naturally, he wasn’t heard.

His tongue prison shot out from between her lips and dragged its way up the length of the mile-long cock. Andrew held onto the bars as well as he could, unironically keeping his hands and feet inside the ride at all times. Tina made several long passes up the rod before shifting downward.

Spit gathered around him and Andrew did his best to hold his breath. Then her lips parted again and through them came a massive testicle. Suction made his ears pop repeatedly as the tongue massaged sensitive skin. Tiny hairs, short enough to tell him the man had shaved for this date, pushed through his prison bars and shoved at him like lengths of wire.

It was almost a relief when Tina dragged her tongue up the man’s length once more then wrapped her lips around his bulbous head. His ears popped again and she backed off slightly, opening her mouth wide enough that he could clearly see his urethra. And that she was milking his rod directly onto him.

Andrew sputtered as salty precum covered him, then screamed when she swallowed, the suction yanking him upward briefly. He was bruised from being yanked into the bars but the force of her swallowing had at least gotten the precum off of him.

“Yummy!” Tina’s voice boomed around him.

Then the cock was coming at him like a freight train again. It rocketed past him fast enough to give him vertigo, then reversed course just as fast. When it came down again there was a pause followed by a brief gagging sound, then it advanced more slowly as Tina overcame her gag reflex.

This repeated over and over as Andrew was bounced around his cage, wishing the next bob would knock him out. Every so often Tina would pause and resume her licking but it always came back to Andrew being covered in fluids before she got back to business.

After an eternity Andrew finally felt a change of pace.

“I’m gonna cum!” he heard from an impossible distance.

His mouth prison retreated long enough for him to hear some terrifying words.

“Right here!” Tina said, sticking out her tongue and aiming the rod directly at Andrew.

Before Andrew could scream he was hit with a flood of piping hot semen. Shot after shot landed either on him or close enough that it didn’t matter. He sputtered as it completely filled the space around him. Just as he was sure he’d have to take a DNA-filled breath, darkness returned and Tina swallowed around him.

“Aaaah!” she said like she was at the dentist’s office, holding her tongue out so the man could see it was clean.

More than anything that had happened already, Andrew hated the man’s satisfied smile. For a moment he wished the man would notice him but it was obvious he only had one thing on his mind.

“That was awesome!” the man said with a laugh.

Tina laughed too, and Andrew was shrouded in darkness as she swallowed once more to get all of the load down.

Then he fell against the side of his cage as the massive tongue he was on moved idly from side to side.

The darkness was pierced by light as the massive lips opened and Andrew saw a man laughing, pants still on but being pushed back onto an even larger bed.

Just as he realized the simulation had started over, darkness surrounded him once more.

When Andrew opened his eyes he felt something tightly wrapped around his chest and abdomen. It held him suspended but swinging, every other swing brushing him face first against something warm and soft. He was uncomfortably warm again but relatively dry and surrounded by a smell he faintly recognized.

Faint light showed through the fabric in front of him and Andrew could faintly see two massive objects moving into the distance.

The rhythmic swaying suddenly made sense to Andrew. Despite himself he grew hard quickly; the tongue ring had been so disruptive he’d been struggling to survive at all. But this? He was just jewelry.

Please be a lesbian scene! he thought as he dangled.

Faint giggling came down from on high as the temperature behind him started to rise. Someone was getting excited.

Movement intensified briefly and the outside world grew darker, but he had the sense of his piercing prison settling back against warm skin.

She’s sitting down? Andrew wondered until he heard music start and the rumble of an engine.

As the vehicle jerked into motion the light grew brighter suddenly; her skirt had been flipped upward.

“Be careful!” his sister’s voice hissed.

Before Andrew could wonder what she meant or who she was talking to, the cloth in front of him was yanked to the side, revealing the glovebox of a fancy car and an oncoming finger. It slid into the heat below him and the rest of the hand pushed down onto him almost accidentally. When the man felt the piercing his fingers moved upward.

Andrew yelled as the rough fingers grabbed him and twisted the piercing along with him. He could hear Tina’s enjoyment as the man flicked the piercing and played with it. But before the fingers could actually hurt Andrew they moved back down and slipped into Tina again. Andrew was covered in lubrication and they hadn’t even started.

There was a disappointed groan when the fingers retreated and the underwear put back in place. It was obvious why when the car stopped and Andrew’s prison jerked as Tina climbed out of the car. Her legs moved quickly as she half-jogged up a long flight of steps, and a loud ‘smack!’ from behind told him that she was being playfully chased.

Tina followed the gruff voice quickly and before Andrew could try to piece together where they’d gone, the panties that were covering him fell to the ground, followed by a dark skirt.

“You’ve got a condom, right?” he heard Tina ask as she turned around.

Andrew craned his neck upward and could see the man pause. Tina’s legs stretched outward on a generic gray bedspread, and tonight’s hookup looked a little surprised and suddenly worried.

“I, uh, yeah sure let me look!” he said, not sounding at all confident.

“No glove no love!” Tina said with a laugh as she scooted back further onto the bed. Her two fingers reached down and began rubbing her button in slow circles, bringing Andrew and his piercing prison along with them.

There was thirty seconds of frantic drawer opening and closing before the man admitted defeat.

“Uh, shit.”

Tina groaned.

“Don’t suppose you’ve got one?” he asked as he came back into Andrew’s view. He was practically drooling looking Tina’s snatch. The piercing fascinated him and he was hard as a rock. Andrew was too despite, or maybe cause of, his helpless situation but this new man put him to shame.

Tina made another frustrated noise.

“Well, I was saving this one for breakfast, but okay.”

You what? Andrew wondered as Tina shifted. There was the sound of a zipper followed by a distant woman screaming.

“She’s a fighter,” Tina said giggling before she added whistfully, “Would’ve made a great breakfast.”

“Perfect,” the man said, “Usually I’ve got a couple on hand but…”

“Mmmhmm,” Tina said, clearly not believing him, “Just get her on and get in me.”

“Get her on?” Andrew wondered aloud as he watched Tina casually toss a two-inch tall woman to the man. He caught her nonchalantly and gave the little blonde a quick glance over.

“Where’d you get this one?” he asked.

Andrew watched, horrified, as she screamed in his fingers. Casually he pinched around her ankles.

“Park,” Tina said, her fingers slipping back down to play with her piercing.

It was almost a relief that Andrew only saw half of what happened next. The screaming intensified as Tina’s fingers blocked his sight intermittently. One moment the woman was being held like a small doll, then fingers blocked his sight.

The next moment she was being impossibly stretched over the massive cock. She stopped screaming suddenly and his next view of her had half the massive cock buried in her. Her body stretched impossibly as he filled her up and kept pulling her downward. Before Andrew truly processed what was happening she’d stopped looking like a woman and exactly like a novelty condom with arms sticking out sideways.

If he could have, Andrew would have thrown up as he watched her legs be tied in a little knot under his balls.

“Man these little buggers are useful!” he said once she was mounted all the way.

Tina nodded, unseen by Andrew, but scooted backward on the bed and sat halfway up with her legs open.

“Well make her useful,” she told him with a giggle.

The man climbed onto the bed and aimed his cock straight at Tina’s waiting pussy. At the tip of his cock was a horrified stretched expression and a tuft of blonde hair. Oddly stretched arms stuck out from the sides of the massive cock.

And then the man pistoned forward. Tina cried out in pleasure as the man buried himself in one swift stroke. His pubic bone slammed into Andrew where he ground himself forward slightly to try and get every last inch of himself into her. Andrew gasped under the pressure and felt himself start to be crushed.

He pulled halfway back and Andrew could clearly see every vein on his rod through the poor woman’s stretched-thin skin. Then Tina’s fingers returned and started playing with her clit again.

The two moaned as he rammed his length into her over and over again. Andrew screamed half with terrified excitement, half from how hard Tina was playing with him. The cock flying in and out of his sister below him was like a train and periodically it pulled out far enough he could see the woman’s face again, reminding him that he could trick himself but ultimately he was just a toy to these giants.

This woman had it far worse.

Finally their lovemaking lost its rhythm and became more frantic. Tina’s fingers flew across him as the tension grew until finally the man finally slammed himself entirely into her once, twice, three times. Andrew saw the inch of cock that was visible to him pulse repeatedly as he came, and heard Tina crying out with her own orgasm.

Satisfied, the man slid out of Tina with a squelch.

“Damn,” he said as he crawled back and surveyed her.

Tina was panting and out of breath, and giggled with her own relief.

“You’re good,” she said as he stood.

“You too,” he replied, carefully undoing the knot that held the woman on him.

Her facial expression was bulged wildly and as soon as her legs were freed her body was squeezed off the massive cock that filled her. She landed with a scream on the blanket, seemingly gallons of semen leaking from between her legs. Horrified she looked upward at Andrew and held out a hand to him, as though he could do anything about her fate.

“Great condom during,” the man said as he picked her up by the ankle, “But they always leak out immediately after, which is annoying as hell.”

“True,” Tina said as she got to her knees and held out her hand. Dutifully the man dropped the little woman into her palm. “But these are a lot more fun.”

Andrew didn’t see, but heard, the little woman’s screaming as she was lifted out of his sight. It didn’t take much imagination to guess what happened as the screaming was suddenly cut off. There was an exaggerated sound of swallowing.

“Also,” Tina said as she licked her fingers clean, “Latex isn’t a snack after, either.”


Amy paused the simulation and caught her breath. She’d came twice while watching Tina and Andrew play in the narrow range of the simulation. It was a simple one for her to create but it did allow for up to four different participants and was simple enough that it was fun in a classic way.

She could only imagine what it must have felt like for Tina. Amy had never tried full-immersion regular porn, and neither had Tina. But from her own limited experiences today she knew she’d rectify that soon.

I better check out the settings for the condom girl, Amy told herself, Someone’s gonna want to go on that ride.

“We better call it there for now,” she said aloud as she began the recall process for her siblings, “Let’s polish these up and get them online.”

Tina and Andrew appeared next to each other on the bed moments later. Tina was still flushed and held her hand to her stomach with a disappointed sigh.

“I can’t believe how good that feels,” she admitted, thinking about the little woman she’d been enjoying seconds ago.

“Next time, you be the piercing,” Andrew said with a laugh.

“I may prefer the condom,” Tina said in a low voice, barely suppressing her own giggle.

“Okay you two,” Amy interrupted as she held up a pen and pad, “You gotta give me some notes so I can fine-tune things. I wanna get some of these sellable and –“

The three of them talked for hours that afternoon, and into the evening. Amy ordered pizza and Tina didn’t bother to get dressed when she answered the door. They were too enthralled by their meeting, just as the delivery boy was too enthralled by her chest to realize that she’d only given him a two-dollar tip.

Amy was surprisingly psychological and analytical as they talked into the night, and she stayed up long after her siblings went to sleep to work on her Realities.


Eli leaned forward and sat his drink next to the computer monitor. His setup was nothing on his kids’, he knew that, but it did everything he needed it to and more. Far more than he needed, actually. Nervously he tapped the headset his kids had given him for a present last year. He’d used it several times to revisit old-but-updated games from his youth and it had been amazing.

Now he wondered what else he could immerse himself into.

His wife was working late that night, at least until midnight, which left him plenty of time for things he’d rather she not see him doing. Or looking at. Or playing in.

He talked to himself as he brought up one of his old favorite websites. It had adapted, slowly, over time, but still gave him everything he needed. In his youth that was stories, then videos.

“And now, it seems TR is here,” Eli said aloud as he saw the newest icon on the site.

In an odd way Transferred Reality had made life both better and worse, especially where entertainment was concerned. No one wanted to put the hardware to work re-creating porn scenes from the past and new modern scenes mostly involved living the experiences of someone else. Truly full-immersion scenes were expensive and he’d never been one to pay for porn.

“But in this case I may make an exception,” he spoke again as he clicked to see what was available.

“Not much for big guys like me.”

It was true. If he’d been interested in playing in a world as a tiny there were many options. Fewer more where one would get to play as a giant.

“Guess we’re lucky anyone’s making anything macro related,” he said dejectedly.

Then he saw a new artist listing. This one had more size options than the rest.

Leaning forward, Eli smiled.

“Here we go. Last-minute protection? Train ride? Nice, and they all have multiple perspectives? You’ve been busy…” he searched for the creator’s name, “…thatgirlyouknow?”

He chuckled and selected ‘The Tunnel 1.’ Eli skimmed the description and liked what he read.

“Yeah, that’s worth four bucks,” he said as he produced his old-fashioned credit card.

Several minutes later the scenario had downloaded and he was donning his full-immersion headset. He double checked that his safety settings were on; he’d even called the TR company and had them walk him through this part when it became obvious he would try it out. They’d assured him even the lowest quality reality he could enter would be safe with these settings.

So when he started the program he was fully confident in his safety.  And that he’d have fun.


Eli blinked and was briefly overwhelmed by the sudden music booming all around him. There were flashing lights that pierced the generally dim atmosphere and revealed a dancing crowd. Across from him was a massive bar and he was seated in a corner booth with a great view of it all.

He bit back an expletive as he looked around.

“This. Is. Amazing!”

Everywhere he looked there was barely hidden debauchery. Half the women on the dance floor were topless and a full third of them had someone’s hands down their pants. The booth next to him was empty, but the one past that had two women taking turns going down on the lucky guy between them.

But none of that was what was truly amazing.

The man enjoying the blowjob was also enjoying a drink. A fruity pink thing that was highlighted by the lighting. Lighting that accentuated the fact that a little person was swimming in the drink. On Eli’s table was a small bowl and he almost giggled when he leaned forward and saw a dozen half-inch tall tinies trying desperately to escape.

His giant fantasy was coming true.

”I know, right?!” said an excited voice from his left. She was bubbly in a way that got Eli instantly hard, alcohol be damned. “I love this place!”

He turned left and paused. He was sure he knew this woman. Her hair was long and incredibly dark, but it was hard to tell for sure with the flashing lights. Something familiar tugged at him and he had the urge to lean away from her.

How do I- he started to wonder before mentally slapping himself.

Without him realizing it, the TR programming shifted away from his more reasonable self to help him focus on the scenario. Just as its creator intended it to be an escape from the real world, she also knew that keeping people from thinking too critically was crucial to keeping it fun. So when someone started to try and think too hard…

Don’t fuck this up! the devil on his shoulder yelled.

“Let me see it! Let me see it!” she half shouted over the music.

Throwing his misgivings to the wind, Eli obliged her. She gasped with glee when she saw what he had for her, and he couldn’t believe how amazing this simulation was when she held out two little people for him.

“This is amazing!” he said as he took them from her.

He knew right where they were going.

Ten minutes later he sent the little tinies directly down the woman’s throat and into her stomach. It was, without a doubt, the most satisfying orgasm of his life. Wistfully he let the woman come up for air and she giggled.

“Up for round two?” she asked as the world slowed to a halt around him.

“What-?” he started to ask, but realization came back to him suddenly as the program let his faculties return.

A clock appeared in the upper right of his vision.

Reality focal point. Repeat scenario? Continue to scenario two? Exit?

As the real world demanded his attention he sighed. His whole body was still tingling with the strength of his orgasm and he knew he’d be back. Despite everything else Transferred Reality could do, events always occurred in real time.

“Better go,” he said aloud in the sudden silence, but he took one last look around.

In the nearby booth the man was still getting oral from the pair of women. The crowd was paused mid-jubilation and he could see at least three people playfully holding tinies overhead to devour. And to his left-

“Oh shit!”

To his left was his oldest daughter Tina. Without the programming skewing his critical thinking to keep things simpler and fun, it was obvious who she was in the dim light of the club. Eli stood and stumbled out of the booth as fast as he could.

“Out! Exit!” he said, and moments later he was seated in his office chair again.

“No way! No! Way!” he repeated over and over to himself, but as he reviewed the scenario’s footage it was obvious: the model in the scenario was his daughter.

He sat back and double checked the clock to make sure his wife wouldn’t be home soon. And he had plenty of time.

“It doesn’t count like that,” he told himself as he nervously tapped the immersion headgear. What he’d just ‘lived’ through was still so amazing his body was tingling. Had he ever came like that in the real world?

“I did spend four dollars,” he conceded, pushing the angel on his shoulder away.

Before he could stop himself he put the headgear back on, determined to explore this Reality to its fullest.

“I won’t know it’s her once the sim gets going,” he justified. “It’s just oral,” he told himself before he vanished into the simulation once more.





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