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Part I: Orientation

          Sue lived in Japan had a hard time finding a job so she looked all over for one.  After searching high and low, she finally found a new hotel that was hiring. She looked up this hotel and discovered that it was supposedly the most advanced hotel in the world; though, nothing specific was ever detailed. The owner of the hotel, Mr. Yagisaki, promised that the services would be like none others offered in the world. Sue wondered if that meant that the “help” would have to be highly qualified. She decided to at least apply for the job.

             Arriving at the hotel, Sue saw a huge line of applicants which worried her. She saw large waves of girls leaving so she asked a woman that worked there why all of those girls were leaving.

            The woman replied “Mr. Yagisaki likes to keep details very well hidden so before one is employed, you must sign many wavers and documents and agreements that basically tell you to keep your mouth shut no matter what.” 

           Sue asked, “So you must have signed the waver.”

            The woman nodded.

            “Was it worth it?”

            “For me? Oh yes. But I can certainly understand not wanting to sign the waver and then when you actually get employed… well, let’s just say that we are having trouble keeping employees after orientation.” 

           “Why?” Sue asked. 

           The woman smiled. “My name is Ara. I hope to see you working here. The she walked away.

            The line went on for quite a while; Sue estimated that nearly 100% of all the girls who walked in, walked out with the exception of a handful. When she arrived in the first room, she was given a stack of papers and told to read them all, sign them, and move to the briefing room for orientation. Sue did not want to read a small book to get a job but she skimmed a bit anyway and saw many terms such as “imperative secrecy”, “absolute code of silence”, “maximum punishment of 40 years in prison and one million dollar fine”. Sue didn’t care about all of this, she just wanted the job. She signed all the wavers, which took about 15 minutes alone. Sue walked into the next room unprepared. 

           There were only four girls in the next room plus a female employee.  Sue sat further away from the other girls.


        The employee began, “Good to see you today. Let’s get started. You all read and understood the forms you have filled out?”

          The four girls groaned, showing that they had all finished the arduous task of actually reading the agreement wavers. Sue faked a groan to portray that she also had read and understood everything.

         “How many of you feel that you are up to the challenge and prepared to fulfill your job requirements?”The four girls raised their hands; Sue raised her hand as to not feel left out even though she had no idea what the job requirements were nor if she could fulfill them.

            “I would normally give a demonstration of how to do your jobs properly but I think that some of the attraction from our clientele is that each of you will be unique, individual, and most of all, innocently ignorant and inexperienced. So even if you are an expert, and believe me when I tell you that even your first time you will seem like an amateur, if you are an expert, become and expert at playing the innocent young girl because I believe that most of our customers will come here expecting that.

             Sue was unsure of what to think at this point. On the one hand, possibly her instructor wanted her to put on an act as a normal maid, but there was also the possibility that this prestigious hotel was also running a type of prostitution operation. Sue decided to push that to the corner of her mind for now.

             “So who here actually believes what they read is literal?”

              None of the four girls raised any of their hands but Sue was prepared to and too eager s her hnd shot up and she immediately regretted it.


               Sue slowly nodded as she lowered her hand in small increments.

             “Well, you should have a quick adjustment period.” The instructor smiled.Sue smiled.

               “Would anyone like to volunteer for a demonstration?”None f the girls raised their hands. Sue did not raise her hand.

             “None of you? I would say I am surprised but not a single applicant has volunteered yet. How about you? Sue, is it?”

             Sue nodded and gulped heavily. She cleared her throat and coughed out a ‘sure.’ Sue stood and walked to the front of the room where the instructor was standing.

             “All right. Are you ready?”

              Sue nodded and wondered if the instructor was o do something or if she was supposed to do something. As a moment passed, Sue guessed it was the latter until she was stabbed in the back with a needle. Her head flung up and back as she wanted to scream in agony but nothing came out. She stared wide-eyed at the ceiling and saw it drifting away; Sue thought she was falling, but she wasn’t. She dropped to her hands and knees but she realized that the pain was gone. Sue heard the instructor stat speaking again but Sue stayed on the ground to compose herself.

         “As you can see, the most incredulous part is true. Now I will demonstrate the details of what you read.”

         The voice seemed distant, like it was coming out of a PA in an empty hangar. Then she heard footsteps that seemed too loud and close. Then something big and black hit her, knocking her into the air. She landed on her back and she quickly sat up. In front of her was a huge black flat with a gigantic tan foot inside that led up to enormously long legs, up to a beige skirt, up to a black blouse, and up to the instructors monstrously gargantuan face. The face was soon eclipsed by the bottom of the shoe the size of a limousine. Sue was bathed in shadow and in what she thought were her last moments, she made a strange observation considering her state of mind. She noticed how dirty the bottom of the shoe was in this prestigious hotel; at the bottom of the shoe there was hair, fiber from the new carpets, crumbs, a piece of paper that had obviously been hole-punched. Sue kind of whished that she had been killed under a cleaner shoe.

          The shoe came down on her slowly, delicately, as if to not crush her; yet after contact was made the pressure increased until Sue believed she was going to pop. Sue could taste the rubber on the shoe and she could feel the enormous foot inside the shoe, pressing down, the foot readjusting to get the best position.

         The four girls gasped as they thought they were about to see a girl get crushed under the shoe of their instructor. The instructor told that that there was no need to worry as the shrunken body could withstand amazing amounts of pressure. The instructor then put all of her weight on the foot that was on top of Sue; she lifted the other foot and balanced on Sue. The other girls couldn’t see Se but they were sure that under the shoe was a splat. They didn’t like the idea of being squashed under a shoe but the instructor finally lifted her foot off Sue and to their amazement, Sue lived.

       Sue felt the enormous pressure decrease and light hit her face as the eclipse of the shoe left her vision. She saw the foot land next to the other one but Sue was still very wary of it; something that had almost killed was only a step away and she saw the toes wiggle inside, as if they had enjoyed it. Sue looked back to the face of her instructor and the instructor smiled, as if to confirm Sue’s suspicion. Sue sat up for a moment and then stood up to look at the other potential employees her were in shock and awe. Sue looked down at herself to make sure that no harm was done and she realized that she was covered in flakes of dirt, hair, and crumbs the size of her fist; so, she brushed herself off.

          The instructor said, “You will never encounter a situation in which you will be crushed s you are safe there. Another situation that you will no doubt end up in is a position where suffocation poses a threat.”

          Sue didn’t like where this was going.

         “Let me demonstrate for your ease of mind.”

          Sue saw movement at her level and looked to see her instructors shoe moving again. One foot lifted and moved behind the other shoe where they made contact. The shoe in the back landed on the rear of the other shoe so that the instructor could pull her bare foot out of the front shoe. The bare foot never touched the ground as it hovered over to Sue. Sue did not want to be underfoot again so in quick effort she launched herself forward. Her upper torso landed on the huge toes of the instructor. Sue glanced up to view a response; the instructor just smiled. The foot shook a little and Sue slid off; luckily she was able to grab a toe with both hands in between toes. The instructor giggled and clenched her toes so that Sue couldn’t let go if she wanted to. The foot bucked her off and Sue landed on her back. As the foot came toward Sue, she stood up to try the same tactic; however, the foot became angled so that the toes were too high for her to reach. The foot knocked her onto her back again and she screamed, “Please no!” But neither the foot nor the instructor heard her cry. The foot came over her and she felt the radiating warmth before it even touched her. Then it came down on her like a warm, thick blanket. The hot flesh completely covered her face and she was not able to breathe. The heat became intense and Sue noticed a moisture building up very rapidly. After a few minutes passed, Sue felt cool air rush in at her sides but something was wrong; the foot was still on her face.

       The classmates now surely believed that the little girl was dead from lack of oxygen. The instructor lifted her foot up and to their amazement, the body was gone. There was no body, no splat, nothing. The instructor put her barefoot on the ground, arched so that only the top half was on the floor. Then with her other foot, she scraped the bottom of her sole and the body came off her foot.

      Sue couldn’t believe that she was sticking to the bottom of some woman’s foot. She felt something hard hit her back and scrape her off like a piece of gum. The instructor bent over and reached her gigantic hand to pick Sue up. She grabbed the back of Sue’s shirt and lifter her up to eye level. The instructor laughed and said, “Sorry you are covered in my foot sweat but generally people don’t believe it until they see it.” It was true; Sue’s clothes were damp with the sweat emanated by the instructor’s foot. “Now for the last demonstration,” She looked at Sue, “I promise I won’t step on you for this; I want you to do two things.” She placed Sue on the table next to a glass structure. She told Sue to measure herself against the glass; Sue was four inches tall. “Now crawl through the hole in the glass.” Sue thought that the hole was too small and indeed it was at first but after struggling for a moment, she fit through. “Now measure yourself again.” This time, Sue was only three inches tall.

       “Very good,” the instructor said. “You can shrink and grow on your own to a certain extent. The serum that you are injected with will miniaturize you but after that you have a level of control. I say a level because I’ve see girls grow to eight, nine inches and I’ve seen girls shrink down to under an inch. The serum is not permanent but you cannot grow back until you are given the antidote which is administered like this.” The instructor pulled out a capsule and broke it in front of Sue. A gaseous powder game out and covered Sue; she immediately grew back to normal height. “Now you won’ need an injection anymore; just swallow a pill and you’ll shrink again. That is it for orientation. I hope you serve us well. We should be getting requests tonight so be ready and have fun.” The instructor began to leave but stopped and turned to say, “One last thing; do not leave the hotel in the shrunk form for your safety and so that this secret does not get out because this is one of many services we offer that are exclusive to this hotel.”

       After all the amazing things Sue had just gone through she only wondered what the hell kind of a job had she signed up for, and what kind of service could a shrunk girl give to  hotel guest.


Chapter End Notes:
Part II is done and coming soon...
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