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Author's Chapter Notes:

And now, the thrilling conclusion!

Impossible Woman stalked through the now empty fairgrounds, hurt and anger brewing in her as she grew larger with every step. The ground shook as she stepped on a snack stand, the plywood crumpling beneath her red boot as she passed the hundred-foot mark. She let herself keep growing, reaching one hundred fifty, then two hundred feet. Her shadow fell over the stage, illuminated by the glowing form of the other villain.

“Impossible Woman!” Miss Meltdown said with a smile, “It’s nice to finally meet you!”

“Give me the kettle and get the hell out,” Maisie growled.

“Oooh, angry today!” Meltdown laughed.

Around the fairgrounds her men aimed their weapons up at her, but Maisie just rolled her eyes.

“Do you think those peashooters are going to save you?” She asked in a low voice. “I’ve heard you can shoot radiation blasts, they might sting me a little, but they won’t save you when you’re smeared across the bottom of my shoe.”

“They say you don’t step on people,” Meltdown said with a smirk, “Too soft for it.”

“I’m in the mood to make an exception,” Maisie said, looking down at her.

One of the radiation suited men ran up to Meltdown, handing her a silvery egg-shaped device with an LED display on one side. She smiled and, ignoring Impossible Woman, began to type in a few values.

“What’s that?” Maisie asked, “your lunchbox?”

“As if you don’t know,” Meltdown laughed, “The fission battery, it’s the only thing that would make a stopover in a town like this worth the trip. Do you think I give a damn about the world’s largest kettle?”

Maisie frowned, looking confused. Meltdown’s eyes went wide as she realized the truth.

“Oh my,” she laughed, “You really WERE after that stupid thing? That’s precious…” She clicked a button on the battery, and a green light enveloped her. “Stepping on people sounds fun, I think I’d like to try it on for size.”

Maisie’s eyes went wide as Miss Meltdown started to grow, not in a controlled way like she did, but in a jerky painful looking motion, ripping through her clothes and splitting her shoes. The green skinned woman gritted her teeth and grunted, the growth process rippling through her as her veins popped. She stopped when she was a head taller than Maisie was, standing over the fairground. Finally the growth stopped, and she opened her eyes, the glowing yellow orbs lighting up with a cruel look of glee. She stood upright in full, her naked green body silhouetted against the afternoon sky. She had the body of a goddess, with breasts now the sizes of houses and an hourglass figure that could have served as an artist’s model.

Seeing Maisie’s expression she grinned, “Take a good look, getting to see my perfection in full is that last of life’s pleasures these insects are getting before they get stomped.”

Maisie backed away, her thundering footsteps echoing as she sized up her opponent. She gulped and raised her fists in front of her, unconsciously she grew larger, closing the height gap between her and Meltdown… She thought about growing more, but a green blast made contact with her chest and she screamed in agony, stumbling backwards.

“Not so tough against someone your own size, are you?” Meltdown cackled.

Maisie tripped, and as she fell dozens of carnival rides and concessions stands crumpled like paper beneath her. She moaned in pain, trying to force herself to get up.

“This is the Emergency Broadcast System,” the radio played in his parent’s car. “We are urging all citizens to evacuate the Quiet Oaks area, if you cannot evacuate shelter in place in the lowest room in your home-“

Sam’s dad clicked the radio off as they pulled into the driveway, “This is insane,” he muttered, “Come on, let’s all get to the basement and-“

“Dad,” Sam sighed, “Mom… we need to talk.”

“Sam,” his father said, undoing his seatbelt, “is this really the time-“

“I’m a supervillain,” he said. “I’m Impossible Man, the shrinking super-criminal.”

“W-What?” His mother asked, “Is this a joke-“

He closed his eyes, letting himself shrink down to a few inches tall, he stayed at that size for a second to let his shocked parents take it in, and the he popped instantly back to his full size. He waited a minute for their reactions, but they were still stunned.

“Maisie is the Impossible Woman, she uh, grows, you might have seen her on the news sometime…”

 “Sam,” his father almost whispered, “Why wouldn’t you tell us this?”

“I was worried about how you’d react,” he admitted, “And… I kind of promised Maisie I would, and then I chickened out back there.”

“Well,” His father sighed, “I mean… this is a lot to take in Sam…”

“Wait a minute,” his mom asked, “Are you telling me you left your girlfriend back there, because you were too embarrassed to tell us this?”

“Yeah,” he said, happy that they were finally getting it, “I feel really bad about it-“

His mother unbuckled her seatbelt and leaned back and slapped him, hard. He rubbed his cheek in shock, looking at her angry face.

“Sam!” His mother said, “I’m not going to pretend I’m happy about this whole costume thing, but you left a woman, who clearly cares very deeply for you, back there because you were EMBARASSED?”

“B-But-“ he protested.

“Your mother’s right Sam,” his dad nodded, “I’m not pleased with this… career of yours, and we’re going to talk about THAT later, but if this IS the lifestyle you’ve chosen… well I suppose a relationship with a villain is like any other one, and if I understand things, you’ve made a serious mistake.”

“Ah…” he said quietly, “So… what do I do?”

“Well,” his father sighed, “Sam, I don’t know diddly squat about caped adventures and superfights, but going back for her seems a good place to start. We’ll always love you son, now go do what you have to do.”

He blinked, “I umm… don’t know what to say, thanks you guys.”

“Enough!” His mom almost shouted, “didn’t you hear the radio? It’s hitting the fan back there!”

“Yeah,” he muttered, resolve building, “You’re right.” He stepped out of the car and started sprinting across the lawn towards the house next door.

“Where are you going?” His dad yelled, “You can borrow the car!”

“I’m going to hitch a ride!” he shouted back.

Sam’s parents sat in the car in silence for a moment.

Finally, his father spoke, “I guess it’s a little late in life, but he’s having his wild phase.”

“A little too wild if you ask me,” His mother sniffed, “still, that supervillain girl might be our only chance at grandchildren. I’m supporting this relationship, and you will too!”

“We are urging all citizens to avoid the area near the fairgrounds, the Supervillains known as Miss Meltdown and the Impossible Woman are attacking the area.” The radio continued the same message every few minutes, urging people to take cover or evacuate.

Black Swan clipped a series of swan eggs to her belt, double checking that each compartment was refilled. With a grimace she clicked the button to open the garage, leaping onto the Swan Cycle she revved it.

“AVA!” her mother shouted, “KEEP IT DOWN WITH THAT BIKE!”

“Go to the basement mom!” Ava shouted back.

“Can I get a lift?” Sam asked, running up to her.

“Where’s Maisie?” Ava growled, “And what happened to thirty minutes after sunset?”

“Change of plans,” he said, “are you in the mood for a team up?”

“Swan Cycle only seats one,” Ava said.

“I don’t take up a lot of space,” Sam said, making himself smaller as he walked towards her. Ava shrugged and leaned down to pick up the action figure sized Sam.

“Boots or boobs?” Ava asked him with a quick grin.

He looked down at her steel boots and gulped, “Uh, boobs please.”

“Good choice,” Ava smirked, unzipping the front of her costume. She pushed him down into her tight sports bra, while she wasn’t nearly as well-endowed as Maisie was the taut fabric did enough to help him stay in place. He didn’t have more than a second to get comfortable before Ava zipped the suit up again, squeezing him tightly against her chest and filling his nose with the scent of sweat and leather.

Black Swan revved her motorcycle again, holding the brake for a peelout and leaving a black tiremark across her parent’s driveway. She’d catch hell for it later, but with the town potentially about to be radioactive rubble, Ava was in a carefree mood. She rocketed down the suburban street, cape billowing behind her.

Impossible Woman growled, blocking a strike from the other titaness as they stomped their way through the fairgrounds. Miss Meltdown cackled madly, slamming her with an uppercut that made her stagger backwards into the parking lot. Cars crunched like dry leaves under her red boots.

“I can feel that battery pumping that beautiful radiation into the air,” Meltdown said, crushing an SUV under her boot and grinding it into the pavement. She sighed, enjoying the sound of glass and metal beneath her bare foot. “You don’t need to worry though, I’m drinking it all right up…” she lifted a hand and Maisie’s eyes went wide as another bolt of green energy slammed into her, knocking her backwards. “Once I get full though?” She shrugged, “I’ll have to let a little bit of it off, I’m thinking this town will be a good place to start.”

“W-What do you want?” Maisie asked weakly.

She tried to think of what she could do, Meltdown was stronger than her at two hundred feet, and while Impossible Woman made the square cube law her plaything it got harder and harder to do the bigger she got. A real fight at three hundred feet would tire her out, she’d have maybe a ten minutes tops at five hundred feet before she’d be laying on a couch recovering for at least a day…

“What do you want?” Meltdown said in a mocking voice as she approached her, “Well Impossible Woman, some of us aren’t playing a fucking game.” She stooped to pick up a thankfully empty school bus, hurling at Maisie, who barely dodged the steel dart as it flew past her head. “That battery is going to make me the most powerful being on the planet, the hero league? The government? They’re going to give me whatever I want or I’ll turn Delta City and half the East Coast into an exclusion zone!”

She tackled Impossible Woman, the two of them slid together into a gas station across the street from the fairgrounds, demolishing it as their titanic bodies collided with the pumps. Meltdown grinned, and Maisie’s eyes went wide as the pumps ignited, swallowing them both in a fireball. The pain spread across her face as the flames burned away her mask.

“This is fantastic,” Meltdown chuckled, standing up to her full height and stretching. She planted her bare foot on Maisie’s chest, pinning her to the ground, “It’s like every time I ever smashed up someone’s legos or train sets as a kid. How do you resist the urge to just tear things up all the time?”

Her eyes lit up as she saw a man, the gas station attendant maybe? Limping out of the wreckage. She stepped off Maisie, laughing as she ploddingly, mockingly, stepped after the fleeing man.

“My first squish,” She mused, “this is going to be great.” Her bare foot lifted high over the man, who tripped and raised his arms in a feeble attempt to protect himself.

Maisie’s hand rocketed out, catching the other villain’s bare foot before it could crush the man. She strained as Meltdown pressed with all of her weight, the pain from the burns lanced through her from the movement, even as her accelerated healing factor wove the wounds shut.

“Oh come on!” Meltdown laughed, “you’re going to use the last of your strength trying to save a bug from getting stepped on? You’re a villain Impossible Woman, or at least you say you are.” She pressed down and Maisie cried out with exertion as she tried to keep the man from being crushed, “What did this fun-loving goofy attitude get you in the end? Did you make friends? Do you think people respect you?” Meltdown grinned, “You were a joke before you got your powers, you’re a joke with them.” Almost lazily she caused a glowing green orb to form in her hand, gesturing down and aiming it at Maisie’s face.

Maisie blinked away tears and closed her eyes. There was a gust of air whooshing by her ear, causing her hair to flutter against her face. Her eyes shot open just in time to catch a blue blur dive beneath the back of her hand, grabbing the injured man and lifting high into the air.

“You have arrived at your destination” a robotic voice echoed through the air.

“Finally,” Ultra Woman said, smashing the phone to plastic bits as she hefted the injured man with her other arm. She grinned, the bright afternoon sun reflecting off her perfect smile, “Impossible Woman is twice the villain you’ll ever be Meltdown!”

Maisie’s face lit up in surprise, then she smiled, “Ultra Woman!?”

“The one and only,” The blue bombshell beamed, “Maisie… were you saving this guy?”

“S-She was!” He said excitedly, “It was incredible-“

“Impossible,” Ultra Woman corrected with a laugh. “Maisie, I’m so glad you’re going to try being a hero!”

“I’m not!” Maisie protested feebly, “I just saved him so… I could rob him later!”

“You!” Meltdown spat. Taking her foot off Maisie’s hand she growled and hurled a green beam of radiation at Ultra Woman, who bobbed and weaved in the air, easily dodging the projectiles. There was another blue blur as Ultra Woman carried the injured man to the edge of the parking lot.

“Go!” she said, smacking him lightly on the ass. He didn’t need to be told twice, stumbling as quick as he could away from the battlefield. She spun on her heel and leapt into the air again, her cape billowing behind her as she put her fist forward and smacked the green colossus as hard as she could.

Miss Meltdown screamed angrily, stumbling back and rubbing her face. The blue blur flew at her a few more times, and there was a clap of thunder every time Ultra Woman made contact with the green skinned giant, the ground shaking as they fought.

Maisie watched, then with a pained moan, forced herself to sit up. She rubbed her face, feeling the skin weaving shut again as her accelerated healing went to work. She felt her heart sink as the other giantess snarled and caught the blur of Ultra Woman with her own blow, causing the heroine to cry out in pain and fly into the ground in a way that Maisie had never managed in all of her own years fighting her.

“She’s unstoppable,” she muttered.

There was movement in the corner of her eye, and she turned her head to see a black motorcycle approaching. She sighed as Ava skidded to a stop next to her boot. She unzipped the front of her armored suit and reached inside, pulling what looked like a doll out.

Maisie’s eyes went wide, “Sam!”

“Hi Maisie,” he muttered, growing back to his full size. He glanced at her burned mask and the freshly healed skin and grimaced, “I’m… I’m sorry I ran off. If it matters, I did tell my parents about what we really do.”

Maisie raised an eyebrow and fought a smile, “How’d they take it?”

“Shockingly supportive,” Sam said, still not quite believing it himself, “My mom slapped me for leaving you here.”

“I knew she liked me!” Maisie said excitedly.

Ultra Woman cried out in surprise as Miss Meltdown grabbed her out of the air, she squeezed as hard as she could before throwing the superhero through the air. Like a bullet she whizzed over Maisie’s head, slamming into the ground and throwing up dirt.

“Ugh,” Ultra Woman groaned, climbing out of the crater her impact had made, “Maisie, if you’re feeling better, I could really use a hand!” She noticed Sam and Black Swan and gave them a weak smile, “Oh hi Impossible Man, nice to see you.” She staggered out of the hole towards them, brushing debris off as she walked.

“You’re Ultra Woman,” Ava breathed excitedly. She collected herself and cleared her throat, extending a hand, “I-I’m Black Swan.”

Ultra Woman looked the other hero up and down and nodded, quickly returning the handshake, “Charmed, sorry I’m not really familiar with your work, do you have some kind of superpowers or something that could stop a two hundred foot radiation monster?”

“Uhh…” Ava said, the gravelly voice failing her, “I do martial arts and I’ve got some smoke bombs and stuff.”

“Hmm…” Ultra Woman said, eying the gigantic villain in the distance, “Well maybe if we-“

Meltdown cackled madly, and suddenly opened her mouth, shooting a beam of blue fire across a row of houses, disintegrating them instantly. Clenching her fists she fell to her knees as her size began to increase in size again, grunting as her skin pulsed a deep green and her hair seemed to flow wildly around her. She panted as the energy crackled along her skin, and with a vicious grin she stood up, now three hundred feet tall and towering over the surrounding countryside.

“Well fuck me!” Ultra Woman shouted angrily. “I guess we know what she wanted the fission battery for!”

“Let’s turn it off then!” Ava said, “Smash it to bits if we have to!”

“If we mess with it she’ll just come back this way,” Maisie said, “and she’s already beaten me and Ultra Woman once.”

“Separately,” Ultra Woman said, “but if we go at her together?” She grinned, “Come on Impossible Woman, you NEVER really cut loose when we fight.”

“I worry about people getting hurt,” she said defensively, seeing Ultra Woman’s smug look she crossed her arms, “Because if they got hurt, I wouldn’t be able to steal from them later, and they’d miss my amazing crimes!” she said firmly.

“Whatever,” Ultra Woman chuckled, “Okay, Black Swan, you and Impossible Man go deal with the goon squad and see if you can figure out how the battery works. Impossible Woman? Follow me, don’t worry about the civvies, I’ll grab them and fly them out of the way if things get rough.”

Maisie forced herself to her feet, and as they watched she increased her own size, her hair billowing like clouds blocking out the sun as matched Miss Meltdown’s three hundred feet. Easily stepping over them and walking towards the other giant, she grinned.

“Let’s do it!”

Miss Meltdown brought her foot down on another house, the roof beams snapping like chopsticks underneath her giant bare foot. She pressed again, harder, collapsing the house’s basement and feeling bits of furniture and insulation push up between her toes. She frowned as she saw there wasn’t anyone in this one either, that evacuation order must have been more effective than she’d expected… no matter, she’d just get bigger… there wouldn’t be any escape.

“Ooof!” She buckled forward as someone tackled her from behind. Her face crashed through a line of picket fences, there was brief splash of water on her face as one of the backyard swimming pools burst as her cheek was dragged on the ground, leaving a skidmark in the earth as though a dozen bulldozers had driven side by side through it.

Meltdown growled and flipped over, but Impossible Woman was on her, the two of them struggling in the row of suburban houses and flattening entire yards as they grappled. A blue blur flew by them, smashing it’s way into each house in a row, then flying outwards.

Ultra Woman briefly stopped, hovering a few yards away and holding a middle-aged couple, one in each arm, “You’re clear Maisie!” she shouted, “this block’s empty! Give her hell!” the blur disappeared, ferrying the couple to safety.

Maisie roared and grabbed a nearby brick house, one of the only on the block, and ripped it off it’s foundations as she bludgeoned the other giantess with it. Meltdown’s eyes flashed yellow and Maisie was thrown off her by an energy blast, landing in a nearby park and flattening a playground under her immense chest.

The evacuation of the area around the Quiet Oaks Fairgrounds went smoothly and quickly, so quickly that by the time the rampaging pair of giants had reached the primary residential areas, only a few people were remaining in their homes. They were mostly grabbed in the next few minutes by Ultra Woman, who was able to use her x-ray vision and supersonic speed to quickly locate and remove every other civilian in the combat zone.

One young man though, was missed. He wasn’t sheltering in place, nor was he attempting to leave.

Blake Tanner was a man of particular taste. As the owner of the largest fan channel for Impossible Woman on youtube, as well as the moderator on her only fansite, Blake liked his women BIG. While the Hero League’s “Amazon” had a much larger media presence, she wasn’t quite big enough for him…

When Impossible Woman had been spotted in his own hometown, Blake had almost had a heart attack. He’d spent most of the day out wandering around the few buildings in town he thought were “smashable,” sure that his waifu would be there sooner or later.

The evacuation order had just been the universe speaking to him, Impossible Woman WAS here! And she was doing something BIG! He’d almost fainted when the three hundred foot Maisie had stomped out of the fairgrounds, and there was another one! A green giantess! And she was naked! He’d run as quick as he could alongside their fight, hoping to catch footage with his phone.

“Oh god yeah!” he murmured lustfully as the green giantess gripped Impossible Woman under her chest, causing those titanic boobs to jiggle over him. His mouth went dry as they stumbled towards him, leaving huge footprints in the asphalt. The giant green foot hovered over him, and he stared at it, mouth open as the toes, then the heel, passed overhead like a low flying jet fighter.

Impossible Woman cried out in pain as the green woman elbowed her, knocking her backwards. Blake saw that perfect ass coming down on him like a falling meteorite. Peace overwhelmed him, this was it, he decided, this was how he was meant to go, how he’d always WANTED to go. He smiled and threw his arms wide to embrace the yellow clad posterior that filled his vision.

There was a blue blur, he blinked and realized he was now standing in the road nearly a mile away from where the two giantesses were still fighting.

“Whew!” Ultra Woman said with a grin, “I almost missed you there buddy! One more second and you would been a little red smudge under her ass!”

“Y-Yeah,” Blake said, still in shock.

Ultra Woman smiled and pointed down the road, “Go on! Get out of here before you get hurt!”

“Thanks,” Blake said with a sigh as she took off back towards the battle.

He was happy to be alive, but why did he feel so… empty?

Gunfire crackled over Sam and Ava’s heads as they ducked behind an abandoned teacup ride. The attempt to approach the stage had gone sideways almost immediately. There were at least a dozen men in radiation suits, and they were armed to the teeth. While Sam was pretty confident in his own invulnerability when small, going down to half an inch and taking all day to reach the stage wasn’t exactly an option.

“Hey!” Ava said excitedly, “Get tiny again, I’m going to do ninja stuff.”

 He nodded, bringing his height down to a few inches tall. She reached down and gripped him, slipping him into a small compartment on her utility belt. The giant gloved hand patted him once, reassuringly.

“Did you ever think we’d be doing this for real?” he asked with a laugh, “all those times we played cops and robbers as kids.”

“Did you not?” Ava said, confused, “don’t you remember when we both said we’d be superheroes someday?”

He blinked, “I mean we were just kids-“

“Oh that’s right,” she laughed, “Someone had to go and turn evil.” She sucked in a breath and a manic light filled her eyes, “Okay, hold on, and when it happens be ready.”

“When what ha-“

The world blurred and it felt like a rollercoaster taking off as Ava screamed a battle cry and leapt over the ride. Holding on to her belt for dear life Sam smelled gunpowder, smoke, and heard men shouting orders amid the clicks of weapons being readied.

A part of Ava had become depressed since returning from her journey overseas to learn the martial arts. She’d worried that maybe she was just a nut, that no world ending threats would ever attack her town of Quiet Oaks, that she was wasting the best years of her life doing pull ups in a Halloween costume. This in mind, it’s easy to understand that manic and joyful laughter that echoed over the battlefield as she closed distance with the now panicked henchmen.

Sam couldn’t see much, but he could hear Ava’s hoarse voice shouting the names of her gadgets, as well as see her hand darting down for them occasionally. He gripped the belt tighter, hoping she would remember which one he was and wouldn’t grab him by mistake.

“SWANARANGS!” She screamed, the sound of metal whooshing through the air.

“SWAN EGGS!” Explosions as grenades went off


“She’s got a pipe bomb!” one of the henchmen shouted.

“I painted it black!” Ava retorted.

Sam felt the heat from the explosion on his face and turned into the Kevlar coated side of his friends stomach.


There was clang as metal made contact with metal, “She hit me with a crowbar!” someone moaned.

“End of the line lady!” a gruff man’s voice called, and Sam heard the click of a magazine entering a gun.

“Impossible Boy!” Ava shouted.

This time the hand came for him, gripping him hard and yanking him forcefully off her belt. He felt the g-forces as Ava hurtled him like a baseball towards the figure in the radiation suit.

Sam stretched his hand out in front of him in a fist, like a flying superhero, and grew to his full size. He felt the pain his hand as he made contact, knocking the man off his feet easily. Sam managed a surprisingly graceful landing and spun to check on the attacker, but he was out cold.

“Good job Ava,” he muttered in awe, looking around at the dozen dispatched men, all of whom were laying on the ground. A few were moaning and still moving, but the way they clutched various limbs, they probably wouldn’t be any trouble.

“I took a few risks with the explosives,” she said with a grin, “but I’m pretty confident I managed all non-lethal takedowns… some of these guys are gonna need some physical therapy though.”

The two of them ran up to the stage where the egg shaped fission battery was propped up on four folding legs. It stood about as high as their knees, and a warm light emanated from the top of it.

“We’re probably getting cancer just standing near this thing,” Sam muttered, “Okay Ava, smash it.”

She nodded, “Swan beak!” she screamed as she slapped at it with her black crowbar. There was a clanging sound, but it didn’t so much as make a dent. Ava hit it again and again, finally panting with effort and coming to a halt. She hadn’t even scratched it.

“I guess it makes sense that they’d want to build this thing to last,” Sam muttered.

They heard a booming cackle, the two of them looked towards the center of town to see Miss Meltdown’s towering naked body stretching further into the sky. This time she stopped at four hundred feet tall, laughing madly as the blue blur of Ultra Woman smacked against her feebly. A moment later they saw Maisie increase to that size, and with a grunt of exertion they could hear even from the stage, she hit the other giant across the face.

“Maisie isn’t going to be able to keep up with her size much longer,” Sam said, “Ava, do you have any bombs or anything left?”

“Fresh out,” she said, gesturing to her utility belt. Her eyes lit up, “Hey! I read you and Maisie’s profiles on the Hero League website, you guys can shrink inanimate objects, right?”

“She can,” he said, gesturing up at his giant girlfriend, who was now clubbing Meltdown with a utility pole. “It took her a long time to figure it out though, and she’s the one who invented the stuff that gave us our powers.”

“Sam,” Ava said urgently, “you have the same formula in you, you can shrink stuff too!”

“It’s different for me though,” he protested, “That’s why I got shrinking and she got growing! I’ve never even tried to-“

“Sam!” Ava cut him off, “You’ve got to try! Shrink this thing!”

With a nervous sigh he laid his hands on it, trying to keep himself from thinking about the warm buzz that went up his fingers as he did so. He could feel… something, much like his shrinking ability it was almost like there was a limb that had been asleep, and with pins and needles he could move it. Gritting his teeth, he willed the device to become smaller.

“It’s working!” Ava said excitedly, “keep going!”

Sam grunted with exertion, it was like finding out you had arms and then lifting weights on the same day. The egg-shaped battery went from knee height, to ankle height, finally sitting on the stage the size of an acorn.

Ava lashed out with her steel boot and stomped it, causing a shower of sparks and a quick whine as she ground the components back and forth. Sam collapsed forward, panting with exertion, and Ava caught him.

Miss Meltdown’s eyes went wide, the energy that had been flowing into her had been cut off. Her head turned back towards the fairgrounds, had they really come so far in their brawl? She felt heavy suddenly, without the extra energy from that battery…

Impossible Woman struck her across the face, causing her to tumble backwards, her naked bottom crashed through the roof of city hall as she hit the ground.

“Uh oh,” Ultra Woman said, buzzing past her like a fly, “It looks like someone’s out of juice!”

“I-I’m still big!” She said, struggling to sit back up. She panted with exertion as she managed to force herself back to her feet. Raising a pair of arms that felt like they had weights strapped to them, she readied herself for Impossible Woman’s next attack.

Impossible Woman just sighed, slowly walked forward, and pushed her over. Meltdown flailed, not sure how she had lost balance so quickly. It was like she was moving underwater! She put an arm under herself to try to lift off the destroyed town square, but she just couldn’t summon the strength.

“Quick science lesson,” Impossible Woman said with a grin, “the Square Cube law means that as an object gets larger, the surface area to volume ratio will drop. Simply put, the bigger you get, the less relative strength you’re going to have. I’m guessing without all the extra energy from that fission battery you’re just a big girl, right?”

“I-“ Meltdown wheezed, struggling to breathe, Even flipping herself over was like moving a mountain.

Maisie triumphantly placed a boot over the woman’s chest, pinning her to the pavement, “I’m not special because I can get big, any old mad scientist can build you a growth ray, I’m special because I make laws of mathematics and biology my playthings.”

“T-That’s impossible!” Meltdown wheezed.

“And don’t you ever forget it,” Impossible Woman said with a smirk, “but for a mere mortal like you? I’d let go of that energy you’re holding before you smother under the weight of your own body.”

Meltdown’s eyes burned with fury, but her skin began to lose it’s glow, and slowly she began to return to her normal size. Her eyes rolled backwards and she seemed to convulse, with one final hateful screech she passed out. Maisie sighed and pulled her boot off the rapidly shrinking villain, letting herself start to go down in size as well.

Ultra Woman hovered down next to her, the two of them regarding the unconscious Meltdown as they stood in the ruins of Quiet Oak’s town square.

“She’s too dangerous to just let go,” Ultra Woman muttered, her eyes flashing red. “I think… I think I’m going to have to-“

“No!” Maisie cried out, “You can’t be serious!”

“Maisie,” Ultra Woman sighed, “Impossible Woman… she almost hurt a lot of people today, she almost hurt people close to me, and you. Maybe she goes to jail, but then the feds will put her on a suicide squad, or she’ll break out, I just don’t want to risk it.”

“Ultra Woman doesn’t kill,” Maisie said quietly. “At least not someone who’s helpless like this…”

“Ultra Woman is a character made up by an ad agency in Chicago,” the blue bombshell snapped, “A character I happen to play while I’m out protecting people.”

They were quiet a moment, Ultra Woman’s glowing red eyes fixating on the fallen supervillain. She darted back and forth from Maisie, to Meltdown. Her fists clenched.

“Ultra Woman is real to me,” Maisie said, meeting the hero’s eyes. “You might say she’s a friend.”

The hero stared at her a moment, the red glow disappearing from her eyes. The two of them regarded each other, the only sound the rushing of water from burst pipes and the slow crumbling of the destroyed buildings.

“FUCK!” Ultra Woman snapped, stomping her feet and leaving a bootprint in the asphalt, “Fine Maisie, you’re right, okay? You win.”

“And Ultra Woman once again falls to the superior wit and wisdom of the forces of evil,” Impossible Woman said with a smug grin.

“Belle,” Ultra Woman said with a sigh, “my name is Belle.”

Maisie’s eyes went wide, “B-but I could use that to track down your secret identity!”

“You sure could,” Ultra Woman said in a tired voice, “Don’t tell anyone but Sam, and so help me Maisie, if you use it when we’re fighting, I’ll give you a black eye.”

Her famous smile returned, “You know Impossible Woman, you really should consider just joining the forces of good.”

“Ha!” Maisie laughed, “You’re just scared to face me! The world trembles at the whispers of my next scheme!” she turned and tried to walk away while cackling, but she winced at the first step, her muscles roiling with pain.

“You okay?” Ultra Woman asked, hefting the unconscious Meltdown over her shoulder.

“N-Not that mighty Impossible Woman needs it,” Maisie said, clearing her throat, “but, could you maybe fly me back to the fairgrounds?”

Maisie Grande, the Impossible Woman, sighed and leaned back in the bathtub, letting the foaming bubbles rise around her ears. After a lengthy fight at four hundred feet tall she felt aches and pains all over her body, even after she returned to normal size.

At some point the government had arrived, men in black suits and ties who wanted to question all of them. There had been threats, demands for answers, Maisie might have even felt intimidated if Ultra Woman, Belle, hadn’t stayed with her, Sam, and Ava through the entire thing. A coverup was out of the cards, obviously. Thanks to Impossible Woman and Ultra Woman nobody had died, a miracle, but half the town was flattened and you couldn’t go near it without setting off a Geiger counter.

Luckily the superhero community was adept at dealing with radiation, word was Mister Mechanical was going to deploy some kind of robotic scrubber, and the homeowner’s largely had policies covering supervillain activity. Still, reconstruction would take months or even years, Quiet Oaks would never be the same.

Sam’s parents had seen their own street largely spared from the damage, but were still leaving to visit his aunt and uncle until the town could be properly decontaminated. They’d spoken with Sam and Maisie briefly, and while they didn’t approve of what they called the “costumed lifestyle” they still seemed supportive of the relationship.

“You two will settle down one of these days,” Sam’s mother had assured the two of them, “This running around and fighting superpeople thing will get old, and you’ll get a mortgage like everyone else!”

Maisie smirked at the thought. It wasn’t likely, but if they needed to believe that, then let them believe it.

When all was said and done, they’d trudged back to the hotel. Maisie had stripped her costume off and immediately declared that she, and Impossible Man, would be taking a bath.

She opened her eyes and giggled, watching the tiny man struggle to stay upright on the floating bar of soap. Gently she batted it with a foot, sending Sam tumbling into the water with a splash.

He swam his way to the surface, his tiny face peeking out from the bubbles adorably. She smirked and pinned him between her feet, holding him in place.

“Come on,” she teased, “try to get away.”

He pushed against the two soles on either side of him, but her soapy feet were too slick to get any purchase. With a grin he let himself start to grow just a bit, but she sat up and snapped her fingers.

“Hey!” she laughed, “No! You stay small!”

With a sigh he dropped his height back down to three inches, letting himself easily be pinned between her feet.

“Better?” he asked.

“Much!” she grinned. The feet on either side released him, and the waves pushed him towards the end of the tub as the giant woman leaned up and reached for him. Her silky soap covered fingers closed around him, drawing him through the water up to her chest. Resting him between a pair of breasts that easily dwarfed him she regarded her boyfriend and partner in crime.

“They’re saying we’re heroes on the news,” Sam said with a laugh.

“Please,” she said, toying with his hair with a single finger, “I’m already planning something so diabolical, so cunning that the world will tremble when they hear about it!” She leered down at him, “but for now… I’m feeling a different kind of naughty.”

She gripped him, hard enough that even with the suds there was no way he’d slip away. Slowly he was traced down her body like a washcloth, lazily she circled him around her bellybutton as her hand drifted lower. Waving playfully at him with her free hand she slowly dipped his head below the waterline. He took a deep breath just as the water went over his head.

Maisie groaned happily as he approached her opening. He slipped in easily beneath the water, and she leaned back and let the suds rise to her ears again as he began his work. She crossed her legs, sealing the tiny man in and forcing him further inside her as she bit her lip and closed her eyes, moaning hungrily.

Sam felt himself squeezed, and did his best to force himself further. The warmth of the bath was a new sensation, filling every crevice around him as he touched Maisie’s most intimate areas. The current shifted, and he was forced to grow larger to avoid being rushed along with it as Maisie moved around him. That caused her to moan louder as she was filled, a hand reached down and dived under the suds as she gave him a hand.

The aches and pains in her muscles were replaced by a tense pleasure as she enjoyed the work of her tiny boyfriend. Sam fought to stay inside her as he was squeezed and the water rushed around him.

Maisie gave one final shudder, groaning and then giggling as the pleasure peaked and then subsided. Sam slipped out, floating up to the surface of the bath and floating on his back, taking a deep breath of air as he did.

“And you thought shrinking wouldn’t be a good power,” Maisie mused. Her hand cupped under him in the water, lifting him slowly out. He gasped at the chill as he was lifted out of the warm water and the small pool that came with him quickly slipped between Maisie’s fingers.

“I-It’s growing on me,” he joked, fighting down a shiver.

“I wonder if a love of puns predisposes one to supervillainy,” Masie said, tapping her chin with her free hand, “someone should look into that…”

“Y-Yeah,” he said, looking longingly down at the warm water.

Maisie did a mocking gasp, “Oh no! Is my tiny boyfriend cold?” She reached over and turned on the faucet. She smiled as the water warmed, and then moved the tiny Sam under the waterfall sized stream.

It was an intense feeling, and it was made more intense as Masie began to slowly massage him under the water. He arched his back and let her hand take him higher, smiling and closing his eyes as her thumbs worked her way over him. One brushed his rapidly hardening manhood, and she smiled.

“Let’s take care of that,” she whispered. Holding him cupped under the water she reached for a small bottle of conditioner. She pulled him out slowly, squirting it down onto him, and kneading into his skin, taking extra care to spread it around his groin.

He gasped as the fingers came down and began to play with him in earnest. The powerful fingers almost lifted him out of her palm with each stroke. His eyes rolled back in his head and his muscles tensed as she giggled at his struggles.

“You know before I met you I never played with a guy in my hands like this?” She giggled, “It’s a lot easier to pull off with a shrunken guy than with a big girl… too many onlookers.”

“L-Like that would stop you!” he grunted.

She shrugged, “Okay, maybe you’re right. I am a villain after all, I do what I want.” She grinned lustfully at him, “maybe I just hadn’t found a guy I wanted to play with like this…” She picked up her speed, causing him to groan and grit his teeth, “I love watching you squirm, all that pleasure just from my little fingers!”

She kept going, and when he came on the massive digits holding him in place Maisie cackled happily, almost dipping into her villainous laugh. Gently she brought him back under the tub’s faucet again, rinsing him off and massaging his entire body with her thumbs again.

“It’s nice to know that, even when I go back down to my normal size, I can always be Impossible Woman to someone,” she said with a warm smile.

“You’re always Impossible Woman to me,” he said softly, “no matter what size I am.”

Lifting him up again she placed him between her breasts, laying back in the warm soapy water with a sigh. Sam lay between the massive globes and let the water from the tub lap at his feet, crossing his arms behind his head he couldn’t help but grin.

Villains don’t usually get awards ceremonies, and heroes are usually too busy or just outright unwilling to attend theirs, so it was an usual event when the mayor of Quiet Oaks had announced he was giving the key to the city to the four costumed adventurers that had saved the town. They’d gathered at the still erect stage at the now destroyed fairgrounds, with a modest crowd of people who had decided to remain through the cleanup efforts.

Black Swan, Ultra Woman, Impossible Man, and Impossible Woman, all stood behind the mayor in full costume as he gave his speech. It was a rote affair about bravery and struggling through adversity, but the crowd was eating it up.

“Hey kid,” Ultra Woman whispered to Ava, “I liked your style the other day, if you’re interested in joining the Hero League, I’ll sponsor your membership.”

“R-Really?” Ava whispered back excitedly.

“Oh yeah,” Ultra Woman replied, “I can even get the first few months of dues waived.”

Ava frowned, “Dues?”

“I think they’re up to five grand a month now,” she said, rubbing her chin, “they just HAD to put in a pool for the moon base…”

“I’ll uh, check my budget,” Ava said uncomfortably.

“Sam!” Maisie whispered, poking him in the back. “The world’s largest kettle! It’s right back there! They never moved it!”

Sam blinked and looked back at it, in all the excitement he’d forgotten all about the object of Impossible Woman’s desire. The large cast iron kettle was still sitting there on it’s display cart, miraculously untouched by the battle that had been waged the day before.

Their eyes met and Sam fought down a giggle, “Okay,” he whispered back, “I got it.”

“And now,” The mayor said, gesturing to the four of them, “Would anyone else like to say a few words?”

Maisie stepped forward eagerly, “YOU FOOLS!” She cackled madly, gripping the microphone and forming a claw-like gesture with her free hand, “You fell for my ingenious plan! You invited me here to an awards ceremony, leaving the world’s largest kettle wide open!”

She started increasing her size, causing some in the crowd to step back nervously, and others to applaud. One young man had his phone out and was filming it, mouth wide open. She stopped around one hundred feet tall, and plodded over to the kettle, sitting on the side of the stage. Hefting it under her arm she did her best evil laugh again, posing for the local news cameras.

“Come Impossible Man!” she called triumphantly.

He gave Ava and Ultra Woman a last smile and an apologetic shrug, “See you guys around!” He sprinted and leapt for Maisie’s boot, grabbing the edge and holding on as she fled the scene at her giant size.

The crowd watched for a few minutes, confused, as Impossible Woman stole the giant piece of cookwear. Finally, someone broke the silence with applause, and the befuddled mayor joined in.

“Should we stop them?” Black Swan asked Ultra Woman uncertainly.

“Oh, I don’t know” the blonde said waving dismissively, “Let’s give them a fifteen-minute head start.”  

Chapter End Notes:
And that wraps up Homecoming, hope everyone enjoyed it, sorry again for the three parter but it was too long for two. I tend to write in an "episodic" format rather than as a serial or an ongoing so I probably won't add to this story until I have another idea for an adventure with these characters. In the meantime check out my other works! As always I love reading reviews, thanks again for reading.
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