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Author's Chapter Notes:


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It was another boring day for Joe and Tommy, both of them slumped in their seats. Tommy was sitting in a chair, if you could call it sitting that was, while Joe was laying on the couch length-wise propped up by his elbow. Both teens hadn’t moved for over an hour as Tommy flipped through the TV looking for something good to watch. Neither teen had said much other than a “nah”, “nope”, “lame”, or “boring” when picking a TV station. If it wasn’t a show, it was a commercial, which again was changed just as fast leaving just a blur of pictures before something new was on.

“God this is sooooo boring,” Joe complained as he rolled on the couch to get more comfortable.

“Hey, you're the one that wanted to come over,” Tommy reminded Joe about his complaining to hang out.

“Yeah, because I thought we do something fun this weekend, not sit inside and watch TV all day,” Joe grumbled as he let out a loud yawn. “I might as well just go back home and take a nap.” Joe still complained as he muttered out loud, “Wouldn’t even let me bring Fido over either…”

Tommy let out an annoyed sigh, “And I told you, my parents would kill me if they knew I let your stupid dog in here.”

“Hey, Fido isn’t stupid,” Joe argued.

Tommy laughed, “Really? Wasn’t it just the other day I watched him running around not listening to you for half an hour as he chased that stupid bug?”

Joe laughed, “Yeah… but I mean he got that stupid thing right? The dumbass bug wouldn’t stop running circles around my foot, I almost stomped it, but it was too funny to watch. I swear that’s the only good thing my little brother is useful for, him and his dumb bug collection. Endless snacks for Fido and good entertainment, unlike you and your stupid big ass TV here.” Joe let out a laugh as he sat up. “Shit… yeah fuck this, I'm gonna go home and play with Fido, at least he’s more fun than this,” Joe let out a snarky noise as he got up.

Tommy was gonna argue but sighed, “Yeah your right this fucking sucks man. Alright, let’s go to your place.” Tommy sat up and started to get ready to leave. Tommy thought about leaving without turning off the TV, but his parents chewed him out like last time for wasting power. Something about it not being free or whatever. “Oh give me a second got to turn off the damn TV,” Tommy told Joe as he headed back for the remote. Just as Tommy picked it up the commercial changed to something that caught Joe’s eye.

“Oh oh, wait, it’s that commerical!” Joe shouted as he hurried back in front of the TV.  The new thrill and excitement appearing shocked Tommy.

“What? Commercial Which one,” Tommy asked as he watched the ad starting to play on the screen.

Before Tommy got his answer he heard the sounds of a woman making moaning sounds. Like some porno going off, as the screen was filled with the most sexual material you can get on television without getting flagged. It had women making lewd noises and faces as the commercial went on.

The stupid commercial was an ad for condoms, some kind of ad for safe sex. Tommy was only watching for the enjoyment of the hot-ass women making those slutty faces. It was a nice teasing turn-on for the most part. However, the ad soon turned into the commercial it was made for.

“When you’re in the moment and needing protection? Don’t worry we got you covered, introducing the safest sexual barrier that is the safest contraception you can use! NOTHING GETS IN, NOTHING GETS OUT! Buy the pocket rocket! Our condoms are tested to the breaking point to make sure there are no BREAKING POINTS. Just like any other space tech, we made sure it never breaks down on you.” Joe and Tommy continued to watch the erotic commercial as it went on with women making faces and sounds that were closer to a porno than an actual commercial ad on TV. “We promise our rubber won't break on any incidents, just like a rocket reentering the atmosphere, our condoms are built to survive anything thrown at it. pocket rockets, buy now at your local stores!”

“God damn that commercial gets me stiff every time… especially when that one chick moans…” Joe replied as he smirked with a pleased grin. “I’d love to show her my rocket if you know what I mean,” Joe laughed.

Tommy just shrugged, “Yeah whatever, it’s all fake. No way anything they say was real.”

Joe quickly argued, “Bullshit! They can’t lie on national TV. They are like totally reliable in whatever they say in their advertisement. Their condoms are built for anything…”

Tommy rolled his eyes, “Not anything dumb ass. Do you really think they are meant for reentry from space? It’s just something they made up.”

Joe gave Tommy a stern look… “Oh yeah…” He started to pull something up on his phone and finally flashed it to Tommy. “Anything they say on TV can be used against themselves. If their condoms don’t hold up, we can sue them for false advertisement.”

Tommy paused for a moment as he thought it over, “Wait… so if it doesn’t last after a certain point, we can get money from the company for false advertisement?”

Joe grinned, “Fuck yeah! Dude, think about it, they set themselves up for failure. Look all we got to do is prove that their condoms aren’t as foolproof as they say it is, and we make a bucket full of cash! Easy fucking money!”

Tommy thought for a brief moment before he grinned and repeated, “Dude, fucking easy money! LETS DO THIS!”

Richard watched as Luke grinned down at him and the others trapped in the many glass jars on his desk. The young child looked happy as he looked back and forth between all of them, ready to share some good news, hopefully.

“Don’t worry I’m gonna try and test the machine today. I think I found a way to turn you all back to normal!” Luke was excited as he rubbed his hands together as he continued to smile at all of them at the joyful news.

Richard didn’t know how to explain to Luke that he was wasting his time, as it was just him who was a normal human or used to be. Richard was one of the last bugs left in the collective glass jars that lined the young child’s desk that was once human. All the others were replaced by Luke’s fucking psychotic brother who used them as fucking playthings, toys, or some sick twisted form of entertainment. Richard was only lucky because he was the furthest away from the bedroom door, but it seemed that Joe was slowly getting closer to Richard’s container now that he was the last one.  It was like he was trying to replace all the original ones with real bugs without Luke knowing.

Still, hearing Luke was close to fixing that fucked up machine that made Richard into this insect, totally made his day. He was growing so tired of being this little pathetic bug trapped in a jar. He couldn’t wait to be turned back to normal. Richard already had a few words he was gonna use on Joe when he was back to his original size and form.

Richard did a little bug-like dance of happiness at the exciting news. His little action only seemed to make Luke smile wider as if he could tell that Richard was as thrilled as he was. “I just need to try a few more things before even trying to attempt to change anyone of you back to normal. It should only be a few more days, I promise!”

Just a few days was better than a few weeks or longer. Sure Richard wanted to be back to normal sooner, but he had been a bug for a while now and was used to waiting. At least he made it to the long run. Richard was starting to worry that maybe he was next on the chopping block for-

The sound of the front door swinging open and hurried footsteps were followed after the shutting of the mighty door, shaking Richard’s jar and himself from the impact. Richard and Luke turned toward the sound of the heavy footsteps rushing toward his door. Before Richard could react, Joe and one of his friends were in the doorway looking exhausted as they were panting from what had been from running some distance.

The monstrous Joe spoke first, “We need one of your stupid bugs…”

Luke stood in front of his desk hands out trying to block them from Joe. “NO! You’re always mean to them!” Richard felt a tear of respect dripping from his eye at how this young child was so protective of him. “I won't give you any of them!” Joe rolled his eyes before taking a step closer ignoring Luke. Luke did the only thing he could do to his older brother… “MOOOOOM!!” He shouted as loud as he could.

Joe looked frightened, “OKAY, OKAY, STOP,” He protested before the sound of the mother of the house calling out from somewhere nearby.

“So help me, Joe, if I come in there and you're bothering your brother again, I’m gonna deactivate your phone and take away your computer for a month!”

Richard watched as the warning forced the mean teen from even taking another step. He let out a groan and rolled his eyes, “I wasn’t gonna do anything!”

His mother was already responding, “That’s what I thought! Now leave your brother alone!”

Luke and Richard both let out a peaceful sigh as Joe didn’t even attempt their mother’s wrath. Still, Richard watched Joe not leave the room. Something that still kept him on edge, but Luke wasn’t as concerned. With a sense of power, Luke grinned, “You heard Mom…”

“Yeah whatever…” Joe grumbled.

The new kid that Richard didn’t know spoke up, “Dude that’s it? You just gonna give up?”

“Bro,” Joe complained, “I’m not losing my fucking computer and phone over some fucking bug. We can just find one in the yard or whatever. How hard can it be?”

Tommy gave Joe a disappointed look before turning back to Luke and speaking to him. “Look, Luke, we’re not gonna hurt your bug friend, or whatever. We just need to borrow one of them for a little while, and you’ll get them right back. I promise…”

Richard didn’t believe a word that was spoken from that fucking teen. However Luke seemed way more trusting than he should have been as he crossed his arms over his chest and looked at his brother and friend, “What were you thinking?”

Those words were pure horror to Richard’s ears, if he still had them that was…

Joe and Tommy smiled as Tommy went on, “Well, you heard of pocket rockets right?”

Luke slowly shook his head, “No? What’s that?’

Tommy pulled out a small square object. Something Richard recognized as a condom. “This can’t be good… no no no,” Richard muttered as he started to try and get Luke’s attention. He started to hit the glass and make as much noise as he could being a bug, but nothing he did seemed to distract the giant child.

Tommy went on, “Well basically it’s something that can survive anything, like a rocket ship. You know what a rocket ship is, right?”

Luke puffed his chest out as he nodded vigorously, “OF COURSE!”

Tommy smiled, “Well that’s great! See this is supposed to be that strong… and so like me and your brother here,” Tommy jerked his thumb toward Joe, “We're gonna test it out! See, we think that Fido could swallow the pocket rocket and let it travel through its…” Tommy paused, “You know what digestion is right?”

Luke slowly nodded.

“GREAT! I knew you were a smart kid.  See we think that if we put something inside said pocket rocket, and let it go through digestion, which you clearly know how strong rockets are, right? So we let the pocket rocket with something in it go through Fido… and then the company will pay us for spreading their product with the video of their item and how effective it is! It’s a win-win for everyone, right?”

Luke was taking his time thinking it over at how Tommy was explaining it. He seemed not to like the idea. However, both Joe and Tommy seemed to be swaying him toward their side. Nothing that Richard said got to Luke and after telling Luke he would get a share of whatever profits they made, he seemed to crumble. The mention of money sparked Luke’s desire as Richard recalled how much Luke wanted that new video game that was coming out. Richard was totally against it, especially when Luke turned toward Richard and not any of the other fucking regular insects on the desk. Luke gave Richard a weak smile and nodded, “Well… you do make a good point. But only one of my friends,” Luke announced as he reached out toward Richard’s fucking jar.

Richard was horrified at the news that this boy was falling for these teens' lies or stupidity. He wasn’t sure which it was but it was insane to think this was gonna work! There was no way the condom would fucking survive digestion! Worse was how Luke was looking at Richard… he should be looking at the other fucking fake bugs and not himself! Why was he looking at him?!?!

Sadly to Richard’s horror, Luke slowly picked up his jar and held it in the air, “But,” Luke objected showing off Richard to Joe and Tommy, “Richard also gets a portion of the money. He is the one doing this, after all, it’s only fair.” As nice as that sounded, Richard was still objecting to this batshit crazy plane these fucking kids had.

Tommy and Joe looked at each other and gave a weak shrug before Tommy turned back to Luke, “Sure, what the hell right? So that’s the one we’re gonna use?”

Richard was protesting as Luke quickly nodded, “Yeah, we can use him. Just be careful with him.”

“GREAT!” Tommy exclaimed as he quickly snatched the jar out of Luke's hand and brought it over to Joe. Tommy shoved Richard’s glass jar into his hands as he started to dig into his pocket. Tommy grinned as he pulled out a small little square plastic package from his pocket. “Look we got everything we need. All that’s missing is Fido-”

Just as Tommy said the name the mangy mut made its entrance as it seemed to be able to hear its name from the future. Fido trotted into the room and stood between Joe and Tommy looking up at the two as if asking “Yeah what do you want? Why did you call me?”

Richard watched as Fido looked between the two giant boys before his eyes locked in on Richard. The high-pitched whimper and tail-storm Fido kicked up told Richard that Fido noticed him. His eyes seemed to widen and lock in on him like a rocket being fired at a target. All of Fido’s attention was dedicated to Richard.

“Look who’s ready for the experiment,” Joe laughed. “Aren't you boy, alright stop your bitching, we're gonna feed you soon,” Joe chuckled jiggling the jar with Richard in it. The motion sent Richard clinking into the side of his prison as Fido’s greedy eyes were glued to every movement that he made.

“HEY!” Luke cried out, “I said you have to be careful with him!”

Joe rolled his eyes and grumbled, “Ooops, my bad.”

“Dude come on,” Tommy sided with Luke, “Don’t fuck this up for us.”

“I’m not!” Joe complained, “I had a hand tremor or whatever. It happens all the time,” Joe argued.

Richard knew that it was a lie but again, his words meant nothing to a world of deaf giants. He could only watch as Fido pranced in place and moved around to keep his eyes and mouth toward Richard’s glass chamber. A simple turn or move from Joe made Fido get up and reposition himself to stay on target. There was no escaping this massive monster who was ready for anything, especially if it meant eating Richard sooner than expected.

Richard scrambled to back away as he tried to get as much distance between himself and that monstrous maw that was making those high-pitched whimpering sounds.

“Whatever dude, just hold the jar still,” Tommy told Joe who just rolled his eyes at the command. Richard looked up as Tommy stood in position before him. “Fucking come on…” Tommy grumbled as he messed around with the square package that the condom was in.

Joe let out a mocking laugh, “Seriously? What are you a virgin? Do you not know how to open that thing?” Joe laughed again as Tommy glared at Joe.

“Dude fuck off, you’re acting like your a fucking player or something. I would ask how many girls you slept with but we both know you’re too gay to get laid,” Tommy mocked.

“Fuck you, I like, totally fucked a chick before,” Joe barked. “You don’t know what you're talking about.”

“Oh yeah, prove it,” Tommy said pushing the condom into his hands and snatching Richard out of Joe’s hand. “Open it.”

Joe snorted, “FINE!”

Everyone watched as Joe held the small plastic square and tugged at a corner… then a side…

It was clear that Joe was struggling just like Tommy was, as he too couldn’t open the stupid plastic piece of contraception. As Joe struggled Tommy went on to mock him, “OH is it so easy now? I bet you gonna say you raw dogged it and didn’t need one, right?”

“SHUT UP,” Joe grunted as he put all his strength into tearing the plastic package open.

Richard would be smiling if he could, but he watched the two teens bicker and argue as they couldn’t open a simple fucking condom. How ironic all their planning was falling apart due to the simple fact that they couldn’t get it open.

Things were looking up for Richard, that was till Luke stepped in. “Let me try,” He said taking the small object from his brother who had given up.

“Oh yeah, like you’re gonna get it,” Joe laughed at his little brother’s attempt.

Tommy laughed, “I’d believe your brother got more pussy than you did.”

“Oh fuck you,” Joe told Tommy who was still mocking him.

Richard would be laughing at all the fighting the older giants were doing, that was till he and everyone in the room heard the simple sound of plastic ripping and peeling apart.

All eyes were on Luke who pulled the condom out of the ripped package, “It said pull from this side,” He announced holding the open pocket rocket for everyone to see.

“GIVE ME THAT,” Joe ordered taking the condom from his brother, “I loosened it up for you,” Joe said as he quickly yanked the small little compressed disk out of the square package.

Richard watched with horror as now they were one step closer to their plan to send him on a one-way trip through that fucking dog… THAT WAS STILL LOOKING AT HIM LIKE HE WAS A TREAT! Richard tried to bark, growl, yell, and even scream for the dog to get away but Fido never even missed a beat as it kept eyeing him like he was the last doggy snack left in the world. Richard turned his attention back to his other problem as Joe was holding the little plastic disk in his fingers.

“So like yeah… now…” he muttered flipping the condom around and looking at it. “I just… got to…”

Tommy seemed to want to add in, but it was clear he wasn’t exactly confident about what to do next. It wasn’t till Luke spoke up as he seemed to be reading something off his phone, “Turn it right side up and slowly roll sides down to extend down the length of the member… what do they mean member?”

Joe seemed to get the instructions as he straightened out the condom and let out a mocking snort, “You're too young to understand squirt. Anyway, see,” Joe showed off the full extended condom, “Simple. Now let’s get this shit started! Cause like I’m getting kind of hungry...”

Richard finally felt his life starting to come to an end as Joe held the jar in one hand and Tommy slowly took the extended condom in his hands. He held the pocket rocket open at one end, wide enough for the jar to pass through. At least the lip of the jar was gonna make it, as Richard felt his glass jar tilting. He had no way to stay stuck to the inside of the jar, or to stop his sudden change in gravity as everything was tilting toward the rubbery opening presented before him. Richard tried to escape and get out of the way of the open plastic hole before him. However, no matter how he slid and twisted around, that condom was always in the way.

“NO NO NO FUCK OFF STOP IT,” Richard screamed as he was quickly tilted and dropped down toward the plastic bag before him. It was like being on a water slide but instead of there being a nice little pool of water at the end of the tunnel, there was a gaping hole of rubber plastic put before his feet ready to swallow Richard up. Richard slid down the frictionless glass and instantly hit the stretchy rubber and rolled down the sides of the condom into the base of the ballon-like package at the end of the condom. Richard looked out the mostly clear siding of the plastic prison as he could only slip around the sleek and almost moist inside of the condom. Richard looked around and saw only the upturned walls around him and knew he was trapped. He was stuck as his legs and body couldn’t get up the side of the slick walls and to the small opening up top. He was doomed to what will happen next.

“Looks like our pilot is locked into his shuttle,” Joe laughed. “Is our astronaut ready to explore the deep depths of my dog’s deep space? I’m sure you're ready to explore the unknown and learn some interesting things about Fido, right?” Joe chuckled as he held the plastic bag that Richard was in. A soft shake and jiggle shook Richard around in the condom as Joe taunted him some more.

“Alright that’s enough playing around,” Tommy explained as he pulled out his phone and started to get ready for the filming part. “I need to film this and edit it, so let's start with the simple eating part, okay?”

“Oh yeah totally,” Joe agreed as he was the one holding Richard. “Eating… yeah nothing like having our space bug being swallowed by Fido, to take a nice little trip through some inner space. LOL! Nothing like traveling the stars, but I’m sure you're not gonna visit many stars… just some gassy giants or whatever they call that big one in our solar system.  Heck, you might even see a brown star if you know what I mean… oh wait, no, you're going through our solar system right? So you gonna have to be passing through URANUS! Right? Yeah, first bug to fly by Fido’s Uranus, how lucky you must be. I hope you packed everything you need, cause I hear it’s a tight squeeze through there. Usually, it’s only a few things that can fit but hey, you’ll be the first bug to make it safely in your little plastic pussy protection, you're welcome,” Joe muttered sounding a little disappointed at the news that Richard was gonna survive.

“Dude come on,” Tommy remarked holding his phone up trying to get a good angle. “I don’t have all day.

“Yeah yeah, just shut up will yeah? I want to get everyone in the mood for this. It’s not every day we send the first bug to Fido space to explore.” Joe grinned, “I mean how many people or bugs you know that get to experience a black hole like Fido’s mouth?!”

Tommy shook his head, “Whatever I guess I can edit it afterward, just hurry up, I got some other stuff to do later.”

Joe rolled his eyes as he finally looked back at Richard. Richard who was horrified, looked at the grinning teen holding him above Fido. The dog was directly below him as it looked up excited for what looked to be another treat dangling before him. However, Richard wasn’t a treat, he was a person!  This wasn’t supposed to be happening to him.  No amount of screaming or begging could get through the plastic barrier, or even to these messed-up teen’s ears. The only one who cared about Richard’s health was Luke and he green-lit this whole operation!

“Okay, you stupid astronaut bug. Get ready for a trip you’ll never forget. Let’s hope your little COCKpit…” Joe started chuckling, “Get it cause it’s a condom for-”

“Dude I don’t have all day,” Tommy shot back at him.

“FINE… God, no sense of humor… anyway, time for your trip through Fido,” Joe announced as he slowly started to lower the little bag of rubber down toward the awaiting dog. Richard skittered around trying to find a way out of there, but it was useless as the only opening had been tied and sealed long ago. Richard was stuck and forced to endure the travel through the monster below him. Hopefully, he made it, as he wasn’t ready for his doom.

Tommy, who was still filming said, “Pocket rocket test on how unbreakable their condoms are. Testing to see if a bug will make it through a dog’s digestive system. Hopefully, it won’t need to breathe too much…”

Richard was afraid as he tried to tell them to stop.

To Richard’s total shock, he heard one person’s voice scream out suddenly, “WAIT! STOP!”

Everyone paused, even Fido who was opening his mouth closed it to look at Luke who was panicking. Richard watched the boy hurry over toward Joe and Tommy. He looked horrified. Richard felt so much better now that Luke was coming to his senses. He couldn’t possibly let Joe and Luke put him through this torment. Rochard was saved.

Luke let out a concerned breath as he stopped his brother. “We can’t do this!”

Joe and Tommy looked pissed, “What do you mean-”

Luke stood his ground as he told them firmly, “WE CAN’T DO THIS! NOT WITHOUT AIR HOLES!”

Both teens looked at each other for a moment. Finally, Joe laughed, “That’s my fucking little brother right there. A fucking genius. Shit man, we almost suffocated this bug… than what would we do? This little guy has to make it to the finish line if we want any money from pocket rockets!” Luke looked pleased as Joe rubbed his head, “Alright boy genius what do we do?”

Richard watched with horror as Luke grabbed a pen off his desk and said, “Well, like the jar he was in. We need to poke holes in the plastic so he can breathe…”

Richard screamed in horror as he watched Luke stab the siding of his plastic prison. Each jab leaving giant gaping holes in the siding of the condom. He kept screaming and shouting, waving his little legs to let Luke know he was doing something stupid, but the kid was too busy making as many holes as he could to let him breathe. Finally after several mighty strokes of Luke’s hand, Richard was looking at half a dozen holes peltering his safe space.

“There, now Richard can breathe,” Luke said proud of himself.

“Shit and we were about to let the poor fucker suffocate to death,” Joe laughed.

Tommy shook his head, “Good thing your brother isn’t an idiot… alright, are we good to go Luke?”

Luke stood back and nodded with a bright smile, “YUP! See you soon Richard!”

Richard’s only words were a heavy cry of misery as he was descending downward, “NOOOOO!” As he cursed the fucking kids for not knowing a damn thing! With everyone satisfied with the new air holes poked into the sealed contraception device, Joe started to dip Richard toward his destiny. Fido seemed to get the idea as he sat up and opened his mouth like a trained dog waiting for a treat to be placed on its tongue. Fido didn’t even need to watch as he seemed to know he would be getting the delicious dangling doggy snack.

Richard could only scream and scurry around as he looked for an exit. Sure the holes that Luke stabbed in were possible escape routes, but they didn’t look big enough, and climbing up to them was impossible with the slippery and slimy sidings of the condom. With all the lube, Richard was unable to get up the sides of the curved condom. Looking down past his feet, Richard looked in horror as those titanic teeth came into view, making himself look so small and pathetic. The massive mut’s mouth made an impact of how monolithic it was. Fido’s tongue itself could easily cover the condom up like he was licking up a ball, especially when Fido flayed it out showing how accepting he was for his special meal. Richard was horrified as he could already smell the doggy scent seeping in through the small holes that Luke made. Richard was so fucked as soon his clear plastic prison was dipped well past Fido’s lips. He was resting on the dog’s tongue and throat as Joe laid him there on the super patient puppy.

“Okay hold, Fido… Hold,” Joe ordered. The whimpering breath that reeked up from the depths of the dog down below made Richard gag as he could smell the awful dog breath blowing into his not-so-sealed space. Richard whimpered as he could already tell how this was gonna end for him. The horrible heinous smell was already greeting him now, which would only get worse later.

Later, being now, Joe let go of the tip of the condom and let out the dooming order, “SWALLOW!”

Richard one moment was bathed in light, and the next the shocking sounds of a snapping snout slamming shut hit Richard as he could hear Fido already trying to gulp him down. The swallowing was evident as Richard felt his prision around him shifting and sloshing forward. Fido’s throat was the first thing to grab him as he was tugged and pulled and soon dragged down toward the depths of the dog's digestive system. The place where Richard would meet his doom…

Luke watched Joe let Richard take a trip through Fido. A journey that shouldn’t take too long. Richard just had to travel through Fido’s stomach and intestine, which for a dog his size wouldn’t take too long, right?  Luke watched Joe and Tommy look excited, Luke didn’t hear his mom come back inside. Whatever it was that she was doing, she headed to Luke’s room.  Giving the door a knock as she entered she announced her presence by calling out to Luke.

“Luke are you ready for- oh!” She said looking surprised, “Sorry I didn’t know you were here Tommy,” Luke watched his mom look toward Joe, confused as to why he would be in Luke's room, and then she saw Fido too, “Oh? Is everyone in Luke’s room today? It’s not his birthday is it,” She chuckled at the silly joke as she started to leave them all alone… till she spotted something. “What-” She said as she entered the room and saw the discarded condom wrapper, “WHAT?! Why?! EXPLAIN,” Luke’s mom ordered as she looked at the three of them. Before the others could explain, Luke answered. 

“We had Fido swallow the plastic thing so we can get money, it’s okay Mom,” Luke said calmly, “We made sure Richard will survive…” Luke felt so proud for catching the mistake his silly brother and friend were gonna make.  Everyone was silent as Luke explained to his mother what was going on.

The silence lasted for a brief pause before she went absolute ape-shit. “WHAT?! YOU DID WHAT WITH FIDO AND… OH MY GOD OH MY GOD! EVERYONE IN THE CAR,” She nearly screeched as she took the condom wrapper and started to hustle everyone out of Luke’s room.  

“What, what’s going on,” each kid kept asking but was ignored by the frantic mother hustling them out of the room.

“GET IN THE CAR NOW GO GO GO,” She barked as she pushed her kids and Tommy into her vehicle, “SWEET JESUS YOU KIDS ARE GONNA KILL ME!!!”  Luke had no idea what his mother meant, but hurried while listening to his mom, as she took Fido by the collar and dragged him toward the car screaming, “GO GO GO!”

Richard was in a true hell as he could hear the sound of Fido’s body doing what it did best, breaking down whatever it just swallowed. The journey down Fido’s throat was faster than Richard expected as he could feel his little plastic cock cover slipping deeper into the dog’s throat and stomach. The sounds of digestion filled the air as Richard felt himself being deposited and plopped into Fido’s freaking fizzy stomach. The stench already making its way into the tightly sealed condom… oh wait, IT WASN’T SEALED ANYMORE! The fucking kids had no idea what they were fucking doing, so now Richard was subjected to the intense smells of Fido’s acids creeping inside. Completely unprotected, Richard was gonna experience this trip the hard way.  The horrible doggy vomit smell already leaking in, not to mention the liquid that Richard was floating in was slowly drifting inside his chamber. The strong scented smell was already forcing Richard to try and tuck himself away in a corner of his little pocket of plastic.

“Shit shit shit,” Richard cried as he started to crawl in the darkness. A sudden warm and smelly stinging sensation hit Richard from off to his side as he realized he was touching some stomach acids that were leaked in from an opening. “OH THIS IS SO FUCKED,” Richard screamed as he tried to back away from the dark depths of the fucking dog’s damn digestive juices. The only thing that Richard could go by was the sounds of the sloshing and swishing of fluids as it sounded like a lake on a mildly breezy day, as waves were being made inside Fido’s belly. Whatever Fido was doing, only helped stir the contents of his belly around as Richard couldn’t do much but wait for rescue, or worse… forced to head to the other exit.

Staying as far away from the lapping waters that already made their way inside was getting harder as Richard found that every few minutes a small stinging sensation snapped at his little feet, or whatever the hell his foot was now after his cursed transformation. Richard jerked back as he could feel the sizzling sensation slowly making its way into the condom and starting to fill it up. It was a slow start but for someone his size, Richard knew that it wasn’t something to scoff at as he wouldn’t have a lot of space left to avoid the burning liquid. He was stuck in the prison of plastic, which wasn’t as protective as it would have been, filling with a deadly melting material.

“Fucking kids,” Richard shouted in the dark depths of the dog’s dumb belly. The splashing and sloshing sounds continued to echo around the immense chamber as Richard did his best to stay out of the leaking liquids inside the condom. As much as he wanted to, Richard wasn’t a professor in the use of condoms, so he had no idea how they would hold up.  He could only hope, as he felt the soft rubbery room shifting and moving about on its path, and pray the basic ballon of plastic plastic would protect him.

The gurgling sounds inside Fido were starting to echo deeper as the noises started to show off the insides of this mighty beast. Fido’s guts were starting to work on its job, trying to break down any snack or treat it found. Sadly that was Richard’s category as he knew he could hear Fido starting to try and break him down just like any other source of food. The strong sounds of stomach juices working their way on and around the plastic confines that Richard was on.

The only safe space for Richard was deeper inside Fido’s gut, which could mean anything to him…

Yet, just as that thought came to Richard, he felt a firm tug at the end of his dick-shaped spacecraft as he was now being pulled along somewhere. Richard felt the jerking and pulling motion as he was now going onto the next part of Fido’s gut. Hopefully, it would be better than where he was now, as the stinky smelly stomach acidic swarmed inside.  The stench stung his nose so bad that he thought it would melt off. Richard let out a startled sound as a deep grumbled sound was heard.  He could feel everything being compressed and flattened as it was dragged beyond Fido’s stomach and somewhere else. At least he was moving on, away from the digestive acids and juices that were trying to break him down….

“As you can see, your dog,” The vet was saying before Joe cut him off.

“FIDO… His name is FIDO,” Joe remarked.

“Right… your dog Fido, is going to be fine,” The vet told them as he plastered up the X-Rays they took. “The obstruction-”

Joe cut in again, “Condom, it’s a pocket rocket condom to be exact. Because we’re doing an experiment.”

Joe’s mom wasn’t thrilled at his remark and neither was the vet as he went on. “Right… the sexual contraception stuck in your dog, is doing fine. You can see it traveling just fine,” The vet said pointing out the multiple X-rays that Fido got. Sure enough, the plastic abstract object could be seen moving along. “Fido should be fine as it moves through him. Give it a day or two to pass… worse case it gets a little stuck and you give Fido these,” The Vet said handing Joe’s mom some pills. “Just some dog laxatives to help things… push along,” He told her. “But I’d save them for when you really need them.  You don’t want an accident in the house,” He chuckled only to realize he was the only one laughing. “So, anyway,” The doctor said as he started to move out of the room. “I think we should talk more about this incident,” The vet said as he led their mother out of the room to leave Joe, Tommy, Luke, and Fido all in the same room.

Joe was the first to move as he walked over to a sleepy-looking Fido slumped up against the table panting heavily. Besides his sleepy look, Fido looked just fine.

Joe laughed, “Fido’s got nothing to worry about. He’s a fucking trooper, that shit gonna pass through him like… well, actual shit!” Joe laughed, “Like come on, it’s just a fucking plastic condom, basically a tiny plastic bag, he’ll be fucking fine.  I’m sure he eats plastic all the time,” Joe said. Although it sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than anyone else in the room. “Right Fido,” Joe asked with worry in his voice.

It was silent as no one spoke in the room.  Suddenly Fido let out a little woof, as his tail slowly wagged.

“OH LOOK! I FUCKING TOLD YOU! FIDO IS A BEAST!!!  He can eat anything and be A OKAY!” Joe was laughing as he petted his dog. “Yeah, no fucking bug stuffed in a condom gonna put you down, hell nah… you’re gonna turn that fuckers ass to grass, right? Yeah…” Joe said rubbing Fido’s gut. “Make that bug into a little brown turd…”

Luke gasped, “HEY! That’s Richard!” Luke’s outcry made Joe look at his brother.

“Oh sorry… sorry Fido, you heard Luke. His name is Richard… so turn that fucking little Richard bug into a fucking pile of poo…” Joe slowly rubbed Fido’s lower gut. “Just like all those other little bugs. You got this boy….”

Luke let out an annoying whine as he shot up, “HEY, Richard is my Friend-”

Joe rolled his eyes as he turned on Luke, “Yeah well he put Fido in harm. So like I don’t care if Richard is your best friend or whatever, he’s on me and Fido’s shit list, like a litteraly a list for shit.  I hope he’s in true hell in there cause if anything happens to Fido, I’ll make sure Richard pays. And don’t think you're off the hook either. This was supposed to be a simple cash grab, but your dumb bug had to make this an issue.”

It was clear neither of the boys understood the situation clearly. Joe was still comforting his pet dog as the minutes passed. “Whose a good boy?! You are! Yes, you are. Fuck that little thing, you're a big boy. Go ahead and break that little fucker down to-” Joe was cooing to Fido before Luke stepped in again.

“HEY! Richard isn’t a … bad word!” he protested. “He’s just helping us-”

Joe cut Luke off, “Yeah Yeah, whatever, I don’t care. He made Mom upset and is now messing with Fido's belly.” Joe explained, clearly missing a few points and issues between his dog and everything else. However, he didn’t seem to care as he petted Fido like he was a war hero, “At this point, I don’t care what happens to this bug thing, Fido is the top priority. Maybe afterward your little BUG can be acknowledged in what we're doing but for the most part, it fucked with Fido, so now I don’t really give a shit about it.  As far as I'm concerned that bug is just another of many that will be exploring and learning the inside of Fido very intimately. Just like any other turd Fido makes…”

“That’s not fair,” Luke retorted as he stood up, “You told me everything would be fine, and now RICHARD is in trouble-”

Joe cut Luke off,” Fuck your bug friend. Fido is more important or…. Are you saying you don’t care what happens to poor little Fido?” Joe shook his head, “You’d take sides with a little pathetic bug like that over cute sweet Fido? How could you be so cruel,” Joe asked sounding upset, but it was all a ploy, that Luke wasn’t getting.

“NO,” Luke said at first as he tried to think about it, “I didn’t mean it like that, but like… I guess…”

“What,” Joe cut in, “Would you rather they save your bug over Fido? You want to dissect Fido up all for a fucking bug?!?!”

Luke shook his head as his brother continued to pressure him, “I just meant like… If we can…”

Joe went on, “IF, only one can make it, I know who I'm fucking gonna ask for. Not some fucking ugly dumb ass bug, but our dearest family member FIDO!”

Luke looked down at his feet as he shuffled around, “I mean… your right…”

Joe snatched onto that weakness, “Yeah? So you’d let that bug digest for Fido’s safety? Really? And here I thought you didn’t like Fido at all, look at my little bro!”

Tommy finally cut in, “You guys are being stupid. The vet said Fido is fine, and there's nothing to worry about. No one is dying here. Stop being so stupid.”

Joe laughed, “Us stupid? Look at you, you're the one looking worried. It’s like you really want this experiment to succeed.”

Tomy rolled his eyes, “It's not an experiment it’s supposed to be an advertisement exposer! A condom that won't break even when eaten? Like, that would totally be the ultimate form of protection. And then we would get paid for coming up with the idea!  This could change everything… I think this could be bigger than the false advertisement…” Tommy seemed to already be laying out the groundwork for the new idea.

Luke frowned, “Protection? How does it protect you?”

Tommy opened his mouth and slowly shut it, “Right… uh it’s for wrapping stuff up…”

Luke continued to frown, “Like plastic wrap?”

Joe chuckled, “Kind of, just don’t worry about it squirt. Point is, Tommy’s right, this is gonna be big for us!” Joe seemed invigorated at the idea of making money again. “Just imagine it… maybe they’ll make a new slogan? Oh shit, what if they put Fido on the box?! You know,” Joe laughed, “Like Fido in a space suit! Oh, that would be fucking funny, Fido looking like one of those stupid astronauts while wearing the helmet!”

Fido let out a little woof as if he agreed with Joe.

Before Luke could press any more on his questions or Joe explaining his idea for Fido’s cover art, the door opened and the Vet and Joe’s mom came inside. They were still talking about either medical stuff or whatever but when they got back into the room, both of the adults turned their attention back to the kids.

The Vet let out a chuckle, “Well I will say that you all are very lucky that it was just a condom Fido swallowed, it shouldn’t pose too much of an issue passing. Unlike the very common Lego that ends up inside a pet,” The Vet again chuckled only to see he was the only one laughing, “Right… so everything is fine, you have the pills,” The Vet said to Joe’s mother. “Is there anything else, you’re worried about?”

Before anyone could say anything Luke spoke up, “YEAH! Is Richard gonna be fine??”

Everyone looked at Luke as if he just asked something insanely stupid and pointless, but the Vet was the only one not sure, “Uh… Richard??? And who is that?”

Joe just grumbled before cutting off Luke, “It’s his dumb bug. It’s in the condom.”

The Vet looked shocked and confused and slowly shook his head, “I won't ask… but yes, Richard will be fine. Plastic can’t be digested so easily. As long as the acids stay out of the condom, which sounds like you all tied the tip, Richard should be safe.”

All three of the boys looked delighted at the news the Vet gave, as they started to celebrate.

The Vet gave the mother a puzzled and odd look before he shrugged and started to leave, “Okay… well give me a call if there are any issues.”

“Okay, thank you,” Luke and Joe’s mom said as she stood there till the Vet left.

It wasn’t till the stranger’s eyes left the room that she spun around on Joe and Luke. The look on her face was one of absolute anger and fury.  It was clear she was about to dish out some harsh punishment.

Luke knew not to say anything, but Joe…

“What,” Joe asked sounding sincere and clueless.

“WHAT?! WHAT?!?!?! DID YOU REALLY , JUST FEED FIDO A FUCKING CONDOM?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU??!!” His mother hissed as she was so close to screaming but kept her voice as low as possible as she silently screamed at Joe and Luke.

Joe just shrugged, “What? The vet said he was fine. It’s no biggie…”

This was the moment of parenthood that Joe’s mother had to endure as it looked like she wanted to strangle the teen right there. Taking a mighty deep breath she controlled her rage and spoke through her clenched teeth, “That no BIGGIE…. As you said, cost me fucking Four thousand dollars in Vet fees!”

It was now that Joe showed some emotions, “Oh… oh wow that’s a lot.”

Joe’s mom squinted at him with a glare, “YEAH! No shit!” She took a deep controlled breath as if trying to be a monk as she held back the screaming she had in her. She saw that Tommy was in the room and dialed back her anger as she slowly spoke to Joe, “We will talk about this … LATER… with your FATHER,” She emphasized. This seemed to send Joe’s calm demeanor down a dark path as he went still.  The horror that took over him at the mention of his dad getting into it made Joe sober up, and his grin died.

“Mom-” Joe tried to explain before she put her hand up to stop him.

“No,” She said cutting Joe off as she held up her hand, “I can’t believe you did this to Fido, but your father will be hearing this. And trust me when I say he won't be pleased about what you did.”

Joe looked horrified as he sputtered, “It’s not what you think Mom. We were gonna record and-”

The reply was cut off as she waved for everyone to come with her, “I don’t care. Let’s head home. Like I said, your father will talk to you….”

Joe gulped as he followed his mother. Clearly, things were gonna be a little messy as he talked to his dad and mom about the current events.

Tommy was holding back on anything he wanted to say as it was clear their mother was in the zone about what was going on. So, Tommy stayed silent as he followed after Joe and Luke but kept his information to himself as so not to incur any wraith of Joe’s mom.  The less he shared the less chance that their their big deal would flop through and more money for him…

Richard screamed as more liquid sloshed in as he was suffering from the dangerous stomach acids already slowly filling in the inside of his hole poked prison Sure, he could try and dodge the stinging acid in the dark, but he wasn’t able to climb the walls as the stew splashed in, as the slippery slimy sides of the lubed up condom were keeping him from getting any higher up. Richard was on a log flume of horrors as the liquids splashing and seeping into his ride were searing and stinging as they sloshed around with each motion he took.  Richard didn’t know if it was because he was turned into a bug or if all bugs could feel like he did now, but he could feel everything on his bug-like skin. A drop of acid would be like molten metal as it sting and sizzle.

“FUCK FUCK FUCK,” Richard cried as he backed away from the sounds of the sloppy sloshing stuff inside his little chamber. Richard knew nothing about dogs or animals. Did they digest things faster than humans? Didn’t it take, like twelve to twenty-four hours to pass something through the human gut? What was a dog’s digestion time? These were questions that he needed answers to as he was trying to keep from being turned into a liquid snack for the mangy mutt.

As Richard tried to survive as long as he could, it didn’t help that he could hear a few sounds from the outside. Like the mighty thumping of something hitting the dog’s body. It was like thunder or a drum as it went THUMP THUMP, shaking everything around Richard. An earthquake caused tremors around Richard. Whatever was hitting or slapping the dog’s body was affecting him as he could hear more sounds of liquid pouring in as a wave or surge of acid sloshed inside his prison increasing the amount already inside.

“JUST STOP DOING THAT YOU IDOT,” Richard screamed as he backed up further only to find he was coming up close to the end of his condom prison. He was literally in the corner of the little baggy as there was nowhere else to go. The smell of dog, filled Richard’s nose as he could smell and hear his incoming doom. It was too dark to see, but the sense of danger and the scent of stomach juices were slowly approaching Richard in his little nook and cranny of a safe place.

Still, Richard knew this wouldn’t last, as he could swear he heard the sound of hot sizzling creeping toward him. The impending doom was approaching slowly as he was set on a long journey to his escape, if he could make it that long…

Tommy and Joe were sitting in Joe’s room as they sighed looking at Fido sleeping on the ground.

“Dude, how long is it gonna take?” Tommy asked.

“Fuck if I know, I'm not an expert in dog shit,” Joe chuckled. “Should have asked the shitty dog doctor when we were there.”  Joe mockingly asked out loud,  “Hey doc how long till Fido will shit?”

Tommy rolled his eyes, “Whatever dude, that place sucked… anyway, I don’t have all day to wait for your dog to do it.”

Joe just shrugged as he shifted on his bed, “Well obviously Fido doesn’t need to shit anytime soon. So your either gonna have to wait to record it or just fuck off till tomorrow.”

Tommy gave Joe the finger, “Yeah well I got shit to do tomorrow. Not all of us can just do nothing all week. My parents are taking me to my aunt's house for something stupid. So if Fido’s not gonna crap soon, we’re literally gonna lose a condom.”

Still, Joe casually laughed, “And a bug named Richard…”

Tommy rolled his eyes, “I don’t give a fuck what it’s name was. We can use Bobby next time or whatever your brother calls the next one, I care more about the money I paid for the fucking pocket rocket.”

Joe still smirking, “What, the five dollars or whatever you paid for a pack? Where’s the rest of them?”

Tommy huffed and folded his arms over his chest sitting in Joe’s computer chair, “Well… I’m not using all of them for this fucking condom thing. I might need them for later, you know when I try and get laid…”

Joe burst into a fit of laughter, “YOU?! You’re more worried about using the rest of the condoms for sex?! Oh shit, that’s hilarious! Come on, seriously?”

Snapping back, Tommy went on, “Fuck you! Why the fuck should I waste my money on your dog and this stuff? Five dollars for a pack is insane, especially with only a few condoms per package I buy.” Joe was still laughing as he seemed to find Tommy’s anger even funnier. Tommy grumbled as he sat there, “Whatever… are you telling me there’s no way to get Fido to shit that condom out faster? Like we could take him for a long walk… or like eat some chocolate?”

Joe sat up from his bed, “Dude your a fucking dumbass, Chocolate is the thing that kills dogs. Are you trying to kill Fido? You idiot”

Tommy threw his hands up, “I DON’T FUCKING KNOW I DON’T HAVE A DOG!” Tommy glared at Joe as he went on, “Just make your dog shit soon…”

Shaking his head, Joe was about to tell Tommy that it doesn’t work that way. He couldn’t just snap his fingers and have Fido shit….


Joe slowly smiled as he softly laughed, “You’re soooo lucky dude. If we didn’t go to the vet we couldn’t do this…” Joe got up off his bed and walked past Fido and headed to his door. He peeked out of the door and looked into the kitchen and saw no one. Even better was the small brown bag that had the laxatives that the doctor gave Joe’s mom. “Alright,” Joe said turning to Tommy. “I’ll grab the laxatives for Fido. We’ll take a walk and as the medicine does its thing, it shouldn’t take long. I mean I remember taking some as a kid and nearly shitting myself in ten minutes. Fido should be the same, easy peasy.”

Leading the way, Joe walked over to the brown bag that was left out in the open. Still looking around for his mom or anyone who would call him out, Joe made his way into the kitchen. As quietly as he could, Joe opened the bag and pulled out the Vet’s prescribed medicine for Fido. Grabbing the bottle of pills, he quickly headed back to his room to Tommy. “Alright, dude get ready for a walk. And better be ready, 'cause I’m sure this is gonna get messy,” Joe laughed as he shook the bottle. As Joe pocketed the pills he called out, “Fido, here boy!”

The sounds of Fido jumping off or getting up could be heard with the familiar tall tale sounds of jingling as in a matter of seconds Fido was in Joe’s room. Joe smiled, “Good boy, you ready for a … walk!” Fido’s tail and hips ran into overdrive as they fanned around like a helicopter trying to take off. Fido whimpered and pleaded with his big old dog eyes as if pleading to go right this second. “That’s what I thought come on,” Joe said grabbing a leash and hearing the whimpering puppy sounds coming from Fido as he recognized the leash. Joe clipped it on and headed for the door, Fido in a rush nearly dragging a luahing Joe behind him. Fido was in such a rush that Joe was being yanked by the thrilled dog.

“Gonna give Fido a walk, Mom,” Joe called out like he usually did.

“Okay, don’t take too long, I’m gonna start dinner soon,” She replied somewhere in the house.

Joe didn’t even wait for the response as he and Tommy were being led by an excited and very much delighted Fido ready to explore the outside world.

Once Joe and Tommy left his home, Joe snapped to get Fido’s attention, “Okay boy hold up, I got a special treat for you…”

Tommy watched Joe pull out the laxatives and something else. Tommy frowned as Joe put a few pills into his palm with something else that seemed to be the same size but also moving.

“What is that?!” Tommy asked sounding appalled.

Joe looked at Tommy and smirked, “A small treat. Can’t give Fido his medicine without a snack to go with it… hehe, been saving this fucker for a while. Not sure why, but I snagged this bug from my brother a few days ago, just didn’t know what to do with it,” Joe shrugged, “Figured Fido could have a nice little yum yum before his walk.”

Tommy looked at the almost pill-sized thing squirming around. “You and your fucking bugs… alright, hurry up, and let’s get this over with. My parents are gonna be home in a little bit, I wanted to jerk off before they get back.”

Joe snorted, “Hey, don’t rush Fido. You said this is like art or whatever, what’s the saying, never rush an artist?”  Joe laughed as he slowly lowered his open palm to a very delighted dog, “Making art. That’s what Fido’s gonna be doing very soon, making… art… with his ass!”

Joe laughed as he dipped his palm toward his hungry dog’s mouth, as Fido opened up for his snack…

Maxine screamed as she watched the looming dog’s face coming in faster than a rocket ship. She watched the mouth open wide and the large lunging tongue of the massive beast coming toward her. She did everything she could to try and get out of the way but the sudden shifting and moving of the giant teen’s hand tossed her back into the brown pellets around her. Leaving her as just another little small snack in the large palm. Maxine screamed as she watched the small sliver of a snout suddenly open into the jaws of death as Fido’s mouth opened wider than any human could compete with. Maxine continued to cry for mercy as Fido snaked forward snatching what he could out of his owner's hand, which was both Maxine and the pills around her.

The lengthy dog tongue lunged forward like a snake snapping at Maxine and everything else as it slurped them all up in a flash. One moment Maxine could see the outside world, the next she was in a hellish hot humid hellscape as the hound before her licked her clean off Joe’s palm. Like the many snacks Fido had consumed, Maxine quickly became just another one. She was soon engulfed in a smelly world of doom as she could smell the last thing Fido ate, which was rotten dog food and whatever leftovers were given to him. Maxine screamed and begged for help again, but all she got was the gnashing sounds of Fido’s gums, teeth, and tongue sloshing her and his pills around like little doggy Skittles. It only took a few moments, but Maxine was able to experience the whole concept of doom and death as she was jerked and thrown around toward the back of a hungry pup, Fido smacked his jaw together jerking her toward the dark doom of the back of his throat. Maxine was covered in a slimy sludge of Fido's spite as she was gobbled up and down in a moment. The dark depth of Fido’s throat opened and gulped Maxine and a half-chewed pill as she was forced down the tunnel to Fido’s tummy.

“NO NO NO! PLEASE OMG!” Maxine screamed as she knew her fate was sealed the moment she met Fido’s mouth. It didn’t take long before she landed in a sea of stinky smelly acid that started to sting and singe her. Maxine’s screams became more frantic and pain-filled as she was being eaten alive.

The only response in the sea of stinky steaming stomach stuff was a mighty woof that Fido let out, as the world started to turn and churn as it sounded like Fido was going for a simple casual walk. All the while, Fido burned and dissolved Maxine’s withering form to a crisp for the calories he needed for a short walk….

Richard was in a living hell as he stood in the condom he was stuck in trying to avoid the flesh-melting juices seeping in. He seemed to be able to stay away as the level of acids hadn’t changed, but the smells…. Oh god, they were getting worse. The stench went from unbearable to god-awful. Sure he was in Fido’s digestive system, but should it smell like death just ripped a fart that would kill if you smelled it. Richard gagged on the stench as he tried to stay out of the incurring water line in the condom. The acids kept trying to nip at his legs, but luckily he was able to stay out of reach as he traveled slowly through this stream of smelly stench.

Richard wasn’t sure he was gonna make it. The fact that he felt himself travel what had to be the majority of Fido’s guts meant that he should be able to-

The sudden sound of gurgling and grumbling was heard throughout the walls and structures around Richard. He could hear the processing of something happening as he stood there listening to the sound of thunder and gurgles growling around him. It was like Fido was in a struggle as his innards were trying to do something new and bizarre. Richard suddenly felt a surge and things shifted. The groans and grumbling thunder around like a rainstorm, echo from the nearest intestinal wall near him. The sound of things expanding and flexing and moving could be heard as sloshing and slurry of juices filled and flowed faster and harsher all around. Richard screamed as something splashed near him, as a rogue wave flopped near him in the dark. The thick slime was slowly sliding away but it didn’t help that it startled Richard at how high the fluid got suddenly. It was like Fido was trying to flush Richard out of his hiding spot himself, but that was impossible, right?

Sadly, Richard didn’t know the answer as the smell grew worse and the stench got harsher. Like driving through a landfill of rotten food, the smell of shit slammed into Richard’s nose as he knew that he was coming closer to the end of his journey. The smells didn’t change the fact that there was still liquid content inside Richard’s prison. The horrible sounds of the goo still gushing in at every moment and movement made Richard panic as he could just make out the mass of dog juices already inside his once-safe space. Richard was running out of room, literally as more of the condom had to be filling up since he had been swallowed.  It seemed once the liquid got in, it couldn’t get out.

“Come on…” Richard cried as he swore he could smell freedom, or at least the smell told him it had to be close. Only such a stench would signal the significance of safety as the droppings that he would be expelled with.

However, it was turning out that as close as Richard thought he was to the exit pipe.  He wasn’t nearly close enough as finally the sound and sensation of the liquid inside with him caught up to him.  The shocking splash as it suddenly leaped up to his feet in a shocking slosh.

Richard let out a horrible scream as he swore his legs were gonna be melted by acid…

Instead of the hot burning sizzling sensation that he was prepared for, it was more of a warm mucky syrupy sensation. Richard calmed down drastically as he found that his feet weren’t in fact melting but were completely fine. What was he standing in if not stomach acid?

It wasn’t till the smell got much worse after a few moments and Richard put it together, that what he was standing in wasn’t digestion juices but the aftermath of Fido’s previous meal. It was liquid waste that he didn’t need.

“Oh shit,” Richard said to himself as he stood there in just that. A wave of disgust washed over Richard at the knowledge of what he was in soon followed by a wave of relief for not dying. All of which Richard was hit with another wave of liquid foulness as he was doused in the smelly shit, which caused Richard to feel a wave of dread as he realized the levels in the condom were still rising with him still stuck inside the plastic bag.

Panicked at the realization of his previous fear being irrelevant and being replaced with one equally if not more heinous form of doom, Richard quickly tried to think of what to do. The sounds of bubbles and goo gurgling and gliding around, filled Richar’s poor ears as he could feel the level of fluids gradually increasing the sinking or filling process. Like a ship taking in too much water, Richard felt like he was on the Titanic. Soon he would be swimming in shit, something he disgustingly didn’t want to imagine. However, as much as he wanted to protest and be ignorant of what was to come, nothing could stop it, as another rumbling sound shook the flesh walls of Fido’s gut as it seemed more fluids were seeping and swirling around Richard’s condom. He could feel the pressure reshaping his long plastic chamber into more of a ball-like shape.

The sounds of fluids still filling in echoed around the shrinking chamber as Richard was now feeling his body unable to touch solid ground. Instead, the liquid brown fluids swirling inside were starting to slowly enclose the remaining space that Richard had left. Those damn breathing holes were literally gonna kill him!

Breathing holes…

That was it!

Richard figured he was out of the dangerous stomach, and that he should be able to survive outside the condom. He just had to get out. Thanks to the holes stabbed into the side of the condom, he should be able to swim through them and get out, at least so he wouldn’t drown…

Richard figured he had to do something if anything, before things got much worse. The smell itself was getting deadly, which was signifying that things were already heading toward the worse part of the spectrum. If the smell didn’t signal where Richard was or what he was treading through, the random splash or wave that sent some of the taste of the dog chum into his mouth let him gag on the content. It felt like forever but Richard followed the sound of dripping fluid and found one of the many gaping holes that Luke had stabbed into his protective barrier. To Richard’s disgusted but joyful delight, there was no acidity at all just more mucky muddy goo that smelled awfully like dog dung.

Pushing his body and head through the little hole that was stabbed into the bag, Richard tried to squirm through the opening.  He just needed a little more force put into it.

After a few moments, Richard realized it wasn’t working…

No matter how hard he pushed or squirmed, the sidings only stretched and kept him entangled and stuck inside. The rubber wasn’t moving out of the way like Richard was hoping. He was pushing his head and maybe shoulders through the gap and letting the fresh swampy stew slosh into his face instead of inside the condom. Richard yelled as he pulled back from this hole.

“Another… maybe one of them is bigger?!” Richard shouted to himself over the low gurgle and rumble shook things around him. The sound of fresh liquid pouring in could be heard as Richard looked for another opening to escape from. He started to travel around the side of the bloated condom as he touched another hole, but this was far less large than the other, which he obviously couldn’t get through. “COME ON! FUCK FUCK FUCK!” Richard yelled, regretting the opening of his mouth to shout.  It wasn’t worth getting that foul taste in there if no one could hear him. Hurrying again he started to reach for the next possible opening, already feeling the roof of the sinking condom filling up. Richard could feel his head touching the top of the plastic structure as he approached the end of his breathable space. The level of the shitty condom was already flooding and bringing Richard to the top of his safe space. Richard was panicking as he approached the last opening that was letting out the soft splashing sounds of fluids leaking in. Richard reached out for the opening and pushed his hands through the gap. Feeling his hands make it, Richard attempted to push his body through his last hope…

He still didn’t fit.

“NO! NOO!!” Richard screamed as he tried to force himself through the rubbery plastic hole only to find he couldn’t slip by. Richard yelled and fought but sadly found that he was stuck and there was no way to get out. Panic set in as Richard could feel the warm sludge slowly swimming up to his face. He was now trapped in a cage of inescapable as his fate was set. Richard was gonna drown in the horrible muck that made up this mutt's gut. Richard was trapped in a hellish prison that was flooding with crap he didn’t even want to think of, as the slurry of shit swarmed in each passing second. All Richard could do was float there as he felt his small space of air shrink to a dwindling pocket of air before it was soon gone.

Richard was gonna drown in a condom full of shit, and there was nothing anyone could do….

Joe was still walking Fido with Tommy when he heard Fido make the weirdest sound ever. Something between a whine and a whimper as Fido let those noises go out mid-walk. Fido was fidgeting in place as if he had to do something. Joe on the other hand didn’t have time for this, “Oh come on Fido, let’s go. Stop being silly…”

Fido clearly didn't understand Joe as Fido quivered there and prepared for his release, but seemed to be having issues. Joe didn’t know if it was the pills or something else, but clearly, Fido was in discomfort. Tommy on the other hand sounded more disappointed in the hold up, “What’s taking so long? Shouldn’t he be taking a dump right about now? How many pills did you give him?”

Joe shrugged, “Man I don’t know. I just dumped some stupid amount out in my hand. Fuck if I know how many Fido should have gotten.”

Tommy sighed as he stood there looking annoyed, “Man, you should have given him the whole bottle. I didn’t think we would be walking around this long waiting for shit to happen-”

Fido let out a yelp drawing attention to himself as he quickly hurried away from Joe and Tommy. Fido headed into the nearest lawn and started to do his thing. Joe laughed, “See, that wasn’t so hard, was it? You do your thing Fido,” Joe said turning to Tommy, “You gonna record this shit or what?”

Tommy had his phone out, “Dude don’t tell me what to do, I know what to do. You should be more worried about whose house this is.”

Joe just laughed, “Don’t know don’t care.” It seemed Tommy was the only one concerned for a moment as even Fido didn’t give a fuck as he squatted there, tail raised and legs bent with his backside lowered. Fido was doing his business. Joe laughed again as he went on talking, “Looks like our ASStronaut, is coming out of orbit. I hope his rocket is crash-proof. Hopefully, his reentry isn’t so shitty that it’s explosive… get it,” Joe laughed nudging Tommy who was busy trying to record evidence of the condom leaving Fido. “because you know, it’s gonna be a BLAST for him. This bug is gonna be one of the first to travel the lengths of Fido’s gut and come out safe. I can’t imagine what it experienced, I mean… like, how many dead digested disgusting bugs did it come across? I’m sure there's like, at least, forty or so dead bug bodies in Fido’s gut… or maybe they all just turned to shit like Fido’s food? Yeah, yeah Fido made them into just a pile of doggy crap. No way that bug saw any of its friends in there.  If nothing more than a glob of dog doody. What do you think Tommy, do you think that-”

Tommy turned to Joe and gave him a look of annoyance, “Dude… can you just shut up for like ten seconds? I got to film this.”

Joe rolled his eyes at Tommy, “Whatever dude, you can film my dog taking a shit anytime you want. You’re taking this pretty seriously for a condom commercial.”

Tommy didn’t have time to explain to Joe the importance of this, so he just stayed quiet as he filmed. He could edit the noise out later but all that mattered was filming the act that was appearing. Which was unfolding at the very moment.

Fido didn’t wait or last very long, as he proceeded to let go and release his pent-up waste. Tommy recorded as it all came out faster than a bullet from a gun. One moment Fido was squatting there trying to go, next it was like a damn broke and the floodgates were opened. Whatever was in those pills did the job as it was more of a waterfall than a shit. It sounded like that one time Tommy had a stomach bug and he was on the toilet for hours. The amount of liquid flowing out was more like a piss than a dump. Just as Tommy was about to say something about the condom not being in there, things stopped. Tommy watched as a log-like shape object started to come out.  The only solid-looking object in the sea of brown, all in the shape of a plastic condom. The only solid thing leaving the dog's butt was now slowly being pushed out like a normal bowel movement.  Tommy recorded the long log of plastic coming out of Fido’s ass and plopping down on the ground, which was followed by another douse of dung as Fido dumped his load.

Joe was laughing at how long it was taking, and Tommy could see that their condom was being covered in dog shit as Fido continued to release himself there.

It wasn’t till the show was over that Tommy finally said, “Shit… whose gonna get the condom?” Both Tommy and Joe looked at each other as if seeing who would break first. Before Joe could say anything Tommy quickly said, “I’m recording, so like, you got to do it.”

“OH, what the fuck? Are you kidding me? That’s total bullshit,” Joe complained as he looked at Tommy who was just gave a shrug. “Fucking bullshit,” Joe repeated as he slowly looked around. He finally found something as he went over to a tree and snapped a branch off. “Fine… you little fucker…” Joe headed over to Fido, who was just wrapping up his messy shit. “Alright alright, step to the side Fido,” Joe said as his pet did so. Joe looked at the mud pit before him. Disgusted at the smell and sight of Fido’s droppings, Joe finally put the stick into the puddle and poked around till he found what he was looking for. “Ugh… found it!” Joe called out as he slowly pulled the stick and condom upward out of the brown burial ground.

“Great hold it up for the camera,” Tommy called out getting a little closer.

Joe did as he was told as he brought the over-stuffed bag of dog dung over to Tommy and the camera, “oh… well that’s not good,” Joe spoke as he hefted the brown mushy dirty water balloon up.

“Duuuude what the fuck,” Tommy complained. “Why is there so much shit in it?!”

Joe just shrugged, “Don’t know… maybe Fido's stomach is stronger than this rocket sock? I don’t know…” Joe continued to hold the sloshy slurry of shit on his stick. He could see some fluids leaking out of the side, “Yeah, it’s totally leaking dude. I don’t think it worked the way they said it would.” Joe wiggled his branch around and watched as, sure enough, a small black object floated to the top of the brown plastic condom. A dead drowned bug bubbled to the top of the condom showing off the little insect not lasting the entire trip. “Shit, there goes our fucking astronaut, lol, he’s totally shit-faced… like dead as a doornail or dung beetle. I don’t think this worked,” Joe turned to Tommy. “The fucker is gone. Drowned in dog shit, and I’m not doing fucking CPR on the poor little bastard”

Tommy let out a depressed sigh, “Fine… damn, I thought we had something too…” Tommy turned his phone off as he let out another sigh. “You can just leave it,” Tommy told Joe as he dropped the over-stuffed shit sack onto the ground. “Alright let’s get out of here. It’s starting to smell,” Tommy told Joe as he headed away from Fido’s pile of poo. As Tommy left the shit behind, he let out a quick laugh, “Well at least now I know which condom not to use when I fuck a chick. No way am I using pocket rockets, can’t take the chance of having my little men floating around. Nah… fuck that company,” Tommy laughed as he nudged Joe.

Joe looked at his buddy, “What?”

“It’s not a complete loss,” Tommy explained as they walked Fido back to Joe’s home. “I can at least upload this online and get some views. Won't be as much as I was hoping but some money is better than nothing.  Just got to show that their product isn’t as protective as they say it is!”

Joe laughed, “That’s true.” Joe laughed as he had an idea, “At least it wasn’t a fucking waste, stupid bug couldn’t even last that long in Fido. Not sure if it’s the bug's fault for fucking dying or props to Fido for being such a freaking beast at breaking down bugs like that. Either way,” Joe leaned forward and patted Fido’s head, “You're a good boy. Keep it up my bug cleaner, I’m sure my brother will have some new snacks for you sooner than you think.”

Fido just wagged his tail and let out a bark as he was patted.

(It wouldn’t be till a few weeks later that Tommy found that thanks to tampering with the contraceptive device, the company wasn’t liable for paying for false advertisement.  However, the company did reimburse him with another pack of condoms, so in the end, it wasn’t a complete waste of time…)

Chapter End Notes:

Let me know what you thought of the chapter.  I'm thinking next chapter or so, I'm gonna play around with changing bug size to smaller like fruit fly for more unaware things (mostly vore).  Not sure if that's too small, but might keep it that way for a few chapters/ideas or just one, not sure yet.    

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