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Author's Chapter Notes:
So...uh...yeah, three or four days turned into almost another month. Days are kind of blending together for me, and life is weird. My apologies! I'll try and keep things running along, but no promises.

   By the time Melanie finally reached the bed of the sleeping giantess, she was exhausted. Her entire body ached, and she had no idea what time it was. It was just beginning to brighten some outside, and she suspected it was nearing dawn. Her feelings of guilt over her distrust of an otherwise perfectly faithful boyfriend had long-since been replaced with rage and anger once more. This whore had an agenda. ALL girls always had an agenda, and once she got Anne's help in restoring her size, she'd be absolutely certain to forbid her boyfriend from having anything further to do with the bitch. She might just say that she reminded her of this entire ordeal. Already her manipulative little mind was working over possible stories and lies to pass this entire incident over.
   At the bed she stopped and sat against what she assumed was a sock, thinking of how she'd get up on to the bed. As the minutes ticked away, the snoring girl shifted up above. Then sat up. Melanie jumped in terror as the massive form she assumed to be Anne turned, casting the blanket aside and onto the floor. The light gust of wind it created almost threw Melanie to the floor, but she kept her footing by clinging to loose fibers in the dirty sock. She almost wish she had let the gust carry her away, though, as a massive foot sailed through the dark, the girl's heel almost crushing her as she stepped out of the bedroom.
   "F-fucking...fucking whore.." She watched as the girl left, maybe to go to the bathroom, or suck someone's dick. It didn't matter much. Hurrying quickly to the blanket, which Melanie found to be a quilt, she started climbing it right away despite her body's agonizing protests

   McKenzie was having a fantastic dream, one involving her friend's boyfriend which closely resembled the evening that the two had spent together. Until Anne ruined it by coming home, of course. But it didn't matter. She knew that he wasn't having sex with Anne anymore, and that they were on the verge of a breakup. In fact, McKenzie was really just waiting for him to get a better job so that he could move in, and the two could kick Anne out.
    This had all made her feel particularly guilty at first, running around behind Anne's back, helping her boyfriend cheat, but the more he had to say about her, and the things Anne said about McKenzie behind her own back, well, she gradually accepted and came to terms with things. All is fair in love and war, after all. As she sat upright, awake, rubbing her eyes, she noticed it was hardly even close to the hour she typically awoke at. Not even halfway there, likely. But still, she had a call of nature to answer.
   Stepping out into the hall and seeing Anne's bedroom door cracked open slightly, she was almost tempted to poke her head in for a moment and get his attention...maybe lure him into the bathroom for some early morning fun...but no, too risky. Instead she just tip-toed along into the little girls' room to take care of business.

   After a strenuous climb, the likes of which she had never attempted before, nor would have even thought herself capable of, Melanie came to the surface of the bed. Before she had the chance to rest or catch her breath, in strode the gargantuan girl once more. Melanie screamed, waving her aching arms and crying for attention, but her pleas fell on deaf ears as the girl climbed over her, almost sideswiping Melanie's miniscule form with her toes.
   Bringing first one leg, than the other over, Melanie caught the smallest scent of urine and knew immediately what the girl had gone to do, not that it even mattered. The blanket was jerked back up and over her titanic form, and Melanie went flying along with it, clinging to the wirey threads of the quilt as it brought her up the enormous bitch's body. When it finally came to a rest, Melanie lost her grip and fell through the checkered holes of the blanket onto something nearly as coarse.
   She stood in the darkness, blood boiling, furious at her inability to catch the bimbo's attention before being sent halfway across the world again. The scent of urine and sex surrounded her, assaulting almost every sense, and she made her way quickly in the direction of Anne's face. She'd hardly gone twenty steps when she hit some sort of slope and fell forward, screaming.
   Falling free for a good two seconds, something caught Melanie and tugged painfully on her right ankle, swinging her back against the giantess's body with a damp SMACK. Her face was now pressed, tightly, against a very warm, very soft, and very wet surface. The smell of sex and urine here was stronger than before, and twice as bad as Anne's feet, but Melanie simply had nothing left to throw up.
   In a blind rage, she thrashed her arms and legs about, punching and slapping away at the wall in front of her, until she became so entangled in whatever held her that she couldn't move her arms OR legs, or even right herself up again. Crying, she hung there in what she assumed to be a frayed patch of a dirty quilt, or maybe lacey panties. The giantess, far and away, began snoring lightly once more, and it wasn't until a very loud, strange, hissing noise came from just below and a heat wave that reaked of rotten egg and ass burned her nose and watered her eyes that she understood she was stuck in Anne's pubic hair. She closed her eyes tight and sobbed heavily, next to a vaginal canal larger than any house she had ever, or would ever, live in again.


   McKenzie had a habit of spending more time than needed in the bathroom. Her mother had always joked she might have a touch of attention deficit something or other, but it was never looked into. So, long after she'd finished pissing, she finished the YM magazine she had been reading and set it back behind the toilet, dabbing at her privates. A small fart escaped her rear and her stomach grumbled some, so she remained on the throne.
   After about a solid minute she hadn't managed to produce much more, so she switched off the light and returned to bed. Briefly she considered masturbating, as she lay there in the dark, but decided against it. With a yawn, she closed her weary eyes, not bothering to set her alarm. She had her day off tomorrow, and her soon-to-be boyfriend to look forward to.

Chapter End Notes:

It ain't much, but it's better than....well, I'll stick with it ain't much, actually. I'm liking the reviews, even if I think there a bit more than I deserve! Please keep the criticism coming, along with the ideas!! I DO read and consider each one, and even if it doesn't end up here, I'll eventually get around to catering to everyone's fantasies. This I promise.
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