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Author's Chapter Notes:
Sorry it took me so long to get around to chapter 4, folks. Went through a nasty breakup, other things in life came to a head, and I completely forgot about this little piece of the internet. Let's get things back on track, shall we?
   When Melanie came to the first thing she noticed was that she was cold. The second thing was a metallic, copper taste in her mouth. The surface she was on was a little damp, but only where she had been touching it. Everything was completely dark. Weakly getting to her hands and knees she looked around. There was a throbbing in her forehead, and she gently touched the spot, noticing an unfortunate welt there. Next touching her nose and lip, she felt a tingling numbness. Nothing seemed broken, but it was pretty clear she'd gotten banged up, and that she wasn't dead. That's when everything came flooding back to her. Josh, Anne, the shrinking, the spider...turning around, she noticed just a little bit of light, and started moving towards it, wondering if she might be dead after all. As she reached the mouth of the shoe, and her blurred vision slowly adjusted, she found that she wasn't so lucky.
   Anne's shoe lay on its side, next to the other, in her bedroom. From the mouth of the shoe all Melanie could see was a partially opened window above a towering bed, and a door, cracked open, leading out into darkness. This was obviously Anne's apartment, and from the 'faint' breathing of someone nearby, Melanie assumed Anne was up on the bed, and sleeping. Fresh tears started to well up in Melanie's eyes as she gingerly stepped from the shoe into the carpet. She'd never see Josh again. Or Sam. That she hadn't died an hour, or three, or five hours ago, however long it had been, was a miracle. That she was alive now did nothing to console her. It was just a matter of time before some bug or other made a meal out of her. Or Anne vacuumed her up, or caught her underfoot. Wiping the tears away, she stepped closer to the bed.
   She had to survive. She had to get back to Josh. She wasn't meant to die like this, she didn't deserve to, and she knew it. As awkward as it would be for her to explain the entire situation, she'd just have to make contact with Anne, and hope that she was wrong about the enormous bitch. Crossing the floor towards Anne's bed, Melanie thought to herself of all the times she'd suspected Josh of cheating. Not once had she caught him doing anything to betray her. The realization that her own jealousy and paranoia got her into this situation only made her feel worse. Far above, Anne began to snore.


   At the same time an 1/8 inch tall girl was making her way across about ten feet of carpet, Anne was cuddled up to her boyfriend Brad, but she wasn't sleeping, like he was. His snoring kept her up most nights, but she never complained, or even mentioned it. She'd fall asleep in another twenty minutes or so. When she had finally gotten home from McDonalds, she'd found Brad on the couch with her room-mate and best friend, McKenzie. It didn't bother her, of course, at least not enough that she'd say anything. She just wished she had known that her boyfriend had come over to surprise her when she got off work. Neither McKenzie nor Brad had let her know. But regardless. The three of them had finished watching the movie, and by the time it had finished Brad said he was too tired to watch the one that Anne had borrowed from her coworker.
   So, Anne returned the shoes she had borrowed to McKenzie, and took Brad back to her own room, expecting to make love, but he was too tired for that even. So, there she lay, holding Brad, and thinking, with a small measure of guilt, about Josh. If he was with Melanie now. If he ever thought about her.
Chapter End Notes:
Again, I apologize for the delay, and the lackluster comeback chapter, but I'll try and get at least ONE update every three or four days from here on out. And again, criticism, suggestions, tips, requests, I welcome and encourage it all.
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