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Rain watched as Cara rounded the corner into the living room. She still couldn’t move. There wasn’t anything even left of Zack on the carpet. He was just gone. 

Eventually, she mustered up the energy to keep going. She needed to get Cara’s attention. She needed to be saved. She couldn’t die like this. Not like a bug.

She dragged herself down the hallway towards the kitchen, devising some kind of plan. A phone cord dangled off of the counter, one of two. The other was probably attached to Cara’s phone. Rain still had her phone. She could call her. She has to call her.

She couldn’t call her from the ground though, that was too dangerous. Rain approached the cable, not another person in sight. Prepping herself, she stood and stared up the wire, remembering all of the pain of rope-climbing in gym class. She always loved it when Cara would climb the rope. 

“Fuck.” Rain breathed. She began the climb, pulling herself up centimeter by centimeter. 

Almost an hour of excruciating climbing later, Rain had made it to the top, where she found more people.

Only a few, but all she recognized. There was Dylan, a boy from high school that she stayed friends with. He joined the army, and came home just a few weeks ago. This was his first party sense. She found him sitting in a ball in the center.

His girlfriend Katie was sitting next to him, trying to comfort him. Katie stayed home while Dylan was away, being loyal to him the whole time. 

Finally, Sam was the one who greeted her. Sam also had had a crush on Cara, and somewhat competed for her with Rain. He seemed empty. 

“Hey, glad to see you.” He said, pulling Rain for a hug.

“Glad to see you too.” Rain said, “How are you guys doing?”

Sam stepped back, his eyes welling. “She didn’t see us.” He sat down on the counter. “She placed her phone down right in front of us, and just missed us completely.” 

Rain didn’t even want to bring up Zack. She couldn’t.  “I’m so sorry. She walked right over me.” Rain sighed.

From next to Dylan, Katie stood. “What do we even do?!” She exclaimed. “We’re as small as crumbs for fucks sake!” 

It was true, just the counter stretched on for what looked like miles. The sink, far off in the distance, was a monolithic canyon. 

Cara’s phone, plugged in nearby, was massive in of itself. The piece plugged into her phone, usually not as big as a fingernail, was bigger than Rain. Walking over to it, the piece was half as tall as her.

“I have an idea.” Rain began. She pulled out her phone, “I’m going to call Cara.”

Sam looked at her in shock. “And say what? ‘Hey Cara it’s me, your roommate, I’m shrunk along with about twenty other people and we’re scattered around the house!’ I doubt she’ll even believe you!” He was growing increasingly frustrated with the whole situation; he felt doomed.

“She doesn’t need to believe us, dude! She just needs to see us!” Rain cried out. She had faith in this plan, that it could save them.

The group gathered in the center of the counter between Cara’s phone and the edge. It felt like a wide open space, but it wasn’t even a foot long. 

Rain held her phone in hand, terrified of this going wrong. She remembered Zack. She remembered how effortlessly Cara killed him. She didn’t want to die like that. She couldn’t see anyone else die like that, either.

Hesitantly, she hit call. The phone behind them began to vibrate, a deafening “BZZZ” looping. The counter shook back and forth ever so slightly, but slight enough to send the group off balance. 

Luckily, nobody fell, but standing was a nightmare. What made it worse was the booming. The counter shook worse now, an up and down following Cara’s footsteps. She was skinny, too, which made it all the scarier. How small could they really be, with someone so average as Cara could cause that much damage. 

As soon as they saw her, the group began jumping up and down, screaming at the top of their lungs to even barely make it above the phone’s buzzing. Cara’s eyes glossed right over them, staring at her phone; she smiled seeing it was Rain calling.

Before she picked it up, though, her hand came down to the counter. As her eyes followed her hand down to the counter, the group screamed even louder. The fear and adrenaline amplified their strength, hoping that just a small ounce would resonate with Cara.

It didn’t. Her mouth twitched downwards for a brief moment, as her hand landed next to the group. Her eyes landed on them, but still, it felt like she didn’t saw them at all.

Her other hand, lifting up her phone, completely distracted her as she swiped what she thought was crumbs into the sink. 

Her hands were usually small, compared to Rain’s, but at this size, it was gargantuan. Just her palm towered over them as it engulfed their presence. A protest ended over a simple swipe of her hand.

The force she exerted alone shattered bones. Rain felt the air burst out of her throat as Cara’s hand caught up with her sprint away from it. 

As her hand lifted away from the counter the group continued tumbling towards the sink. They gripped anything they could that wasn’t moving, being caught by the lip between the regular counter and sink. In the chaos, Rain’s phone was lost, she watched it, along with Dylan, fly into the pit of the sink.

Dylan rocketed down to the metal surface, his legs already broken from being caught underneath Cara’s hand as she swept him away like dirt. He smacked the bottom of the sink lifelessly, cracking his skull on the metal and dying instantly. Cara thought they were crumbs.

In the distance, Rain heard Cara answer the call. She asked “Hello? Rain?” A couple times before giving up. She sighed, “Weird,” and gave up. 

Rain sat and watched as Cara looked down at the counter. “Filthy,” She said, grabbing a counter cleaner spray and a paper towel.

Chapter End Notes:

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