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Mimi sensed the infinitely thin touch of her grandmother, and started lifting her finger very slowly. Jamila on the ground was still screaming to Ginevra, but her voice was soon deflected by the distance. Ginevra ascended on the side of her immense granddaughter. She could see the whole valley, the end of which hosted the town with her house. She felt the breeze hitting her harshly and held the gigantic fingertip even tighter. She could clearly distinguish the lines composing the fingerprints like they were carved into wood. Everything felt unreal like an ongoing dream. And yet the strength of the wind, the cold air, the light of the sun, the texture of the giant fingertip, made it feel as much real and raw as possible.

Ginevra’s ascension ended when Mimi with a bit of effort managed to land her finger on her back. It was supposed to be a very soft landing, but the sheer force of the impact unsaddled the old woman and made her tumble on the skin of her granddaughter’s back. When she finally could get in a sitting position the spectacle around her was as grandiose as it was unsettling. Mimi’s back stretched back and forth like a small valley of flesh. On the front side raised up until it started being covered by her blond hair, each one as thick as a rope. On the back side it raised up to the curve of her butt just to descend precipitously right after.

Ginevra didn’t dare make a move. Mimi instead put her other hand back on the ground flattening a small group of houses near the coast. From her position, Ginevra could witness in horror as I started changing my position and reaching the back of the large valley of Mimi’s back. I was then standing right behind her, my figure impending on the whole rear and engulfing Ginevra in my shadow. She was terrified by the enormous naked body, and the terror could only grow when this incredible mass started descending.

One knee followed the other into the lake provoking small earthquake and strong waves. Jamila, which everyone of us was ignoring by now, had to recover inside in order not to get swept away by the water invading the garden. I forced myself to focus on the back of Mimi’s head in order not to look at the small speck of an old lady which was her grandmother trying to maintain a sort of balance on her continuously moving back.

The whole trip and encounter thing had me very distracted and unable to focus so it was pretty difficult to actually recover a stable mood within which develop arousal. Mimi on her side was just solving the problem mechanically by touching herself. I stared at her hand’s motion for a while trying to find it exciting enough to get something in motion on my side as well, but with little success. It seemed I could get horny for no reason during the day, and yet not force myself into it at will. This was starting to become a bit embarrassing, because despite my effort my gaze kept falling in Ginevra’s direction. And then it hit me.

I started thinking again about the way that something within me had almost took control when Mimi was sucking my dick over the mall back in our town. What was that? I had completely removed that further problem. It was something like the surge I felt the first time I started eating, which then luckily waned. But this one time it was different. First of all, and I was pretty grateful for that, it stayed within my mind. While the eating madness was deployed in and on the world outside, this other surge was just an unexpected companion to my sexual drive. Second, and far less deserving of gratitude, while the eating madness was bling and indifferent to the world it was ravaging, this one was intentional.

This thing, I couldn’t and didn’t want to recognize as part of me, actually wanted to wreak havoc. It wanted to destroy and smash and devour. It was like the beast was becoming increasingly more aware of itself. I felt a perceivable inquietude at the thought that maybe this thing could in the end win the battle and take full control. All the giants I knew of had been mostly peaceful and well intentioned. Well, at least up to when I caught Hannah very probably eating people on purpose. And yet, that felt a bit like an extension of the golden rule to the “pact” of leaving the town on time or get eaten. Not a great deal, but still. And despite this “care” for the frailty of the world below, incalculable amount of damage had already been dealt. If that thing was able to really take full control of any of us, it would’ve been terrifying.

My head got soon populated by random images of my immense body smashing buildings or crushing them with my hands, of Mimi sitting on entire neighborhood, both of us actively chasing fleeing masses of people to stomp on them. The extremely unpleasant side-effect of this was that I clearly felt my penis half turgid touching the lower part of Mimi’s labia. So, apparently, I could in fact get horny at will. Not entirely my will. I thought that Mimi’s dripping wet vagina had awaited enough and I couldn’t disappoint her further. So I decided not to dissolve those images. I tried though to see how much could I control them and myself. I wanted to see if I could just insert a less furious narrative within that thirst for destruction. This was made also in order not to cum as an idiot inside my girlfriend but on her back. Thus I focused on Ginevra growing.

I tried to think of her with her typical contempt of other people but with a couple thousand feet of height to make it actually be felt. It was the last thing I imagine before entering Mimi’s insides. She welcomed my dick with a sort of meow. It just enhanced the excitement. The rest of the act was played on this reciprocal effort to maintain balance. On Mimi’s side it was a physical effort to move as less as possible in order not to shake too much her grandmother, and I tried my best to do the same pushing slowly. On my side there was also the internal effort to maintain balance in control between me and the thing from within.

I tried to imagine giants destroying stuff but peacefully. It was very difficult, but it seemed to work. The thing could be contained, more or less, but it couldn’t be eliminated at least for now. I wondered if it was possible to repress it limiting its surge to sex and fantasies, or if it would’ve asked for actual satisfaction sooner or later. My mind was thus under the double siege of the carelessness of most giants around me, and the active evil of that thing within. Maybe this is why everyone else made such small problem to kill little people. Maybe they were all dealing with a similar thing inside and that was their strategy to limit damages and remain … themselves?

My body was luckily partly detached from my train of thought and could continue in its task. Mimi was not required to cum, but this didn’t stop her from reclaiming her own orgasm which she induced touching herself violently. When my focus finally shifted from the constant problem of how to be a gigantic monster and a good boy at the same time, to my ball sack being massaged by her masturbation, I started feeling another thing surging from within. Finally, a normal, predictable one.

After she orgasmed trying to remain as silent as possible and thus just emitting small outburst of humming pleasure, it took only two more minutes for me to follow her path. I entered into a more focused state. I looked one last time to Ginevra in order to localize my target and I thought I was sorry for my following action. I slowly exited Mimi’s pussy letting large drops of vaginal fluids splash into the lake and grabbed my dick. Then I pointed it on her back and squeezed it twice. It worked and in three separate outbursts, I covered all of Mimi’s lower back in sperm.

I was sure I had submerged Ginevra’s body, but the fluid was too much to actually see her anymore. I hoped the impact hadn’t been too traumatic. But I also remembered Hannah and Elsa both agreeing on the fact that growth seemed to heal every previous muscular or bone problem. I wondered if it worked for other stuff too. Mimi’s grandma was still a sixty-one years old woman, she surely already had some health issues. If the growth was able to cure most of her ailments, she may actually find herself feeling better than she had in years. I didn’t think Ginevra was a good woman, but I still hoped growth could work on her in this sense too.

“Sooo … do you see her? Is she growing already?” Mimi asked.
I squinted my eyes to look for her, but it took another whole minute or so before I finally recognized something inside the small lake of cum on her back.
“Oh, hey! There she is … I think.”
“You think? Look closer!”
“I … I don’t want to get closer to that.”
“Come on! Is it for that one time again?” She lamented recalling the memory of little naive me getting closer to her ass after I nutted on it, and she pushing it abruptly onto my face.
“I … I don’t want to scare her.”
“I think it’s you which is scared of her!” Mimi commented laughing. After another minute Ginevra was as big as a toy soldier and her growth, slow and steady, wasn’t stopping. In that moment though, my attention was caught by something else. Something was weighting on my pubic area. I looked down and couldn’t distinguish it at first, but it was getting clearer and clearer by the seconds.

Sitting on my still not completely flaccid penis and holding half entwined in my pubic hair, there was another person growing. At first I thought if it wasn’t a passenger of the canoe I had involuntarily collected some time before. But the position wasn’t right. They were almost on the edge while this one was right on top of my dick. I looked instinctively for the canoe, but there wasn’t anything less. They most probably didn’t survive the first impact, for as delicate as I tried to be, of my pelvis with Mimi’s soft ass cheeks.

Meanwhile Ginevra was already far ahead of Ellie and Samantha and still not stopping. She was going to become too heavy for Mimi to carry pretty soon and I think my girlfriend was already noticing it. But also the other growing persona wasn’t stopping. She was now large enough to completely engulf my shaft in her arms and legs and was slowly sliding off of it. I rushed to pick her with my hand and brought her closer to my face. And I recognized her, which was impossible as far as I recollected my thoughts. Unless …

“Hey! What’s up? Did my grandma absorbed it all? If so, can you take her off my back? She’s getting kind of heavy!”
I looked back at the old woman, ignoring for a moment the growing person in my hand. Now her naked body was clearly recognizable in all it’s forms. She was pretty big, by now. Samantha or Ellie would’ve reached hardly the lower part of her crotch, she was still growing. I panicked, because Ginevra was getting bigger and bigger while one of my hand was occupied by another giant which was already almost too big to be handled easily. I rushed to free my hand letting the other giant tumble on the ground, and then substantially lifted Ginevra like she was a toddler and immediately releasing her closer to where the other one was still growing.

When Mimi felt her back liberated, she finally rose to a kneeing position and stretched her back. We then both stood up completely, our foot deeply into the lake.
“Uhmmf … it was becoming pretty heavy. Sorry gran … eheh!” She looked down in the direction where I had left Ginevra and the other growing giant. Now Ginevra was a third of Mimi’s standing height and still growing, the other giant was following her example having surpassed the length of a foot.
“Oh my …” Mimi gasped.
“Yep! I was going to ask you about that? I mean how is it possible that …”
“Jamila! You’re growing as well!”
The chubby figure of Ginevra’s maid was gaining more and more of the surrounding space. Still far from finishing her growth and already threatening a small mansion on the lake.
“How is it possible? There was only your grandma on your back!”
“Was Jamila growing on my back, too?” I stumbled on words
“Ehk … ehm no! She was … she was growing on my … on my penis.” I whispered the last part, because at this point Ginevra was almost finished growing, she was at two third of our height sitting barely conscious on the coast of the lake. Several houses, at least half a neighborhood has disappeared under her ass. And the rest of it was disappearing rapidly under the rear of her faithful maid.
“I think … Oh my … I think my orgasm did that!” Mimi exclaimed.
“What?!” I couldn’t understand.
“Oh well, you see …” Mimi’s cheeks got red “Well, I … I was very horny, and very happy we finally were able to grow my grandma and … I let my self go. I snatched Jamila off the ground and … and I started masturbating while she was on the point of my fingers. She must have somehow been … well, there, while I had my orgasm, and … I mean. Everyone lived happily ever after … more or less!” She smiled still pretty embarrassed.

“You did what?!” I asked frightened.
“I … just …” She looked surprised by my surprise.
“Meem, you were using your’ gran’s maid to flick your pea?!”
She wanted to counter that last statement when we heard some mumbling coming from the coast.
“Who’s making all this noise?” The dizzy voice of Jamila interrupted us. She had finished growing and so did Ginevra. They were more or less our size, they were fully grown giants like us.
“Jamila! Hey!” Mimi rushed toward her. “How do you feel?”
“Madeline, is it you? Oh God!”
“Are you okay?” The girl asked
“Eh … a little bit dizzy. But what happened. Everything is so confused, it’s like I’m waking up from an incomprehensible dream.”
“Here, I’ll help you stand up!” Mimi offered her one hand and instinctively I rushed to help too. Jamila took both of our hands and stood up planting a foot on the ground. The immense weight made the foot sink several feet before stopping and sent a perceivable shockwave in the surrounding area. When she finally stood completely she stretched and started almost moaning.

“Oh … oww, oh God! Oh my …! I feel, I feel so good! What’s happening here? My back! It doesn’t hurt anymore, and my legs … I was so tired after lunch, but now … it’s all gone. I feel … incredible!” She was looking at her own arms stretched in front of her. She then finally looked at Mimi and me.
“Miss Madeline! Oh my God! You’re naked. And the boy too! Oh no, let me take you something to cover yourselves!” Mimi took one of her arms.
“Jamila, dear! There’s no need for that.”
“Oh no! Miss Madeline, I want to … I have to …”
“Jamila, listen to me. There’s no clothes for us, nor for you.”
Jamila looked at her body and could see her EE breast on full display hanging from her chest and finally recognized that strange feeling of warmth as the sun hitting her legs and her naked pubis. She covered herself incredibly embarrassed.
“Oh God, what happened? I am naked! Everyone is naked. This is crazy.”

“Jamila, Jamila, please! Calm down now!” Mimi was holding still the face of the chubby maid with her hands.
“Jamila, now calm down and listen to me very veeery carefully. We don’t have clothes because we are too big to wear them. We are gigantic now … like, enormous enormous.”
Jamila kept shaking her heads refusing every word and expressing an alarmingly growing distress, but she didn’t dare disrespect Mimi not just due to the working relation but also because she really liked and cared for the girls. She just put her own hands on those of Mimi, which didn’t let go her grip on the maids cheeks.

“Jamila, please. Listen to me. Everything will be alright. It will be better than ever. And you’re a part of it too! That’s fantastic. That’s fantastic for you.”
One could see how lost was Jamila, she was staring at the young blondie but it was difficult to determine if any single word was making sense to her right now.
“Now, listen! Jamila, listen to me. As I said, I, Zack here, and you, and also mrs. Ginevra. We are all very very very big. Like mountains, do you understand. We have grown. Later I will explain better. But now, I need you to calm down, and understand that we are all giants, and we have to be careful. Mrs. Ginevra is like you now. She will be as confused as you are and she will need your help. Do you want to help mrs. Ginevra, don’t you?”
Mimi’s hypnotism was working. Jamila’s crisis waned and the black woman let her arms fall along her sides. At the last question, she nodded. Mimi kept staring at her another ten seconds and then she added.
“Now I’m going to let you go. Remember, giants! Be careful! Oh … and welcome to your new life.”

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