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Hannah and Micheal’s journey was far less eventful. For them. They didn’t bother experimenting or even just worrying that their plan may not work. Not that they were unconcerned for Cynthia well being. On the contrary, despite their almost complete indifference to the fate of tiny humans at their feet, they already considered her a part of their family even in the new situation determined by their growth. They already envisioned a life which in every aspect included Cynthia and her son. They were part of the family since a while now, and the whole family was due to become part of this “change of perspective”. Elsa had been a very welcome surprise to both Hannah and Micheal, but yet something unpredictable and a proof that none of them controlled the whole things yet. But Cynthia was a different thing.

To Hannah she had become a close friend in a very short time. They both hared a common past with very restrictive and protective fathers preventing trying their best to prevent the two girls from having a social life outside the barely minimum. This shaped their individuality making them similar in the fact of having grown in response to such a hostile environment. What made the difference between them was the mother figure. Hannah’s relationship with her mother had always been ambiguous. They both shared the gender on which her father exercised his power and pretensions. Hannah’s father was no better as a husband. He was very restrictive with her too, but his control was severely limited by Hannah’s mother’s social life previous to the marriage. And this second feature was the basis for Hannah’s mother’s own pretensions of control on Hannah’s life.

Having she been a part of the upper class in the region, she was a member of several restricted circles and exclusive clubs and all of them functioned as an escape from the restraint of her marriage. She could play the part of the noble woman married preserving her social status through connections with other premed nobles and her class status by having married a rich professional of the bourgeoisie. Hannah as a child was the perfect continuation of this social spectacle. She learned very early all the etiquette possible, she was constantly dressed up as a doll and cherished her role as a little princess. Therefore Hannah’s mother had always been an untrustworthy ally as a female, and a controlling figure whose lever was not physical and social force, but constant ego-centrism and psychological blackmailing.

Of course, as soon as pimples appeared on her face, tits on her chest and blood every twenty-eight days, all this theater came crumbling down. Her adolescent rebellion was therefor duplicitous. Against the patriarchal restrictions of his father, and the vanity of nobility of her mother. Thus she traversed the whole cursus honorum of rebellion from goth, to punk, to anarchic political activism. And yet, it was exactly the culmination of this path that led her to desert her revolutionary attires. Living in the commune in fact she grew more and more annoyed to the politically charged language, to the futile repetition of protests, pamphlets writing, underground scene art, theater or whatever else’s festival to the point of breaking up with her militant boyfriend which already predicated and practiced polyamory, only females included of course, and later to leave the commune at all.

Later she realized the only thing which had retained her from doing that sooner, was neither the fear of a change, nor the fact that she would’ve had to go back to her parent’s house. It was the fact that she loved the basic life in the commune. The gardening, cultivating one’s own vegetables and spices, the constant relations with the local farmers, those moment of common intimacy in which neither sociopolitical nor cultural issues were discussed, but people were just together eating, singing, dancing, even just tiding the house or fixing the barn. When there was the community and not the conflict at issue she considered those moments the best she ever lived.

When she left the commune and returned to her parents’ house she was received as an alien body. It took a good while for both her parents to express sincere affection for her. In the case of her father, only the inevitable collapse of physical strength and cognitive capacities that comes with age brought him to a more reflexive and compassionate look on life. He recognized at least partly his mistakes both to his wife and his only daughter, and thus he died kind of peacefully. Hanna’s mother, Ginevra, remained the ambiguous character she had always been. She welcomed her daughter with all due fuss and pleasantries. She also respected on the facade her spaces and choices in the following years. And yet, in many occasions she tried to steer her route both professionally and in the social and amorous life. In the end, for as much as she knew she loved Micheal, she could never deny she had chosen him eventually also in order to piss off Ginevra.

In this picture, Cynthia appeared as the perfect middle ground. She was the sister Hannah always desired, the friend she would’ve liked to have in the commune and now the strongest connection between all the faucets her soul streamed out of. Her environmental engagement was a strong recall of her militant years, but this time it seemed to concern something more material, a battle for something more present and tangible. Through her she had come to discover that she loved trekking and camping, despite not having engaged in it properly, excluding a couple of squatting experiences. And yet, Cynthia was a very pragmatic person. She was no pamphlets’ writer or festival organizer. She had learned on her skin that the best way to fight for the environment was to procure the highest possible damage to the polluters and hit them on the economical and media terrain. Thus she engaged mostly in organizing communities to engage in trials and her best efforts were directed at keeping those communities united and motivated.

Hannah’s job came clearly to be of great use, being her a lawyer. Hannah never directly represented any of Cynthia’s cases, not because Cynthia didn’t trust her capacities but because she didn’t detain the media attention that was an important component of their cases. But she functioned as a formidable pr agent among the legal world, and as rapid and reliable insider. Thanks to Hannah’s advice, Cynthia was always on the same page of the fancy law firms the companies relied upon. And this was the last, and the most important thing, Cynthia meant to Hannah. She had given her a new purpose. A way to conciliates her youth’s hope of making a difference, and her adult mindset of affirm herself as a professional. Cynthia had been in her adult life a counter to her mother control far more efficient and meaningful than even Micheal. She hoped that by growing her, she would’ve had the same impact on this new phase of her life as a gigantic titan.

Micheal’s on his part, really liked the effect Cynthia had on his wife, and was also slightly attracted by her thin and firm figure. He also liked a lot his daughter’s boyfriend. He felt a great empathy for him grown up without a father figure for a good part of his childhood and all of his teen years. In the years he had also managed to have a couple man-to-man moment with him, things he knew he could’ve never shared with his daughters. He never imposed much of gender roles on his daughter and Hannah had always been very careful to create a mostly feminist environment at home. And yet, Mimi never seemed to have completely renounced being distinctively feminine in most of her behaviors as a child, nor puberty changed the situation. Jo was more peculiar but she was still a project in the making. In any case, neither of them could ever play the role of the boy a father teaches some manly things to.

Zack came to cover that role for Micheal, a role that devoid of all the actual responsibilities of being a parent, Micheal enjoyed greatly in those sparse moments Mimi allowed for them to be together without her surveillance. Micheal also acknowledged that Mimi was emotionally a tank, barely touched by worldly events, and mostly focused on her goals either long or very short term. Zack on the other hand always looked more dubious. And also in this new situation, Mimi smiled and nodded to everything accepting her size and all the consequences deriving from it. Zack always looked concerned, worried, but he was too polite to express his contrariety to everything. Micheal also recognized that his attempts at easing the situation for him may have been a little misdirected. He though he had a certain ascendant on the boy, and now he feared he was losing it.

Thus, he hoped that by enlarging his mother to their enormous size, by putting her also outside any danger, maybe Zack would have eventually calmed down, accepted the situation and they could retrieve their relations. In fact, given their size, there was plenty of space for manly teachings to give and buddy moments to share. So either to give Hannah’s enormity a meaning, or to restore Zack’s serenity and Micheal’s small chance at being a manly father figure, Cynthia had to become a humongous mountain of a woman able to trample a building with one foot. An occurrence that Micheal looked forward to also for less noble reasons. He considered the spectacle of his wife destroying stuff incredibly sensual. And he couldn't deny that most of his arousal the night before had grown out of the sight of Elsa bulldozing the city. So now he was kind of anticipating the moment in which a third titaness were to enter that game of trumpling people and their buildings.

And buildings were inevitably being trampled with each step, due to the fact that both Hannah and Micheal were lost in their thought or merely quietly observing the landscape around them. Sometimes they stopped to kiss. Micheal squeezed his wife’s boobs, or she stroked playfully his cock. It was like they were trying never to completely lose their arousal nor to excite it too much before reaching their destination. At a certain point Hannah looked around and found a small hill completely covered in small villas and squatted on it. She then proceeded to pee determining a disastrous landslide which delighted her husband. He took that as a good moment for a restroom pause as well and started peeing on her side hitting casual fields and constructions on the ground. They both looked smiling mildly at the chaos they were generating.

Now that Mimi and Zack were not around, they didn’t have to worry too much about humans. And they enjoyed the incredible power every single small gestures of theirs possessed. Reducing a building to crumble with the mere force of their piss was thrilling, but it was far more exciting to watch the incredibly tiny people running for their lives. It was almost as if only by looking at those diminutive human figures striving to escape the incoming wave of urine and finally capitulating to it they could have the right measure of their own size. They didn’t want to harm those people, but they didn’t want to preserve them either. They were mere plaything, like everything else. And what was not a toy, was good for eating. They didn’t want to destroy cities, they just didn’t care enough in order to not destroy them.

To Hannah and Micheal, the golden rule meaning was shifting already. From “what ends under our feet stays under our feet” which was more innocently advocating for a let be attitude in which small accidents were forgiven, to a far less innocent “what ends up destroyed, trampled, flooded or digested, simply, didn’t matter”. And humans didn’t retain any more dignity than every other morsel available. Although, they didn’t dare admit to themselves it was incredibly more satisfying to trample or digest them. Moreover, Hannah wanted to experiment an idea which was forming in her head.

“Ehy Mich, we’re almost there. I think the mountains which Zack suggested are those over there!” She pointed at a group of mountains standing some dozens steps away from them.
“I guess so. I recognize the shape of Rochko Peak.” At over 8500 feet of height, it was the highest mountain in the region and was displayed on all children geography books since several generations.
“It’s done, we just need to determine the right mountain.”
“Yeah, good luck with that!”
“Oh, I have a plan!” Hannah was surprised.
“Really? What plan? Are you going to ask someone?” She giggled. Micheal undefeated by her sarcasm explained.
“Cynthia still drives that low emission subcompact, doesn’t she?”
“Yeah, she wanted to go electric, but the prices are still far above her allowances ...” Hannah answered almost knowing where this was headed.
“Well, I guess after we grow her, she won’t need to sign for a mortgage … Anyway, its a very recognizable car. Even being so small, a pink car with a white rooftop shouldn’t be such a widespread choice among the trekkers. Usually most parking lots are were the trails start. We need to just look for the car in every parking lot we can spot and follow the tracks up to Cynthia.”
“Wow! That’s … a very good plan. And you came up with that all of yourself? I’m surprised.”
Micheal smiled proud of his idea, but deep down he knew he stole it from an old detective story he had watched half asleep a week earlier, where the cops came up with the same idea looking for a bunch of fugitives which were hiding on a mountain trail.
“Fine, it will far easier than expected then!”
“Yeah … we’ll find her very fast this way!” Micheal concluded enthusiast.
“So we have time!” Hannah continued.
“Time for what?”

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