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Author's Chapter Notes:

The prompt was a tiny guy is forced into taking creepshots and is caught by a giant girl in a changing room.

Trevor sat in a chair on in front of Big Chuck’s desk. “Big” Chuck was about seven inches tall, one of the largest tinies in town, towering over Trevor’s three inches. Big Chuck’s desk was itself on top of a larger fanciful wooden desk in a dingy office in a part of town that Trevor wouldn’t have liked to come to even if he was full size. Chuck ran a number of rackets around town, jokingly called “The Little Don” in the newspapers any crime involving Tinies had his hands in it. Another branch of his family, all normal sized, ran much of the traditional crime in town assuring that Chuck always had full size muscle if he wanted it. Half a century ago the shrinking plague had permanently split humanity into two size classes, “Tinies” of various sizes and normal humans, but evidently it hadn’t split Chuck’s family. Behind Chuck’s desk a bored looking full-sized woman with bright blue hair and a spiked leather jacket loomed menacingly as a reminder of that fact.

“Trevor my boy,” Chuck began, “We need to talk about your debt…”

Trevor sighed and let himself be lectured. His involvement with Chuck and with crime in general had been one long spiral, after graduation he’d been kicked out of the orphanage and told he was an adult now, good jobs for tinies were scarce in good times and times weren’t good. He’d thought himself lucky when Chuck’s people had picked him up to join their crew but he found himself the fall guy for a racketeering operation they’d been running on Tiny owned businesses. He’d only spent six months in jail due to how little evidence there was, but any chance of getting a job in the Tiny community was ruined. He’d been forced back into working for Chuck as soon as he got out of jail.

It almost looked like he’d found a way out, Big Chuck had held a card game and Trevor had thought he was doing well. He’d won a few pots and finally, after a few drinks, he’d made a rather large bet promising he was good for the money, which he wasn’t. He’d lost the hand, and now he owed Big Chuck ten thousand dollars, every time he thought he’d found a way out he just got dragged further in.

“So what do you want me to do boss?” He asked quietly.

Chuck grinned and pulled something out of a desk drawer, placing it on the surface between them, “This is a camera,” he explained, rotating the, to Trevor, relatively large box, showing him the lenses and controls. “What I want you to do is go down to the mall with Carly here,” he jerked a thumb at the bored looking punk girl, “and take some creepshots, you know, upskirts, stuff like that, maybe hit the lady’s changing rooms.”

Trevor’s face curled with disgust, “Uh… is there money in that?”

“Oh lots,” Chuck said with a boisterous laugh, “We put ‘em up on a website we’ve got hosted overseas, then we blackmail the guys who visit it, and every now and then someone pays money to get a picture taken off of there. You’d be surprised.” He shrugged, “decent ad revenue too I guess, you can imagine what kind of people are sleazy enough to advertise on a site like that right?”

“Right,” Trevor muttered, this was a new low for him. “Is there… anything else I can do to settle it?”

“Carly what else could he do to settle it?” Chuck asked with a cruel smile. Carly stood up and stomped her black leather boot loudly on the wood floor while making eye contact with Trevor. Chuck and Carly both laughed at his shocked expression. “Now get out of here! Time is money!”

Carly grabbed him and the camera without another word and he found himself roughly carried out to a junky looking beater of a car in her greasy palm.

“D-do you have a tiny-safe seat in that thing?” he asked nervously as she opened the door.

“Oh yeah!” She said laughing as she placed him on the driver’s seat, “Lay down and I’ll show it to ya!”

A giant jean clad ass hovered over him and he panicked as he struggled to lay as flat as he could before she sat down. He was ground into the seat a minute while she laughed at him and started the car, he was just thankful that however bad the rest of the vehicle looked there was just enough padding left in the seat cushion to keep him from being crushed.

He gasped for breath about twenty minutes later when the car came to a stop and the giant ass lifted, he panted a minute and blinked as light came back into his world. He looked up to see Carly laughing at his struggles.

“Enjoy the ride?” she sneered as she picked him up. “I sure did.” She placed him in her breast pocket and placed the camera in with him as she walked towards the shopping complex. They entered mall and walked through it casually, he realized that Carly was making a beeline for an upscale lingerie store he’d often seen ads for around town.

They passed a bored looking policewoman and a part of Trevor wondered what would happen if he shouted for help. She made eye contact with him and gave him a tiny wave.

“Oh that’s an adorable Tiny!” she said, catching Carly’s attention.

He could feel annoyance radiate down from Carly’s face but she smiled and patted the top of his head gently, “Yep, a pretty small one but I sure love him!” she walked away from the cop at a brisk pace. As if guessing his earlier thoughts she whispered down to him, “Don’t think about trying to get out of this, you’ve got a date with my boot if you do.” She paused a minute, “that cop is right though… you are a damn cute little tiny, I think if this whole thing doesn’t play out I’m going to ask the boss if I can just keep you…”

The way she said that he wasn’t sure which option would be worse.

They reached the store and Carly walked in, ignoring the greeting from the clerk and grabbing a random nightie off a rack. She glanced around and quickly pushed Trevor’s head below the lining of the pocket which she zipped shut above him. He felt movement and then the pocket overhead unzipped again, revealing the inside of a large dressing room.

“Okay this look good to you?” She asked, tossing the nighty in the corner. She glanced at it a minute, “god can you imagine the kind of bitches who spend big money on that kind of crap?” she sneered dismissively as she lowered him to the ground, placing him under the bench.
“So I just hide under hear then?” He asked in a defeated tone as she handed him the camera.

“Yep,” Carly said as she stood back up, “Get some good pics Trev. I’ll come back for you in a few hours but I won’t be far. If you get caught you’ve never heard of me, got it?”

“Got it,” he sighed as she stood up to leave. He watched her enormous boots clomp away, wincing at the sound they made on the hard floor.
He waited in silence, hefting the camera and wondering how things had come to this. His self-pity was disturbed by the sound of a woman opening the door. He shuffled nervously making sure the camera was ready before creeping out from under the seat.

His eyes went wide when he saw the woman was already topless, she had dark hair and a regal look, he thought she was in her late 20s but he wasn’t sure. On a set of hangars she had a series of bra and panties sets and a nightgown. She was humming something softly to herself as she compared the two bras she’d brought in with her.

Trevor quickly snapped a few photos, feeling a pang of guilt as he did so. She looked nice, and he felt so slimy for doing this.
Her phone rang suddenly, startling her and causing her to drop one of the bras. Trevor gulped as the tent sized fabric tumbled down in front of him. Whatever it was that had caused her phone to buzz it didn’t interest her for very long, before he could find a place to hide she was bending over to pick it up. He froze, hoping the lack of movement would save him, but he wasn’t so lucky.

He saw her face dip below the top of the seat but that was enough, her eyes spotted him against the plain wall and went wide, “what the hell?!” she exclaimed as she reached for him. He dropped the camera and tried to run but her manicured fingers snapped up his leg and he was lifted into the air.

“So a peeper?” The woman asked angrily as she held him upside down by his leg, dangling in front of her face she looked even more imposing than she had from the floor. “Worse than a peeper,” she muttered, spotting the camera. With an amused look she briefly slipped on one of her high heeled shoes and crushed it under the pointed tip, he heard the sound of plastic cracking as she ground it into the carpet.

In spite of himself he felt his heart leap, without that camera… well the “job” had gone south, either way he was looking at a very unpleasant outcome. He looked at the angry young woman and felt tears in the corner of his eyes and choked back a sob.

The woman’s anger began to fade a bit as he started crying, “Oh uh… Look you don’t have to cry, I mean it’s creepy but things are going to be-“ He started bawling uncontrollably, the woman sighed and cupped her hand under his dangling form, letting him drop into her soft palm. “There there,” she said softly as she started patting his head with one finger. “Look just calm down okay? I think we can let a bit of peeping go this one time if you promise me you’ll never do it again…”

He sniffed, “I-I’m not worried about getting in trouble with you, or the store…” He sat up in her palm and wiped the tears off his face, “I’m just… in some other trouble already.”

The woman regarded him a moment, without a word she placed him down on the dressing room seat where he’d tried to hide moments earlier, she put her shirt back on and then knelt down in front of him. Leaning in close she gave him a comforting smile.

“Okay little guy, my name’s Lacey, what’s yours?”

“Trevor,” he said, forcing himself to stand up.

“So you’re in some sort of trouble?” She asked, “Mind telling me what would make a tiny take creepshots in the lady’s changing room?” She giggled, “I mean you are a SMALL Tiny too, what are you like two inches?”

“Two and three quarters,” he answered a bit defensively.

“Whatever,” Lacey said, “You’re super cute, I feel like you shouldn’t have any problem finding a girl who will let you see her naked…” Her face went red a bit and she giggled, “I guess maybe it would be harder if you’re into us bigger girls but… well I’ve seen you little guys get carried out of the clubs.”

“That’s not it,” he said, blushing a bit himself at the thought, “I umm… I owe some people money.”

He went into his story, detailing how he’d been destitute, how he’d fallen in with criminals, and how he’d ended up losing what little he had and owing even more. Her face went from amused to sympathetic as he explained how he’d ended up on the changing room floor.

“I didn’t want to do this,” he said, almost bursting into tears again, “It’s so sleazy and gross, this isn’t what I want to be doing with my life, this isn’t the kind of person I want to be…”

They sat in silence for a minute, Lacey sighed and stood up, “Well you’re not going to be that kind of person anymore, I think I’m taking you home!” she smiled and reached for him.

He was a bit shell shocked and didn’t think to run as she picked him up, “W-what do you mean?”

“Exactly that silly,” She said, “You’re a poor cute little tiny and you need someone to take care of you, it happens to a lot of you guys you know?”

He swallowed as he thought about it a minute, “kept tinies” WERE a fairly common occurrence, full sized people for whatever reason would take a tiny and keep them in their homes. It wasn’t an official designation or recognized by any government authority, officially a tiny taken to a full sized person’s house would just be a roommate, or a tenant, but the reality often was closer to that of a pet, and in fact “pet” was common pejorative tinies used to disdainfully describe their fellows who agreed to such arrangements.

“Hold on I’m a free tiny!” he said suddenly, “I’m not anyone’s pet!

Lacey rolled her eyes, “Well YOU said “pet” not me but I don’t think you have much of a choice here. You said that gangster, Carly or whatever, she’s right outside right? If you want I’ll just bring you back to her and we can forget the whole thing.”

He shivered a moment thinking about what would happen to him, “O-Okay maybe we could try something out… you’re not going to make me live in a cage are you?”

She laughed as she picked up her purse, “A cage? Is that a thing that happens?” She rubbed her chin thoughtfully, “Maybe you could stay in my sock drawer or something until we can stock up on some tiny furniture?”

“Uh I don’t know if-“

“Oh relax Trevor it’s going to be fun,” she said gleefully.

He blinked a minute, it was… unusual talking to someone like this. Most of the people in his life were rather stern and serious people, the only time they smiled and laughed was when they were running a scheme or hurting others.

“Well let’s go deal with your old boss I guess,” She said with a sigh. His stomach lurched as he was lifted off the seat, at first he thought she was going to place him in her purse but his face went red as she tucked him between her breasts, his face poking out at the bottom of her v-necked shirt. She jokingly squeezed him between the soft globes a minute, “Comfy?”

“Y-Yeah,” he rasped.

Leaving her clothing selections Lacey walked confidently out of the dressing room and out to the store entrance. She looked back and forth a minute, spotting a surly looking blue haired girl in a leather jacket. With a disdainful sniff she walked towards the punk.

“Excuse me,” She said in what she hoped was a harsh enough sounding tone. “I’ve found this little man in the dressing room and we’ve had a little talk.”

Carly glanced at Trevor, trapped in Lacey’s boobs, and smirked, “Don’t know that Tiny lady, sorry-“

“Stow it,” she said, “Little Trevor told me everything, how you and your awful friends threatened him if he didn’t do this, you’re disgusting!”
Carly spat on the ground as she squared up against the well-dressed Lacey, Lacey was taller and looked athletic, but Trevor was worried that in spite of her enthusiasm she wouldn’t be prepared if this got ugly.

“L-Lacey be careful-“ he tried to say but she simply shushed him while making eye contact with the mob enforcer opposite her.

“I’m taking him with me,” she said, “You tell all of the people in your… organization that you’re to leave Trevor alone from now on!”

“Lady the kind of people he owes money to aren’t scared of you, or your daddy’s lawyers, or anyone else,” Carly said coolly. She shot a glance at Trevor, “And you Trev, the pet life? A little rat like you? ‘You’re barely fit to be my toy let alone some high society bitch like this.”

“High society?” Lacey asked, a bit offended, “I’ll have you know I take Karate at the YMCA, and I’ll be happy to show you a few moves!”

Carly chuckled and sighed, “I don’t think you know what you’re stepping into, even if you kick my ass, and you won’t, the only way Trev there scurries away is if he pays what he owes.”

“How much?” Lacey asked.

Carly blinked, “Well…”

Lacey pulled a checkbook and pen out of her purse, “I asked how much?”

“ten large,” Carly said, a bit shocked by this turn of events.

Lacey’s brow furrowed, “That’s a lot but is it really enough to be threatening people over?”

“Ten thousand,” Carly said, “That or I take Trev there back to our boss,” She grinned evilly down at Trevor who did his best to slink further into Lacey’s cleavage, “He doesn’t like drama you know, I think I’m going to get to punish you for this.”

“Turn around,” Lacey said with a sigh, Carly blinked but did so. Lacey laid the checkbook across the other woman’s back and filled out the check. She tore it out quickly and handed it to the other woman who looked at it with a sort of awe.

“I assure you it won’t bounce,” Lacey said disdainfully.

“Oh I believe you,” Carly said slowly, “I just… don’t think we’ve ever taken a check for something like this.” She laughed and folded it and placed it in the pocket where Trevor had ridden just an hour or so before. “Well goodbye Trev, treat your new owner well, she paid well for you.” With that Carly turned and walked away.

Trevor felt a strange lightness in his stomach, “D-did you just pay off my debts?” he whispered.

“I did,” Lacey said, turning and walking toward one of the mall exits. “I’m going to have to put off purchasing a new car now but the old one will keep running for a bit longer…” She stroked the top of his head with a finger, “Besides I found something I wanted more than a new car.”

“I-I guess I’m going home with you after all,” he said, still in shock.

“Well you better!” She laughed, “I know you find it demeaning or whatever but I feel like I’ve bought at least a bit of good obedient pet behavior out of you!”

“Yes Ma’am,” he said suddenly, “I’ll be the best pet ever, I’ll live in a gerbil cage and-“

“Wow you sure changed your tune on that!” she said with an amused grin as she stepped out into the mall’s parking lot.  “You don’t REALLY have to be my pet though, my aunt has a nail salon that hires tinies, maybe we can talk to her about you working there if you want to pay me back.”

He coughed, a bit embarrassed, “Uh… yeah that would be great. A nail salon huh?”

“Tinies apparently are very popular for pedicures,” she said, “I guess we can have you try it when we get home and see if you have a knack for it. You’re even smaller than most tinies and you’re a cute guy too so I feel like you’ll clean up in tips.”

She buckled her seatbelt which jostled him further into her cleavage and started the car. Trevor leaned into the soft mass and felt hopeful about the future for the first time since… well he couldn’t remember when. He looked up at the angel who had rescued him who was now fiddling with her car stereo, seemingly oblivious to the tiny man she’d rescued.

“I’ll make it up to her somehow,” he vowed, but for now he resolved to simply relax and enjoy the drive to his new home.

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