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Author's Chapter Notes:

I took a little longer to write this chapter because I didn't want to give anyone the impression that I was going to update it weekly


Ignacio ivory rolled over to his back satisfied; for a brief moment, he forgot about his worries. He loved his daughter more than anything but damn that girl could be a handful. If he’s not worried about her and his girlfriend it was about her safety and now it was about her strange behavior. 

“You think I'm doing the right thing?” Ignacio asked.

“I think you're doing fine Iggy,” Gloria said, snuggling closer to him. “Whatever is going on we can always ask Sabrina if it gets too serious.” 

“But would she tell us?”

“Of course!” Gloria got serious “Sabrina knows better to go against me on this. It has to do with Izellah's safety. She's not stupid Iggy she knows we could help Izellah more than she could.” 

“You're probably right.” 

“Of course, I am,” Gloria giggled, tracing the contours of his bare chest with her index finger. “Now back to business big guy,” 

“Whoa now!” Ignacio exclaimed “I’m on break right now” 

“Did I wear you out?” His girlfriend teased “If you want to give little Izzy a sibling that doesn’t want to fuck her you’re gonna need to put in the work” Gloria told him.

“We’re in no rush babe, might as well take it in stride,” Ignacio replied calmly. 

Gloria laid her head on his chest and stared at him for a moment before saying.

“You’re gonna have to meet him eventually,” Gloria told him gently. 

Before Ignacio could answer they both heard the ringing tones of Ignacio's cell phone. Taking his arms from around Gloria to sit up, swinging his legs around to sit on the side of the bed. Ignacio picked up the cell phone only briefly eyeing the color I.D before answering it.


Gloria watched as the MAJOR’s face morphed from apathetic to serious. 

“Izellah in trouble,” Ignacio Ivory said simply “I need to go to Winton.” 


The expansive mindscape that Christina had created for her “little flowers” was that of a grassy meadow, clam and serene with a bright blue sky staring down on them all. Although Izellah knew it wasn’t real she still felt comfortable there, the  cool breeze in her long dark brown hair and the warm sun gently kissing her skin. 

“Oh it’s a meadow this time.” The pink girl dressed as a goth said next to where Izellah was sitting.

“Uhm am I still a-“

“Furry?” Lisa finished “you are bunny girl, I should really teach you how to change that.” 

“Now Izellah I’ve told you not to be ashamed of your true self.” Christina said happily.

Christina Edmond sat in the middle of a circle formed by her students old and new. Never in a hundred years did she ever expect an opportunity to teach many minors in one spot. She would have to make it a point to herself to keep her glee in check to properly nurture and grow her new garden.

“Chrissy’s right izz,” Jennifer said cheerfully “you can’t lead a happy life until you learn exactly who you are.” 

Izellah felt her internal emotions wanting to lash out at the new girl but was able to crush it with a will before it was able to manifest in a way that those around her were able to feel. When Izellah had first started coming to Winton she had broadcasted her emotions for all to see and take advantage of. With Lisa's help and some more practice Izellah had learned not to broadcast like a radio signal, a fact that she was rather happy with even if she was still unable to change the form she took. 

The form Jennifer took was almost identical to her real one, with the same colored eyes, blonde hair and pink lips. Except where there was a faint white glow to her skin and the dress she wore was a lot more ostentatious with white lace and bright colors. All in all Jennifer looked a lot like…well a lot like a human sized doll that a little girl might have had.

“I’m not really an Oompa Loompa, I just think it’s a classic.” Robbie spoke up.

Lisa stifled a laugh.

The tall lanky kid Izellah saw in class had chosen to mimic the form of some humanoid creatures with orange skin and green hair but other than that he remained the same.

“I used to have a black cat when I lived at my old house.” Alexis added.

The girl with the flawless onyx skin had taken on the form of a black cat, with cat ears, a cat tail and paws. Her skin was still flawless and Izellah was still a bit jealous, like really how have you never had pimples before? 

“It doesn’t really matter what you are here or why, just that you’re comfortable as it.” The blonde professors smiled sweetly, flowers in her hair. “What about you Jason? Why do you look like you do?” 

“I like togas,” the muscular minor replied. 

Other than the form of dress, which had transformed into a long white toga with a golden clasp at the shoulder, Jason remained exactly the same in appearance. 

“And that’s perfectly alright,” Chrissy cheered.

“I’m sorry I’m late.” A disembodied male voice called out. 

Izellah turned towards the sound and saw a black figure materialize into sight. At first it was just a black mist with the vague shape of a human but as it floated towards the circle it gained a more human definition. The black fog turned into a black hoodie and jeans, when he took a spot to be a part of the circle only it’s hands were cloaked in a mist however the face was another story. Where Izzy had mainly seen the skin of others glow with different hues when they choose human forms to begin with, this newcomers face seemed to absorb the light so with his hoodie up Izellah had a hard time identifying any features whatsoever, even the eyes were undistinguishable.

“That’s quite alright mister Alveraz.” Chrissy told him.

“Arman,” the fog man clarified “my name is Arman, pleasure to meet all of you.” 

“Pleasure is ours Arman, my first lesson is to teach you to be comfortable with the form you take.” Chrissy told him “you may share why if you wish, no one will force you.” 

“I’d rather not say…” Arman said sheepishly.

Izellah could understand that. There was a lot more to the form she took than simply liking rabbits and it was way more personal than she was willing to share with people she’s just met and especially not with Jennifer here.

“If no one else would like to share,” Chrissy sang “and now that everyone is here for the day please gather around closer children so we can all take part in-“

“Oh god no.” Lisa groaned 



Izellah came to blinking wildly after they were all dismissed by professor Edmond. Christine was a good person Izellah had come to decide especially among MAJORS. The sometimes condescending remarks about them all being children even when many of them would be considered legal adults was more about Christine nature as a person and less about the traditional MAJOR/minor dynamic. It’s just that her disposition wasn’t to Izellah tastes. When Christine had called an end to their communication because she lost track of time Izzy almost rejoiced at the news, I guess sometimes if you really want something it happens.

“Excuse me Izellah Ivory,” Izzy heard the voice of Armin Alverez say above her while she was putting away the rest of her stuff.

Izellah looked up at the source and for a moment her jaw almost dropped. She was looking at one of the handsomest men she’d ever seen. Armin had curly black hair, tanned skin, and a well built aesthetic physique dressed simply in a button up dress shirt and navy blue pants.

“Excuse me!” Izellah shot up, he was taller than her, he met her bright green eyes with our own amber ones.

“That’s what I said,” he laughed. Izellah's stomach did a flip. He sounded much better in the flesh than he did in the kinda bond.

“I take it you didn’t take a peek at me when I came into class,” 

“No,” Izellah flushed embarrassed. She still hadn’t quite gotten used to “multitasking” yet either.

“It’s no problem,” Armin glanced around the room. “I actually came to this school to talk with you.” 

“Oh!” Izellah blushed “about what?” 

“I’ll tell you if you come with me alone,” he said.

“Are you gonna fuck?” Lisa came to stand next to Armin, her halfsie philology made her about an entire head taller than Armin.

“Maybe.” Armin said, grabbing Izellah hand gently pulling her to leave the classroom.

“Good, she needs it.” Lisa laughed.

“What about Sabrina?” Izellah asked as they left the classroom. She saw both Christine and Sabrina were busy talking to new students and a tall tanned MAJOR respectfully.

“My twin Artin is distracting her.” Armin chuckled letting go of Izellah hand some way down the hallway.

“Your twins are charming enough to distract my over protective guardian?” Izellah questioned.

Armin mulled that over for a second as they walked. “Well, I could tell you Artin does MMA and that it’d be pretty safe to assume that Sabrina does as well so he’s distracting her with fight talk. That wouldn’t be exactly true though.” 

“Okay,” izellah started, “but what would you tell me that exactly is the truth.” 

“Artin’s a tier 3 and he figured it out from probing Brenda's mind to find out that info.” Armin said.

“Why would he risk finding that information out from probing it from another tier 3 and not say Mabel herself, or Sabrina,” she Izellah paused “or me?“

“Because we minors get used too often and from the rumors I’ve heard Brenda deserves a little probing.” Armin said truthfully.

“Maybe she’s my friend.” Izellah said as she followed Armin out into the inner courtyard.

“She’s not though is she?” Armin asked “she’s a MAJOR who wanted to win you like a prize from a contest, one that you had to bond with to stop her from killing someone.” 

It was nice and cool outside with the slightest of breezes. It reminded her a lot of the gathering area Christine had created for them, calm and tranquil. 

Armin was right though. She was putting up walls so the red headed MAJOR didn’t come any closer. Brenda was nice but unlike Sabrina who had made strides in treating her like another person Izellah still had the feeling Brenda saw her as a minor to have, no matter how nice she seemed.

“An unbonded minor is a rare thing,” Armin began. “I’m sure you’ve heard the schools have been using you as an advertisement.” He paused “it’s been working and a lot of minors are coming from around California seeing Winton as a safe place. Christine hasn’t mentioned it but there’s going to be more minors coming to this school soon. About an entire classroom size, like 20 minors. I don’t know why no one’s said anything yet.” 

“Is that why you wanted to meet me? Meet the minor who’s been walking around unbounded?” 

“No,” Armin sounded excited “I wanted to meet you after hearing what you said to Jennifer at  McShakey’s.” 


“This is a perfect opportunity for us,” Armin smiled 

Ooofhh us? Izellah heart fluttered

“Together we can show that minors aren’t as weak as they think. Too many minors think like Jennifer and not enough MAJORS think like my brother or even Sabrina if you think she’s with us.” 

“She is!“ Izellah assured.

“I hope so, MAJORS are all the same I find and have to prove they’re different. So are you interested?” 

“Yes!” Izellah answered quickly “I want to show MAJORS that their treatment of us isn’t right and their gilded cage is of their making and nothing to do with our nature.” 

“I agree. I think for that to happen this movement of ours needs to be a minor lead and pioneered.” Armin said “With so many minors gathered in one spot and if we can convince them to join us as well and if it’s progress lead by us we could change things for all minor kind, it shouldn’t be progress that’s just given to us through pity, it kinda proves the MAJORS point.” 

Izellah nodded in agreement. 

“How do I plan on making it minor motivated?” 

“I have a few ideas I want to run by you, I-“

“Hey!” a loud voice interrupted.


“-finish a fight right away,” Artin told the cute Latina MAJOR 

“What’s the fun in that,”Sabrina groaned.

“It’s dangerous!” Artin defended. 


“You could benefit from  being a little less dangerous with your fights,” Riri said. 

Peter was cuddled in Riri's arms, so Sabrina was surprised that she even spoke up.

Wait a minute-

“Where’s Izellah?” Sabrina asked, scanning the classroom.

The doll was sitting in the lap of the blonde MAJOR they all saw with her at McShakey’s. Lee was on his phone next to Mei who was playing with Romeo and the other new MAJROS. A purple haired female MAJOR, a bald guy who had the same skin tone as that Alexis girl who was talking with the other minors and Lisa. 

“She left with Artin’s twin,” Romeo said, putting down a red skip turn card.

“What!“ Sabrina yelled.” Why didn’t you tell me?!” 

“You were busy and Lisa talked to them before they left,” Romeo defended.

Sabrina felt her heart race. She’s been worrying about Izellah since their trip and had been stressing hard over the littlest thing. Sabrina was trying to give the minor the space she loved but sometimes her nonchalant attitude was making Sabrina worry more. She was on edge and the only times she felt better was talking to Izzy, Mabel, or fighting Mabel and now talking about fighting Mabel she supposed. 

“You should pay more attention to your charge,” Mei said in a tone that said she would do better.

Mei sat down to draw four wild cards and Romeo swore softly. 

“Follow me,” Artin said “I know where my brother would have taken her to talk,” 

“Fuck,” Lisa corrected. “You should have seen the puppy dog eyes Izzy was giving Artin” Lisa wiped a single tear from her cheek “I’m so proud of my girlfriend.” 


“Come on.” Artin told Sabrina.


“Hey!” Jason shouted, interrupting the two of them.

That was a relief, Izellah thought. It was just the large minor. Izellah only made passing note of Jason who seemed all things considered harmless besides of course being a little stupid. All in all someone much worse could have interrupted them like Brenda or her friend Tits, maybe even Darren who Izellah had thankfully seen little of since her kidnapping. She never wanted to relive that experience.

“If you should be skipping  class for anyone beautiful, it should be me,” Jason said down to Izellah.

Oh, good, a minor Darren. That’s what she wanted to deal with today. Talk about highs and lows. Meet one good guy, meet one douchbag. Exciting. 

“Who I choose to spend my time with is up to me, and we’re not skipping.” Izellah told him.

Jason raised an eyebrow “so leaving class while it’s in session isn’t skipping now?“ 

Armin moved to stand between her and Jason, he had been slowly coming closer to her as the conversation went on. 

“Leave off,” Armin told Jason.

“Leave off? I’m trying to get a fellow weak and defenseless minor back to class where we’re all supposed to be.” Jason said. 

“We wanted to talk,” Izellah said.

“You can talk in class.” Jason said, bumping Armin with his shoulder as he moved past him. 

“Hey!” Armin yelled, grabbing Jason’s hand.

Jason moved with surprise speed for such a big guy, whipping around so fast neither Izellah nor Armin had time to react. Jason threw a punch so hard that as soon as it connected with Armin face he let go of Jason and immediately crumpled to the ground. 

“Can’t talk it out of line minors,” Jason said smiling “fight it out like MAJORS.” 


“Why are you running?” Sabrina yelled at Artin who had suddenly started to sprint in the opposite direction.

He was fast not to mention taller than Sabrina but by some miracle she was able to catch up to him.

“Armin and Izellah are in trouble,” he said between controlled breaths.

Sabrina had to compose herself. Trying to talk while sprinting full throttle was hard enough even for a MAJORS superiors' lungs and losing her composure didn’t make it any easier. Sabrina had a few questions for this new MAJOR who she reasoned had distracted her instead of innocently entrancing her into a conversation about fighting like he tried to posit earlier.

“What?!” Sabrina was all she was able to ask.

Artin for his credit seemed to understand.

“Armin wanted to talk with Izellah alone away from any MAJORS so he asked me to distract you.” Artin’s breathing still seemed controlled even at the speed they were going at. 

“Why?!” Sabrina croaked, ready to punch the MAJOR through a wall.

“I was gonna lead you around the school looking for them until Armin told me they were done, but he sent me a distress call instead.” Artin looked back to see the face Sabrina was making. “Beat me up later.” 

Artin sped up again and Sabrina had no choice but to watch as he got further and further away as he turned hallway corners at inMAJOR speeds. 


Izellah was in too much shock to scream or even move at first. An ailment not helped by her pounding headache. It felt like a bunch of jackhammers were going off inside her head now, much worse than even at  McShakey’s” 

“Stop it!” Izellah was finally able to yell.

Jason hadn’t spared a moment to mount Armin, positioning himself above the other minor to rain down blows on him. Armin tried his best to block the blows but it was a losing position.

“I said Stop it!” Izellah yelled at Jason, this time running up to where they were.

Izellah tried to yank the larger minor off of her new friend but he just shrugged her off. Jogs and regular exercise wasn’t doing her any favors right now.

Why was this happening? All the two of them wanted to do was talk alone. What was so special about her to make someone else act so feral? 

Izellah had been asking that since she first started coming to Winton. She knew too little and could do even less for her to ever consider herself special. Not even something worth fighting for, not like this at least. Not like a prize to be won for the sake of winning it. 

Jason’s punches were getting through more regularly now, Armin’s guard was lowering from exhaustion and the unrelenting onslaught of Jason’s blows. Izellah could see Armin’s battered face, blood trailing from his nose to puddle on the ground around his head.

“You won! Just stop it,” Izellah pleaded, this time she tried to grab the minors arm as he winded it back to land another blow. Jason just shrugged her off easily however and continued.

“We’re just dumb unattended minors,” Jason mocked “we’re not smart enough to come to an agreement so we’ll settle this like an ape. Ha!“ Jason laughed bitterly, his fist covered in Armin’s blood “even though every MAJOR would prefer to settle matters like this.” 

It would take time to reason with Jason to get him to stop, Izellah realized. He was getting something out of this besides her and there wasn’t the time to convince him to abandon it. 

Izellah was starting to wish a MAJOR was here. A feeling that she was growing less and less fond of. Sabrina or Mabel could have ended this before it even began by just standing in the way or just lightly kicked Jason off of Armin. Hell, even Brenda could have lifted Jason off of Armin with one arm.

Powerlessness truly was a terrible feeling. Even worse when it was a contest between her fellow minors. You would think that being condescended too and overpowered on the regular would make you a little compassionate but Izellah guessed Jason never got the memo. A terrible thought entered Izellah Ivory’s head at that moment. In a sense she had been looking down on all MAJORkind as monsters who used her people for whatever sick pleasures drew their fancy in that era. However what she was witnessing right now was the seed of an idea that minors had it in them to be just as bad.

Izellah hadn’t the time for self reflection. Someone who held her views was currently being beaten into the pavement and she had to help them.


Izellah got to her feet and charged at the minor. She didn’t ask him to stop. She didn’t try to stop him. Izellah just pulled into him with everything she got and roared. 


Sabrina heard Izellah’s scream  moments before they entered Wintons inner courtyard. Izellah and another minor who clearly must have been  Armin were sprawled on the ground towards the center of the open expanse, another minor with brown spike hair was laid out a few feet, seemingly unconscious. Sabrina honestly didn’t care who it was; she had to check on Izzy first. Strangely no other MAJORS were present besides Sabrina and Artin.

“Armin!” Artin yelled in a clear bout of brotherly affection. He went to cradle the smaller mirror image of himself. Other than the crack in his voice after he yelled his twins name he looked fine all things considered.

“Moms gonna kill me,” Sabrina spoke under her breath. 

Izellah had run off a few times but this was definitely one of the worst things to happen. Actually with Armin Alveraz sprawled out in a pool of his own blood and Izellah seemingly unconscious besides him it might actually be worse than that time with Darren.

Well,” Artin said scooping up his twin in his arms “at least you didn’t break an arm this time”

“Why aren't you worried?“ Sabrina asked, she was taken aback by the other MAJOR’s comparatively jovial attitude. “What happened to the guy that was so worried he nearly bulled over someone.” 

“I am worried,” Artin said “it’s just that this isn’t really that bad. This isn’t my first time dancing to this tune and trust me when I say the music can be a lot worse.”

Sabrina moved to crouch down beside Izellah. Sabrina was afraid to touch Izellah, she just looked too fragile. Even though Izellah was a grown woman and Sabrina always thought of her as such(even if only as a minor) right now Sabrina truly noticed how small she looked. Barley the size of an 8 year old to her. A surreal fact when Sabrina looked up to see Artin hold Armin in his arms, they looked so much alike it was like looking at some optical illusion but this one didn’t have any tricks. 

“What happened?” Sabrina asked. “Did Armin pass out protecting Izellah or did they bond?”

“I’m not sure,” Artin said “we can figure that out when they wake up….uhm grab izzy I can carry spike boy too.” 

“Okay,” Sabrina said, scooping Izellah up. “When we get back….I’m….I’m gonna have to give Izellah dad a call.” 


Ignacio was lucky he made it to Winton alive or not in the back of a cop car. He had pushed his little pick-up truck to its conceivable limits. Under normal circumstances he might have been impressed with how well and how fast he was able to maneuver around traffic without hitting anyone or tightly navigating corners at top speed, this was not anything but an ordinary circumstance however.

The whole ride he could only think about his little girl and what might have happened. Sabrina had sounded upset when she called. 

Ignacio entered the front entrance of Winton High, parking his truck at the first empty spot he could find, Gloria followed in toe. Before Ignacio could finish signing in to the schools visitor sign in sheet a scream echoed through the halls and Ignacio dropped the pen he was holding and sprinted towards the source.

“Hey!“ An office worker tried and failed to stop Ignacio. 

The classroom for minors was on the first floor so a MAJOR as long legged as Ignacio sprinting down the halls would make it in no time. His mind in those brief moments ran through the possibilities, vaguely aware of Gloria as she raced towards him. Surely Sabrina would have mentioned some serious injury? Like a broken arm, leg, or sprain. Did Izzy fall? A concussion perhaps? Or was it perhaps linked to her recently weird behavior? If she was hurt by that punk Darren, Ignacio decided he’d beat his face in. 

Bursting through the door Ignacio scanned the room without actually seeing it, he was only looking for his daughter. 

“Mr. Ivory,” the teacher Christina Edmond approached the large MAJOR but Ignacio walked right past her.

Izellah was in Sabrina arms, her eyes were open but unfocused and red as was the rest of her body. When Ignacio went to take Izellah and put her in his own arms he saw Sabrina hesitate to hand her over until Gloria spoke a single word, she handed Izzy over to him. 

That was good, he thought. It means she was wary of anyone who tried to take his daughter from her. A part of him was angry but another saw it as a good sign. Whatever happened here wasn’t due to negligence. 

“Papa.” Izellah spoke weakly through chapped lips. Her skin was hot to the touch like she was suffering from a flu.

“What happened?” Igancio asked, Sabrina flinched at the question. It was quiet but the barely contained rage was evident to anyone who heard it. Ignacio knew it was urgent from the call but this. This was unexpected and when he felt Izellah squirm in his arms in clear pain Igancio felt a rage build in the pit of his stomach. At that moment Ignacio had the urge to lash out. To make someone, anyone pay for whatever was happening  to his only daughter.

“Papa, please” Izellah grabbed Ignacio's shirt and contorted in a spasm of pain.

  She was surprisingly strong despite her size but being the big MAJOR that he was he Didn’t fear dropping her but hurting her so he gave her enough give so she wouldn't hurt herself. The teacher and other students including Sabrina tried to speak to Ignacio but he couldn't hear a word of it. He would find out what had happened in due time. 

The trip to the hospital was a blur. Gloria had not tried to talk to him and he didn't try to talk to her. The doctors told him that they wouldn't know anything for sure until they had their test results, they would have had to wait to be both checked in and to have their test results but having a minor tended to put you towards the top of any priority list. Izellah never liked to be treated differently but Ignacio had never been so grateful. 

Ignacio was sitting at Izellah bedside when a doctor came into their single patient room. Days had passed by then, Ignacio had hardly left Izellah's side, preferring to sleep in the hospital. During that time Izellah had calmed down although she still had a fever.

“Mr. Ivory,” the MAJOR doctor began. He was an older gentleman with a bush of gray facial hair and none of it on his head.”No, stay seated mister Ivory, we have much to discuss.”

“I just want to know what's wrong with my daughter.” Ignacio told him.

  “In all due time sir, but first I’d have to congratulate you on making history.” The doctor said cryptically.


“It's a momentous occasion, truly.” The Doctor said “truly a MAJOR change.”  

Chapter End Notes:


Please leave a review, I need to know how the perspective and time changes went. 

Also never fear my horny readers there will be more fetishy elements from this point forward. 

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