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Lauren worked to buff her boss’ gigantic pinky nail. The pink polish revealed her own reflection back to her, Brittany’s face far above, focused on other things. It was if to taunt the smaller girl.

Lauren thought back to her first interview with Brittany. How awesome it would be to work for a woman 2 years older than herself. A woman so young, but already making moves. All the things she hoped to learn. Instead, less than a year later, Brittany had gotten all the use she wanted, and Lauren was demoted. Lauren’s career and life changed at the whim of Brittany.

“Little Lauren.” Brittany chimed above, “You missed a couple of cuticles.”

Lauren, visibly tense, turned upward with a fake smile, “Terrible sorry, Miss Dunham, I’ll go back and fix them.” Lauren’s Australian accent came through Brittany’s ears.

Brittany smiled down at the tiny woman and replied back mockingly, “That’d be great of ya mate.”
Brittany then lifted her index finger and poked Lauren’s breasts, “Cuz if ya don’t, then you might go down under…if you know what I mean.”

Lauren’s face burned with anger, “Fucking dumb yank.” She thought to herself.
“Absolutely, Miss Dunham.” Is what came out of her mouth.

As the Sun set on the Crescent city, Brittany was getting ready for a night out with other VPs and Directors. It was only a month until Vilecio rolled out the program she had envisioned. This was to be Brittany’s big step onto the stage. All those at Vilecio would know to respect and fear her.

Meanwhile, below Brittany’s desk. Hailey and Damien toiled at her toes. Only this time they had company; 8 other shrinkees to be precise.

The 8 were employees who were ‘retired early’. Only in their 30s and 40s, the company had lost is use for them. Instead of letting them walk free to pursue their lives elsewhere, they were relegated to the company’s “Need 1 take 1” program. To be leased out to any Vilecio employee as seen fit. All they knew is that they were between some bratty 20-something’s toes; they didn’t care who it was or why.

“Sorry!” Hailey yelled as the paint brush she carried slipped from her grasp and slapped one unfortunate woman across the face.

“Please help us!” Another woman screamed, but Hailey remained focused on the task at hand. She dared not defy Brittany.

Damien watched out of the corner of his eye as one man tried to escape. He worked to push Brittany’s middle and ring toe apart only for the digits to squeeze him even tighter.

“I wouldn’t try that if I were youuuu.” Brittany sung above as her, now perfectly manicured, hands worked to apply makeup to her face.

Damien looked over at the man who went limp between the digits holding him tight.

Brittany’s fingers worked meticulously until she conducted one final once-over in her handheld mirror. Her eye-lashes were perfectly lifted, makeup was carefully blended, and lipstick sharply applied. With a final pucker of her lips, she blew a kiss to herself and closed the mirror with a satisfying clack.

“Tracy. Lauren. Y’all put this back where it belongs.”

Brittany watched with joy as the shrunken girls team lifted the, near weightless to her, mirror away. She then scooted her chair back and watched as Hailey and Damien put the final touches on her toes with their audience of 8 writhing in misery.

“Y’all nearly done down there?” Brittany shouted down.

“Yes. Goddess.” Damien replied, choking back his spite.

“And you, Snailey?” Brittany chided her other slave.

“Yes, Gorgeous.” Hailey stepped back from Brittany’s right pinky toe.

“Don’t my piggies just look pretty in pink!?” Brittany squealed and grabbed a nearby pen-like device. She reached down toward her feet and clicked the pen so that an invisible, but warm, beam contacted the Nail polish – it cured instantly.

“Perfect! Now you two go get my Black Peep-Toe Slingbacks.” Brittany shooed Hailey and Damien off to their task which would probably take 10 minutes. Brittany’s office, though easy for her to move across, proved to be an entire continent for the shrinkees.

“As for y’all.” Brittany spoke to her company-owned shrinkees. “Better get y’all back to the 1-for-1 before I’m charged for an extra day.” She reached across her desk and grabbed a Matte Black Metal case that resembled a small suitcase. She scanned her finger to open the case and revealed a foam interior with, 8 3-inch cutouts. 1-by-1, Brittany removed the people from her toes. Some defeated, other’s kicking and scream.

“Please! Don’t do this!” One woman screamed. She look to be in her late 40s. “I have a daughter your age, I just want to see her one more time.”

Brittany paused and a look of concern crossed her face. “That’s so sad…” she began, “If you’d like I can arrange for you to be assigned to her the next time she’s at a V-Spa.”

“FUCK YOU!” The woman spat at Brittany.

“Aw. That ain’t no way to talk to somebody trying to help you, honey.” Brittany forcefully pressed the woman into the case. A couple shrinkees later, Brittany closed the case, sealing those inside off from the outside world. As she stood over her desk, she looked down at Chad, Lyle, Tanner, Regina, and Ben (who had since been released from her butt).

Chad was enraptured by the sight. All 7ft of Brittany towered above. The New Orleans night shining behind her, giving a soft glow to her silhouette. An orange midi dress covered her body to just below the knees. It was an interesting color choice with her nails and lips, but one that worked on her. Her well rounded breasts held comfortably in place. And her shoulder length auburn-blonde hair was perfectly waved, almost appearing in motion.

“I’m in love.” Chad whispered under his breath.

“No office fraternization.” Brittany whispered back and tapped her ear which caused Chad to fall to his knees in pain.

Regina added to Chad’s praise, “You really do look gorgeous, ma’am.”

Brittany’s eyes focused on the 7-inch Red-head. She replied with a smile, “Aww. If only you been this sweet prior. Maybe you wouldn’t be here now.”

Regina’s mind went back to the day Brittany caught her mocking her in the break room and how that sealed her fate for her demotion weeks later.

While she waited for her shoes, Brittany couldn’t help but stare at her reflection in window. How stunning and dashing she looked. Her immense size. She flexed her arms and laughed at their muscular definition. A far cry from the scrawny girl that was easily hazed in college. She looked at the reflections of shrinkees how pitiful they all looked. Naked save for the cuffs she had adorned them all with. Even if they were all grown back to their normal sizes at that moment, none of them would look the same as they did prior to Brittany’s ownership of them. She had broken every single one. Doubters, Rivals, Usurpers. All of them had fallen to be nothing more than specks in her world.

“Miss Dunham.” A high-pitched voice pulled her from her thoughts.

Hailey stared up in awe at her college gigantic rival. She remembered in college how she used to lord her 5ft 10in size over Brittany’s 5ft 6in. It was only 4 inches, but it felt like so much more. Now she craned her neck to even look toward Brittany’s face. Hailey couldn’t help but be entranced.

Brittany’s barefeet rested firmly on the ground as her toned calves supported her large thighs and up all the way to her broad shoulders.

“Who would’ve thought 4 years ago that you’d be looking up to me like this, Hail’s.”

Hailey merely nodded. There was nothing to be said.

Brittany lifted her left foot and slid it into the heel. Hailey and Damien needed no orders as they quickly adjusted the straps and secured their owner’s foot in. The process repeated with her right foot.

Finally, with 3 extra inches added to her height, Brittany was ready for the night ahead.

She turned once more to all her trophies. All 10 of them now gathered on her desk.

“I’d just really like say, I wouldn’t be here without y’all and, as a reward, each one of you is joining me tonight.”

With a few taps of her ear, all 10 tinies screamed in terror as they felt the neuro chips overriding their brains’ control of their bodies.

Lauren and Regina found themselves cuffed together in a large circle. “Gorgeous anklet” Brittany commented before unclipping and reclipping the girls to her right ankle.

“A few toe rings.” Hailey, Damien, and Roger were slipped onto Brittany’s titanic digits. Their bodies in Joy mode already.

“A nice thumb ring.” Tracey’s contorted body was slipped onto Brittany’s right thumb.

“Earrings.” As Tanner and Lyle were hung in place.

“Ben up the butt.” Brittany laughed at the joke her former boss’ life had become.

“And, for little Chad, I have a special place for you.” Brittany pulled a solid gold lace chain from her desk and attached Chad whom she had manipulated into a cross shape. She clasped the chain around her neck so that Chad’s Cross-Shaped form hung delicately between her breasts.

She walked slowly across her office, enjoying the feeling of the tiny bodies against her skin. Within her office’s bathroom she stared at the 30ft tall full-length mirror. Her body adorned with her shrinkees, she felt like a queen.

Chad dangling between her breasts, but completely unable to enjoy it without her saying.

With a final smirk and wave of her hair, Brittany turned to leave her office.

“Let’s make this a night to remember, y’all.”

The clacking of her heels echoed through the floor as she made her way down to the waiting limo to meet the 4 other women who were joining her.







Chapter End Notes:

I'm planning to make this a 10 page story spanning this entire year for Brittany, her trophies, and any others.

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