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Back at Ness's house, things got tough for Red and Lucas. Ness's mother and Tracy, turned into dolls, were damaged by the fire.

"*sniff* Red, what those girls did is the last straw. They....They deserve to die!!!" Lucas yelled angrily.

"WHAT? Lucas, don't say that, relax!!!!" Red scolded Lucas, surprised at that statement.

"What Sabrina has been doing with those girls is wrong. But they are just little girls, I'm sure they see their actions as just a game...." said Red.

"Just a game? *sniff* Red, human life is not a game. Poor Ness almost would have been through the same misfortune I had to endure long ago under Porky's reign. *sniff* No one will bring my dear mother and Claus back to me.....!!!" Lucas said between tears.

"Ugh....Son, please don't be so harsh with those girls. Acting in revenge will only bring more violence and ruin. Have a little empathy and forgiveness. Many young people act unconsciously without weighing the consequences of their actions" Ness's mother, despite feeling intense pain, reasoned with Lucas.

"Lucas, I know you. You are a generous and kind-hearted boy. You wouldn't wish some girls dead. Part of growing up as people is forgiving..." said Red giving Lucas a pat. Lucas finally calmed down.

"Ouch...Hey, you mentioned Ness's neighbor, do you even know him?" Tracy asked.

"Uh, sorry. I'd like to continue chatting, but we must find a way to bring you back to normal. Red, do you think it's a good idea to use my PSI Healing technique on the dolls?" Lucas suggested.

"Mmm no. I have my doubts about it. I spoke once with a psychic who was a former member of the Saffron City Gym. He said that when a person is turned into a doll, and wants to return to normal, they must be whole. If the doll that houses the soul of the person, has parts of its body missing, there may be irreversible effects" said Red concerned. 

"*gulp* That means we have to repair them. But how are we going to do it? We don't even have sewing tools..." Lucas said dejectedly.

"*gasp**cough* I know a friend of Ness who could help us, he is good at repairing things, his name is Jeff" said Ness's mother between gasps.

"But Mommy, how are we going to contact him? The house caught fire, I don't think the phone is working" Tracy replied sadly.

"Ummm, wait. I think the neighbor's house has a phone, I'll go see..." Lucas received Jeff's phone number, and made a call at Porky's house. 

(Meanwhile, in Onett's library, a little boy entered)

"Hello, good morning. Are you from here?" the librarian asked.

"Um, no. I'm from Podunk, a neighboring town. I'm coming to visit Hehe. I'd like to know how to get to Twoson" said the boy politely.

"Interesting. Kids can borrow only maps at this library. Do you want to borrow one?" the librarian asked.

"Um no. I just want to get to Twoson" said the boy.

"A man without a map isn't popular with the girls. Do you want one now?" the librarian kept insisting.


"A man without a map isn't popular with the girls. Do you want one now?" the librarian put on a fake smile.

"I SAID NO!!!!!"

(In response, the librarian put a funny mad face)


...ISN'T-POPULAR-WITH-THE-GIRLS. DO YOU WANT ONE NOW?!!!!" the hysterical eyes of the librarian intimidated the child.

"Uhhh, okay. Do not lose your temper, please..." he trembled. 

"Here is a map" the woman handed the map with a happy expression. 

*BOOOOM BOOOOOM* An intense pounding echoed in the distance, growing louder and louder. The glass of water next to the librarian vibrate a bit. 

"Hehehe. The last to arrive is a rotten Exeggcute!!!" a young female voice echoed. The building began to shake with great force. People inside had a hard time standing.

"*gulp* What's going on...?" the librarian got her response when the surface of a huge purple object smashed the walls of the building.

"AAAAAAGHHHHH!!!!" the force of the impact knocked debris onto the woman's head. She was knocked unconscious. The structure was surrounded by a cloud of dust.

"Agh *cough*, wh-wh-what was that....?" the boy, after the shock, got up leaning on the first surface that he could find. But he noticed something strange: he felt as if he was leaning on a soft and comfortable plastic. After palpating a bit, he could feel the delicate skin of one foot.

"Ha ha ha, you tickle me..." the cloud of dust dissipated, and the boy realized that he was standing on a GIANT SANDAL. He looked up and saw how the majestic look of a sweet girl in a white hat left him cornered.

"Hello little guy, Hehehe" Little Sabrina greeted.

"Wow, a real giant girl, and in a bathing suit!!!" the kid was amazed at the beauty of the giant girl.

"Heh, do you think I look pretty?" the giantess posed for the boy. 

"Um....well. Yes, you look so adorable. You are an angel fallen from heaven" the Podunk boy's words made Little Sabrina blush.

"Awwww, thanks little cutie. If you want, you can play with me...."

"Sabrinaaaaa, I'm gonna beat youuuu, hehehe!!!!" the talk was interrupted by the voice of another giantess.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I'm coming Paula!!!" the giant sandaled teal-haired girl ran away. The kid got a nosebleed after seeing the towering thicc legs of the girl.

"Ugh, where....am I?" the librarian asked, regaining consciousness. 

"You were right miss. Thanks for the map!!!" said the child blushing in joy. 

"Eh, you're welcome?" the woman said feeling confused. 

"Pretty giant girls will come to me like flies to honey!!!" the boy's cheeks turned pink.

*BOOOM* "Well, here we are" Paula was only a couple of miles from the town of Onett.

"Ufff, agh. Ok Paula, you beat me..." Little Sabrina was panting with exhaustion.

"Oh, come on Sabrina. Even the weakling Jeff runs faster!!!" Paula exclaimed.

"Yes, I'm sorry. What happened is that I stepped on a building, and...." Little Sabrina focused her attention on the block of buildings full of restaurants. She had everything to eat: Chinese food, sushi, pasta, hamburgers, pizzas....Full of excitement, the giant girl reacted by caressing her stomach.

"Mmmmm Hehehe....What a bunch of tasty places to eat, I love them" said Little Sabrina tenderly licking her lips.

"Aw, little sister, you look hungry. You'll love the food they serve around here. Let's eat first before going swimming, shall we?" Paula asked taking a step towards the street.

"Yeesssss!!!!" the girl Sabrina replied happily. *BOOOOOOOOM*

Many people, when they saw the giant girls, began to run in fear.

"*gulp* Please, don't hurt innocent people...." Ness begged the giant girls.

"Shut up Ness. Now give me a kiss, or I'll punish you...!!!" the blonde girl ordered furiously.

"Uhhh o-o-ok" Ness gave Paula a kiss on the cheek. 

"*tender sigh* This is very romantic, don't you think Sabrina?" Paula was flushed.

"Of course, my sister, Hehehe" the gigantic cutie, raised her huge sandal on the street. The girl stomped hard, wrecking dozens of cars in the process. People got out of their vehicles to escape.  

"AYYYY, RUUUUUUNNN!!!!" yelled a Hippie from the crowd.

"AYEEEEEEEE, PUT ME DOWN, BAD GIRL!!!!" Paula grasped with her giant hand, a car like a toy.

"Wheee! Haha, look Sabrina, we have a lot of toys to play with!!!" the blonde played with the vehicle, moving it in the air as if it were an airplane.


"HEEEEELPPPP, THEY ARE GOING TO CRUSH US!!!!" cries for help were heard throughout Onett. Several helicopters arrived at the scene.

"Hey Eagleland folks, here on Onett news, we found that two giant bikini-clad monster girls are taking over the town. The helicopters are giving some close-ups of them"

(The helicopters focused the cameras behind the giantesses, showing the great attributes of Paula, the curves of the girls and the miniskirt of the girl Sabrina)

"Hehehe. Are you staring at us, you little perverts?" Little Sabrina shook her hips mockingly.

"It is speculated that the girls have grown up because of radioactive material in the milk sold to minors....AGH, MAYDAY, MAYDAYYYYYY!!!!" one of the pilots felt great turbulence. The girls' hands were trying to catch the helicopters like butterflies.

"Haha, I'm gonna getcha! Heehee, come here...! "Paula was chasing one of the helicopters. People in the street were trying not to get crushed by her massive pink sandals.



*CRUUUUSHHHH* The metal frame was easily crushed by the giant girl's hands. In the damaged cabin, the occupants stared in fear into Paula's innocent playful blue eyes.

"You guys look so adorable, how about a little showing of affection for my new dolls?" Paula grabbed all the occupants of the helicopter, gently encircling them with her fingers.

"Hugggg, hahaha" the little people felt the softness and warmth of Paula's chest.

"H-e-l-p m-e" Ness muttered for help. A helicopter tried to rescue him.

"Haha, save some fun for me too" Little Sabrina came running up.

"Don't worry sunny boy, we are going to.....AAAAAAAAGAAAAHHHH!!!!!" the giantess in the white hat stopped the helicopter's rotors with one of her cute hands. The flying artifact began to spin uncontrollably. The 2 giant girls giggled. 

"Wow, so funny. This is like playing with a spinning top" said Little Sabrina excitedly. With a mischievous smile, the girl released her fingers from the vehicle.

*CRAAASHHHH* The helicopter fell violently to the ground.

"HAHAHAHA" the girls laughed uncontrollably when they saw some parachutes opened late.

"Ouch, I knew we shouldn't have bought Orange Kid some parachutes" commented the sore pilot.

*Little Sabrina teleported the helicopter occupants to the toy box* 

"Ugh, we are done for. I would like someone to come to my rescue...." Ness thought nervously.

(In the outskirts of the town of Winters, a ship was flying. On board were Jeff and Tony)

"Mmmm no. He is not here either. Maybe if we go to south latitude, where Tessie lives, we'll have a better chance of finding him" Jeff was looking earnestly for his lost father.

"Agh, Jeff, this is boring. Better forget about that man, you have me to receive affection...." Tony came closer to give a loving hug to the person he loves so much.

"ENOUGH TONY, HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH ME WHEN I'M PILOTING THE NEO SKY RUNNER!!!!" Jeff pulled Tony out of his arms, somewhat annoyed.

*ring ring* The ship's phone began to ring.

"Hello?" Jeff said answering the call.

"Um, hi. This is an emergency, I need you to come!!!" Jeff heard an unfamiliar voice.

"Hey, wait. Do I know you?" the genius boy asked.

"Well....I'm Lucas, a friend of Ness. He is in trouble!!!" Lucas said desperately.

"Give me proof that you are a friend of Ness" Jeff doubted the veracity of the facts.

*Using his telekinesis, Lucas brought Ness's mom, turned into a doll, closer to the phone*

"Good afternoon, Jeff. This is urgent. I need you to come. Paula became a giant, and together with a strange girl in a white hat, they attacked us. They hold my son hostage...."

"What the heck?.....I'm on my way, miss!!!" Jeff hung up the call, and without thinking twice, he increased the speed of the Neo Sky Runner. The ship was heading in the direction of Onett.

"Okay Jeff. You've been wasting your time looking for your father for months. Tell me, why do you care so much about finding him?" Tony asked out of curiosity.

"I already told you, Tony. I know that he has not been a good father for much of my life, but the last month when I got to see him after the defeat of Giygas, he acted very affectionate and kind with me. You can see that the man wanted to make amends for his past actions....*sniff* That month when I was with him, in Saturn valley, and then we visited places of scientific interest, was great and unforgettable. I.... I want him to keep the promise he made me" Jeff remembered the last month he was with his father.

"mOrE CoFfE? BOING!" asked one of the Mr Saturns.

"Sure buddy!!" Jeff answered happily

"KAY-O!!!" a Mr Saturn served coffee.

"Jeff...." Dr Andonuts said.

"Y-y-yes father....I mean, Dr Andonuts" Jeff still felt unsure of recognizing him as his father.

"You know, all this time that I was dedicated to scientific research, I have not been a good father to you. I'm really sorry, Jeff..." the man expressed with a sad face.

"Um, I...." Jeff felt unsure of saying a word.

"Sshhhh, son, say no more. I know what you think. You hate that I abandoned you in the Snow Wood Boarding School 10 years ago, right?" the scientist asked his son. Jeff silently nodded.

"*sniff* For as long as I can remember, I've hated that place. The only thing that kept me happy were the few friends I made there like Tony, or Maxwell...." Jeff poured out his sorrows.

"I knew you would say that my son. *sniff* But, time ticks on. I would like to make up for the lost time, spent time with you, and be the loving father you really deserve" Dr Andonuts reached out his hand, and gave his son a gentle pat.

"You don't have to keep being in that place if you want. I can get you out of there, and give you quality education so that you can become a renowned scientist like me..." Jeff gave a weak smile.

"Come on. We'll have a great time: I plan to have beautiful moments between father and son to get to know you better. Maxwell told me that you've always wanted to visit the planetariums, and see the constellations up close with high-tech telescopes, right?" Andonuts said.

"Yes, I would love to visit those places. I've also been interested in participating in robotics competitions in Eagleland to show my skills as an inventor" Jeff had a happy expression.

"Perfect, son. This month you'll be on vacations with me. Then I'll do the necessary paperwork to get you out of that place that you hate so much. I promise you, this time I'll be a good father" Dr Andonuts hugged his son.

"*sniff* I love you dad" Dr Andonuts's words motivated Jeff.

"Me too son" after recalling flashbacks from months ago, Jeff was preparing to land on Onett.

"Jeff, you are the person I love the most. I hope you can fulfill your dreams" Tony smiled amiably at him.

"Thanks Tony. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have endured the hard life at boarding school" Jeff and Tony embraced as a sign of their friendship. 

"Look Lucas, it's a ship!!! It resembles the U.F.Os reported in Kanto near where the Clefairy live" several kilometers away, Red spotted the flying saucer-shaped vehicle with his binoculars.

"Make way, we have to land!!!!" Jeff called on a loudspeaker to clear the area. The ship landed.

"Alright. Where is Ness's family?" asked Jeff. Red and Lucas showed him the dolls that contained the souls of Ness's mother, and Tracy respectively.

"*cough**gasp* Help us, Jeff. You must repair our bodies to return to normal" Tracy said with a lot of pain. 

"I have the perfect tool for this situation. By the way, you said that Paula is behind all this, right?" Jeff was searching through the objects in his briefcase.

"If you mean the blonde girl, yes" Lucas remembered the time Sabrina held him in her hands.

"Not quite. That girl is allied with Sabrina. Nothing good will come of this. They want to play with people's lives as if they were toys...." Red's words surprised Jeff.

"Holy science, it looks like we'll face a threat as dangerous as Giygas. Anyway, time to repair the dolls. Don't worry, this won't hurt much, heh heh heh..." Jeff took out a mechanical backpack with several arms that carried tweezers, surgery knives, drills, among other stuff.

"Buaaahhh, mom, I'm afraid. This is scarier than going to the dentist!!!!" Tracy cried in fear. Lucas covered his eyes.

"WAIT JEFF!!!! Don't be so drastic, leave it to me..." Tony removed the mechanical arms. From his briefcase he took objects such as threads, needles, and clothing buttons.

"I would like to take care of this problem. At the school's embroidery and art club, they taught me how to make rag dolls. They are sooo cute, hehehe, I love dolls" Tony was in charge of repairing Ness's Family. Meanwhile, in Onett, the girl Sabrina was only a few giant steps from the restaurants.

"Yum, yum hehehe" all the attention was on the 2 giant bikini-clad girls strolling around the place. With their sandals, they smashed some houses and small buildings like pancakes. Several unlucky ones were teleported to the toy box.

"HEY HEY EVERYONE, COME TO THE BUNKER, NOW!!!!" Mayor B.J Pirkle ordered. The shelter was overcrowded with people in a matter of minutes, there was no room for him.


"Heh. Weak crybaby. Come on guys, time to show these brats some discipline. I want my squad to gather all the patrols, and mobilize the helicopters, now!!!" Captain Strong, the commander of Onett's Police force, gave orders.

"Yes sir!!!" the policemen replied. 

(Inside the fast-food restaurant, people heard all the scandal. They were afraid to leave the building for danger of being crushed or trapped by the giant girls)

"Uh.....c-c-can we go out now?" Picky Minch asked in shock.

"NO, SHUT UP!!!!" Lardna Minch yelled angrily grabbing Picky by his arm.

"OUCH, MOM, DON'T PINCH ME PLEASE!!!!" the fat woman's fingernails ripped the poor boy's skin roughly. The Minch family was at the restaurant to celebrate "Picky's birthday". However, Lardna Minch was not happy.

"*sigh* This wouldn't have happened if that brat hadn't insisted that I must celebrate his stupid birthday. All I wanted on this damn day was to have a date with Mr. Prettyman..." Lardna thought with a frown. Poor Picky's life has never been happy: he suffered domestic abuse since childhood, and after the mysterious disappearance of his brother Porky Minch, he has felt lonelier than ever.

"Here I go hehehe" Little Sabrina giggled, sitting comfortably on the pavement. *BOOOOOOOM* Unaware of it, she smashed some people and cars under her miniskirt. The civilians were not killed, but they felt enormous pressure from her gigantic thighs.

"Oops, sorry hahaha" the giant girl blushed embarrassed. Paula sat next to her friend and removed the roof off as if it was a lunch box. The walls of the building were surrounded by Little Sabrina's thicc legs. There was no escape, people in panic were cornered by 2 giant hungry girls.

"Hello! We are hungry, we want an order of 20 tons of fast food, with hamburgers, pizza, and French fries" said Little Sabrina smiling with cuteness.

"And with ice cream dessert included, please, ummm hehehe" added Paula stroking her belly.

"Good choice, sister!!!" Little Sabrina replied happily. Paula smiled.

"*gulp* BUT WHAT...?" the restaurant owners had a hard time assimilating the situation. The walls were crumbling more and more. Paula generated a bit of fire in her hands.

"DO WHAT THEY ASK, OR ELSE THEY WILL DESTROY THIS PLACE, NOW!!!!!" shouted Ness scared. Immediately, the staff members started cooking as fast as they could.

"This is bad, the food available is not enough for 20 tons" said a cook.

"Then call the other branches to bring a jumbo order of food, NOW!!!" ordered the head chef. They soon made a call to bring trucks.

"Yay, we'll have a delicious lunch" said Little Sabrina.

"I wish our older sister Sabrina was here...." said Paula.

"Maybe later we could invite her to this place to conquer it" suggested the dolly. To kill time, the girls decided to play with the people.

"Well Sabrina, who are we taking as slaves?" Paula asked. Among the rubble of destroyed tables, they found Lardna Minch hiding with Picky.

"Well, well. So, Porky's brother is here" Paula commented in surprise.

"Awww, that little guy is so cute. He looks like a blond haired Ralts" Little Sabrina reached out with her giant hand to capture Picky. The boy hid behind Lardna's burly body.

"AAAAGGGHHH, MOM, DON'T LET THESE GIRLS TAKE ME!!!!" Picky yelled scared. The fat woman did not take her son's words well. 

"Grrrr, I DO NOT CARE IN THE SLIGHTEST IF THEY TOOK YOU, AWFUL BRAT!!!!" Lardna exclaimed pushing him roughly.

"Eh?" the girl Sabrina took her hand away. 

"But mom, I am your son. *sniff* How can you treat me like this???" Picky wept inconsolably.....*SMACK*

"......................." Paula and Little Sabrina covered their mouths.

"Poor Picky...." Ness thought sadly. He came to witness the abuse that Porky and his little brother endured. Their parents used to beat them at the slightest mistake, but he did not believe that Lardna would be able to abuse him in public.

"Auch......AAAAHHH, BUAAAAHHH!!! THIS IS THE WORST BIRTHDAY OF MY LIFE!!!" Picky received a strong slap that left a bruise on his cheek.

"I'm in this situation because of you!!!! If you hadn't insisted that I celebrate the day you made my existence bitter along with your useless brother, none of this would have happened!!!!" Lardna raised her voice. She and Aloysus Minch hated spending time with their children.

"I HATE YOU!!!! Because of you, Porky did bad things, ran away from home, and we never heard of him again!!!!" through tears, Picky took his anger out on one of his negligent parents. Little Sabrina looked sadly at the discussion in the restaurant. Tears fell from her eyes.

"You have never cared about me, or show me affection!!!! You used me as a scapegoat to get money from my father's divorce, you watch more for your selfish desires than for your son!!!!" Picky yelled. 

"INSOLENT BRAT, I'LL SMASH YOUR GUTS OUT!!!!" Lardna Minch became hysterical. She was going to hurt her son with blows.

"*gulp*" Picky covered his face and the delicate parts of him.


"ABUSIVE, YOU ARE A LOUSY MOTHER!!!" the people at the restaurant held Lardna back.

"Hey, Sabrina, is something wrong?" Paula noticed that her friend was staring at Picky.

"AY, I-I-I CAN'T MOVEEEEEE!!!!" Lardna was instantly paralyzed. Delicately, the girl Sabrina lifted Picky up. She was checking his body. 

"Ple-ple-please don't crush me...." Picky was shaking in fear. His shirt got removed by Little Sabrina's fingers. The giantess looked at the body of the infant in shock.

"*sniff* That's not the way to treat children, old hag!!!" the dolly turned her eyes red.

"No, wait, I can I explain it......AAAAAGAHHH!!!!" Lardna Minch was jerked toward the windows of the building by Little Sabrina's Confusion. The pieces of glass flew everywhere, causing painful cuts and wounds on her body. 

"God, I've never seen Sabrina so angry...." Paula thought for a moment.

"Please stop Sabrina, that was enough!!!!" Ness calmed the girl. Exhausted, the cruel mother looked straight at the violent face of the girl in the white hat.


"I'll see you in the toy box!!!" the girl exclaimed in a cold voice. Lardna was teleported.

"Aaahhh.....*sniff*" Picky was shocked by what he had just seen. 

"Hehe Hehehe" the giantess stared at Picky.

"Oh?" the kid felt the tenderness of giant hands that embraced him.

"Don't cry, little cutie. You're safe now" said Little Sabrina affectionately. She put Picky's shirt back on.

"*sniff* Th-Thanks, you're my heroine, hehe" Picky felt relieved. 

"Oh, it's very sweet of you to tell me that. A cute little creature like you deserves a fun birthday, and a better family" the giant girl brought Picky to her cheek. They both looked at each other. After a heartwarming silence, they caressed each other like lovebirds.

"Awwww, this is beautiful. I think both could be a good couple" thought Paula smiling. For some reason, the people in the restaurant felt less scared than in the beginning.

(Back at Ness's house, in a matter of minutes, Tony repaired the dolls)

"Perfect, they look glamorous" said Tony, proud of his work. 

"Ummm, I don't feel that agonizing headache anymore" said Ness's mother. King barked with joy.

"Alright Lucas, it's time" ordered Red.

"PSI HEALING Ω!!!!!" Lucas's hands gleamed as if by divine intervention. Thanks to his healing technique, Ness's family returned to normal.

"Oh no, my power did not heal them completely...." Lucas observed how Ness's mother had a scar on her head, and Ness's sister too on her legs.

"Don't worry dear. All of you did what you could" Ness's mother commented gratefully.

"Thanks. Our wounds will heal in time" Tracy said.

"This is my first time seeing you. Tell me, where you live?" Jeff asked Lucas out of curiosity.

"Hehe, well, I'm from the future. I came to the Pokemon world by accident because Dr Andonuts wanted to see his son with the help of a machine that travels between dimensions...." Lucas answered. 

"Dr Andonuts? THAT'S MY FATHER!!!! WOW, I FINALLY KNOW WHERE HE IS!!!" Jeff hugged Lucas with indescribable glee.

"Um, I'm happy for you, hehe" said Lucas.


"Eh, calm down, Jeff. I promise that when this is over, I'll take you to your father..." with a drop of sweat on his head, Lucas responded nervously.

"Mmmm, okay. So, let me take it all in. Paula, in giant size, is in the city of Onett with another Godzilla-sized girl, right?" Jeff asked.

"That's how it is. And now that I remember, the girl who accompanies her, from how Lucas described her to me, must be that diabolical doll that represents Sabrina's second personality!!!!" Red gave a shocking revelation.

"She is....a doll?" Lucas asked surprised.

"The doll is extremely dangerous. She cruelly plays with her victims for pleasure; those who have come to interact with that girl, narrowly ended up having a bloody death!!!" Red remembered the rumors, and stories that various trainers told him about Sabrina.

"Those girls.....I'll taught them a lesson!!!!" Lucas said determinedly.

"Please don't be hard on Paula....At the bottom, she is a good girl, her problem is that she is somewhat impulsive when it comes to love relationships" said Ness's mother.

"Okay guys. What's the plan to rescue Ness?" Tony asked.

"Hmm, we are up against 2 girls bigger and stronger than us. We should think of a distraction to ambush them...." suggested Red to the group.

"I have an idea. I will not have great physical strength, or powers, but I could help with my ship equipped with high-tech weaponry...." Jeff commented referring to the Neo Sky Runner. The group planned the rescue of Ness step by step.

(News of the attack by the giant girls reached Twoson's ears)

"Honey, I'm worried about Paula. She still hasn't introduced us to her new friend" Miss Jones said. The couple happily watched television.

"Don't worry, love. Maybe our daughter met a girl as sweet and kind as her..." while changing the channel, Paul Jones stared in amazement at images of Paula in giant size:

"It is unknown where these female giant monsters came from. What we are sure is that they are a danger to the inhabitants of Onett. Everyone is advised not to leave their homes...."

"BUT WHAT????!!!!" Paul Jones got up from his seat.

"*Pfff* Our daughter is going Fe Fi Fo Fum in Onett with her new friend!!!" Miss Jones spat the lemonade out of her. In Onett's restaurant, the girls were still waiting impatiently.

"Service!!! Table service, I already want to eat!!!!" Paula hit the building.


"GROARRRR!!! Look Picky, I'm a vampire, and I'm going to suck your blood, hehehe" Little Sabrina put some electric poles in her teeth to fool around a bit.

"Ha ha ha, Sabrina, you're so funny. I think......I think" Picky blushed. He was putting 2 of his fingers together.

"Yes, Picky?" the girl Sabrina listened attentively to the blond boy.

"I think we could be friends. I love being with you" Picky gave her a sweet smile. 

"Awwww, Picky, you are so sweet. Of course, we'll be friends" Little Sabrina pat him with excitement. 

"You must have suffered a lot at the hands of that horrible woman. I am outraged that such a disgusting person is your mother, not even the father of my older sister was so cruel...." the giant dolly in bikini put the little boy between her legs. Picky felt pleased.

"At last, the food arrived, yummy!!!" Paula looked happily at the trucks full of fast food. Both girls lift the trucks into the air, squeezing and shaking the vehicles from side to side with their hands. The giantesses had a pleasant feast in a matter of seconds.

"Mmmm hehehe, so tasty" Paula said licking her lips. The psychic girls threw the trucks away. With a loud sound, the demolished trucks crashed into the street, nearly hitting innocent civilians.

"Ohhhhh, we still have food to spare" with her telekinesis, Little Sabrina pulled a truck of fries.

"This is for me?!" exclaimed the boy surprised.  

"Yes, eat with me little friend, my treat hehehe" Picky enjoyed the food with the girl.

"Can you give me food?" Ness asked sitting on Paula's shoulder.

"NO, NESS!!! You're on a diet, I don't want my beautiful doll to gain a few extra pounds..." Paula laughed mockingly. With a cheek caress, she tried to comfort Ness.

"Come on, don't make that scolded puppy face. I'll give you all the food you want, if you give me a romantic kiss on the mouth, hehehe" Paula flirted with Ness.

"Ugh, someone please, save me from these girls...." Ness thought desperately.

"Um, Sabrina, now that I remember, is it okay if we take Picky to the gym in Saffron City?" Paula asked. Little Sabrina looked sadly at the innocent, laughing child sitting on her lap.

"*sniff* No, I'm not going to teleport him...." replied Little Sabrina sadly.

"But, why not? Is there something you don't like about him?" Paula didn't understand her friend's choice.

"I don't want the poor lil thing to continue suffering. All the people who end up in that place, will undoubtedly be our slaves, and my sister will force them to work as she told us last night..." the girl in the bottom of her heart wanted to ensure the happiness of her new friend.

"Sabrina, don't cry....." Picky looked at the depressing expression of the girl in the white hat.

"Also, her house has likely burned down. If he comes with us, poor Picky will have to share space with that disgusting being known as his mom" said the girl with a guilty face. Paula felt remorse for having burned down Ness's house.

"Forgive me, Sabrina. Because of my fault, now poor lil Picky has nowhere to go..." just when it seemed there would be no solution, Picky interrupted the conversation.

"Don't worry, girls. I can take care of myself" Picky held up a credit card that he snatched from his abusive mother's purse.

"I am not going home, otherwise I'll probably get straps from Mr. Prettyman. I plan to use the money to escape and live with a nice uncle who lives in Summers" Picky stated.

"Hehe, Picky, you are quite a mischievous imp" said Little Sabrina.

"Thanks for the compliment, friend. You gave me the best birthday a child could ask for" Picky gave a gentle smile that seemed carved by the angels themselves.

*BANG, BANG, BANG* Shots were heard in the distance.

"Listen, couple of brats, either you get out of this town, or we'll force you out. Don't make me call the Eagleland Army!!!" yelled Captain Strong over a loudspeaker. He was accompanied by a large squad of policemen, along with several helicopters.

"Hehehe, the party is about to start. Sabrina, say goodbye to your friend. When we're done with this bunch of useless wimps, I promise we'll swim in the ocean together, okay?" Paula ran in the direction of the Onett cops.

"*sniff* Ummm, take care, Picky. I want you to be happy, wherever you go...." full of tears, Little Sabrina said goodbye to her new friend.

"I'll never forget you. You are that pure soul that has given me the motivation to continue enjoying the gift of life" said Picky, caressing the adorable giant face of the girl.

"PKKKK FIREEEEE!!!!" Paula's voice rang out defiantly.



"YAHOOO, FEMALE ANARCHY!!!!" Paula amused herself by playing with the policemen. Picky was going to take a taxi to get out of town, requested by one person at the restaurant.

"Thanks, I am glad that you contribute to the well-being of my friend" said the girl Sabrina smiling.

"You're welcome, dear. I am also a lawyer. I have Picky's number written down, in case his uncle needs support to advocate for the legal custody of the boy" said the man. Little Sabrina took one last look at Picky.

"Before you go, here's a parting gift for the birthday boy, hehehe" the gigantic girl got down on her knees, gently bringing her face closer.

"SMOOCH" Little Sabrina kissed Picky on the cheek.

"Ohhh, hehehe. Thanks" Picky felt happier and more motivated than ever.

*The taxi sped down the road. Picky successfully evacuated the city*

"*sniff* Ugh, bye my friend...." the girl waved a handkerchief as a sign of "Bon Voyage".

"PKKK THUNDEEERRRR!!!" intense bolts of electricity destroyed several helicopters.

"Paula needs me" thought Little Sabrina, wiping away her tears. With a magic trick, she summoned her white ball.

"Come on, Mr. Teddy Bear, let's play ball, hehehehe" the girl was levitating her teddy bear. Paula easily defeated great part of the Onett police.

"She is very strong, I'm getting out of here!!!!!"

"Me too, uaaaahhh!!!!"


"Hehehehe, I'm here, Paula!!!" the psychic giant girl was getting closer and closer, bouncing her giant ball. Even though she was wearing sandals, Little Sabrina was running pretty fast. Captain Strong was about to feel the fear that Ash, Misty, and Brock went through.

"You finally arrive, Sabrina. Heh, you missed a good part of the game" Paula looked happily at her.

"I'm not finished yet, get ready to face my Super Ultra Mambo-Tango-Foxtrot martial arts....YAAAAAAA!!!!" without thinking about the consequences, the policeman tried to hit the giant girl with his truncheon. Paula immobilized the man with PK Freeze.

(A strange explosion sounded in the distance)

"Hahaha" Little Sabrina threw the ball. It was rolling at full speed.

"I don't want to see this...." Ness covered his eyes

"AAAAGHHHH!!!!" the policeman feared for his life. But, for some reason, Captain Strong was teleported from the place. The ball kept rolling, destroying everything in its path. The policeman distinguished the silhouette of a big-headed boy when he opened his eyes.

"Th-Thank you son" said the man before fainting.

"Sabrina, why did you teleport him??? I wanted to have fun watching the ball squash him!!!" Paula said annoyed.

"But Paula, I didn't do it, I swear...." Little Sabrina brought her fingers together looking at the ground.

"Um, someone else is using PSI. It must be him...." Ness thought for a moment.

"HELP, SAVE MY BABY, AIEEEEEE!!!!" a woman with a baby stroller got cornered in a closed alley. 

"PKKKK STARSTOOORM α!!!!!" an intense rain of shooting stars hit the ball. The white object was scorched in seconds. The buildings were surrounded by a cloud of smoke.

"That technique.....he came to confront us" thought Paula. The smoke from the explosion dispersed, relieving Prince Poo in plain sight.

"Run to a safe place, lady...." Poo ordered. The lady ran gratefully.

"Ugh, so you're behind this. You embarrass me" Poo expressed his displeasure towards Paula.

"You came to save me...*sniff* You are very noble" Ness looked at the boy with nostalgic eyes.

"Hmn" Paula did not want to speak to her former partner.

"Look Paula, a walking bowling alley is talking to us, hehehe" Little Sabrina's mocking comment made Poo explode like a kettle.


"Um, wait a minute. Your name.......is 'Poo'?" Little Sabrina asked putting a poker face.

"YES, AND WHAT'S THE PROBLEM WITH THAT???!!!!" Poo yelled angrily.

"Pfft..." the girl covered her mouth. Her cheeks were swelling.

"........" A large bead of sweat came out of Poo's head. Little Sabrina got to hear his name during the talk last night, but she didn't think about how funny it sounded.

"HA! Haha! HAHAHAHA!!!!!! Hohohoho!!!! Hahahahaha....!!!!" the 2 girls laughed hard.

"'Poo' Hahaha, that's the dumbest name I've ever heard. Where do you come from, the kingdom of toilets?" Little Sabrina was having a fit of laughter.


"Um, *sniff* I didn't ask to be born with that name...." on his knees, Poo looked at the ground comically.

"Oh, excuuuseeee me, your Highness, HAHAHA" both girls laughed. 

"Poor Poo, he has too sensitive pride..." Ness thought.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!!!!! Paula, your cruel plan has come to an end, I will not let you play with innocent lives!!!" Poo wanted to challenge the girls to a duel to death.

"Neh, as always, you are the bitter one who spoils the fun. I don't want anything to do with you anymore" Paula answered, feeling a grudge towards Poo.

"What are you talking about, huh?" Poo asked.

"Even though you were the most serious and strange boy of the chosen four, I always wanted to understand your traditions and yourself. You seemed friendly. But since I've felt lonely, I wanted to contact you, and *sniff*.... do you remember how you treated me?" Paula was referring to the events of months ago.

"Do you think I care for that stupid discussion, you pesky selfish girl?" Poo responded aggressively.

"*sniff* You yelled at me that you didn't want to hear the 'stupid whining' from a low-class capricious brat anymore, and you rejected my suggestions to go out for a walk with me" Paula was venting her sorrow.

"Understand this, Paula: royal blood people like me can't waste their time on bland commoner activities like games or dating girls. I live to protect my people, and this beautiful planet. The courage to help the innocent must outweigh selfish desires" Poo reinforced the importance of his strict training to Paula.

"But Poo, after everything I did for you, and the adventures we went through, do you still reject me?" the giant blonde girl asked desperately.

"Let's make it clear. Get this over your head, silly girl: We were never friends. We traveled together as a responsibility to save the world, and nothing else" Poo said bluntly.

"........." Paula fell silent.

"Oh look. The little tantrum girl is going to cry: BUAAAAAAH, BUAAAAHHHH. NESS, I NEED YOU. You haven't matured at all" Poo scoffed at Paula.

"Poo, that was a very rude way of talking to the poor girl!!!!" Ness defended Paula.

"Ness, please, I'm telling the truth. The poor naive girl can't accept that you don't want to be her boyfriend. She made all this scandal on the whim of wanting to have you as her lap dog...."Poo stated. 

"IT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!!!!" Paula generated fire in her hands.

"Hey, you puny worm, I won't let you talk about my sister like that!!!!" Little Sabrina wanted to fight.

"Oh, I'm scared. 2 fragile little girls have me cornered HAHAHA" Poo challenged the 2 giant girls.

"GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!!!! PK FIREEEEE!!!!!" Paula launched an intense attack of burning flames.

"PK TELEPORT Ω!!!!" Poo used a never seen before variation of the PK Teleport technique to escape the blast of fire.

"HIYAAAAAAA!!!!" wielding the sword of kings, Poo teleported at high speed behind Little Sabrina. He attacked her with sword slashes at different parts of her body.

"Uuuuuuuugh *yawn*......is that all you got?" Poo's attacks weren't even tickling her. Little Sabrina tried to crush Poo with her hands and feet, to no avail. The boy was surprisingly as elusive as a fly, and as graceful in moving as a mantis.

"Come on Sabrina, don't let that squirt beat you!!!!" Paula cheered her friend.

"I've had enough. CONFUSION!!!!!" Little Sabrina controlled Poo's body with her telekinesis and sent him flying away against the buildings.

"Agh.......PK FREEEZEEEE!!!!" Poo reduced the force of the impact by propelling himself with his legs, and counterattacked with a powerful ice attack. The icy rays froze the girl's legs.

"Hehehehe......MEDITATE!!!" Little Sabrina concentrated to increase her physical strength. The giantess broke the ice easily with the power of her legs.

"None of my attacks work...." Poo landed on the ground thinking about his next move.

"PKKKKK STAR...." the warrior tried to use his most powerful technique.

"Haha. DISABLE!!!" the colossal psychic waves of the girl Sabrina, blocked the PK Starstorm attack. The prince of Dalaam was helpless.

"NOW IS OUR CHANCE, PAULA!!!!" yelled the dolly.

"Perfect, Sabrina. PKKKK THUNDEEEEEERRRRR!!!!!" the giant blonde girl generated majestic lightning bolts that destroyed all the windows of the nearby buildings.

"PKKK THUNDEEEER!!!!!" Poo tried to counter the electrical attacks with his own lightning bolts, but Paula's discharges were much more powerful and larger.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!" Poo got paralyzed. *SMAAAAAAASHHHH*

Paula grabbed her frying pan and hit the prince with colossal force.

"My turn, hehehe" Little Sabrina teleported behind, and kicked hard with her sandals.

"AGH...." Poo felt enormous agony. His bones began to break.

"Bye, Poo.......YAAAAAA!!!" Paula performed an exceptional pirouette in the air and gave a flying kick descending with all her strength.

*BOOOOOOOOOOM* Her gigantic sandals slammed hard into the asphalt, leaving footprints.

"Poo, talk to me, please.....!!!!" Ness feared the worst. Poo was on the ground injured.

"Well, that's it. It was fun while it lasted...." Paula said.

"Yay, Paula, you looked great!" exclaimed Little Sabrina with admiration.

"Dawww, thank you little sister. You did well too. Now let's go swimming..." the girls thought about leaving the place. But, to their surprise, both saw Poo getting up little by little.

"Aaaghhh......*cough* *gasp* L-L-LIFEUP γ!!!!" green psychic energy surrounded Poo. The prince regained full health and healed his wounds in no time.

"WHAT???? THAT'S NOT FAIR!!!!" yelled Little Sabrina open-mouthed.

"You don't know who you are messing with. My lineage is trained to withstand the most extreme situations that a human being can imagine. During my Mu training, I let the spirit of my ancestor cut off my arms and legs. You literally see me here alive!!!!" Poo bragged about his feats of endurance to the limit.

"Even if you have psychic regeneration, you have no escape this time!!!" Little Sabrina performed a technique to prevent him from escaping.

"MEAN LOOK!!!!" the giant girl's eyes glowed with a crimson red tone. Much of the town of Onett was engulfed in an electrifying dark energy field. None of the 4 psychic children in the area could run away from the combat field.

"Quick, guys, we must save the city!!!" Red was leading the rescue party towards Onett.

"Hey, what is that??!!!" Lucas saw the huge field of dark energy in the distance. The Neo Sky Runner flew over the city with Jeff and Tony on board.

"It is impossible to access, my sensors do not detect any holes. This looks like the work of a spell" Jeff communicated with Red using a walkie talkie.

"Then let's try to destroy the barrier with brute force...." Red replied.

"PKKKK FLAAAASHHH!!!!!" Lucas generated a powerful psychic light.

"CHARIZARD, USE FIRE BLAST!!!!!" Red's Pokemon spat fire with great intensity. Jeff fired the Neo Sky Runner's weaponry. Large bottle rocket missiles were fired into the dark energy area.

*BOOOOOOM* Everyone's combined attack was unable to penetrate Little Sabrina's energy field.

"Let's not waste energy. We better help the injured in the meantime!!!" Lucas suggested. 

"Good idea, friend" Red's Charizard and Jeff's ship combined their efforts to rescue civilians out of the dark field.

"Please let us in, our daughter is there!!!" Paul Jones tried to enter into Onett territory.

"I'm sorry, sir, but these are orders from the police. No civilian can enter, it is very dangerous to approach those giant girls" a large barricade with several policemen blocked the road. Inside the cursed combat zone, the battle continued.

"Um, Sabrina, I think you went a little bit too far...." Paula felt uncomfortable within the zone.

"No problem, Paula. When we defeat this braggart, the field will vanish" the girl launched a white psychic light attack to turn Poo into a doll.

"Big mistake, little girl. MIRROR!!!!" Poo's body glowed. The attack hit him, but had no effect. He soon began to grow.

"Uh?" Little Sabrina had no idea what was going on.

"Hahaha, silly girls!!!" Poo laughed mockingly, in a voice similar to a sweet young girl. His body changed, going from being a boy skilled in martial arts, to having the body of a giant girl in a bathing suit. Poo stopped glowing, showing his new form.

"Whoa, that boy has the same ability as the Pokemon Ditto!!!" Poo transformed into Little Sabrina, acquiring her size and powers.

"Incredible, before he was only capable of transforming into weak enemies" Paula said.

"You can tell that he has trained a lot these months...." Ness commented.

"And now, the real battle truly begins!!!" Fake Little Sabrina was ready to fight.




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