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The room smeared into vision. You felt sick, your head pounding, your skin itching.

Your mouth tasted of copper, the smell of burning in your nostrils.

What was happening?

The floor below you was plastic, you’d never been on a plastic floor before. It was clear, wood showing through it. You were on your hands and knees, why? You went to stand and were hit by a surge of nausea.

Pitching forwards, a rope of bile pushed up through your throat to splatter across your hands.

What was happening?

‘Whoa, are you, are you awake?’

The voice came from all around you, falling across your body like a blanket of fog.

‘Can you hear me?’

You pushed yourself upwards, your vision still cloudy as though you were underwater. Something huge loomed over you like a mountain.

You shook your head, it felt heavy, it hurt.

Your vision cleared.

You screamed.

The giant woman gasped, her eyes widening. They were the colour of winter morning sky, shining from between thick falls of dark chocolate hair that framed her face.

A plastic wall encircled you, separating you from the giantess. She sat cross legged on the edge of a dark green sofa, the pose as casual as the dungarees and t shirt she wore.

Her lips formed an expression of shock before she turned away, hands fumbling for something on the tabletop before her. The tabletop you and your container sat upon.

She collected a small black controller, angling the transmitter towards you as her fingers found the right button.

She pressed it.

You blacked out.


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