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Being Inside my Best Friend’s Sister

Commissioned by Malethor

Written by HarmonyMotion



Chapter 1

September parked her car, grabbed her bag, and carefully swung it onto the hip opposite where she kept her tiny best friend, Caleb. They had just finished their lectures for the day at their local community college.

“You okay in there, Caleb?” she asked.

“Uh huh!” Caleb responded as he poked his head out from her tight jeans’ pocket, looking for some fresh air.

“You want to do some studying first? I have a lot to get through…”

“Yeah, I guess. I have some really good reading to do. Stuff about how students don’t retain what they’re taught, and how a lot of pedagogy doesn’t work the way you think it would,” he smirked as he waited her response.

“Caleb! I hate your stupid psych classes!” she pouted as she stuck her enormous hand into the pocket where Caleb was resting, making a point to press on him a bit harshly as she rooted around for her keys.

“Burr mmf mmf!” he muffled into the palm of her hand as she rubbed it against his face.

Finally, she stopped her playful teasing and pulled out the house keys, careful not to cut Caleb with the jagged edges.

“Hey Sep, mean!”

“You started it!”

She unlocked the door with a loud click. They stepped inside.

“Okay, yeah, but it’s actually interesting stuff. It talks about how we have, like, two modes in our brain. And how people don’t really retain the stuff they’re learning in school, cuz they’re just learning to pass the test, you know? Like, how much do algebra do you remember?”

“Caleb! Stop! Are you trying to make me feel bad!? And why are you reading this stuff anyway? I’m the one in education!”

“No! I’m just saying, maybe education has got it wrong, y’know? Now we have video sites, online learning, wikipedia… hey, maybe you should be a psych minor! I’ll tell you which classes have this stuff I’m reading!”

September sighed. Caleb was always thinking far ahead into the future. But he always looked out for her, and that’s why they were such good friends.

“Listen, I’ll think about it. Just… shut up for a minute, will you?”

“Yes ma’am!” Caleb zipped his lips closed.

September fished him out of her pocket carefully, depositing him on the side table as she flopped onto the brown sofa.

“So you wanna study first, or what?” September asked, back to her original question before Caleb had gone on another wild thread again.

“I’m kinda hungry. Wanna eat?”


September scooted carefully around the coffee table and turned the corner into the kitchen.

Caleb was left alone for a few minutes. Next to the wide, flatscreen TV were photos of September’s family. He was mostly interested in Sep’s older sister, Presley.

Pictures of her from prom with her now ex-boyfriend were on display. She looked so beautiful, dressed in a purple gown, tanned, even face absolutely glowing. Her glowing, teal green eyes, accentuated by her long lashes, were a sparkling sight to behold. But what Caleb was most interested in was her beautiful lips and winning smile.

Those fleshy folds were a beautiful shade of rose pink. Slight natural ridges at uneven intervals, skin looking so healthy, no chapping at all. Her smile was bright and wide… Caleb could only imagine how large her mouth actually was if she had opened it as wide as possible.

Instead, her beautiful, even, pearly white teeth were on display, so pure that they reflected some of the flash from the photographer’s camera. Her thick, fleshy tongue was sticking out the corner of her lip, caught in a silly pose. She was so cute and beautiful.

All Caleb wanted to do was climb up her body and worship her. To crawl along those perfect lips, planting his little kisses on them as she reciprocated his crush, lightly flicking his tiny body with her sensual tongue.


“I’d tell you to take a picture because it’ll last longer, but that’s already done,” September snarked.

“Sep! Uh, what are you talking about?”

September visibly rolled her eyes to Caleb this time, removing any doubt of her disdain. She set a plastic cup of sweet yogurt by his side.

“You know, you can just tell Presley you like her, right? I won’t be upset. You’ll probably have a lot of competition though. She is the head cheerleader, after all.”

Caleb turned as bright red as a tiny cherry tomato.

“I just don’t wanna risk our friendship, you know?” He climbed the smooth yogurt container’s surface with practiced ease. “Little help?”

September peeled back the foil top for him.

“What makes you think we’re such good friends in the first place?” September teased.

“Come on, Sep! I mean it!”

“Yeah, yeah. It’ll be fine. If it goes bad, I guess it’ll just be awkward. But what’s the worse that could happen, anyway? I doubt we’d lose each other forever.”

Caleb took a deep breath. Really confess to Presley? Maybe.

He exhaled.

“I’ll think about it… thanks Sep. I really mean it.”

“You got it, bud.” She stuck out her index finger. Caleb fistbumped it.

September kicked her legs up and crinkled open a small bag of potato chips as Caleb fished out a tiny spoon. He traced it around the upper lid of the cup, the area he could most comfortably reach, and began to swirl the creamy nutritious snack in his mouth.

September crunched loudly on her junk food as she opened her backpack. She tossed Caleb his books, which she always had to carry for him, for obvious reasons. There they were, Thinking: Two Modes, and How Education Gets It All Wrong, just like Caleb had mentioned.

And all she got to do was create faux lesson plans for a semester.

Maybe Caleb had a point after all.

She reached for another chip as Caleb sat on the lip of the cup, idly swinging his legs. Still rummaging, she looked for her own assignment.

“Sep? You okay?”

“Ugh!” she cried, as she emptied her entire rucksack. “I can’t find it!”


“My lesson plans! They’re due tomorrow!”

“Uh oh…”

“Dammit, Caleb! I always have to carry your books! I bet I left it at school!”

“They’re still open! Just go back and get it!”

September grabbed her keys and ran out the door.

Chapter 2

Presley walked in just a few minutes later, her short olive green cheer skirt swishing around her lean, toned thighs. Caleb’s heart skipped a few beats as he watched the girl he had pined after for so long approach him. A moment alone!

His gaze traveled up her cropped white tank top, admiring her athletic physique and sculpted yet subtle six pack. They looked so sensual, so sexy… Caleb wanted to free climb up those beautiful muscles. He could only imagine how her tanned skin tasted, and how wonderfully strong those abdominal muscles were.

Passing the small swells of her pert breasts, up her long and elegant neck, he made it to the ultimate object of his fantasies: her lips. Oh, they looked even sweeter now than they did in the photos on the TV stand.

Wait! What was he doing! He had meant to confront and confess, not stare and drink her in like some lovestruck, horny boy!

He gulped and prepared an apology, trying to calm the butterflies in his stomach to work up the nerve to talk to her.

But, Presley hadn’t even noticed his tiny body at the lip of the yogurt cup. She jumped onto the couch athletically, slamming it into the end table, sending Caleb falling right into his yogurt!

As Caleb struggled to climb his way back out of the cup, Presley clicked her tongue disapprovingly at the open packet of potato chips. She tossed it off the sofa and onto the coffee table.

Then, her gaze fell on the yogurt.

“Ooh!” she chirped.

She reached over and picked it up. Caleb could see her enormous face approaching, her eyes hungry. Presley dipped a single finger into the yogurt, scooped up a viscous blob containing Caleb, and brought it to her mouth.

A prone Caleb, covered in gooey yogurt, held on for dear life as he watched his journey toward Presley’s wide, opening mouth. He couldn’t decide if he should be more scared or aroused. But every fateful inch toward Presley’s beautiful maw caused his penis to straighten out even more as his heart pumped furiously, sending more blood to his burgeoning erection.

Inching ever closer, Caleb began to grind his groin against her finger, dry humping her slender digit as he approached those perfume pink lips...

Her mouth opened wider, those perfect teeth opening like a gateway to heaven…

Her long, thick tongue snaked out of her mouth…

And suddenly he was past her entrance, those lips closing behind him, surrounding him in darkness. He felt himself being battered by Presley’s tongue as it swiped back and forth over her finger, sucking down every lost trace of yogurt. The sensation of having his entire body vacuumed by nothing but the muscles of her mouth was incredibly arousing. It tugged against his entire being, grinding him over her finger forcefully as he slid backwards, hanging on for dear life.

At least she was sucking him and her finger absolutely clean.

“Mmm,” Presley moaned. She’d never thought yogurt could taste so good! And what was this durable little bump she was rubbing with her tongue?

Finally, her saliva rained over him, racing down his tiny body in rivulets as Presley sucked. His body was smashed between the roof of her mouth and her tongue as she extracted her single, perfectly manicured digit with a relishing pop.

She parted her lips again, and Caleb could see a glimpse of the outside! He was no longer being pressed forcefully inside of Presley’s wonderful mouth! All he had to do was scrabble a few inches, climb over her perfect teeth, and stand on her lip to try and get her attention. She could put him down from there. They were on pretty good terms, after all, what with Caleb always trying to play it cool around her.

And he’d be saved from having to confront his fears of confessing to her too. Maybe another day.

He climbed his way up her slimy tongue, sometimes losing his footing and sliding back a few steps. Progress was torturously slow. What was going on out there!? He was fighting more than just uneven, mushy footing. She was walking somewhere, her forward motion counteracting his!

It was like running the opposite direction against a treadmill. Caleb huffed and puffed, trying to suck oxygen into his burning, rasping lungs. His adrenaline pumped. This was more than just an intense cardio exercise; this was for his very survival!

And every step of Presley’s was a bounce, launching him up and down. That extroverted, bubbly attitude that had so attracted her to him was now making it impossible for him to make progress! Caleb was forced to flatten himself against her slick tongue, grinding his entire body along her taste buds as he inched forward as if in a military crawl.

And her lips were only slightly parted as she made her way to… wherever she was going. He’d have to hang on against the inside of her lips or the back of her teeth until she actually spoke, or something to that effect.

He heard the sound of running water as he struggled forward, away from the back of her dark, oppressively hot throat. Maybe she was washing her hands?

Then, her mouth opened wide. Caleb was almost blinded by the surge of light! Her tongue moved upward in her mouth. This was his chance! He was high enough, he could maybe get clear, yell for help, something, anything!

And then all his hopes were dashed, like a surf breaking on a rocky shore. Because that was exactly what was about to happen to him.

Presley was bringing a glass of water to her lips. The gentle bob of the surface of the water had never seemed so ominous or deadly dangerous. Until now.

“Help!!” he cried, a last desperate attempt at escape. Maybe Presley would hear him. There was no way he could cover the distance from the middle of her tongue to the entrance of her mouth before she brought that glass to her lips.

She didn’t hear him.

The torrential downpour washed over Caleb like a biblical flood, baptizing him in a mix of water and her saliva. He might have been able to hang on, if not for the fact that the front tip of Presley’s tongue curled up and back, her swallowing motion enough to rip free his unsteady grip.

He spun toward the dark abyss, past her fleshy, hanging uvula, smashing against a further flap of meat before being directed, down, down, down into her esophagus.

Chapter 3

Caleb screamed. The unfamiliar, dark, lumpy walls of what he could only assume was her food pipe, were pulsating all around him, forcing him downward against his will. The scent was slightly acrid. He… yes, he recognized this smell. It was similar to that awful experience when he had caught a stomach bug and vomited for three days… He recalled the horrible lingering aftertaste that poisoned his mouth and teeth. He could feel that insidious, foul heat rising from the depths of her bowels.

He gagged.

Summoning his strength, he straightened his arms and legs, seeking to halt his descent into her stomach. But her flesh was not like a wall he could climb with his strength. No, it simply gave way to his pushing, soft but strong.

Her pink, muscular tube contracted once again. Even as Caleb fell, his strength no match for her supple, adaptive movements, he couldn’t help but think that September would have known what this movement inside the body was called. He’d probably heard it in third grade elementary school.

Clearing his mind of the strange direction it had taken, perhaps because it knew of the futility, Caleb contracted his limbs. Pushing obviously wasn’t working. Maybe if he made himself small, he could wriggle upwards…

But no. Presley’s digestive tract was too strong. It pushed him from above while simultaneously vacuuming him downward, like a lover that couldn’t be resisted. He couldn’t help but think of the unbearably sexy way he had gotten into this situation. Her thick, beautiful lips, her powerful tongue, a battle against the heavens he was fated to lose before plummeting down into hell…

Caleb sighed wistfully and surrendered himself to his fate. Maybe it would be more dignified to just meet his end.

He fell through another fleshy gate that opened its way just for him, right into the foul depths of her stomach.

Chapter 4

“What the hell?” Presley moaned. “I feel so good!”

A glass of water in one hand and now a metal spoon in one hand, the plastic cup of yogurt in the other, she rushed her way upstairs, seeking the privacy of her own room. She was really horny for some reason!

She skipped every other step, an easy task given her cheer training and her prodigiously long legs.

“Sep? Are you there?” she asked loudly as she passed her sister’s bedroom in the hallway. No response.

“Mmm, good,” she mused to herself, entering her own bedroom and locking the door shut.

Stripping off her skirt, slipping her cotton panties down to her angles, she sat on the bed and swallowed another mouthful of yogurt. Washing it down with another drink, she licked her wide lips with a loud smack and reached down to her surprisingly needy pussy.

Presley began to trace her pink folds, gathering some of her slick witness on her fingers. She giggled as she wiggled her hips side to side, luxuriating in the feel of her soft sheets. She burrowed her bare feet underneath her velvety blanket and wiggled her toes as she curled them.

Wiggling her hips against the mattress, she moaned again as she felt the water slosh around in her tight, trim belly. Why on earth was she so turned on by this right now? Her pussy lips quivered around her fingers. Her aching clit was positively throbbing now, peeking out from under the hood of her moist clitoral sheath. She placed her thumb on it as she inserted two fingers into herself, holding her hand and arm still, and continued to wiggle her hips. The soft, back and forth grinding contact of her most sensitive nub and the strangely erotic sloshing inside her tummy caused her limbs to go rigid in a sudden rush of pleasure.

She moaned as she began to seek her sexual relief once again in earnest.

Chapter 5

Caleb thought he had resigned himself to his end, but his survival instinct kicked in once he landed in her stomach. He hadn’t known how much worse it could have gotten. Perhaps he should have fought harder to stay in Presley’s esophagus.

He had landed in Presley’s seemingly relatively small stomach with a hard thud. The scent that had wafted up her esophagus was nothing compared to the rank fumes coming from the source. He was being suffocated by the smothering, muggy, bile and acid-laden fumes.

He gagged in response, which only caused him to involuntarily suck in another deep breath.

The horrible, burning, acrid stench filled his mouth and his nostrils.

He gagged again.

Even his eyes were stinging. It was like being too close to the black smoke of a fire, except so much worse. There was no escape from this. Everywhere he turned to look, he was surrounded by pulpy folds of dark, discolored pink flesh. The cavernous walls pulsated around him like some sort of horrible movie monster that some mad scientist had tried to resurrect.

He rubbed his stinging skin with his hands even as waves of gastric acid, water, and yogurt lapped at him. It burnt his flesh, but slowly his body was growing accustomed to it.

Looking up, he saw that the sphincter out of her stomach had closed off. There was no way out. If he couldn’t prevent himself from falling down the narrow tube of her esophagus, there was no way he could climb the concave shape of her gurgling belly.

In that moment, the flap above opened again, depositing another payload of yogurt and water all over him. He almost cried in relief as the food relieved the acids in her stomach, making his situation just a tiny bit more bearable. He quickly tried to apply it to his skin like sunscreen, hoping to alleviate the pain.

Standing thigh high in the muck of yogurt, water, and whatever else Presley had eaten that day, he found himself suddenly thrown to a side. The wave of chyme and yogurt tossed him violently to a side, and he found himself slamming into the fleshy wall of her stomach. It was soft enough not to injure him any further than her stomach enzymes had, but just what the hell was she doing?

Another swish, this time in the opposite direction. Caleb opened his mouth to scream, only to have her vile, partially digested food invade his mouth and hose. The sudden impact against the opposite wall of her stomach forced him to swallow.

And she was just getting started.

Back and forth he was tossed, in that small, pink, intimate prison of flesh, tumbling head over shoulders. He hit her stomach walls head on, molding his face into her irregular walls. Then back the other way, slamming his back into it. Shoulder first. Back to his face.

And he had swallowed so much of her stomach acid now. He dared not even open his eyes, his face dripping in the stuff.

Committing to it, he dove underwater with the next wave, swimming with the motion of the ocean to violently kick the walls of her stomach on his next involuntary joyride. Her stomach gave slightly, squishing under his soles and between his toes. And to his surprise, he actually found himself holding steady for a moment.

Then, her entire body vibrated. He felt the sympathetic tremors rolling through his body. A building, crescendoing moan. Just what the hell was happening out there?!

And then he was sent flying up into the “air,” slamming straight into the roof of his inconceivable prison.

Chapter 6

Oh FUCK that feels good! Presley thought to herself. Just what was going on today!?

That last little toss had really done the trick. A searing heat was burning inside her igniting womb. She was sopping wet, viscous nectar dripping right off her slender pretty fingers, soaking the sheets.

She knew what to do. She pushed harder against her clit, arching her back off the bed, letting that overly-sensitive nub grind in circles over her slick fingers. Her other hand reached down the front of her tank top, slipping her bra strap off to free her ripe, eager breast from their confines. She gently kneaded her soft, teardrop-shaped orbs, squeezing that firm, nubile flesh. Her nipples began to demand attention not long after her own ministrations with her soft fingers.

Presley traced her index finger over her diamond-hard nipples, pushing and tugging at that pretty pink point, sending radiating tingles of pleasure down her spine as she ground it into her squishing breast.

Just a little more pressure... just one more swipe against her clit... just another violent twist of her hips…

She came, molten pleasure boiling in her veins, howling like an animal possessed.



Caleb helplessly mused that this must be what it felt like to be a sock in a washing machine, spinning endlessly in soap suds and water, over and over, never knowing when it would stop. Except instead of nice, cleansing detergent, he was saturated with vile bile and half digested food.

And Presley. Her movements had started off slow, precise, exacting, then built in power and increased in tempo, before a final, erratic, unpredictable clench. And then the tremors followed, like an aftershock quaking through the very core of her body. A soft, reedy exhale. Then absolute stillness.

She must have been masturbating! Why, oh why was he trapped in here!? He had never imagined coming this close to his dream girl, let alone in the throes of sexual ecstasy. How often had he dreamed of being near her, enjoying the hot intimacy of her mouth, nibbling at her plump lips, doing his best to sexually please her?

The universe had a particularly cruel sense of humor.

His penis grew more erect by the second as he imagined his best friend’s sister writhing in sexual bliss, but he couldn’t find, nor did he want, any sexual pleasure of his own. His shaft was enveloped by her cruel, stinging acid. He didn’t want his first time with Presley to be like… this. Not like this.

Please, oh please, there had to be something he could do, he thought desperately as he sat hopelessly in Presley’s malodorous pool. Maybe September could figure out what had happened to him. Right?

He felt the gentle, regular heave of her heavy breathing as she tried to recover. She must have come. Caleb sobbed, not knowing that he was the source of her pleasure. He was a better lover to her than anyone else had ever been.

Caleb stomped his foot in the now shallow pool in absolute frustration, his foot sinking into the floor of her stomach.

As if on cue, Presley’s body lurched again, the cycle beginning anew.

And before he could wallow in the depths of his despair, another flap opened up, and he found himself sucked even deeper, now into her intestines.

Chapter 7

Presley was sucking in lungfuls of air, lying flat on her heated back. A thin sheen of sweat covered her lovely face. She could feel her burning body cooling down from the highest peak of pleasure it had ever reached. Her delicate hand traced tingling trails around her satisfied sex and her toned, inner thighs, soothing herself from her volcanic orgasm.

Then suddenly, she felt another wave of burning need as something inside of her seemed to move. She gasped.

What was it about today!? He poked at her flawlessly sculpted tummy with a finger. Her abs had always been rock hard, but they almost seemed to be actively pushing back against her prodding this time. Not only that, pressing down on them only seemed to get her horny even faster.

Were her abs some sort of erogenous zone she didn’t know about!? Many men had drooled over them, but for herself, just by massaging them?

Too horny to think about the mysterious events further, she resumed her expertful masturbation. Presley found she was still dripping wet down there as she pushed against the pink folds of her hairless snatch. No foreplay needed. Even her too-sensitive love bud was ready to be teased and touched again.

She’d definitely done this more than a few times in a row, but never this quickly. Her sexy body seemed to have no limits today!

Presley tensed and relaxed her abs, over and over. Her beautifully carved abs danced and faded from view. Oh, it felt fucking good!



Poor little Caleb had been so viciously pincered by her sphincter, he feared he would have been crushed to death in that narrow opening!

Screaming in pain, he mercifully was able to wriggle his way through with a loud plop, getting the widest part of his torso through that tiny gap.

Now deposited in the far too tight tube of her intestinal tract, Caleb wasn’t sure what to do. The only reason he knew which way was up from down was because he could still see the sphincter he had just come through. He kicked at it.

Presley’s body only seemed to vibrate more powerfully.

Peering forward, he couldn’t make out anything at all. It was so tight in there! The wrinkly walls actively throbbed back and forth, the fine, tendril-like hairs creating a dense forest, ever shifting, completely inscrutable.

Even remaining perfectly still, her walls squashed against him like a torture chamber, pressing him to his limit before ultimately easing up once again.

Caleb didn’t know what to do. He wanted to cry. He wanted it all to be over. He didn’t know what he wanted.

He kicked futilely at Presley’s sphincter once again. Her body lurched in orgasmic pleasure once more. Her rigid, clenching contractions were so fierce that her powerful abdominal wall transformed into steely hard bricks, slamming into Caleb’s entire tiny little body with staggering force.

It felt like he’d run into a brick wall!

He screamed as Presley’s perfectly sculpted body quaked in ecstasy for what must have been the second time in as many minutes. He had no idea his crush was this much of a wildcat in bed!

Her villi quivered in beautiful harmony with her spasming body, synchronizing perfectly with every dramatic spasm of her orgasm. They caressed his abused body lovingly, as if thanking him for his wonderful service in pleasuring Presley. Hundreds of tendrils placed little butterfly kisses over his body, some forcing their way into his mouth and swirling over his tongue like a gentle, but forceful lover. Her labyrinthian walls squeezed him so tightly, covering him with chyme, molding itself over his helpless form like a blind person trying to see every last inch of him, down to the tiniest detail.

Caleb squeezed his eyes shut tight as he tried to fight his urges. No! He thought, as his rigid member spasmed in response to another soul-sucking pump of her villi. This was a battle he was determined to win!

Presley’s intestines gave him another passionate squeeze, dozens of tendrils kissing his erect shaft, teasing out his cockhead, and goading his balls into seeking his needy release.

Caleb cried out in uncontrollable lust. Focusing not on the pleasure Presley was giving him but the stinging pain of her digestive enzymes, he fought back his own release. He may be completely under Presley's all-conquering control without her even realizing it, but he refused to let his body betray his mind. He would not give in to the soft, silmy, lubricated tendrils stroking his rigid, quivering shaft, pumping all around him, begging him to erupt.

As if in protest, her intestines folded themselves tightly around his searing erection, pulsating and rubbing. It was like they were begging him to orgasm!

Gasping involuntarily, Caleb steeled his resolve once more, even as Presley’s internals took the opportunity to press right into his mouth, giving him a deep, sealing kiss. Bolts of amorous electricity coursed through his body as Presley’s tendrils rubbed and squeezed his tongue.

Amidst the forest of discolored, tight, fleshy tubes, he found a slightly larger nook that seemed to remain unmoving in the dense forest of her lower intestines. He headed for it.

Every single grip, every step he climbed, only seemed to set Presley off more. Her body shuddered and contracted tightly with every one of his movements. He grew accustomed to the punctuated staccato of their rhythmic dance, knowing that he would be punished (or rewarded) with the most erotic, uncomfortable squeeze of his life.

Another torturous step, another brutal, erotic squish.

Presley kissed his face all over, her villi like tongues, sucking every single one of his fingertips and invading the gaps between them. They pumped and massaged Caleb, whispering desperately for him to come.

He could hear her pure ecstasy as she barked in pleasure to the rhythm of his climbing. Her pulsing tract squeezed him with every orgasmic thrust of her supple hips. The thin, little hairs caressed his entire body, almost lovingly guiding him up into the safe nook, with every torturous step.

With one final heave, accompanied by yet another wail from Presley, he tucked himself into that little safe space. Pulling his knees to his chest, he sobbed, unsure of what fate awaited him. But, Caleb panted in relief, thinking that he had escaped the sexual torture dungeon of her constant pressing, her impossibly erotic nonstop teasing.

And then that nook slammed shut over him like a crusher, threatening to shatter his tiny body.

Caleb wailed simultaneously in agony and ecstasy.

A geyser of her nasty gastric acids surged into his portcullis, drowning him in vile fluids. It matted to his hair and stuck to his body, before it finally continued its way downward to leave Caleb dirty and violated.

He knew what his life had been reduced to now. His only purpose was to pleasure Presley, the one that he had pined for for so long.

Caleb sunk his fingers into those fleshy walls, pressing and twisting his fingers as hard as he could.

Presley’s body shook fiercely once again as the vibrations of her ecstatic roar echoed through her fit, cheerleader-trained body.


“Caleb? Caleb!” September’s voice rang out.

She ran up the stairs to the bedrooms.

“Pres?” She knocked on the door rapidly. “Pres? You there?”

“Go away!” her older sister cried out in a guttural moan as she flexed her abs, feeling searing hot pleasure radiating from a particular spot inside of her. “I’m busy!” 

“Geez sis! I just wanted to know, have you seen Caleb?”

“Caleb?” She panted and moaned. “No, I don’t know where he is! Go away!” Her voice was accented and halting strangely.

“Well… okay… his books were still on the table downstairs…”

No reply from Presley. Just some squeaking of her bed frame once in a while. Maybe she was trying to nap.

Oh well. Caleb was a resilient tiny. He always found his way back to her.

September went back downstairs and leafed through some of Caleb’s books. They really were pretty interesting. Maybe she would ask Caleb about a psychology minor when he inevitably showed back up.

Then a sudden bolt of realization hit her. Maybe he was with Presley? Is that what her big sister was doing in the bedroom? Omg! The bedframe and the creaking! Kinda gross!

But also kinda sweet.


September smiled.

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