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Author's Chapter Notes:

Katsuko faces an invading fleet. Poor fleet.

Chapter 2 - Defense
Katsuko exited the gray laboratory, leaving crumbling granite where she had effortlessly smashed through its walls. The planet of Xenoi trembled under the dainty footsteps of her impossibly perfect, unfathomably powerful body.

“Oh my! Am I causing these earthquakes?” she wondered. She came to a standstill, and the vibrations of the dense planet attenuated slowly before finally ceasing.

Katsuko took another tiny step, touching down with just her tiptoes.

Another earthquake rocked the planet to its very core.

“Oops!” she cried, her voice nearly blowing away the atmosphere. The little buildings in the immediate vicinity of the path of her breath were all shattered and sent over the horizon—the bits that were lucky enough not to get atomized by a direct hit, anyway. Anyone who had lived there had also been swept away, long killed from the sudden impact.

Katsuko grimaced and lifted her leg once more. She gingerly, cautiously, delicately, placed her foot on Xenoi soil once more.

Only a small local earthquake this time, and it only lasted twenty seconds.

“Phew! I’m getting better!” she uttered quietly.

Craning her neck slowly, her eyes scanned the vacuum of space, instantly peering through to the end of the entire alien galaxy.

“Whoa!” she cried, her thundering voice vibrating even the deep black void. She hadn’t meant to look that far! It was harder not to do such incredible things!

Focusing once again, Katsuko squinted her eyes, and with an effort of will, kept her vision more local. She could see a fleet of hostile spaceships approaching, their phaser banks charged, their translucent shields up.

These must be the guys I’m supposed to fight… she mused to herself. She’d learned to stop speaking out loud in shock and awe if she didn’t want to turn Xenoi into rubble. But how am I going to get up there?

As if on cue, her feet left the surface of the planet. Her ultra-glorious, orgasm-inducing, death-via-pleasure form hovered into the air, completely ignoring the force of gravity that the superdense planet of Xenoi was exerting on it.

“Whoa!!!” she cried, Katsuko’s voice this time directed at one of the spaceships a whole lightyear away. It pierced through the ship’s shields and rumbled its whole dense alloy. Her light-year-projected sonic cry was so violent that an advanced spaceship designed for interstellar travel rattled until it just fell apart.

“Guess I don’t really have to go up there to face them…” she mused.

The other ships accelerated in response to seeing their ship somehow get mysteriously destroyed by an attack from Xenoi. What could it have been? Clearly they had a new, devastating weapon!

Katsuko had no trouble following the invaders’ FTL travel. She leisurely floated in midair, turning on the spot, admiring each and every ship.

Suddenly, she felt a compulsion to exercise her glowing, light brown eyes. It was more than just telescopic vision… the radiation and the serum in her veins still had not unlocked their full potential. They were ever churning, enhancing an ever-ascending Katsuko further and further…

The pressure behind her pupils became unbearable. Flexing her new muscles, she collected up all the energies swirling inside of her tight, nubile body, focusing it behind her eyes, and then just… fired.

Two wide, glowing, all-destructive beams of energy catapulted from her irises.

The ambient temperature spiked all around her, overheating the atmosphere. Luckily for Xenoi, that little squeeze was enough to relieve the pressure building in her body, and she cut the beams immediately.

Still, Katsuko’s laser beams of death did not diminish in power at all as they traveled the interstellar distance toward the approaching invasion fleet.

They sliced through the entirety of a ship, before vaporizing it completely as they continued unimpeded far into space beyond. There was no wreckage or debris left—just complete, utter annihilation.

The ships that were not struck directly by Katsuko’s lasers were not quite so lucky. Their shields buckled under the extreme temperature. Their outer hulls began to turn molten red, sagging as they lost their structural integrity. The ships’ crew were all boiled alive, stuck inside of their interstellar metal prisons, their advanced technology no match at all for Katsuko’s fraction-of-a-second glance.

The transports fell out of formation and out of light travel, drifting endlessly as molten blobs that would eventually cool down and resolidify.

Katsuko’s eyes grew wide as she marveled at the power she wielded, just by looking! She watched her lasers fly out into the cosmos beyond the speed of light. It was amusing… her laser beams, traveling faster than light? Her power was a complete contradiction, and she had no trouble following their all-destructive path.

Only half of the fleet, consisting of two carriers and three dreadnoughts, made it into orbit around Xenoi.

Their scanners found an incredible, concentrated force hovering just a few miles above the planet’s surface. The ship’s sensors overflowed repeatedly as the crew gaped at the nonstop rolling numbers on their displays.

“Commander! What do we do!? Their weapon… It’s… it’s too powerful!”

Katsuko’s ears picked up everything. She smiled with glee.

“Fire! Fire! Those can’t be right! Just fire everything we have!”

The three dreadnoughts aimed the entirety of their impressive weapons array at Katsuko. Her perfect body could no longer get goosebumps, but her nerves still tingled with the anticipation of receiving the brunt of half a planetary invasion fleet’s worth of power.

Still, she was cautious. Maybe she couldn’t get hurt… but she didn’t really know for sure. What really worried her, however, was the planet below her. She watched in painfully slow motion as their quantum torpedoes, payloads of matter and antimatter, ejected from their torpedo bays, their phaser banks glowing and emitting laughably weak lasers. Dozens of energy bays, complex technology, and it didn’t even come close to a fraction of the power of her eyes!

With Katsuko’s incredible super speed, there was no rush for her to act. But she got bored of watching the glowing lights of the weapon systems before her.

Wanting to keep her infinite power under control, she winked one eye closed and took aim with the other, wanting to demonstrate to them how a proper phaser beam should behave.

Her single, mesmeric, light brown eye glowed with power. The tiniest, coherent, blue beam shot from it, no thicker than the width of a pin.

The left dreadnought she aimed at didn’t even have time to register the strike. Like a razor-sharp blade, she sliced the entire beast of a warship cleanly in half. Its operations continued normally, batteries and energy conduits still working, until inevitably, the bisected halves of the ship began to drift apart. The phaser beams dissipated into nothing, and the torpedoes fired lamely, off target and limp. Their payloads detonated prematurely as the useless, mile-wide metallic pieces crashed into them. The scarred, burnt metal fell to the planet’s surface with a large shudder.

Shoot! Still too much! Katsuko lamented.

Clearly, her casual gaze was too much for the ships to handle. Maybe a little love tap would be more appropriate.

Katsuko vanished from her position and re-appeared in front of the right dreadnought’s phaser banks. She gave the weapons’ conduits a gentle brush of her fingers.

The entire ship tore apart, shuddering from the little swipe of her hand, its weapons detonating prematurely and overloading the ship.

Oh well, Katsuko shrugged, the gesture causing massive turbulence for one of the carriers in the path of her superpowered shoulders. Its engines struggled and failed, dumping several that were lucky enough to make it out of the tumult. It, and everything else inside it, headed for the surface of Xenoi in an out-of-control nosedive.

Finally, she let the world continue at full speed. She heard the panic of the invaders as they finally registered that two dreadnoughts had been downed via unknown means. And that one of their carriers was now falling like a stone for seemingly no reason at all.

The torpedoes and phasers of the final ship made a beeline toward their relatively small, but overwhelmingly sexy target. Such was the energy rumbling inside of her that the ship had zero trouble locking onto her energy signature.

The incredible temperatures of the phaser struck her first, the thick beam bathing her entire body in searing heat. Her outfit disintegrated to ash. She winced for only a second before her body regenerated the damage instantly. And then, she felt no further pain from the pathetic beam anymore. She was so powerful, so adaptable, and so utterly unstoppable! She giggled as she spread her most sensitive lips with her fingers, letting the beam blast into her intimate core. It didn’t hurt in the slightest! In fact, it felt… nice.

Exploring her new raging impulses a bit, she massaged herself as she awaited the quantum torpedoes. Her entire body blurred as she masturbated with unbelievable force. The upward spasm of her body sent another violent shockwave as she came, this time missing the alien invaders.

Opening her eyes after such a powerful release, she saw that the torpedoes had barely moved at all! Katsuko was growing impatient. Still touching herself, she disappeared from her location right into the oncoming path of the quantum torpedo.

The phaser was unable to track her movement, but Katsuko was so fast that the beam didn’t even have time to strike the planet’s surface. She fired her own blast from her eyes this time, using only a millionth of her last strike to disable the phaserbanks completely. And melt a quarter of the dreadnought into slag.

Now, she could enjoy the warhead properly.

The glowing missile blob struck her body, the forcefield separating the matter and antimatter payload dissolving away. The concoction mixed together, erupting all around her body. The superheated air felt as insignificant to her as the phaser beam had. It was nothing compared to what she had generated so easily with her eyes.

Still, the delicate, feathery touch of the most sophisticated weaponry in the universe felt nice against her invulnerable body. Katsuko blinked straight into every new warhead, diving into them with gusto. They all detonated in the upper atmosphere of Xenoi, causing far less damage than her own accidental footsteps and voice had.

It was over all too soon. The warheads were completely impotent at harming her.

The dreadnought began to load another salvo, but Katsuko flew to greet the large beast. Bored with using her unstoppable eye lasers, she wanted to give it a bit more of a personal touch. Extending a single, dainty finger, she gave the war machine a brief little poke.

Her digit carved through the metal like it was molten ice cream. Wiggling that slender digit, she widened the hole. She flew around its circumference, her finger carving a deep trench through the alloy until she had made a perfect path around it. Then, she ripped off the top half of the ship, treating it as if it were some sort of canned good.

The billions of tons felt like nothing in her outstretched arm as she comically held the entire upper deck of the ship above her. The crew members all collapsed to the sudden shift in gravity.

Katsuko brought her other hand up and gripped it at the opposite end. She pressed and squeezed the hull of the ship. Her hands were like a funnel, and the metal was being squashed and battered, forced to fit in her cupped palms. The crew screamed in terror in agony as she crushed the life out of both them and the ship. It was inconceivable! A sophisticated weapon, built by such an advanced civilization, and one humanoid girl was playing with it like putty!?

Soon, there was nothing left but a hyper-dense ball of alloy. She held it on her upturned palm, pursed her lips, and gave it a little puff. Her deadly projectile, aimed at the remaining half of the dreadnought still floating in the sky, tore a deep cylinder through the ship. It continued to travel out into the reaches of space, never to lose any inertia. Perhaps it would obliterate some planets in its path.

With all three dreadnoughts destroyed, all that was left was to deal with the carriers and the landing troops. Katsuko had fun discovering the devastating force of her breath and the endless energy she could emit from her eyes, but she longed for a more… personal touch.
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