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Story Notes:

This is the start of the origin story that I wrote a year ago. I hope to continue this later.

Erza belongs to me.

any characters not credited do not belong to me. 



*Sound seemed a vague memory as A little young girl sat in the corner of a pure white padded room. Sitting in a fetal position against the wall. Holding her knees to her chest as she laid her face down on her skinny legs.*

*Her long hair splayed about, covering half of her body. The only sign of life from her was a subtle sound of breathing and a slight rise from her small frame.*

*Though her body was at rest, her mind raced. Her deep blue eyes stared at the skin of her knees. But seemingly looking past them as she thought of her recent events*


*Her breath seemed to skip a few beats as she remembered being handed over to a strange man. Her mother cried as her biological father turned his back on her. Erzas cries for her mother echoing in the large hallways.*

*The strange man in a lab coat practically dragging her by her arm down the hallway. Going through several double swinging doors. Each one seemingly like a barrier to Erza. Blocking her from ever returning to her former life.*

*After the fourth door Erza finally calmed down but reluctantly allowed the stranger to pull her along. Tears falling onto her favorite shirt. A power ranger shirt that was a gift from her best friend.*

*Finally the man stopped in front of a plain steel door with a small window. Punching buttons on a keypad as Erza tried to wipe away her tears. With a loud click the door unlatched. With one arm the man swung the door open and tossed her inside. The sudden movement caused her to fal to her knees. The only saving grace was that her skirt provided a tiny bit of cushion from the impact on the hard floor of what was to become her home for many years to come*


*Sometimes she would be strapped to a steel bed. Half a dozen figures surrounding her, taking notes as she was injected with some type of serum.*

*Erza winced remembering pain coursing from the injection sight all the way through her body. Despite her screaming and kicking the figures continued taking notes for what seemed hours to her before the pain finally mitigated or made her pass out often waking back up in her room afterwards with her body still tingling from the chemicals they injected*


*A click and a groan from her door opening brought her out of her phase. Immediately standing up and straightening the only piece of clothing she has. An oversized shirt that barely went past her thighs.*

*With her head looking down she moved as if in autopilot, walking out the door. Starring at the big military boots as the men led her to another room.*

*Today would have been her 18th birthday. But she has long lost the happiness of such holidays or the warmth of being surrounded by loving friends and family on such days.*

*Despite her body being more buff and agile than the guards that guided her, she let them guide her to her destination. She knew from her painful experiences what it meant if she resisted.*

*The room she was led to a new room. One far larger than any suburban house. Only when the door closed and latched behind her did she dare to look up. The walls were all steel. Riveted together as if a barrier to some explosion. Because of her mental excersices she judged quite accurately that the room was a perfect square of 150 feet each way.*

*Almost right the middle was a single chair and a man holding a box in his arms. To her right she saw a window high above her head. Three quarters of the way up to the brightly lite ceiling.*

*Her Bare feet slapped on the cold floor as she made her way to the chair. The man stepped out of her way as she sat down, sitting up straight as she tried to mentally prepare herself for what was to come.*


*Not moving her head she looked up at the window above her. Glaring at it, knowing that the people who have been doing this to her resided inside.* 

*A hissing sound and the whine of a heavy electric motor  seemed to echo in the vast room as she sees several steel doors open. Being at the same height as the window she could see them with her peripheral vision. The steel doors slide to the side allowing turrets wielding GAU avenger machine guns to slide out. The sound of electric motors is still heard until the guns finish moving and take aim at her*


*What in the world are they planning? She thought to herself as she looks forward again. Watching the man take a syringe out of the box he was holding. The strange purple liquid seemed to glow even in the well lite room. Her grip onto the edge of the chair as she watches him casually grab ahold of her arm. Not even bothering to look for a vein she jabs it into her left bicep.*

*As he squeezes the liquid inside, the pain started. Only years of torture kept her from screaming out. Though she did her best to fight off tears, looking back up at the window. Teeth grinding as she feels the chemical shoot through her body like a laser.*

*She managed to hold her signs of pain for a few moments before she couldn’t help but clamp her eyes shut and lower her head. Her body visibly breathing as she took deep breaths to try to keep herself calm. Not noticing the man leaving or the door clanking shut as she feels her head start hurting l, worse than any headaches that she had before*

*The metal arm on the chair gave way from her grip as she held back a scream. Her body felt like it was on fire while being torn apart at every single joint. breathing increased in repetition as she collapsed off her chair. Falling onto all fours before the window*

*Finally she let out a scream, one that seemed to echo through out the entire facility as she feels her body changing. Each breath seemed to slowly expand her body. Her oversized shirt started creeping up her body as her leg kicked the chair back. A growth on the injection site on her arm started to spread. Moving up and down her limb, seemingly melting away her flesh as it took over.*

*Her shirt seemingly shrinking on her body exposed another growth. A small stub of a tail just above her buttocks. Fleshy muscle made it thick as it seemed to grow from her backside like a hair*


*Her modest bosom grew like a balloon, stretching the shirt to its maximum as she grew to 20 feet. Finally the fabric gave way. Exposing her entire body. The growth from her arm working up her neck and down her torso. Her lungs burn from her repeated screams as she smashes her fist into the steel floor. The ringing impact shook the room as her fist made a sizable dent in the heavy gauge steel*

*The growth on her backside grew longer and thicker, only when she made it to 40 feet did it resemble a tail. Swaying wilding in the air, the scales growing on it making dee scratches in the floor as it slapped it.*


*Her screaming stopped as she manages to lift her head up. The people in the window sees the blue growth starting to cover her face, though the change in her left eye made a few of them step back.*

*Taking a deep breath Erza manages to let out another scream, but not in pain. Rather it resembled that of a war cry as she pushed herself up. Though being on two legs was short lived as a wave of pain made her wince and fall back down, slamming her hands into the floor making a hand print bigger than a human being.*

*With tears pouring down her cheeks she pushes herself back up once more. Her newly changed eye glowing as she glared at the window still above her. Her muscles twitching throughout her body as the growth seemed to pick up then slow down.*


*Another battle cry erupted from her lips as she lunged at the wall just below the window. Her fist making contact with the bunker like wall, making a sizable dent and shaking the men inside the room to the ground. Only now did the guns start firing. Shells designed to take out tanks hit her body But not puncture her flesh. At first she started to cower back down, but she quickly realized that the shells where bouncing off her flesh. The pain from her growth seemed to dwarf any that the guns could cause.*

*Her growth finally slowed to a stop as she stood straight up. Her eyes at level with the window. Glaring at the men inside with a human and dragon eye. Tears large enough to fill up 5 gallon buckets poured from her eye lids as her massive tail slammed down on the floor. Shaking the entire facility and causing alarms to go off throughout the grounds*


*She yelled. Pain subsiding to her rage as she took a step back. Her feet sliding across the floor as she took position. Pulling her left arm back, scales finishing growing on it as it swung at the window. The glass designed to take shockwaves from bombs shattered as her fist filled the room. The impact turned every body into a bloody pulp as the machine guns tried in vain to bring her down.*


*Her car sized breasts heaved as she held her position for a moment. Relinquishing what she just did as she works to calm herself down.*

*Pulling her fist out she sees what remains of the men inside the room and on her hand. Staring at their remains with an emotionless expression.*

*After a moment of deep thought she looked around. Seeing the small door that she came in not two steps away from her. She had to get out of there. The alarms still screaming she turned towards the wall opposite of the door. Taking her bloody fist back and punching in the same manner as  before though not with as much rage. Even so, her fish went through the steel like cardboard. The sound of men shouting and women screaming reached her ears. She didn’t know if she could take on a large attack. Knowing she had to get out she took a couple steps back from the wall. Digging her toes into the steel floor. Her leg muscles engorge as she launches her whole body into the wall.*

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